ner nusoana s story c 2 K name I E, I. SprmiK, and my address is i Bondman Block, Troy, N. V I wanl to tell how thankful I am that my wife's health lias been restored to In.,. Abi a v. ar age she caught a dreadful cold, which settled in her bron clua, tubes and li.ns: Bile cer tainly had bronchitis, and I think consumption, too, and we de spaired of her lit.-. She had a tightness and soreness In the dies-., and i1 was difficult for her to breathe. Dhere were darling, sharj- dull and heavy pains, with constant coughing and expectorat ing. Each day she was worse than the day before. 1 was ad vised tojrct Ackei s English Rem edy, and dul so, but my wife only shook her bead and said : 'Another dollar thrown away.' She took the Remedy, however, and said the effect was magical. In less than an hour there was a remark able change. She got belter at once, anil m a snort time sue was entirely wel am strong again. The cure was permanent and there has been no relapse, I don't know what Acker's English Remedy is made of, but I am sure it contains something that fortifies the system against future attacks. My Wife is in better general health now than ever, and you can't imagine how happy she is for her recovery. She tells everybody about Acker's English Rem edy, and so do I. for I believe i; to be our duty to the public to help every suf ferer who has throal and lung troubles. My neighbors say it is a sure specific for croup, and ha saved the Uvea of hundreds of little ones around in this vicinity alone." Sold at 35C 50C. and a bottle, throughout the United States and Cat ada; and in England, at is. 2d., as. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return theb ittle to your druggist, and get your money back. li' authuritc M above guarantee, If. . HOOKER v C0.( Proprietor, ttete Yorlt, For sale at Blakeleys Pharmacy. J. E. FALT & CO., "The Owl." Proprietors of Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Street. Phones : "1 Local, 868 Long Distance. ? WINDMILLS, 1 PUMPS and PIPE, 2 RUBBER and Garden Hose, Hawn Mowers, Sprinklers, MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILL They overcome Weak uess, Irregularity and omissions, increase vig- or ami Daman pains of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body, No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PEB BOX Bit MAIL. Sola by ilruggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio For sale by Geo. C. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or. 1 1' you art1 in need of anything in our line, figure witl lor Will pay you. operate a PIjUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE I'KKNIINAI. MENTION, Miss Alberta Font? left on this- morn ing's boat to visit friends in Oregon City. durum, t Ilia Boat, Baltimore, Aug. l. 'Che democratic state convention, whic'l met here today, declared that (he purpose of the party, ! Mrs. John Filloon left on this mom- ! if successful in the election, is to ehmi-j ing's boat for an outing at Caicade Date the negro from politics in Maryland, Locks. it mch a thing be poseible under the P. Cleaves, the bonlface of Columbus constitution of the state (Jndei this uanutuK, was a piieseiiiin on hub paramount isene ol the campaign will morning's boat (or Cortland. tand ,he 0ftndidate8 noa,Jnated today f?. W, Stark returned last night from - for state offices, and those chosen in the Portland and Vancouver where lie has various county and district conventions been attending to legal business. ! a? candldfttea for phlt;eg , the egislat Jre M. Humbert left on the bailey Oatzert I 0f I'm)-, which body will elect a United thi- afternoon for Portland, where lic!c.,, , , , . , , Wellington. That his successor, in the ! events of democratic victory, will be Arthur I'. Gorman is settled beyond question, although no formal announce ment of his candidacy has yet been made. The platform, which was adopted 1 without dissension, was the result of much labor and many conferences, at all of which Mr. Gorman was preeent. The platform is generally regarded as the product of his sagacity and ex perience. It declares that the unqualified right to vote by ignorant citizens is a trade. Mrs. E. M. Wilson and eon, Attorney F. W. Wilson, arrived home this morn ing from a two weeks' outing at New port. Evans was in town today from Mosier purchasing material for a house that lie is going t build for his son G. C. Evans on the Mosier ranch. Leon Hunting, postmaster at Carson, and one of the managers of the Collins hot springs, came up this morning on the Regulator, returning home in the afternoon. BOltM. f f f i f 1 t 1 i The Dalles, On. The Chronicle, Uob Printers. I f fimr?,irirtT8V?,,.i...'.ri...,., F- S. GUfifilfiG, menace to the welfare of the state, and This morning, August 2d, to Mr. and ' that t tie state administration is to be Mrs. A. C. Uice, of Fifteen-Mile, B lOUi ' nAm inpniipil for hAvIno AanuH laara ,r, Question Answered. be adopted restricting the power of Yes, August Flowerstil! lias the largest ' illiterates to cast their ballots. It scores sale of any medicine in the civilized tm' federal authorities in this state, and world. Your mothers and grandmothers ' liaises the course of the state govern- never thought of using anything else for nt in ordering a new and more at- Rlonlrcrnith TTfirhnpr flTlfl WflO-mi TTlfllror indigestion and biliousness. Doctors curate count. No mention is made in " JDiaLIkOliUUUi X1UI OUSllUUI dllU W dgUIlHulalltfl . . were scarce and they seldom heard 0f ; the platform of the candidacy of ex-1 in- appendicitia, nervous prostration or onator Gorman fur re election to the heart failure, etc. They used August ! United States senate. Flower to clean out the svitem and ston Chairman Mnrraj Vandiver, of the fermentation of undigested food, regu- tte central committee, in calling the late the action ol tbe liver, stimulate tbe convention together, declared it to be I nervous and organic action of the sys- ; the purpose of the party to make the tem, and that is all they took, when feel- coming fight on state issues alone, ing dull and bad with headachss and Joshua W. Herriug, 01 Carroll 1 other aches. Von onlj need n few doees county, was renominated for controller ! of Qreen's August Flower, in liquid bv acclamation, and J. Frank Turner! form, to miike you satished there is was nominate ! for clerk of the Court of I nothing serious the matter with you. sppeala. net ureens prtz.- almanac. Clarke iV urogou, on saiuraay, august 10, ltwi, vii: Falk'e. 1 Hoxers nctliuff War , Poreiguers. Aarun c;. Vraainan, ItatM i" Pen-AmerleM Bsposition, Canton, China, Aug. 1- Violent and- . SwsSwjSTt TO.1 BE, Si ttS'tUU &ft Round-trip rates via 0. K. iV N. from i foreign placards emanating from Hit' '.TiN.'liLi;. iv'ii." The Dilles, 81.90. Tickets on sale lirst Boxen have been posted in the vicinity Iron, Steol. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Ajtcnt for Russell di Oo.'u Engines, Threshers and Saw Mills. Telephone 157. Long Distance 107.'! Cor. Second & LaogDliD Sis, THE DALLES, OS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. faKli Omi ;: i Tun line . . July 2. 1901. ,, Oh rz m V'amcouvsb, Was Notice is hereby riven that the foitowinir ' June 18. 1001 laiiicil kettJei - liav filed notire of latent! uta KOUOe is herthy given that the followlllff- make Hnal prooion tneir respective claims bo-1 namea settlers have nleo notice 01 their iii tenUoii tore the Kecister and Receiver at The Dalles, tomakeflualproof lnsupportoftbeircUims,and ui.ii.KHia proiii.s win oB inane DtlorO IOC KegUtei and Reoelvor D. B. land otiic.' at Vancouver. WasbiDgtCn, Friday, 'J, W01, viz.: Willini,, K. ()',al, .1.1I111 A , 1 1. -.111111 II. K. Nu. 9&ll.or the N'., of NKI .. KKl . nl KWl .Sec 1 1, and 8KJ , of BW I ibee II,' tp X, j; T V . M.. win, naines th- fnllnurlno u(lnaUA. .n and third Tuesdays during June, July, of the Christian chapels. The placard. N Wand N B si.T "fl i WKr ? WW ttp0n"la tultl' August, nepiemoerana uctODer,good for !"' iue imposiuon 01 me "Sr.VlJ: nni, , x v . 1 Roaael B. Swain, Ueorg A. Snider. William enaeted in and A y. Preeman bt Mosier. Oregon and Will-1 wMmmSoU. yl P" ' to ue pam ( inituii. continuous passage going on date of sale, house tax, laying it is only E'turn limit thirty days from date of I orltr to meet the indemnity sale. BtOP'OVeri will he allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent 0. R. & N. Co., The Dalles, whereby tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and ltufTalo. tf Jamb ggi ink. Agent to the lowers, and proceeds . "If money can be obtained, why not malte war On the foreigners'.' China is not yet defeated. It is only the govern ments's eyes which are blinded by dis loyal ministers. If we refuse to light, then it is a case of being greedy to live, yet fearing death. How can the care fully studied military arts be used ex- JAY 1'. I.IIUAH, Kontavr. jlyf, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash, July 17, 1001. Notice ih hereby Riven that the following named settler ha tiled notice of his Intention t make final proof in snp'urt of his claim, and that said priH.f will be made before the Register and RcoelVei of the V . 8. Land Ottice at Van comer, Washington, on Tuesday. September 1" 1001, ii: Ira It. Hntvett, NOTICE. ( cept against foreignere'.' How can we I of Lyte P. O., Washington, who made H. K. Mo. Notice is hereby mven that the under-!otherwiee mPloy our regiments? During i SKortbaU&hU"' quHtSrtf' aeetion eiuned will on Thursday, the 8th duv of IWi much money will be collected twentvKwe, township taiee aorta, range twelve August. 1901, at tiie front door of the through lotteries, gambling and general County Court House, in Dalles OltV, j taxes. But thev were never satisfied. Wasco County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock in T, , . . ,. . the forenoon of said day sell to the high- j Iherefore, should the house tax be est bidder for cash in hand, all of the I Collected we will demolish the chapel property to which Wasco county, or am : and drive out the Christians, if the other public corporatt.m in said Wasco emperor is unable to pay, we, Boxers C 111 II t V 1,1- .hiiilliei III la tiv uirlno t i a'wrtso sale for taxes, as shown by tiie recor(i, have an excellent plan to ain a victory of tax sales lor said Wasco County, ROBXRI Kki.i.i , Hbtriffol Wasco County , Oregon. Dated this Hth day of July, 1901, jyK dw 5tw Executor's Notice. Notice i nsreoy given ti,t u. Ponuell lias ' complaint. and twtameni of Ann Laiehlncer. deoeased. All perhons liaving claims pgalUlt the estate of said Ann Liichliiger are hereby UO tilled to present Ilia lame to ne, verified ashy law re ipiircd, within lis months from the date uf thin notice. Deled at Dalles I ity tliifc 7lh day of June, 100). )uu u .. PONMELl,, Kxeoutor. over the foreigners. Unless this nolicv is adopted a great rebellion is certain." as t, W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continiiouH residence upon and cultivation of saiii land, vis : James Fit.- and Colonel Kit, each of tiara P, o.i Waihlagton, and Irvln 11 Barlow and W illiam Olson, each of llnsun 1'. ().. Washing ton. JlyHO W. B. UUNUAH, Knrister. HVVNES BH0THEH8, Manufaeturers of The "Haps" Net and Slacker. Oi 0. Buck, Beime. Ark., tava: 1 was troulded with constipation until I bought' DeWilt's Little Karly Kisers. Since' V; re pleasod to inform our pations and the publiein general that we liave the exclusive then have been entirely cured of my old control and manufacture ol the Celebrated . 4. ... , t ..a, oe.-. i.o mm aiHeter, wineil Is llle uest svs recommend them. CUrke ten. yet invented for unloading hav or urain from lieader beds. We a,e now manufacturers it hufur, Oregon, and each he( iscarelully madi' ami uxaiuhiod before leaving the lactury. A I, ailuily ttuui, alui,l, to operate nuil sat iafactury. CornMpoudeucc solicited from all interested parties. & Kalk's P, 0, Pharmacy. A full line of hastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke &. Falk. (Hfford'l PotOB Never Fade. ijylui RAYWKtJ 1IHO!-., lulur, Or. Kussell B . Swam. 11. E. No. us1.), for the N1., of KKW, Bee I Tp I N, K I'.'K, W. M, who names the following nit nesses o prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, Vis.! William E. O'Neal, George A. Snider, William II. Hopper, John bariron. all of l.yle p o Washington. w in, urn ii. Hopper, II. E, No. 986"), for the NJj of 8W' BeoilO In -; Mi K U Ki W . M., who names the followlna wit nwaei to prove ins continuous reildeucc unou and cultivation of said laud, viz . Kusseli B. Bwain, William O Noil, Oooraa A Snider and John Iiallron, all of .y,. p, 0." Wth j""- v. r, puhbab, HeUter. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Land OrncK ai Thk D a Luis, Or., I , . , July :., ltfcij. Notice is hereby Riven that the follOWlM namci settler has HI.-l UOUc ol his intention to make hnal proo II support of his claim "u thataaid proof Will be made tajlort! the Keis V Milan, V. Tlloui,aoll , of The dalles, Oregon, H, E. No. w:., tor the .-' .. KW aud IV, u gee n, T i n, k ii k. w m. " He names the following witnesses to prove SfUfftel lVUmoU ""m a1"1 SuvaUon Paul CarteriB, k. T. Elton, Tero Miekev and Lee Bohsuno, ail of The palies, Oregon ' "v.'i jay p. LuOAi.Kftguter. Administrator's Notice. Notice is heichy given that the OUdeniCBad. I by an order of the eouiity court of Wa.-eocouutv state ol Oreaoo, has netn appointed adminu. tr.torof the esutc of Mittie llobart, decoaseil " All maona having claims against the estoteoi sanl de eas.1 are uotllied to present them with ' i.uV V .7' 'mrnrn i i ue uanes, Urevon "ii5 i Ms'"'! fh5 .d,u',l,! nofloc ...... ..... ui uuij, I."'! v oDorftto ;t REPAIR SHOP prompt attention. All orders entrusted to us will nave SEXTON ( THE DALLES, WALTHER, - - OREGON. YOUR KIDNEYS. After VOU tire of ti8itie po called kidney rpmediee without any heneh't, use Lincoln Sexual Pills ami be forever rid of those iluil pains In your hack. Discard that old fogy ideH of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nighte made rettfnl bjr the use of nature's gteatem assistant Lincoln Soxunl Pills. Price, 11.00 per box buy ot yourdrii(raiat orsent by mail on receipt of pricp, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indiana, M. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. , A I A ' A. : A . . A I A I i 1A r A : A ! A I A-WAMAyTOWn A'l l I j C. J. STUBMfJG, W HOLES U K ANIi KKTAM, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Dilution I'll. me 334. I. one IHt. lOOl. THE DALLES, OREGON. THE CELEBRATED .GOIiUJWBIA BHEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health Keports for June 2S, 1900, says: "A more eupeiior brew never entered the labratory of the United states Health reports. It is absolutely devoid of the tllghtett trace of adulteration, hut on the other hand is compos1"'1 ol the belt Of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high est and It can be used with the Kreatest henetit ami satisfaction by old and voung. Its use can contclentlously be prescribed by the phvsicianM with the oerialnty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not poitlbly be found." ErLKt, 5nnnrl St.real TUIT nAT t mo rmzi-Lr-i v " 'vv, i.uij v i n. tivtij . r lyon's French Periodical Drops nBoiX6?-.1.?' 1,-'r'fLct!y harmless, sure to accomplish "tblKtO KfcSULTS. Greatest knows female remedy. CAUTION u,Tuoh'f .?',,'efeii's a'."1 'I'eUoBS. TtoManfatlerat dp only In paste-board Cu- - zwwMtmx: Sad, SiSS, & JUlkp For 8ale b-V C. Blakeley. The Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer AiliniiiMrator of tlie deoewied. C. C. HollAKl nutate oi Kittle Hobart Jlyl7 DEALSBS in All kinds of Funeral Supplies CrandallSBarget UNDERTAKERS rv EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete.