The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 10, 1901, Image 3

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    $ $ o $ o ? $ nlMir
Bvery economical
advantage of our
woman in the citv should
St. Paul's Episcopal church Kev. 0,
. Lake, rector. Morning service at
11a.m. Evening service at 7 .'10. Sun
day school, 13:1ft. All are invited.
Calvary Baptist church -Kev. W. H.
Cttflon, pastor. Regular service at 11
in the morning in the new church
on CbIOB street. Sunday school at 10
a. m.
B. Y. P. V
to TIC to
20 cr cent.
Discount dales
n 11
For this week we offer you 20 per cent, off on
MUSLIN UNDERWEAR in the house, includ
ing Muslin Skirts, Gowns. Chemise, Drawers. Cor
sel Covers and Children's Muslin Stuff.
For a few days we will offer you a line of nar
row f ANCY RIBBONS in all shades; regular 10c,
at 5c er yard.
Patent Leather
Tan K id. in plain or
cloth top
Vici Kid,
cloth top
We want
up, so here
at i p. m.
I Congregational church corner Fifth
ad Court streets. Kev. 1. V. Poling,
pastor. There will he services only in
the morning, at 11 o'clock. Preaching
by the pastor. Subject, "Has Man the
Power to Forgive Sin.'- Miss Oambeli
will sing the otl'eitory.
United Brethren church Services to
morrow as follows: Preaching It a. m.
tad 8 p. m. ; Sunday school 10 a. in., A.
! It. Y. P. C. N. At 7 p. m. We will give
you a warm welcome ami try to do yon
good in each service. The church is
. ft hOQt two blocks east of the head of the
new brewery grade. L, Uarter, pastor
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
! Fifth and Washington, Rev. I'lyssea
, F, Hawk pastor. Services at 11a. in.
and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Class meeting at IS :1ft ; Epworth League
' at 7 P. in. New members will be re-
'ceived at the 11 a. m. service. The
beautiful sacrament of baptism Will be:
administered at this service, which will
DO followed by the reception of new
to clean these
's your chance
JS, ,.V A AA
V v & WW- IF V
.'V. a
A .A .A. A AAA, A A 3
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ice Cream
AUG. 10, 1901
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wasco Couuty virnntn regiHtered
prior tn September i, 1898, will be paid
od presentation at my office. Intercut
cease after ' ui y 13, 1901.
County TrMurr,
as it was the finest scene they ever saw,
i from that high elevation. They were
only a little over an hour earning down
the mountain. Goldendale Sentinel.
The Shetland ponies will hardly be a
1 drug on the market. W. H. Wilson has
purchased the pretty little span of blacks
' and several others were sold to a gentle
man of the city, who will dispose of them
as the opportunity presents itself.
The Seventh Regimental band will
furnish music on board the Bailey Gat
zert Sunday. All lovers of good music
j will enjoy a treat if they will visit the
dock Sunday afternoon at 3:15 p. in.
river on the Bailey Gatert returning
on the same. When they reached The
Dalles a party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. Maier. Dr. and Mrs. Tack man. Mr.
anH Mfa IP hA1ltf a nrl Tr anH Mm .Tnn 1 fill.
Bonn were waiting to greet them
the ehort stay which the steamer makes
bore was well utilized goes without say
lag and was a pleasure to all concerned.
' The fire on Moody's place af"Miller'sl
Bridge occurred on Monday instead of
Tuesday as before stated. After burn
ing the barn, two mules, a set of harness,
one wagon, some garden and orchard
tools and several tons of hay, it ran up
the hillside, spreading rapidly, and
members into the church. Every mem
ber of the church left in the city should
be in attendance to give a personal re
ception to those joining us. At 8 p. in.
Rev. Perry Chandler of Walla Walla
will preach. A cordial invitation i ex
tended to all to attend this service.
Welcome Tourist.
Among the many tourists who have
isited this port-on of Oregon, none
have been more coniniimentarv regard
ing our scenery than was .Mies uertruae
Herbert, a cousin of Mrs. J. H. Sherar,
of Sherar's Bridge, who after spending
a week with her at that place left last
night for Ansonia, Ohio, where she is a
teacher in the schools of that city.
During her visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Sherar they endeavored to show her as
much of the country as possible in so
short a time and were certainly success-
After spending a day with Mrs.
That 1 Grimes here, the trip out to s. mile was
made in the cool of the evening ami the
remainder of the journey in the early
morning. Upon reaching the top of
Sherar grade Miss Herbert was more
than enthusiastic. With snow cap
Hot weather? Yes but really not
Compared with weather twice us hot
Find comfort, then, in arguing thus,
And you'll pull through victorious
For initanoe, while you gasp and pant
And try to cool yourself and can't
With soda, cream and lemonade.
The heal at ninety in the shade
lust calmly sit and ponder o'er
These same degrees, with ninety nore
On top ol them, and so concede
Tin weather now is cool, indeed!
A letter received today from Miss Ruth
Cooper is dated at Honolulu, the young
laly being on her way to the Philippines.
For Sale A four-holed gasoline stove,
with arge oven, in good condition ; also
an othce writing desk. Apply at this
office . C-4t
Adolph Walther, of Mays & Crowe's
hardware store, has been confined to his
home fur the past few days on account
"f illness.
Marriage licenses were granted today
A.J. Finch and Miss Olivia Hvatt,
rree concert will De given trom tne dec DUrrjed over 20Q acreg of pa8tl,re land
of the steamer. au88"3t '-belonging to Judge Fulton and James
Grant MayB hae purchased the ranch j Shanon, and would have destroyed sev
of Frank Hampton near Price, about eral hundred acres of wheat but for the
forty miles beyond Prineville, with 400 ; hard fighting of about I jO good men.
Knight and Miss Viola
and Monroe
Mr. Loviok will be at our store Mon
day afternoon and evening and will
'iemoii-trate Veiox paper to the pub
lic L'.ark & Falk. aug9-3t
Wanted A second-hand buggy, with
top, Cheap for cash or in trade lor n
Heb, Apply to Charles Bulley, Co
lombia Feed Yard. bti-lwd
Claud Kelsay, of The Dalles, is stop
Pun: in i.rass Valley assisting the E. U.
b. Co.'i agent during the busy season. -Uraes
Valley Journal.
lodging from the reports of California
ftttbar we Will have another siege of
bM weather. The reports for Oregon
M c.ear and warmer. The hottest to
day was sVi degrees.
The Dalles scouring mill will probably
BMM the season's business by Septeui
Uer lOth. During tbie season thev have
OQQrod between
""ee million
head of cattle and also the horses. Mr.
Hampton will remove to Eugene and ;
Grant will take possession about the
first of September.
On September 1st John Cooper, who
recently returned from Shaniko, where
he has been employed in the warehouse,
will accept a position as clerk in our
postoflice. Max Barteli, who now holds
that position, will resume hiB studies
ftt Stanford University.
It hae become quite a fad with the j
youngetere nowadays toowu ponies, and
for fear the other lads will get ahead of
his boy, we understand L. E. Crowe has
purchased a Shetland pony for him.
How soon be will insist on his riding
him we have not learned.
Tne proprietors ol the 1'matilla
house are having the rooms recently
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R B, Sinnott
remodeled for ine use of the traveling,
public, which will add much to the
comfort of those who desire cool commo
dious apartments with bath and every
At the Union street lodging house in
this city, this morning at 11 lift o'clock,
Mr. A. J. Finch and Miss Olivia Hyatt
were united in marriage, Hev. W. B.
Clifton officiating. The bride is the
adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
David Stroud, of this city. The young
couple will in the future reside in The
The Oregonian says: "Givfttbtboy
a bath house and let him grow to be a
man. " If that be a requisite some of
our boys will never see manhood, that
is, judging from their appearance. One
Dalles boy we know of, however, was
not afraid of water. He went in swim
ming a day or two since, stayed in five
hours and now he's sorry that tie ever
saw water. He looks like he'd been
Judge Fulton's dwelling was only saved
by the greatest ellort on the part of those
fighting the fire. Waves of flame rolled
thirty feet high and swept down to with
in thirty paces of the judges bouse. At
one time it was thought the house w ould
upon snow cap peak on every side,
ehe declared in all her trip she had
eeen nothing that impressed her more,
which means a great deal when we con
sider the journey she had made and the
noted places that had been visited.
Leaving Adair, Iowa, July Kth on l he
lipworth League special, the excursion
ists were given stop-overs at Denver.
j Colorado Springs and Salt Lake. After
, the meeting of the convention in an
j Francisco from July 18th to the 22d, a
I week was spent in Yosemite Valley.
iFroin there Los Angeles, Pasedena,
Santa Catalina and Santa Monica were
visited. Then came the trip from Los
Angeles to Portland, and, iiest of all, the
d..uIh . . .,11 thu fi, .rihilra uuu iar
j " 7 u . i t . .i journev up the river to The Dalies on the
nea out. But bv heroic ellort the hre, J " ' r ...
w ae stopped at the fences, w Inch w ere
Owinir to the treat number of build
ings being constructed in Pendleton con-
id of August. It is always a pleasure to
jhave such enthusiastic visitors among
1 us and we feel Oregon gets more ndver- j
Using from one such than in any other
bort Ceaneil MetinK.
tractors are having trouble in securing i
a sufficient number of carnenters to do ,
the work when required, Ten or a do. ! At the t'ollnt;il lafit night but
en carpenters could secure permanent councilman was absent -Martin
employment at once if thev were here, Donnell.
in addition to all the carpenters in Pen- j On motion the
.1, uurv nn. nf uhmii ia etmiloveil ' NoS. and .1.54
The wages paid is to 13.60 per day ac
i ,. . : .... : i t., I . ,
two and a half and roasteu anu us waavwi laisawiw w
Pounds of wont, rnnnino hilll to See OUt of his OfOt,
night and day. ! The former residents of Bellevue,
A'toruey N b. Brooke, Dr. Goddard Iowa, who are now substantial resi-Dd(--
E. i'UBk returned Thursday from dents of our own city, had a pleasant
Adams. Mr. Brooke informs ue surprise yeeterday when a telegram wae
M they made the ascent of the mount- I received from Vancouver saying that H.
ID. Uking seven hours to get to the P. Dorchester, the preeent mayor of
'P. but the uip wtt, worti) ukioir, I Bellevue, would make the trip up the
cordiug to the proficiency of the car
penter. The newspapers of Walla Wal
la, The Dalles. La Grande and Baker
City might endear themselves to the
carpenters of those cities by republish
ing the information contained in this
brief article, as it would assist those
looking for work and accommodate the
contractors and builders ol Pendleton.
East Oregonian. 1 might be added
that carpenters are also in demand here,
and will be more so in a month or two.
Important A BOUCBAeti
We wish to announce to those inter
estei' in the advancement oj ftmfttOUf
photography that Mr. Harry '. lyjvic
the demonstrator for the Nepara Chem
ical Company, manufacturers of V elox
paper, will be at our store on Tuesday
aiternoou and evening, August ISttb
He will show you how to expose and
how to develop the paper so as to obtain
perfect blacks and whites. Everyone is
invited to bring their troubles in Yelox
development to him at that time. Don't
forget the date. Be sure and bring your
mistakes with you. Perhaps he will set
you right. Gko. C. Bi akki kv.
Depot for fresh paper of all kinds.
James White, Bryantsville, Ind., nays
DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve healed
.nnninii anrM Ml both leirs. lie had
.uflered 6 years. Doctors failed to help terme : MfMOjIMft) down and the
i;r lWitt'B. AcceDt no iin ta- I -'" "" l" r"
repeal of ordinances
was Doatnonad until
the next meeting.
Complaint was made to the council
that the Bagley dairy barnyard was a
nuisance and the matter was referred to
the committee 00 health to report at
the m v mooting.
It was decided by the council that the
man who runs the knife game on the
streets of our city should pay a license
of $1 a day.
Some difficulty having arisen regard
ing the beach, it was ordered that the
marshal haye charge of the beach until
the next meeting of the council and let
it out according to Ins own discretion.
The recorder was inatrnctod to notify
the agents ol the D. P. A A. N. 0o.,
White Collar Line and others U) that
ft painter i1" "-
On I ad Butts' bargain counter will be
found the following bargains
Six miles enst of The Dalles 2M1 acres j
Kit) acres wheat land, all under fence.
Price 19,000, warranty deed, half cash;
balance on time at 8 per cent.
Four hundred acres deeded land live
and a half miles from tie city all under
fence; lot) acres in cultivation. Two
large spriugs of wale-; good house, barn
and outbuildings Eight acres in grapes
and ten acres in orchard. Well adapted
for stock raising. On the following
...The New York Cash Store...
133 anil 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
See our Show Window;
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our b tore. A hew fresh,
clean stock, (iivc us a call. Pro in pi
delivery to any pari of the city.
We pay strict attention to getting Bhoei that
are honest. Equally much trouble i taken to secure
shoes that are easy.
The Price is an important factor and Anally,
we lose no opportunity to obtain styles that are differ
ent from everyone else's.
Stop in when down town. YVouM he glad to
show them to you.
Vulli s lii J it h. i- I
The board of equalisation for Wasco j
county, Or., will meet and lie IB session
at the court house of said county from
Monday, August 88tt) until Saturday,
August !1 st, 1901, both das Inclusive,
and will utteml to any and all matters'
which may come before such board for
The Oalles, Wasco Co., Or., August
:',, 1901.
(.;. Li Schmidi ,
a'f-dAwtf AseHHor, Wascu Co,, Or.
P, T. Tbomas, Sumterville, Ala., "i
was Hiilfering from dyspepsia when 1
com meuceil taking Kudol Dyspepsia
(lure. I took several bullies and can
digest toytbilU." Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the only preparation containing
all the natural digestive fluids. It givea
weak stomach entire rest, restoring
their natural condition. Clarke tV Falk's
P. Oi Pharmacy.
Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't further Ibis.
ii Olrdlai i in- Qloba,
Tlie fame oi Booklen'l Arnica Salve,
as the best in the tvoild, extends round
the earth, It's the one perfect healer of
Outs, (loins, Burns, Bruises, Soies,
Scalds, Boils, Fliers. Felons, Aches,
Paioi and all Skin Bmptiouti only in
fallible Pile cure. "Joe a fiox at Q, C
B'akelej's, drug store. 1
Clarke & Falk nave receiveit a carload
Of the celebrated .lames k. PattOU
strictly mire liquid polnta
. '
lryin preiMtnttloiti aUupljr davoU
opdrVootarm; tuey dry up tba aeeretiooai
which adhere to the inenibraue and deocwu
p.'MM, eonaing a far mure serioua tmuble i ban
tbe ordinary form of oatanib Aroid ail dry.
I in iabalauta, fuiuea, smukoe and buuila
and ine tbut wbiob ' , aootboa ami
beala. Ely'i Oroan Balm ia auofa a remedy
und will cure calui rh or cold in tho land
easily and ph aMUlitly. A trial aiii w ill bo
nioilad for 10 oanUk All druggista aell Um
1 50o. sun. Brothers, oil Warruu St , N. Y.
I The Balm cun a without pain, din s not
irritate or cause UiMslngi It spreads itaidl
over OB irritated and angry surface., roliuv
; iut( i 1 1 ni3tl iult: I the painful iutiaiuuiuliou.
I With Kly'a ('n am Balm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and liay Fever.
Tkn Kind You Have Always Bought Undertaker and Embalmer
For lntaats and Children
lions. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. I eer at - per cent.
alU Ui
Bear tbe
Signature ol
(Jifford'B FotoH Never Fade
Cor. Ttilrd and Waahlritfton tits.
Alt orders attended to promptly. Bong
tlisiauce pbuue 488. Local, 10J.