Four Tlmn More Water Than rnlr.l White t Goods 1 i Fancy-Hosiery Economy is Wealth ! That is the reason why so many people do not be come rich. Money saved is money earned. For this week we are going to Offer yon some Big Bargains. Every piece of Fancy White Goods in the house must go, so we will give the public the henetit of 20 per cent Discount on any piece of Fancy White Goods in the house including Satin Striped, Fancy, Dotted Swiss Checked and Fancy Striped Dimities. Have you Boys' and Girls' (rood Hats for this wai l 1 1 weather? Here is an eye-opener in that line: Men's Cotton Sweaters... Navy blue and black 75c and. Values, SPECIAL $1 65 c 5C Misses' Sailors . . . 39c 50c, 35c and 25c values . '. 19c Now if you want to save money you should not miss this opportunity. MEMBER, FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. Silk Goods tmmmmmm Sailor Hats Telescops, Grips, Dress Suit Cases and Trunks in a large very low assortment and at prices. PEASE 5t MKYS. ;ik w iixiu: K. "a. r'!:: 'A. ijfli; V V V 'V v A: vfim ftf A: 8' 1 9 1 The Dalles Daily Chponiele. FRIDAY Ice Cream AU. 2. 1901 and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. of this month Mr. Gumbert will have another drawing with the same tickets. The many friends of Mr. I). M. French I will be pleased to learn that hie health j has steadily improved ever eint;e he I went to Seaview two months ago, and is j now in a fairly good condition, with a promise of continued improvement. I "I sent away a dol'ar," she sadly said, "to a party in New York who offered to I tell for that amount how to make the j guests at Bummer resorts love your chil jdren." "Oh, did you?" her Iriend asked. "What do you have to do?" "Leave them at home !" Chicago Record-Herald. J. W. Hinriche, of Hood Kiver valley, j last week sold his ranch of 180 acres on j the East Side to Charles Davis.of Kings ! ley, for $6,000. Mr. Hinrichs has since I purchased the 8. P. Shntt country reBi- " dence and grounds at Frankton, one of Goldendale is going to put in a sewer ; tl)e pieasantest suburban retreats in 1 Hood River. at C.J. Stubling'e, a: A f18iiermftn from tue r-itv who was is likely to be effected till tomorrow, and possibly none even then. The managers of the show have the sympathy of many ot The Dalles people as it was really very far from being a fake affair as one might judge from its untimely collapse. Mr. Yager, the head miller of the new flouring mills, returned heme yesterday 1 from a visit to White Kiver falls. Me ! reports that sixty niin are employed on , the several works eoBWt ted with the Wasco Warehouse Milling Company's' I power plant at that, place, and that the j work is being rushed with all possible speed so as to have the plant in opera- I tion, if possible, Dot later than October ' 1st. The power house i expected to be ready for the machinery hv the lirst of ? September. The flume, with its fall of : 135 feet, will be com pie. cd about the I ijj same date and the dam is expected to ' jfi le finished by the 15th of August, j .h Measurements of the volume of water in j jjf White river at this time, and a com pari- j t'S j son of these measurements with those I j taken some time back, revelled the j gratifying fact that since the 4th of July ; j the river has fallen only three-fourths j I of an inch and only four and a half! J I inches since the first of June. W 1 White river, although a glacier stream, ! ft 1 is now clear and bright. List week, j ft for the first time since the contractors, ml 1 went to work, the water turned milky for part of a day and ttie river rose half an inch. But the most gratifying fact of all is that by actual measurement the actual volume of water at the falls dur log this tirat week in August is four ! times as much as is needed for the two generators about to be installed. These 1 are of 500 kilowats each, or nearly equal, combined, to 1400 horse power. Thus, V : at this time, if these two generators! tj& ; were in use, there would still be in the JOL neighborhood of 4000 1 oree power run ning 10 waste, ui course ttie river will fall still more between this and the fall rains, but the above figures would indi- I ! cate tnat there is still vastly more, power in the stream than the Wasco Warehouse Milling Company is liable j to use or dis.iose of to others for years to come. It remains to be added that the ma-! obinery for the flouring mills is on the 1 way from the Fast, and that a force of millwrights will arrive here next week j and go to work on the same. ft I i ...The New York Gash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS f I TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Vt'aacu .unity warrants registered prior to September 0J, 1808, will be paid on presentation at my ofllce. Interest ccMca after . I uly 12, 1001. .IOHN F. HAMl'SHIRK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Strawberry Crop li l inen In SSS.OOO, If. F. Davidson, of the Davidson Fruit Company, and G, J. Gepslin, secretary of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union Wall Henderson, of Kingsley, eamtTtyiave furnished the following facts rehi- into town today and reoorted that a i ive to the 1WM straw berry crop: threshing party had juet finished a field j "These two ehipping concerns Hub i of twenty-one acres of fall barley on the (year shipped 32,000 crates of the 40,000 j old Jack McMnllen place a farm that crates of strawberries shipped from Hood j has been cropped for over thirty years,) River, or four fifths of the entire crop, j and that some people claimed, a fewll They shipped thirty-three straight car i years ago, helore Pat Bolton's bovsll loads under refrigeration, and between New Grocery Store We luiYc added a Grocery Depart ment tt our Btore. A new fresh , clean stock. live us a call. Pronipt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS CROWE... bought it, that it wouldn't grow rye and the twenty-one acres had yielded 1400 bushels, or nearly eC'g bushels to the acre. When asked how the wheat 15 and 20 cars bv express or about 50 care all told. The cash returns to the Igrowere for their 40,000 crates amounted jto about $85,000. A deduction of $ir,- PolnMd I'araKrapb. It's easy for the man who suffers no pain to talk of patience. Occasions do not make a man ; they only Bhow what there is in him. It sometimes happens that a woman's hair is a bit of fiction founded on fact. The imprudent man reflects on what was looking, Walt's answer was : "Wheat IfOOO for cost of picking and crates leaves j ne has gajj ali the prudent man on Milwaukee bottled enjoying greet sport fishing telegraphed lyitetr, . lust received, carload of Schlitz jiy-.t iw liia wife: "I've got one. WeighB eeven Young lady wishes to do sewing by j pounds. A beauty." He nearly lost the day. Telephone 1S4 for further par-1 his breath when the following reply jy31-lwk signed by his wifecamo back to him. engaged to "So have J. Weighs eleven pounds. He ten t a beauty. Looks like you. ticnlars. Miee Dora Neileen has teach a four months' fall school in the Boyd neighborhood. The Collins hot springs are now open to the public, as will be seen in the ad vertisement in another paragraph. Wanted A thoroughly competent girl to do general housework. Wages $20 a month. Apply ut thiB office. jy29Jw The Collins hot springs are now open. No hotels, but the finest of camping grounds. Hunting & Hosford, man ners, Collins, Wash. au:;-lm some Gilliam county cattle were dying l a disease thought to be black leg, but 'urinary diagnosis proved it to bf Noted by eating rusty grass. bwii i.ang s illness is pro nounced by her physician to be typhoid WW. Hers is, however, a mild case her speedy recovery is confidently otloipated. Apple will he apples this fall. A 'food River fruitgrower informs Tine llltUM. Goldendale's Cosmopolitan C'lub has come to grief and ite president is under i bonds of $200 to answer before the mi perior court for selling intoxicating liquors without a license. The Cosmo-1 politan Club ie a very thinly disguised scheme to run a saloon in a "dry" town. I Its ostensible object i.- educational anil social. lie real object is whiskey and plenty of it. The farmers in gome districts in Was- i co county report that prairie chickens I have greatly increased in numbers Bincc the law afforded them protection and 1 i especially since the coyotes, which are verv destructive of the voting bird, have been thinned out under the incen- j Ittve'of the ti'.ilp bounty law. The committeee that have been solicit- , ing snbscriptionB lor the coming fair have made during the i just couldn't be better than it is i We see by a letter from Henry E. I Doiob, in the Oregonian, that more Oregon Irott iB wanted at the Pan-1 ! American exitosition. So far as this j district is concerned there is plenty of j j fruit that might be shipped, but the J : question will naturally o-icur to the i ! grower or shipper, Who is going to pay ! the express charges of ti cents a pound? The express company will not receive a j pound of fruit for shipment unless tiie cbargei are paid in advance. When Mr. Doecb knows, or recalls to memorv j if he ever knew, that the shipping of a ft little 100 pound box of fruit costs the shipper an outlay of $( cash money in ' advance, he will be surprised that he isn't getting much fruit from this sec- tion. "Fvery expensive looking Panama ! hat," remarks The Philadelphia Record, ! "hasn't cost its owner the small fortune j that its appearance would seem to indi 0kt. There are a lot of young men wearing hats that would cost $25 or (80 j apiece in the store, which were really j purchased at an outlay of not more than $7. They have been especially import ed in the rough. One large business house with headquarters in this city has branch offices all over the world. There , ie one down in Venezuela, and when the Panama hat fad came !u vogue ibis Tlu'v rei-eived nledireR B that down his wav fruit bnv- 4- -i . a ann .,a u. i fel'H ui-u tv I 11 HUVU1 T'-i,'wv, wij'j ...... u.'pvD ui i- 1- I-.... a UV IUI 1IU1MUR tU.,. n.. i I1.. U J. II I to insure be delivered this fall. L ' Stubling has just received u rue oonilgninenl ol Boblils' mult ex striclv non-alcoholic and one of "e Ogtt remedieB in the world to build a weak or broken-down conatitu- fhe pries of salmon at Astoria, since IUH In , ... i . .. ' .... Ast . "H8 fa"en to 4 cents and the through overheating, an Irish onan thinks this price will probably ! which lie valued very highly. P'Vai until .1 -i . .. I nm ciose oi tne eeason, ! Hffw unle88 that is to 8a-' "ould be another famine of fish. Nobody baa vat ticket i ""toiou me winning tore Tue, Pr Ht b.rf. clg.r ikTT. luok-v number is 208;. If Hiano is not claimed most gratifying progiess j summer a lot of men in the home office past three or four days, flubbed together and instructed the Venezuelan agent to ship to Philadel phia a consignment of hats. Baying the j them in the quantity desired, they coet financial succbbs of the undertaking. each man SO. WUftO they arrived they Yesterday being the first da? oT7h7i ,n O'lftael state, but for $2 a aeason for prairie chickens a number of 'i12' llttt,er wiil blo, k ,ue"' in, an-v sportsmen wont out to the Lower Fit- ,leired 8t'f,e a,ul I,ul ,he Unisblim touches teen-Mile district and returned before t t0 them." noon with weli filled game bags. Among the nun. tier wan Mr. Crosby, of the Ji, T"fCJ I Blakeley drug store, who lost, probably W I Wll setterU For inlands and Children. r-Sm ui .... i. n . ioe Mim tou nave Always uougM on the 27th day The Whitney dog and pony show that exbibitei here last night, is stranded and unable to leave town for Hood Kiver, where it was due tonight, for want of funds. Several plans were suggested today for the settlement of its affairs but none materialized and no settlement Bears the ttguature oi Gifford's Potos Never Fade. Subscribe for Ten. Chuoniclk. the growers about $60,000 above all ex penses something over $150 per acre. "The output of Hood Kiver strawber ries should be gradually increased until we have three or four times as many as we have now. The markets are taking more each year than they did the pre vious season, and tnere will be no trou ble about the markets increasing with the production. There was no market this year that got all it asked for. l'oth the Fruit tirowers' Union and the Davidson Fruit Co., made several Hales of strawberries for shipment to the Klontlyke country, and the berries were reported as arriving there in good condi tion, and selling at 16 per pound box." Niriti-ugxan Canal. It is evident that public sentiment in England is twinging around in favor of having the obstacles cleared out of the Niearaguau canal. Lord Pauncefote gave expression to such sentiment in his recent interview in which he gave it as his opinion that a satisfactory treaty would be arranged, and the papers of Loudon arc now talking in a very con ciliatory manner. They do not see why any special rights of jrea! Britain's un der the old treaty should be permitted to interfere so long as the commerce of all nations is to be treated fairly. They realize that treaties must come to uu end when the purposes for which thev were MgOtlatfd have been subserved and conditions have iq changed as to render them obsolete.. With such a feeling prevailing in Knglaud there is no reason tod. ml! that we shall have a new treaty that ill meet tl.c requirements of I he situation if English people desire no to build thec.inal under such conditions tl shall be satisfactory to us, their government will not insist on treaty Stipulation! that we could out accept. Commencing Sunday, until further notice, the O. K. A N. will wll round trip tickets, Dalles to Cascades, for $1 . 1 h rate applies only to panics of five or more. Good for Sundays only, laglui Floral lotion will core wind chappiug and sunburn. Manufactured by Carga & Falk. Subscribe for Tug Ciihonh i.t. I what he ie going to say. The man who boasts of being able to spell every word correctly may not be much good i t anything else. When a buf begins to wash his face ! without being told he is passing through the ordeal of his first love affair. I A went giile business man is so scrup ' ulously exact in all his transactions that j every time he pays a visit he insists up j on taking a receipt for it. Chicago J Sews. Adterfelead Letter. following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoffice at The Dalles on I called for August 2, 1901. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised : i Arndti John Armstrong. R .1 P.urns, Mrs. tieorge Mean, William Cox, Lillle Cartmell, A Craig, John C ('base, Al I Doyle, C D Davidson, W Y K lgbert, J F Frogley, A W Herald, Mrs Fannie Johnson, Oscar Locke, Mrs M B Lappier, Kdith MoorehcmLKev.t i KWashhurn, Laura Martin, Dora McDonald, Herman WoCaafey, Mary Oideld, H J Powell. Jas Hush, Imu Hose, j o Robinson i Rufui Sbuppe, Mabel Scott, Maguie Smith, i M Taylor Y C Thompson, Victoria Yates, F L Benardi Sypben A Co. J. M . P vi I IBION Another ILIi. Mhlp Found. Anol her Viking ship, or rut her boat, ! has been unearthed near Kiel, bul this i new discovery cannot compare In di I menaiona with the finest specimen of j its kind, which inu.v be seen by tour 1 lata nt the museum In ( li rial la n in. In fuel, this clinker buill Viking vessel, which is about the size of one olaPur modern fishing boats, is perhaps the most interest iirg thing to Ite seen in all Norway. Those who sre it will realize for the first lime why "star board," or "steer-board," is applied to the right side of a vessel, as the helm protxuded from thin side, and nut from the stern, which lpracticallj the same as the bow. There is a popular im pression that "Viking" is etymologic ally synonymous wiih "Bea-King" but this la erroneous. The word ia not "Yi-king," but "Vik-ing," or "!uy man" "Vik" meaning "sea, inlet." or "bay," (ta counterpart is found In such Bnglish place names as Warw ick, w ick in the Orkneys, and elsewhere. London hronicle. v Kirat stu Ptsmlat. Of nil the myriads who play the piano, hOW man j kltOVI that "Tom Howling'' Dlbdill WUS the lirsl man who played the iii i rument in pub He? Thai was in 1787, i he lent whs performed at the lirst uighl of "The Beggar's Opera." Kven the piano was not regarded us a solo I Instrument, for thai privilege was mill reserved for the harpsichord, Invent ion. WM. MICHELU I Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Thlril anil Waulilnuton Sta. P. M. Nolle. All orders a tended to promptly, distance phi. lie :U. Local, ID'. FOR CAMPERS. Long Mis. Nellie L. Oustin, state organizer of the Knights and I. tilted of Sttcutity, assisted by her In ot her (hai les Marrihall, is ill this city lor the purpose of organ izing a council uf this order, Which is a a fraternal insurance society admitting j both sex. It pays purl ial and total dis ability benefits and does not increase with, advancing years. D. will be well for all who wish to interest themselves in this matter to call on Mrs. Oiistin or Mr. Marshall at the Farmers Hotel foi further informal ton. SUMl'Sl Aiieiiiii.n. Wttahlugtouiaui The regular meeting of Continental Union No. 70, will be held Saturday, August 3, at 8 p. in. I'ai'i. Km i, ta, Sec. u - - P?r FOLDI Nl 3 HEAT. CLUSEO Just the thing to take along when you go camping or to the saacoast. For sale by SEXTON A WALTHKR.