ftc Dalles Daily Chumtete. AUG. 12. 1901 ! ice Cream and IceCream Soda ) At Andrew Keller's TRKASI RER'S NOTICE. . . . CoflHty "nt rrUtor1 . . ... nliaMt will ! paid offlrr . Intrt i - .... . , Bftrr .1 ill..' ww. JOHN F. HAMI'SBIRE, lounl.v Trvaaurrr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. herd is tenrd In low on high, itine the mountain Iteet 1 i w . iirv shepherd hie tielow H ce( a bit of slet'V ; ! . tittle swallows gulp nd oltoke The enrly worm to swallow tVDi e t lined within the bainyanl ix ii The pensive piggies wallow. Tern pert nre niinininnj 5i . todav maximum t the close of the season the company will torn the Mooting mill into a ware house f r !tie winter. , If von don't krjow how to swim have no dealings with the Colnmhia river bo far as being "in it" is concerned. Vy For Sale A four-holed gasoline stove, with 'itrfe oven, in pood c mdition : also an office writing desk. Apply at this jffj.-e. Mr. Loviek will be at our store Mon day afternoon and evening and will detuou:rHte Velcx paper to the pub lic. C.arfc a Fa!k. aug9 St Wanted A second. hand buggy, with top, cheap for casli or in trade for a watch. Appiy to Charles Bulley, Co icnjhia Feed Yard. t6 lwd Mr. Henrv PeMoss and Miss Julia Hail, Bard; ago a tj. members of the DeMoss Lvnc were married about two weeks DeMoss Springs, Sherman qfiun Complaints lmve heen made to this oflta c incerning the condition of the brUgf over Mill Creek at the I'rqohart place, claiming that it i :u a dangerous condition and ah nld I repaired. Amuutr the past-ugers on the Bailey Ciatzert yesterday was Roscoe Oaks, who thre ffiODths ago had the misfortune to have his leg broken. This was atrial trip and in a few days he will resume ! his regular trips for the firm he repre- Mpta Oar warehouses look rather deserted '.hese days as far as wool clips are con cerned, that article being pretty well diipoaed of this year. At the Wasco warehouse iodav we found about three clips left, and they informed us eradine 1 and baiiDg would be finished bv Fridav of tliie week. Mrr - red Fisher had a pleasant sur prist ves'.erday when her nephew, Rev. A. Higgine, of Nova Scotia, arrived in ' tbe city. Mr. Higgins has been attending DtEpworth League convention at San; Francisco and is now visiting his rela" tivee on this coast. Mrs. Fisher had not seen bim for sixteen years. Word was received this morning by 1 the agent of the P. P. 4 A. N. Co. that t p,a, ; . , . ' vkiovu, B utri'K uauu on lue xveguiaior, was Dialing from the boat this morning. When latt seen he went to his berth at 12:lo. Tt is thought he must have in some way fallen overboard during the night. Soia,,pc geemB to be still lurking about seeKing whom it may devrur. tester iav a case was reported at Hood fiVdr. A man by the tame of Knox en tered d physician's office there for me bed. assistance when it was discov fed i,e had a well defined case of small POX, He was removed to the pest house ui..e ana a ball Irom the town. ; Whiie the Elks of the cities about us are nihkiin; great prepiratione to attend 'lie Elkl carnival in Tacoma, from the Utb to the 'L'd of this month, we have heard nothing as to whether that order n Th- fiailtiB will be rpreeeDted or not. It wi;: be a splendid opportunity to visit IM Hound cities, as the rates have heen PQt down to the minimum and from all indications it is to tie a brilliant affair. In looking over our exchanges we no ma that the article published byTio: hbom some time wince, in which we mi thai Th Palles had given up its "eet (air and carnival, is still goiua the founds. Now we are ready to take that 0 ck and acknowledge we were moio JJMOd than hurt, although it did look u'ck for uuie. We are going to have tW fair and it will be "do slouch " We an assure our neiii,t,ry of ti.-t a uiaeting wj Leld iome Ume Mf m to u,ake definite arrangements. As af0re8aid in these colomoa, insist on rV ,rieDl8 m the East addressing your JJJri to The Delia, and not to Dalles. re are 'enten places in the United W5J j States named Pallas, so you may se how the difficulty arises when The is j omitted. Only a few days since a gen tlemen went into the post office and in conversation with the postmaster said he thought The had been eliminated from the names of all cities, It has not from oar city, so be sure your corre spondents govern themselves according- Yesterday on the trip np the river from Portland the two boats, the Regu lator and Bailey Gal zrt, left the dock at precisely the same hour, 7 o'clock, so naturally a .jniet little race took place, thongh not acknowledged on either side. Both made the same landings, but the Regulator reached the dock three quar ters of nii hour in advance, making the ran in seven hours. The Gatsert is a good boat, but it is difficr.lt to beat the Regulator, which seems somehow to have the right of way. Seven hours is considered excellent time. Our churches were well attended yesterday considering the number of people who are out of the city, and the number who allow the smallest degree oi neai to ansent tnem irom services. Rev. VV. B. Clifton is having a vacation by preaching once a dav ; Rev. 17. F. Hawk naving been absent two Sundays, holds regular services; Rev. Win. Bren ner is visiting in Michigan and the Lutherans are not having services this month, while Rev. P. V. Poling, who has been preaching once a day, an nounced that if the warm weather con tinues there will be no services during the remainder of the month at the Congregational chnrch. The Grant s Ferry and Warehouse Company has jast filed articles of incor poration with County Auditor James W. Butler. This new company or corpora tion intend to do a general storage and forwarding and ferry business at the old stand at Grants ferry. We also under stand that tins takes in the Wasco Ware house Milling Company's property at Grant's ferry, the property of Phillips Jt AVdrich, and the ferry business. This is a movement in the right direction, as u wU, give our farmerB an impendent warehouse business at the river, thev will still continue to buy as before : and. too, they are unquestionably going to encounter strong competition from Port land buyers as this is a year tbey want wheat. Trustees of the corporation are B. F. Laaghlin, R. O. Tobin, Frank Al drich and E. O. McCoy. The new ware house of the corporation will be 60 feet by 100 feet, and will hold 40,000 sacks of wheat. Agriculturalist. Forest Fires Near Fo.sil. Timber fires have been raging nearly a week on Butte creek and Thirty-Mile a lew miles lrom Fossil. The Butte creek tire was started by Tom Grant, who was bartiing a log, and let the fire et bevond his control. Grant lost 1000 posts and a quantity of cordwood. The Rafferty hay crop and monster barn be longing to the B. C. L. L. S. & L. Co., were saved only by the hardest kind of work on the part of the Baw mill hands, who saved the grain notwithstanding part of the lence around it was burned. The saw null was shut down for sever al days while the men fought the fire, which is now reported as being under control. Peputy Game and Forestry 1 Warden Henry Heidtman of Fossil, went out Wednesday morning to super- vise the fare-fighting The fire raging in the Thirty-mile timber is reported to have been started by a party of campers, and Warden Heidtman is investigating with a view to the prosecution of tbe offenders, if culpable. Everything in the woods just now is as tinder, and carelessness with fire under present conditions practically amounts to a crime. A large timber lire is also reported to be raging uear Alder creek. Journal . Charter Meiulier Juke Notice. Mrs. N. L. liustin, state organizer of the Knights and Ladies of Security, on the lbiti of this mouth will organize a council of this order to be hailed as The Palles Council K. i L. of S. This so- ciety pays accidental and old age claims and does not increase with advancing years. Those who wish further infor- mation will do well to call on Mrs. Gustiu or C. A. Marshall at the Obarr House. Admission as charter members one dollar : after the charter is closed, five dollars. aO-Hi Sealed Inn- lterleil Sealed bids will be received by Pr. Siddal! up to IS noon the 15th inst., for tUB erection of four dwellings on the corner of Fourth and Federal streets, Pallet City. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of The Dalles Laundry Co. Reserving the right to re ject each or all bids. augl'J-16 I( the action of my bowels is not easy and regular serious com plications must be tbe final result. PeWiti s Little Early Risers will remove tbia danger. 8afe, pleasant and effective. Clarke & C- IS. L C 1't Ur., a... EARL NtGUS DROWNED. Another Vlrtlm la Knguirr.l l.jr ne Wa ter nf the Colombia. Just as The Palles was congratulating herself that she was escaping this season without a case of death by drowning, yesterday about 1:30 o'clock in the aft ernoon a boy came running into the city laying that Earl Negus had been drowned in the slough just below the Wasco Warehouse. It seems that about o'clock Krl bad gone up with two other boys who were going in swimming. Not intending to go into deep water himself, as he knew nothing about swimming, he was wading about in the shallow water, splashing It on the other boys as thev came up, and laughingly playing in ttie water as is customary with boys on such occasions, j At that place, unknown to him, is a hole eight feet square and twenty deep, which suddenly breaks 'iff from the shal low water. Into this, soon after tney' got into the water. Karl stepped. Sseing him sink, F.lmer White, who was then on the beach, started after him, when the other companion cried to him to I stop or Karl would grab him and both be drowned. As soon as possible a board was secured and put out to him. but too j late, for he rose and, waving his hands, sank for the last time, seemingly unable to grasp the proffered aid. The boys at once came down and iu- j formed Coroner Butts, who after having 1 men dive for the body, secured grappling hooks, and at 5 o'clock they were sue cessfuf in finding htm near where he sank, and the remains were brought to 1 the undertaking parlors ol Wm. Micbell. . Farl Negus was 20 years old and came ; 'to The Dalles about a year and a half ago. making his home with the family of ; J. A.White at the garrison, who are deeply attacned to him. Since his ar-; , rival here he has been employed by The Palles Lumbering Company. He was a faithful member of the Salvation Army, and for some time has been drummer 1 (or theui, seldom missing a meeting. Telephone messages have been sent to 1 his father. A. E. Negus, who is workine near Pendleton, and his mother at May wood, Neb., but no word has "been re ceived. It has, therefore, been decided to bury the remains here, and the funeral will take place from the Salvation Armv headquarters o'clock. tomorrow morning at 9 I'SKSONAL, MENTION, W. H. Hobson spent Sunday with his i famiiv at Cascades. Mrs. Forwood left today for Heppner on a visit to her mother. , Mrs. B. H. Grant has returned from a I camping trip to Trout Lake. Carl Hanseu left yesterday for Port i land and the sea coast on his vacation. 1 Miss Anna Haslam returned Saturday night after a vacation spent at Portland and at the beach. Attorney Fred W. Wilton returned on ; thenoon train from a trip to Hood River on legal business. Mrs. E. M. Williams came up from Cascades Saturday and spent Sundav and todav at home. Miss Virgilia Cooper returned on Sat urday's afternoon boat from a ten days vacation at Newport. Martin Ponnell and moved their camp from Mt.'Hood to Trout Lake. famiiv have Mrs. J. Weigel went to Cascades Sat- , unlay, where she will remain for a time at the Cushing camp there. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Peters and family left on the boat Saturday to spend some time at Seaside, Clatsop beach. Mrs. Frank Somuierville came up i from Portland Saturday night and spent yesterday with Mrs. Maude Mitchell. j Rev. Perry Chandler, who occupied i the pulpit at the Methodist church last night, returned to his home at Walla walla today. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bulger, accompanied by Miss Margraret Grenier, who have been visiting Mrs. Frank Huott, re turned to Portland today. MlssGossie Mclutosh has a ten-days respite from her duties in Pease iV Mays' dry goods department and left on the noon train to spend tbe time with friends iu Heppner. Mrs. Maude Mitchell was a passenger on the boat yesterday for Portland, where she will remain until Thursday with friends, resuming her duties at the postofficeon her return. Miss Grace Scott accompanied bjf OW friend. Miss Lizzie Schooling, arrived home on a visit from The Palles, Wed nesday. They leave to'lav for a month's outing at Newport.- Corvallit (iazette. .). A. White, who was telegraphed for on account of the drowning of Lari Ne gUK, returned on the noon train today from Portland, where he has been for the past two months having his eyes treated. Mrs. J- W. Pillinger and daughter, Mrs. P. D. Wilder, left on the Palles Citv this morning for While Salmon. After a short stay there they w ill leave for Gilmer on a visit to Mrs. Pilliuger's son, Rev. W. L. Pillinger. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Browuhill and children vere returning passengers from l-ong Beach yesterday. Mr. Brownhill is most enthusiastic over Ooean Park and declares it by (ar the best place on that beach. Together with the Dalles colony j there, be and his family had a most en j joyable time ; he says the most fnn he's bad since he waa a boy. - F. L. Houghton, accompanied lv Ids brother, Prof. Houghton, of the Arkan i sas University, returned from Long , Beach Saturday, and later left (or a trip to White River falls. CpOO their re 'turn Fied will return to Long Beach and Prof. Hmtghton to his Southern home. Mr. Waters arrived from Richmond Thursday, accompanied bv his daughter, Mrs. Herman Falk. of The Palles, and i her three children. Mrs. Folk is a sister of Mrs. R. E. Wilson, of Fossil, with whom she expects to visit for several ( weeks. Her husband is in the drug business and is a leading citizen in The Palles. Fossil Journal. IIIIKN. On Mill creek, near this city. Satur day afternoon, Aug. 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ma Speiehinger, a daughter. Impel rt not nn on lire men t . We wish to announce to those inter- ; estei" in the advancement of amateur I photography that Mr. Harrv P. Lovic the demonstrator for the Nepara t'liem ica! Company, manufacturers of Velos paper, will be at our store on Tuesday aiternoon snd evening, August 13th. I 1 He will show you how to expose and I how to develop the paper so as to obtain . perfect blacks and white9. Fveryone is 1 invited to bring their troubles in Yelox development to him at that time. Don't forget the date. Be sure and bring your j mistakes with you. Perhaps he will set you right. Geo. C. Bi vkki.kv. Penot for fresh paper of all kinds. Teiher" KxHiuttiatKin. Notice is hereby given that the coun ty superintendent of Wasco county, Or- egon wiil hold the regular examination ol applicants for state and county papers at The Palles, as follows : eOB BTATB l'APtRB. Commencing Wednesday, August M. at A a. m. and continuing until Satur day, August 17, at 4 o'clock p. in. Wednesda'-- Pennmanship, history, spelling, algebra, rending, school law. Thursday Written Arithmetic, the- or' of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, j general history, English literature, psychology. KOH COUNTY: PAPKBB. Commencing Wednesday, August, 14, at 9 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Friday, August 1G, at 4 o'clock p. m. First, second and third grade certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar and school law. Friday Geography, mental arithme tic, physiology, civil government. Primary certificates: Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra- 1 phy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory 0f eachinif methods Friday Arithmetic, physiology. C. L. Gilbert, County Supt. Wasco Co., Or. -summer Itargaluii. On Pad Butts' bargain counter will be ' found the following bargains : t . . ' I . t T I I... 11 t ) . . the vicinity of J miles ensi oi ine iiiib i;rB; JflQO acres wheat land, all under fence. rice -0(W warranty deed, half cash ; balance on time at a per cent. Four hundred acres deeded land five and a half miles from tl h city all under fence; l.r0 acres in cultivation. To large springs of water; good house, barn and outbuildings. Eight acres in grapes and ten acrns in orchard. Well adapted for stock raising. On the following terms: 4,"i00; $2,600 down and the balance at any old time to suit purcha ser at 7 per cent. .10-18 Notice to 'I as payers. The board of equalization for Wasco ! county, Or., will meet and lie 10 session j at the court house of said county from Monday, August 36th until Saturday, August 81ft, 1901, both davs inclusive, and will attend to any and all matters j which may come before such board for consideration. The Palles, Wasci Co., Or., August A, 1801. ('. L. S ii 4IDT. a:i-d&wtf Assessor, Wasco Co., Or. P, T. Thomas, Sumterville, Ala., "I was suffering from dyspepsia when I commenced taking Kodol Oyspepsia Cure. I bxik several bottles and can digest anything." Kodol lyspepsia ' Cure is the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids, ft gives ! weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. Clarke .'. Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. CASTOR I A For infants and Children. Til Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Hjpitorool ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Mens Straw Matv See our Show Window. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, cleanstock. Qiyeusacall. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you arc in need of anything in our lino, figure with for it will pay you. us. We operate a REPAIR SHOP. prompt attention. PLUMBING, TIN and All orders entrusted to SEXTON THE DALLES. p. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. DKAI.KU IN Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies asjset tor jtnstsll A lJo.'s Bntlnss, Tbisshsfs ami $n It tils. Telephone 157. Long Distance t)7H. Cor. Second 11. ,HSe I" Itel.l. Light room modern ilaelling house heated by furnace; good fjaed lot with stable adjoining ; located in a desirable, part Of the city. No trouble to rent rooms enough to pay house rent, ('all on or address f ludsoti A ISrownhill, The Dalles. autl-td Nasal CATARRH In all in stagSS b'ore laoulil us cisaaJlostSj Ml)' Cream lialui slstnats,soothstsnt' 11. e dia SJS4 WSBlBtSllS. It cur.;. aifirrli uiel Uf H e uy a aokj iu laS In ud BSlSslc Crrum Balm i placed Into the DMtrllt, spreads over ii...- uieiul.rmiu ami ii kl.iorlKd. RsttSf is liu-Dii-dikieauil a cure fullowi. Jt is not drying dues but pr.Mlu. d if4in(. l.arg Him, M owit St lrug glcta it i.j mail irlal Hue, lu ctuli by mall. W. f lMTUKlta, M W aiic. Mutwt, New Yurfc. Gifford a Fotos Never Fade 25c CROWE BICYCLE uh will have OREGON. & Lawblin Sis., THE DALLES OR. Tim Seventh Bsflmintal band will furnish music on hoard the Ituiiey lint- zerl Sunday. A'l lovers of good inusiu will eiij iy a treat if they will visit Hit, dock Sunday afternoon at 8:18 p. m. free concert will be given fiom the) deck of the steamer. auutt-.'it James White, Cry antsvil le, lnd., -an PeWitl's Witch Haiti Salve healed running aores on both legs. He hail suffered years. Doctor failed to help him. i iet Pa Wui'a. Accept no imita tions. Clarke .V Falk's 1. O. Pharmacy. WM, MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. TMtrd and Waahlntfton Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phoue 433. Local, 102. Clark Falk are uever closed Monday. Uiu'i forget this. !