An Astonishing But True Story l hnm uinRMntiv nhtn i have been nearer death with consumption than ftny Othei living poison in the world, and I want you to read this, so yon and neglected it. can lull others. I took a seven- cold and neglected it, i grew wwee mi me time, and at the end of two years I had run into consumption. I coughed terribly, lost flesh, could not sleep, and became so dreadfully weak that l had to take to bed. in the following eighteen months l gradually reached the last stages of consumption, No lees than seven physicians treated me and all nave me up saying 1 was in curable, 1 was absolutely helpless, The whole fam ily wore themselves out earing for me. One day mother and sister came to mv bedside, and said had but a day or tw more to live. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they sobbed the news. The doctors had declared I was in the last stage, and no human being could save me. I was w illing to die. but before going to the cruel g; ave, I wanted to go out and see mv dearly beloved town of Sidney once mete. They told me such a thing was impossible that I would surely die before I got back, Hut I insisted, and to gratify mv dying wish, a carriage was iitted up with a bed of pillows, and to this I was carried and slowlv driven around Court House Square. I got home more dead than alive. Through the mercy of Provi dence someone brought a trial bottle of medicine said to be a consumption cure. No one imagined for an instant it was worth trying, Hut as a drowning person grasps at a straw, so 1 tried this medicine. I was better after taking two doses. Mother got more o! the medicine and I took it, improving all the time. Tod a) 1 am as well as any reader of this paper, and the medicine that cured mo was Acker's Bnglish Remedy for Consumption I declare before God and man that every word here printed is true." Thin remarkable testimonial, on Ale In tho .iftVe of Messrs. W. II Hooker i1 Co.. New York, proprietors of Dr. Acker's Celebrated Bnglish R me ly, is vouched for by them, as well as by pnmiinei; ,1 ruetfists of .Sidney, IV .11 I i ! I ...X J ' ! rl. 1 1 T I I '-111,'" ' II ' 1 IM i 1 1 ' 111.,! V'1.!: III''!!' V . Ill l" l V s. mid Canada. In Eneland i- j.l . -j. bu and 4- ou. BVrt'S l'IM.9 JtM. wan jtwA-raTA'e'we I C. J. STUBBING, W HOMES K ANO BKTAM, Wines, Liquors Cigars I Family Orders will receive promot attention. i Uontioo Phune '.' Long in i i D!) i . Next door to First National Hank. THE DALLES, OREGON. .iv:t;tiyititiy:t!t:tit iti; mti MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS The;- overcome Weak ness, irregularity ami omissions, increase vig- or anil nanisii pains of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS' to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for Women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. 1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold by drugfrwts. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL Co., Cleveland, Ohio For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or. WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, If you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with us. for it will pay you. We operate n PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have, prompt attention. ?OJS t THE DALLES, A.'k (traded 1 IMS'' old'' l IV .ll . Jill ,?l : For sale at Blakeley 's Pharmacy. THE GALLANTRY OF MAH.k. It Alvan the li'i ii 1 1 f u I Unman Who Flgnrp In the I. '- Inn I'Hrt. PKKSONAL, MKNTION, Harry lies?. J.iebe ir? in Portland on mil ( enter upon tlii project, al9o to furnish scientific information to settlers and i companies of citizens who on their own . i: ii . account may undertake the reclamation will Event i ipending a few ilnys a t j . St. Martin Spring I of such hinds. Miss Octavia BUl.op.ol Goldendaie, 1 Mr Pincho J P"4' as Is the guest of Mrs. U. F. Hawk. - Prlnevllle for the purpose of meeting.and Frank Kan was among the passengers ; nferrin stockmen interested on the Bailey Oatzert yesterday bound n pasturing on forest reserves. The itin for Portland. ; erary now planned is to arrive at I Edward French went to Long Beacti lierar's Iri.ige, Tuesday. Aug. Oth j at! today, where he will apend the v. cation Antelope, Wednesday, Aug. 7ih ; at I at the French cottage at Sheiburne. j prineville, by way of Trout Creek and Mils Grace Willertou spent several I Agency Plains, Thursday, Aug. 8th ; at days in Portland, returning home on the I Bend or Lava on the Upper Deschutes, ; Friday, Aug. 9lh ; thence to Hums ar Mrs. D. T. Sehuele la in the elty from riving there probably Monday, Aug. ....... , , , , ii , , v l PtOltl3 WHO. 1,1,1. . 1 . n T 1 - 4 I loth ; at Westfall, Wednesday, Aug. morgan re- , turned yesterday from attending the big! meeting of Woodmen in Portland. Haven and Miss Bddingl. James Tavlor and Perry Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Hosteller anil family, who have spent some weeks at Long Beach, returned home night. Archbishop Christie and Father Ho gan made Tht Dalles a short visit yes terday, coming up on the noon train and returning on the afternoon boat. Mrs, E. Gerichton, who for the past year has made tier home here, left yes terday to j jin her husband in Portlaud where they will make their home. Mrs. R. G. Davenport went to Spokane on Saturday night's train, where she will join her mother, who went there to visit her sister, who is ill at tiiat place. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Sherar came in from Sherar's Bridge Saturday and started home last evening, accompanied bj Miss Herbert, of Ohio, a cousin of Airs. Sherar. Lindsay Thomas came in from Dpfur last evening and will return tonight. He s,iys everybody's busy out there anil that the crops are yielding more than was expected Mr. J. P. Lucas has returned from Newport, where he spent a week enjiy Ing the sea breezes with the Dalles Oniony, aa well as many Valley friends s 'lrning there. Hon. and Mrs V. P. Mays and family came up from Portland Saturday and lefi today to spend the remainder of the boated term at the Mays ratuh a few miles beyond Dulur. ll. il. Thomas, principal of the Clinton Kelly school in Portland, has been in the citv for the past two weeks expertin the city's books. His task will be com pleted In ttie course of a few days. Marry Darkness returned to St. Mar tin Springs Saturday after a week spent Bt home. He has received much benefit from these restoring waters, and we hope to see him entirely free from rheumatic pains ere Die summer closes. Miss Grace Scott, of the Ciihomclk othee, left on the Shaver this morning ou her way to visit her mother in Corvallis. Miss Elizabeth Schooling took the noon train and will join her in Portland, Before returning they will make a trip to Newport. Tu iMpeet Arid I ,,,,, 14th ; at Ontario, Thursday or Friday, August 15th or 16th : from there by rail to Baker City, thence to Portland, Monday, Aug. 19th, where Mr. Moody Saturday ! will arrange a meitiu for Mr. Newell with the attorneys representing the companies that have organized for the purpose of reclaiming arid lands in East ern Oregon. Meetings have been arranged along this route with stock growers ami pro jectors of ditih, canal and improve ment companies, and it is hoped that all intereeted in these matters, who have noiaireauv oeen notineii, will arrange. to meet the party at stations convement to their respective homes or range". E. L. La.VO, correspondent. It Dazzle Tilt- World, No Discovery in medicine has ever created one ()uart-r of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarseness and Whooping CoUgll it is the quickest, surest cure in ttie world. It is sold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50o and I. 00. Trial bottles free. 1 "Nothing ever happen- to the ugly woman," said ;i cynical gvntlemau, who had just glanced at the newspa per notice of ;i social function to a New Orleans Times-Democrat man. "Sin' nwat live tli'' moat prosaic life imaginable, Tin' hostess Is always a beautiful ivoninn. The heroine Is al ways a bea ut i i ii I woman, and even in 'h'- sublimated conceptions of poesy, where fncial and physlrnl beauty gen erally is subordinated, the woman Is always a beautiful wninnn. Evange line was beautiful, Lucille was beau tiful. Luereee was beautiful in fact, all down the line from Eve's day to i his ffnod hour, whenever a woman .stugfrers to the center of the stajre in any way. she is a beautiful woman. I have often wondered what pan the ugly woman plays in life. She does not give any of the liif: function:!. She i-. never the president, i In- secretary, or anything else in any () the worn 'ii organizations of the day. sin- i. not my sweehearf, nor yours, nor the wife i f the other fellow. These are all beautiful women. Even In the more violent walks of life the ugly woman play-; no pari. She Is never the subject of the designing villain, and the measliest piekpocket in tin world would not honor her by snatch ing a purse from her. The fiendish fellow who delights in the mutilation of human forms would never think t picking out an ugly woman for a suh jeet. He would rather dash vitriol or nomething equally destructive into the fa if a really beautiful woman. He would want a victim who WUti be wilderingly beautiful, stupendously stunning and all that sort of thing, rhee reflections have convinced me that nothing ever happens to the ugly woman, and she must indeed live a very dull and uninteresting life, Bui really I have another solution of the matter. I do not know the ugly lady, and while I have math no spe cial effort tu peer into her pla )f hiding h nd cannot say for certain whether she is there or not. yet I am Inclined to believe Unit there are mi ujjflj women. They are all beauti ful, and I guess this is why nothing Is aver put down as happening to the ugly woman." NOTICh. j The following county warrants will be cancelled by the county court in thirty J days from ttiis date unless called by the patties owniiit: same within the next ; thirty days I Dak Anil. Chas Bradley. .July 7, 1893 .$1 70 Wm Blum Julv 7, 180," Mrs Bird . . Lee Blanton . Robert Beard. Tom Branch Wm Black . A T Beers . Chas Cannon Thoa Dorson . D W Ebersoll M J Finlayson K A liaumes. W F Hinkle No Jos A Kenna . March March 12, 1892 Marcli 12, 1S92. March 12, 1892. . Nov 12, 1893 . . May 0, 1892. . July 0, 1802 March 10, 18',i:!. .Mav 0, 1802. . .Jan 7, 1803 March 12. 1802. . . . Jan 7, 189:; U, 1892. 12, 1892. 1 201 1 70i 1 00' 1 00 1 1 001 7 20 ! 1 70 j 1 70 i I 90 1 20 1 70! 1 20 1 00 1 00 ; 2 20 I ;s io 1 00 2 00 . 1 70 . 1 70 I 2 00 1 . :5 77 ! . . 1 60! . II 10! I 70 i co 1 20 . . 4 70 .. 1 50 . 00 . 1 70 1 70 County Kate to Paa-Atnariean Bspoiitlan, Round-trip rates via O. K. tV: N. from The Dilles, 81.00. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays during June, July , August, September and October, good for continuous passage going on date of sale. I Baugage upturn limit thirty days from date ol sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west ol Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can tie made by apply ing to agent O. K. & N. Co., The Dalles, where! y tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or tsith directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf Jamks aiLAND, Aijent Hammer xeartloai to tne Hea cotm. Only $6 50 for the round trip from The Dalles to Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific Park, Ocean Park or Nahcotta, Wash., good for return until Sept. 15, 1901. checked through Till, Or., Aug., 5, 1901. t, 11. Newell, chief ot the division of hyponraphy of the interior department, and Qlfford Pinchot, chief of the divi sion of forestry of the auricnltnial de partment, arrived yesterday Irom Wash- I and Ington, VlO Utah and Idaho and leave tomorrow with Representative Moodv. ; by private conveyance, for a trip through Wasco, Crook, Harney, Malheur and Baker canities Representative Moodv 's abiaal in planning this trip was with a view of hiving Mr. Newell personally inspect1 the arid lands of his district, together with the main mountain streams tribu tary, for the purpose of conserving their waters foi the reclamation of these bar ren tracts should the government finally mown '" Atoms. ineoiil idea Ihil ttie hody sometimes i needs a powerful, drastic, purgative pill has been exploded; for Dr. Kinu'M New Life Pills, ITbiOh are perfectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to ex pel poisonous matter, cleanBe the svstem absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only 25c at (i. C. to destina tion. The steamer T. J. Potter will leave Portland daily except Sunday and Monday, and the Hassalo daily except Sunday, at 8 p. m., and 10 p. m. on Saturdays, making direct connections at Astoria and at Ilwaco for all points on Oregon and Washington beaches. Call on Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dalles, for through time card to all beach points. jly3 2m Blakeley's drug store. 1 Why uot spend the vacation at Va quina bay, where can be had excellent fare, uool Ashing, good boating, sje bathing, alluring rides and rambles. The courses and exercises at tho summer school of 1001 at Newport will afford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort offers equal attractions and like advan-I"6- junlltf Subscribe for Tiik Cuuo.niclk. lryingf preparation! simply devel op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up the secretions, which adhere to the lucmbrauo and decom pose, causing a far more serious troublo than tho ordinary form of caturrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffa and uae that which cleansos, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such n remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All drugmsts sell the 50c. size. Ely Brothers, 50 Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Uay Fever. Floral lotion will core wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arae & Falk. bul'scrlbe for Tut Owtowicbl, ' John Kotler Jan 7, 1891! R F Moore May 11, 1891 Wm Methen Julv 7, 1893. W M Mnrphv Julv 7, 1893. Mrs S C Nelson Nov 10, 189:! Ed Nuton Nov 14. 1892. G II Palmer March 9, 1894 R A Pown May 11, 189-4 Q W Roberteon. . . Nov 10, 1893. . Jos Kaben Mav 11, 1894. Geo Stiles Sept 12, 1992. W J Sonderland.. . Nov 14, 1892 C P Saunders Jan 7, 1893. John Smith Jan 5, 1894. Jas L Smith Nov 14, 1892. John Wickstrom. . . .Jan 5, 1894 Wm Wedekind May 5, 1893 Frank Wait Jan 11, 1892 By order of the Honorable Court ol Wasco Coanty, Oregon Dated this 16th day of July, 1901. A. E. Lakh, County Clerk. Don't be satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently ami completely le moves this complaint. It relieves per manently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest the stomach. Nature receives sup plies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dvspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can't help but do you good. Clarke o Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. P. T. Thomas, Sumterville, Ala., "1 was suffering from dyspepsia when 1 commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 took several bottles and can digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Commencing Sunday, until further notice, the O. R. & N. will sell round trip tickets, Dalles to Cascades, for if 1. This rate applies only to parties of five or more. Good for Sundays only, laglm Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & ra;k, agents. mI The Collins hot springs are now open. No hotels, but the finest of camping grounds. Hunting & Hosford, man agers, Collins, Wash. tag8'lm James White, Bryantsville, Ind., says uewitt's Witch Hazel Salve healed running sores on both legs, lie bad suffered 6 years. Doctors failed to help him. (let DeWitt's. Accept no imita tions. Clarke.& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Don't Hub It In, Just wet the affected parCfreely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that be makes a soecialtv of these goods. tf Clarke &, Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly mire liquid (taints WALTHER, - - OREGON. YOUR KIDNEYS. Alter von tire of using so-called kidney remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and b forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard that old fogy ideaof "pain in the kidneys" and hare all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the use of nature s greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ol your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne. Indiana. M. .. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. lyon's French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED RESULTS. known female remedy. Bfiwara ot counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine Is put up only in poite-tiotrd Car tun Willi fill'-si mile btirn.'Ll tiro on aide of the bottle, thus: j - Scuti tor Circular to Williams mku. CO., Bole Agents, Cleveland. Ohio. aerat For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dalles, Or. CAUTION J J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors of I8 "The Owl." Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. f 173 Second Street. Phones: 51 Local, 868 Long Distance. I f : iff Iff! 1 j " 1 1 f : ? f ! ? ? f f ? Th Dallas, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers. i IB I KSy!iMiiji;! Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -DKALKK IN- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axlee, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for Kuwell fc Oo.' Engines, Threhers and (tew Mills. telephone 157. UnjC Distauce 1073. Cor. Second & Lansblin Sts., THE DALLES OR.