Fnnml Hjr Foll Hnntf r. The Silver Lke correspondent of the H White Goods ! Fancy Hosiery 1 f f f ff t f Economy is Wealth ! That is the reason why so many people do not be- I come rioh. Money saved is money earned. For this week we are going to offer you some ! Big Bargains. Every piece of Fancy White Goods in the house must go, so we will give the public the benefit, of 20 per cent Discount on any piece of Fancy White Goods in the house mClUUlllg niiuii ouipuu, raiicy, uoueu r'WISS Checked and Fancy Striped Dimities. Men's Cotton Sweaters... Navy blue and Mark f I X 75c and $1 Values, SPECIAL. .. Rfin i Have you Boys' and Girls' Good Hats for this warm weather? Here is an eye-opener in that line: 75c coc. Misses' Sailors . . 35c and 250 values 39c 19c Now if you want to save money you should not miss this opportunity. REMEMBER, FOB THIS WEEK ONLY. Silk-Goods 1 Sailor Hats Telescops, Grips, Dress Suit Cases and Trunks in a large assortment and at very low prices. I i s PEMSE 5t MKYS. Chewmiean i'oet, published at Paisley, Lke county, sends the following report on the movements 61 the University of California fossil hunters, who recently made extensive exploration" in Southern Oregon : The fossil hunters from Berkeley, University of California, finished their work And explorations 08 the fossil le is of the Oregon ilesert, and left Silver Lake on the 15th nist. for Crater Lake, thence home. They were highly pleased with their trip so far completed. The writer accompanied the party daring their stay on the desert and enjoyed being with them. We camped live days at Fossil Like and collected about 900 pounds of fossils, and then moved to Sand and Mound springs, where we camped three davs and examined the old iossil beds and Band dunes. We j found a great change in the sand, thai old landmarks were neatly ail covered 1 up. The sand dunes have traveled one half mile east since '78. We next went to the Loss cabin to explore the Hlack buttes for the red i sandstone formation that Herb Aldridge discovered less than two years ago, Which contains the vertebt.c and teeth I of the ganoid, a specie of fish that have a vertebec tail, and many other animals of a low order belonging to the primordial j of a low order of life. We remained there four days. The exploration was complete, bat as far as i trained was : very interesting. j vt tii, i Mammary. Mean atmospheric pressure, 29.89. Highest, 30.0(i on the 3d ; lowest, 89.78, on t.'ie 29th. Highest temperature !M ion the 29th; lowest temperature 44 on ! the 1st. (ireatest daily range of tem- ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains -IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS .Air att (V; 3'fc .'.ifc t.v " 1 s 4 pe. at m e, 43 on the 20th. perature for ttds month in Mean tern- The Belles Daily Chwmiete. US DA Y AUG. 1. 1901 rS) Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. j No. 3 are fitting up camps and getting ready to commence work at an date. These improvements will I . I a lorce oi auoiit a thousand men ; next nine months. j Three fruitmen of Mosier, Louis Davenport, Lee Evtjnsand Pete Hanni gan, recently shipped to Minneapolis a carload of 1200 cases of peach plume for early b employ a for the jv V bly assaulted her. She told tier husbaad f the affair upon his return from Ante- ope. He killed Lagan, came to Prine- I lie and gave himself up to the officers. After listening to the testimony the judge field him, without bonds, to appear at the next term of circuit court. . "Folks are kicking about the drv weather here in Eastern Oregon," said 1875 ...88 5 1884 . . .00.7 ISO;!. . 09.6 I 1870 . .78.5 1886 728 1894 . 72.0 1877 78 5 1880.. 70.6 1895. .. .70.1 1 1878 73.0 1887 ...USli 1896 . 78.9 '1870... 70 0 1888. ...87.9 1897... 69 5 1880. ...79.5 1880. ...70 0 1898 . 710 1881.. .72 0 1890... .87.2 1899.... 72 1 1882. ..73 0 1891. ...71 2 1900. ..73.6 I 1883 .... 74 0 1802 . .66 2 1901 ... 08 5 TREASURER'S NOTICE. All .it., County warrants registered prior to September It, 1X08, will be paid on urpMAiitfttlfiii at in v tktllrt IntereHt smsei after Jul is, loot. JOHN P. HAMl'SlllKK, Couuty Treasurer, wnicn tney got 40 cents a case spat cash ; a former kansan the other day ; "why at the railroad Btation. j it ain't a patching to what they used to A Pendleton paper ib responsible for I have in Kansas where I came from, the following improbable, we had nl- i There have been times so dry in the most said impoEKible story : "A lumber' western part of that state that you camp tender near Pendleton saw an elk i would have to soak a hog over night but would not shoot it on account of close before be would hold swill. There are Mean average temperature for 27 yrs., for this month, 72.3. This month shows a deficiency of 3.8 in the mean average. The generally prevailing direction of the U wind has been west and northwest, and the greatest velocity was SU ni lies per ! hour for short periods, on the 1Mb. The average precipitation for the month dur ing tbe 20 yerrs is 0.27 ; deficiency 27. Total precipitation for t It is month is, in New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart men I to our store. A new fresh , clean stock. Give ua a call. Prompt delivery to any part, of the oity. ...MAYS t CROWE... WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. .itiet received, at carload ol Schlitz beer. C. J. Stu thing's, a Milwaukee bottled j!y2 1 w Young lady wishes to do sewing by the day. Telephone 134 for further par ticulars, jyol-lwk Wanted A thoroughly competent girl to do general housework. Wages $20 a month. Apply at this office. jy29 lw Remember that Whitney's Dog and Pony Show will exhibit Thursday even ing on the, bench back of the Umatilla Mou'-e. Mosier, according to Louis Davenport, will hnrvesta big crop of prunes, peaches and grapes this year. Apples will not he more than half a crop this year. Kube Hooten came over yesterday froni (irass season. The elk treed him, gun and all and kept him there for the night. In the morning his dog came looking for i him, attracted the elk's attention and 1 led it off, so he was enabled to escape." I The American Tin Plate Company has I completed and will start in a lew days j at Wheeling, W. Va., the second largest ' tin plate works iu the United .States, and in point of modern improvements i and appliances the best in the world. It will employ over 0000 men. It has since the entire democratic press of the country was 1 been but a few years predicting that the tin plate industry never could be established in the United States. Tiiq f I u ' 1 , t ttoa art i n 1 1 mJ a-'miivct iit.: r.' i i i i i . i i 1 1 y il i.IIl neither let o of nor make it go. It is the district fair, which the last legisla ture located permanently at that place. Shaniko Leader. On the contrary, places out there where, water is wet only on one side. I know one place where the owner of a ferryboat hauls water most of the time to keep his boat run ning. Water is so scarce in some parts that nun won't drink it. Why, they licurl tii I 'i no r run a ti'nTl t ,.-,. 1lt 1 , o I' LW l W JUU H 1 I i llll Lllll l j, wringer to get enough water for coffee. 't)art clopdy Orville Wingfield has just finished threshing a 74-acre field of wheat on his ranch, near Endereby, that was reported to TUB Chuomci.k about a month ago as completely ruined by late frosts. The field yielded 1S00 bushels of good No. 1 1875 . 0.15 1 884 .... 0.84 1 !;$ .0 80 1870. ..0.07 1885. . . .0.00 1894 . o 10 1877.... 0.48 1880 ...0 00 1895 . 0.32 1878. ...0.08 1887. ..0 00 1890. ...0 00 1870... 0.31 1888 .0 29 1897 0.24 1880.... 0.02 1889. ...0.00 1808... 0.17 1881... 0.11 1890... .0.06 1890 . 0.00 1882... 0.07 1891 . 0 24 1900. T 1883. . .0.00 1892 0.80 1901.. . T Trace BETTER THAN A CIRCUS ! ! L. J. WHITNEY'S TRAINED II DOG AND PONY SHOW.. ! little Club wheat, or an average of about Total precipitation from September 1st j i to date 12,30. Number of clear days 26; ; cloudy, 3, The months j temperature and weather conditions; have been very beneficial to health an I also to all kinds of agricultural products. The mean maximum temperature at J The Dalles for the month of July was 82.4 and tbe mean minimum 54.6. No rain fell dining the month with the i-x-oeptlon of v trace on the 13th. S. L. BkoOks, Vol. Observor, U. B. Weather bureau, j Mr. Leader. The Dalles liar somethinir; that, it do not iv..t in lpt an nn(1 1 the damaged grain out something that it is going to make go in a stvle that will be a credit to the town Valley with 34 head of beef cattle which he sold to Wood Rins.. : as well as the district. This much is eteere bringing 3:(, cents and cows 3'4. now certain. The people have, in the! Commencing Sunday, until forth "scribed liberally for this fair notice, the O..R.AN. will sell round-! and a 8treut fair "Ja'iv' to boot,; tnp tickets, Dalles to Cascades, for j . j ana u'.e ,air 8 SUC('e88 18 no loner tt 'nai" This rate applies only to parties of five j ter donbt' y or more. Good for Sundays only. The cattlemen of Crook county have The recinm frm a.ir..i. f.au : decided to run the sheepmen out of cer elark'l uOice fnr It if 1 1 w 1 1 1 f i nf .lull1 ""'Minted to $870,60 as compared with 261 lor the month of Mav and 100 lor the month of July, 1900. - t- J. Btnbllog has just received a large consignment of Schlitz' malt ex tract, strictly non-alcoholic and one of the beet remedies in the world to build P ii weak or broken-down 24 1 :, bushels to the acre. It was fall grain and was injured in some way not clearly accounted for, or perhaps under stood, so that this variety that is the best known for resisting the shattering ! effects of heat and wind after it has; ripened, shattered to an ex tent of three ; or four bushels to the acre. Still If all n (jarr. carried out. lie will about Kndersby , feru.e aron.!(i Uie govern men! will do as well as Orville Wingfield s, the farmers of that neighborhood won't 1 have much of a kick coming. Notice. tain parts of the county, and a conflict lis liable to arise between t tie two inter iests at any timt issued the following notice, given by order of the executive commit Mrs. Nellie L, Gustin, state orgaui.er of the Knights and Ladies of Security, assisted by her brother Charles Marshall, is in this city for the purpose of organ iing a council of this order, which is a a fraternal insurance society it hunting both sex. It pays partial and total dU- The stockmen have fal,i!ity bfi,,e,lt8 and doe8 not i,,cr'lill,' l,i-l, i.fWttfl advancing years, it will hi well constitti ,10"' jly29-lw Do you want a good home? Dad Butts Ml for sale a nine-room, hard-finished MM, with a snug little barn, situated 00 two good lots 00 Ninth street. This '""petty must be sold, if half-giving it way will do it. See Dad Butts. j31 2t At noon today Alfred Prin., who un derwent an operation at the Dalles Hob- i., i.. yesterday for appendicitis, Honing I tee of the Stockmeu's Association of) I Maury Mountain: "To whom it may i concern : The stockmen of Maury' i Mountain, Crook county, Or., do here by claim as their range, will not allow ! any sheep upon the same to-wit : Camp ' creek on the east; Crooked river on thei north ; west fork of Pine Creek on the west, and the summit of Maury Moun- tain ou the south." ' The preliminary examination of Andy , Lytic for the killing of Kmmett Lagan, on Jul v 21 , was held at Prineville Mon-, day before County .lodge Wills. The was evidence introduced by the state estab-1 !l for all who wish to interest themselves ' in this matter to call on Mrs. Ouotiu or Mr. Marshall at the Farmers Hotel foi further information. augl 3t CASTOR I A for inlants uud Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Telegram sa6: "United States District Attorney Hale is ta ing stepa to have the decree of Judge Bellinger in the case of the United States vs. JetM have the land in closed by Carr, torn down. As there are ! 15 or 20 miles of rock fence in the lot. about live feet iu width and four feet in THURSDAY height, the United States marshal or j . united J-aies troops, or whoever may i be sent to tear it down, is likely to have an all summer job ou baud, especially as Mr. Hall says theock fence is to be destioyed :s was the Tower ol Babel, or the Temple of Babylon, 01 perhaps it was the Temple of Jerusalem .Mr. Hull is not weil posted In biblical mailers ,of which not one stoue was left upon an other. The miles of barbed wire fen cing will be lolled up like a icroll, but the rim rock ill lid which form a part of the fence will not tie moletttd. Mr. Carr, however, is still in pOISSHiOD of the lands, -with the exception of a calf pasture of some 6000 acres, and the end of the trouble is not yet." Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'arkt A 1'atk. A J AUG. 1st THE DALLES, . . . NIGHT Hit' most complete enterprise of its kind in America Kndorsed by the pulpit ami press and leading humane lOCletU. Cunning clowns and mimics in human attire, introducing a world of fairy features for little folks. SEE McGinty, the Wonderful Trick MONKEVI ' Blackbird, the Leaping Stallion! i Clears B ponies and a hurdle at a single bound, Sport, the Champion Dog Pony Rider of the Worldl Grand FREE Miniature Street Parade at 6:30 p. m. Admission, Children Adults . . 25c 50c Bears the Signature ol ouj most encourauiiiK v and liai.a.i !. f,. that !,. Liiiino aa everything indicated a successful oper-1 meditated. The de'ense introduced the "u a speedy recovery. Contractors on the railway Bubaeribe fi Tut Ohoonicli. WM MIPHPI I don't Hub It 0 r I VI I mivi ILUL, Just wet the affected parl(reely with . r , Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, ' UnQBltdKBr 8Rlt EtTlbSllTIBf and the pain is gone. Hold by Clarke v 1 Falk. Cor Third and Washington Sts. p. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -DIAI.lt in , "i l ni nvnua. D wents bstween The Dalles and tunnel testimony of Mrs. I.ytle, who alleges that on the Thmsday prior to the kill ing, Kagan came to her home and forol- Gifford's Fotos Never Fade. Subscribe for Tua Cuuomclk. All orders attended to promptly. Long i distance phone 433. Local, 102. I Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AKtnt for iBMfU A ito.' bgtUl , Tlirehhcrb and ag Mill. Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073. Cor. Second & Lannbliii Sis , THE DALLES, OR.