Acker's Saved Her Life gdMMM two plltti ! r: Vtr arber, ' kaapa drag -'. lirai Brett KIm wu- th,- Mi'.-i... 1 M. M r CR'iC Ut.O M wit), cmmimptioi J v aV bd nt cu Will. ttltl Ml at: ' Mi o.yut. til If in Aok" Englier wmedj ff Cot, ttmptioo bwaiuw Ihatlle - t VTlU. CUrt." V. ... T V j ' i will t,' n -t i: tu' with to j own eye- I ;:v till- actual gel v Ol 1 :.a' KtBVdy Ji I- WJ pped her iu'.s- bee "I-' well! HWS . anc! !. !e-ar. 11 i- - iri.-"! Bsb. mm keraelfaaiu ' 51' Jiulsan: j am mj lile f A-k- - W':-' Kemedy li i- i toWl -ore I: Mr- Bratt'i "orbowJ net reoorer) bat crecaiorwd xi.- oomaeenl u em eaailr andca Ji -u- wit- wh-r- everybody tlvurhi it tiu- imli i auantiui . n iittie V IM ant) km woaia om I vet t outy ruggfcrt to writ- th lett - that then U homon cteatn- Eras rnitmiiiij'tirii " igDed) B BeuaM Vasa- Mi.r .. j; N HKlf&ittMttk UuougbMj nhad htau ami Oaneda; auo In Bog I Sd. 1'- U 4s It yi.i-: are Ti'jt ted aiu-i buying return th little to : i gel your nwmej bark jroui B' oirt'.wefx' thralnv w:"V&. li JlWiihi. A CO., ' : . . JfiH v.. J'or aale at Blekeley'e Pharmacy. P1CKMU0AI litEWTIOB Hoe. W. K. Bigg i in town today. tfiei lleode Michel I .eft thi morning foi mu outing at Iiag Beach Jriiii: Menefe retained lt night from a tHMUMM trip to J''jr:laiici J A. Mo Arthur, trio in tti . v cinitT o rnao- liafo batinets Mr ai : Mr 00 the i ; - 'i a li Pttfaeoa tatiie u;. fi ii fl . . : Bitot rot- t-r to;. I. : M. Williams caott up oo ::.r aooa tiain tr ni Catcadot a ttere i;e Oar "pent evja . s. Ml an'; ili H V. Weiji-a:i o iami J Wv-nt to Ciiirj- 'ariding today OH a cam; ifl trip. 0 nertere aod iT-A; Fist- veni V p." in Batarday, w tbey ar tbe gae?'. ol t itir uucie, B. B. .innott Mie- Piodauet I'atterson returned y!.'r.Jav from Wasco, be iha orrai to attend the f'.'t.era of Arthur Jory. Mis. K ina Otcoo ft foi rjeavlea L'.iii Beacii, on Tat Dal 1m City tnis murnifig. H..e war accompanied by IsOta KeiMi vho will be a guest at the G leu n oottsfe. Mist Ii,ra Nitieen and bat two risterr starie.j t Habeotta, lOf fcea'jh. tt,i? icrnin(. Thai wil. open toeir .- ittage arhieh ii adj'tioioa that of their grand mother, Mrs. ii Klindt. Iw!ie Butler carije ut or, the noon train f(-turrli,iu 0ti tbe boat tbi-r alter anon, lie teiie uy Tromao and Mrs. Butler rwtomed from A'atsa Friday, having iiad a delightfu trip. Mite Ailie Kaoati and two si-ter-. m eomi in lad by Ms Rlla Mars'. , of Was- 00, left tiii- morning or. The bailee Cit;. for the Koonti bomaat White Balmon. They were gije-.f. of tne Alie-es UoMOt Im night. Di H. A. Hturdevant Left on ttie nrxin Iran. todaV for I visit to blottOUM risar Glvnwood springs Colorado Trie hi. ha- not visittd bis parent' lor a aambat of years and erpects to remain w;t; them tnree weeks at ieast. liev. aad Mrs. (' F Hawl. and eon Ba; ir Mid were 'assriger on tbe boa' tl.i morning foi Loadief. Mr Elag wil re-Mrr. lo occupy P;s pulpit :". ut'end to duties in the cit . j-yininj; hi I imily at loterrali dnrtag thair oot log Mr- M. Hewlr, who ha1- made li.e Jia Ml tier home lor rnan year and wno is an earnest aalvatiaa Army worker, eta't-'t yes'erday for ft'. )at and eitiw near by where sr.e will visit re a ti v 51r Hawiy has decided to make iier home in the K-outh ; but we have 1. er : of BMBJ others who left with sim i ar intention-, but a ho ''came back." CASTOR I A For infants and Caiitiren Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bearn the J-.r. I( r ti, iu, I t,ea. A cb-ap rernely lor coughs and ootdg I ah ligut, but you want something tnat will relieve and cure the more e vere ami daogeioru results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do"' Go f. a warmer and more regular climate'' Ye-., if poeelble; ii not piMiole for you, tner: in eitner case take tin- OaM rea, ed; thai ha bMfl lntrodu'ted in al! eiii, i.ed eoODtriai with success in severe tnioat Hid lung troubles, "JJ.vscbee's German hyrqp." It notoulj heals and stimulates the tissue to destro trie germ di-ease, but aliaye loflaOIBMttOB, causes easy expectoration, giver a good night's reit, and cures the patient. Irv OMg bottle, Recommended many vears h all druggists in the world, and sold by Uarke A Falk. Oet (ireen'e prize almanac. o Subscribe lor Tut CHitOMICLS. f3 7-i-ti . I ill - llihl MM RotiM if hereto j vt, tad li.- t-puti-ty foperititei.d'!.: ol V. mm MM . Or jroa, I1 t. .:'! t;.- ragaktr MMateMlMJ ol pt'!icat:t6 fur nutt nd count v,,f,r u: T:.f Dataai, loMot . Ma ' IM . CoaiaMacftag Wdaaoday, Aafaal 31. at V u. tL. and KMItlliBtM Bali ;-r-dty, Ar.uot 1". 4 udwfe t u.. VfUfda P'-ii!itutiiiL ia( L .-story . ipotiiaa, aleora, Teadiui:. sciioo law. TtafRday Written A'ittiajvtic. the ory of iMOliiac Krawiiijar book'fcaefMafi Vtiyiic- civi! ovTLiJieut. J-r.da F; . faognfrlo Raaa ta. aritt.-uieiu f miptii:on : ' -. a ywgrafrtoy. r-Htcrda.' j ane jfe'jtuetry, Itinera biMorjr, Eoiiet literature, peyeaatoc? OoaiaMBciag aTadaMday , Aasaal .i. a it . 'aiaak a. u.. and Ntttiaaiag aattl fr;day. Au?ut 16, at 4 ocioc. p. w. First. et-nd et.c intrc ra it c-'t. ;.'. Wednesday PoaflMaofaip, Lift Of, 01 : ppt-r . rea-:iny. Ttiursu V. ritter. aritt.iiiel .t thaof ' teacuinjt. grauitna wi MhM . Friday Ueafrpbr, tueti'tt'- Br;'.ntiie tie. ptiraiolagr, citi government Primary certificate? Wadaatdaj FramanaLip ortayra. l . rfradirg. Tbursuai Art of tjacttiooiag, thaerj oi t-a. ri iDg. Dwtboda. Frida; Artttimt'.iv. pi.ytc.ogy C. L Bumm Cant) M.ip:. Wasco Co.. ' ll l.zir 1 ky W orld. N - DiMOvary it mtdiciae Um eer created one quarter of the esoHaaMBt that itas teen cau-ed by Dr, King s Kaa I'isv iary foi C meompUon. It'i severest te' i it"t. --n h ,ples? victims of Ooreumption, fneamonia, Hemorrhage, Flettrio and Bronchi tie, tnousande of wtion. it has restored ti perfect iiea th. For Coughs, Oofde, Aethma, Croap, Ha;. hf. iJoarsenes- and W hooping C .ugh it is tne rjcicKest. surest cure in tne world. It is sold by G. C. JJ.aae.ey the druggiet, w no guarantee: satisfaction or refnnd money. Lt'ge nottiet 50c and Iria: bottiee free. tiMli Allowed Tne following oil It were ai. rwadat the counci; meeting last s-aturray night Johr: C Ferguson, teau. r. re ,.f 4 (X Jiim-s els'-. team nire Qf James j.;ke. haniing . i "'. Fred .'-eujke, one oarre Columbia Fee'.' Vard. haaiiog Wa"i 4 Boaeitton, hauling Cr,a'.e- Fayette, hamm,: ,: Doherty, poalagjC stamps L Fayette, street ipriefcling, June arid July J M roomer, mea - elretiou oav I Brownhll . eanvaasiog vtes A I. Lske, same Ohronicla Pub. Co. e.ecti'jr. tick i I C Niekelaen, stationery . 'I irn-es-Moutitaitieer IlllinnOfJ B h Gilbretti 6: Sout lumhet w a Joims'on cv Co, mdee Mays A Croae. mdre N U ates, furniture L 'jeorge, hauling hose uart G J Farley, aeetion lawi 4 B6 o 5i' (IT 19 To 2 .vj Batai i" Pas'Amarieaa r.i. iii'iii . Bound-trip ratec via O. B. & K. from Tne, IH. '-iO. TicKets 00 sale first and tnird Toeadeyi daring lanaJaiy, August, September aod October .good lor, Bontinoona peeeaga going on date ol aie. ReUtro Halt thirty days from date of a,e htop.over- wil. be allowed ae-t of Missouri river or h; Fau 'l ret::, trip w ithin limit of ticaet. Arrangements le made by apply ing to agent O. B A N. Co., The Dalles, vbaeabj tickets ) pfc honored or. jaiit steaii;';rs in one ,r both direct I 101 be 'ween Detroit and Buflalo. tl J ansa lasLaan, Agent Hlowii 1u Alum,. The old idea trial tne body Sometime used a powerlui drastic, purgative pill has beer, explode-! : lor Iir. King Kaa Ufa Fibs, which ore perfect! barmlaoa, gently gtimolata iiver mwi boweli to - pe. poitoaoai matter, cieanse tht iraten and aosoluleiy cure OoMtipatlOD and Sick Headache. Only 25c at (. li ake.ej ' drug store. Baaea ta itei.t Eight room Qiodera dwelling house batted by loraaMigood sixed lotaitb stable adjiining lOMlad iii a d-.-siraole part of the city. No trouble to rent room enough to pay house rent. Ca, 00 or address Hudson A Browohl I.Tba Dalle. an, '.-to Why not Senl the vacation a' 1 a qaina bay, where can ba had 1 . fllenl tare, good Bailing, good boating left bathing, alluring nu and ramo . -. The eooreM and exercises at tne summer ktboo of ISA at Newport will afford great varietv of inetroetlon, diversion and entertainment. No Other resort oBereeqnal ittraetioni a.-.o Ilka advan tages jiiall if Floral lotion will euro wind chuppiug and sunburn. Manufactured by V'&rzt A Falk. Sulscrlbe for 'Iiu. CUkOatlCUt, C. d. STUBLIjNG, w !'; Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive promDt attention. I"es; door tc- i .ii,fini eh- ta i mj mi. i aai MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS of nienstraatioa " They art LIFE BAVEBS " to prla at voawalMMd, aidinr deTelopuient of orjranb and body. Ko kaowa remedr for women cattail tbem. Cannot do liarm iife l t easun JC1.4KJ lOX BY MAIL. Su!d In druffLsis. ML MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Clercland, Ohio For sa.e b 0eo. C. BiaKeiey T Trie Iaiies, r. BJSINEsfc a faU ime of Boatmar Sims aad sop plies heat received by C.arBe A Faik .lus; ret.-e:-.ed. at C. J. BtaMing'a, a aar load ol Behliti HI araaatee bottied beer j 29 2 w Voting ladl v. to do sewing ty the dav Telephone '-;-; f jr furtoer tiar- ticulars. j'.Sl-'. wk Wanted A thorough) tompetent gir. .to ut genera boneework Wages a month, Ap; Ij at this office. jyg$ Jw Acre l.jj iab Betaady will stop a eoagh at any time, and wil. cure the worst c..d in tweive hours or money ie furtied SB eta, and b. cts. Blakeley, the druggist. C 3. Btablhag Las just received a laraC consignment o! .Seniitz malt ex traet, atrietly DQBalcoholic and one ol tbf beat remedies in tne worid to build i up a weaK or broaen-dowri constitu ' tton. j'29-lw Achat r L'vpefsia laoiets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-born, rasing o' the food, distress after eating or form of dyapapaia. One little gives immediate relief. 2-u cts and bi cts B.akele , the druggist. Moki Tea poaitiTal) cures Sick Head acne, indigestiorj and conssijoation. A delightful herb drink. F.emoves all eruptions of the sein producing a perfect complexion or refunded. S cts and "" .: Blakeioy, tho dragghrt. N'jti.t i. Taaaairai i Tne board of equalization for Wasco COUety, Or. will meet and be in session attnei.yu't Louse of said county trom Monday August 2:i. unti. Saturday. Angoet Slat, 1901 , both data inclusive, and wil. attend to ativ and all mitters a which may come before suet, board for com! deration. The Da!:es, Wasco Co., Or., August 3, IfOl. L. L SCHMIDT, a3dawti Assessor, Wasco Co., Or, Gifford'8 Fotos Never Fade KawaMi Ba aretana t sa oaat. Only 86 80 for tne round trip from Tne Dalies Vj Long Beach, Tioga. Facitic Park, Oeeao Fata or Naheotta, Wash, good for return until Sept. lo, 1901 Lairga.'e cheeked through to destina tion. Ine steamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland daiiy except Sunday and Monday, and the Hassaio daily except Sunda , at 8 p. m., and 10 p. m. on ?aturday making direct connections at Astoria and at iiwaco for a points on 'regonanl Washington teactiee. Call on Jas. Ireland, agent. The Dalies, for through time card to all beach points. JI18 2m Dfyillfj prepftrotioni simply devel op dry catarrh , tney dry up the secretions, which allien: to the xu'.-uibraue and decom pose, caosiugafar more serioua trouble than the ordinary focxa Of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing innalaiiU, flimaa, smokes and snuffs and uae that which cleans, soothes and hoala. El h Cream Faun is, such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleaaaaUy. A trial a. will he mailed for OeeabL All droggiata sell the 6O0. size. Ely Brothers. SO Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itaelf over an irritated nod i..-;,'ry surface, reliev ing immediately th- painful iunammation. With lily's Cream BelaU you are anued against Nasal Catarrh and ILay Fever. II .Oil I 1 - Captured. BaatM Oil I Aug. 0, 1901. Two men Phil McGOBAOll and Henry Ham baft were arrested here today (or the Bed Hov hold-up. Good evidence against both. They were tracked from the acene of the huld-up. The third man has not been captured. l AM. I:Lt .'L Fire? Natioaal hunt. THE DALLES, OREGON. 'i.vT o-veroiiie W-si'.. irregularity and mioilViin. uwnm vi(f r and banish "paint NOTICt Tbe foi. owing count wan ants will be cancelled by tbe county court in thirty day? iruu. this date unless Bailed by the parties owning auie within tbe nxt tnirtv davs J'Ktt a it. Chat Bradley. Jaly T, iso::, $i 70 WmBlam... Jaly 7, 1893. 1 20 Ufa Bird . . .March IS, 1892 1 70 Lac Biantoo Mareb IS, 189S l 00 Bo bert iPsarcl. March 12, 1T'2 1 00 loii. Branch Nov 12. 189b 1 bO W.-n Black . May 8, 1892 7 20 A 1 li:ers . Ju1 U. 1892 1 TO Cbea Cannon Marah 10, 1893. l Tti 1: Dotaoo May b, 1692. 1 -90 D W Floersjli Jan 7, 1893. 1 2 M J Fiolayaoo.. Man n 12. 1892 1 To E A Haumes ,lan T. 1893 1 2o W F B inkle. . .Nov 14, 1892 i 00 los A Kenna March 12, 1892. 1 80 Joho Better. . . ..Jan ", 1893 2 20 B F Moore May 11, 1894 . 3 10 Vi'u. Meiuen Jaly T. 1893 1 W M Murphy . . . July 7, 18o3 2 0u Mrs B C Nelson . .Nov 10, 1893 1 To Kd Nuton Nov 14. 1892 1 TO t Fi Falmer March 9, 18v4 2 00 1: A Pown May 11. 18M 3 T7 G W Robertson Nov 10, 1893. 1 SO Joa IUiben May 11, 1804 . 3 10 Geo Stiles. .Seat 12, 19J2. 1 TO W J bondarland, Nov 14. Jkoj 1 60 C P Sanodera Jan 7, 1893. 1 20 John Smith . . Jan 5, 1894 . . 4 TO Jas L Smith Nov 14, 1892 1 50 Jnbn Wickatrom.. .Jan 5, 184 4 00: Wm Wedekind Ma 5, 1893 1 70 Frank V'ait .Jan li, 1892 1 70. By order of the Honorable County Court ol Wasco Cojnty. Oregon. Dated this 16tb day of July, 1901. A E. Lass, Countv Cierk. Don't be satisfied with temp rary re lief fron, indigestion. Kodoi liysepiia Cure pernianentiy and completely re iiiovee this complaint. It relieves per maneotiv because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest tne itomacb. Nature receives sup- ' plies from the loot! we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dvepepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help hut do you good. Ciarke i Falk'a F. U. Fharmacv. P. T. 1 nomas, Sumterville, Ala., "I was raftering from dyspepsia when I 1 commenced taking Kodol Dytpepgia Cure. I took several bottles and can digest anything." Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure is tiie omy preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weaK stomachs entire rest: restoring their naturai condition. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacv. Commencing Sunday, until further notice, the U. li. m N. will sell round trip tickets, Dalies to Cascades, for 1. This rate applies only to parlies of five or more. Good for Sundays only, laglm Why pay 1 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton'e sun prool paints for $1.60 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 yeare. Clark & Falk, agents. m The Collins hot springs are now o,en. No hotels, hut the finest of camping grounds. Hunting & Hosford, man agers, Collins, Wash. augl'.-lui James White, Bryanteville, Ind., says DeWitt'e Witch Haze! Salve healed running Sores on both lege. He had offered 8 years. Doctors failed to help him. det DeWitt'a. Accept no imita tions. Clarke & talk's F. O. Pharmacy. Ilou't hub It in. Just wet the affected partfreely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, ' and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke A Falk. If anything ails your hair, go aud see Franer; he's the headquarter for all hair remedies. Keuieiuber that he makes a mecialtv of these goods. tf Clarke A Falk have received a carload j of tbe celebrated James E. Patton ! atrietly onre liquid paiota WINDMILLS, PUMPS and RUBBER and Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, If vou are in need of III V ue. for it will pay yu- We onerate b PLUMBING-. REPAIR SHOP. All ord prompt attention. SEXTON ( THE DALLES, nighta made aa-istant price lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, pel DESIRED RESULTS. CAUTION Beware or ronnrprfel"- an.i Imitations, TbeevnalaetsiHM uj nar to Wii.lia.m- MU. CO.,ttot ton wiiii rae-i mile hivnainr" 'mi For sale by Geo. C. J. E. FALT & CO., 5 9 Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use 3 Delivered to any Pbonea . 51 Local, 85s Long Distance. '. i 1 i f i P. S. GUflfilflG, ..Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. OKA Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aaaei IN UmU I Oa.1 Kagtaai, Thre.her and na Mill.. Talephona 157. Lmi mm io73, Cor. SecODd & Lamiii Sts,, THE DALLES OB. PIPE, Garden Hose, iini in our line figti re with 1IN and BICYCLE I - entrasted to us will have OREGON. YOUR KIDNEYS. Alter VOU tire o! so caned ki tnev remsdiss without any beriti. nee Lincoln Sexur.l Pills and bt forevet oil of those ttnll pain In yrior lack. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have a! yoof Waddei and urinary troohies cured, and ronr reetioi iv tne nse o: nature s gieatect i-incom tsexua: .ruis. I 00 per box boy ot yonr druggist orient by mail on r-feint m pric. in plain wrnnrer. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fott VCayne Indiana. M . .. Donnell. Agent, The Dalies. fcctly har micas, sc Greatest known rc to accomp:isr female remedy. ird Car- uae or me i mu 5! jJZgzz Aaeot - ClsTtland on Blakeley, Tiie Dalits, C'r. 9 "The Owl." an of the City. 173 Second Street. 5 OS The Chronicle, The Dalles, Or. Job Printers. SaV IKK IS-