The Dalies Daily Chronicle. ;;; Tool" ? .,v .... a,,.,,,., !rLX:,,:: J The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd . Jro CANDIDATES U A LORE Anyone with a gun who is in search nf the festive noliti.'ian should hte away to Pendleton, says the L Grande Chronicle. There he is to be fouml in all bis glory and in countless numbers. (Oven any lion- OTOble or lucrative ofllec, and you have but to search I'matilla county for your aspirant. That town has profited well by Western Oregon's trick of stealing everything m the political grab bag, and may better the instruction. Its candidates are: Item, two governors: item, a couple of scnatois: item, a congressman: item, anothci congressman: item, a secretary of state: item, a state treas Urer; item, an attorney general: and after these anybody for anything that's left. There's Mill Furnish who is hot after the governorship. Fail ing in that be would be willing to sit in the upper house of congress for six years. Judge Lowell is will ing to take either of these honors if be can get it, provided it isn't first offered to Furnish. Tom Taylor no lieves that the lower house is n sufli oientiy "honorable" body and is will ing to show Moody what he didn't do. R. Alexander is eager to handle the state's money and hear it jingle in the vaults, .ludge Fee wants to sacrifice himself upon the altar of the attorney-generalship, and on the other side of the fence Col. Haley mul Tom Ha I ley sit valiantly with their lightning rods up. The Chinese inhabitants of (he United States are decreasing, but the .Japanese residents are increasing. There is no special objection to the 1 J Japanese, says the Globe-Democtat, though if they were to reacn as high figures as the Chinese had ten years nr. :.,, k r i.ii, f agu iuviu uiiui i;l -'u:i uui. i;i i (i ting up the bars against them. The Japanese are superior in most re spects to the Chinese. They con form more nearly than the Chinese to American ideas of civilization. There are 24,000 Japanese in the United States, as compared with 89,- 000 Chinese. As the . ,,, llll. IU1U1CI H growing, however, while the latter are shrinking, the chances are that by 1910 the numbers of the two races may be pretty nearly even At present the Chinaman is not a men- kf h i. .i u . ' its expiration next May, be extended for another ten years. Clasglow, Scotland, will try an ex periment to lessen the drunkenness, which has brought the town into disgrace, by giving 0 monopoly of the liquor business to a private ... ... uvrpurawoB) which promises 10 baud over to the city all its profits in ex cess of I per cent and to make a saloon surroundings respectable with- out making them unduly temptin LCI- i--ven the severe drought in tuin agricultural sections ot the West has its oomnanaatinna. ami ,..r. ,lon. ' ,. . iiius me predicting mat became of the crop shortage they will carry, in the next elections sonn Western stales that usually go republican. The theory that the itandard of education in ihla country is alto- gether too high is helped by the announcement that the Harvard cur riculum contains 105 courses, which Alt. . iiju average iiuaeni can not in less than 300 years. master Boer prisoners confined on the island of St. Helena number 1700, and ;3!)U0 of the number are Scandi navians. The outside assistance re- i l , , seiveu uj inc jjoers has Deen a larue item in their lij,'htin strt'nth. . Uryau denies thai he is interested in tl... ,1.. ........... . : 1; iu iuc ucuiuuiuiiu iiiri- m 1 1 1 r nr . ..... , , iuul uv ii connected wuu lue third party. Hoston Advertiser. A turbine wheel company promiaea I b" "- 5 I'rofit-Shnnns Association are . '' - . t MialWv fHH In dry regions there is a erent deal of talu about meeting tbc rlfOUgbt problem by irrigation. There is 01,1- onc drawback to irrigation is tlie absence of water. When Towne was poor then TOWOC a non would lie. Now Towne is r,oh Uie (,evj, R )p he,Now Voik Evening Sun. I 1 A 4 U x T"L w 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 salve uieni today and you'll be well to-morrow. Baldwin's Cold Cure 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 9 3 Tablet No2JB (Cold in head ) NoCureNoPaytfc tnd for Pr mplt tnil HfdiCil Mjnufl Bldin .Sin rumutt Soli! by Clark) & hi ilk, The Dalle-. Or. NOTICt. The following county warrant! will be cancelled by the county court in thirty nays trom tin- aate mesa canea ny me parties owning Bame within the next tliirtv daya : Date . . July 7, 1 893 . . .July 7, 1893 March lu', 1892 March 12, 1892, March 12, 1S92. . Nov 12, 1893. . . May 6, 1892. . , .July 9, 1892. March 10, 189;;. May o, 1S92. . . Jan 7, 1893 March 12. 1892. . . .Ian 7, 1893 I ,$1 70 1 20 1 70 1 00 . 1 00 j 1 60 1 Chap Bradley. Wni Blum. . . Mrs Bird Lee Blanton . . . T- . I ) . l V wri. loni Branch Wm Black. . Obas Cannon Ttioa Dortion. I W Ebenoll 20 1 70 1 "0 1 901 1 20 1 M J Finlayeon E A Hanmea, 1 70 1 - W F Hinkle Nov 14, 1892 Jos A Kenna .March 12, 1892 John Kotler. Jan 7, 1893 R F Moore May 11, 1S94 Win Methen . Julv 7, 1893 l no 00 2 20 10! 1 00 2 00 j 1 70 W M Murpby loly 7, 1893 ; ; U; gj G H Palmer March 9, 1894 2 oo tt a rown May n, is4 (i V Robert too Jos Rabat). . . Gao Utiles W J Bondarlaml. C P Saunders Joiin Smith Nov 10, 1893. May 11, 1894. Sept 12, 1092, Nov 14, 1892 .Jan 7, 1893, ..Jan 5. 1894. in in 1 70 1 00 i on i tv I 70 ias 1. Smith Nov I I, 1892 1 O0: 4 00 1 70 John Wiokltrom Ian "), 1894 11 tlT lif1 At - oni "tn weueKiiid aiayo, tewa rank Walt Jan 11, 1892, 1 70 By order of the Honorable County Court ol Waico Coanty, Oregon. Jnted thia 10th day of July, 1001. A. Y.. Lake, County Clerk. Trie White Collar line, Bailey GatZflft, I will sell throiigr . roand-trip tickets to Seaside and return. Tickets good going from Portland over the White Collar II.. I. .. v v t . .u . . I IV v-u- 1 w. or we a. iV L. It. K., and return over same lines. liagayt! CUCOked direct to either North , Beach. Beaview, Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean Park or Nahcotta. ' Limit of ' Limit o M. Filioon ticket September 15th. agant. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- The partnerehiii heretofore ex 1st i no between T. Poland and M . lleieler, un der the style and (irm of Poland and Hei-ler, lias this d:v l)een dissolved ,v niutiial COnaeilt. T. Poland retires from the linn and tin- business will lie nnn. tinned by Heiilar i: Son, who will col led nli accounts due the iato lirm and pay all its debts a::d oblijratiori6. T. Pol IMl, M. HllRLgu. bated at The Dalles, Jniy 17, 1001. Inst received at liilbreth ,i Son's lumber yard, few carloads ol No. 1 cedar posts' and A ibinglot, They are agauti for Heath & Miliigan'i cela bratad ihlngle paint. Call on them i their prloei are all ribt. Wood not fiuaiad ll better by BOc a cord than wood that is. jy 10 When your hair appears dry and to have lost Hs vitality it wants loraathina tn give it life ami vigor. We have what :. -. - ma nair needa when it nets in that con dition. We have the Crown of Science Hair (irowur and m i. mi i Cocoanut Cream XMSV i'Miii lll' will cure daud WW rmi and all scalp diseases. Kor sale at Kraiser's bar- i r. - her shop. Price 60c and 76c a bottle A full line of Kastiuan films and sup- plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Gifford's Fotoe Never Fade. I 1 srt Knitrhts History ol JMieiamt, vois.. uiii.u. - KM Ik f Bible ri,turos, illustrated by Dor.: 1 copy Thirty oars of Labor, by J MKM i n c". ,.Wn i unucin f '""' i - r ti , r .nidi ing Aug. 3d, and n 2 rebate to person paying in largest amount ol 0MH during same period. Prompl delivery of all goods ordered by telephone. Seu fert & Condon phone No. Give me a trial. HI. T. NOLAN. 2 Whte Co liar Lne. Apt horn PqpiTip mmmrumm 2 n in mill li i umiiu: Tiie Dalies Poniana Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Kxcept Monday, Cascade Locks, Kood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a, si, Arrive The Dal lee 3 P, U. Leave " " 4 " Arrive Portland 10 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trip? a Leading Feature. This 1,'onte Has flip firnrnipet Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Bound Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland i A. M. 7 p. II. Leave Astoria Lmdinir and oftice Foot Al ior Aider of I Street ; both phoned, M 351 Portland, Oregon. F.. W. CKICHTOX, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON , Aet. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, ITKAHailli1 IS THE WORLD, Feb. 8th to April 22cl, 1902. ' ne magnifleenl White star twin-sciew steam- er "Celtic," 20,000 ton) specially ebartered for the occasion , and for ti days subject to the or- deis of the director ot the party, To the Sle.'.llerrHiieiin anil tin- Orient, nccii.viiiK 7 1 I t y h. Spending W days in Egypt and Palestine, hotel acuomniodatlous included. Visiting Madiera, Oleraltnr, North Af rioa. Units), Bsrjrpt, iii Holy I.un.i. Turkey. UrssOS, Italy, ih Kiviera, Bngland and Ireland, M Ith attractive (optlonall side nips across K i rope, Tiokets k I to stop over In Europe on homeward voyage and to return bytbewblte -itai steamers Oeeanie, Majeslie, Teutonic. &e. coat ..r Tn,,. Brat-eUss, from Kew York Daca in New York, 9400 tt"d upwards, according jo steK 'rO'iiu urefiinri: .v... ..V.W.UM luuty wLirnuui, an teis, fee-, guides, drives and all neci ssary expenses. nsjolal Kfatiirxa--Madeira, Malta. IK day In Egypl and the Holy Land, Constantinople : a then-. Home, the Riviera, etc. NtlrLrS''"'' of Fr,u,k ' ' f i "i further parUoulars address BUUBOM BHUVrNHILL. Waabington Btrett, 'i be Dallas, Oi li interested, send for illustrated program, John Pashek, The Tailor. Ho jost received lOUO samples of tiie latest patterns in Qent'i Clothing iii;ods. He guaran teei prices and a good lit or no pay. ; John Pashek, The Tailor 60 YtiARS' EXPERIENCE a BB BH ajglllkia trace Marks JESIONS COPYRIGHTS Aiifiine SMIdtng a Sketch and doerripHon tun .(iilrlily uncertain ,,ur ,iiiuiiui free wfieth.-r u Invantlon Is probsolr i .-in ..i,i.- Coromunlci ilnnxiilricllyeijiillUeiillal. Hundbtiokon I'aivuK lent tree. Oldem uaeiicy lur securina paieuiii. taken thruunli Munu A to. reeelw tpfemt notict, without charae, lu the Scientific flmerican. A liaiiden'iiely Illustrated weekly. I,arest cir Ml latlou nf uny elenlitti' iournal. 'IVnua. a rear i t-mr montus, II. aula byall pswsdMlert MUNN & Co.38,B New York Brsueti ) . K H.. Vt'athiuslon. U.C m novami navinc tbc most cash 1 m. n fmt n i .. t. ; nifilriiin Aft Yellowstone Park Line. TDK MINING CAR ROUTE FROM PORTLAND TO TDK EAST. TDK ONLV DIRKOl LINK TO THE YELLOW STONE PARK Jnion Depot, Ft rtli and ! Sis No. 2. Fast niiiii for Tacoma, Seattle, Olympla, Gray's No. Harbor and South Bend points, Spokane, Koss Irtnii, ti. (J., Pullman, Moscow, Lowlston, Huf- 11:15 A. M. (aloHump mining coun try, Helena, Minneapo lis', st. Paul, Omaha, Kansas city, St, l.oni. Chicago ami all points No. 1. east and southeast. I'neet Sound Express ll;80 P.M. for Tacoma ami Seattle ami Intermediate points ;60 P. M. No. 3. 7;00 A. M. Pullman lirst class and toiimt sleepers to Minneapolis, St. Paul and .Missouri river points without change. Vestibule.) trains. Union depot connections in ail principal cities. Baggage checked to destination ol tickets, Kor uandaomely illustrated descriptive matter, ticket', sleeping-car reservations etc., call on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 265 Morrl '.oi Street. eurner Third. Portland Oregon, SOUTH and EAST via Shasta Route Trains leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at 1 :2b a. m. and 8 p, nr. Leave Hortlaml . Albany . . . . . 8:30 a m 7:00 p m . .1J.:jO a m 10:60 i m Arrive Asbland 12:am IliMsn .Sacramento ."):00tini l::i'am san Krsncisoo 7:4&pm 8il5am li :46 a m Arrive Ogdon .7 6:48 a m Denver y:(io a m " Kansas Olty vja a m " Cniuago t :4t a tn '.i:Oo a in T :2o a ui 'J : U0 a m Arrive l.ov Angeles l:'jn p m El Paso 0:00 p m " Kurt Worth 6:80 a m " City of Mexico 9:fi6am " Houston 1:00 a m " New Orleans 6:35am 7 :00 a m 6:00 p rn 6;S0 a ni 0 ! 58 a m 1:00 a m 6 : !5 p ni 64a a in w ssblngton 8:42 a in New York. i p m 18-48 p ni Pullmaa and Tourist cars on both trains Chair can Sacramento to Ogden and Kl Paso, ug lounsi cars io U'niOagO, St l.ouis, (tSW Or leans and Washington. Connecting at Ban Pranolsco with several steam-hip lines for Honolulu. Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add.iss C. H. MARKHAM, Oeueral Passenger Agent. Portland, Or i Just "What You uiant. t 4. - -- - ' "Lxf. I V.. i.l...., . ll- l , .. iiu Man r aper t:ere. Such niu vaneij n we arc mowing never be fori' graced a single stock. Heal Imit. tiOll crelon affeOta at ordinary p,iees rVi vnvau paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' FRENCH & GO BANKERS. Trausact a Genera'. Banking Business Letters of Credit issued available in the Kasttirn States. Sight Kxcbange and Tllattanlllii Ira.isfers sold on New York, OnicMKO St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland iT.' goii, Seattle Wash., and various j in Oregon and Waat.ington? P "U ,oribKi.,Ude ttt"" Southero Pacific Co ) iff ipv sV mi Ml ft T ' -V-f during roui wcw i PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTTJRKHBOF Fine Lard and Sausages ! Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. L Y HONG, Proprietor. First-Glass in Every Respect MEALS AT A LI. IIOUHS, Oysters Served in any Style. sT Second St., The Dalles. Or Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure j Digests what you eat. I It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in sivenutheiiiui? and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in ettlciency. It in stantly relievesand permauently cures Dyspepsia, luuigestion, Heartburn, iiiftia ,,,. u..xr......i, v ,o a ' . owiuawu, udusca, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsaad all other results of imperfect digestion. Prlce50c.anrlfl. Large sire contains W, times smallsire. nookallnboutdyspepsiumiiiledfree ' scared b'j E C. dc'i TT CO.. Cbleag Sold by Clarke & Falk'l !'.(). Pharmacy. Just Received A full hue of Freeh Printing and l)e velopiog Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Velox and risto ill all siypu I 1IHU ail BiwB Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, Ana all accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. I Our Knreka Combined Toning and Imxiijk Hath is a dandy. Try it. ; The A. E. C. Developer for plates, nima or developing papeia has no equal bnough for35nto developeBdoxan platea ! or , 0" Velox Ixo. Perfect blacks and whitea are guaranteed, if direction-. are followed. Ask for the A. K. C I)e- teiupvr, aim see that genuine. J'Oii Ket the We are prepared tOCOIUpound any and itui.i'l' own totm a'"1 mwrautM satisfaction. At the Old place, 17o .Second Street, the Dalles, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. llP(ssfapVBps A L. Lane, liKNEKAL i I I 1 J Wagon and Carriage Werk. F,,h Brother.' Wagon. THirfi and Mcwd. PHone 159 mm Restaurant BiacksmUQ task Oregon Short Line j and union Pacific IMPART roll Chicago. Portland Special. llrM p. ss. vIh Hunt TIME SCHEDULES FROM THE DALLES. AHRIVt FROM suit Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, OmnliH, KU. mm City, St, Louis, ehi cugo noil tho Kast. ! iiiKton. 1 Atlantic ; Kspreas, 1 I2:o0 a. rn. t via Hunt IiiKton. Suit l.nke, Denver.. Kt. Worth, omaha. Kan mis City, St i.ou1n, Chi cago iimi the East, Walla Will in, Lawlaton. Upokana.Wallaos.Pall. num. Minneapolis, St. Pattl, lliiluth, Mllwu.n kesi Chicago and Bast. 1 : 1" a. ni. St. I'nill Kst Mall, 9:36 1. m. via Spo kane. :80l in. OCEAN AND RIVEE SCHEDULE From rortliiml. (All kuIUiik date sub jeet tn change ) 8:00 p, m. 4:00 p, io. Km- Ban Franolsco, Sail every B days. : Daily except Sunday, : -:ii p, in. ' Saturday, ; 10:00 p. m. j Dally except : Sunday, 0:00 a. si. ( ni inn lila Hirer. Tn Astoria and Way Landings. 1:00 p.m. except Bundty, w 1 1 1 in t.- River. Oregon f'lty, Newberg, Salem, Independence, and Way-Landings, 1 :30 p. m. except Sunday. Tuesday, Thursday, 1:80 p.m. Monday, Wednesday Kridav, Corvallll and Way Landings Saturday, ' no a. m. I Tuesday. WlllHiiiettn mul 3:80p.B, Vitmiiiii icivnra. Monday, : Thursday, Saturday, 7:110 a. 111. Leave ! Kinarla daily, 3:40 a, m. Oregon City, Dayton and Wednesday Way-Lnndiugs r riunT, HiiHki. River. Rlparla to 1 wis ton. Leave I.CM'istOll dally, 3:90 s. ni. CsV Parties desiring to ro to Beppner or points ou Columbia Southern via iiikks. should taae No. 2, leaving T he Dalles at K:26 p, m. making dir.Tt conneotlons at Heppner junction and Muks. Returning mablngdireotoonneotloa at Mi ppuer Junction and DiKK with, No. tivlng at The Ualleb at 1 :0.r p. m. Km furthi particulars, call on or address JAB. IRELAND, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon, Complete Cir;e of at M.Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Nasal CATARRH In all Itl stu;:ert tliere lliniild be tleunliues. Kiy's Cream Balm ClesniSS,SOOthM and heals the tlliaisad DiambraM. ItOUNS i at .rrh anil drives IWay coid iii the heud Oream Balm is placed Inlo tho BOStrill, spresds over the mtmbraaa and is abjorbad. lie .erisiin uadiateaniiaouN follows. It is uot drylBJ-" not produce massing Large i', 5'1 osatsat 0ruH" gists -ir liy mail; Trial Size, 10 OMlts by DJI. Ift.v UDOTttfiRg, oil NVarrsa street, New York. J. S. SCHBNCK, 'resident, AV&I First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A General Banking Business transacted Oepoaita received, subject to Sight urait or uneca. . Collections made and proceeds prompt 1mm Jreiiutteti on aav oi aotwewaw Sight and Telegraphic Excbange apid IU nsw ior, Nan fraucisco us.. land. d. p. thooJ0 jioa8. umm Ed. M. Williams, Gao. A. Liana H. M. Bkall.