The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Notice is hereby given that t lie com ii uion council of Dalles City, at n meeting 1 MONDAY AUG. ", 1901 thereof held on Saturday, the 3d day Of - August, 1001 1 determined to construct. ami relay a drain and sewer described as AVERAGE YIELDS OF WHEAT, follow, to-wit: Ileginning at a point! where the center line of Court street in Kroni the horiOUltUral department tersects the projection of the south line I , i of the first allev south of Fifth street in issues statement of average yields gM DHi City, and running thence in ! of wheat in the throe northwest stales a northerly direction along, or near, the center line of said Court street and along during ten yeais past. 1 he report nt jna) of the Old Wwer now located In shows: said street, to a point where the center ; ,, ,. line of said Court street intersects t lie I Average yield per acre tn Oregon prtljJCtu,n of t,e center line of the alley dOrinff 10 year period, 17.7 bushels: between Main and Second streets, in, , . . . sanl city ; thence westerly to said alley , wumugton, au.o, uuw, --. These fiiiures are somewhat llgOtO rjant and are susceptible of some studv. aavs the E. O. WbV should the average yield in Oregon be the lowest of the three states." The loll in the eastern half on which wheat i raised is of volcanic ash. the best foi . j . , t , tue pruuunuu ui - (o b(. ,n a (l4ngero8 condition, and (ur- been found, And the yield in the ther provided that notice be given of the .... . ,,. ,,, o instruction ami relaying of said drain eastern ball is much greatci on the Md HWW hy puWleaUori 0 a notice for ivera'e than 17.7. There is only two weeks in The Dalles Dally Chroni ca '. . 1 - ! - . LI: . . . . i l . . u fFnr it-ilf anri one expianuuuu iu.i uuo .i., that is that the average has tteen re- duced by ,i.o ,..n..llnn nfWII. nit; no we owawvtwM laaiettc valley wheat lands. It is ii .i . i.,.io commonly known that wheat lands in Western Oregon have produced ... ii.i.. ti..., At A of late years much less than the) did when the soil was virgin. Anil so true has this been that farmers have begun to abandon the culture of wheat in that region. The state of Washington is young er, while the state of Idaho is the youngest of the three. According to the age and in inverse ratio as to age the average yields run. Volunteer crops furnish a partial solution, but not a sufficient solution. The deteriorated Willamette valley lands account for Oregon's rnnKing thud on the north coast. BOLD ANARCHISTS, We offer for a limited period the PateriOD, N. J., has become more twice-a-week Chronicle, price $1.60, of less notorious in the last year by and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, reason of it being a very hotbed of ,J0'h papers for 2 a year Subscriptions under this otter must be paid in ad anarchy, and the place from which Vance. f luesci started a little over a year ago on bis successful mission of murder to Italy. A few days ago on the an niversary of tue deed of this man which resulted in Italy losing her king, the l'aterson anarchists held a jollification in a public hall where nearly 800 men were in attendance. J The usual inflammatory speeches were made, acd praises were sung of the man fti) killed King Humbert, and all this was permitted by ihe au thorities. Some man may say this is :t free country where freedom of action. thought and speech (8 permitted, out D 1 1 when it comes to a question of Ibis kind a line must be drawn. These people came together to breathe the foul air of minder. They glory in . , , , , . , the wicked deeds of their fellows, they probably laid the foundation of nfhor OTimn. in I ha future, kliiAti otuer crimes in tue luture. ftuch congregations should nevei be per- mitted, for if thev are once allowed to start where will they end: .lust . .. . , , such meetings as this one hied ihe soul of young Breici to kill a fellow , ,, man, and the same influence is ex- tended to others. The United States should be rid of this class of men. s! Qncatloii Anawerett. Yes, August Flower Still has the largest sale of anv medicine in the civilized . . ' world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of u-ing anything else for indigestion ami biliousness. Doctors were scarce ami thev seldom heard of i, ,,, appendicitis, nervoui prostration or heart failure, etc. Tliey used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regn- late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous ami organic action ol the sys tem, and that is all thev took-when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches. Yon onl) need a few doses of Green's August Kiower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke dt ,r'1''8" 1 Incases of cough or croup give Ihe little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy ami have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. Jt ne?er tans, rieaaant lo take, always ( safe sure aod almost instantaneous in , fleet. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. end along the center line thereof and a continuation thereof to the west line of union street ; thence in a northwesterly ; direction, along the most practicable j route, to low water in Mill creek. Said i mined that the cost of the construction I and relaying of said drain and sewer , ben"jl ent sewer and drain now in existence upon and along the line above described cle- OB 1 KDBI1BaIDa inerrui iu ue . Monday the 5lh day of August. 1901. and linal publication thereof to be on bwimt w iu uy o anpu. , iwi and further determined that :tid drain and sewer be constructed and relaid at aonve ineiiuoiieii twuieuiHlsiy auer iub expiration ,,, the Ume mentioned in said notice. All persons interested are hereby noti- fled thflt 9aj() drtn aod -WM wi be . constructed and relaid as above deter- mined and provided tor. Dated at Dalles City, Or., Aug. 6, 1901. . Jl. KBBt? 1 at i i.i i in- t irv Ill SIMKS8 LOCALS. You will not have coils if von take Clarke A- F:i!k'e sure cure 'oi Iwils. Clarke v Falk's flavoring extracts are the be'-. Ask your l" oer for them. R. B, liilbreth & Sow will keep at all times H supply of bay. grain and feed which lliev will re' lil at the l.iwest I1)lirket rate?i i20tf Wanted A small family to occupy the home and keep house for an aged widower. Liberal terms can be had. Ily22-ltn Apply at this ottlce NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed will on Thursday, the 8th day of August. 1901, at the front door of the County Court House, in Dalles City, Waeco County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of sanl day sell to the high est hiiliipr for rush in Ii .mil nil nf Jho propel ty to which Wasco county, or any tner public corporation In said Wasco County, lias aciUiml title bv virtue of 8ale for taxes, a- shown by the records of tax 8ales ,or "i'1 Wasco County. tVOBBBT &KLLY, Hbariffoi Wasco County, Oregon. Dated this Ktb day of Julv, 1901. jy8 dw 5tw DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co- Prtnare)bip heretofore existing between Maximilian Vogt ami Philppino Chap. man, under the firm name and etvle of M Vogt & Co., Ii this day dissolved ov mutual consent. Maxuni inn mt will continue the holiness of said former :id,wi" receipt for all moneys due said lirm and pav all debts contracted by said tiro, . Dt ' 0rgon' th,s l7,b ' "" ; ,. Maximiuax Voot, "v- 5w Phimppiwe Ohapma.v. Tm Whita rinll.r Una nTiu ne yrntte woiiai line, oaiie datzet, will sell through roand-trip tickets to t; ., . , . . Seaside and retutn. tickets good going fron' ,or,1a'"l Over the White Collar line, O. R. & N. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. , . . C K, I!., ami return over same bnee. ! Baggage checked direct to either North I Beach, Seaview, Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean Park or Naheotta. Limit ui ticket September loth. I. M. Filloon, agent. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- . . . ihe parlnersiiii heretofore existing between T.Poland and M. Ueisler, un- der the style and firm of Poland and Heisier, has this day been dissolved by ' T. Poland relires from the firm and the business wil, be cin. tlnued by Heisier A Son, who will ml lec'ali accounts due the late linn ami PHV 11,1 debts ami obligations, t. PoL.tsu, M. Hkiklkic. Pated ai Tlie Dalles, Jnly ", 1901. jyl7'3edd:w Jus! received at Qllbreth A Son s lumber yard, a few carloads of No. 1 Ct'd" posts ami A shingles. They 1 fe agents for Heath A Miliigan's cele-I b1'1 shingle paint. Call on them; their priest are all right. Wood not Burned is better by 50o a eord than wood I that ie. o. O. Huck, Beirne, Ark., savs I was troubled with constipation unti'll bought DeWitt's Little Karly Jisere Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint. 1 recommend them. Clarke & Falk's P, O. Pharmacy. rrTrrrmT ",aftavevevevet The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at NoWi Profit-Sharing Association aro 1 set Dickens, 15 vols., publisher's price 1 set Knight's History ol England, 8 vols., ,ullisher's price $12: I vol . ua nerj of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Don; 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by i. v. Powdeily; a 3 rebate to person paving the most cash during four weeks end ing Aug. 3d, and a 2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount ol east, during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone. B6U t'ert Sc Condon phone No. 92. (live me a trial. M. T. NOLAN. , JgV gVgVgVsV-'sVBW yj fl 1 1 I 1 WtlltG liO I IST Llll6i me DaiiBS-Portiana Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, , T , TT . . Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and m, . The Dalles. T1ME CARD Leave Cortland 7 A. M. Arrive The Dallee S P. M, Leave " ' 4 Arrive Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best. .Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. '-TAHOMA,'" Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Leave Astoria 7 p. u. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both pliones, M 351, Portland, Oregon. E. W. ORIOHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalies, j 4 T mi I't Mil a . s. ' a.j. u i j.vux, Agem Astoria. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, LAKOXST 8TSAM8UII' IN THE WOULD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. The luagnifloeni White Star twin-sctew steam r Celtic." (30.000 tons) specially chartered for the occasion, and for 71 days lUbJOCt to the or ders of the direct"! ol the party. To the Sladltarranean ami the Orient, occupying 14 day, Spending IS day in Kgyptaod Palestine, hotel 1 , ...,, . .... . - .. . . Kiii? , , . r .. ,N.,r", Af" a' Malta. BgypUtht. Holy T.nd, irke . UraaeV, Italy, the nceoinmouaii'iu.- iiitmdi'd. VisllllIK ric Itiviera, kiiland aiul I relmid . I WJt)l attractlvo (optional) aide tripaaerossKu 28SniE&!g ffVSn I Star steamers Oceanic, Maioatic, Teutonic die to.t of Tr,. ...., Uom v,k b,wk l"Ne" v"rk' 00 nd upwards, BCCOrdlUg to stateroom SCOOmmO- dation ; including shore excuraioui. ho- ,citf' 'nii; saaty e-xinS H"d i. ic rtur..--Madeira. Malta. isday in hgypt and the Holy Land. Constantinople, Atow, mo, the Biyfera, etc, under the management of Frank C. 'Clark, oi New York, Cairo, etc, l or further particulars address HUDSON A BKOWNHIXEh Washington street, The Dalles, Or. I ( interested, aend (oi illustrated program, John Pashek. The Tailor. Has just received 1000 samples of the latest patten," in (ient's Clothing floods. He guaran tees prices and a good lit or no pay. : John Pashek. The Tailor SO Y LARS' EXPERIENCE aar iHJRJ'J sJIiilLJ TRADE MARKS JE3IQN8 Copyrights Aurone nendlribf a ftketch und depcriptl.m nm' , uw ntoeriitin our opinion freu wnetlKM- u illfontKMl I probni ly patemablc. ' uiumuiilof lioiw ttriollf confidential- HundUkOkon Matoatt i'tit irre. UMttM aireiit') lor BtM'uniiK iMitetitH. Uaken ttiroUhrh Muuu ( o. it t i l v rft i uil notice, without cbartte. In the Scientific American. A liiiiidnoiiielr tllufttiated weekly J .urgent ol '1 fi lit.-, $3 1 lltfHHtlual.'l Larvett clr '1 fi in.-, 1 1 a i-ulatiuu nf uuy ai-Kanliti' journal four montka, L f-'M by all iividtialerii. 361 Broadway New York uvlun. I). C Sraorl tMllct- tti, V Kt. Wntlilugloi Mnrtliorn Panifin Tae coiuiuma PacKins Co mm iiihi ii i ii X U X a. ABU A Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: DINING CAR ROOTS FROM PORTLAND TO TIIK KAST. THE ONLY DIRKOT LINE TO THE YKl.l.OW- STONE PARK Union Depot, Firm and I sis LKVK. No. 2. Fast mail for Tticomn, No. Seattle, oiympia, uray s Harbor and tfouth Head points, Bpokane, Ross land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, Lewliton, Bul 11:15 A.M. faloHump mining ooun- 5;801'.M, try, Helena, Mlnneatio lis. St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, CbtOtgO and all ricints No. I. east and southeast. IMiget .Sound ExprG0S 11:30 P. M. for Tacoma and Seattle and intermediate points No. 3. ;00 A. M. Pullman lirst class and tourist sleeuers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Missouri river points "iobutad'tralna, Union depot connections in all principal cities. Baggage checked to destination of tickets. , ror uandsomely illustrated dcKcrlpttre matter, . tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on or I : write A. D. CHAKLTON, Assistant (ieneral Passenger Agent. 366 Morri son Street, corner Third. Portland Oregon, ! SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route 1 rains leave The Dalles for Portland and wav staHOTsaUiab a m. ami g i. m. ijave Hortiand 8-m m - no, m tau Aid;:::::::::::;:xl!igSS i;S); S . t, Arrive Ashland 12:83am 11:80am .Sacramento 5:00 n m 1:85am .. Sa Kraucisco o --.ib ji m sits a m li:ia m 'Sain :80ani Arrive 0(Mon 5:45 a m " Denver !:0) a m " Kansas City 7:'i5am " Chicago 7:4." a in Arrive Los Angeles 1:30 p m " Kl Paso fi:00 p m " Port Worth 6:80 am " City of Mexico 9:55 am " Houston 1:00 a in " New Orleans 6:25 am ' Washington 6:42 am ' New York lj : 1:1 p m 7:00 a m (i:00 p m j ii:SOaiii I 9:5r) a ui j I :O0 a n 6:25 p m I ii i2 a m j U p m ! : Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair Oars .Sacramento to Ogden and Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or- leaus and Washington. Connecting at San Kraucisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, china, rnuippinei, central ami south America, See agent at The Dalles station, or add.tss C. H. MARKHAM, (ieueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Or Just What You uiant. New ideas la Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are show ing never be fore graced a single stock. Keal imita tion creton eli'ects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices! Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on third street. Also a full line of house paints ID. W. VAUSE, Third St FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ' Trausact a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern Slates. Sight Exchange aud Telegraphic! transfers sold on New York, Chicago 1 St. Louis, Han Francisco, Portland Ore', gon, Seattle WmIi,, and various nni,,t. in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on lav orable terms. SOutlp Pacillc Co mm IV I vl Ii mm PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUFACTU KKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages j Curers of BRAND I HAMS & BACON DRIKD BEEF. RTC U Restaurant L V. HONG, Proprietor. i First-Glass in Every Respect i nl A ' I Oysters Served ill auy Style, a; second St., The Dalles. Or Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening aud recon- ; StrUCttOg the exhausted digestive Or- J gans. lb la t lie latesiaiscovereaaigesii- i , iinii aim louic. u uinur Mnyamuou can approach it in efficiency. It in- stantly relieves and permanently cures , Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, WaAilan m Bah V,,. ...!, 'KTo.icoa I S.4"."" .""5f ."w""" oiCK xieaaacne, uasiraiKui,t:ranipsana an omer results or. miperiec t uigestion. ! Price 50c. and $1. Larjre size contains 1Vt times smallaite.BookallBboutdyspepstumuiledtree ! K,rBared bV E DeWITT CO.. Crjlcoa s0id by Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received A full line of Freeh Printing anil De veloping Papers direct from factory. .Solio, Row Deko. Velox a 11(1 Al'IStO 111 all I MAC... ., ,. , , . - Also a line of Plates in C ramer, Crown, Seeds aud Stanlev. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, M altigraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning aud Fixing Bath ie a dandy. Try it. j The A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing papeis has no equal. I Enoagh for 86a to develop 0 doaen plates I or ti dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guarantee!, if directions are followed. Ask for the A. E. 0. De . veloper, and see that von get the genuine. We are prepared tOCOmPOUIld anv and all of your own formulae and guarantee satisfaction. At the old Dlace. l7o llannnH fi . 1 lie Dalits, Oieifon. iv.ii.... , " c"1' Geo. C. Blakeley. npgspppgsspspsgfpgjBg La Lane, 0HN1IUL j 1 J 1 Wagon and Carriage Work, rieh Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mewii, Phone 159 tmtm r .. H liactsmiifi AND... Horsesfioer Oregon Short Line AND Union Pacific IiEPABT FOB ChicaKo Portiand Special. U:'j: p. m. via llunl Incton, Atlantic Kxpress, WifiO n. m. via Hllllt IliRton. St. Paul Fast Mall, 0:36 p. ra. via Spo kane. TIME SCHEDULES FROM THE DALLES, aurivk from salt lAke, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, St. luis, Chi cago aud the Kaat. 1 iM p. m. Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sasClty, St I.ouiH.Chi eag and the Fast. 4:46 a, in. Walla Walla, EswfttOH. hpoUane.WHllnce, Pull man, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwau kee, Chleagoand East. : SO n ai . OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From Cortland. (All sailing dates sub ject to change ) S:0O p. m, 1:00 p. in. For San Franeiseo, Sail every 5 days. Dally except Sunday, b:00 p. ro. Saturday, io:on p. m. Daily except Sunday, 8:00 a. in. Columbia ltlvnr. To Astoria and Way Landings. t oo p. m. except Bunday, Willamette lllver. Oregon City, Newbexg, Salem, Independence, and M ay-landlngs. 4:80 p. m. except Sunday. Tuesday. Thursday, Saturda v. 6:00 a. m. 1:30 p. m. Monday, Wednesday Friday. CorvalUa and Way- Lamliugs Tuesday. Thursday, 1 Saturday, ' 7:00 a. m. - 1 Leave i Kiparla daily, ' 3:40 a. to. Willamett.1 and 3:30 p. U. 'amlil!l Itlvera. Mouilay. Oregon City, Dayton and Wednesday Way-Utndings, Friday. Snuku Itlrer. Leave 1CWistnii daily, :8Ua. ni. Kiparia to Lawlaton. Parties desiring to ro to or 1 dints on Columbia Southern via Higgs, should tiiKe No. leaving The Dalles at 12:'J." p. m. making dinxd connections at llcppner junction and Biggs. Returning maklngdireotootineotlon at lleppner junction and Bigga with. No, 1. ar riving at The Dalles at 1 :0ft p. m. For further parUoulara, call on or address .1 AS. IRELAND, Agent. The Dalies, Oregon. : Complete of Dm (Js at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Nasal CATARRH In all its atagea there saooM be deanliaaaa. Bi..t. f ui. i a . ouill aJUllll . rlMnisSiSentlieisnfl in-aia tins dlaaaaad maoibraiie, i it cure eatanh ""d drives SWay a told ia Hie lii'ud i (piickly. I ream BSMW la plated Into the nostrils, spread over tlie mt :il)runo and ia aUwrbcd. licliol ia iui- niediate aud a cure follows, it ia not dry log do not produfta saetslag. Largs i'.e, cema at Pm gistn ,,r by mail; Trial HUe, 10 i ijnt by mail. B UQOTtUBflj j'i Wiirrcu .Street, New Yoiii. J. SCIHN, K , Prealdent. Max A. Voiit. Caahk'i First national Bank. I THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposit received, subject to Sight u rait or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection, night and Telegraphic Exchange sold a New York, Ban Francisco and! fort land. D1RBOTOHB D. F. Thompbom. Jmo. 8. Hvaaaca. Ed. M. Willi amb, Gao. A. Liae. H M. Bball.