The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - - - - A 1 ' . 12, H9C 1 FOR AS a Phil lSAVGURdTlOK It is to be hoped that the agitation recently started for an April presi dential inauguratu'r w. - nn practical fruit. So many vague ng peslion of a chance of date Lave been put forward frorr. time to time under tbe spur of a particularly Muttering March experience, only to be forgotten before tbe tw, bOQMt of congress m.t again in December, that public sentiment ha? been dis posed to dismiss tbe choice of a more seasonable end appropriate riaj for our presidential installation? as one of those elusive legislative re forms which everybody favors but no one Will ever seriously interest himself lo accomplish. The present movement seems certainly to contain more promise than any of its im mediate predecessors. Heretofore some senator or representative has introduced a bill to carrv over the iate of the succeeding inauguration sion ground benw town. A- tLesr from March 4th to April 8 tb. After Wert CAEnot b TPi,cd withont eTeat , expend and deiav. tne partv who took a desultory sputter o: comment an.i . . men, w:.. confer a favor on us by .ea-. CDmmendation the measure has been ,v? then: at Xhi Cbbokicli office or re left to die a natural death on some tnrnine tnem to us tbrongb the post committee calendar. Now at least effice. No mistake as to the identity of an organized and intelligent effort is to be made to secure tbe legislation needed to restore our political calen dar to its origina! integrity. The District of Columbia committee, which so successfully conducted this year's inauguration ceremony, has planned a campaign for a change of date which contemplates the active co-operation of all the state govern ments and of public opinion general ly tnrougbout the Union. . The infelicities cf an inauguration under present conditions are too notorious to be enumerated here. National sentiment seems bent on each presidents, installation a more imposing and more splendid spectacle. With the growth cf the nation and the grow th of its capital, the quadrennial pageant at Washing ton must continue to broaden in beauty, in dignity and in popularity. If. however, it is to develop along tbe lines it has began to follow, an escape from the wintry fury of early March to tbe exquisite balm and serenity of earl May is tue first eisent.a.. Lverv :-onsiiieration of . ,,. , . . . o noteiS, nut the nnest o: camping heai.n. of Lomfort. of convenience. , . , . grounds. Hunting A Hosford. njan of pictoria, eeectiveness pieails for aeer8 Collins. Wath. angS-lm this change of setting a change in Whv pav ,:.:5 ga.,aI. for jriferior which itbeticailj there is absolute- paints wnen von can buy James E. ly everything tc g&ir. and nothing to lose. But other reasons than those of reasons tuan those uf purely local con- sentiment or venience can te found for aclvocat- ing the ofeoioe of a later antl more spnnr.hl. IhssimIiim rlotr. Eaoli - crowding the work ot its second vear into tbe customary ten or eleven weeks of tbe shorter session a more lerplesing one. What is absolutely necessary is usually accomplished, but at the cost of tremendous friction and effort. Much crude and un digested iegilation i passed becau-e there is no time lo consider it care- fully : many meritorious measures are beaten beeau.-t a small minority can easily keep then, from BOO log tc a vole. An extension of tne MCOod session from March -ith to April .:. would mean a vast addition to the working capacity ofthetwu houses and a notable enlargement cf tht : power of MltKtiOD and judgment. atetaea a Hieh i inn. "I was troufiled fjr several vears with chrunic indigestion and nerv.jus de bility," write- F. J Graan. Ol Lancas ter, N. H., "No remedy he.ped me un til I began using EltOtric Bittari, whicl did ine moregfxid than all tne QedlciDai 1 ever used. Ttiey have al(0 Kept mj Wife in excel .en iieuiti. for vear-. --de eaye Eiectiic Bitters are just epiendid for female trouuiea : that tney are a grand tonic and invigurator for weaK. run down women. No otner med.cne can Jr.rt sYm? take ite piace in our famny." Try then., est. Liuis. an Francisco, Portland Ore Only 50c. batkflfaction guaranteed uv gon. Mealtie Waal,., and various point O. t . BiakeUijr, the druggiat. 1 ' in Oregon and Wasnington. 1 Collections made at all point on fav- Bubacribe for Til OaUOKiOLI. I orab.e term. 99939999Q9 9 9 Take them to day and youll be well to-morrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet oM (Cold in head j NoCurcNPd,?k 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 m 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3. a d bv Clarke A h a K The Or al ie A few days since va. liable govercaier. a vi.t. papers', -a taken probabiy tnronih nii'tib1 wagon at the rai.road camf iron our ,n tbe init trie papers jar. re male as '.to name o1 w . i;. ar II be found thereon. A. L. Anderson. W. p.. Stkwabt, Railroad contractors. It 1mic The Wot 111, No D M v-ry in medicine nas ever create- ne quarter of tbe excitement that .-een caused by I'r King's New I'isc ivery :'o: c'onauu ption. It's severest tests bave been on L peiess victims of Consumption. Pneununia. Henijrrhafe. P.eurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of waom i: has restored to perfect hea th. Fjr Coogba, Colds. Asmma. Croup. Hay Fever. Hoarseness and Whooping Cjup:. it is the quicsest. surest cure in tne. world. It is so. d by I . C. fc.akeiey, the d-uggist. wiio enaranteet satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles SOo and 11.00. Trial bottle free. I Kl MN:s LOCALS. C.arke It Fa.E's flavoring extracts are ttie best. Ask yonr r cer for them. R. b. i.-ii'.bretL s od wil. keep at ail tirxie a supply of bay. grai'j and teed which thev will retail at the Ijwest Btarkal rates. 8641 Wanted A mall y to oecopj tbe uome and keep house for an aged widower. Libera', terms can be had. Apply at this office. j i y 2 - -1 ir. The Collins not spring-- are now open. Fat ton s sun proof paints ior fl.50 per gallon, guaranteed ijr years. Clark d ralk, agents. ml w . . u ua?es ui irougi. or croup give tne one I ne Minute Cough Cure. Ttien rest easy and t.ave no fear. Tne child U1 be all right in a Uttlt wniie. It never fai.s. I'.easant tu laKe. a ways safe sure and aim-Mt instantaneous in effect. Ciarse A Fa k s r. O. Fnarmai-v. , ' Jus. reiteived at i.n.bretn A -on e lumber yard, a f-w ..vr.oads o! No. cedar poets and A Tney a'e agents ior ilea'.:. .v MiHtgan'l reie- nrated si. Inge paint. Call on them; tneir prices are all rignt. Wood not fiutned is hetter ny Irfk a cord tnan wood that is. jylo Tne V;,ite Coliar line. Baiiey 'tatzert, will Mil through roand-trip ticket to turn. Ticket, aood a-oinat MMMa Mil -.'. ru. liccets gixjd g .:iig fron. Portland over the Wnite Collar line. I '. K. V. Co.. V. T. Co. or tne A. C. it. It., and return over same . nes. Baggage cheesed direct to either North Beam. Seaview, Long Beach. Breagers C'cean Park or Nancotta. Limit of ;..'. A. - . ... isuk i t i" " " -i " ' rintwn, ager. .. We offer for a limited period toe twice-a-weex CtUOJflCLI, price $1.50, and tt.e Weekly ' iregoman. price $1.60, both paner- for g a year, ."snbicriptione under offer must be paid ii, ad vance. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. Letiere oi Credit issued available in ll,e Eastern "-late The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd tNoian; Proflt-Sharint Association are 1 sot Pickens, 15 vols., publisher's price 122.80; 1 set Knigbt'a History ol England. 8 vols., publisher I of Bible Pictum, illustrated by Dore; 1 copy Thirty Powderlyj a $3 rebate to person paying the most cash -.Ij- AUK. U, UIIU it -7- daring same period. fert & Condon phone No. nit mm Hi g BAILE Y-G ATZEHT ' " DAILY ROUND TKIPS. Except Monday, Cascade Locks. Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TiWt CARD Leave Portland Arrive The I'lvis. Leave " Arrive Port. and. M. Meals the Verv Best. ?uru.iay Trip a Leading Feature. 'This F.oute ha the 4randest cenc Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. ' TAHOMA." F'ai:y r.jttr. i Trips except -unday. TIME CAPD Leave Portland 7 ... m. Leave Astoria 7 . t. Landing and office F ot street; both pnones. M 351, of Alder Portland, L'.-egon. E. W, CKIOHTON, Aeent Portland, J. M. FILLO'.'N. Apt. Tne Dalies, A. J. TAiLOR, Agent Astoria. Clark's Cruise ef the Celtic, LARGE. 'TE.'.M-H:! 15 THE II ORLD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. The n.asmi'icent W'b.te Star twinaew stam er ..' .1..1.M t...-.. meeiaUy eaarterd ton Ine 'caaior.. and tor ilnj s sub,n:t to the or-de- Ol tn lUmKO! Ol tat: Kirtv. in the Maditarrsraean and ibe orient seeopytng 7 4 ia. :ng l- ay aCi.'JC n. BCTpl an' kodaoooi Ine noto Vtalttag Madlert. f.iiraltar. NUrth Af rica. Malta. Bgjpl, t h - BalJ I. and Itirke. I.rt-cre. lcal, the Kiviera. Cnclauit and 1 r.- land v.;: ;:rso;ivt (optional tide triracrss Ea . : : ; '. . u -' star -.aroers OeeaoiC, Majestic. Teutonic, dee. Coal of Trip. firt-cla, from ' e i ork I upwards weoiding nacenauno- ua-.ior. .nciudinK Jnnr eactj iou. ni te.s. fs. sriiiileii. tlriveo and a'.'. neecaearr erpenes Siecial Feature.- ;ad.-..-i. V.. :i Kerpt and the Hiy Land. Uonatantinopie, Athens, home, the Kiviem. etc. I'niler t:.- manasetnent of Fw.: lark, of New Yon. Cairo, etc : partieu. i. addnea? HI IJ-OS a HIIOKMIII I., aTeehlagton Street. Tbe Dalles. Or. .. created, fend lo: illmtraletl prajiani TnViTi Po.rV.pV Tho Ta-il-r w, Ha- just received 1000 sample of the latest pattern- in Gem's CinUmg iioods. He guarantee- prices and a good Dt or no pay. John Pashei:. The Tailor. THe BHLDWIM BESTflUBHNT W W WILtOMi Manager. ,T?al at All tyours, PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED ith the Tne table alwar supplied nest in tne market. 4 Front St., near Court, Tne Dalles. louwill not have boils if vou take ; Ciarke A ralk sure cure lot boiii. ici'aic nvi run f J B ..-.. v. 1- Prompt de-livery of all goods ordered by telephone. W 92. Give me a trial. M. T. .awr u. THK llStXQ i AK ROt'lE FROM PORTLAND to THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE To BtOKI PARK (4va. HUM iWti Ftflltli t S:: arr-ve. No. i. Fas: mail fnr Tarom. Seattle, ulynipia. Gray . Harbor a'il South Bend pi)int. apufcaiM, Ross laud. B. C.i I'u'.lmaii. Mtvu'nw, Lew la to u, Bol l'..:5 A. il (aloflnmp minintrcoun try. Helena. Mir.:ieav lis. St. Pau.. Omaha. Kanaai City, St. ijjuis. Ciiii-aso and all voint No . eaat and -..utheas!. No. ;K P. M ho. : FOCM -uiid Express L' ,30 F. It. for teeoma and seattit 7 X: A. M. and iutermeUiate pojuts crst rlaij and tonrlet s!er;r to !i!:ueap:i. St. Paul and Misj-ouri rtver poiuta witb.iut obange. Veetl baled trains, t'nior. connections In alt principal cities. Ba;r2!e checked In destination of tickers. f-or aHiHlvnntiy i!lns:irted descriptive matter, tickets. sieepiuE-ca: reservations, etc.. aau OQ or write A. D, CHARLTON, Assistant General Feesi neei a cent. i Morri ' son Street. corner Third. Portland Orein. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM can approach It in efficiency. It in PntPmhor jA.JX iQfll stantlyreUevesand permanently cures -JCpiGIUUCI .0 LO IJUI Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW in the Good RACING Afternoons. Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Puhdiug Every Evening, with Good Music. Beautiful Camp Grounds Free. Special Kates fin Campers' Tickets. Couie and Bring Your Fami'iee. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particulars, address M. D. WlSDOa, Be., lauglm Portland, Oregon. - T. TTTl a. UUat WOQC You uuant. New idea in Wall Paper here, hucn wide variety ae we are showing never be fore graced n single etock. Keal imita tion creton effects at ordinary nncee Gooa papers at cheap paper prices, Elemnt deaigns, taateful colorings, yours for a email price, at oar store on Third street. Also a full line of house naint flr VAUSE Third St Ciarae A Faik have on sale a full line j of paint and artist's brushes. ! ' vHr"' - - car s ZA r r ' . - .- 1 ...1 price fix; i vui. Year? of Labor, by I. V. during four weeks end- (1 laraest amount of cash .a eu- NOLAN. i Tte coiumnia pacRino Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANCFACTt' i:F Ks Of Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS Si BACON x.KIF.D BEEF. FTC. mm Bestanram L. Y. HONG, Proprietor. First-Class in Every Respect HKATB at A LI BOCK8. Oysters Served in any Style. 6 Second St.. Tb Iiailes. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the Tood and aids Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest cnt and tonic. Io other preparation J iatuience, tsour atomacn, rausea, Sick Headache. Gastralgia Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestiom Price Mc. and fL Largesfare contains 2H Mmee smahaiie.BookalinboutdyspepsianiuUedtree p-epored by E Ph DeWlT a CO., Cljieag sold by Clarke iFaiks P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio. Rex. Deko, Velos a!iC Aristo in all -i.e-. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown. Seeds and Btanley. Tray. Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all acc-88orie to com pi eta the outfit of either tne amateur ur pro- fessiona photographer. Our Eureka Comhined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. The A. E. C. Iieveioper lor plates, films or developing papers has no noil, Enough for35e to develops i d'j.en piatee or n dozen Velox -4x5. Perfect biacke and aTbltaa are guaranteed, if directinne are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. Be veioper, aud see that vou get tbe genuine. We are prepared tocompouiiu anvand II of your own formaia- ui.ii guarautee satisfaction. At the old place, The Dallta, egun. 176 Second Sfeet. Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, ejon and Carriana Wrk. riah Brother. Wagon. AH and Jellerm hm 159 1 or. N K KA L ; BiaGksmitQ I ...AMD... ; tees Oregon Short Like AND Union Pacific DSPaM TIM t" Sl HF.Dl l.KS THE DALLKS. iaam raoa rnieagr Portland Special. 11:86 j m via Hunt ington. salt lje. Denver. Tx. Worth, Omaha. Kar-1 aasCity.St Ixmis. Chi- ' 1 cago aiid the East. Atlantic am a m. via Hunt ington. -it. Paer Fast Maii. 9:9Kp. m. ane. Salt 1-ake. Denver, Ft. Worth. Omaiia. Kan- , , sac:ity.Sl luis,Chi- " m- rug' 811(1 t:- East. Walla Walla. Lewistnn. MMikniit.W allacc.l'uli uian. Minneapolis. St. 30 a m Paul. Duluth. Milwan kee. t'hiragoaud Eat. OCEAK AND EIVEE SCHEDULE From l'drtlauct. i All sailing date sub ject t change i For San Francisco, Sail every 5 days. :00 p m -I 00 p. m Daily exceiit Sanaay. - CO p in Saturday Columbia Klier. To Astoria and Way Lauding 4 00 p. m. oxwpt Sunday. ii i m Daily except Sununy. Willamette River. Oreenn Dty. Newberg. -ttii'm. Independence, iiud Way Landings I R) p. b. except S-::,da Tneolay. Tbursdsy, Hatnrda) . 6 00 a m i io p. at ! 'indsy, W'e-Jnesdiy Friday. ' lorvallll and Way ..nndlUgs Tuesjiny. Thursti. a!unin . T:0A' a. m. Willamette and 8 I p rr. 1 Hiiilull ttlvera. Mondi. Oregen City, Daytoa and w edu-.-saay W'ay-Luulings. Friday. laMtte Kinaria dally. :1.40 h. ni -nake Itlrer. Leave U Uu dailv. s Riparia to Ucwistou. gj- 1'nrties aealring to eo to Heppner or points on Columbia Southern via liigg. snould taxi No .. leaving The Dalles at 1- .'." p. ie. Bale ng direct connections at Heppner junctioii pud Bipes Returning makingdireetcu'inecUcm at Heppner junction aud Biggs wr.i. rinng at The Dallas ar 1:0B p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND. Agent, The Dalies u;egr. Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. SO YtARS' EXPERIENCE a Br , Trace Marks designs Copyrights Au. Aiirone sending a siteti-h and daacrip'i"'' n:s" ! eseert.iii! our opiition free abetio" a iiTHutlon is probnr.-T t .r.eiitable. 'omnoo ' ' .i - strictly innii::v ii, Haadbuofcun la:w.t lent free. (West agency tor securing pain. -. I- itoi.'.s usen tiio.uyb Manu Co. r- t " aotics, without cnarge. In the Scientific American. A narwliomeiT ii:raid weaklr. I.nrirest nr rulation . f anr scientific journal. Temi3- iwir tunr monius, IL fcuid brail new-i-a - H0NI(4Cq.- -HewTforf rauer. I uti . rr, 1 r; . WM.slot.rfi .ri. D.' J. S. HCH8NCC, Fresident. Max a vo rr. i.aahief First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON General Banking Business transacted Dapoaiu raoaivexl, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt!? remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange so.d Hew York, Ban Francisco and port land. D- P. Taoatraoa. Jao. 8. Bcaaat En. M. W ill i a mb, Uao. A. Liaaa H M. Baa ll. r