A Mother s Plain Words I iupp e you Wil I astol tshe I wbwB I tll vou that six years ago I was In a moat dangerous condition with bronchitis anil lung trouble, because you can tea how well and str ing I am now. The attack at that Unu caused ter.tbu. pa-.-, in mychestanc lungs. I could hardly move, and to stoopusad in tense sta le Someone advise Ack er anglish Rented) and I thought I would trj it, altb ugh I confess that dov n tn heart I hat', i-.v.le faith if it. The first bottle gave great relief, and the second botth made me the hca'.thv womat ' a- t "day. Mv busbai i s lung u-t anal also, and he cured himself with the same grati . old remedy. Our boy and girl have b th been saved by It trott death bv croup. 1 know this is so. for erhet they were attacked ::. th;. nip::: I had a bottle in the closet, and by acting quickly that fatal malady was easily overcome We always give it to the children when the haveacoughorc Id and we would not be without ;". for anything My si i er will tell vou also. if you ask her that it is a medicine that car. a ways be depended upon fof a!' the troubles o: the breathing organs I tp11 a!' nur nei"hi.r- about Acker s English atemed whenevei '. get a chance, and there an plant) peo ple around Mecbaoiewifie N Y where I live, who would no more throk ; oi go. inc to bed a: nign- without a b ittle of i: in the house than they would ot leaving the:-, doors wide open As I look at it. parents are criminally responsible wnen tbev allow their children to die under their vary eyes with croup because nere is a attain rented'.- that will conquer the terrible monster every ttme." (Signed - Mr Ployi Fowtaa. A .-? EttglUfc Kemdv i sold bv a!-, d.-ues-.r... under a peettive pur..r.:e tnat vour monev will r-iunded ir. case o: fa:lure. 15c. foe. and $: a bot:;e in t'nited States and Canada. Ic England, is. J.I.. .-5 ;-d.. and 41 50 HV aatterte lat a&vx gwxrmUce. It". U. BOOKSB dfr CO., frep 1, '- -' For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. PBRSOKAL MBKTION, A. Winan? and E, Abbot; are Hood River visitors in the city today Mis F oreoce Sarnpeoi. war a passen ger f jr Cascade Licks on the moraine boat. Mie Katbnne and Maie Jonas are In the city from Aloany. 'i,e guests of Mrs. Carey Ba..ard. R, E Hawortt. caoie ud fron: Caror,. Wsi... ol tbia niornine's boat an i wii. remain nntil Tuesday with his family. W. C. A .away jined i,is family today at Lyle, where tuey are spending tr,e summer. He will reniaiu over anday. Miss Stanton, stenographer tor Hunt Ington & Wiison. ieft mis afternoon to epeud Sunday at her home in Portland. Grant May- came in from his ranch Ibnradat and ieft on the nuon train to day to spen I his vacation at Portland and Catsup beach. State -euator Franklin P. Mays, Mrs. Mays. Miss Genevieve May- an-i Wilson Uayi .eft Purtiana last uint for Yellosr stone Park Tney wi;. ce gone two wees; . Miss Ena Uren, whc. lor several years has made her home with hf-r aunt. M's. Robert Warner, iit on iast nignt's train for the home of her iatner near Spokane t?r,e 1 . oects to remain there for s- me tims at .east. Ir. Mary ,Iut,nson and Miss P.ose Dudley, of Tne I'ai-es Hospital, were passenger on yesierd.iy's afternoon boat for Portiand. Tne latter will re turn today, but Ir. Johnson will take the Northern Pacific for Bpokane, wt,ere she will visit for s short time. The pa trons oi our boapiial wil. be gratified to known that Dr. Jobnaon, wno is thor oughly competent in every particular and a most charming lady, nas accepted the position a. matron of the hospital an : wi.. return to resuaie her duties at ai. earl v date. UAIllllUi Tm- morning August lOtb, at the residence of Mr. Iiennet. Monroe 1-Cmght and Viuia Bennett, J. Doberty,city re eurder, tti-.'iutmg. 1 11 Uu.i of ecation - A UbicagO paper estimates that ten nil .ion people in trie Lotted Mates will UKe vacations this summer and each vantior. wi.l cost on an average of ISO. Th- qaaaliOD is then discussed whetrier or not the henefif derived from vacations is In proportion to tne expenditure. Might not the money be used to better advantage Two hundred million dol lars would establish a good many libra ries and endow a goodly number of in stitutions. The question is then asked if it wouid not be better to refrain iron, vacations one year and put all the money saved to a more useiu pur pose. On the other hand we might ask if lbs 65,000 OOo who do not take vacations wou.d not be better 01T at the end of the year if mey shouid spend a portion of their iOCOmei ill vacation exercises Life lived on Hues of strict economy becomes monotonous. Monotony Uu.ir and enervates the oiind. It paves the wav to anqqi, which il a mild form of disease. If one goes from a comfortauie bona wbons snvlroomaoti lack variety, t a locality where comfort 1- a .'.ranger, he may bf DUttSf fur tiie t.iiang H- of C ,urse. g.ad t- get baCK to bit boms BOd thai sense of gladness is a mmta toll ic, Tba itatistician who shows a man may live on 18 cente a day is a public enemy. There wouid bs no great ham. in disseminating such knowledge if the disseminator could be ahsuiutey certain that no one wouid make use of it. but if a man with an average American in Come should lue oh K cents a -la-, i.ir Lt -; , . life wotiid be colorless and unprofitable. What good would it do a man to deny himself the things to make life ec?y ab,e to himse.r and a t,enefit to others, to the end that he might die rich'' A statistician o: a dyspeptic turn of mind once -rstimated tne cost 0: keeping d)gs. The man probably never exper ienced the pleasure of an intelligent dog's acquaintance. He certain y could not have made dogs a study. A dog will thrive on 1" cents a day. and no mac ever invested that amount of money in the right kind 0: a dog who did not be come convinced that there were such sentiments as devotion and gratitude. Ana there are times in most man's lives wnen faith in human nature is strength ened by manifestations ol affection fmrx an animal which can onlv express bis (eelings by a vigorous wagging of his tail. Tench - x.t in in anon Notice is hereby given that the coun ty superintendent of Wasco county. Or egon, wi'. hold the regihar examination of applicants for state and county papers at The Dalies, as follows . KOf. ST .Mil I'Al'BKS, Commencing Wednesday, August li. at a. m, and continuing until Satur day. August 1". at 4 oViook p. m. Wednesdai Pennuiansiiip. history . spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written Arithmetic, tne ory of teaching, grammar. nook-Keeping. physics, civil govern man t, Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geographv. "aturday Botany, plane geometry, general history. English .iterature. psychology. rota rois-i PAfisa. Commencing Wednesday . August 14. at If o'clock a. m, and continuing unti Friday, August lb, at 4 e'eoc. j. n . F'irst. second and third grade certificates, Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of leaching, grammar am! schoo. law. Friday QtOgrnpby, mentai aritnme tic, physiology, c.vi. gosernmeut. Primary certificate Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, uieth ..).. Friday Arithmetic, physio ogv . C. L. Glhtaiar, Ciunty Eiopt. Wasco Co.. Or. Charter Members iuir Nolle Mrs. N. I.. UojliOi state organ:.-r of the Knight.- and Ladies of Security, on the lh'.n of this month wi.l organise a counci. of Ibil order 10 he hailed as The iM'iie- Counci, K. A L. of S. Tiiis o Oiety pays accidenta and old age cairns iod does not increase with a-ivancing yearr. Tn-jse who wisi. further infor mation will do wei. tO cal. on Mrs. Ciustin or C. A. Marshal! at the Obarr llou?e. Admission as Charter lusmberi one dol.ar after '.he charter ir cosed, five do..ars. So-lb Why not spend the vacation at Va ijuina nay , where can be bad excellent fare, good fishing, good boating. s(s bathing, allOfiOg rider and rainines. Tiie courses and exer,-,.,. t(ie summer sciio-il of 1901 at Newport will afford great var.et of instructions, diveroion and entertainment. No other resort ofierr e,jua. attractions and like advan tages. junll-tf Gifforci e Fotos Never Fade. lyon-s French Periodical Drops 1. ki. ,(,, .. , OBSIRED KESL'LTS. 1 MiiTinu Rmfnf ennnieffetti atidlmltatinns. TI10 at-nnlne Is on' up " uh iwn w areolar b wiuI.lam? mku c-- teis For ale bv Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dslltt, Or. Was Ware b Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, -vU kinds TTA.qHnnflTt.ftrs for Bran. Shorts, ZVgfSm Headquarters for "Byers1 Best" Pendle- rm TTlmTT This Hour is manufactured expressly for family ton Flour We gel, our poods low and get our pncee an ao rv We aall our croods lower than anv hoti?e is tne trade, and i: you don't think so cal'. and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also ail kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer SEWtR NOTICE Notice is hereby given that tne com mon council of Da.ies City, at a meeting ' thereof heid on aturdav me 'Id day of August. 1901, determined to construct and reiay a drain and sewer described as toliows. to-w:t Beginning at a point where tne center line of Court street in tersects the projection of tne south line i o: the first aliey south oi Fit'th street m said Fialles City, and running thence in a northerly direction aiong. or near, the center line of said Court street and along the line of tne o d sewer now located in -an: street, to a point where the center .ine ol saul l ourt street inter.ects the nn i-ction of the center line of ttie aliey between Man. and Second streets, in said city ; thence westerly to said aliey and along the center iine thereof and a , continuation i Union s: reel thereof to trie west line ol Ihenca in a nortnwester'v iirection, along '.tie most practicable route, to low water in Mill creek. airi council also at the same time deter mined that the cost of the construction and re aving of said drain and sewer should ne assessed againt tne property i.enefited theretiv. and declared the pres ent sewer and drain now in existence upon and along tne line above describe,: to be in a dangerous condition, and fur ther provided that notice be given of tne c instruction and relaying of said drain and seer by publication ot a notice fur 'wo week" in The Iialies Daily Chroni cle, the first publication thereof to be made on Monday the 5m day of August, 1''01, ami final pnhocation thereof to he on Monday the 9tb day of August, 1901, and further determined that aid drain and sewer fie constructed and relaid a above mentioned Immndlntely after the expiration of the time mentioned in said notice. All oarsoni interested are hereby noti fied that said drain and sewer will be constructed an-i re. aid as above deter mined and provided ior. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Aug. 5. J DORIBTY, Kecorder of Dailes City. BUSINESS LOCALS. A full line of Eastman fi.ms and sop plies just received ry Ciarke i Fa!k. Just received, at C. J. Stuhiing's, a carload of Bebtiti Milwankaa i-ottied beer. j y29 lw Voong iady wishes to do sewing by the day. Telspbone 134 for further par ticulars. jt31-lwk If anything aiis your nair, go and see Frazer: he's t tie headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that be maKee a IDOClaltV of these goixis. tf Acker - Log Isfa Etsmedf wil' stofi a c-JUiii at any time, and wil. cure the nrJt co.d in iwalea hours, or money re tnrffled 88 cts. and 50 cts, B.ake.ey, the druggist . Comma Being Sunday, until furiier notice, the O. K. A N. wil! tell round trip ticket". I)a!iep to Cascades, for $1 , 1 nil rate applies onlv to parties ol hve or more. Good for Sunday S 00 ' leglOQ C. J. BtUbling has just re:eived a .arBe onsignineiit of ctilitz' mait ex tract, Ifiotiy DOOaleoliolic and one of IbO beSl remedies in the World to build up a weak or br .ken-down constitu tion. jiy29-lw Wnen your hair appear? dry and to have I oat it vitality it want- tomathing to give it life and vigor. We have what tne nair needs when it get in that con dition. We nave gj the Crown of Science Hair GjjSSSi Orower an d Cocoanut 1 reau QuSr loiiic. They will cure dan VggW roll ai d ecalp dieaM. For tale at Kra-r'ti tar ter Hhop Price 5Jc and 75c a bottle. harmless, sure to accompitsn -eatest kn wn female remedy. Ajeeto CieveJeaa. ubw sari.- ,0 cmsranteed to trive satisfaction NOTICt The ioi, owing county warrants will be cancelled by the county court in thirty days from tiiis date unless called by the parties owning same within the next thirty days Milli Co., Hate Ai.it. C baa Brad lev. July 7, 1893 .$170 Wm Blum..' ... July 7, 1893 1 20 Mrs Bird ...March 12, 1892 1 70 I.ee Bianton March 12, 1892, i 00 Robert Beard. March 12. 1892. 1 00 lorn Branch Nov 12. 1883. . 1 HO Wm Biack May - , 1892. 7 20 A T Beers . Juiv 9, 18U2 1 70 Ctias Cannon March 10, 1893. 1 70 TbOS Dorson May 8, 18i2. 1 90 P W Eberaoll Jan ", 1893. 1 80 M J Finlayson., March 12, 1892. 1 70 Fl A Haomes .Ian 7, 189;; 120 W F Hinkle Nov 14. 1892. , 1 IK) ,los A Kenna March 12, 1892. 1 fiO lohn Kotler Jan 7, 1893. 2 20 R F Moore Mav II, 1894 . 3 10 Wm Meth"n Juiv 7. 1893 1 !0 w M Murphv July 7. 1893. . 2 00 Mrs S C Nelson .Nov 10, 189.'; 1 70 Fid Nuton Nov 14. 1892. . 1 70 H Paimer March B, 1894 2 80 B A Pown Mav 11. 1894 3 77 ii W Robertson Nov 10, 1893, 1 60 los Baben May 11, 1894 3 10 Geo Sthes. sept 12, 1992 1 70 w ,r s indarlaml. Nov 14, 1892 l 60 C P launders Jan 7, 1893 1 20 lohn Smith Jan 5, 1894... 4 70 .las L smith Nov 14, 1892 . . 1 50 John Wicsstrom. . .Jan 5, 18H4 4 00 wn, Wedekind Hay 5,1893. 1 70 Frank Wnit Jan 11, 1892 1 70 By order of the Honorable County Court ot Wasco County. Oregon. Dated this liith day of July, 1901. A. Fl. Lake, County Cierk. uninier Bsearsloaa t tne Sea Coaat, Only 6 60 for the round trip from The Iialies to Long Beach, Tioga. Pacific 1'jrK, Ocean Park or Nahcotta. Wash., go-id for return until Sept. 15, 1901. Baggage checked through to destina tion. The steamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland daily except Sunday and Monday, and the Hassaio daily except Sunday, at B p. m., and lu p. m. on Saturdays, making direct connections at Astoria and at Iiwaco for all points on - regon and Washington beaches. Cal! on Jas. Ireland, agent. The Dalles, for through time card to al! beach points. j!y3 2m Flruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and sores of ah kinds quickly healed by Da Witt's Witcn Hazii halve. Certain cure for pile. Beware of Counterfeits. Be sure von get the original DeWitt's. Ciarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. St. Diary's pcaaemu ( rider the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES. OREGON. Tail inititutlor. 1 leiuintl tliuated near the t ilium is on Ike Ui e of Ike O k a N ( o Uieucv it m eauy of aoce hir all tboe who aV ire lu wcure u eOBfO ruble home uud n iirogrea ttv t of letrnuiK 'or their Oaogblan or Wardl The location of the enUem:. m one f the mmt healthy un the Huf.-irii nlope. this por Uoo of orwoii being proverbial for iu pun liet hmi'iiiK air, nun picture. ; in ncerien I be Aeailein)' la lucorporated anil authorised by the nlate (C Confer ACadriiiic boiion hoard and tuition tier (Choi&slic year, tl" -mo will be leauiiieul uexlay, Beptembet, 41b For d'taiicl iiiturmatluii apply tu the tlter Superior auglO'lm WINDMILLS, PUMPS and RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. f vou are in need of anything in our line, figure with us. for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE REPAISI I ' 1 HOP. All orders entrusted to us will have THE DALLES, J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors TllC Owl." 5 3 Purest Liquors for Family Use 5 J 1 Delivered to anv Phones : 51 Local. So Long Distance MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS St of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to pins at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedv for women eauala them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. lJ" Uruggrists. DK. For saie by Geo. C. iTiinnimiimiiint i F. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -OEAI.ta IN- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for Ruawll it Qa.1 Engine, Tbreaher. and baw Mill. JSS uiSunceioTs. Cor. MU & UnililiD Sts, THE DALLES OR. PIPE OREGON. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using so-called kidnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and tiave all your biadder and urinary troubles cured, and yoor nights uiBile restful by the nse of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, 11.00 per box buy ot yoordrnggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne. ludtana. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. I part of the City. , 173 Second Street. They overcome Weak ness, urrepularit y and omissions, incrua.se rig or and banish "pains ftl.OO PEB 1SOX BY' 31 All.. Sold MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio Blakeley, Tne Dalles, Or to The Chronicle, The Dalles. Or. Job Printers