0 A TRUE FISH STORY. B i 1 0 i White Goods Fancy-Hosiery Men's Th Tlm-Moantalnrv firm on Thf rhrnnirl. i Sroot Economy is Wealth ! Cotton i i That is the reason wh' so many people lo not bo- come rich. Money saved is money earned. For this week wo are going to offer you some Big Bargains. Every piece of Fancy White Goods in the house must go, so wo will give the public the benefit of 20 per cent Discount on any piece of Fancy White Goods in the house including Satin Striped, Fancy, Dotted Swiss ; Checked and Fancy Striped Dimities. Have you Boys' and Girls' Good Hats for this warm weather? Here is an eye-opener in that lino: nrn AT Sweaters... Navy blue and black 75c and $1 Values, SPECIAL. .. 65c 1 c, 35c and 250 values i 19c Now if you want to save money you should not miss this opportunity. liEMEMBER, FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. f I f 1 f Silk Goods 1 L ft Sailor Hats Telescops, Grips, Dress Suit Cases and Trunks in a largo assortment and at very low prices. PEASE 5c MAYS. -jyi- 'W' -t;;!- "'.iir' "W "W 'W- V n ' I n :ull''Ji(: B $v iwiflfc: 1 The Dalles Daily Chwnlele. SATURDAY AUG. 1901 two story residence for JVt. Kanilall on the site of Mr. Crandall's present resi dence. His friends are sorry to learn that t-inkets. Looking them over yesterday he discovered the letters D. H. S. and deciding it was still of value to the graduate who lost it so long ago, hrought Ice Cream and IceCream Soda At Andrew Keller's. Co) TREASURER'S NOTICE. All fTMOO County warrant regUterel prior to September 1H08, will be paid an prexeiitittloii nt my office. IntereHt ceae art nr .1 lily 12, 1901 . loll N P. IIAUI SHIRK, C'ouuty Treasurer. ! Alfred Prinz, upon whom an operation i 1 town with him today, Should the for appendicitis was performed a few I owner chance to see this article he may days since, is in a very dangerous con-1 secure the pin by calling at this oflice ! dition today, his physician having small I and paying for the advertising. hope of his recovery. Alfred was a for- j The party consisting of Mrs. NorB mer employe of this oflice, and a favorite warthy, Mrs. Alice Sheldon, Mrs. A. with all, and we hope to report him bet- i Thornbury, Misses Evelyn Newman and ter in our next isBue. Anna Taylor, Dr. H. A. Sturdevant, Letters received by friends from Miss I Rev. Lake and Girvin Peters, which Kathryn Sargent, who with her grand- j left for Cloud Cap Inn Thursday, re parent8isited the Pan-American expo-j turned on tne noon train today having sition inform them that she has been bad a most delightful trip. The party quite ill, caused by the intenee heat was in honor of Mrs. Norswortby, who j WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The regular monthly council meeting will be held tonight. Fresh shipment of crawfish just re reived at C. J. Stubling's and now on tap. aug3 3t On account of the Mrd coming on Sat urday, collections will be made en Mon day thin month. in New York. She was, however, im proving and they expected to start for home soon, visiting with relations in Wisconsin on the return trip. The philosophic editor of the Moro Observer moralizes thusly . "Help a dog out of the ditch and no matter what kind of a dog he is, he will wag his tail is the guest of her brother, J. T. Peters. ' We understand the geutlemeu of the I patty climbed Mt. Hood and we expect j a report of the climb when the fatigue of Hit trip has been overcome. Two fireB in the short space of thirteen hours is an unusual record. Last night, i at about eight o'clock, the wood box in to paralysis and exhaust every muscle, j the kitchen of J. W. Moore, on Tenth trying to tell you that every drop of blood in him is at your command. Help a man out and what follows depends very much on his breed. The more we study this subject the better we like the street, in some unknown way caught fire and before the flames were extinguished two rooms were damaged to an extent of probably $50. The lire was extinguished without the calling out of the fire de- Don't complain of the heat. After wllJ dog we havn't had very little hot weather; uot worth mentioning compared with other towns. The family of Mre. A. Schooling moved yesterday into theGourlay house, recently occupied by Rev. D. V. Poling. The Dufur house adjoining it is now oc cupied by Mr. F. T. Sampson and family. iijirtinent. mis morning at V o clock a t0"j (ire occurred in the roof of the kitchen of the same building, resulting in a loss Njohn Carey has let the contract Charles .IntmRon for the erection of a two story iron-clad building on the lot ol bOUt$i00. The lire laddies respond : 11.4.1 . 4k. a.-.- i. nr.). I Sd promptly to the alarm but before IUIIUV UU40I y cnoi Ml inc usaluu , - ' ther store on Second street, and work has already commenced on tbe founda tion. The building will be 50 by 70 thev reached the building the fire had been extinguished. The building is fully insured. From the number of dog and pony shows which are on the road this season, it would seem that the actors have all "ijone to the dogs." Certain it is that I'lie Dalles has had a surfeit of such performances. riie dog and pony show people are etill "wid us" and from what we can learn are not likely to desert us In the "ear future. U is purely a case of irtna, with no very favorable outlook t lor a move on." The cltUeni of Sherman county are or KHii.ing a County Horse Fair Associa te whloh will hold a fair at Wasco tout tlu- 26th of October. The princi pal object of the association Is to en 'oiiraiic the breeding of good horscfi of all Kinds. feet, with two stores on the main floor ami offices overhead. The contract calls j tor i te completion oy heptemoer men. The plans for the building were made by A. Anderson. A special telegram n-ceived by Thk OhbONIOLI this afternoon from Baker City is to the effect that an attempt waB made this morning to rob Godfrey and Tabor, of the Ked Boy mine, of their monthly claan-up, aggregating $80,000. The men were on their way be tween Sumpterand Granite when three masked men held them up, but to no another brother Mr. and Mre been ft- B Dufur. who have visiting with relatives in Dufur and Wjnity for the past two weeks, returned 0 the Dalles yesterday. Mr. Dufur and lauiiiy will go to Southern Oregon next JM and will make their home at Gold ""I. where Mr. Dufur has made ar rngenientstoopen a law office. A 4-1 Aiiuerson lias contracted with F. . niii.i'i..i ,i . - l" put a irame cottage on lot east nf il.o li.. ...IJ . "v I DDIUvlluc UM "ltoij Blreet, Xbe buldlng ig to be np eted in sixty days. Mr. Anderson II the NOTICE. The county court of equalization will oe in session at the conuty court house t from Monday, August 20th, until Satur- j day, September 2nd, inclusive, and will attend to any and all matters which! may come before such board for con sideration. C. L. SCHMIO'J , ISid'Wtf Assessor for Wast o Co., Or. Why not spend tbe vacation at Ya jquina bay, where can be had excellent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe ! bathing, alluring rides and rambles. . ' The courses and exercises at the summer school of 1 40 1 at Newport will afford great variety of instructions, diversion 'and euterlaiument. No other resort offers equal attractions and like advan- i tages. junll-tf James White, Bryantsville, fnd., says DeWiit's Witch Hazel Salve healed running sores n bOin legs, tie had I suffered 8 years. Doctors failed to help j him. Get DeWitt'e. Accept no imita tions. Clarke k Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. thus destroy them, and as there seems i to be no objection to such a move they I itoa't Huu it in, are no doubt doomed. Just wet the affected partlfreely with 1 Mr. W. J. Davidson brought to this Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, . office this, afternoon a High school class j "d the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & pig of '97, which be found on the streets ; of tbe city three years ago. As the pin j If anything ails your hair, go and see , avail, as the bullion was in DUkrirv occupied bv Godfrey's and his wife. While Dalles people are mourning over the necessity of removing the poplar trees, which have added so much to the appearance of the city, the residents of other cities are in the same box. At a meeting of the council committee on sewers yesterday in Portland it was recommended that an ordinance be passed to girdle every poplar tree, aud There is not a man in the country more fond of trout than Brother (iourlay of Tim CHRONIC LB, He firly dotes on them. He would walk a mile any time to get a nice ireh trout and when he fails to get an anticipated mess of his favorite fsh he is sorely disappointed and refuses to be comforted. The other day Charlie Phiilips, he who runs a store way up on the bill, went fishing find be fore starting promised Brother ( iourlay a mess of fish on his return, tine day while seated at his desk writing an edi toiial, that fairly burned with republi canism it was naturally a hot day the telephone rang, and the man at the other end of the lint said : "Ii Ibis you Gourlsy? "Yes," was the answer re turned by the man with the fish appe tite, and he thought he beard Charlie Phillips say "Send the boy up for those fish." Not mm-h would he entrust the office boy with so precious a package; he would go for them himself, get the tish and order them for tiis dinner. So out he sallied into the blistering sun's rays, pulled up the hill, and arrived at the store, teu blocks, from the oflice, all out of breath anil with tfie prespiration streaming off his brow, nevertheless all expectant and fairly tasting the tooth some trout. On entering the store he inquired for Charlie but was informed that he had not returned from his fish ing trip. Then where were the fish. There were none in the store. Had no body telephoned him to come and get theHeh? No. Somewhat crestfallen he went back down the hill more slowly than he bad ascended, morali.ing to himself on the degeneracy of anybody w ho would play so cruel a joke on him. During the afternoon the 'phone rang again. Mr. Gomlay thought he heard the voice of the morning say "Send up upforlhose fish." This was ralher ir ritating especially on a hot day. He got warm all over and telephoned hack, "Condemn the fish, you don't piay any mote pranks on me; I'm on to your game." Then came the response from Dave Yause's store: "Fish, what about fish? We don't know anything about fish. We want you to send tip for the paste you ordered tuis morning." Light at last dawned on the editor, and after relieving his conscience by uttering some expressions that would not sound well in Sunday school he sent for the paste. Teacher' Kxainmatioii. Notice is hereby given that the coun ty superintendent of Wasco county, Or egon, will tiold the regular examination of applicants for state and county papers at Tbe Dalles, as follows: FOl! 8TATK PAPKBS, Commencing Wednesday, August 11. at 1 9 a. m. and continuing until Satur day, August 17, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Pennmanship, history , spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written Arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, book-keeping, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetii, composition, physical geography. Saturday Bo:any, plane geometry, general history, Boglilh literature, psychology. POH cor.vn PAPBfiS. Commencing Wednesday, August N, at 9 o'clock a. in. and continuing until Friday, August 16, at 4 o'clock p. rn. First, second and third grade certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of leaching, grammar and school law. Friday Geography, mental arithme tic, physiology, civil government. Primary certificates: Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Art of questioning, theory of teaching, methods. Friday Arithmetic, phy Biology, C. L. (ill 1 1 K I : I , Gcunty Bupt. Wasco Co., Or. CASTOR I A For inland uiiC Children. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys" Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS New Grocery Store Vi have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt del ivory to any part of the city. ...MAYS & CROWE,.. If you let us shoe you we'll guarantee you THE CORRECT THING j& AND A FIT JZ? Would suggest Pingree's ' Governor" a dozen dif- " ferent shapes, at per pair . . $4- II K A. M. WILLIAMS (EL CO. FOR CAMPERS. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bough! Ue al "o OOOtr, cted for the erection of was somewhat disfigured he paid little attention, supposing- it to be of no value, and threw it aside with some discarded Franer ; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he j makes a ipiMSlaiif of these goods. tf J Boars the Just received, al ('. J, SttiljiinV, I carload of Sclilitz Milwaukee lottlel beer. jlyf) 1 w Young lady wislies to do sewing ly the day. Telephone VM lor further par ticulars, jy.'il-lwk Wanted- A thoroughly competent girl to do general housework. Wuges $2(1 a month. Apply at this oflice. jy'J'J Iw C. J. Stubling has just received a large consignment of Schlitz' malt ex tract, strictly non-alcoholic and ouu of tbe best remedies in the world to build up a weak or broken-down constitu tion. jlyiHMw Mre. Nellie I,. Qllltio, slate organizer assisted by her brother Charles Marshall, is in this city for tbe purpose of organ Ising a council of this order, w hich is a ufraleinal insurance society admitting both MX. It pays partial arid total dis ability benefit! and does not incn-ape with advancing years. It will he well for all who wish tO interest themsel ver in this matter to call on Mrs. Uustiri or Mr. Manllftll at l ne Fanners Hotel foi farther information. RUfl'St When your hair appears dry nnd to have loll its vitality it wants something to give it life ami vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We have L ")H CwW8 of Science flair fjjiftffiijfe (irower and Oocotnilt i rciiiQ Hr Tonic. They will cure dand WIK ruff and all scalp diseases. Kor sale at Frazer's bar ber shop Price 50c and 75c a bottle. TOH4TIC I- or !. A J. I. ('use separator ; good us new and ready for work ; 32 Inch cylinder and a 14 Woodbury iJingee horeu power. On easy terms. Apply to IgOBOM Noi.amj, jy2-wklyliuo Dufur, Or. Just the thing to take along when you go caiiiiiins' or to tbe se.icoast. For sale by HKXTON A WA1NIKK. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sta. Al! orders attended to promptly Long dictai.ce phone 433. Local, 102.