Acker's Saved Her Life "About two miles from VasmT) Mich., where I keep a drug store, Uvea Mr;. X. M. Brett, Bhewas very tick and hopeless with 1 insumptlon l watched her oesc with Interest alter he began taktnn Acker's English Remedy for Don gumption, because I had heard so much about Its wonderful cim. Well, ir, perhaps r o u w 1 doubt it, lu wllh myown eyes l r.m this woman cot well and on that remedy, tn a vorv short time the cough stopped, her lungs were healed up. the soreness went, away, and she began tak ing on flesh, She herself Mid: ' Mr. Bullard, 1 owe my lift to Joker's English Remedy. Jt i- a certain Hire.' In Mrs. Bratt J I ne'ghborhood her recovery has occasioned much comment, as yon can easily under- ! atptid, Her case was one where everybody thought It was only a question of a little while until she would die. I feel It a duty j a- n druggist to write this letter, so that there need be no more deaths from consumption." (Signed) E. A. Bvt lard, Vassar, Mich. s ild at 26c., BOc. and bottle, throughout the United Mates and Canada ; and In Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2 s. 3d., -Is. (id. If you are not ; satisfied after buying, return tne bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. HV autkortte the OB0M pnarantee. H. 11. UOVKElt & IV., Fi-op'rkton, Acu- York. OA tronff BUSINESS LOCALS. A fill line of Kasttnan Alms and sup plies just received by Clarke A Kalk. Just received, nt C. J, Stabling's, carload ol BchliU .Milwaukee beer. ily''! Young lady withes to do sewing by the day. Telephone 134 for further par ticulars. jy31lttk Wanted A thoroughly competent girl to do general housework. Wager .-f'iU a month. Apply at this oflice. jy20 Iw C, J, Stabling has just received a larue consignment of BcblitK1 malt ex tract, strictly non-alcoholic and one of the het remedies In the world to huild up a weak or broken-down constitu tion. jl?29-lw Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee, Cures heart-hum, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief. 2o cts and 60 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. Mold Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. .'." cts ami oO cts. Blakeley. the druggist. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! Tfio Ilonnfn'p Uofinnol Comifn UourononDr i iin rnim n i nniiiiun rnmiiii nnvinun m bottled 1 11 V 1 WVM1W V 1IUUV1IU1 I UUliiu law a w I w i i To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. Trac hers' I ., in in at Ion . For oale at Blakeley 'fl Pharmacy, 1 K K S u ,S A 1 MENTION. Geo. P. Sink is In town from Kent. Krarik (iabel. of Wamic, is doing busi ness in the city. W. X. Wiley came in from Cold Camp this morning. E. llavi-s. Qoldendale's lumbertuon, is in the city on business. John Tivtten. Skamania county's slier-iffi-: it i from Steveneon. Donald McRea, one of Antelope's lead ins; sheepmen, is in town today. Q. L, Davenport, son of Louie Daven port, came up from Portland yesterday. Mrs. M. Parkins boarded the Shaver this morning on her way to visit Mrs. Lay cock, at Fort Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Weigei. who have pent ten days in Portlaud, returned home on the train last night. Kobert Stewart, ot Pease o Mays grocery department, is having his vaca tion and yesterday left for Seattle. Mrs. (i.C. Esheiman and Ilene left; Monday for Centerville w here they will spnd the month with the doctor's mother. A. E. Hammond, chief engineer of the Columbia Southern was in town last evening and left for Spokane on the night train. W. F. Qrunow, of Tin. Chronicle ! force, started yesterday for Moftitt BpringS and vicinity, where he will spend bis vacation in camp. Mrs. Baldwin and daughter, Miss Rosemary, went down on the morning boat to Portland and will decide later what beach they will visit. Notice is hereby given that the coun ty superintendent of Wasco county, Or egon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for state and county papers at The Dalles, as follows: WOB STATE FAPXHSi Commencing Wednesday, August 11. at 9 a, m. and continuing until Satur- 'day, August 17, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Peiinmansbip, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written Arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, hngliali literature, psychology. rOR COUNTY PAPXOS. Commencing Wednesday, August 14, at 0 o'clock a. m. and continuing until Friday, August 16, at 4 o'clock p. m. First, second and third grade certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar and school law. r riday Geography tic, physiology, civil government. Primary certificates: Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods. Friday Arithmetic, physiology, C. L. GlLBBU'l , County Supt. Wasco Co., Or. NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published Monday, Wednesday end Fri day, is In reality n fun.' nd freFli every other day Daily, gMnK the latest news on days of Issue, ant' covering news of th 3 other 3. It contains all impor tant foreign cable news Which appears ill the Pally Tribune ol SUUC date, also do mestic n nd foreign correspondence, short stories, elegant hull tone Illustrations, hu morous Items, liidui trial information, fashion notes, agricul tural matters, and comprehensive and re liable financial and market reports. Regular subscrip tion price, 1.80 per year. Wo furnish it with Semi Weekly Chroni cle lor 12.00 per year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. 1'iibiisiic "on Thurs day, and known for neatly sixty years in every part ol the Uni ted States as s nation al family m wspaper of the highest elans, for farmers and villa gers. it contains all the most Important general HCWS of the Dally Tribune up to the hoar ol going to press; an agricultural department of the Diguesi oroer, nas on -tenanting reading for every member of the tamuy,old and young: market reports which are accepted as auth ority by farmers ami merchants, and is clean, up to-datc, in teresting and instruc tive. Regular lUbscrln tion priee, fl per year. . We famish it with Semi-Weekly Chroni Ole for $1,60 per year Bend all orders to Chronicle Publishing Go., The Dalles, Or SEWER NOTICE. Mrs. II. L. Jones and son, Guy, were It Dazzles The World, No Discovery in medicine has ever : created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's N'ew passengers on the Shaver this morning , Discovery for Consumption. It's severest bound for Fort Stevens, where they will tests have been on hopeless victims of be the guests of Mrs. M. E. Montgomery. Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, P. P. Beach, of Ben Francisco, secre tary of the Eastern Oregon Land Com pany, returned from Snanlko whither ue accompanied Mr. Parr. He will remain in the city a few days. HORN, To Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Meeker, of Three-Mile, a son; weigiit nine pounds. Hates tu PanAmrtoan Exposition, Hound-trip rates via 0. R. & N. from The lMlies, 81.90. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays during June, July, August, September and Octoher.good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Rjtura limit thirty days from date of sale. Scop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent 0. K. A N. Co., The Dalles, whereby tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Muflalo. tf Iamkm Ikki.and, Agent P. T. Thomas, .uunerville, Ala., "I was suffering from dyspepsia when 1 commenced taking Codol Dyspepsia Cure. J took several bottles and can digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation containing til the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. Clarke & Falk's P. Q, Pharmacy. Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarseness anil W hooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world, it is sold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c and 11.00. Trial bottles free. 1 Notice to Taxpayers. Notice is hereby given that the com mon council of Dalles City, at a meeting thereof held on Saturday, the ,'Jd day of August, 1001, determined to construct and relay a drain and sewer described as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a point where the center line of Court street in tersects the projection of the south line of the lirst alley south of Fifth street In said Dalles City, and running thence in a northerly direction along, or near, the center line of said Court street and along the line of the old sewer now located in said street, to a point where the center line of said C ourt street intersects the proj-'ction of the center hue of the alley between Main and Second streets, in said city ; thence westerly to said alley anil along the center line thereof and a continuation thereof to the west line of Union street; thence in a northwesterly direction, along tho most practicable route, to low water in Mill creek. Said council also at the same time deter mined that the cost of the construction and relaying of said drain and sewer should he assessed against the property benefited thereby, and declared the pres ent sewer and drain now in existence mental aritiime-1 UDOn ant' along the line above described to oe in a uangerous condition, and fur- ; ther provided that notice be given of the Construction and relaying of Baid drain and se.ser by publication ol a uotice for two weeks in The Dalles Daily Chroni Cie, the first publication thereof to be i made on Monday the 5th day of August, 1901, and final publication thereof to be on Monday the Kith day of August, 1901, and further determined that said drain and sewer be constructed and relaid as above mentioned immediately after the expiration of the time mentioned in said I notice. All persons interested are hereby noti fied that said drain and sewer will be constructed and relaid as above deter-; mined and provided for. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Aug. 5, 1901. ! J. DoiiaitTY, Recorder of Dalles City. The board of equalisation for Wasco county, Or., will meet and be in session at the court It Girdle The Globe, The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer ot Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at G. C. B'akeley's, drug store. 1 Wryinpr preparation! simply devel- opdry catarrh ; thoy dry up the secretions, which, adhere to the membrane and decom- ' i DOKfl. nan si nr. n. f;i r rri nro k- t i hi 1 r, 11 1 1 i , t linn i house of said county from i tun rml in:ipv fnrm nf cr,t'irr)i Avoi.l nil ilrv. ! Monday, August 86th until Saturday, i iug inhalants, funics, smokes and snuffa ami use that -which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial sio will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 50c. size. Brothers, fit! Warren St., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, does not iritate or cause sneering. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will euro the worst cold in twelve hours, or money re funded. 25 cts. and 50 cts, Blakeley, the druggist. August 31st, 1901, both daS inclusive and will attend to any and all matters which may come before such board for consideration. The Dalles, W asco Co., Ot., August 3, 1901. 0. L. Schmidt, aS-d&wtf Assessor, Wasco Co., Or. Why not spend the vacation at Va qnina bay, where can be had excellent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe bathing, alluring rides and rambles. The courses and exercises at the summer school of 1901 at Newport will afford irreat variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort offers equal attractions and like advantages- junll-tf Bones to Kent. Eight room modern dwelling house; heated by furnace ; good sized lot with ! Won't Kiib It In, .lust wet the affected oart freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your ecalp clean. Soap wili make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have tuo of the yerv stable adiaialn! locate.! In . t.lMkU beat preparations for cleansing the part of the city. No trouble to rent scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It rooms enough to pay house rent. Call will leave your hair soft and glossv. on or address Hudson Ar. Brownhill, The ,,vwi sw am, . eoiun u uuuie, hi r razer s wanes. ,. ! and the pain is gone. 1 Falk. Sold by Clarke & Gifford's Fotos Never Fade. Subscribe for Thk Ciihoniclic. NOTICh. The following couiitv warrants will be cancelled by the county court in thirty days from this date unless called by the parties owning same within the next thirty days : Date And. Cbae Bradley.. .July 7, l Si: . 7u Wm Blum Julv 7, 1803. . 1 20 Mrs Bird March 12, 1892. . 1 70 Eee Blanton March 12, 1892. . 1 00 Kobert Beard. March 12, 1892. 1 00 Tom Branch Nov 12, 189o. . . 1 00 Wm Black May 0, 1892. . 7 20 1 A T Beers July 9, 1892. . 1 70 Chas Cannon . . . March 10, 189o. . 1 70 J ThOB Dorson May 0, 1892. 1 90 : , D W Ebersoll Jan 7, 1893. . 1 20 I M J Finlayson.. .March 12, 1892. 1 70: E A Haumes Ian 7, 189;; . 1 20 ! I W F Hinkle Nov 14, 1892. . . 1 00 j Jos A Kenna. . . March 12, 1892. 1 tiO j John Kotler Jan 7, 1893. 2 20 ; R F Moore May 11, 1891 , . 3 !0 Wm Hethen July 7, 1893. 1 90 i W M Murphv Inly 7, 1893.. . 2 00 Mrs S 0 Nelson . . .Nov 10, 1893. . . 1 70 I I Ed Nuton Nov 14, 1892. . 1 70 ! t II Palmer March 9, 1894 2 00 B A Pown. May 11, 1894 . 3 77 Q W Robertson. . . Nov 10, 1S93. . . 1 00 Jos Raben May 11, 1894. . . .'I 10 Geo Stiles Sept 12, 1992. . 1 70 W J Sunderland.. . Nov 14. 1892 , , 1 60 C P Saunders Jan 7, 1893. , . 1 20 I John Smith Jan 5, 1894... 4 70 Jas L Smith Nov 14, 1892 . . 1 50 John Wickstrom Jen 5, 1894 4 00 Wm Wedekind May 5, 1893. 1 70 Frank Wait Jan 11, 1892. 1 70 By order of the Honorable County Court ot Wasco County, Oregon. Dated this 16th day of July, 1901. A, E. Lark, County Clerk. NOTICE. Notice is hereby aiveu that the under signed will on Thursday, the Nth dav of August. 1901, at the front door of "the County Court House, in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day sell to the high est bidder for cash in hand, all of the propei ty to which Wasco county, or any other public corporation in said Wasco County, has acquired title by virtue ol sale for taxes, as shown by tho records of tax sales for said Wasco County. Bobxbt Kelly, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of Julv, 1901. jy8 dw 5tw DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between j Maximilian ogt and Philppine Chap. man, under the firm name and stvle of 1 Max Vogt & Co., is this day dissolved ! by mutual consent. Maximilian Vogt ! will continue the business of said former firm, and will receive and receipt for all moneys due said firm and pay all debts ! contracted by said firm. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 17th j day of July, 1901. Maximilian Vooi, jy20 5w Piuui'PiNK Chapman. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- The partnership heretofore existing between T. Poland and M. Heisler, un der the style and firm of Poland and Heisler, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. T. Poland retires from the firm and the business will be con tinued by Heisler & Son, who will col lee all accounts due the. iate firm and pay all its debts and obligations. T. Poland, M. Hkislku. Dated at The Dalles, July 17, 1901. jyl7-2wdAiw oaruer chop, llie Ualles. tf O. O. Buck, Beirne, Ark., says. I was troubled with constipation until 1 bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Since then have been entirely cured of my old , complaint. 1 recommend them. Clarke & talk's P. O. Pharmacy. Hut-scribe for Tut Cukomulk. II the action of my bowels is not easy and regular serious complications must be the final result. DeWitt's Little Eariy Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. ClaikeA Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Clark & bulk are never closed Sunday. Don't foriret this. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OrritE at Thk Dalles, ob., ( July SB, 1901. ! Notice is liereby Riven that hs IoIIowIuk mimed settler ln Blea notice of his intention to nut nuaiprooi in support t Ms culm, and that halil proof will br inaile before the Keg-inter ami Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mon ! (lay, September 0, 11)01, viz.: Fraud l. I.apierve, ! oi if otter, Pnmoi R. R, No. HTO for the IU NKU uU K., tfkU See. JO, T 2 N, K li E, W. M" He iiaiiitu. the following witnesses to prove his continuous rekiiteuee upon uud cultivation of j sslil laud, viz. : (.'has. A. Hchntz, If. J. Maiei sod Emlle Hchau no of The Dalles, Oregon, and Allen ItoberU of : Mosler, Oregon. Jlytl JAY Y. t.Ut'Ab, Register. Nasal CATARRH In all its stages there should be clcauliuets. Ely's Cream Balm clean see, soothes snd heals the. diauased membrane. It oefSS catarrh and drives away a cold iu the head quickly. r renin Itulm is placed Into tho nostrils, spreads over the membrane and is absorbed. Keller is im mediate aud a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce sueez.injj. Ijirgo Size, SO cents at Drug, gnu or by mail ; Trial Hat, 10 cents by mall. H.Y MOTHHMi 50 Wtrrse Street, New York. Jill WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, f you arc in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBINGr. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will hav) prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using so called kirlnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains In your hack. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and vonr nights made restful br the use of nnture'e greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. . Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. j J. E. Proprietors of FALT & CO., "The Owl' i 5 y Purest Liquors for Family Use i 1 Phones i Delivered to any part of the City. y 173 Second Street. 51 Local, 85S Long Distance. .MOTT'S DCKIMVDnVAl Dll I O Thoy rwt" weak rtWWTKUTAL rILLa zlsxssss . ; or and banish "pains of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. fil.OO PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, Tiie Dalles, Or. i p v MH I III j j j H If I 5 1 i 1 The TDeau, $ i Chronicle, ' W it fl I a a Job Printers. I j j j T ; j f t t iii 1 j fl ? ? : j ILLi ? j F. S. GUflNlflG, Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -1)1.. 1.1. It IN- Iron, Steel. Wheele, Axles, Springe and Blacksmith BuppU Aireat for Busesll 4 (;0.'s Kogiaes, Threstwrs .ad bw Mills. Telephone 157. Look Distance 1073. COl". SfiCOMl & LaDHWlll StS, THE DALLES OR.