L tx.ll. f.Hu MaaMatlll.e. NOTICt. ' FKIDAY Al'ii. 1WU The San Francisco Argonaut" tell Ibis a? ii true story: "When the Transvaal was at its height, Paul Kruger sent a commissioner to l-.n;.'-!aml to find out if there wore any more men left there. The commis sioner wued from London to sny that there wer a four million men and women 'knocking about the town': that there was no excitement, and that men were begging to be sent to fight the Doers. Kruger wired back, 'Go north.' The commissioner found himself in Newcastle eventually, and wired to Kruger: 'For God's sake, stop that wai . England la bringing up men from hell, eight at a time, in Cages!' He had seen a coal mine." The Sherman County Observer makes these consoling reflections for the benefit of the poor: "The poor man has his blessings no less than the rich man. Pickpockets never bother him. ami road agents give bin a wide berth. The tax collector never hounds him. Nobody tries to borrow, and no one asks him to in dorse, flc never runs head over heels in debt, and is not robbed or barrassed by litigation. Burglars never invade his premises, and be sleeps In peace. When he dies no body questions his will or attempts to confiscate his bones. Congressman Babcock, of Wis consin, who is saitl to have deter mined to introduce a bill for the revision of t lie Dinglev tariff, has gone abroad to study the question. Perhaps when he returns he will feel as Congressman Overstreet of Indi ana does about the matter. The latter has just returned from Europe and says that his observations abroad convince bim "that the United States must continue to maintain a strong protective policy ag-iinst foreign imports and at the same time seek greater openings for our surplus goods in the orient." The progressive democratic party of Obio say that "tue gold standard democrats and republicans tell u tuat the country is in a prosperous condition ; that the idle r.rc employed, business is good and the people are contented. If this condition pre vails then why try to push the repub lican party out of place and power for has not that party furnished this condition:" The question i- un answerable. P. J'. McC'ully, editor of the Goldendale Journal, has accepted a position with a Klickitat county threshing machine outfit. This proves, what some people are slow to appre hend, that your country editor is (it to tackle anything. Tin Cukonp i.i. congratulates Brother .McC'ully on his deserved promotion. An Eastern drunner recently went to Harney county to engage in the cattle liusine;?. and when lie arrived at liurns he aiked whether it would be cheaper to buy domestic cattle or gather u a herd of the wild animals' on the mountain:. A party of fllteen Northern Pa cific engineer! commenced last week, at Maliton, to survey a line in ;. southwesterly direction, which meant in the direction of BickletOI), in eastern Klickitat. 1'. T. Thomas, Suintervillc, Ala., ''J was suffering from dyspepsia when l commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I took several bittier and can digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. Clarke a l alk's P. O. Pharmacy. If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair luish, dry aud crispy. Now we have two of tiie yery best preparations for cleansing tiie scalp Kgg and Pine Tar Khampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossv. Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber shop, The lallee. tf The following COOntJf warrant? will be cancel led by the county court in thirty deyi from this date unless called by the parties Owning same within the next thirty days : neti Awt Chat Kradlev. July :, 1808 i 70 J Wm Blum. July 7, W03 1 20 j Mr? bird . . . March 12, 1802 1 70 LeeBlantoo March 12, 1802. l 00 ' Robert Heard. March 12, 1802, i 00 Tom Branch Nov 12, 1803 1 60 Wm black May 6, 1802 . 7 20 A T Beers July 0, 1802 1 70 Chas Cannon March 10, 1808 1 70 Thoa Iorson May 6, 1802. I y" J W Kbersoll Ian ", 1803. I 20 MJFinlayaon. March 12, 1802. l 70 K A Haumei -ln 7, 1893 1 20 W I Htnkle Nov 14, 1S92. . . 1 00 .los A Kenna March 12,1802. 1 00 John Kotler Jan 7, 1893. 2 SO I V Moure Wm Methen W M Murphy Mr? S C Nelson Ed No ton. v-i II Palmer k A Pown G W Robertson Jos kaben Geo Stilee. . W J Sonderlend May II, 1894 Jolv 7. 1893 ..Jnly 7. 1898. . . Nov 10, 1893 .Nov 14. 1892 MarWi B, 1894 May li. 1894 Nov 10, 1893. May 11, 1894 Sept 12, l"'1-' Nov 14, 1892 .Jan 7. 1893, . .Ian 6, 1894 Nov 14, 1892 . .Jan 5, 1S4 . . Mav 5, 1893 ..Jan li. 1802 l 80 3 m 1 70 1 60 1 20 4 70 1 50 4 00 1 70 1 70 lUIltV C 1' auniiers John Bmitb .las L Smith John Wlckstrom . . Wm Wedekind Frank Wsit Hv orJer of t tie Honorable i Court oi Wasco Codnty, Oregon. Dated this 18th day of July, 1901. A. E. Lake, County Clerk. BUS! MC88 LOCALS. Vou vv il 1 not have ooils if voti take Clarke & Falk's sure cure oi loi!s. Clarke & Falk's Savoring extracts are the best. Ask your si' 'cer for them. R, B. (iilbretl, & Rons will keep at all times R supply of hay. grain aud leed which Ihev v i 1 i retail at the Ijvres! market 'at?. $2(Ml Want-.'. A small family to occupy the home and keep house for an aye.! widower. Liberal terms can be had. Apply at this office. jly22-lm Experience i- the best Teacher. I'se Acker's English Hemedy in any case of COUghs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded JS cts. and 60 cts. Blakeley, the drug gists. We offer for a limited period the! twice-a-weeK Chboniclk, price $1.60, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, ' both papers for $2 a year, inscriptions niuler this offer must he paid in ad vance, f Sick Headache abtoiutely ami perma nently cured by tiling Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy, satisfaction guaranteed or money back. -"cts. and 5u cts. Biakeley, trie druggist. Tne White Collar line. Bailey Oatz-jrt, will sell through roandtrip tickets to .Seaside and return. Tickets good going from Portland over the White Collar line, O. R. .v N. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. & C. R. R. and return over same lines. Baggage checked direct to either North Beach, Seavicw, Long Beach. Breakers, Ocean I'ark or Nahcotta, Limit of UCKet epiemocr llttl. I. M. I'lliooi,. agent. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- The partnership heretofore existing between T. Poland and M. Heisler, an der the style and rirm of Poland and llei-ler, ha tide day been dissolrsd by mutual consent. T. Poland retires Irom the firm end the business will be con-i tinned by Heisler fe Son, who will col-i led all accounts due the late lirm and pay all its debts and obligations. T. Poland, M. Hbulkk. Dated at Tiie Dalles, July 17, 1801. iyl78irdAw DISSOLUTION NOTICL. Notice is hereby given tbat the co partnership heretofore t-xistim; between Maximilian Vogt and Pbilppine Ubap 1 man, tinuU tlif nrm name ami style of Uai Vogt & Co., is tbis1 day dissolved by mutual consent. Maximilian Vogi will continaethe business oi said formal linn, and will receive and receipt for all moneys due said nrm and pay all debts contracted hy said tirui. Iinted at The Dalles, Oregon, this I7lh day of July, 1901. M ximu Vogt, IvSO 5w PlIILIPPINX Oil .cm w. lust received at Gllbreth A Son lumber vard, a fesv carloads of No. 1 cedar posts and A shingles. They ' are agent-(or Heath & Milligan'l cele brated shingle ; u i t) t . Call on them ; their prices are all right. Wood not ll lined is better by 50c a cord than wood that is. jyll) i When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life aud vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We have the Crown of Science 1 1 a . r Stffijj? tirowei and Cocoanul I re&utULr Tonic. They will cure dam: bW toll ami all scalp diseases. For sale at Krazer'n bar ber shop. 1'rice 50c and 75c a butt lu. Das'l Kut it in, Just wet the affected part freely with . Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,! and the pain is gone. Sold hy Clarke dt Falk. The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at No w Profit-Sharing Association are 1 sot Dickens, 15 vols., publisher s price -l set Knight's History of England, 8 vols., publisher's price 1S; l vol. ua 11 y of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Dore; 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by i. Powdeily; a $3 rebate to person paying the most eash during four weeks en - Lng Aug. 3d, an i . a.r (i u f during same period. Prompt delivery oi an gooos oraereu u3 Wf. ferl A Condon phone No. 92. Give me a trial. eeVaV kVsV 'fc'sVsVsVsVfcVsVsVsVsVs mm - " " " " "" " " "- " ; Kxpress, j .m. mm M- Uim. h.frinn flfl rtaHUBl White Collar Line. The DaiiBS-PortiaQfl Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY ROUND TRIP8, Kxeept Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River White Salmon and The Dalles. 1 TIME CARD Leave Portland Arrive Tiie Dalles. . . Leave " " Arrive Portland M. I M. I r 4 .10 Meals the Very Best. N1,, Trtn- i m jin Ke.tnre feunday Inps a Leading Feature, This Route has the Grandest Scenic Attraction? on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. -TAHOMA." Daisy Konnd Trip? except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m Leave Astoria 7 i m , ,. in- t.- .-i Landing and office Foot of Aider Street: both phones, M 381, Portland, ( Iregon. E. W. CRIOHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FIT, LOON, Agt. The Dalles, t Ttvioi. i ... A. J. TA i LOL, Agent Astoria. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, 1 ABQXS1 HTBAM8BIP IN THE WOULD, Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902. The DiagniQeant White Star tuin-sciew steam ei "( eltlc." (30,000 tons) specially ctaarterea for the oeeaslon. and for 7-t days subject to tne or ders of the direotor oi tbe party. Xo tiie Hadiaarraaestn ami ih. Orient, oeonpylog 14 days, Spending M days in Egypt and Paleatine, hotel accommodations inelud.-ii. VikIIIuk .Muillcra. Illeraltur. North Af- riea. Malta, Heypt, h Holy I. no. I. lurKey, uraaee, Italy, lua HlViera, KiiKlau.l aud I reluuil . Wit) attiKCtiv (optional) sid' ti;p across Ki rope. Ticket- xl to stop over in Kurope on j.oi.iewaM vojageand t.i return hy the White ta: steamers Uceauie. MajotR-, Teutonic, .ve. i t'ost of Xrii), lu.i.i u... fn.ni Ken York ! buck to New York. SJ400 aud upwards, according t.i stateroom aCCOmtUO- ' dation; including shore excursions, ho tels, few, Kuid. s, diives and all necessary expenses. ueelal Features Madeira. Malta, ISdays n. Egrpt and the Holy Land. Constantinople, Athens, Lome, the Riviera, cte. t inier the tnanagemSOt of Frank C, Clark, oi N'- ..rk. Cairo, etc. For further particulars address HUDSON A lUtnn Nllll.I.. Washington Street, The Dalies, or. j l interested, se-.n t foi illustrated program. John Pashok. The Tailor. lias just received 1000 samples of the latest patterns in Hint's Clothing Goods. He guaran tees prices and a good lit or no pay. : : : : : John Pashel;. The Tailor. 50 Y CARS' EXPERIENCE SH mw mm TRADE MARKS JESIGNS Copyrights Ac. .vine stndlnii n si;i-i i h and dei.eriritliii uia v .iv MSdMrtaln our opinion tree whi-thor u i u v . -in ion im probaLly n.-uentHbie. CoinnuDtcf t loim Btnctly rjiiUdeiitlal. Handbook on Pulenti ' 1 1 ' Oldest iivency fur securiuir imieiim. I" in -i.'.n taken throuKii Munn A Co. rccclT tpeeial ttotict, without cbaiye. li) Ibe Scientific JUnericait A liandfonielf tllunt rated wosklr. I.aivut (Ir dilation of any scmiitldc jutirna). Tarsas. S'i a :.! : (our niontbs, tl. ."old by all iiewmlealt-rr. MUNN ft Co.--- New York Braurli otrtoe. 82i V Hu Waatubgtoi.. U. C t- ....c.r,,, nott na iii iH'rni( reuBvc uu ici"u I'Kj'i'b . 1 M. T. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING CAR ROOTS FROM PORTLAND TO THK BAST. THK ONLY DIRKCT LINK TO THE YKU.OW- BTONE PARK Union Depot, finiUulStl No. Fast mail for Taeonia, Beattle, Olympta, Qray' No. Harbor ana .ouin nenu points, Spokane, Kos land, B. C, Pullman, Moscow, I.owiston, Buf- 11:15 A. M falnllump mining coun trv, Halena, Minneapo lis", St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas city, St. louis, Chicago and all points No. 4. east and southeast. l'ueet Sound Express U;80 P. M. for TaOOma and Seattle and intermediate points 5:60 r. M. No. 1:00 A. I-'nllman first class snd tourist sleepers to i "''"ains. ruton depot connections i ta all principal cities. Bntrktae checkdl to destination of tickets, h"or handsomelv Illustrated descriptive matter, ticket-, sleeping-car reservations, etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 265 Morii n Street. comer Third. Portland Oregon. SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dallas for Portland and wai stations af4r2t a. m. and 8 p.m. Leave Portland 8:30am 7:0npm Albany U;am 10:00pm Arrive Ashland 12:ainm " Sacramento. 5:00pm sanFraneiaoo 7:46pm 11:30a m I ;86 a m :1 j a m Arrive Ogdon 5:45 a m Denver 9:(Hi a m " Kansas City 7:25 a m (Jhicao 7:15 a Di 1 1 a m 'j;OOa ni 7:2"i a m 9:311 a m Arrive Los Angeles 1:20 ji m " El Paso 6:00 p m " Fort Worth 6:3ii a m " City of Mexico j:o. n m " Houston 4:00 a m " New Orleans 6:25 a m " Washington 6:42 am " New York U:4iipin 7 :0n a m 8:00 p m d;j a m 'J: .V5 a m 4:00 a ni :25 p m 6'4S a m 12-13 p m rullma:i and Tourist cars on both trains Chair ears Sacramento to Ogden and Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and south America. Bee agent at The Dallas station, or add. iss C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or i Just What You uuant. liTS i New ideas in Wall f'aoer iiere. s,.i, wide variety as we are show ing never be fore graced a eingle stock. Heal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices tiood papers at obeap paper prices! Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VAUSE. Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Trausac. a General Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the hastern States. Sight Kxchaiige and Teleirranhie t,.. .r,i. i.i i- ..oimicir tuiu mi .ew lurk, (Jhlcago E St. Louie, San Frauuisco. PAakUnJ ir.'il i riJiS' po,,lt8 Collections made at all m. L. orable terms. llMII'l HUrll MM I I iq wuiaiH-.-.- 3 I 1 II I I Mil I II Hll PACKERS OF 1IU1 LU U1U A M.UM.M.M.V Southern Pacific Go i -r Wm m If All largest BIUuu " Seu- I L.i ...Lmluilll NOLAN. PACKERS PORKandBEEF MANUFACTI5KKRBOH Fine Lard and Sausages i Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JR1F.D BEEF. FTC BJl Restaurant L. V. HONG, Proprietor. First-CIass in Every Respect MKAI.S AT A I.I. HOlliS. Oysters Served in any Style.; s" Second St., The Oallcs. Or I Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificiallydigeststhefoodandaids j Nature in sirentrtbeninc aud recon atructing the exliausted digestive or gans. It isthe latest discovereddigest 1 1 ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efllcieucy. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Large size contains 2V4 times small sure. Book all r.boutdyspepsiamailedfree Prepared by E C DcWITT A CO.. Cblcag Sold by Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received A full line of Freeh Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Sulio. Rex, Deko, Yelx and Avisto in all si.e. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. I Trays, Printing Frames, Alliums, M altigraphs, And all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Knreka Combined Toning and Fixing Hath is a dandy. Try it. The A. Ei C. Developer for plates, tilme or developing papers has no equal. Enough for Hoc to developed dozen plates or li dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Ask for the A. K. C. lie veloper, and 6ee that von get the genuine. We are prepared to compound an and all of your own formalio and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second Street, The Dalits;, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. L. Lane, 8 QKNKIIAL Wagon and Carrion Mfstrk a ti.t. ... " "'uinsrs Wagon. j m M Jm PHoiie 159 uactsDUin ...AND... Horses Oregon Shor,t Line AND Union Pacific DBF ART FOB TIM K SCHEDULES nan THE DALLES. AtiHivr. fhom fHgo Portlaud Special. 12:39 p. in. via Hunt lng ton. suit ijiiic. Denver. Rt Worth, Omaha. Kan sas CHy, At. LonlS, Chi cago hihI the Kst. 1 IM p. m. salt i.Hke, Denver. Ft. Worth. Oinniui. Kan- mm City, Bi tuliuchl. . .iK" anil On' Hast. :4S a m. st. Paul Fast Mall. waiia Walla, Lswtoton. Spokanc.Wallaee.l'iill man, Minnpapolis, St. 1 Paul, Imluth, llilwau kee, Chicago and Kast. I ; p. in. ! via Spo- ! kane. 8:10s m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE I ruin lortlHIIl. (All sailing dates sub ject to change ) For San Francisco, Sail every r, days. s:0n p. ni. i -Oi p. m. I laily except Sunday, :00 p. m. Saturday, 10: oc p. m. Daily except Sunday. ii:0n a. in. ColiimMR Itlver. To Astoria and Way handings. t ;00 p. m. except Bunday, Wlllamtttte Itlver. Oregon City. Neivberg, Salem. Inilcpendcnce, and ay-Landings. 1:80 p. m. exeept Sunday. Tuesday. '1 hursduy, Saturday, 6 .w a. m. 4:0 p. m. Monday, Wednesday Ftlday, C'orvallia and Way handings 1 Tuesday, : Thursday. Saturday, 1 7:W)u. m. .li ii. mill 3:80 p. m, Vamhlll HI vera. Monilny, Oregon City, Dayton and W ednesmiy Way -Leadings. Prlday. Siiuke Hirer. , hcve Lewiiton ... . daily, Rlpatia to Lewiaton. . 30a.nl I eavc Riparia daily. 1:40 a. m. 4P Parties desiring to ro to Heppner or points on Columbia Boutbetn via liisgs. should taae No. j. leaving The Dalles nt U2:26 p, m, making direct connections at Heppner JunoUon snd Biiiss. Returning maklngdirectconnecUon at Heppner junction and BiggS with (.No. l.ar riving at The Dalles at 1 :05 p. m. For further particulars, eall on or address .lAr-. IRELAND, Aent, The Dalles, Oregon, ft Complete of Dm at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUOGIST. Nasal CATARRH In all its stages tiiere liould bo cleunliuesa, Kly's Cream Balm flninMSoothaaanit iieais tha diaaasad aiaaihraaa It CUrSI catarrh and ilrivua sway a cold iu thu liead oulokly. OraU Halm i placed Into the BOftrilli spresJ over tliu iminliraiic and is absorbed. 1" :ef id iu Bwdlata snd a cure follows. It Is not drjing a not pradaaa leaaaiag. Largs Blaa, SOoaoti st Qraf. gists ir byjaall) Trial Size, io oaBii by mail. M.' UtaOTcllIUI, M Warran siw.. Ne Y"lk J i. BcHaNca, Presldani. .Max A. Vot. Uataisi First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business trausacttd ; Liepoeits received, suojeci m nigm i Dralt or Check. Collections made and proceeds pronipu; ! remitted on dav of collection. . Bight and Telegraphic Exchange fold New York, Ban Franoiaoo anc' port ! land. D. P. TaoMPaoM. Jaio. 8. 8cHt Ed. M. Williams, Go. A. LUM ' H M.Biul.