The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - - AUG. S, isni Tin: ODTINO CUSTOM. The outinp season is here. It is a season awaited with keen and pleas ant anticipation in tbta fair, wild Western land, where numerous in Huenccs Keep alive gypsy spirit. Our people arc a pioneer people. The first settlers, and tunny who followed them for more than a quarter of a century, came "the plains across. .Months were consumed in the overland iournev and the love of camp life and bivouac which time and civilization cannot wholly efface. In Oregon for many years the state fair afforded the pioneers aud their children an unusual picnic. They assemble at the capitol from all parts of the statu, driving overland, camp ing by the wayside and tenting it at the fair grounds in Salem. In time this custom diminished, but each year thousands went over the coast mountain tn the seashore, and this pleasant custom has grown with the increase of population. r .1.1. il .1... Aitltnn iaiUBUUIl luc annua. uu,6 can be attempted with more safety than in the Eastern states and the Mississippi valley. Here we have . . , , ,,.; ' i i atu.u..? w. ............. ...... 0, and we escape the frequent drench- inp rain storm? which deluge the older states with little warning. Open air life in the woods of the Pacific coast is also free from the heat which simmers over tha Eastern landscape. A third incentive to summer out ings is found here in the majestic beauty of forest, lake, stream and mountain, and in superior attractions of bunting and fishing. This annual communication with nature must eventually exert a pro- found influence upon the Character : of tins section. It will maUe them more robust aud active, keener of sight and more fleet in action, than me uouse-uweuere m less tavureu section In time it will develope a high literary culture, which always springs from the closer life with nature. Apparently Debs is not radical enough to suit some of the social democrats of the present day. Vet he was practically the founder of then party. lie made many strong speeches and wrote many eloquent tracts in favor of social democracy. In most of the radical parties, hotvever, the tendency i.s toward policies more and more radical. This is apt to put the leaders of to-day in the background to-morrow. They can not keep up with the advances toward new ground, and their places are taken by younger proselytes. It seem certain that under any other leader social democracy will not seem so formida ble as it appeared to be under Debs. His vote for president in 1900 was well along toward one hundred thousand. No socialist candidate ever before got a third of the voles winch were rolled up for Debs last year. In some parts of Missouri tbe rain are the heaviest exporiODOOd foi eighteen months. Tbe drought . eompietel) broken iii various sections and the whole state is like favor;. looking for Hluwn t A tans. The old idea th it tiie body sometifties need- a powerful, drastic, purgative pi 1 1 lias been exploded; ior ir. King'i New Idle PHll, whieh are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to px pel pollOnOUl matter, cleanse tiie system and abeolutely cure Oonitipation end Sick Headache. Only 'J't- at (i. C. Blakeley'i drug store. 1 If von want to retain vani nair von have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery beat preparations for cleansing the acalp Fgg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossv. t'rice, JK) auu OU ceiltS a bottle, at r razor's barber chop, The Dalles. tf 1 Isubfcribe for Tut OiMONlOLK. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extract? are ttie best. Ask your c cer for theui. R, Bi liilbreth Sons will keep at all times a supply of hay, grain and leed which thev will retail at the L-west market rates. 2tftl Wanted- A small family to occupy the home and keep house for an age 1 widower. Liberal terms can bp had. Apply at this otHce. jly'J'J-lm The Collins hot spring are now open. No hotels, but the finest of camping grounds Hunting iV Hosford, man agers, Collins, Wash. aUfo-lml Why py $1.76 pei gallon for inferior1 paints when you can buy James E. i Pattone iqq proof paints for $1.60 pat ml Ion. guaranteed for 6" yaara. Clark & reiki agents. ml 1 n eases of COUgl or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest eajy and have no fear. Tiie child will be all right in a little while. It never fails. Pleasant to take, always safe sure and almost instantaneous in effect. Clarke A rail: s !'. O. I'narmaey. Just received at lillbreth .V Son's lumber van), a few carloads of No. 1 cedar posts and A ' shingles. They are agents lor Heath iV Miliigan's eele- brated shingle paint. Cal on them ; Wood not their prices are r.ll right tiu Died is better bv oOc a cord than wood that is. jylO Tup White Collar line, Bailey Qatiert, tbrough r0:uut.trip ticket(. to J Seaside and return. Tickets good going from Portland over the White Collar ! Hne, 0. R. & N. Co.. V. T. Co. or the A. & C. R. R.. am! return over same lines. Haagage cheeked direct to either North , , Sp:u"hh-. me Henc i. Hrp.v ;er Ocean Park or Nahcotta. Limit of i ticket September loth. J. agent. M. Filloon, Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up tiie secretions, which ailtiAra to the m iiihrauo and deeoni- Doae.oausins a far more serious trouble than the ordinary form of cat; rrh. Avoidalldrv. lug inhalants, fumes, i-mokes and snuffs aud nao that which cleanses, soothes aud heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy aud will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. El v Brothers:, 56 Warren Bt., N.Y. Tho Balm cures v.ithout pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev- ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Elv's Cream Halm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. tT- . .-. .1' . t it . . . j : .. .i . , n ,, twice-a-week CHRONICLE, nnce 11.60. I l uutri ijr u ii'iiueu jieriun me nd the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, 1 hotii papers for $2 a year. Subscription! uiiuci kill? unci iii'i-. w3 t , . ' . ill au vance. f I nn . ,i n.i.i Subscribe for Thk ClIBONICLS. OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM September 23-28, 1901 i Great Agricultural and Industrial Fair. BIG LIVE STOCK SHOW Good RACING in Afternoons. the Latest Attractions in New Auditorium Building Every Evening, witi, ioud Music. Beautiful Lump Grounds Free. j,e,;iai Katee on Campers'' Tickets. Come and Bring lour Fand'Us. SPECIAL RATES on all RAILROADS For further particulars, address M. I'. WISDOM, seiM laugln Portland, Oregon Nasal CATARRH In all its stages thsrc shouM be cleaallasas. Ely's Cream Bnlni cleaiiKos, ooiUe and he&li the disea-t-d ni'-utOraiie. It cures i-aiarrli un l drives we eeld ill the head quick ly Cream Balm l placed Into the nostrils, ipreadf on i tiie luemlirinie and it aiiaorbed. lie ifiiui- mediate aud a cure follows. It ii not drying Uoee eat prnflarn sassilim. Irge eias, M oaots at Drug gnsi- r by nail i Trial iue, lOeeats 07 bmU, I U.I jnKl'UUUb.iu Wjrrm Street, New York. The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at Nolans Profit-Sharing Association are 1 sot Dickens, 15 vols., publisher's price $22.60; 1 set Knight'8 History of England, 8 vols., publisher's price $12; 1 vol. Gallery Of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Pore: 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by 1. V. Powderly; a S3 rebate to person paying the most cash during four weeks end ing Auc. 3d. and a ft2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount of cash during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone. k, fort & Condon phone No. 92. ( Jive me a trial. US. T. NOLAN. White Collar Line. me DaiiBs-Portiand Route Str BAILEY-G-ATZERT DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. time: card Leave Portland 7 A. M. Arrive the Dalles d i m. eave ' " 4 " Arrive Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. I j Portland-AstOria ROllte ; Str. "TAHOMA." Daiiy Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD 1 Leave Portland 7 A, St, i t P!1Vf. atnHi 7 a r.n.1;..,. .i . X? ; i.irt- , cwi, ui iuci Hlraal hath nhAnm SSI rilm,l Oregou. p vv rRK'HTOV ... p.,,.i,Bj 1 - , M. FILLOON, Ant. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, I.AKGK8T STEAMSHIP IN THE vGKLI, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. Tiie niagniSOSnt White Star twin-SOtflW steam er "Celtic," 20,000 ton) speoiallr chartered for the occasion, and for 74 days subject to the or-1 iltrs of the director oi the party. Tn the Mediterranean and the occupying 14 days, Orient, I Spending J law In Egypt and Paletin 4 fi i i m i , 1 1 wl i) f i . ml iiudiiil.,,1 hotel viaitm. M..II.,.. oi..r..i.r. v,.r,.. a . riea. Halt i. f-Kit, III.- Holy I. ami, Turkey, Ur-ee, Italy, Uie KiTiara, Bnglaod ami Ireland. - - - wit1 attractive (optional) side trips across Ku rcipe. Tioksta good to atop over in Europe on homew ard voyage and to return by the White Stai steamers Oceanic, Majestic. Teutonic, Jtc. t ost of Trii, flrat-alftaSi iron: Now York back li Neu V..rk, 840n and upward-, according t itateroom aceomir.o dation; Includini ihoro excursions, ho tels, iee-, guides, drives and all necessary expenses, M peetal reataraa Madeira, Malt,:, is days and the lion Laud, i iin-taiitii.oiih'. Rome, ti:' Kiriera, etc. manaaament of Frank v. riark. of New York, Cairo, etc. For further particular! address III IISO.V A ItltOWMIII.I., Washington .--treet, The iJalles, Or. j 1 1 Interested, send for Illustrated program. ' John Pashek, The Tailor, Has just received 1U00 samples uf the latest patterna in (ient's Clothing Qoodg. He guaran tees prices and a tlood fit or no pay. : John Pashek, The Tailor. T W. W . nil.sDN, Lessee. pirst-c;ia8S 19 Euery lespot. (Tqas at f rpours. PRIVATE PARTIES SERVED. The tahle always supplied with the best in the market. I 71 Front St., near Court, The !alles. vu . . ,.. ton. 11 fM Clarke A talk's sure cure loi boils. TDe BHLDWJN flESTHURHN Facile Yellowstone Park Line. 1 the dining oar route from Portland TH THE EAST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW 810NE PARK Union Depot, Finn and I sis No. 1 Fast mall for THComa, No. Seattle. Olvnipia. Gray II Harbor and .South HenJ points. Spokane, Ross Ian,!, B. (.'., Pullman, Moscow, LenUtOU, Buf 11:16 A. M. faloHump mining ooun- 6;60P. II try, Helena, MlnueapO lle, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and all points east and southeast. No. 1. No. 3. 00 A. M. Fuaet sound Expn, 11:30 P. M. for TaCOtna and Seattle aud Intermediate pomt.s Pullman first class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points Wltnoui c nange. Vestibuldl trains. Union depot connections in all principal cities. Baggage checked to destination of tickets, For handsomely illustrated descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping -ear reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 35S Morri son Street. corner Third. Portland Oietrotv SOUTH and EAST via ir Shasta Route n. . . . libuh wave in gtatlons at 4:2i a. m. and 8 p. m ' iiHiuit leu.t.' inv iMii.j- ior roriiauu auu way 7-oo nm Leave Portland 8:80 a m Albany 12:80 a m p m Arrive Ashland 12:88 am ii:80am " .Sac rain en to 5:00 pm 4;86 am " San Francisco 7:45 pm s:lo am Arrive Ogdon 5:15am 11:45 a m " Denver 9:00 a m 9:00 am " Kansas t.'ity 7:2.5 a ni 1 :25 a m " Chicago 7:45 am :30am Arrivi Los Angeles 1:30pm " El Paso 0 : Oil p m " Fort Worth 6:80 a m " city of Mexico 9:55 a m " lluuston 4:00 a m New Orleans. 6:25 a in 7:00 a m 6:00 p m 6;:Hi a m 9:55 a m 4:00 a m li:25 p rn " Washington 6:42 am New York.. liXUDl ,12:48 pm 12-43 pm 1H.10? 'h?'118 biUir n .-,.1IT,!1HI1II) III ijiri.,.,, 11,111 h I and tourist cars tn Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans auu asnmgion. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, central ami .south America. Bee agent at The Dalles station, or add.iss C. H. MARKHAM, Geueral Passenger Agent, FortUud. Or Just What You uuant. New ideuB in Wall Paper here. Such wine variety as we are showint? never he fore xraced a single stock. Keal iuiita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper pricee. Kletfant desiKiie, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trau sact a General Banking Business Letters of Credit issued available in K1tt"u'r" sl,e8. "'V Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold nn New York, Chicago, 1 St- Louis, Han Francisco, Portland Ore- 1 n, heattie wash., and various points JXPiW.hf. orable terms. Noriheri Southern Pacific Co P eu s meCoiuiiaPacKinglio., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUFACTl'RKRB OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. mm Restaurant L. Y. HONG, Proprietor. i : First-Class in Every Respect HEALS AT ALL HOCB8. Oysters Served in any Style ST Second St., The Dalles, Or Kodol J Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat It artificially disests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon- ! 4 t,T 1 1 1 ' t 1 Tl O" t.hP P Y llHI I St Pfl rfilTeStlVC QT- ' i wV.0 . 7j 1 I cans. It is the latest discovereddigest- ant and tonic. jNo other preparation can aPProacl1 ft in efficiency. It In 1 sutniiy relieves ana peruiaueuiiy cures uyspepsm, xuuigesoiuu, xieariuuru, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, ISausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price G0c. and f 1. Large size contains 2tt times small size. Book ftllr.boutdyspepsiamuiledtree ' "epared by E f5. DoWITT A CO.. Chicag Sold by Clarke & Falk'e P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received A full line of Fresh Printing ami De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, 'elrx ,and AHsto in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, M altigraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Kureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandv. Trv it. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, Blmi or developing pa pei i has no equal. Enough for. Hoc to develope 11 dozen plates ; or 11 dozen Yelox 4x5. Perfect hlacks -and white- are guaranteed, if directions re followed. Ask for the A. E, (.'. De- : veloper, and see that von get the genuine. We are prepared to compound an v and all of your own formula- and guarantee 1 satisfaction. At the old place, 17o Second Street, the Halle, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. 1 Lane, OKNKitAL 11 AND... r r a i Wagon and Carriage laark ! Petti Brothers' Wagon. I Third and Mc. pnoue 159 nil Horsesfioe OREGON Short Line and Union Pacific i r3FAKT TIME SCHEDULES arrivf FROM fou Tue DALLK8. from I CtaioagQ- I Portland salt I-ake, Denver, Ft. i Special. Worth, Omaha, Kan- 12:26 p.m. snsCtty.Ht . Units, Chi- 1:06 p. a, I via Hunt cago and the East. lngton. i-xnres's Salt ,Rke- Denver. Ft. Vi-ffla m Worth, Omaha, Kan- , ,- la i n .Lmikehl. m iUKton cago and the East. j Bt Pfttl Walla Walla. U-utstim. Fast .Mail. Hpokane.Wallace.Pull-1 I 9:26p.m. man. Minneapolis, St. :;::jn rn ' via Spo- Paul, imluth. Milwan i liana, kce, Chicago and East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Prom 1'ortlaoil. (All sailing dates sub-' jeet to change ) I :00 p. m. 4:00 p, m For San Francisco, Sail every 0 days. Daily except Columbia Hirer. ,.m i v00 1 m To 'Vs,or'" HI"' Way except Saturday', handings. Sunday. 10:00 p, m. Dailv Willamette Itlver. except oremn city. Newberg, eleeSi Sunday, saiem, Inoispendeuee, annS 1 0:00a.m. and Way-Landings. rowX Tuesday. 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Corvallis and Way- Monday, Saturday, Landings. Wednesday : f,.0O a. in. Friday. 1 Tuesday. Willamette mid 3:80p.m. Thursday, ITanthill KlVOrS, .Monday. Saturday, Oregon City, Dayton and Wednesday ; 7:00a. m. Way-Landings. "May, ! !;Pnvt'. Snake UWer. , Leave i Riparia Lewuton daily, ... . , , . daiiv, 3:0a, m. Hiparia to LowiSton, s . ,, m Parties deslritig to ro to Heppner or points on i oiuniDia soutiiern vih iiirks. stiouia taae No. 2, leaving The Dalles at 12:26 p. m. making direot connections at Heppner juuetion h:u1 Hifnrs. Ke'.urulng niukingdlrectcniinectioii at Heppner junction aud lilggs with No. 1. ar riving at The Dalle- at l:0.r p. m. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, I Complete Cipe of Drus at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. BO Y LARS' EXPERIENCE Br LOTS Trade marks Jesigns COPVRIGHTS & Aiivone Bending n Ikaleh mid descriptor Dia" HUlcltlr ascertain our ihiiii.ii free whether invention is innlmiiiv n iu-iiiablo. Comnnuiief 'loiMitrletjfeouttdential. lliuidbnukon Puteuw letll ires. Uldett m.encv for aeeurini; imtein. Patents taken tiir.mKii jiunn & Co. reiii'u ipetW tuwioc, without obarge, m the Sciettfitic Hmerican. a handsonielr lllastrarad w.-kiv. I.nrijesi olr ciiluliiin uf aur jioifiitiiii- jiiiiriial. Ternii. ' iVaiai'' Bold brail pawsdaalerj. MUNN & Cu.3GiC-ad New Yo'K li lltUM- I Mil.- I' WMll.ifr.M.,11. D ' J. - tiCHMNCa, Prealdent. Max A. V.m.t. Uiulilel First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Wight and Telegraphic Exchange eold w New York, Ban Francisco am' vori land. D. P. TuoMPaoM. Jmo. 8. 8chid. Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Liibs U. M. Bball.