The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 31, 1901, Image 3

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Economy is Wealth ! Cotton
a . 4 It .- -at
That is i no reason why so many people do not be
come rich. Money saved is money earned.
For this week we are going to offer yon some
Big Bargains. Every piece of Fancy White
Goods in the house must go, so we will give the
public the benefit of
20 per cent Discount on any piece
of Fancy White Goods in the house
including Satin Striped, Fancy, Dotted Swiss
Checked and Fancy Striped Dimities.
Navy blue and black
75c and $1
65 c
1 lave you Boys' and
warm weather? Here is
iris' ( rood Hats for this
an eye-opener in that line:
7sc Misses' Sailors
5c, 35c allfl 5C values
Now if you want to save money .you should not
miss this opportunity.
V'V Jfc Jh ' Jte A. ,&' S& trffc afc &
The Dalles My Chronicle.
- - .JULY 81, 1901
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
if there is nobody and nothing left to
make news, the editor must get out a
All WMOO County warrant)) re late red
prior to Nt'iilemher 9, I Kits, will be paid
un H'i'iiitiiii at my office. Interest
ckukhh after .1 uly 13, 100 1 .
Unuuty Treasurer.
Wanted A competent girl to do din
ing room work. Apply at Jones' cafe.
.lust received, at C.J. Stubiing'e, aj
carload of Schlitz Milwaukee bottled
beer, jly2lw j
Young lady wishes to do sewing by j
the day. Telephone 134 for further par
ticulars. jy31-lwk
Judging from the pension claims the
war with spain was one of the gieatest
conflict! in history.
Wanted A thoroughly competent girl
to do general housework. Wages $20 a
month, Apply at this office. jy'2Jlw
Remember that Whitney's Dog and
I'ony Show will exhibit Thursday even
ing on the beact back of the Umatilla
As the regular collection day falls this
month on Saturday THS CHRONICLE pre
sumes collection day will be on Monday,
August oth.
The usual talk about closed churches
is met with the usual reply that they
would be open if the people would at
tend the services.
A Kansas man oilers
Mlat. M . ...
'inn- ior a wile, which causes an ex
-'lia ige to remark that some men never
know when they are well off.
pounds in his trap on the Washington : business of the 0. R. & N
side of the river opposite Crate's PoinhJ lie in general
I home curious crank has reared up cn
i his hind feet nnd asked, "Whnt does
i tiie democratic party stand for'.'" And
the North Carolina Yellow Jacket
answers, "Because it is tired running
; for nothing,"
! Alfred Print, sou of Mr. and Mrs.
I Theodore Prinz of this city, was operated
upon at J' he Dalles Hospital this fore
noon, by Doctors E. E. Ferguson and
H. Logan, for appendicitis. The Opera
! tion was immediately successful.
Do you want a good home? Dad Butts
I has for sale a nine-room, hard-finished
house, with a snug little barn, situated
; on two good lots on Ninth street. This
I property must be sold, if half-giving it
away will do it. See Dad Butts. i;H-2t
I A Delaware man who deeerteiHi is -wife
five years ago returned t tie other day
and said lie went away "just to have a
joke on her." A few moments later the
woman sprung a much richer j ike on
I bill by introducing her newer husband!
; The republican party of
who, as she was liftei ftom the wsgor, I
caught sight of a field of daisies. With
cry of delight she darted to the rail
fence the moment she wa set down,
and, scrambling under it, threw herself
face downward, among the beautiful
white and gold blossoms, clasping them
in her ai m arid sobbing us if hei heart
j were breaking. She had never before
i seen flowers growing. During her stay
' she spent all her time among them, and
when the moment came to park her,
shabb little bag it was found to be
i filled with flowers. A touching poem
j about this pathetic incident, "The
j Fresh-Air Child," by Klliot Walker, is !
I published in the August number of The
i Indies' Home Journal.
A few members oi the medical fratern-
I i y in Portland express astonishment at j
j the remarkable recovery of an S0-year-
I old patient from appendicitis, says the;
jTelegiam. At this advanced age it is i
said to be rare that a patient has the
vitality to recover from the shock of an
I Operation. Two well-known physicians!
I whose position causes them to forbid !
the mention of their achievements, have j
; accomplished the work of lemoving a
; badly inflamed portion of the stomach
! arising from a deposit in the vermiform
j appendix. The patient is William King
j of South Portland, and the tight lie has
I made for his life seems to promise com
plete recovery, and he may live to be
I much older. It was a choice with him,
according to the doctors, of two ways of
dying, and the chance he took was with
the knives and the operating table. His
rallying from the ordeal is the cause of
considerable comment at the Good
Samaritan Hospital.
The argument on the motion lor a new
trial in the case oi T. ,J. Brown et al. vs.
the Oregon King Mining Company was
finiehed. in he United States cjurt at
! Portland yesrerday, and the matter, was j
j taken c.uder advieenient by Judge Bel-
I linger. The argument was begun about j
i two weeks ago and was carried on for '
j half a day. The matter was taken up j
i again last Friday and proceeded for two I
'days without reaching a conclusion, but j
! yesterday the lawyers succeeded in j
: bringing their talk to a close. The suit !
" was brought by Brown to Beeore posses- J
No matter ho- dull business is; no i sion of the Oregon King Mining Com- j
matter whether there is any news or , pany on the ground of a former location,
not; no matter if all the people who j and was decided In his favor. Defend
make news have gone on their summer jftnte, who are in possession oi the mine
outing a hundred miles away ; no matter moved for a new trial. The mine is sup-
Dress Suit Cases
and Trunks
in a largo assortment and at
very low prices.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Boys' Knee Pant Suits
20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits.
and the pub-
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment t our store. A new fresh ,
clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
posed to be very valuable, but it will re
quire further development to show what
paper and the dear people who read it it is really worth. Defendants allege
must kick because "there's really noth- that so far they Lave expended some
ing in it." $30,000 more on the mine than they
The New York "World" speaks of the
democratic party as being in a "dismal
and disheartened plight." The fact
that during Cleveland's administration
its policies drove thousands of poor
women and children to the pangs of
hunger and wane has perhaps given it
have taken out of it.
Animal Sliow Thursday.
"congestion of the conscience." We are
glad to know that it is repenting.
common people. St. Louis Republic,
Strange, isn't it? The republican party
is the party of the majority. Is the
majority composed of the uncommon
people? N. Y. Sun.
F. M. LAW ton i who runs the stage
! line between The Dalles and Shaniko,
j has boueht the lease of Jess Gregory to
the Chicken Springs ranch, and will
i move hie family there this week and
: make Chicken Spring! an important
I station on his stage route.
! The steamer llailey Gal.ert will make
a rate to Portland and return, for the
i Woodmen log-rolling contest August 8d,
j for party of 100 or more, at $1.50, round
! trip. Tickets good until Tuesday, Aug
justtith. For full particulars inquire of
J. M. Filioon, agent. Office in Baldw in
! opera house. 1jiig distance 'phone. :!t
The Junction Times correctly says:
to exchange ! 'i he religious debate at Flmira resulted
in a draw. We have never known a de
bate of this kind to result in good. Bill
on the contrary had feeline llMMB
The mortality from heat prostration and the common cause of God and
in the EJt is especially large among the ; humanity is lost in the strife, while the
Intemperate, whether the intemperate non-believer smiles with great laughter.
wsui me lorm ot whiskey or ice water.
The Spokane Chronicle referring to
the performance given by the Whitney
trained animal show at Spokane says;
Crowds of interested and enthusiastic
people filled the main tent of Whitney's
dog and pony show yeeterday afternoon
Tom, sinners, turn. j and evening, and judging from the gen- I
Frank R, Wetherbee, Prof. Burden I era! expressions of opinion among those
and several other Eugene men last week j who attended either performance, the
went to ttie top of one of the Three j show is the best of its kind in America.
Sisters, savs the Albany Democrat. On ; Last evening the big audience, made up
mihIhm flnnn M.inr.,.,. C! ..1. ma 1 i 1 A luruplv itf w f i tn " n ami phihlrpn VftA Ptl- I
today lias no i,! 200 fpe anii wf,nld have pone i tertained for two hours and a half in a i
use for and no confidence in the Lin,n - ulna. km ltiu,, ii-., mMt en invable manner. The rjoniee '
against a piece of lava and was held, j performed some wonderful tricks under
0i J. Stubling has just received a
large consignment of Schlilz' mult ex
tract, strictly non-alcoholic and one of
the beet remedies in the world to build
Op a weak or broken-down constitu
tion. ilooi
J'.' "
This may be called an era of high
prices that is, good prices that ure
profitable to all. And yet their is no
complaint. Americana have learned
that cheapui'tis and little or nothing to
buy with, because we get so little for
what we have to sell, most of . which is
m i .
loll l the way Editor Young of the labor, cannot compute with good profits
Henderson fleruld writes interesting and plenty to buy with.
IocuIh for his subscribers: '-Bill Wulker, . President Moehler,..f the O. H. A N.
who resided in these parte and who owes Co., showed himself to he u public spir
he Herald three year, on subscription, j jte( a, wije uwuke business man when
was visiting here last week." i i he offered everv courtesy nossibie on be-
1 e lIllIirei't'tt.Mtfw. run XT Hah aA
-"vta vi V I linn n
This was the earliest trip yet made to
tbe top of the mountain.
The policy pursued by the congres-
llonal Committee OB rivers and harbors
in spending their vacation in visiting and
acquainting themselves w ith the needs j
i of the rivers and harbors of the Pacific I
coast is worthy of approval by all citi-j
. MM who have an interest in the welfare
of this coast. We hope the result will
I be the opening of the Columbia and i
Snake rivers for navigation.
I Pat Conroy, w ho made u handbome j
little fortune in a few years out in the)
Mitchell country in the sheep business, ,
and who is still far from being in the i
"sear antl yellow leaf left this morning
for his old homejin the sooth of Ireland,
and the gOtllpi have it that he has gone
alter "the girl he left behind him. ' Be
; that us it mav, Put promisee to he hack
In "God's country" in about four J
, months.
it is predicted that the long continued
drought and the consequent shortage in j
the corn crops and in other crops in a
wide region east of the Rocky Moun
tains will result in enhanced prices for
I all breadetuffs. it will go further than'
this. It will make u better demand for
all the food stuffs raised on the farm.
It will result in making a market for ail
the prunes and dried fruit. It is pre- j
dieted by one who ought to know that
there will be a ready demand for every 1
pound of marketable prunes put up in '
Oregon. The prices will not be high, I
but they will be remunerative, and
: there will be a disposition on the part of
grOWeM to sell ue eoon us the product is
the direction of Professor Heiker. The j
dogs and monkeys under the direction of j
Prof. Hunt, of Iowa, are the greatest
troupe that has been eeen for many days,
tod Prof. Letell's troupe of goats do j
some wonderful and amusing work.
They aleo have four of the funniest of all
funny clowns. Put it all together it is
the most amusing and instructive show
that hae ever been through the country.
This show will be io The Dalles on
Thursday, Aug. 1st. Don't forget the
Subscribe for TBI Chronicle.
AUG. 1st
The most complete enterprise ol its kind in America EndOried by the nulpit
and pieHH and leading humane societi. h. Canning clowns and mimics in
human attire, Introducing a world of fairy fcutures for little folks.
McGinty, the Wonderful Trick MONKKYI
I Blackbird, the Leaping Stallion!
l leurs D ponies and a hurdle at a single bound.
Sport, the Champion Dog Pony Rider of the World I
Grand FREE Miniature Street Parade at 6:30 p. m.
Admission, Children
Adults . .
A ... ! . .
wnu 18 beginning to be felt up thi
way. One of Seufert Brother's wheels
HM night caught three tons of salmon,
"d Henry Laureii.en caught 1900
half of the O. R. & N. to the visiting 'ready for shipment.
congressional rivers and hurbors com
mittee. Mr. Moehler aees that the open
ing of the Columbia ami Snake rivers
will have a tendency to increase the
Just ttie tiling to take along when you
go camping or to the seacoaet. For sale
Undertaker and Embalmer
F. S. GUfWlfiG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
-HI' U I l; l-
Among the "Freeh-Air" children who i Cor. Third and Washington Ste.
arrived at a farm near Pi Ue field, in the
Berkshire hills of Massachusetts, one All orders attended to promptly. Long
day last summer, was a poor little tot, distance phene 433. Local, 102.
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
AKuUt tor Kuvtiell A (;.' Engine, Thretlicrk sud 8u Millx.
Telephone 157.
Uong Dietance 1073.
Cor. Second & LaoetHio Sis, THE DALLES. OR.