The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY - - - AUG. 9, 1901 THE FVTVRt Of THE STRIKE It is diflieult to sec what the 9teel strikers expect to gain by a prolonged strugcle unless they are prepared at an early ilay to resort to force. They lia-e exhausted whatever power they ever possessed of makiDg the strike a political issue which would force party managers to cooie to their support, and low quotations for steel stocks seem not to worry .ne manu facturers at all. Unless they make terms they have nothing to do but see the mills start up with other labor at the convenience of the owners or lawlessly prevent others from Working. Already there have been a few tritliug manifestations of disorder, and It is evident that the temper of the idle men is reaching a critical point, calling for the attention of Mi. Shaffer and his associates in the management of the Amalgamated Association. Mr. Shaffer has announced that this was not an ordinary strike, and that it was not going to be disgraced by boycotting, picketing and riots. So far be has kept his word reason ably well, but it is doubtful if he will be able much longer to cortrjl the force he has let loose in passing by the chance for settlement. He must see thai a "tigb'. to the tiuiih" means violence. His men have been for the most part orderly iu the hope of a settlement he promised and in expectation that the manufacturers would find i. to their own interest to surrender. Now. when they know the last inch of concession that c:in be obtained by peaceful methods, they must either accept those con cessions or adopt other than peaceful methods. The serious question for the officer! of the Amalgamated Asso ciation is whether or not they are prepared to carry their strike to the violent stage. They need be under no illusion about the meaning of their decision. Strikes are broken in one of two ways. The old men go back to work or new men take their places, and it is not to be expected that the old workers, however self contained they may have been in the face of a few '-scabs" whiie expecting a settlement iu the end of their terms, wili see their places permanently taken and the mills running regular ly without them and sit idle and in order at the request of a strike leader with no more diplomatic strings to pull in their behalf Mr. Shaffei has repeatedly declared that the association wes not seeking, as charged by the manufacturers, to force non-union men to join it. All it wanted was freedom tor all and a chance to organize those men in the present non-union milh who of their own free will desired membership in the association. He has clearly demonstrated that he already possesses this power by withdrawing so many association men from non-union mills as to shut several of ihem down. If he can do that, the formal signing of the union scale for those mills is uot important unless the official position of the union, intermediary between the employer and worker, operates to force all of the latter into the union as the only way to have a voice in the conditions of their own labor Mr. Bbaffei will never arOUtt any public sympathy in behalf of a pro longed strike merely to put the SMC ciation in that position of power. It becomes not a strike for workingmen's rtfhti but for the imposition on workinmen of an Organised machine, whether or uot they desire it dom loot 100 of their affairs. If such a strike results in disorder it becomes an outbreak not in behalf of liberty but of tyranny ,and w ist labor leaders will think carefully and solemnly be fore they persist in a struggle which promises such an outcome. If anything aiie your nair, go and see hraxer; he's the headquarters (or all hair remedies. Kemember that be uiakee a specialty of these goods. tf 1 BtretMMi locals. Ciarke A Falk'e flavoring extract? are tne beat. Ask your w "cer for them. K. B. Gilbreth A Sons will keep at all times a supply of hay. grain ami leed which thev Will retail at the lowest market rates. J-tf Wanttd A smalt family to occupy the home and keep house (or an ajje l widower. Libera! terms can be had. Apply at thie otllce. y -- lm The Collins hot spring? are now open. No hotels, but the finest of camping grounds. Hunting ic Hosfonl. man agers. Co'iins. Wath. augS-lm Why pay 11.76 per gallon tor inferior paints when vou can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for 1.60 per gallon, guaranteed for 6 years. Clark & Fa'.k. agents. ml In cases of cough or cfOOp give the little one one Mioute Congh Cure. Then rest easy and have no far. The Child will be all right in a iittle while. It never fails. Pleasant to take, always safe sure and almost instantaneous in Sffiict. Clarke A Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Just received at Qilbrath A Sou's lumber yard, a few carioads of No. 1 j cedar nots ami A shingles. They are agent: tor Heath & Hiliigati S cele Orateil shingle paint. Call on them ; their prices are all right. Wood not titimed is better by 30c a cord than wood that is. jylO Tne White Collar iine. Baiiey Gatzert, trill Mil through roanil-trip ticket? to: Seaside and return. Tickets good goiup from Portland over the White Collar line, 0. K. & N, Co.. V, T. Co. or the A. & C. R, R., and return over same lines. Baagaze cheeked direct to either North , Beach. Seavie. Ling Beach, Breakers OcMB Park or Kahcotta. Limit of ticket September loth. ag-rit. !, M. Filloon, Drying preparations simply darel opeby catarrh ; tuey dry up the secretions, which adhere to the m nibraue and decom pose, causing a far nior -eriou, tremble than the ordinary form of ca. rrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, .-mokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heala. Ely 'a Craam Batm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or com in tne iieaa easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 1" cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers. 56 Warren St., K.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itseli over an irritated and angry surface, reliev- ins immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Baim you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. We offer for a limit ad period the twice-a-week Cukonicle, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregon ian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year Subscriptions under this offer mast be paid in ad- ranee, I Subscribe (or Tut CHRONICLE. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Good RACING in Afternoons. the LatSSt Attractions in New Auditorium Building Kvery Evsning, with Good Music. Baotl(al Camp cirnonils Free. Bpcoigi Rates no Csmpars1 Ticket. Coins and llritig our rami lee. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For lurther particulam, addrejs If, D. WISDOM, Bsc., liiiiglm Portland, reton. Nasal CATARRH In all it tUttv ism lid ss clsaajllaesa Ely's Cream lialui C I trill e , I , o tlie 1 1 1 1 d h vil the dia-cd iMeibftae. It cure-, raiarrh an 1 drive away a Cuid in tuc head 4uitfc. j Otaaga Balm il IStsal Into the noatnla. tprtadi gSgf the memiiraiie and i aoaorbed. h.ifiaiiu aiedute and a cure to. low, it la aot ..r . -,i. not peasjaes Msatag. itrge sue, so cat in ... gut- j.- liy mat:; Tria. Su--, '.'i cents by mai mx uhutukkis, 4o M irr.u Mirt, Km York. The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at Nolan Profit-Sharing Association are 1 set Dickens, 15 vols., publisher' pnee $22 -0: 1 set Knirrhfs History of England, 8 vols., publisher's price 12: 1 vol. ,Uft"e of Bible Pictures, illustrated bv Pore: 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by 1. V. Powdeily; a $3 rebate to person paying the most cash during tour weeks end-mo- no- 3d and a i2 rebate to person payinc in second largest amount of cash during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone. 5 fert A- Condon phone No. 92. Give me a trial. INI. T. NOIiAN. White Collar Line. tub Baiies-Portiana Rome gtr B AILEY-G ATZERT DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks. Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalies. TIME CARD Leave Portland . I A.M. .3 ! M. .4 " .10 " Arrive The Dalies. . . eave " Arrive Portland. Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. "This Route has the Grandest sceuic Attractions on Earth. Portland- Astoria ROllte Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Hound Trips except Bonday. TIME CARD Leave Portland ieave Astoria M. M. Lanling and offlce-Foot Street ; both phones, M 351 oi Aider Portland, Oregou. g w CKICHTON, Agent Portland, ttn . ' . 4 . ' FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A j TayLuj.: Ageul Astoria. , , Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, LARGEST STEAMSHIP IN THE WOKLU, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. The niaanineant White star twlnfctew steam I er "Celtic"" WflM ton ipeeiallT ebartered tor I the occasion, and for 7 1 days subject to the or i der- oi the dlreetoi of the party. To the Mediterranean and the orient, occupying day-.. Spending 18 days In Egypt and Palestine, hotel Rceotnmodauooi included. Vielttng Madiera, Oleraltar, Nnvtta Af rica. Malta. Bgypt, ili" Holy I.uud. liirkt'y. Uracce, Italy, vlie Kiviern I 1 1 u-1 .1 1. , i and Ireland, wif tttraetire (optional) side trips across ki rope. Ticket- i?ood to top over in Ku rope on I homeward royageand to re'urn by the White Star Iteemen oceanic. Ma, est:.. . Teutonic, c. ut of Triii. Brat.elaae, Iron Pew York aek t. Ne- '. ork, (MOO I and upivardj, ueording t.. itaterooi . tteoeagio dation including ihorc aienraionf. ho tels, fee-. (ru!de. drives and all necis-ary expeutes. Special Feature Md-ir!. Malta. 1-ilav- ii Keypt and the Holy Liiud. I onitantibOple, j then.. Kom..-. tne Ktviera. etc, I'nder th-niauaaenien' of Frank' . Clark, oi New York. Cairo, etc. !": further particular! i,!;-. HI llnO.N A ISltOlVNUlM-. Wlh ItlgtOn .'Street, The Dalles, Or. Ii interest..! irnd for illu-truted Btogram. John Pashek. The Tailor. Ha- ; 1 1 at received iikH) samples oi the latest patterns in Gent's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a -jod lit or no pay. : John Pashek. The Tailor TBe BflLDWIII BESTflUBBNT u gf, ftifcaOMi boaaee. First-Class 19 Euery lesp?Gt. T?als at pll roiirs. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. The table aiwavt supplied with the best in the market. 7i Front St., near Court, Tne Lialles. ... ; - .. - ou will not have boils if you take Clarke A Falk's snre cure loi boils. QPifin jXulllu i Yellowstone Park Line. the mma car route from Portland TO THE East. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW SI ( INK PARK Dit loot, Firtkui i sn LE ITS. ABUTS. No. Fast maii (or Tacoma. Seattle. I Uympin. Gray's No. Harbor auu soutn uenn points. Sp.'kam-, Ross land. B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewistou, Buf l..l5 a. M. taloHump mining coun try, Helena. Minneapo lis', St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Loot, Chicago and all points No. 1. east and southeast. S;60 P. M. No. Puzet Sound Express 11:30 P. M. for raeoma and Seattle 7 :00 .. M and intermediate points I Pullman first class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, s:. fauiana Missouri river pomr without change. stibiiled trains. I nion depot connections in ali Briucinal cities. B.wraKe checked to destinatton o: tickets. For handsomely illustrated desoripuv.. matter, ticket, sleeping-car reservations, etc.. call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (leneral Passenger Azent. 968 Morri son Street. corner Third. Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via s Shasta Route Trains leave The Dallas for Portland and way tat: ;-.:- at 4.i a. m. and ;i p. m. l.ea"e Portland Albany ATive Ashland ' Baeramento aaa Fianeiaeo g:S0am :0"'pm . .W.SOani 10:iijpni ..lJ:;am U:S0an i:00 p m l:t n . . 7:45 pm 8:15 a ni Arrive Ogdon " Denver " Kansas t'ity " L'hlento IS m 9:00 a m t:ii a m 7 . tj a n l:j5 m 7-SaS j -. -Xi a m Arrive Los Anex-ie El Paso " Fort Worth " City of Mexico Houston " New Orleans . " Washinirton " New York l-.Yipm i.i I. rn 6:S0 a m 'j -.So a m I .OO a m 6: i a m 7 :00 a m 6:00 p m ii:: a m y : "5 a m 1 :0u a m i:2o p m fi : iJ a m a m .u:l3pm 12 '43 p m Puliman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair can Sacramento to nrden and El Paso and tourist cars to Chicago, at Louis. New Or leans and v, ashmgton. Connectinff at San rranoiaw with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Leu'ral and south America. Set iger.: at The Dalles station, or add.tis C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Or Just What You mant. New ideas iu Wail Paper here. Sucti wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tastefui coloringe, vonre for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paint- D. W. VAUSE, Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trausact a Genera. Banking Business, Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Htates. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York. Chieetm ! Lome, San Francisco, Portland Ore- gon, Seattle Waah., and various points in Oregon and Washington, Collations at III !ni. .... orahle terms. ii Solium Pacific Co & rUi. ImiM SB eu- TIB coWDia PacKinoGo.. packers of PORKand M ANT FACT i'HKKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND j HAMS & BACON DRIV.D BEEF. FTC. mm Restaurant L V. HONG, Proprlstor. First-Class in Every Respect MEALS AT ALL HOURS. ' ntaro Cowurl in anr Rttrlp woocio uv-i on., -..- j .,,.. ST Second St., The Us 1 1 en. Or Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what you eat. Itartificiall7di"e9ts the food andaids Nature Id sirengthening aud recon- Strutting the exhausted digestive Or gans. It Is the latest a iscovereauigesir ant and tonic. No other nreDaration cao approach It in efficiency. It in staotly relieves and perruanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestioo, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralpia Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price SOc. andfl. Large sire contains 2Y, times smallsiie.BookallnboutdyspepsiamaiieUtree "eoared by E f?. DeWITT CO., Cblcaga Sold by Clarke & Talk's P.O. Pharmacy. : Just Received A fall line of Fresii Printing aud De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Kf.Y. t'ko, Vfelox ftnfT pistfl ill fill i'Pfi 1 Uil cuoc' Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, :eeds and Btanloy. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And al! accssones to com pie tg t lie outfit oi either t lie amateur or pro-; tessiona: uhotograplier. j Our Flureka Combined Toning aud Fixing batti is a dandy. Try it. 1 The A. E. C. Developer for plates, ! films or developing papeis has no eijual. Enoogh forBQc to developed doen plates i . or 8 dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks tad white are guaranteed, if directions re followed. Ask for the A. E, C. I)e valopar, and see that yon get the genuine. We are prepared tooompouoii any and ; II ol your own formal;, and gliarautse satisfaction, At the old place, 178 Bscond Btroat The lalie.-., ireguti. Geo. C. Blakeley. Bil.lTAIHliu.nn,,, 1 L. Lane, UBNEKAL m J Wagon and Carriage Work. Fiah Brothers' Wagon. Third anil Jefferson. Phone 159 Blacksmitn ...AND... Horsesfioer Oregon Shot Line AMD Union Pacific DIM KT TJMK SCHEDULES TnnM TUE DALUtt. ARRIVE FROM ohtcago Poriland Hpecial. 1 :" p in Hunt Ington. Atlantic Express, ! W:o0 a. m. . vu Hutu ington. St. rati' Fust Mali, t SAP, in. via Spo i kaiit. Silt 1-ake. Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan fayCtty, St. limits, Chi cago and the East. IrOB p. m. Suit 1-nke. Denver. Ft. NSorth. Omaha. Kan as City, Si Umla,Chl ougo and the East. i Walla Walla, UuNtnn. .Spokane, Wallace. Pul 1 ri.'ii,. Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee, Chicago and East.; 1 18 a in. S:S8 a m. OCEAF AND EIVEE SCHEDULE Prom I'ortlaml, '.! sailing dates sub jetu to change ) For San Francisco, Bat) every .i days. s oc p. m. l Ofi p. m l!il- exeept -iiiniav. vaj p. m. Saturday, 10:0U p. m. Kally except Sunday, BUB a. at. Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, 6 Oti a. ni. Tnasday, Tbnrsds) . Saturday, 7:00 a. 111. Culumlila Klver. To Astoria and Way- 1:00 p. m. except Sunday Landings. tVlllamettn River. Oregon City, NeWBSTg, saiem. Independence, and y sy-Landingi, l:S0 p. m. except Sunday. 4:80 p. m. .Monday, Wednesday Friday. Corvallia and Way. Landings w 1 1 lamette and 8:S0p. m, Vninhlll Itlvera. Uonday, Oregon City, Dayton and W ednesday Way-Landings, rrtday. Uave Bl parts dully. 3:40 a. in Snake ItlTer. Riparia to Lewtaton. Leave Lewiitoo daily. ::'tl B. DJ, I-arties aeolring to ro to Heppner or iximts i-n ( uluuibiii Southern via Hipgs. siiould take No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 13:25 p. m. making direct conneottons at Heppner junction mid Bicgs. Returning msking direct conneoUoti at Heppner junction and Klggs with No. 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1:00 p. m, Koi further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Complete Cir;e of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. 60 Y LARS' EXPERIENCE B saa aw VMM TRADE IWAnris Jebigns COPYRIGHTS &: Amvoiip Mndlng a sliPich and de.ioripti"" m" quickly uacortaln our opinion fro wnetber invention w j i.-m :;, Cominunii'i tlom triotlrcanSdenttal, IlaudtXMk on I'mwits uiil freo. Lfldeal aueno; for MOuringJNitenti. 1'iltei.U taUen tlir.iuiih Slunii a Co. rCtV si'iciiil n-f wltboat chnrnc. in the Scientific jFlmerican. A handaomely lllattmtari w.'oiiir. lyirsaittlr. niilutlnu nt any Ki'iennii'' journal. Tcrina. f " "ir: (our montlis, fi. akaabyallnewsdaalerj. MUNN&Cc.36'"-' New M BfaAoii nakis nSi ft. tVasbiaafi J. S. tjOMBNCK, I' resident. il.vx A. VOOT. Caalne' First National Baok. j THE DALLES - - - OREGON 2 A General Banking Business transacud uepoaita received, subject to bigi" : urnn or jneca. Collections made and proceeds promptly remiiiea on aav oi collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold oa Naw York, San Francisco and port land. D. P. Thompson. Jho. 8. HcHanca. Ed. M. Williams, Ubo. A. Liaaa. H M. BtALL.