The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 08, 1901, Image 3

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ft 4 $ $h$ $ M
Tarty Will Mak IhU Climb
l.attci- Tart nf nKut
Every economical
ad wantage of our
woman in the city should
Here are
20 per cent.
I Discount dales
to TIE to
A fi.
9 H
For this week we offer you 2 per cent, off on
all MUSLIN UNDERWEAR in the house, includ
ing Muslin -Skirts, Gowns, Chemise, Drawers, Cor
set Covers and Children's Muslin Stuff.
For a few days we will offer you a line of nar
row FANCY RIBBONS in all shades; regular 10c,
a! 5c ler yard.
Talent Leather, cloth
top $2.00
Tan Kid, in plain or
cloth top 2.00
Vici Kid, plain or
cloth top 1.00
We want to clean these
so nere s your chance
money -saving.
: A . it
"W "ST-
' v ft ft ifl ft
The Dalles Daily Chfonicle.
in attendance as it will be a tieat which j Portland, is to the effect that it will be
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
we are lucky in receiving.
1901 ' About the middle of the day laet Tues
: r, J day the barn on '.. F. Moody 's place at
-) i the old Miller bridge burned to the
j ground. It waB well tilled with hay and
: contained a span of mules, which were
i also victimB of the flameB. Ex-Governor
Moody arrived from Salem laet night
and left for the ranch this morning.
The fame of "Jack the Ripper" and
''Jack the Hugger" came near being
! mined in Astoria by the actions cf a
! kiBS thrower named Alferd E. Wilson.
ah Waacu county warrant rcgwtered i There was nothing stingy about Wilson,
prior t. September 1808, will be paid n.nml.nnrl.1 b;aooQ ,
vious condition of servitude, lie is in
j the stnte hospital for the insane by this
When Hev. U, F. Hawk arrived home
from Collins today he diecovered that
The time limit for the payment of , someone had broken into his houee dur
'lelimjtient taxes has been extended one j ing his absence and raneacked things. I
week.ur until the ioth of this month. j So far, however,, he could not find that
un presentation at my office. Interest i
ceaie after .Inly 13, 1 001 .
County Treasurer
impossible for him to be hereon account
of illnes". His wife and Dr. Johnson, a
nephew of Mrs. Mynn. will arrive to
night. The CiiiiOMCi.E is always glad to re
ceive news of every kind sent into the
office. If you have some one visiting
you, the reporter may not hear of it.
Such matters are of interest and it is a
convenience for their friends to know
they are here. It is thusentirely proper
for you to jot down the item and send
it in, or telephone it in. There are hun
dreds of ways in which you can help the
local force, with little inconvenier.oe to
yourself. It is such neigbborlinese and
The Telegram aya that Frank J.
Smith and Walter T. Stowell,
of the Regulator Line e ploring party,
are perfecting arrangement tn scale the
j summit of Beacon Hock, or, as it is more
' familiarly called Castle Rock, the loffv
', mountain peak situated on the upper
Columbia river, about 'V mi!-, from
Portland by water route.
So far as is known Us scarred and pre
cipitous sides have never been climbed
by white man, and probably a century
lias elapsed since the last great Indiin
chieftain was laid to rest on its summit.
W Castle Rock is probably 1000 feet in
5t height, but this is but an approximate
j figure, as no measurement was ever
jjj j taken. lis nase covers I81J acres of
j-j, 'ground, while at the top it measure at
W j least an acre i n t xtent. Vague rumors
W ' have it that for ages the summit of this
most peculiar formation of rock served j
! as a burial ground of the great chieftains
M toe tribe of the Ooiiomamans. 1 he '
whole country surrounding the rock is
rich in romantic legend, and the ground
is strewn in great profusion with Indian
relics and the bleaching bones of (he
aboriglniee. In 1856 this was the very
scene ot a terrible Indian massacre. It
was in this vicinity General (irant spent
the earlier days of his life.
After making the ascent of Castle Rock
the party proposes to extend the trip to
take In the ruins of the Bridge of the
Gods, from whence the view ie unsur
passed. The trip from Portland ami the etcent
of the rock will take at least four days,
and all of two weeks will be consnnud
in completing the trip.
Among those to accompany the partv
will be George M. Weister, official pho
tographer: Dr. Hamilton Meade, physi
cian: Charles K. Sawver, statistician;
official botanist, geologist, heliograph
signal man, and reportere and artists of
the leading dailies and magazines of
Oregon and Washington. John Baugh
man and William R. McCord, two well
known old timers on the Columbia river,
will guide tiie party. The start will be
made in the latter part of August.
A reconnoitering partv wlil leave
Portland on the steamer Regulator next
Sunday for the base of Castle Rock to
make preliminary survey in order that
a route may be established to the sum
mit and so that proper appliances may
be secured. They will also report on
camping placas and a most accessible
route to Archer Mountain and the itmit-
ment to t he Bridge of the Gods.
Valise I. iiki.
A few days aince a valise, containing
jwaluable government papers, was taken
from our
acta of kindness that help the work of rnrnhahIv thrnnri mJ.-w-
i l a .1. . Ir -
uu.y reporter anu aoo interest to to. , gt ie rai,rofll GaQp c n t,je
columns oi me paper, -j- -
see, ae well as feel, that its getting much
cooler. ,
Wanted - A second-hand buggy, with j
lop, cheap for cash or in trade for a
Wtfh. Apply to Charles Bulley, Co-j
lombia Feed Yard. B6 lwd
Steamboat traffic betweeu Portland j
and San Francisco will remain closed.
r'ie 0. R. 4, x, Co., refuses to fight the
ssn Francieco strikers.
Portland had a iNO.000 fire yesterday !
morning, when u Htable was totally de-!
boyednnd forty horses burned. The
or'l!lnof the tire is unknown.
For Sale A four-holed gasoline stove, i anything had been taken, and therefore
with laroa ,...., l ..,..!; . i ! concludes thev at once discovered it was
r M ''H , IU KOU V WJHI1UUII , a IDU I ' '
an office writing desk. Apply at this j a minister home and they had got into j ! al8 '"ducted to draw a warrant
office. 0 4t j the wrong pew.
The maximum temperature today wasTi In tbe near future Dr. 0. Siddali ex
pand the minimum 55 degrees. So you jpeete to commence the erection of four
klwelliug houses ou his property on the
'corner of Fourth and Federal street?.
Dwelling houses are now greatly in de
mand and by fall it will be almost im
possible to secure a place of residence
here, unless some of our property own
ers follow Dr. siddali 'e example and
build on their vacant lots.
Prostrations from are almost un
known on the coast. However, Walla j
Walla furbished one instance Tuesday
when a section hand at the Washington
and Columbia River railway depot sue
combed at 11 o'clock that morning. He .
'4 ..-..1 linn., - i, ,1,1,,, i, f , , ..... y , r fuiio ami
Cilmillnir narln l,..l l,H, hV ... . I
r vj locii untiia- hgnof WVN swollen Dully ano DU sain i
left on the 1
jry0'"" lending. It ie difficult to say !niy 97 t , thought the man's blood
ueo 'i !ith" 'HVorite re8ort with ourjwaB in poor condition and his health.
r luiawMao, cascades or Uomnsj bad, which caused the heat to havr. an
"je beventh
sion grounds lelow town. As these
Our councilmen seem to be carrying I papers cannot be replaced without great
on protractel meetings this week, hav- i expense and delay, the party who took
ing met ast night and arranging for an- j them will confer a favor on us by leav
other meeting tomorrow night. At laet j jDg them at Tiiii ClIBONiCI.B office or re
Digbt'a meeting the report of R. H. j turning the.11 to us through the post
Thomas In reference to the city's books office. No mistake as to the identity of
was read and ordered filed. The record- ' the r.aners ean he made .is thn nam a f
RePllllAnlul Konrl ..-111
. . unuu i. 141
'ntth music on board the Bailey Gat-
Sunday. All lovers of good music
'll erM,y a treat if they will visit the
' sunday afternoon at 3:15 p. m.
IMMnoerl Will be given from the deck
wUMiteeowr. tugi.8t
'Tie not strange that visitors to Xow
Iron the Western coast return
"JMOgthai their next visit will be made
u'er,t"ter is registering
--w. I
unusual effect on him.
There ie no doubt that ai our very
doors we have u health resort (qatl to
any in the United States and which if
properly conducted, would be as great
a boou to suffering humanity as any yet
discovered. We refer to St. Martin's
Springs. Visitors who have returned
from that place tell us that a gentleman
who left there yeeterdny iffeied the
ow ners $48,000 for a ten-year lease, with
he would make im
""PoriN HHV that 1 1. .1 .L-.
,i, . j inhi lag, 111u111.11 wan : tuc anurauw iimi
""nottest.Iulv in New Vn,L .1 .k. I
aalk.. . w-w
thlri uuretu' recortU were begun ' The offer, however, was refused.
for if Si in favor of Mr, Ihomas. On mo
tion of Mr. Keiley M. T. Nolan was or
dered to appear in person at the next)
meeting and give explanation concern
ing the security on his note. Another'
matter of bueiuess was the petition of !
Mr. Ulrich asking to be allowed to use a
! piece of the land on the beach for gar
! dening purposes.
Arthur Hampton, pon of Mr. and MrK.
D. M. Hampton, of Monmouth, died at I
The Dalles Hospital this morning at 8:80
' o'clock. The young man, though a boy i
' iu years, being aged 15, was a man in
suture, six feet two inches in height '
i and a fine looking fellow. He had been :
j with hie sister, Mrs. S. A. Johnson, of,
Wasco, a short time, and when taken ill '
was w )rking in the harvest tield. He1
was brought to the hospital here laBt
! Friday and operated ou that night for
appendicitis, but with a forlorn hope
when his condition wab known. His
mother arrived Saturday and remained
with him, and hie fattier reached here
, laet night. His remains were taken to
Monmouth today for burial.
If the good work of fie foreet reserve
supervisor goes ou we may be assured
' that we will not suffer from forest tiree
bo far as Mr. Dufur's district is con-;
'cerned. He informs us that the emoke
which settled down a few days ago was
caused by fues on the Washington eile
of the liver. Up to the lime that he j
made hie last report August ."d -there j
, had been no tiree to speak of, the vigi
lance of the rangers preventing. They
report having put out twelve incipient
W. R. Steart will be found thereon.
A. L. Anderson,
W. R. Btkwabt,
ah 2'd-Iw Railroad contractors.
For infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
provements to the amount of $1 ,000
At 0 o'clock last oveuing, after years
Ih JoiIMB ,.f L 1 . . Ji .I" -I M ,. a Ll ., ., .1,,,.! ' I ' ,. An , I... XT., .It.,.-.. AlaAim .,..,1 I...,
, -i mho hi Lin- irum I lien t i 01 auneriiig, line, luurymci r 1 j uii uidu i uibadb uu mt: ."Jiuirm uiiidiuu aitw iwv
lion ra ttt tue l,W(rth League cooven- at lier home on Tenth street at the age on the Bull Run reserve. Some good
m. held in San Francisco, nr. . ( Kl vnars. The funeral will take ulace work was done durinv the mouth of
church tomorrow
a bridge thirty feet in length and seven ;
feet wide, over the Warm Springs fork of
the Clackamas, dealing 150 miles of
trail and putting in twenty-five inilee of
new trail.
. ; . , .-nil i million . ni
et on tha L,.i .Li. .. ' . .. . ..
ln .i "l 1,1,8 "'ternoon and has fiom tbe Uatholic
. le gUeet of Ru IT C 1J i. j ! n.Ar. i,.lL. rr .i
liiu 1 1 u.k. ii an a our- morning ut v . u uiut;a. i uuiui i u n
an account of
tbe life of the deceased, it being impos
sible to obtain facts today. Word
received from her son, Dr. Flynn, of
Mil in m t-r Kii'iiraliina to uk Sa CoaSta
Only $0 50 for the round trip from
The Dalles to Long Reach, Tioga, Pacific
Park, Ocean Park t.r Nahcotta, Wash.,
good for return until Sept. 15, 1901
Baggage checked through to destina
tion. The steamer T. J. Potter wili
leave Portland daily except Sunday ami
Monday, and the HaSfalo daily except
Sunday, at 8 p. in., and 10 p. m. on
Saturdays, making direct connections al
Astoria and at l.waco for all points 00
Oregon and Washington beaches, ('all
on Jus. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
for through time caul to all beach
points. jlyS'Sm
Commencing Sunday, until further
notice, the t). R, iv. N. will sell round
trip tickets, Dalles to Cascades, for 1.
This rate applies only to parlies of five
or more, tiood (of Sundays only, laglm
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing between
Maximilian ogi tud Philppiue Chap
man, under Die firm name ami style of
Max Vogt & Co., is i his day dissolved
by mutual consent Maximilian Vogt
will continue the business of said formei
firm, and will receive and receipt for all
moneys due said firm and pay all debts
...The New York Gash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
See our Show Window.
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment t our Btore. A new fresh,
clean stock, (live us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
We pay strict attention to gettinj
l 1 11 1
are honest. Equally much troUDie
shoes that are easy.
hoes that
It) serine
The Price is an important factor and finally,
we lose no opportunity to obtain styles that arc dinTer
cut from everyone else's.
Stop in when down town. Would be glad to
show them to you.
i iirt-r Hssabart feke VoUee
Mrf. N. h. Otistin, statti organizer of
the Knights and I.adiea of Hecuritv, 00
the 10th of thiH month will o.ganize a
founcil of thin order to be fiailed bh The
Dalles Council K. L. of S. This bo-j
ciety iiaye accidental and old ame claims)
ami dots not increase, witti advancing!
years. 'I hone who wish further infor-
mation will do well to tall on Mrs.
(instill or G. A. Marshall at the Oharr I
House. Admission as t barter members
one dollar: after the charter Is closed,
See dollars. uo lh
When font huir appears diyandto!
have lost its vitality it wants something 1
to give it life and vigor. We havo what !
the huir needs when it gets In 'hat con-1
dition. We have the Clown of! Jut ttie thing to take along when you
Science Huir aSMriiltf& (irower and go camping or to the seacoast. For said
Cocoanut Cream Tonic They by KKXTON A WAI.THKli.
in .I.,,,l MM ...if ... .1 oil I
mill ru ..HI... -HW- (. i , . Mil
t -alp 'll-Hr-l'H. lor Beile Ut 1 fii. I M iiT
her lbOp Price 50c anJ 7oc a bottle.
ihn. .1 - j , r . iiHNK ii ur- i intirii iiikf
ijir iita . , . -
liatar ,m,nUero' the day. Mr. Hawk : Chkomci. will contain
Mstbodi f I hLaVe him 8PMk 8t tl,e
hub nveiunar at n ut. ....... mliinK u-aa tliu liiiihlinu i.f tf.nn rai'l .1 liu uaiil fir m
IIUIIttUIUU Tlil.V... ..MB ...V .W M, v.. ' ' ' " w.
uatetj at 1 he lialles, Oregon, this 17th
1 hopes to see a large number
day of July,
jy20 6w
Gilford's Fotoe Never Fade.
PHIUPPIVI Chai-ma.v.
for I ale.
A J. 1. Case i e para tor ; good as new
and ready for work ; 32 Inch cylinder
and a 14 Woodbury Diugeo horse power.
On easy terms. Apply to
Geo koi Noi.ano,
jy-'-wkly lino
Dufur, Or.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third anil Washington Sta.
All orders attendetl to promptly. Long
distance phone -iS.i. Local, 102.