The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 12, 1901, Image 4

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    A Mother's Plain Words LYON'S French Periodical DfOPS
I s-.;:v se vou Wil !h astonished wnea i yam tna: s:a year ago i was
bar- t dangerous r..i f wr.h b-r.-r-h::is a: d lung trouble, Ixvause you
car. se how Well an i ti i I n Tb attack at :ha: time caused terrible
pa;;: to tt v chest an ng
fer.::.. a imeot 1. advi -
er's Es' Reined; and I
th vaCl;- ! v u- ' -- uch
I confess that down h rn; heart
I ha.', little) faith in ::. The
l coma tiara
t sul
e gUVt treat r-.te:
Mid ths second b tt e rr.a le me
the healthy woman I an; today.
My husband's lung? art Weak
also, and be cured nitnself with
the same p- I Id remedy.
Our boy ar.d '.rl have l-".h
been saved by :: from death
bv crour. I know th:. It so. for
wher. t :iey were attacked in the
Bight ! had a bottle In the cl set.
and bv acting quickly that :'.--.'.
malady was easi'y overcome
We aiwavs g:ve r. to the ;:-..'. . e:
wher. t he v have a COttgb ore .i
and we w luid tvt he w;th ::t
for anything My sister will
te-.'. you also, if you a-k her that
it :s a medicine that car. a wavs
be deper. iec upon for all the
troubies;):' the breathing organs
i tell a., ur netgnoors aoout
Acker's Er.c'.'.sh keme ' v whenever I get chance
nle around Methanicvilie. N, V wher I live, wh
in; to bed at niph: Without a bottle of :r. the house
the:r doors wide oner. A- I look at It, parents are c
the- a.iow tne:r c:t: r. t 1 cie utioer t-ne r very eves wi
is a 'terrain rented- that will conquer the terrible monster ev
(Signed) Mt.;
: ar.d to sloo:1 c.;ed :st-.
I it Si-
. U ... .
Strict'. v 'ecetabie. perfect. v ha-mie-.. sure P accompHau
DESftiED KE5ULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
of connterfsl- an! 'mitat "n. The etfnuine ! pel ur
t 11 '1.-.. n .'vnaiiirv n tie of .tw tMittlt thu.
u.r 1. WU.L.AMs Mh'ii Co So.e Aen; C eve.anil OB10.
F H a;e bv teo. C. B'.akeiev. The I .". iee . i'r
ir.d tnereart plenty ot :e
would no more th-.r.k of g
than the- WOnld of lea-.-r
ninailv responsiDie wnen
,,. ..... , he-
Ptovt. Fowuta.
Er.r'.ish keraetiy : so i by a'.; .IruCkV:- order
truit yo'r aonsY w:'.; be retunat :r. case o: ia.-ure. 15c.,
Vnited .State and Canada Ir. Ecrlai-.d ts. .id. is and
positive p-.:ar.i-:
, an.: S: a to:-..-:
Wit aattartsf ate atser. jaarwtts. R. hooker & CO., PrtprUton :
For sale at Blakeiev's Ph.arrn.acv
kstrox I f-ar
Mfinnine to feel
1-hliir? tn th. I nliil start-. l
Vii Peraltted rn Ian 1 atii
lint nl l)ni-
Ai, experiei at -a Iri.a ma:. iia
the ' w tit to a regarding Er.t'
lis h railway methods, r Victor
Smith, .1 tii- Sets l re -it
is siiiL-u.a- ti sn the least, that the
Enc::r ra! ws managers have just
diacovi r that American locomotive;
cotisuint- more -a.. use aior- oil and
re.jUi' nicrt- --jm;r.- than those of
th .r honi- mas- If h: i a fact
it couid haf beei uetiKmstrated in
a t-ia. .at;ric ; iimrti. Over here w
wouldn't accept an Englisjli tocomo-
nvr a. 11 girt, it v. iuld !
a.- a:. iqua
that the Br rial
u tr;M .- -
ciai inrasioti
th- world, and
pe..j)ie a-r- :r . I
iCM'oiimt 1 1 ."
ehairmai i the MW
impreasive atatement
tern! engiuen are
oleau -n-n and do
niak :ieni iu- If. this e mi are
res: nothing, not even ourselves.
Bishop Cumbwlaud's familiar sayinp'
It is better r" wear out thai to
rust out," has tuKT bold of i- :;.
t-nn and breeches. The Engl sbmaa
rests hi hats. h trousem ;:.
horses carriages and whatever else
h- ma v own, ai itnate or nai ma-.
A few advanced Vherican have re
cent!;. d"'' the practice 'tree
ing' rneir shoe fot rent, and the
resui: i longer weur without '.uinp
hape Some of ou u t are
ne er aliowed so eoo fr iu j ear's
end to hoi... her. Uittle wondei the'
do noi - u t
so Tht Soatfceea One ot the
ard In ih.
; . aid: "The
land made one
l.a'Iie. 'We
.. . .
everything to
.Hi i.f
a See ati li'4..i-d .n ' nunt.i
-. m . -. 1 nar I .rt tu
ih. 1 1.- 1 r
Tne siiiireine -uur: ..' ullfumia
hai- decided ii. vontef bet ween next
if hin or the e hand and claimant
uinler a "i. on the Other foi the
poaaeswion "f a .'oriie. thai a man
canno by wit: dispose of that which
after t.i rieu'ii will oe in- corpse,
ays tb fhieago Chronitsle. Thecus.
tn.; nf t.he eorpe belongs t( the
next nf kin In praference to the ad
miuiatrator Thi vies ..- baaed 01
fhf fact that 'lie ei.'a 1 1 1 -r ' ! t: aliti
America legs author tie - abl .-t.
the r'..- tnar in I n abaeaoe of stat
utori proviaiona. thar Is no property
ir. a dead body.
If t...- rule is comet the soonej
statutory proeuions are obtained en-
Drying preparation! limj level,
op dry catarrh . tut-y dry up the se..-r:;o:.s.
waicL aJLyre to the m-.mi rane aud dcLon.
pose. cattsiag ;- far n.orv serious tn itlbli an
the;. fortu of i-aUirrL. Avoid ail d-;. -
iu(: inhalaBta, fumes, ssiokes and snuffs
auu use that whioh rlrensss. sootLco and
h-eais. Ely I Cream Bain: is such a remedy
Sid will cure catarrh or cold in the- bee
easily and pleasantly, A trial size will be
mailed for lo cents. Ail druggists sell the
50c. sun, Ely Brothers, 56 Warren Bt K.Y.
The Bairn cur-s without pain, di es not
irri:ate or cause llieeiillg It spreads itself
over an imtatrd and .:.-'ry surface, reuev.
mi: immeduktcly th p-::.ful innanuuution.
W;th Elys I re an ha.m you are armed
agaiust Kaiml Catarrh and Hay Fever.
that t'r.-a'
will accrue
ab !i mar who feel
benefit lo bumanitj
through Increase of madioa knowl
adgi "v the continuance post in..r
ten. "f an Invaatigation into hi- aaae
or tha' liev. light ina'. i- sheii upoi
other soiantifii problems to author
ise by will such "e of his corpae. rh-b-f
a ptabeeaiaa's i.u.-k
Tne priae of H0.00I i
i ai
man. 'ho i over e;i-. of aye, and
ha- n..' M -sell a day from h-i i g
over Ji jreaea. H- oat Dai t her read
nor v. r and anowed ni liaie niece
it ehooae the nunniier i''.h ticket for
M ikj lea positive y cure Sick Head
acne, indigestion and constipation. A
deiigtitfu. herb drmx. Kemovee all
eroptione of the sxin . producing a perfect
conipiexion, or monev refunded. 5 cte
and 50 etc. Biakeiey, the druggM.
It (nrriir. i Or Ulube
Ti e fame of Buck:en' A' sa ve,
as the best in trie worid, extends round
the earth. It's tne one perfect of
Cuts Cirns. Burns, Bruiseg, s,re
Sciids. BoiiS, 1'icer. Feijns, Aches,
Bams am! til BkiB Eruptions. On:y sn
faliioie Pile cure. 'Joe a bos at (j. C.
B atie.ey'e. drug store.
Wny not spend t tie vacation at Va
qu:ua bay. here can be had excel. ent
fare, good Bhiag( wa bostingi afe
batbing, ul.uring rides and
Tne c .urser and exercises a', tne summer
school of ll01 at Newport will amird
fcrreat variety of instrnctions, divtrti i
and sntertaioment. Ho otrier f .r'
offers e.;ua. attractions and like advan
tages. junlltf
Mre. S. H. Allport, Johnstown, l a.
says "Our littie girl a:most Strang ed
to dtatb witb troop. Tiie doctors said
siiecou.dn't live bat she was laotaoi f
relieved bv One Minute Cougi. Cure.
Ciarke A talk s P, O Bnarmacy.
Ciarxe i Ka,a nave rMWVWl a carioad
of the ceieorateo ames E. Pattoo
strictly mire liquid paints
Gififord'B Fotos- Never Fade.
Subscribe for Tiu tuuwicu.
WarBfeinse Mil k
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ill kin
Headauarters for Rolled Grain. a-i kinds
a -
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, o r m?l Lk fees c
Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
I'llieat V lo-
A jren'ieruar. who lives on the north
side of the county, at in foot of the
Peaks of titter, recent h ii---r-yed
whal was one of the fineai riueyards
:n the county, nays the Bedford :"a.l
Democrat Tiie vineyard was com
posed of abont t.iaa'i healhv iwarinir
vines of different varieties of rine
trralie- For seerai yea-.- past, :e
ine unable to market the fruit a" a
profit. he owner ha.- been "urmrifr
his grape .-rop inr. wine, niak:np
s ime-imej as much a 1,000 tralions
of fine wine in a season. Having a
great ouant ty nf veins and be:n:r en
eo with that hopitali-y charac-
-;srii of old Bedford, he dealt it out
very frtel.t tr. his famili and neuh
bors. The haiiit of imbibing trrew on
him. on bis family, and on his neigh-
bora, until, a he expressed it. "the
thing pot to be n nuisance. and the
ionh waj to get rid of what seemed
to him to threaten the vitals of hiR
famili ami the entire neighborhood
was to get r.d of his vineyard, so he
wen- lo -itk and destroyed the
finest vineyard in 'he county,
Veritable Liana la n snli.n
A - h- I omtesat de .rerTe'ir.::'s re
ception at Pari-, whei the music and
singing had ended, two voung lions
entered ;ik- saloon dragging a car
lie, rose.
remarkable fact that the.t frightened
i mous applause Th- were
brought reeetitli to i'.-an- , oy Prince
d'Arenburg. wh was participating in
- . j r
w tni their triiimnh.
I have re-opened this vrell-kno'wn Bakery,
and am now prepared to snppiy every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Notice is hereby e:ven tnat tne com
mon nonncii of Pa.ies City, at a meetmp
tnereot beid on aturdav. me bd day of
Aognst, P01 . determined to construct
.ir. .: re. ay a drain and sewer described as
follows, to-wit Beginning at a point
wiiere Uie center ,:ne of Court street in
tersects tne projection of trie soutt .ine
; the nrst aiiey soutn of Fifth street in
said Da.tes City, and runnins tbenee in
a n irtnerly direction a. one or near. ::ie
center line of said Court street and aionp
t:.e .ine o: tDe old sewer now located in
?a: : street, to a point where tt.e center
line of said Court street intersects the
pr jeetion of the center line of the alley
between Main and Second streets, m
said City . thence wester. v to said a..e
and along tne center iine thereof and a
continuation thereof to the west iine of
Cnl n street ; tbenee in a nortr.westeri v
direction, along tne most practicable
roots, "... low water in Mill creek. Said
council t'to a: the same time de'er
mined that the cost of the construction
and re.ayine of said drain and sewer
sh in : be assessed aea:nt the property
benefited thereby, and dec. area tbepree
si ' sewer and drain now in existence
upon and along the line ahove described
to be in a dangerous condition, and for
mer provided tnat notice be given of the
construction tnd relaying of said dram
and seer by publication or a notice for
two weeks in The Dalies Daily Chroni
cie. the hrst publication thereof to be
mde on Monday the 5lfa day of August,
1901, and final publication thereof to he
.n Monday me 10th uav of August. 1901,
and further determined that said drain
and sewer he constructed and reiaid as
above mentioned immediately after the
expiration of the time mentioned in said
All person' interested are hereby noti
fied mat said drain and sewer will he
constructed and relaid as above deter
mined, and provided for.
Dated at City, Or., Aug. o, 1901.
J. Doaiarr,
Recorder of Da.ies Citv.
The following county warrants will be
cancelled by the county court in thirty
days from this datt unless alied by the
parties owninc same within the nest
thirty davs
hate Aa-.t.
Cbtl Eradiev. Julv 7, 1893 .Si 70
WmBlum... July 7, 1888 1 80
Mrs Bird .. .March 12, 189:' 170
I-ee Bianton Marcn 12, 1892 1 00
Robert Beard. March 12, 1892 1 00
Tom Branch . . . Nov 12, 1593. 1 80
Wm Black May 6, 1892. 7 20
A T Beers Ju.y 9, 1892. 1 70
C:ias Cannon March 10, 1893 . 1 70
Tnoe Dorson May 0. 1892. 1 90
D W Eoersoli Jan ", 1893. 1 20
M J Finlayson.. March 12, 1892. 1 70
Y. A Haumes .Ian 7, 1893 1 20
W F Hinkle Nov 14, 192 . 1 flO
Jos A Kenna March 12. 1892. 1 80
John Kotier. Jan 7, 1893 2 20
R F Moore .... Mav 11, 1894 3 10
Wm Methn Ju:v 7. 189;; 1 w
W M Murphv July 7. 1898.. 2 DO
Mr? G C Nelson . .Nov 10, 189:: l 70
fid Nuton. Nov 14. 1892 . 1 70
W H Palmer March , 1894 2 00
R A Pown May 11, 1894 . 3 77
G W Robertson. . Nov 10, 1893. 1 tiO
Jos Raben. .. May 11, 1894 . 3 10
Geo Stiies. . Sept 12, 1992 I 70
W J fonderlan.l. Nov 14. 1892 1 oO
C P -aundere Jan 7. Iv3 20
John Smith Jan 5, 1894. . . 4 70
Jas L Smith Nov 14, 18y2 . 1 30
John WicKstrooi Ian o, 1894 4 00
"'a Wedekind May 5, 1898 1 71
Frank Wait Jan' 11, 1892 1 70
By order of the Honorable County
A full iine of Kastuian nims and sup
plies just received by C.arke 4 Falk.
Just received, at C. J.'s. a
carioad ol Beblitl Milwaukee iiottied
beer. j y29 la
Voung iady wishes to do sewing by
t t,e day. Telephone 134 ior further par
ticulars. j31-lwk
If anything aiis your nair, go and see
Prazer; he's the headijuarters for ail
hair remedies. Remember that be
ma see a s oeoiuitv of these goods. if
Acker's English Remedv will stop a
coot fa at any time, and wilt cure tne
worst co.d in twelve hours, or montjf re
funded 36 eta. and 50 cts, Biakeiey,
tha druggist.
Commencing Boodty, unti' further
notii:e, the U R. A N. will sell routid
trip tickets, Dalles to Cascsdes. for (1,
Tnis rate applies oniv to parties of five
or more. Good for Mindays on.y. iaglm
C. J. Stubiing has just received a
larae DOOSlgnmeot of bohlilt' niai' ex
tract, striu' y BQB'tltoholie and one of
Ifas :et remedies in ttie aorld to build
up a weas or hroken-down constitu
tion. l?9B-lv
When your iiair appears drv and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
0 give it life and vigor. We nave what
the nair needs when it gets ;n mat con
dition. We have m the Crown of
Science I ! n - SfclfSV ' - w er and
Cocoanut t '-an v V Tonic. They
will cure dand ViV rut! d ai
scalp disease. For sale at Kraxer's bar
ber shop. Price 5oc and 75c a bottie.
Court ot Wasco Coantv. Oregon.
Dated this Itich day of July, 1901.'
A E. Lake.
County Clerk.
summer Bxearaloas to tne Hea Coasts
Only ib 60 ior the round trip from
The Dalles to Long Beach, Tioga. Pacific
Pars, ueean Part Lr Nanrotta. Wash.,
good for return until ept. 15, 1901.
Baggage checked through to destina
tion. The steamer T. J, Potter will j
leave Portland daily except Sunday and
Monday, and che Ha-saio daily except
Sunday, at B p. m., and lu p. m. on
-a-.urdays. making direct connections at
Astoria and at I.waco for ail points on
I iregon and Washington beaches. Call
on Jas. Ireland, agent. The Dalles,
for through time card to all beach
pointt. jljS-2m
Eruptions, cuts, hums, scalds and
s irtf of a!, kinds quickly heaied by
leWitt'e Witcn Haznl halve. Certain
cure for piies. Beware of Counterfeits.
Be sure you get the original DeWiu's.
Carke A Falk's P. 0. Pnarmacv.
Si. pary's icalemy
' nder the direction oi the
Sisters of the Holy Names of
Jesus and Mary.
Thti inatituUoo i pieanii iiuiti nasi
the i.ohiin i on tbe lii e ol tne O It a N Co
tneaes It is airol aet-e (ur li ihoe wh.. w
ire 10 -curt a comlorutilt: bome and r.-re
o-.r hm! ol tarn log ..r tnt-ir dHiighu-rn or
warrt Tbe liicatloii of Ihk academy i. dqi '
hie niual beallby .in the eafiin lip. ttur por
tion ui oretfon being proverbial fur its pun
water, bracing air. and plcturea iue aceiip--Tbt-
AcaUeiny it incorporated and aulhoriMd by
Ibe Mate U confer Academic boiion
Board and luili.iu per icbouatic year ti''
ritudie will be reauined Tueaday, September, lib
For detailed luforinaUon apoiy to the ruiir
nupeflur M(Jgl,, lm
me People's national Family newspaper
I A I and new subscribers pavine one year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for S1.5Q.
This Honr is manufactured expressly for family
use . everv sack is euaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods iower than any house in tne trade, and if yon don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
i Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
Published Monday,
WedOSSdSJ SOlt Fri
day. t la reality a t'.nc
and fresh t very-other
.lay I'ai.y. g;.uiK the
iaieat DSWS Ot day .1!
ISsaa, 11:'' covering
new? of tii other ;i
It c,-nuiii ah impor
Ur.t foreign cable
tews which appear
It the bally Tribune
'. Mine date. slSO do
mesne aid Inrstcn
foiiespotOsnoB. shrt
stories', slsfanl halt
tone Ultutranons, hu
UOfOm items Indus
tr:: infonnaOou,
lastlon notes aericul
lura. matlSts, and
oomprsbenslvc and re
'.iabU' finaiii ial and
rasrtsl reporu.
Regular subacrip
tiou price. fLM ler
We furnish it with
Setnl weekly caram
els t.r 12.00 per yeur
l'ublishe ot rhur,
ay, and ka
nearly sixty vmr, in
eerypr:of Ou fni
teU States sa a na-1n.
al family bswrrpatW
of the highest class,
lor farmers and viiu'
ger. It tottuas ID
the most Imtortnt
general tews ol the
I'aily THbOl Up ,
the hour of g,. ng p
fesaaj r sgrteultural
department nf 0..
highest order, has x
tertaining r,.M,l rw h
every number
family .old and voting
market rsporta ahicri
'c ooeepted as
OTlty by farm-.
mercnants. und i
clean. Up-Uvdala, iD.
tereaiing and tnatrae.
Regular subscrip
tion price. II per yea:
We furnish it wita
Semi-Week'.y Chroal
clc for li.DC per ver
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
After vou tire of nsine so-called kidnev remedies
w ithout any hfoetit. use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be
iorever rid of those dull pains In yonr hack. Discard
tha: old I V? idea of "pain in the kidneys'' and have
til your bladder and urinary troubles cured and vonr
nights resffu' by the nse of nature's greatest
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price. $1.00 per box boy ol yourdrDggist or sent
bv uiail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
F?rt Wayne, Indiana.
M. '.. Dunne'.;. Acent. The Dalles.
E. FALT & CO.,
"The Owl."
of .
y Purest Liquors for Family Use y
Phones :
Delivered to any part of the City.
173 Second Street.
r! Local.
!v5 Long Distance
They overcome Weak
ness, irrepularity and
omissions, increase vig
' or aucj hanish "pains
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAV38M to pirus at
womanh'jod. aiding development of orpans and body. No
'v-u remedy ior women equals them. Cannot do harm ine
omet a nleaaure. 1.K PRR isot nv Man. ..m
I'll. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio
by droggiata.
For sale bv Ltbo.
C. Bakeiey, Tne Dalles, Or
Job Printers
ii.iui..iiuimi,ii,i,ia,,,,. n nn immmm n i
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
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