The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 05, 1901, Image 3

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r,,.rv economical woman in the ritv should
liivij 1
take advantage of our
Here are
to TIE to
20 per cent.
I Discount dales
4: For this week wo offer you 20 per cent, off on
J all MUSLIN UNDERWEAR in the house, includ
1 I ...1 ! vlr 1 rl l' I
1)1" IVIUBIIIJ i'Iviiko, vivnuaj v viii-') m w
set Covers and Children's Muslin Stuff.
For a few days we will offer you a line of- nar
FANCY RIBBONS in all shades; regular 10c,
I at 5c per yard.
Patent Leather, cloth
top $8.00
Tan Kid, in plain or
cloth top 8.00
Vici Kid, plain or
cloth top 1.00
We want to clean these
up, so here's your chance
for money-saving.
A Ooort AllMlilur .nil h.Clt?- Hul
nr.a TrtnMrlNl.
At the council meeting Saturday night
' in spite of the vacation Reason . b'lt one
I councilman was absent Wm. Shackle
ford. Mayor Farley was in the chair.
I After roll call and the r.eiial prelum-
; nary business, a petition ,or rather com
i inanication) from Mrs. Poor man was
I read, stating her condition and scttiog
' forth that she had received a fall on one
of the city sidewalks which rendered her ,
helpless, and, while not asking assist
I MM from the city, the council inferred
from the communication that she de
sired that Bome one be hired to wa t
upon her. The matter was referred to
the committee on health.
A. H. Curtis made application for j
j right of way for ferry landing at the foot
Of Union street. It seems II. at at differ
lent times obstructions have caused I
! much difficulty in landing on this side j
the river, and hence the application..
The committee on streets and public!
j property have charge of the application, i
I to report at the next meeting.
I Three bids having been received for
! the city lot on Third street, Councilman
j Kelly, seconded by Wilson, moved that
! the bids be rejected. Carried.
! Moved and seconded that the resolu-
j tiou on sewers be accepted and notice be
published in the Daily Chkmvklk for
two weeks. Carried.
The treasurer's report was read and
placed on file.
The recorder was ordered to prepare
an ordinance to put (1000 in the sinking
lit-alli of a Noble Voting Man.
it js' a A
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
With deep regret we chronicle the
! death of Alfred Feldernian, sou of Mrs.
I T. Prinn, at The Dalles Hospital Satnr
j day afternoon at 3 : 40 o'clock,
i While camping at Stevenson about
i nine days ago Alfred was attacked with
I the pains which twice before had given
1 assurance that he was a victim of ap
I nendicitia. HnrrviiiB home lie was
TT placed in the hospital and last There
of the firm, will move his family to Port-1 day operated on ; but while the op
M m. A m. X mk
- A. 1 T I . m n nvn
1UU Hi lOUay. iur. DrouKb any a we a. v ; ui iud iiuii, m muB u c mum j w i -
catching the California heat, for it reg- j land and will take charge of the office in eration was success m, !
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Waittn bounty warrants registered
prior t September 9, ihor, will le pairt
an presentation at my ofHce. Interest
ceaiei after .tuly 13, 1001.
Vounty Treasurer.
-,i9tered 110 in Red Bluff, Cal., yester- ' that city, while Mr. T. Brownhill will
day. Portland had her hottest day of the look after the business at this end. We
year yesterday. j believe that this is a move in the right
Krve, the 11-year-old eon of Jeff j direction, as It will bring them in closer
Johnson, who lives miles from Car-1 touch with the home-seeker. It is safe
that ".," Der cent, of the Drospect-
son, vvaB'i., was piayiug wiiii ucurin jgu .- ...
Saturday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock ' ve settlers who come to Oregon make
. . . I H.,.11.,,,1 ll.uir rlualinallnn anil art f.r RS ' 1 11 Tee
when it txploded badiv teanng oa """""
lacerating his left hand. His father j we know very few of them ever get back
immediately carried him to t he river, j as far as The Dalles. It is the intention
placed him in a small boat and caught of Messrs. Hudson & Brownhill to try
the midnight train for this oltf. Dr. I and seenre a share of this business for
Logan was called and.attended to the Eaetern Oregon. The sale of real estate
wound, and while the bov may have a I in this section of the state will be their
crippled hand, the Dr. thinks by careful specialty, and persons who Hit their
attention it can be saved. , J property with them will receive the ben-
. , lent or tins increased service wunuui r
The number of excursionists w ho are j
ira rotu sr,
daily viewing the grandeur of the Co
lumbia is very large compared with that
of last vear. Every trip of the boats
Our public schools will commence live j bring many tourists to the Cascades, the
weeke from todav, September 9th. j number reaching the hundreds on sev-
Freel. shipment of crawfish just re- I era' occasions. Fifty Epwortli Leaguers
Mired at C. J. Htubling'e aud now on j were aboard the Geo. W. Shaver Satur-
day. As tney lanuea at me iockb une ui
the party stepped forward and called for
three cheers and a tiger for the crew of
the boat, which was taken up heartily
tap. aug.s .it
It can hardly be said that the collect
ON today look "cool and collected ;" but
rather "hot under the collar."
Several hunters, who were out yester
day, report chickens numerous and from
the numbers brought in we suspect
they are less numerous today.
Commitment papers were made out
Saturday evening for Mrs. Carrie Day,
iioui r Mine Owners,
and as the steamer started up the river
Cant. Alden let the whistle of the Shaver
express their answer to the compliment
The Dalles colony at
tained a number of city visitors yesterr
day. who tell us that that usually cool
Bakkk City, Aug. 4, WW . j
Further particulars regarding the bold
op Saturday of Messrs S. Godfrey and
Clark Taber, owners of the Red Boy 1
mine, tends to prove that the robbers !
1 i 1 I 1!:. ...Ronnni i r it IriQ .
secured tue mm.uu r, - "" carload of
, I, 1 nn nl iKu n I no I ) I (' I'X
IUUUUI1Y I icon iy 1 . 11 -
act amount is not known, but is usually
between $85,000 aud $30,000. Neither of
the owners will deny or affirm that the
t.rnnhle followed, which all the skill of
his physicians could not reach, and
which caused the most excruciating
Alfred was born near Bellevue, Iowa,
on the 1st of October, 1888, and came
his mother to this city when
years ot age, where he has since
lived and whereby his happy disposi
tion and good traits of character he grew
to be a favorite. While not a strong boy,
he was energetic and w hether at home
or employed elsewhere he was never
known to be an idler. He certainly gave
promise of a ipiendld manhood, his ex
treme love of and dutifulness to hiB
mother giving evidence of a uoble char
acter. The funeral will take place this even
at o o'clock from the family residence on
Fourth street.
rie tay, -- . . .... ."...
(p , r , , , . u. , resort had a taste ot tne neat yesieruuy,
of Osieade Locks, and she was taken to . , .. . ' . a-.
the insane asylum at Salem yeeterdav.
June and October are not the only
months in which our county clerk will
Krant marriage licenses. Saturday Albert
aneaud Minnie Peros were made happy
1 . . .1. f....-.;i;Aa rt HI M
nn n i . i .1 . .1; ,
Huvuineni iroui mat omce. "Li
The 1U1I,
it's will miss one of its most h m wninnn i. R
linn 11 In- I 11 . I , 1 1 Y . . . .
i-v-Humi uiiijk lames hub mil , us we ftJers
wuritand Miss Georgia Sampson has
decided to spend the fall and winter in
Alnaotti, whither she went some months
since for the benefit of her health.
Having greatly improved she deems it
"Wt to remain for some time at lea9t. '
Charles Alexandei
Ployed in tltH
bullion was taken, nor will they make
... . . r
any report ot it to tne county onicere.uue
Cascades enterVjLf them stated today that if the robbers
should come to the mine tomorrow and
ask for a muare meal when the men
were being fed, they could get it. They
say they have ueciueu: to poc.Kei tueir
loss aud say nothing about it. Mr. Ta
ber said the robbers had secured enough
to getaway from the country ou, which
is taken to mean the bullion. It is
learned that the bullion
E. Walthers, J. A. Douthit, Was not brought on in, and it is regarded i
jequally positive mat u leu me mmr.
'There seems little doubt that it was se- j
Mm thermometer o imbiiig up to vo
degrees. It was thought the represonta
tion from this city would not be so large
this year, but the number has about
reached that of last summer. Among
...The New York Cash Store..,
139 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
lobson, W
Gnshlogi Dr.
also Mrs. E. M. Williams
Mrs. F. T. Sampson and daughters, uCured.
Frankie and Margaret, and Mrs. Mcln-I Three masked men did the
,..,,1 Mm AH.ima Inn iiarl KMil AT defccri Dt loll IS
buaii iiini id. - - " r- - -
a young man em-
scoiirinir mill, flnll'red a
ve'y painful accident Saturday afternoon,
weoiog both of his
heavy rolh-rfl and imathlng the fingers
uaaii' Or, Eshelman attended
lnes and he is now
hands in the
the ill'
getting along nicO
Ju lie Bradibaw has oooSrmad the
Jecisiou of tlie lower court in the case
ainu,l. brown for committing a nui
sance against J. VV. Moore, and fiued
MM defendant f 10 or twenty days in the
wuniy iii.
Visitors to our city invariably remark
lupon the number oi pretty nomeo
possess. Few cities of its ei.e excel lhe
Dalles in this regard, and this summer
has seen several added to the list. The
; pretty residence of J. 1.. Thompson, on
i Third street, is an ornament to that
I portion of the town, while that to be
: built by M. Randall on the bluff will be
' one of the most desirable in the city.
The improvements made by Dr. H.
! Logan on the home recently purchased
i hv him on Fourth Btreet l ave made it
not onlv beautiful to the eye, but perfect
as regard3 comfort. A. R. Thompson is
Alao beantifvinfir his home on the bluff,
work, but
given of
them. The first reports given out were
that the bullion was in a buggy occupied
by Mr. Godfrey's brother and his wife,
being driven ahead. It is now feared
that this report is a mistake and that
the mini' owners have sustained a ser
ious loss. They will offer uo reward, nor
make any effort to have the criminals
caught, as they state that but little
would be done if the matter were report
ed. Notlre o 'nui4e .
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Just received, at C. J. Htobilng't, a
BcblltC Milwaukee bottled
beer. jly lw
Young lady wishes to do sewing by
the day. Telephone 134 for further par
ticulars. Jy 31-1 wk
Wanted A thoroughly competent girl
to do general housework. Wages $20 a
month. Apply at this office. jy-"J Iw
... ,
Acker's English Remedy will stop a;
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money re
funded. 20 0(1. and BO ctn, Rlakeley, j
the druggist.
C. J. Stubling Las just reueived a,
I lartte consignment of Schlit.' malt
I tract, stricllv non-alcoholic and one of
the best remedies In the world to build
up a weak or broken-down (JOMtitU
tion. jlyL'iMw
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-bum,
railing of the food, distress after eating
or any form of dyspephia. One little
tablet gives Immediate rtHof,
and 60 0t. Rlakeley, the druggist.
Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head
ache. Indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. -'") 04 1
and 5ft cts. Rlakeley. the dwggleL
Special in
See our Show Window.
New Grocery Store
have added a Grocery IVpari
ment to our gtore. A new ftreah,
clean stock. ( ivg us a call. I'rompt
delivery 'to any part of the city.
If you let us shoe you
we'll guarantee you
Would suggest Pingree's
' Governor" a dozen dif
ferent shapes, at
per pair ....
II li''7
mi I,. . I . . f . . . I . .c 4 i .. i I I T 'I a it v imiirnvHd IllH
j--.. vii-,a-..U OI IlltVUICUt IID i HUU SI . IIUIIII llc k.vm.i,
11 an occupant of this undesirable abode, residence placing a number of improve
vu, uv inn
WAV lnona nail nf (ta lar
rf these ,ot days.
w'll take it all back. That Is what
Juld about complaining against the
JJ , w'"le itden't do any good,
we a heap of satisfaolion in kicking
j ' lbe thermometer jumps up to 102'J
lh" shade as it did yeaterday and
inents on the exterior and ntting up
extra rooms in the inteuor. Others are
making improvements, all of which add
to the general appearance of the city.
The well-known real estate firm of
Hudson & Brownbill are going to open
an Office in Portland Sept. 1st ntx.
Mr. T. A. Hudson, the senior member (
The board of equalisation for Wasco ,
county, Or., will meet and be in session j
at the court house of said county from!
Monday, August 20th until Saturday,
, August 31st, 1901, both da.vs inclusive,;
and will attend to any and all matters I
which may come before such uoara tor
The Dalles, Wasco Co., Or., August
3, 1901.
C. L. Schmidt,
aH-d&wtf Assessor, Wasco Co., Or.
Gifford'e Potos Never Fade.
Tramps Valte Netleei
Man to work in the harvest Holds aie
in big demand these days. Meu in
search of work are arriv ing in town daily
and always find a job awaitin them. -Dufur
For Infants aud Children.
Ik KM Yon Havi Always Boufbt
Bears the
gfguature of
OUartes Members Vake WeMee,
Mri-. N. I,, i itistin, state organi.-r of
the Knights and Ladies of Security, on
the 10th of this month will o.ganie a
council of this order to he hailed as The
Dalles Council K. A L, of I, This so
ciety pays accidental ami old age claims
and ','o:s not increase with advancing
yearn. Those who wish further infor
mation will do well to call OB Mrs.
(iiitin or C. A. Marshall at the Obarr Admission as charter members
one dollar , after the charter is closed,
five dollars. fft'M
When yonr hair appears dry and U
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
tne hair needs w hen it gets n that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science Hair rfjflBfcjgi Orower and
Cocoanut Cn.tu,fl Br Tonic. They
will riiro dand Wmm nil) and all
scalp diseases. For sale at Kram r's bar
ber sbop Prioe 50c and 75c a bottle.
Fur hmlm.
A .1. 1. Case separator ; good as new
and ready for work 32 Inch cylinder
ami a 14 Woodbury Dingee horse power.
. On easy terms. Apply to
OgORfll Noi.AM),
jy2-wklylmo Dufur, Or.
Just the thing to take along when you
go camping or to the suacoast. For sale
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third anil Washington Ste.
AH ardors attended to promptly. I.uig
dletanoa phone 433. Local, 102.