The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY . .iri.Y Si, 1901 Till. WORK1RQ31AW& tSTt RE&T. One noteworthy feature of the labor troubles that have recurred during the pist three month is the absence of material differences of opinion as 10 wage scales. The strike now on. in which from 76,0 10 to 100,000 wo: kingixierj are involved, binges upon the demand of the iron and steel workers that ail of the shops and factories oi the I ni ted states steel corporation be unionize 1. In '.be case of the machinists' strike that has been in progress since May 20th '.he wage scale was complicated with a demand foi a shorter day. but the real bone of contention was upon the refusal cf the machinist; to arbitrate the dispute. The natural inference drawn from this fact is that the skilled woikmen are now receiving what they are will ing to concede to be a fair return for their labor, end this in spite of the fact tbat the cost of living has materially increased since the first eiection of President McKinley. lo I-. recent issue of Dun's Review was printed a statistical table covering the cost of 350 commodities, with (juantities of each taken according to the pet capita consumption, com pared with ibe prices of the same articles prior to the election last No vember. I', was found that the level of prices bad advanced 4 per cent. When the comparison was made with prices in ISO': it was shown that the cost of living bad increased 30 per cent. Bat waes have also advanced and opportunities to secure work bave moitiplied until there are now no unemployed laborers except those who will not work. Dun A Com pany show in their Review that in many instances wages have increased 1 0 per per cent while the cost of living has advanced but 4 per cent. At the same time business has been brisk in all branches of trade, the volume of money in circulation has also increased -J per cent, and every indication points to a continuation of the era of good times inaugurated with President McKinley in 1897. With this view of the situation before their eyes it is difficult to sec bow the proposition to tamper with the tariff laws can win support among the people of the country. .ranting, for the sake of argument, tbd the prosperity and industrial activity which now prevail are not solely due to the Dingley law. no reasonable man will claim that the operations of that law have bad nothing to do with the conditions tbat now obtain. At the same time no reasonable man will deny tbat a material alteration of the tauff schedule will necessitate a change in method of business by the producers and manufacturers who are affected. In the past (be attempts of those whose interests were directly involved to adjust theii business to new combinations have invuriably been accompanied by seasons of uncertain'', loss of con fidence, burrying to cover on the part of Unid capital nrjd general business depression. Would it not be well for the tariff reforme rs to consult with the labor ing men before they attempt to bring about another period of uucertuinty ,; Workmen are the ones w ho can least afford to have (be industries of the country interfered with at this time. They have won fair wages because their services are not at a premium, and they are engaged at the present tine in making demands for other coaoesstons wbiofa tbey deem Im portant, should tin- tarifl liniterers succeed in winning their point it will be but a short time- before the workingmen will hiy on the- table in their lodge rooms all matters relatm" to hours of labor, arbitration, union izing shops or extensions of theii organizations and concern themselves With the task of getting aD(l keeping place; at the best wages offered. The delightful harmony tbat exists in the ranks of the democracy may i be inferred from the following, which we clip from the Baker Cityj Democrat: "There is talk of Dave' Hii! for tresident as a candida'e on the democratic ticket in 1904. Hill Ism is worse than BryaniTn by far. The whole people have more confi dence in Bryan than in Hill. We hop the Hill talk will not material ize, as it Will not strengthen the dem ocratic cause. As R candidate of the democracy he Would be weaker than Bryan was in I89C or 19iu." 3 tLa4Uavi 3 9 9 9 9 luuay uiiu you'll he well to-morrow. Baldwin's Cold Cure 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 3 3 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Tablet NoBB (cotd in head NoureNoP?25c Snc l- frtt IHmple ln( .dicl SUnaal Cuo-tin &)" f"faUS Sold by C'.arke & ii The Daiie?. Or. NOTlCt. Tae following county warrant? will be cancelled bv the county court in thirtv days irom this date unless ca! parties owning sarue within thirtv davs . eri bv the the next J ate . Julv 7, j$!3 . . . .Julv 7, 1883 .March 12, lfe(2 March 12, 1892. March 12, 1892 . . Nov 12. 1898 . Mav 6, 1892. July 9, 1892. March 10, 1893. May 6, 1802. Amt. , Ti 1 20 1 70 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 7 20 Cnas Bradley. Wm Blum. Mrs Ilird Blanton Robert Beard. Tom Branch Wm Black A T Beers. . . . Ctias Cannon TbOf Dorson D W Ebersoll M J Fmiayson. h A Ha times Jan .Match l . .Ian 1893. 1892 1 69.'J 1892! 1892. 1893. 1 20 1 00 j 1 80 2 20 3 10 1 1 !0 2 00 1 70 1 701 2 00 3 77 V F Hinkle No-. Jos A Kenna John Kotler. R l Moore Wm Met hen W M Murphy Mrs S C Nelton Kd Nuton G H Palmer I; A Pown G W Robertion Jos Rabat).. . "ieo tiies W J Bonderlantl C P maunders John .Smith Jas . Smith . . March . . . . Jan . . Mav 11, 1894 Julv 7. 1893 . Julv 7, 1893 . .Nov )0, 1893 . .Nov 14. 1892 March 9, 1894 Mav 11, 1894 Nov 10. 1893 Mav 11, 1894 '-ept 12, 1992 Nov 14, 1S92 Jan 7, 1893 . . Jan 5, 1894 60 lu 70 1 60 20 70 oO i '0 70 Nov 14, 1892 John Wickttrom lau 184 1893 Wijj IVedekind Mav Frank Wait Jan 11, 1895 1 7(1 By order of the Honorable County Court oi Wgico Coanty, 'iregon. I'ated thie 10tb day of July, 1901, A. E. Lake, County Clerk. Trie White Collar line, Bailey Gatzet, trill sell tbrougb roand-trip ticket? to Seaside and return. Tickets good goin from Portland over the White Collar line, O, H. i N. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. & ('. R, ;., and return over same lines. Baggage checked direct to either North Iieau.'j. Seaview, Ling lieach. Hreakere, Ocean Park or Nahcotta. Limit of ticket September loth. I. M. Filloon, agent. Just received at (iiiitreth iV Son's iumler yard, a f". MglosVda Ol No. 1 cedar pogle and A - shingles. They are agent- for Heath & Miliigan'i eele Orated shingle paint. Call on them;; their prices are al! right. Wood not finned is better by 50o a cord titan wood , that is. jylo "J am indebted to One .Minute Cough cure for my present good health and my life. was treated in vain by doctors for lung trouble following la grippe, I took One Minute Cotlgb Core and re covered my health." Mr, E. H. Wise, Madison, Oa. Clarke Cv Kalk's P. O, Pharmacy. When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life ami vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We bave the Crown of science 11 a I r J&jV 'irowei mid C'ocoanut I ream Br 'Din,. Tliey will cure dand mSBt rut' mid all scalp diseases. Kor sale at Prater's bar ier shop. Price 50c and Toe a bottle. A full line of Eastman him- aud sup plies just received by Clarke & talk. Gifford's Fotos Never Fade. The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at Nolan Profit-Sharing Association are 1 set Dickens, 15 vols., publisher's price t2"0' 1 set Knight's History ol England, 8 vols., publisher's price 12; l vol. of Bible Picture?, illustrated by Dore; 1 copy Thirty Year? of Labor, by f. V. Powderly; a $3 rebate to person paying the most cash during four weeks end ing Aug. 3d, and a .2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount of cash during same period. Prompt delivery of all good- ordered by telephone. Seu fert A Condon phone N'a v2. Give me a trial. M. T. NOLAN. White Collar Line. me Danes -Poniano Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT. DAILY ROUND TIUPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River. White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a.m. Arrive The Dalies 3 . m. Leave " " 4 " Arrive Portland. 10 " Meals the Very Best. f0Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. jtF"L'n Iloute has tiie Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA." Daily Round Trips except .Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A. M. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Landing and office Foot o: Aider Btreet; both phones, M 361, Portland. Oregon. E. w. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOOX, Agt. The Dalies-, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic, I.AKfiK-l STSAMBHIP ; in. n obld Feb. 8th to April 22cl, 1902. The i.iacni'icen; White .tar tWiU'SClOW steam tr "Celtic,' 20,000 tons) ipeciallr ebartered for the oceuiioii, and for 7i days subject t the or ders of the director ol the party. To the Mediterranean rim) the Orient. oeeopytng 7 4 days. Spending IS days in Egypt and Palestine, hotel aoconunodatioBe lnclud d. Visiting Hadtera, Oleralier, North Af rica, Malta. Egypt, thr Holy I. ami, Turkey. (.r-t-ce. Italy, the HtTliara, England and Ireland, M'itl attractive (optlonall side trips BOTOSS Ki rope. Tioketi ( to itonoverln Eurone on homeward voraaeand to return bv the White Sla: steamers Ueeanie. Majestic, Teutonic, Ac. i Cost t Trip, tirt-clas, from 'ew Vork back to New York, S400 and upwards, seeordint to stateroom accommo dation; including shore excursions, ho tels, fee-, guides, drives and all necessary expenses. Special Features Madeira. Malta. 1-dav- lu Egypt and the Holy ijtnd, Constantinople, Athens, Rome, the Riviera, etc. Under the management of prank C Clark, of New ,rk. Cairo, etc. Fi : further particular- address BVUaOM A BKOWNHILt, Washington .-street, The Dalles, or. if Interested, semi for Illustrated program, John Pashek, The Tailor Has just received 1000 samples of the iatest patterns in Gent'l Clothing lioodl. He iruarao tees prices and a good iir or no pe". : John Pashel;. The Tailor. 50 V LARS' EXPERIENCE mm trale Marks Jksic.ns rnvair.uTc Mm .. AllVfillA fr,l1ln aikkptrli uml rtaa lllii.i - quli my ascertain mr upiuinti fru- ooetlier a iiiv-ntion i pmlini Iv i- iieiu.ible. ' umainnlct li)iislncilyniUileiiluil. Iiandbciok on I'aieuti win free. Olileat aifeney fur kveuruiK paients, I'alei.ta taken tlintuali &P11111 4 Co, ivcvlvk tytciai noticr, wlitnut. cliante, In tbe Scientific American. A handSOSSaty lllntrat.i weehlr. I nrveit t ir ni latum .if unv in;, journal. Torus. S3 s roar 1 1. ,nr niontes. It holdnyall nowadoalera WUNN&Co.'-New York freisii , v gt, WMoioeroii. v. c Mn no Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING ' AS BOCTB FROM PORTLAKU TO THE J. AST. THE ONLY DIRECT LINE TO THE VELLOW- .-I ONE PARK Uniei H-i Fifit as: : Sis & main. He F.'.-t innil for Tarnma. No. Seattle. Olympla. Gray' Harbor and south Kend point. Spokane, Ro- faud. E. C, Pullman. Moscow, Lewistou, Bnf ll:U A. M. (aloHunip mining ooun try. Helena. Mlnneapo Itf, St. Paul, Omaha. Kansa ( itj . Sr. Louis, cbieaiio and a!! ioint No 4. eat and wutbeaat. v v Mo. l'tiiret Sound Express 11:80 P. M. lor laeoma and .Seattle 7:00 A. M. and intermediate points Pullman first-eia and tourirt sleopers to Minneapolis, st. Paul and Missouri river points without eh.mge. Vestibule! trains T' depot connections it. al'i principal cine. Baggage checked to destination ol tickets. Kor handsomely illustrated descriptive matter, ticket-, sleepinp-car reservations, etc.. call on or ri te A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Fassenaer Agent. ii Morri ion Street, corner Third. Portland Orssron, SOUTH and EAST via s Shasta Route Trains leave The Duller (..: Portland .md way stations at -i:j a. m. and :: p. m. Leave Portland Albany -:30 a m .1J.;JU a in 7:00 p m lU: iOp m ll:S0am i ;8fi a m 8:1S a m Arrive Ashland 12:Svam sacramento StOO p m " san Francisco 7:46 pm rive Ogdon Denver Kansas City Chicago 5:40 am 11 . lo a m 9:U) a m V:0Oa in '' a m 7:i'. a m 7 :Vj a m y:30 a m Arrive Loi Angeles ' E! Paso ' Fort Worth " City of Mexico " Houston. New Orleans " Washington " New York I :W p m 8:00 p m ' : .11 ' a m 9 : 5o a ni I i.H a in t:2fi a m f : 1J a m 12:43 p m 7:00 a m 6:U0 p m 6;90 a m :48 a m 4:00 a m r;:25 p ni 6'4B a m 12'43 p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair car .Sacramento to Ogden and Ki Faso and tourist cars to Chicago, rit Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at Ban Francisco with several Steamship lines for Honolulu, .Japan, China. . uvm1 tmi alio buuhj AlUVTilMI. Bee agent at The Ualles station, or add.tas C. H. MARKHAM, General Fassenger Agent, Portland, Oi Just What You Luant. New ideas in Wall Paper here. suri, wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced n single Block. Heal itnita turn creton erlects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices! Blegmnt designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house painte D. W. VAUSE, Third St." FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tra -isact a Genera. Banking Business. Letters of Credit issued available in the hastern States. Sight Kxcbange and Telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Chicago, Bt. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore-' gon, Seattle Wash., and various points 1 in Orevitn nnil U' Ml 1 1 n.,1,1., Collections made at all points on fav I orable terms. SoulDent Pacific Co. if?- 1 nT&e coiumDta pacKlnp Do.. J PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAKXTFACTC KER5 OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)R!F.D BEEF. F.TC. mm Besiaurant I. Y. BONG, Proprietor, First-CIass in Every Respect MEALS AT Al.r. HOCKS. Oysters Served in any Style. S7 Second St., Tin lialles. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the lood and aids Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. Ko other preparation can approach it in eflicieucy. It in stantly rehevesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results ol imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and 1 1. Large size contains 2H times smallsizc. Book p,U r.boutdyspepsiamaiiedfree Spared fey E 0. DcVITT A CO., Cbieaa Sold by Clarkf A Falk'e P.O. Pharmacy. Just Received i A full hue of Fresh Printing aud De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, leko, el"x and Arilto in all si.e?. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays. Printing Frames, Albums, Multigraphs, And al! accessories to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing papeie has no equal. Enoogh for ::.'). to develope ii dozen plates or li dozen elox 4x5. Perfect blacks aud whiles are guaranteed, if direction! are followed. Aek fur the a. E. c. De veloper, and see that you get tin genuine. We are prepared to compound any find all of your own formula and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 The Dalle-, iregon. Second Street, Geo. C. Blakeley. l L. Lane, UKNERAL E Wagon and Carriage Work. C Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tliiri1 aufl JisrMl Phone 159 Blacksniitli Horsesboer Oregon Shot line AND Union Pacific US! ' KT TIME SCHEDULES ' ROM THE DALLES. ARRIVE FRM ( li caRn Poriuud Special. 1J 2-' V- m. via Hunt ington, Atlantic Kxiires-s. 12:80 n. m. via Hunt ington. M.r Like, Denver. Ft. Worth, OmiihH. Kun-sasCitr,st.i.ouis,Chi- l:p. m. Ciigo and the East. Salt Like. Denver. Ft. Worth. OniRiia, Kan- va- city, st Lonw, Chi cago Mia the East. 4.45b. m. st. Paul l"at Mail, 9:25 p. in. vin Spo kane. Walla Walla. LeWiBtOtl, tipokane, Wallace, Pnll man, Minneapolis, st. Paul, lminth, Ullwan-1 kee, Chieiigoand East. ; SO a m. OCEAN AND EIVEE SCHEDULE Prom Portland, (All sailing dates lUh Jeot t.i i haiigt- i Foi Ban Francisco, - I : every 5 days. 8:00 p. m. 1:00 p, m. Dally except -midHy. s:00 p. in. Saturday. 10:00 p. in. I tally except Sunday. 6:00 n.'m. ci.'iuiiiiiia Rlror. To Astoria and Way I .Millings. 4:00 p. m. except Sunday, WillaiiK-tte Itlver. Oregon city. Kewberg, 4: i.J.', ; s::li'in. Independence. Sundav. end w ay-Landings. Tuesday, Thursday, -ail. .day. 6 00 a. m. 4 ::fl p. m. Ilonday, Wednesday Friday. CorvalMs and Way Landings Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, 7:00 a. ni. Willamette and 3:80p.m. V'amhtli Ktvora. Monday, (ircgnii City, Dayton and Wedneajuy w ij Undings. Friday, l.eiive Riparia daily, 3:40a. m. Snake Klrer. Riparia to Lewlaton. Leave Lewiston dally, S:3U a. ni. Parties deatrini t ro to nerunier or jM.-.nis un i oiumrjia aouuiorn via tiiRps. snouu Uuie No. .'. leaving The Dalles- at 12:28 p. m. making direel connections at Heppner junction and Bigps. Returning makingdlreotoonnaatlon Bt QeppneriuncUon and liiggs withiNu. 1. ar riving at The Dalle at 1:06 p.m. For further particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, Agent. The Dalles, Oregon. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUGGIST. Nasal CATARRH Id all its etaca tliere iiiinnU be cleanliness. Bljr'l (ream Halm cleiwise, soothes and heals lbs diaaaaad tuemlirane. It cares ceisrrb ami drivce away a eo.d iu the head Qiueglif, ( ream Balm plgosd Into the noatrile, epreaJa over the ineinSrane and ia alisorhcd. Rcliefieim Bwdiate and a cure follows, It is nut drying do" not produce ineMlng, Largs si.-.e, 60 cema ot Drug gist or l.y ma::; Trial BUe, 10 cents l.y mall. 1 UUOTaSRJ, 80 vVarrsu Street, New Yuik. J. S. BORIMOg, President. Mai -v. Voot, Cashlei First National Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON A General Banking Bueiueee transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. UOIWCtloai made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Night and Telegraphic Exchange sold r new York, Bah Francisco an Port land. n p m D,soToaa M- Williams, Gso. A. Lism. H M. Biali.