MRS. MARGARET FLINN. 4 pM M ft $ J Mid-Sammer Bargains. Mi irf Kfinmf nf V 1 if.- ami hr AufiiM ;h. tak- 20 per cent. Discount dales ft AAfl Every economical woman advantage of our in the city should Here are Oxford Tie$ to TIE to... Patent Leather, cloth top $8.00 For this week we otter you 20 per cent, off on all MUSLIN UNDERWEAR in the house, includ ing Muslin Skirts, Gowns, Chemise, Drawers, Cor set Covers and Children's Muslin Stuff. Tan Kid, ill plain cloth top Vici Kid, plain cloth top or or 2.00 1.00 For a few days we will otter you a line row FANCY RIBBON 8 in all shades; at 5c ler yard. of regular nar-10c, Wo want to clean those up, so here's your chance for money-saving. PERSE 5t MAYS. jfi. A The Dalies Daily Chronicle. I ex perience of our neighbors. From all jpower generated by the said electric ! indications these petty tbievee are of ijplants for any or all legitimate purposes I Ine(j;(.ineB Mr. Margatet Flinn, who diet', in this city August .ill, and was buried tins morning from Utt Catholic church, was horn in County Meath, Ireland, eighty one years sgn. ha came to America about fifty years ago and lived for a number of years in Auburn, New Vork, i and at Elba, Wisconsin. For the past twenty one years she has been a resi dent of The Dalles, hut during MXtftl , years of t hat time she has been a cor- etant but patient entt'erei having re ceived a fracture of the hip from which she never recovered. About a year and a half ago she was sillicted with giippe, leaving her with severe rheumatism and other complications, which eventually j caused her death. Mrs. Fliun was the mother of eight m children and was 1 el t a w idow w hen they J V were very small. In the trial which ; J$ comes to a mother left with the responsi- j .j, : bility of rearing a family of that six- she t! proved her nrselflsh, loving character and her devout Christianity, being a! j member of the Catholic church and re W I Ijrint" Oil its teachings for her etrength j j(k I anil .,-mfi-rt Thlia Blip WHS beloved tlV ir an who vmue viir iiuuimi ui r-i. n , i,.,- ( aeters. She will be greatly missed oy ! her children who have proved their de- ! votion by the tender care given during her years o1 helplessness. She leaves the following children to I mourp her loss: Dr. M. Flinn, of Fort land; Dr. W. Flinn, of Redwood Falls. !Minn.;P. H. Flinn, of The Dalles; Mrs. Mary Townley and Mrs. Julia Johnson, of ; Wisconsin ; and Misses Anna Flinn and Maggie Flinn, of The Dalles. Few women have the proud distinc tion to count among their descendants five medical men two sons, Dr. M A. Flinn nnd Dr. W. Flinn . two grandsons, Dr. A. Johnson, of Portland, and Dr. G. Johnson, of Cleveland, Ohio, and a nepiiew, Ir. Boyle, of Auburn, N. Y. Thev inherited their love of medicine, 4 as their uncle, Dr. Dalton, of Trim, Ire land, was a very eminent physician and it . . . Mrs. Flinn herself was f i i verv skilifn! in FRIDAY AUG. 9, 1901 local origin deal with. and the more - ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. j Mine hosts McCnlly and McAdam are I now in their new house. Both gentle j men say it has been so long since tbey really had a home that it really makes them feel like boys once more. Shaniko ; Leader. Who had thought two such i "promising" yonng men would settle ' down to baehelordom. rbatever. The falls are situated in the Deschutes Over, and the office of the company, Shaniko. Capital stock the company e $50,000. Last Sunday Mrs. Miller, of East Pendleton, ret an example which it would not be a bad idea for the residents along Mill Creek in the West End, to An I'n.itiiit CritirUiu. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All WatCO County warrant registered prior to S'ilonlier 1HU8, will be ialil in premutation at my office. Interest nam after Jnlj 12, loot. .JOHN F. 11 I1SU1 UK, Couuty Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Minimum teuperature today 52 1 max im tun 86, No weather is too warm or no season too dull for the festive fakir. He is always on i and. For .Sale A four-holed gasoline stove, with large oven, in good condition ; also n oilice writing desk. Apply at this office. 0 4t Mr. Loviok will be at our store Mon Jay afternoon and evening and will demonstrate Velox paper to the pub lie. Clark Fa!k. nugO 3t Wanted A second. hand buggy, with top, cheap for cash or in trade for a wtch. Apply to Charles Bulley, Co lombia Feed Yard. ot 1 wd Ad immense lot of cedar poles are Pile'l up west of the 1'matillft House, "'vine been brought un for the elcc.rlc 1 Timre should be some more remote line from here to White river falls. place for such a dumping ground. lot county surveyor is now making' irof. M. L. Miller, of the Universit wm 01 a survey of an addition to the ) of Chicago, now with the field Coluiu "out Laeeade Locks. Mr. A. W. i Wn Museum of that city, is in the West www, deputy surveyor, went down to i ,,ftin a.,d ...Qrk i anthropology and luuay to lay "is lock addition The Seventh Regimental WQlin music on hoard Rev. J. W. Baehford, president of the ! Wesleyan University, of Ohio, took a ! trip up to The Dalles Tuesday. He said j that he had traveled over a considerable ; portion of the globe, but the scenery of ... r , 1 ,,-.1 I I I j ine ooiumoia exceneu anything ue , after warning them in j ever witnessed, rie leit yesieraBV lor , his home by way of Yellowstone Par. Oregonian. i In the V. 8. circuit court for the district of Oregon this morning Judge j Bellinger set aside the verdict in the ' case of Brown and Maddox against the Oregon King Mining Company and granted the defendant a new trial. This j case involved the ownership of the Silver King mine in Crook county and was ; I tried in the same court two months ago j today when the verdict was in favor of; ; plaintiffs. Land on the oeach setms to be In de- j ! mand these days, several applications I being made recently to the conucii I for portions of it. It would be : ! a relief to residents of the city : i who believe in cleanliness in every nnrilnn nf ilie tow n if everv foot of the :, a,arO ngwl lrT niimOReR Other tllBU I Ifl?11'-'8 ucain ni 1 w.jv .. , r I . , c.. i I ,, . , , join Hie .-.laiesuiBii in vxivuuiu uwm) 0 ngratulation8. Salem Statesman. Edward, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Patterson of this city, we still claim as a Dalles boy and j m WHO u e alem paper in all sorts of good wishes and congratulations. He now holds a splendid position with Sell wabaeher Bros, of Seattle. A few days since the Telegram of Portland contained the following article which, having investigated, we brand an j a falsehood and an unjust accusation i against Wasco county : It says: ff . c. .e,liiio Mnnrn Mio i i , r . r , t-1 follow. Certainly it has come to the pass . . n -uthoritiea of Ttie Dalles shipped down to Portland to be taken care of, her son being unable to longer care for her, has found a good when some measures should be taken to either prohibit bathing in that vicinity or the creatures who call themselves men should be made to bathe in appro priate regalia, as the residents complain they do not. The lady referred to lived near a Pendleton bathing resort, and vain she decided that the time had come for her to act, and securing a revolver she waited her op portunity, and reports relate that it is safe to say that not a young man who was in the crowd will again appear in that pool unless garbed in a bathing suit. Mr. Ed. ti. Patterson of Seattle and Miss Clara Lucille Churchill of Salem were married ou Sunday, August 4, at 7 p. m., at the residence of Rev. John F. friend in this city. Through the city hoard of charities, which took charge of the matter, Mrs. Moore was brought to the attention of a good and charitably inclined rich woman, who donated money for the rheumatic cripple to take treatment at a private sanitarium. The case was one deserving of unusual at tention, though what would have be come of Mrs. Moore had it not been for the interest takn in her by a charitable person it is dad to think. Mrs. Moore, it will be remembered, was found in a lodging house near Front and Madison streets, helpless and penniless. It would have been jolt, Secretary Wal pole, of the C. B. C. says, to send her back to The Dalles, from whence she came, but, this was, after all not human. The woman is now recovered suffi ciently to be able to get up, and she may Dason, in eauie, WMUington. ineybe perruRneutly bettered. What is to left at midnight for a ten days' trip become of her and who w ill take care of among tlie Nan .man lsiamis. iwy nw w i 4unuuu,u iuiiuhvi wii will be at home to their mtny friends after August 20, at No. 1628 Terry Avenue. Seattle. Mr. Patterson will be remembered as being in the employ of j Grav Bros, (or a number ol years. Miss Churchill is a native daughter of Salem, and a popular young lady. The many of the happy young couple w ill a dumping place for all soi ts of garbage. ft Sunday. All fill Mtj ly a treat Sunday afternoon rree out the new , .,i,i Hp arrived here vesterdav l nHumvu mmw i 1 and a number of our residents, promi- band w ill nent among the Bailey Uat- ,Jiake an whom is S. L. Brooks, will effort to pilot the professor lovers of good music ! about and show him all that is to be seen if they will visit the ; and learned about this portion of the West, which is abounding in relics.. at 3:15 p. m. concert will be uiven from tlie deck of the steamer. Uf8-8t E E. I-ytle is out south somewhere, Prabtbly fishing during the heated Period. Iliii Wiii;,. i. u ..i. .. .. iiuq uiic ,i nu, n Frank ia:e:, Harvey A. Sturdevant Bears the and Henry W. French tiled articles of Sjuaturo ot incorporation with the County Clerk today of the Oak Grove Sheep Company, jl Adt ertlaMl i.tur duration unlimited. J i,e business, is io i She was refused admission at the ooon i ty hospital. i The facts In the matter, which we ob tain from the county judge, are as fol- j lows: Mrs. Moore (Of Mrs. Basey as she is known here) came to The Dalles j eight or ten years ago from Klickitat county, where she had been kept at the expense of tho county, and since that time has been supported by Wasco county. After constantly helping her for years a complaint was made to Judge Blakeley that she was keeping a disre putable place near the garrison. He at once told her the county would n ithdraw its aid unless she would onsent to being an inmate of the poor house, which she did about a year since. Three months ago she wrote the judge saying her sou at Hood River would support her if sbe could be sent there, and thither she went of her own seet a Hi and not by Thfi Kind Villi Have AlWaVS BnllPht any compulsion from VMM county ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Special in Mens Straw Hats. 25c See our Sbow Window. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, cleangtock. Give ti a call. Prompt delivery t any part t' the city. IKE AYS & CROWE . 1 S3 ft We pay strict attention to getting are honest. Equally much trouble n taken shoes that are easy. dioes that to secure The Price is an important factor and finally, we lose no opportunity to obtain styles that are differ ent from everyone else's. Stop in when down town. Would be glad to show them to you. A. M. WILLIAMS EL CO. CASTOR I A For iuiants and Children. Jfl uie auditor's office in Portland, where i ..... ..,.,, nll(1 AaaI in sheen , Following is the list of letters remain "till blossom into an expert. rtiifOMl and'all Otbor klodft of Uv tlOOk 1 also to iog in the postoffice at The Halles un "' under the able onifUnr. nf Otdlr ,ii tm Lallad fur August . 1901. Persons MUr UeVoe.-Leader. j ,andJ and a o(bvr kind8 0f real estate ; 8i ' hoinas. sunerinlendent of ttiti iaann neiroLiahle sectiri' llrt,. oi . uui i iwhv) m - , rung mine, arrived in the city therefor. I'lace of ' tor t,e niirnoanof wnah'lna arranaa. M -..:il ,....L " M WHh the owners of the Golden shares of 100 each. Goodf'riend, Mrs '"ifle Mininv Cumnanv In an un i,, I . n , ,. ix u ; i laonlunn .Titenti .w . v. .v. ,17 I .-rf i. I, M II ri llllrL. I . J. nsriin , w " , assay and assort their ores. . . . xm i i .i .1 in'uB i f in. iMcrall, J W )f business, Oak calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : Boese, Mary Cohn, Simon uiioe and He. assort their ores. ave for that place tonight. and A. K corporation Hammond filed articles of in- this morning with the 11 tireltv i.a.,i II- I . , rii.-ir i. i.. Iinnnii an tha (.'line ... iiniu i rH ill iw i. .ill ill I ml I I .un n v ij n . I.' "- - . , . . . j ,. w I .lii. II. I. . . : . i.0i -muows and doors tightly " ".Kills as we httVeiin "nir.uin. " seem necessary irons the Hat it would Falls Power Co., duration perpeiuai. : iThe object of the corforanon is mi use, (sell, lease or otherwise dispose ol the I Bridges ft Stortevant Cleudenning, Wm Davis, A J Johnson, Minnie Kelly, Jos I' Petersou, (ieo t Sager, Ida Kearles, H Ttiomas. J I. J. M. Paiikbhon, P. M. Gilford's Fotos Never Fade. ; Pearcy, Jennie fetevens, P B Nothinif furtlier was heanl from her till a few days ago when word received that she was in Portland also of her ' own free will. Now, Wasco county feels that the Tel egram lias accused it wrongfully. if there is a county In the state or a place, the size of The Dalles in it j that has done any more for its poor than this county has d'.ne let them come forward and assert then -elves. r'oi bearam e sometime, ceasee to be a virtue and tlie temptation is great to turn them over to a city so anxious to do as well as pub lish what it is uning a Portland, hut we have refrained. All we ask is that no false statement, he made concerning i us. Subscribe for Jut OsUOVtCUti .Subscribe for Tiic CaflANIUbli Uartar It aw 1mm '! KotlMi Mrs. N. I.. Oiistin, state of the Knights and Ladies of Security, on the H)lh of this month w ill Qj gani.e a council of this order to be hiiled as The Dalles Council K.& L, of Bi This so ciety pays accidental and old age claims and dOM not increase with advancing yearn. Those who llb furlhtr infor mation will do well to call on Mrs. QiMtlu or C. A. Marshall at the Obarr Ifouse. Admission as charter members one dollar ; after the charter is closed, live dollars. &VH .IIHt. When VOIIf hair appears dry mid to I 1 liave lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what tut hair needs when it gets In that con dition. We have the Crown ol Seience II air '.rower and ' CocOtUOt i i t-auiQ Br Tonic. They , wili cure dand roll and all scalp diseases. F'or sale at F'razer'a bar ber shop. Prica 60c and 75c a bottle. V allHo A few days since a valise, containing ; valuable government papers, was taken 'probably through mistake from our ( wagon at the railroad camp u the mU sion grounds below town. As these j papers cannot he replaced without great I expense and delay, tho party who took I them will confer a favor on us by leav ' ing them at Tiik OliUOMiCI.I oilice or re- turning them to us thiough the post- office. No mistako as to the Identity ol the papers can lie made as tho name of W. P. Stowart will bj found thereon. A. L; Amu iiso, W. K. Si t Mi i , if) OtfJ-l Railroad contractors. ! oi bsla. A J. I. Case separator ; good as new and ready (or work ; 3-' Inch cylinder and a 14 Woodbury Dingee uoree power. On easy terms. Apply to QCOMI N'oi.a.nii, jy2-wklylmo Dufur, Or. (Joiiiuieming Sunday, until further notice, the O. H. ft N. will eel 1 round trip tickets, Dalles to Cascades, for D This i i.te applies only to parlies of fivo or more, (iood for Sundays only . lagltu WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Waehlnton atb. All orders attended to promptly. dletauca phone 433. Local, 102.