The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY AUG. C, 190! HURRAH FOR AMERICA. SEWER NOTICE. I Notice is hereby given that the com- 1 mon council of Dalles City, at a meeting ! thereof heir on Saturday, the 3d day of AogQIti 1901 1 determined to construct: and relay a drain and sewer described as fo!loi to-wit : lieeinning at a point! where the center line of Court street in tOMtctl the projection of the south line Of the first alley south of Fifth street in pain iMiien v itv, anil runnini; tlience in New York Sun: President Mo Ktnley having; in leyal order made tbe proclamation abolish itLr the Porto a northerly direction along, or near, the Rican tariff, all must COtlgrtalate ''tr line of said Court street and alons; ; 19 the line of the old sewer now located in 1 that island upon its entrance into the said street, to a point where the center greatest free trade league the world lias ever seen, the United States of America. No import taxes vex this country's domestic commerce, and now Porto Rico comes within its fortunate pale. Her history should stir our north' em neighbors in Canada to a eon- line ot said Court street intersects the projjction of the center line of the alley between Main anil Second streets, in said city; thence westerly to said alley and along the center line thereof and a continuation thereof to the west line of Union street ; thence In a northwesterly direction, along the most practicable route, to low water In Mill creek. Said council also at the same time deter mined that the cost of the construction and relaying of said drain and sewer The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at Nolan's Profit-Sharing Association arc 1 set Dickens, 15 vols., publisher's price $22.50; 1 set Knight's History of England, 8 vols., publisher's price $12: I vol. Gallery of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Dore; 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, ly T, . Powdeily; a $3 rebate to person paying the most cash during four weeks end ing Aug. 3d, and a $2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount of cash during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone. Seu fert A Condon phone No. 92. Give me a trial. 1KL T. NOLAN. mm sciotisness of their own anomalous Jju'd, 5?.mfwd "Vl1"' Property benefited thereby, and declared thepres and irrational situation. Why should ent sewer and drain now in existence the English-speaking people of this '",on 8,1,1 ,on8 the l,M n: described p 1 " 1 1 to be in a dangerous condition, and fnr- conuneni oe aiviaeur way suouia Oregon Shot Line and union Pacific n great part of them insist on preserv- ther provided that notice be given of the construction and relaying of said drain and setter bv nnblleation nt a notice for ing the perpetual danger of hostility ! two weeks In The Dalles Daily Chroni inseparable from an alliance with a 0, the first publication thereof to be 1 made on Monday the Bin dav of August, foreign government .J Why should 1901, and linal publication thereof to be White Collar Line. tub Daiies-Portiana Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, jMnrtliPPD PanifinlTH6 coiumma PacRiogCo llUilllblUiUbillb: Yellowstone Park Line. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MAN OKA CTtl KERB OK DIMM FOR Ch'iPSRO- Portland Special. I 1 J :2." I. n. via Hunt ington. Atlantic Biprenj Y'JK) n. m. via Bunt Ingtoii. St. Paul Fast Mail. 9:38 p. m. via H- kane, TIME BOHBDULBB PROM THE DALLES. Salt lAlte, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omnhu, Kan HHML'ity, St. liOiiis, Chi cago end the East. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan MM City, St Imis, Chi cago unci the East. Wells Walla, U'hWIiim. Minneapolis, SI. PttUl. I 'ninth, Milwau kee, ChlMgO and East. ARRIVE FROM 1:0, ' p. m. Si48 a m. :80 a OCEAN AND RIVER B0HEDTJLE From I'or tin oil they at this time of history be European instea;! of American.1 The breath of patriotism has never yet been breathed ia Canada. The soil there is dedicated to a foreign flag. It should become a true and loyal portion of America. An exchange hits the nail squarely on the head in the following: A too common error among readers of newspapers is to assume that what ever is printed by way of clippings is an endorsement by the newspapers reprinting then). It does not follow that this is so. It is the mission of the well regulated newspaper to not only have and express views of it own, but to set out the views of other newspapers and other people, that the public may be enabled to judge for j itself. The paper that conlines itself on Monday the 19th day of August, 1001, and further determined that said drain and sewer be constructed and relnid a- above mentioned immediately after the expiration of the time mentioned In said i Cascade JjOCKB, notice. All persons interested are hereby noti fied that said drain and sewer will be constructed and reiaid as above deter mined and provided for. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Aug. o, 1901. J. Doitbbty, Recorder of Dalles City. DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. the uumra oar route prom portlamo j Fine Lard and Sausages HI 1111'. HAD, ! THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- 1 I 81 ONE PARK leave. Union Depot, Fifth anil 1 sis IM SINKS LOCALS. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falls' e sure cure foi boils. Clarke the be? . R. 15. ( times a which A: Falfc'a flavoring extracts are Ask your g x:er for them. Ilbretii ov Sons will keep at all ripply of hay, grain and teed TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A. M Arrive The Dalles 3 P. W Leave " " 4 " Arrive Portland 10 " No. 2. No. Meals the Very Best. uuday Trips a Leading Feature. Grandest thev will retail at the lowest 8"Z xllr mantei races. lL'ti-tf Fast mall for Tacoma, Seattle, Olvinpia, (irnv's Harbor and South Bend points, Spokane, Koss-j land, B. (.'., Pullman,' Moscow, Kewiston, Buf- faloHump mining ooun- 5;.io r. M, try, Helena, Minneapo lis, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St, Louis, Chicago ami all points east and southeast. 1'usret Sound Express 11:30 P. M. for Taooma and Seattle and intermediate poind 11:15 A, M. No. i. No. 8. ;00 A . M. Curcrsof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)KlF.D BEEF. ETC. mm mm 1. V. HONG, Proprietor. StEALS AT all Horns. Pullman first class and tourist sloanara to Minneapolis, t. Paul and Missouri river points I without change. . . . . . , veatibuied trains, onion depot connection! ; Oysters bervecl in any Style. in tin iuiih'iijui muwi j26 Wanted A small family to occupy the home and keep house for an aged widower. Liberal terms can be had. Apply at this office. jly22-lm We ofter for a limited oeriod the to dippings that only accord with its twice-a-weeit Chronicle, price $1.50, 1 . . I I a I tir i l v own notions will not oulv fail in its "u luo 'YeeKy uregonian, price fi.ou, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions I not only mission as a newspaper, but will be forced in time to the conclusion that the public has no particular regard for the opinions of the paper that does it. Most papers of good stand ing Bad it easy to express their judg- Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Kound Trips except Sunday. CARD Baggage checked to destination of tickets, , rui ubuuihijuihj uiuiMawq uascripuve matter, , tickets, lleeping-oar reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 2,Vi Morri son Street, comer Third. Portland Oratnn. s: Second St., The Dalles, Or SOUTH and EAST via under this offer must be paid vance. f NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under sinned will on Thursday, the 8th dav of August, 1901, at the front door of the County Court House, in Dalles Citv. nient at the proper time and In the Wasco County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in orooer nlace and thev find it an tt,e f,.rf no" of sauI day sel1 t0 ,ne blh proper pi.icc. ana lhe hnd it an , e8t bi(Juer for casn in ll,uuJ h1) of the equally easy matter to give other propeity to which Wasco county, or any neon!,- Hp snmo Utitnrlo .l,.h Other public corporation in said Wasco 1 " , uouniy, lias acquired title bv virtue of TIME Leave Portland. . . . ad Leave Astoria Soutln Pacific Co Shasta Route Landing and office Foot I Arrive Ashland . . " Sar-rmnpiif, Sacramento . . . sun Francisco . . ..12:ai a m .... 5:00pm . . . 7:4o p in 7:01) p m 10:50 p ni 11:30am I ;oV a m s claim for themselves. The ancient Modoc tribe has dwin dled to seventy-seven members, mostly women and sick or diseased children. The recent death of a Modoc btave has left only thirteen able-bodied warrnrs, who will r.ever i' i ill wn v i i i . i f, , . . . . . n v ..... u,. uic must man, under Hie nrni name and style of savae and indomitable of Banters Max Vogt & Co., is this day dissolved ,ii , , . . by mutual consent. Maximilian Voat they have lost all ambition for any. will continue the business of said former thing but their governmeiU supplies "rni' and wi" reL'eivt? and receipt for all .i i-i ,, moneys due said tirm ami Dav all debts and, while virtually prisoners of war contracted by said firm. ' on a small reservation, thev are left , ,)ate(i at T'"' Ialles, Oregon, this 17th . , , . . dav of July, 1901. unwatched. The spirit of the old Maximum Voot, days has gone, and nobody will ever 'v2u JIV Philipwmk Chapman, bear of a story about "the last of the Tne W(utt! Collar line, Bailey (,a,ze,t, uiwuuve. xilc HOvlQDt IfOgue nIVCI will sell tribe has dwindled To the Sladltarranaan nmi the orient, Spending 18 days in Egypt and Palestine, hotel accommodation's included. even more. It formerly numbered thousands, m the valleys and mountain fastnesses of Southwestern Oregon. The remnant of the tribe, now on the Siletz reserva tion, numbers only thiity-seven. Question Answered. Yes, August Flowerstill has the largest Bale of any medicine in tlu- civilised world. Vour mothers ami grandmothers never thought of usin anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scarce and th.-v leldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, eic. They UHd August Flower to clean mit the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regu latu the action of the liver, stimulate tin nervous ami organic notion of the sys-, tern, and that is all they took-when (eel. iiiK dull and bad with haadaohn and sale for taxes, as shown by the records of tax sales for said Wasco County. ROBEBT Kkm.v, Sheriff o( Wasco County, Oregon. Dated this 8th day of July, 1901. jy8 dw 5tw DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby (iveri that the co partnership heretofore esiatino iptu.n Maximilian Vogt and Pbiinoine Chan. Vl,'", ""E" Olereltfr, North Af. man n,iWr ihfl. 1 rice, Melte, Bpt, ih Holy i.,,,,, anraiey,, iiaiy,iii ItlVleraj, KiikIuiuI ami I M- I llll II . With attractive (optional) side trips across Kj rope, noketi good to stop over in Europe on ! homeward voyage and to reiurn by the white , star iteameri oceanic, Uajeatic, Teutonic, &o. J .'ot of Trip, llrat-elaHH, from Kew Vork hack to New York, W ion and Upwards, according to stateroom accommo dation: including shore excursions, ho tels, fees, guides, drives and all new ssary exjienst-s. I Sppelal Featurr Madeira. Malta. Is daw ! 111 Kgjpt and the Holy Land, onstantinopfc j Alliens, Rome, the Klffera, etc Under the management ol Prank C'. Clark, ol i New ore, Cairo, etc. I l'or further particulars eddreSI in Dion a BUOWNHlXt. Washington street, Tbe Dalles, or. ii Interested, send for illustrated program, of Aldpr I Trains leave Tlu' Dalles for Portland and way Rtraot - nk... m aai D-.4T.j I m. ana a p. m. ! Oregon. " ,. . r 1 Leave Portland S:30am E, N. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, Albany i.:30am J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, LARQXST STEAMSHIP IN THE WOBLD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. i be niagnidoent White star twin-sotew steam-1 er "Celtic," (80,000 tor.n specially chartered for Iheocoaslon, and for 74 days subject to the or ders of the director of the party. Arrive Oxdon " Denver " Kansas t.'ity " t.'hlcago .... B : l ii a m 'J:00 u m 7:'J a m 7 : 4.0 a m Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure; i Digests what you eat. i It, artificially digests the food and aids Naturt) in strengthening and recon-1 structing the exhausted digestive or-1 gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation ' can approach It in efficiency. It in i stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Kausea. 16a m Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand ! all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Large site contains ZYt times (All sailing dates sub-' ject to ehauge ) 8:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m, ; For Baa Pranolsoo, Hail every 6 days. Oaily except Columbia Itlver. ,.m Sunday, ... , ,,, 100 P- s-oop m To Astoria and Wav except I Baturaay, Landlnge, Sunday. lu:tR) p. m. Dally Wlllaiiintte River. except Oregon city, Ncwberg, l!2 m .em, Indenendauoe Hr?5S!? 0:00 a.m. and Way-Undlngt, Sunday. Tuesday , 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Corvallls and Way- Monday. Saturday, Landings. Wednesday 6:00 a.m. Ftiday. Tuesday, 1 1 1 t tn nl 8:80 p.m. Thursday, Kamhill Hlvera. Monday. Sattirday, , ,tegon ,-itv, Dayton and Wednesday , :ooa. in. Wnj -Undiiigs. Friday. f:"' Hnak.) Klver. , Leave y'R"" Letrtston 3:40a. m. Biparla to Lewiston, . galml Parties .lesirine tn ro to Bemtner or i iMimts on Columbia Southern via lliggs, should i take No. .', leaving The Dalles at 13126 p. m. making direct connections at Heppnet junction and Biggs. Returning iiiHkingdirectconuecttoii I at Heppnet junction and lliggs with :No. 1. ar j living at The Dalles at l:06p,m, For lurtbet particulars, call on or address J AS. IRELAND, Agent, The Dulles, Oregon. Q.jS ni I smallslte.BookP.Hnboutdyspepsiamalledtree 7 :'S6 a m K"epared by e O. DcVITT A CO.. Cblcaga 0:80am , BoW by (iarke & Falk8 p 0 pnarmacy Arrive Los Angeles . . . El Paso: " Fort Worth " City of Mexico " Houston " New Orleans . . " V.'ashiiiKton New York . . 1 :20 p m :00 p m . . 6:30 a m . . U:5o a m . 4:00 a m . 6 : a m . . ii 2 a m . 12:48 p m 7:00 a m 6:00 p m ir.'M a rr, 9:66 a m 1 :00 a m 6 : ir p m ii '4- a m 12 '48 p m Just Received through roaod'trip tickets to .Seaside anil return. Tickets good going from Portland over the White Collar line, (). R, ,v. N. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. cc C. 1, R., ami return over same lines. Uaggage checked direct to either North ISeach, Seaview, hong Ueach, Hreakere, Ocean Park or Nahcotta. Limit of ticket September loth. I. M. FilJoon, agent. Pullman and Tourist cars on both i.nairears sacramento to Qgden and E ana tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Ur iconi uuu asningcou. Connecting . at San Francisco with several io'iV" V1' li".es ,or H""!)ll'lu, Japan, China, . u,..1T,i,Wl vwnm mum oum America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add. tss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent. Portlund, Or I Just What j You uiant. A full line of Fresh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. SoHo, Rex, t;ko, Velox ipi'so 'llnc rsto lu sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And all acetones to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. DISSOLUTION The OF PARTNERSHIP. partnersilin heretofore axiatlno between T. Poland and M. lieisler, un der the style and firm of Poland and lleisler, liasi this dav been dissolved by mutual consent. T. Poland retiree from the firm and the business wi!. be con tinued by lleisler & Son, who will oil leol all accounts due the late firm ;unl pay all its debts and obligations. T. Pol Ml, M., Dated at The Dalles, July it, moi. 2rdiStw John Pashek, The Tailor Has just received 1000 samples ol the latest patterns in Cient's Clothing Goods. Ho guaran tees prices and a g.iod lit or no pay- John Pashek. The Tailor. 1 nfL-Jri Our Eureka Combined Toiling and rixing Hath is a dandy. Try it. The A. K. 0, Developer for plates, ui un.riupnig papeis nas no eiiual. ! hnongh for 96o to developed dozen plates lor 8 dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks t and whites are guaranteed, if directions i are followed. Ask for the A. K. C. lie i veloner, and eee that von get the I genuine. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. V'e are prepared tocompoumi any and all of your own formal and guarantee satisfaction. Nasal CATARRH At the old place, The Dalle, Oregon. 175 Second Street Geo. C. Blakeley. New ideas iu Wall Pauer here, latli 4a,. 60 Y CARS' EXPERIENCE Iii9t received at jvi, (illbreth .V Sun V other achee. ononb need a few doses 'Umber yard, a few orloads of Nu. 1 of (ireen's August Flower, in liquid ce,lar ')08,s ttll(1 A shingles. They i form, to make you satisfied there is ar! agents for Heath c Miliigan's cele- nothing serious the matter with yon flf'l shingle paint. Call on them i Folk's"' P,,M ala,tt,,i,c- ClHrk" t,a',r " rlfbl, Woinl not " 1 SaOMd is better by 50c a cord than wood : vaeet, ui cougn or croup give the that is. little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest eaay and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never tails. Pleasant sale sure and almost jy 10 O. O. Huck, lieirne, Ark., says. I was troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitt's Little Karlv KlMr Sin,'. to lake, always . then have been entirely cured of . nl.t mstaiitaueous in coninlainr. uiaiai a raiH a I . yj, i narmai y. I& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. I v sw U J J ' L J J Trade Marks JCSIGNS Copyrights At:. An TOM SMdlllg n sUelili and description uia nulriily asi-i-riain nur iimin treu WDSlbar u iiifantlon Is probably patentable. ' nnnuuiiirt nuns ptriothrnoiibaantlal. Ilunilbnokon 1'uttnti ni rrae. Olassl uaanor fur sacurtna putvni.,. PsMl.ts taken thmuu-li Munn A Co. rccelv it .at nottet, without cliarae. In t lie Scientific JUnericam A hHiiilii'iiicly IthMtMlfd weekly. I.nrsest sjr I'liUtmn nf any m-ienlltli- journal, Tonus, :i a raari lour soonuw, SI. BOM byall newileulors MUNN & Co.86,B'"" New Yorfr Brsueli Ofneo ttt I' ft . WasbiMtOQ. U. T wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imita tioii creton eil'ects at ordinary prices Good papers at cheap paper prices' Klegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on third street. Also a full Hue of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St." FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ! Transact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the hastem States. ! sight Exchange and Telegraphic I w i org, Uhlcago, ht. Louis, Han Kraucisco, Portland Ore gon Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Waehington. Collections made lit fell Isii nra An f... I orable terms. f E V W i-. Lane, QKNEHAL ! In all its stages there I siiiiuiii be flttnllneis Klj's Cream Halm . tiltiMiiss, snnthes sad lissls i the rtlisasarl wotabrauf, it curih oalanhaad drivta : away a cold iu UM heaj quickly. I'reiim italin is nUaad Inlo tlin naMli. 1 ! over the BMnbrailS and is aliaorbed. BelUtlt lui- I menisie and a cure follows, it is not drying doss J 1 "ol urou'"'e snaealng. large Size, 50 cents at Pruj;. S gist" jr by mail ; Trial si.,., 10 cents by mail. 4.... mnsilUSUB, U Warren Street, New York. BlttioiH K. SCHSNCK, President, Max A. VociT. Casliiei AND... HofsesDoe Wagon and Carriage Werk. run sirotnera' Wagon. Third aad JeffeoD. Phone 159 Firct national Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to 8ight J1 umi or uneck. uoilectiona made and proceeds promptly i o. , .rem.itied on dav of collection. sishh ana lelegraphic Exchange sold aw York, Ban Franeitoo and! port-land. v ms T"OMP"ot. Jao. 8. Soaaaci. WiLLiAaa, Gao. A. Llaaa. U. M. Bull.