The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 01, 1901, Image 4

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lllillirlMllt Till "-.lie
Tub Cwboniclii
tbc announcement
invites attention to,
of the sheriff in an-
. ....... l. ., , , i ... . , i i niir AAwnini'rtni
rute away in mill and foundry with n persistent other Column, living notice that on
AilMIItM ThUfid.y, August 8th, he will Pel! at the
of the court home to the
wives it-f! penniless, and children thrown pon front door
the ill. tv es if liie col'l woi'oi. occiii. me it .... . , l ,, i
coughed his life away, liu all you brealhe highest bidder, for cash in hand, all of
every day Is full of sharp,. Metallic dust, which Is , nmnpr,v , mhoh iVa-., i-.ntntv has
leir nrnuatc r r--- - .
inhaled Into the lungs :nui irritates th
liuiUL.'. In the. case oi Rl i- NOWen
-bM 1 aaa K
the fierce Required title by virtue of previous MM
for taxe nnd purchase at such sale hy
the county This sale will be made by
virtue of an not approved February 20,
1883, which authorize county judges and
clerk-- of school districts to bid in prop
erty sold for taxes nnd provides for the
subsequent sale of the same. Section III
of the law says :
On the first Monday after duly 1.
1001, the Sheriff ol every county in this
state in which lands have been hereto
fore bid in for taxes by such county, or
any public corporation therein and to
which they shall have acquired title as
hereinbefore provided, shall proceed to
seli such lands to the highest bidder for
cash, in manner ami form as upon sale
under execution .
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors The Owl."
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
Phones: 51 Local, i-rr - . .i ox-vi-
l Local,
858 Long Distance.
2 RUBBER and Garden Hose,
I Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers,
heal of the molten n'.xi. force ttt way Up Ihe
tube into the luna- where it gradual!) breaks
down their delieate structure Baking everj cold
a danger to 1 1 f . You can'l nlford toquli work
ing and arc dall exposed tn ii,i fatal dust and
intense heat, Whai c and jwir friend need
Is Acker's English Remedy This "ill make nr
m.i lnttM Btmnn imlti Ii i i II I c: thi
Irritation, brae, up you i strength andjrou need Section IV provides that as soon as
; . .: practicable after such sale, the sheriff
II that er'a Engnm Remedy la gives to the purchaser deeds for the sev- DOiiaii you take
used by the men working there. . ' .. Clarke & talk's sure cure foi boils.
... . ... , .... era! parcels of latnl sold and such deeds
sola at - v.. ;n)i. ami i n noetic, inmcuiiiouj PUrl-,. t- iTuit-' ,.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
o'lii. sions. increase ri
or and banish "pains
of menstruation. ' They are " LIFE SAVIORS" to girls at
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes n pleasure. tfl.OO PER Jt IJV MAIL. Sold
by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio
For sale by (ieo. (-'. Blakeley, The Ialles, Or.
It vou are in need of anything in our line, figure with
iuiv vou.
I. OL A !.S.
tli- L'nitcd .-tat!.- and Canada: and ir Kim laud shall vest in the purchasers title in fee
Site?- .:;!;Vn:r1,n1Va,t,:... tb.reto. indefeasible except as Herein:
Bad get your money back, provided, and such title shall be super-1
tr. aHihoritf Ik ' above fftnitnutt.
W. U. llvuiii. i: & CO., PnprUtor, Mm r-ri,
For tale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
i.anii Omci at Vaucouvbr, Wash., )
June 18,1901. (
Notice is herebj given that 1 1 , o following
named settlers have Sled uoticool their Intention
tn inn ke final iruii( in i i j - r t of theirclairas.and
that aid proofs m tn- made before the Register
hiui Receiver U. 8. iniai ofhee Ht Vancouver,
VVaiblngt, u, Friday, Auguat u, 1901, vlt.:
William K. O'Neal,
lor to any lien, claim or charge whatever timee a supply of hay, grain and feed II. E.Ko.wil.lorthcN)of NKU, NK! of NWt..,
. . ........ ... .See 1 1, Hiid -K1 , ol 8 'i See 11. 1 1. I N, R VJ V
against such lands t-xeept the lien of a W.nicn tnev will retail at the uwesi m m.. win, names the fotiowlng witnetsof to
US, tor it Wll
We operate b
prompt attention.
..1 1 A. i , , .
.mi orders entrusted to us wi
the best. A9k your w eer for them.
R. B. U libretti (S Sons will keep at all
Mr;. Mav His
from a wet-K'e outing at Ocean Park
A. P.
tax subsequent to that for whirh the market rate?
land was sold. Wanted A small family to occupy
Section V provides I that such ealts the home and keep home for an aged
shall pass irood for title notwithstand- widower, Liberal terms can be had.
inir imperfection in the description of Apply at this office, ilv'22-lm
such lands provided that the person Midsummer clearance sale of milll
assessed shall at the lime of the assess
ment . have Keen the owner of record
returned last night ar"' notwithstanding the emission in
the assessment roll of the name of the
upon and uiti
Attorney W. B Presby, of Ooldendale
was in town today.
Si-id Beck, Jr.. is registered at
Umatilla House from Portland.
notnpson as a passenger on
'wrier, or a mistake III
name of the
the Shaver this morning for Hood River, owner- provided that the property be I
Hon. V. N. .lones, of I'.akeoven, is fa I correctly described and notwithstand-!
tin- city on his way home from Port-j ing the omission on the part of the
lnd. ! sheriff to make search or enquiry for!
Miss Dietzel anil MissStublitig left on ! personal property before selling the real i
this murni, Ill's boat OI1 a tWO Weeks' n,,,,,.,!, nrHnlnnlrlnil,.
sequent to the assessment.
The coming sale will clear up the as
nery at the Campbell & Wilson .Milii
nery parlors. Everything in the line of
head wear at one half the actual val
ue. f.'K-llU
outing at Nahcotta, Washington.
.Mis- Annie II islam left on the after-
to soend ner vacation with
Dyspepsia can he cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediate relief cr
money refunded, sold in handsome tin
boxes at 25 cts. Blaketey the druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
noon trail
friend- in Portland and at the coast
i prove in- continuous resiaenc
vatlon of said land, viz, :
Runel B, Swain, Uconrc A. Snider. William
11 Hopper and lohu Uairron, all of LylcP.O.
i VVathlngton,
Itunell b, Sw.iiii.
! H, E, No. B891, for the N ! ... of NK, Sec 12 '1 p 3
N. K i.'K. V. M, who name- the (ollowlng wit
nesses to prove his continuous resldcnti upon
and oultivallop of said Nnd. vi.
William K. O'Neal, George a. Snider, Wlltiam
H. Hopper, John baffron, ail ol I.ylc V. u..
William ii. Hopper,
II, E, No. ffi f"i Hi- V . of BWJ ,. Sec IB, Tp 3
N, K 1. K. u . M vh" uamcs the following wit
a esses to prove his continuous residence upon
and eultivation of said land, viz :
Russell B. Swain, 'VUllarn O Nesl, (Jeorg A.
snider and John Uairron, all of i.ylc p. 0., Wash.
junZ2 v. . i:. UvKSAB, Begistcr,
Land O&cc at Vancouver, Wash,
duly 17, 1001.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to
make tinai proof in support of in- claim, and
After vou tire of USlMB so called kidney retnulie;
v, iti, mil any benefit, us' Lincoln Sexual Pills and be
forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and bin
all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your
nights made restful hy the use of .neture'e grtatttl
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, 1.00 per box buy ol your druggist oreent
bv mail on reneipt of price. In plain wrapper,
Fort Wayne. Indiana.
M. .. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles.
r..!l Ir...... IBQfi K.,,.t- ... luUll
Mrs. Donnell left
mi? 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 . : i n : i. .(. t. ,i .
visit to the eamn ol Mrn. Prank Kanin uo," U,L
Bon and Mrs. E. M. Williams at Cascade 8ince the notice of this saie first a
give immediate relief money retuiided that said proof will bo made before the Register
or ,., i r,, .. .. n, ,,,, ... , . sua Kieeiver or ine u . a. una umce bi van
No attempt of this kind was ever made w coavenWasblngton
iiisioryoi wasco county.
ii 1 uesday, September IC
Iru It . IIai, il I
We oiler for a limited period the f Lylc 1'. 0 Washington, who made H. K. No.
, v.--1-, , . w , Puurkitfmr v hdIm Kfi 1)377. for the .-until hall o( northwest nusrtcr.
pea red in The Chronicle a ureal many , ., . ' ..' and west half of southwesi nuartet of section
. , ,. - ana me weeviy uregonian, price ?l.OU, l twenty-one, township thtec north, ratife twelve
41 f :.l ft . . . . hslrn 11 C Ihdl nur,. i I O 1 I 1 1 1 1 it a ti t t,-r t'iinru
Aiex Anaeraon.O v-nenowm, ureea, - - hnth nai.Prs for 'J a vea,- Hnhanrinlinn.
under tliis offer must be paid in ad-
be vance. f
leu nn uiim morning: s boat to join mem-; bave paid up ami money is still coming
tiers 01 Ins family who are sojourning at at luon a rate tiiat no estimate can
John Heinricbs and Hans Hansen ar
rived in town on the noon train from
Hood Hiver and are registered at the
Umatilla House.
made of the amount that will remain
delinquent on sale day. It will prob
ably not exceed LC00 in taxes and
mav not amount to more than half that
Fred Olien, who has charge of the
Clothing iieprtrtment of Pease iV. Mays'
store, lef: on the afternoon train to !
eii-ml lii-i vacation at the coast.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constination
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25 cts. andSOctS. Blakeley,
the druggist.
Just received a new supply of North
east, W. M
He names the following witnesses t prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
Of said land, viz:
James Fit and Colonel Kii each Ol Sara
P. O., Washington, and Irvin if Barlow snd
William oison, each of llusun P. O., Washing
ton. JlyaO W. R. DUNBAR, Register.
Question Answered.
Yes. August Flower still has the largest
sale of anv medicine in the civilized
George S. Porter, of Los Angeles, and world. Your mothers and grandmothers ruP Sturgis1 pure food products, as
his nice, Miss Fannie G. Porter, a never tj,ought 0f Uljng aDythiu gelse f or f,,owa: L'or" starch, shretided cocoa
teacher in the Portland High school,! .. " , , , , , ,
are viaitiiio with Mr im' Mm I P. inoigestiou anu oiiiousnes;. doctors w"i wu sun mgn graue leaven
I'. .-. Land Office.
Vancouver, Wash.. ,
May 28. 1001, ,
Notice is hereby Riven that in compliance
with the provii'.ous of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878, entitled "An act fur the sale of tim
lur lands in the states oi California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,' a- exteuded
t.i all the piiblk iaml states by act uf August i.
1802, Prank Stewart, ir Lone Rook, county ol
liiiiiiiui. -tnte of Oregon, has this day (Ilea In
this office. Ills sworn statement No 2812, for tie-
;if ii'-!ii!'-VA.:iir,v;ii i a. : , a ai i,r i-avma i a i a MSH
WineSp Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 1
Next door to First National Bank.
4 Condon I'hone 934
I. one lin 1011.
nut seiirea an, I tl.av aul.l,,,,. I,..r.l .,F er. If it's Nnrtlirm, A- Stnroiii it la purchase Of theNW ! Of SCO 15 in Tp No 1 N, 1
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
wm. a. Brown, a weauny siocKman ' gale by Conro
oi nucK urenK, i;rook county, spent last ue;ri laiiure. eu.-. iney useu AUgust 0j g(aut
night in the i ity on ilia way home from Flower to clean out the system 'and etop
a visum i.auaio anu imporiani fermentation of undigested food, regu
towns East. . , .. ... ,, .. . ,
late the action oi the liver, stimulate the
Orin Dunbar, of Qoldendale, spent , nervous and organic action of the ays
last nik'ht in thecitv on hi- way home . ... ..... , , , ,
from St. Martins Springe, where he was ' tenj' and that al1 lhe-v took-wben feel
completely relieved of a painful attack ; ing dull and bad with headaches and
of inflammatory rheumatism. j other aches. Yon only need a few .loses
Bngllstt People Annoyed. j of Gwo'l August Flowsjr, in liquid
Nkw Vi,K,.lulv;il.-Theaetionof tue!form' t0 m,,ke -Voa sshed there is
nothing serious the matter with vou.
Clarke -v
the attention i I parliament, ha- caused
annoyance t . most English people, as
the nationalists never conceal theii con
tempt for the honor of the British house
good. Get a package and trv it. For
Son c Co., S. L. Brooks'
fbe Dalies, Or. iyl32wd
ii:- . .-I! -..,- 1,1 hplnirlna, fnrvarH tiie
, ,, (et Green's prize almanac,
ii eitlOli ol privilege, w hich Is occupying talk's.
Dryinc proparations simply devel- AVSlt! !'""
i .i.t i . Ill' iiitiiies ,
ujj ujr uaturru ; way uij up mo bccreuons,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, oatuing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and bimua
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Palm i.s .such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for lo cents. Al! druggists sell the
50c, size. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N.Y.
-., . M., uu.l ill o'ler urooi to show
that the laud bought more valuable for it-
timber or -tone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver ol this offlco at Van
couver, Wash., ou Wednesday, the llth da-, of
is wifjesse-: Homer . Wood
worth, uodirey I. Smith, R. k. Robertson and
Many M. Barrett, all of Portland, or.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely tbc
above-described lands are requested toim- their
claims in this office Oil or before said 1 Ith da -
of august, nwi.
j nn 1 - lot W, R, DUNBAB, Register.
f. 8. Land Oflici
of i minion-, lays the London corres
pondent to the Tribune.
The Palm cures without pain, does not
Kaie- io Pan. American i , niun irritate cr cause sneezing. It spreads itself Umljer lands iu ibo states of Cal
ai 4,1 . ' i--x....,tio. over an irritated i. id an-'i-VKurf ice rcliev Nevada and Washington Territoi
Round-trip rates v a 0. R. & N . from , , . " y t,-u",lC0' rc'ILW to all the pub ie and states by a
Tlie J ) tiles, S81.90.
and third Tuesdays during .lone, July, i against Nasal Catarrh, and Hay 1'ever.
Vancouver, Wash., I
July 5. 1901. )
N'oticc i bereb given that in compliance
with the provisloon of -the act of Congress ol
Mine...-,-, entitled "An net for the sale oi
aiiiorniii. Oregon,
iry, a-extended
. .... ..... . - .
,,, : ..Jl.t.1., i".."- ....... .-.nit nutoi .ii.u-im ,,
.... v.. w J tmii4 iiiiisiiiHiawBB. isw, momas u. Lomstocki oi i-argo count-, oi
lickets on sale lirst , Willi Ely's Cream Balm vou nm irmA Caas. state oi North Dakota, has this ,i,,v Am
hi nor. oiiie- jus s,orn Mnieineni iso. i for
1 1 1 - lilirellHSt- Of till- Sollth h 1 r linrlli.u.l
August, September and October.good for U you want to retain your hair you jSfn township norl."rnb.e?s XT m
continuous passage gomg on date oi sale, have k , . Knan and will offer pr to show thaf the lad u,h
, .,, . i i j K more valuable for it-timber or stone than for
will maKe your hair harsh, ilrv and auiieoltiiriil n,ir,MiM-.!,,i t.. ...i.hiuh i.i. ..,,.
r.-. i f usii preparations lor Cleansing I he i ""u)"i ui-h.iih-i,i-,ii
lhe were not among , vuuin Umit of ticket. I ,. ,-.. ,, .. I J MS names the loltowing witnessos Knoeh
"6b ...i .... ii. .in (.w,. . ji iiiij.--, H..I- I, inim, Hin D. iili'dniii and
Arrangements can he made bv apply, .in iei.v,. vfmr kg I. aoit n.i nal.v Uou gmlth.allof Lucas, Wash,
in,. inn u tv no ti ' i. ,i - glossy. Any and all nersoas otalmleg adveMSly Uw
ing to agent t). K. A N . Co., Ihe Palles, . I'rice, '.'o and 50 cents a bottle, at'e , abov. deser.hed land- are requested to Uie their
wherehy tickets will be honored on lake barber r.hop. The Dalles. ,f i 'lai-ns in this ottu-e on or beiorc-said Ttl. day of
steamers in one or both directions be- .. -. .. . iiyioiOil ' ' W. a. DUNrau ii.,.,
L Kuirnc Art- . " .
. v.. ........ m w. j m . nao
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 2S, 1.'00, eays : "A more supetior brew never entered
the iabratory of the Cmted Stales Health reports. It ih absolutely devoid
of the elu-htest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the beat of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic quulities are of the high
est, and It can he used with the (jreatest benefit and (satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv the physicians with
the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
in e tore.- null memoersot parliament Return limit thirty days from date of!
Who have heen suspended this week
bAVe undergone the penalty for the first
time tin 1 season
the number who were suspended at the
sit tinir when the police were called in
some time ago.
lyon s French Periodical Drops
nRaitiXeD?'JBeractly l';r'le-s sure to accomplish
"usiKUU KLaULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
CAUTION nerfeiis aod mutations. Thee.-n, Is nut in, in oa '
in i mi i ti.,..iili .. ,:..... . . - hvum. if . or 'i K-
beuu for Circular to WILLI AM, Sole 'fJtUSSB, Onlol JU222
For sale bv Geo. C. Blakeley. The Dalies, Or.
tween Detroit and Huffalo.
tf Jamkk Iuki and Agent
Notice is hereby given that the co-
Notice is herehv givan that tin under
Signed will on Thursday, the 8th day of
August, 1901, at the front door of the
County Court House, in Dallas City,
it- i , a . . r
asco uouniy, uregon, at in o clock in partnership heretofore existing between 1 TSmuu i i
the forenoon ol said day sell to the high- Maximilian Vogt and PbllppTne Chap- i & alk e 1 J J "mcy.
est mdder tor eaeh in hand, all of ihe miin. tinder the firm mime , ml .ivl ,f i "
propel ty to which Wasco county, or any Max Vogt & Co., is this dav dissolved:
other public corporation in said Wasco , jv mlltUal consent. Maximilian Vogt
County, bS acquired title hy virtue of vv,i continue the bueiness of 8tti, (ormei ,
sale for taxes, as shown hy the records' Hm, .i will rHi ,.,, rau;.,i i,.. .n '
! moneys due said firm and pay all debts !
contracted by said lirm.
Dateti at The Dalles, Oregon, this 17th
day of Julc, 1901.
.11 WIMIM AN 0O1 ,
fVSO 5J l'llll.ICIU.NK ClIACM N.
troubled with constipation until I bought NOTIQft PUBLICATION.
DeWitt's Little Karly itisers. SiOM LBOmc atTuk Oauii, Oaa.,1
then have been entirely cured of my old j .Notice is heroin, mven tha'UV''wiL.
complaint. 1 recommenil them. Clarke , W , V. ('8V'',",,nl "oMm of "itenti n to
of tax sales for said Wasco County,
ROAKBI Kki.i.v,
Hberlff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated this 8th day of July, 1901,
jyB dw 5tw
Kagleit, Nolo.
The Dalles Aerie, No. loo, KO, K.
Iti, I.. ,. ,; i... .......,...( ... il... ...
1 wo meetings are called ; one on .
, , . T. .. i omee of Dalles City, for Ihe city lot on
Tiitirsday, August 1st, at 4 p. 09. to put iht eoOih side of Third street hetween
wings on some visiting applicants, and Court ami Washington streets. All I, ids
one on Nundav, August Ith, at 4 :30 p. 10 0e deposited at the recorder 'soflice on
m. to act on bv laws. All higles are re- -. P.'-fff UtOl, and addressed
. ... "Bids for Lot." The size of lot is ,ox
quested to he present. Ity order of the i joo
worthy president. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon this 20tl,
W'. A. CuAwnmi), da)' o Jul'. 101 . by order ol the conn-
J. Don Kin v,
jy'.'o augl City recorder.
W. 8ec, pro ten..
Subscribe for 1 mi. Ciihomilk.
Av' r o M A ' I r-
make noaj prool on iiieir respective eiaiuis be-
nemsu-r hiui i(ee,n,-i lit lln- luho
Dragon, on aaturda) , August 10, looi, vin:
Aaron t. Kreenian,
on nuuiesiwn at mcauon (j0, ,r,,ii. for thogli
SW, c, JN, K IS K.SPd the Nl.t. MV
Heo 0,1 i n, it u k, w si, "
loin, a. P rate wan ,
on homestead application No. fists, for theWI
kVm'Su '.!NW'' Xt'' 8W' " T 1
Witnesagi ualvln JUuuigen, J. a. rreaman
ami a. V. Freeman of Uuslar. ohimh. ivm
lapeucei and William Ketchum of The Uaiies,
.IAY P, I.UC.V8,
Jiy Kn ttcr.
Laao Omos at the pAUga,or..i
.... . , July J., I'joi.
.Nome is lierel v mu-n that tn.. ,..n .... .
named setUtr has'tiusi notice ol bis iutention
... uhh iiui .iroo, ir tqppori oi Ins claim, ami
that salt iroot Will be luade bolore Hie Kciris
ter m ii. I Km-elver at The Dalle-, Oregon On Tiuira
day, lepiamBsr o, tool, vi. :
W'llllaii, '. Tliompaon ,
o i The DaUw. Oregon, u, t. No. UJ70 for the a; .
sfcU ami hi, sW !, s- 2i, TIN. Kii K. W al
Hi- names the following witnesses to Drove
ills contllillolls rchiili'ti,.,. I,,.,. i. a. .A ....1.1....,. .
Just the thing to take along when vou "! ""i v '
go camping or to the seacoast. For sale I lce-hannV'-Vi1'; 'i'i, h!lon' ?!S Mic-"--.' ami
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grocer.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
Crandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shrouds