The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 13, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 152
r AVcgctable PreparalionforAs-
similating ihcFoodaniHeffuia
img the Stomachs andBwels of
Fromoics DigestionCheerfur
ncss andResLContains neilher
Opiiim.Morphine norGoeraL
ot Narcotic.
fliryjam Semi "
Aaitr .Srrrf
tirtM S'rrJ -
a. rmrtr
Apcrfecl Remedy forConstipa
Tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
$65,000 MORE
Recover Mure of Stolen Smelter Bullion
Balance of, It Is Expected.
Will Be Found Todav.
San Francisco, Aug. 12. It was
elated at the offices of the Selby Smelt
ing Company that a force of divers,
under'!, management of the Pinkertone
had todav uken $65,000 worth of uold
from the spot where it was hidden by
Winter, making nearly $200,000 already
recovered It is expected that the bal
ate uf the stolen treasure, amounting
to 180,000, will be recovered inside of 24
Winteri is still detained hv the officers
in toil city, hut be has not been formally
charg-,j with the crime. The fact that
be has not heen charged with any crime
lecds additional weigbt to tbe belief
that he vi:l tie leniently dealt with for
C"jnfeHi,g the crime and locating the
spot wr.ere he secreted the bulliin.
There promisee to he a lively fight be
tween the detectives over the reward
ffiunev, and this matter may eventually
b- taKm into court for settlement. De
tective Morse, who it ia stated, definitely
fix-d upon Winters the authorship of
the crime, states ttiaf he got his first in
nrtnatioa Iron Donaldson, an employe
of the Wor,ei who formerly roomed with
Wiute ri, Mone, who is a deiective for
the Be I by people, does not claim any of
the reward, but states that a large por
tion ol it sh aid re divided between
D 'iia,d-un and Sheriff Wale, of Contra
Cosu County. Their claims are op
posed by the other detective engaged
in the ease.
Acker',. Dvepepvi Cablet are sold on
Positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
r'i"g of tbe food, distress after eating
or ny form of dyei.ept.ia. One little
Uhlet iva ium,)!, relief. 25 ele
&d U cis, Blakeley, the druggist.
T"liul.h Hotel Burned.
South Yakima, Wash., Aog. 12 The
H Liiiy iiou-e at Toppenieh, used as
hotal, barnad yesterday. Tlie km
PJOOi insurance. $4,000
Bl. , . . "
"orai lotion
wiii care wind chapping
Maouiactared hv 0r
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Death of Sljfoor Crlspl.
Naples Aug. 11. Signor Crispi died
at 7:45 o'clock this evening. He was
surrounded by the members of bis
family and several intimate friends.
The news was immediately telegraphed
to King Emmanuel and Queen Helena.
The evening papers assert that the bodv
will be conveyed by eteamer to Palermo,
where the municipality will arrapge for
a great public funeral.
It is rumored that Signor Crispi'e will
authorizes a prominent Italian politi
cian to examine his papers and to pub
lish his memoirs.
Some indignation was expressed when
the public learned that the details of
the funeral had been arranged before
death eune, It is roported that the
affairs of the deceased are in the greatest
coufusion, aud that Sigrora Crispi will
have to depend solely upon tbe proceeds
of the sale of the memoirs. The body
will lie in etate for three days in the
drawing rom of tbe Villa Una, in
Naples, the walls of which are adormd
with frescoes presenting the principal
episodes of the Garibaldean epoch.
A great state funeral will be held
in Naples before the body is removed to
Palermo, King Victor Emmanuel will
be represented. Crispi's wife and daugh
ter did not leave the bedside for 50
hours, and their friends were compelled
to use loving violence to induce them
to quit the chamber. When all was
over, Princess Linguaglossa fainted and
had to be carried out by her husband.
The friends declined to allow strangers
to touch the body, and they personally
performed all the last sad offices, placing
the body in evening dress, with the
collar of tbe order of the Annunciata.
How' Tbla!
We offer one hundred dollar reward
for any ease of Catarrh that can not be
cored by Hall's Catarrh Core.
F. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi
ness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
Wet & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan Sr Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure if taken inter
nally, acting directly upon tbe blood and
mucous surfaces uf tbe system.
F. J. Ch kn a v & Co., Propa., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggisU, price 7nc.
H til's Family Pills are the beat. 12
hunacribe lor Thb CUHOMICL.
Governor Rogers Says Murderer Xord
strom Must Hati Comments on
Decline of justice in Washington.
Seatti k, Aug. 12. A signed statement
from Governor Rogers appears in the
Times today as follows :
"Olympia, Wash.. Aug. 12, 1901.
Editor The Times: A recent editorial
item in your paper regarding the Nord
strom case causes me to say that under
no circumstances will I interfere with
the judgment of the courts in this case.
As I view it, a crisis has arisen in state
affairs in which the question is raised
i whether murder is to be punished in
Washington, or whether the law is to be
mide an instrumentof jugglery for courts
and lawyers.
"In England or Canada, whatever we
may think of their forms of government,
criminal law is enforced and lynching is
practically unknown.
"In Whitman county, of this state,
according to Judge McDonald, of that
country, some thirty murders and
I lynchings, altogether, have taken place
i with only one legal hanging, this latter
I within the last three years. Other
countries have records not particulaily
flattering to our ideas of justice.
"Only recently the legislature was
called in extra session lor the sole pur
pose of removing obstacles which I was
advised might b!!ow certain murderers
to escape, and thus bring our adminis
tration of law into renewed contempt.
This purpose having been effected I shall
certainly add no new complications.
"The judgment of the court will stand.
"John R. Roqibs."
Does ft Pay to Buy Cheap?
A ch?ap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall yon do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take the only rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
ized countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Boscbee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy tbe
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cures the patient. Try
one bottle. Recommended many years
.... nil ,l.nni.ia.a in till, a .1 H UltIA
"J III UIUK.C.. m ..,
by Clarke dc alE. tiet ureen s prize
almanac. 2
Lands Will lie Opened.
Grant's Pass, Aug. 12 On the 30th
day of next month there will be thrown
open to settlers two townships of the
Cascade Forest Reserve, situated west of
Silver Lake. The opening of this land
for the entrance of eetllers has been ac
complished largely through the efforts
of the Little Deschutes Irrigation Com
pany, who own a large irrigating ditch
in that country and some U sections of
land along the course of the ditch. The
company will extend their ditch into the
area of land that is to be opened for set
tlement. It is reported that there will be a
general rush for these lands, as they are
very productive, and when irrigated wil
be doubly so. The result is watched
with keenest interest throughout South
ern Oregon.
Harresllog In the Big Iteud.
DAVSNroKT, Wase., Aug. 11. Har
vesting has begun In all parte of tbe
Big Bend country. Lincoln County
which in 1900 was the banner wheat
county of the Northwest, raising 6,500,-
ii.ui knuliela of wheat, will Ibis vear har-
WV U - v. , .
vest about 9,000,000 bushels from about
275,000 acres and also much hay, oats
and barley.
The remains of Bernard Fitepatrick,
the pioneer, was buried FridayafternooD
Rev. Mr. Morgan administering the
ritual of the Episcopal church. Only
one of tbe four children was able to
attend. J. S. Fitzpatrick, of Spokane.
Mrs. 8. H. Allport, Johnstown, Pa.,
says : "Oor little girl almost strangled
to death with croup. The doctors said
be couldn't live bat she was instantly
relieved by One Minnie Cough Cure.
Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Subscribe for Tuk Cuuoniclk.
Our Bargain List & Week ..
If you consider the actual value of our price-roductions, we uiv sure that wisdom
will guide you rightly when you read this announcement Unlike most places, this
store does not mislead you by its type-claims When we say it. it's so.
Vacation Sale of
150 pairs of Boys' Knee Pant
well-made and all good values at their
regular prices ol G5c, 75c, 95c and $1 ;
di'dceeek 50c per pair
All Boys' Wash Suits
greatly reduced j&
Sizes run from 3 to 10 years in
Sailor Blouse style and from 8 to 14
years in the double-breacted coat.
Also a few 3-piece Suits , with long
We will continue to sell 25c, 35c and 50c CHil
dren's Crash and Duck Caps at 19c each
for balance of the week.
A. M.
Katm to Pan-American Exposition,
Round-trip rates via O. K. & N. from
The Dtlles, $81.90. Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays during June, July ,
August, September and Octoher.good for
continuous passage going on date of sale.
H 'turn limit thirty days from date of
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can he made by apply
ing to agent O. R. A N. Co., The Dalles,
wherehy tickets will be honored on lake
stealers in one or both directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf James Ibeland, Agent
O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says: I map
troubled with constipation until I bought
DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Since
then have been entirely cured of my old
complaint. I recommend them. Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Dalles, Poitiawl & Astoria
at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M.
i (
j ...Portlftlld. BOSrt...
at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon.
Straw Hats
at HALF PRICE and less
To assure a thorough clean-up in
thif line we are making extra special
price-red notion i .
Straw Hats carried over from last
BOS BOH, and a good assortment of this
summer's styles were 50c, 75c, $1.00
and $1.50;
Special closing price 25c
Very latent blocks Alpines and
Shirt-Waist Hats
at Half Price.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies'
Of the product of this well-know n brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 28, 1900, says: "A more supeiior brew never entered
ttie labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
'if tin- Hlit(Mft trace of adulteration, baton the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be ued with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Ds use can conscientiously be prescribed bv the physicians with
the cersaintv ttiat a better, purer or
possiblv found.
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
C. J. STUBlilHG,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to
X Uondou QlSBltfUi
i.oua ni.i lovi
i t iir-TftiMasasMsrirtwirftTf n ""
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Advertise in the Chronicle
Men's Tan Shoes
reduced j&
Regular house-cleaning prices on
those popular Summer Shoos.
There's a batch of men's I'ingree
made tan call shoes which every
one knows are $4 ami $5 shoes but
there are missing list! here and
thorv hence price is uly $3.35-
A few pairs also in a tan vici kid
lace they're stamped " Governor,"
and never sold for a cent less than $4 ;
now $2.95
Chocolate vici in the popular broad
too, extension soles; reduced from
6 to S3.50
Men'H Russia tan, broad coin too ;
were $4, now $2.85
A few sizes in broken lots of differ
ent makes, worth $3, $3.50 $2.50
S Burget
Burial Shrouds
more wholesome beverage could not
First National Bank.