The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 06, 1901, Image 3

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    a &m $ 4 $ $ 00 0 00 mp
Mid Summer
! Bargains.
Every economical woman in the city should
take advantage of our
I 20 bcr cent.
I Discount Sales...
For this week we offer you 20 percent, off on
1 all MUSLIN UNDERWEAR in the house, includ-
Here are
to TIE to
inc Muslin Skirts, Gowns, Chemise, Drawers, Cor
set ('overs and Children's Muslin Stuff.
For a few days we will offer you a line of nar
row FANCY RIBBONS in all shades; regular 10c,
at 5c Jier yard.
Patent Leather, cloth
top $2.00
Tan Kid, in plain or
cloth top 2.00
Vici Kid, plain or
cloth top 1.00 m
We want to clean these
up, so here's your chance
for money-saving.
ate Hti- J.. . dto . A. . K t . 'flit.. .J!L, ifc . afltv, ..if!:..- JfiL, -flu .at.. ..A Jfc., . fdi. -A- Jfc . atfc. -A. Jk . i)i .
9 9 v ww v w w w w ww w Vs w www www v v yft w. v
The Dalles Daily Cltfoniete.
! 8:1) and the festive taxpayer is getting a
move on himself.
Ice Cream
AUG. 8, 1901
Ice Cream
60, the minimum here being two de-
ltchb Ipbh Thf npnthpr rnnnrt. prvr
' -"-
,n. fltbunder storme, and we say send 'em
At Andrew Keller's.
All n'aico County warrants registered
prior t September B, 1808, will be paid
on presentation at my office. Interest
ceaieearter.luly 12, 1001.
County Treasurer.
It in seldom that the Oregonian con
tains a likeness as crnnd ns that nil blished iplong
in that paper today of Mies Ruth Cooper Talk about cauliflower! Well if you
of this city, who has been appointed to want to talk on that subject consult Thk
teach in the Philippines, one of only Chimmu.i: reporter, who yesterday was
three teachers in the Indian schools whoypresented with the finest specimen of
received recognition. that vegetable we have ever seen. Mr.
Mr. T. A. Hudson is desirous of rent- ' w- ' Harriman, of Eight-Mile, came
ing his residence before leaving for I into the office carrying the prettiest veg
Portland September 1st. This is a good j etable bouquet measuring ten inches
opportunity for any one wanting a beau- j across and as pure and white as any
tifnl home at a moderate price. A small ! flower. He says this is bis first attempt
family can rent four roomR which will j raising cauliflower and we would jnst
more than pay the house rent. j ad(1 il should not be the last.
Ever since the removal of Mr. and We understand that Mise Mattie
Mrs. W. H. Biggs from this city to Was
co their friends here have had hopeB
that they might repent and return to
1 The Dalles. However, visitors to that
little town tell us that Mr. Biggs is
Freeh shipment of crawfish jiiBt re- erecting a fine residence there, which no
wived atC. J. Stubling's and now on doubt means Wasco is to keep them.
aogo 8t I For some veais Mrs. Margaret Flvnn
Rtroud, of the New York Store, is soon
to leave The Dalles, having accepted a
position with A. C. Gieger, at Heppoer.
The young lady will leave for that place
upon her return from Long Beach, where
in company with Misses Edith Rtuidall
and Martha Baldwin, she is spending
her vacation. Mies Stroud is a most
Mr. D. Witt hrouirht a band of cattle has been a constant Bufl'erer and during ! obliging and popular saleslady and
lilt night from Lyle on the Regulator.
He will dispose of thom in the mtuket
For Sale-A four-holed gasoline stove,
with large oven, in good eindition ; also
n office writing desk. Apply at this
office. fi-4t
Wanted A second-hand buggy, with
'op, cheap fur cash or in trade for a
tch. Apply to Charles Bulley, Co
lumbia Feed Yard. , aOlwd
The beat watchword for hot weather
I' "clean up." Keep the streets and
alley waVs clean and it will make you
W a degree or two cooler as you pass
4' them.
Mr. J, J, Miller, of Deschutes wiio
has been an inmate of The Dalles Hos
pltal for a short time, has sufficiently
Covered to be able to be upon the
rle again,
it is estimated that the emigrants car
westward bv the Northern Pacific
""1 Great Northern roads alone airere-
wte 80,000 permanent settlers during
the last few days has been growing i Dalles people will be sorry to lose tier
much worse, until it seems that her life from one of our leading stores.
can be prolonged but a day or eo at the; If you find very little in the paper
most. Her son, Dr. I'lynn, of Portland,
arrived today. Her grandson, John
Flyun, and Dr. .Johnson, qf Portland
have been sent for and will reach here
as soon as possible.
Two very dangerous coins are in cir
culation in Baker City. One is a coun
terfeit half dollar of 1898, made of lead
and glass, which i9 so perfect as to baf
fle detection at sight. It has not the
true ring of the genuine coin, however.
and can be detected by that test
other is a counterfeit 5 piece, very
nowaday?, dou't complain. It is gener
ally conceded that newspaper people
are built to stand all the heat going in
this life and the hereafter; but remem
ber the "newspaper" man is away and
we do not claim any ol the characteris
tics of the craft, eo are affected by
the heat just as other common people.
Besides, the lack of news is due to the
reader, who if he wants somethiug to
read, must do something worth writing
The ' about.
per- ; A large
number of friends atteuded
Uhis is a poor time of
I a a a i. k.
feet in appearance, but not nearly bo the funeral of Alfred Felderman at the
deceiving as the 50-eent piece. j home of his mother, Mre. T. Prinz, last
Sunday was the ai i.iversary of Spo- evening. Rev. Poling conducted a short
kane's big fire, the greater portion of service, the male quartet rendering the
that;i h.irino omm nn iii smoke Sun- I beautiful selections, "My Faith Looks
D IIHV VI l J aag, r
August 4, 1688. September 2d will j Up to Thee," ana rseauutui i.anu.
e the anniversary of The Dalles' lire ot 1 lie pall nearere were unae. anu i.eora;e
91 and it is not likely the majority o! weigei, l neouore i.ieoe, an urwiwr,
citizens will forget it. However, William Michelbach and bred Hansen.
the year .o speak I When the remains had been laid to reti
iu Sunset cemetery the mound gave no
1 I .UA I. I i I . i. I ... I II.. .1
to the snow blockade or any oiuer ; Higu u. ww wmrw imbmni ...v..
.1....! I nn.iAl 1a I. nt rrr m It ri r i i It LSI m !t-ii
Certain it is that the dog and pony of flowers, so numerous were the tokenB
show, of which L. J. Whitney is pro-, of love contributed by Alfred's friends.
...:... la iiukul t, Tim I iih we ! la..,.ti. si.i.i in U'nnri hml tu deal with
hell.iln jc fiii I Upanh aeuma 1 1 ta Ui .11 t Ika bmaiaiIii ftVJUnll nM ; r.t . U a ...u-jiual r.f nruvu mftUI WSmkMpAV
B UHU., ... v, ,.,lT . w , lljijl II l II Ml Ull n IIJC ,11 LI I L . . . ..... , r (,l'UIIUFl.lli'.iVB.v....; -
the dogs, monkey and goats wore at- at Viento, in the person of A. K. Harling,
tached by ConBtuble Jackson for the L 0u ,nan who for the past few weeks
mploycB, the amount for which they nae been living in a shack a few miles
are held beiiig'.l, 200. The horses have , fr0m that station. Not until Sunday
been placed in paatnre on Three-Mile, : did he cause the residents any troume,
q T I ol nre. iei us rainer iiirn our njuuRut-
i. larr, anent for Eastern Oregon to the Nnow bu,ckadc or any other
" vo., ami t. McMillan, a mining
wprtof8an Francisco, came through
town Fridav
ast, going to Quartzburg.
Prairie City Miner
,favorite resort for Dalles people.
" l. l i ben fen
ban just purchased a
thlirX (111 iilninn ll.nn.i ..f LI U
""W" Kiel (he Frenches,
Tl,n 1.1 .
it- oiioiitultb shop of L. Richardeon.
"lilCh was ttiliutu.l .1 a Ji.. t. un- .1... . . ...! .l.... nannhnriiiiliil t. ... hu anomtH In have ID
, ..nnisu a nnori UlatailCe OC- Willie tum WVH i . uul uu WJOi mw mmmm
! the I rewery, is slowly moving are at the I). P. & A. N. dock. 1 idea that be must eradicate some of hie
own Third atreet and will toon be in While it would seem to those who neighbor from the face of the earth.
OPPOtiU HftUU & Thomeen'e ! uave experienced the heat for three Word was sent to this city, and yester-
coneecutive days that there tiaa Deen uay mr. VV,JM.77
little chaune in temperature, however, him up last nignt. upon v.sumg u -
to dearoea cooler than lie found the old man engaged in mixing
1 Sundav end today two leaa then up a batch of bread, into which he bad
niav be tuMi. i.i j..,, i
tlinuu i -""wiwnu uuu in iowu
Mays, bat if ny one is hankering
him .n , "eiK,'bor bu8y Bt wo'k. let
elark . cour'i'ouee and watch the
limit i d8"Uty for HWhlle' Tbe
0 winch Uftes may be paid is the
yesterday, tue maximum reaching 98 at
1:30. In Portland yesterday tte ther
mometer stood at 91 and the minimum
.,,, n miantitv of carbolic acid. It seema
that he imagines be has hydrophobia
and that nothing but carbolic acid will
effect a cure, and for eorae time he has
lived on bread and potatoes, well
seasoned with that drug. Some timp ago
he came to The Dalles from Bntte, Mont.,
and going up on the beach above town
bnilt a ecow and started down the river.
A short time after his boat was found
upside don in the river and it was
supposed he was drowned until he was
found living at Viento. When Mr. Wood
endeavored to bring him up lie fought
desperately and had to be handcuffed ;
but once on the train grew quiet. Today
he has been beseeching the oftctfl to
give him carbolic acid, teeming to be a
fiend after that drug. He was examined
this afternoon and will be taken to the
asylum tomorrow.
To Go Into Kfl'rct Thin Ycnr 4 nii
(lrnnfrt 1 lt.
The change in text books the coming
school year has created much interest
and not a little complaint among parents
who feel the burden of procuring new
books more than many of them can
bear. However, we have been informed
that the expense is to be made as light
as possible and on many of the boo -s
the price baa been greatly reduced.
Besides, the exchange price, which al
lows old books of the same grade to be
exchanged (that is, allowing one-half
on them) will continue until December
31st, when the retail price will prevail.
The entire change of books, witti the
exception of Brooks' Mental Arithmetic,
must be In use fifteen monthe from the
date of adoption. J. R. QUI & Co., of
Portland, represent the various publish
ing houses concerned, and snb-depoai
tories are selected in each county. In
WatOO county, The Dalles, (at Menefee
& Parkins' and I. C. Nickelsen's) Hood
River, Do fur, Antelope and Cascade
have been designated. So far no books
have been received, but it is hoped tiiey
will be on hand by tbe first of Septem
ber, when it will be a busy time for our
book stores.
Circulars giving prices, etc., will be
issued in tbe near future, which will
give all necessary information. Below
we publish a condensed list, most of
which will be used in our schools in
Tbe Dalles:
Cyr's Readers.
Reed's Word Leasons and Language
Thomas' Histories of United states.
Frye'e Geographies.
Wentworth'e Arithmetics.
Brooks' Mental Arithmetics.
Howell's Health Primer.
Stowell's "A Healthy Body."
Dole's "The American Citizen."
Wheeler's Primer.
L. S. Thompson's New Siiort C mrse
in Drawing.
Newland's Natural System of Vertical
Tufts and Holt's Normal Music
man school adoption.
Carpenter's Composition and Kethoric.
Channing'e History of United States.
Tarr's Physical Geography.
WeM's Academic Arithmetic.
Colton's Physiology.
Strong and Schafer's The Gov. of tbe
American People.
Hall's Bookkeeping.
Well's Algebra.
Wentworth'e Plane ami Solid Geom
etry. Gage's Phyaire.
Pai ley's Botany.
Tarr's Geology.
Bullock's juonomics.
Brooks' Knglish Literature.
Paiuter's American Literature.
Collar and DanieH'n. First Latin Book.
Allen and Greenough's Latin Gram
mar. Allen and Greenoiigh'c Caesar , Cicero,
Barse' Cornelius Nepoe Twenty Lives.
Boteford's Greek and Roman Histo
ries. Hou' Geitrian Leaders,
.lovnea' German Grammar.
Harris' (iermari Composition.
Reed and Kellogg's Higher LesiOOl in
llllNt) I. OKI.
A few daye since a value, containing
valuable government papers, was takm
'urobablv through mistake from our
wufou at the lailroad camp GO the mil
sion grounds below town. As tbene
papers cannot be replaced without great
expense and delay, the paity who took
them will confer a favor on us by leav
ing tbH at Till Cmuoxm I ,U office or re
turning them to us llno'Jgh the post
office. No mistake as to the identity of
the papers can be made as tbe name 1
W. R. Stenart ull be found thereon.
A. L. Anhkiisos,
W. R. SiKU .uu ,
a0 2td-lw Railroad contractors.
Clarke A Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Oifford'e Fotos Never Fade.
Subscribe for Tut Cuuomci.k.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Special in
11a tv
See our Show Window.
New Grocery Store
Wo have added a Grocery Depart
i nent to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock, (iivo us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
If you let us shoe you
we'll guarantee you
Would suggest Pingree's
flAiraaMi M'a cwct dif
ferent shapes, at
per pair ....
I barter Munlier. TaU Notlr.
Mrf. N. L. (Justin, state organizer of
the Knights and l.udiea of Security, on
the 16th of this month will orgvnuM a
council of this order to be hailed aa Tim
' Utiles Council If. & L. ot 8. This eo
luiet ptiya accidental and old ae claims
and dots not increase with advancing
eara. Those who wish further infor
mation will do well to call on Mre.
; (instill or C. A. Marshall at the Obarr
HOOM. AdmiMlon " barter members
one dollar: after the charter is closed,
iIvh dollars. ao-l
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it want something
to give it life and vigor. We have what j
tn hair needs w hen it gels In that con-1
.till.... Vt'.. .Ui III. friiu II .kf !
, I i I'll . . i.H i v " "
Science Hair fjft-tffift irjwer and
INa oaullt CreamBEB' Tonic. They
will cure dand sTsW riift' and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
r a a
Amu "
1 ,
rur t ale.
A J. I. Caae separator ; good as new
and ready for work ; 32 inch cylinder
aud a 14 Woodbury Dingee horse power.
On easy terms. Apply to
QgOMI Noi.ani),
jy2-wklylmo Dufor, Dr.
Just tiie thing to lake along wlu-n yon
go Bampinu or to the aeacoast. Pol sale
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and WashlnKton 8t.
Al; orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phoue 433. Local, 102.