The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 30, 1901, Image 4

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    He Tried a
Sample Bottle
l iime int- fi,t
i, ml
lirml I; mi of Salmon
I Ov '
Yesterday's Astoria New? ? that
ti-li are inure plentiful DOW than at any
time durinir ttie iue?ent heavy run.
Kearly every day neopli com Into ami , . ,.mhin.. ,.,,, PO tank snfl
etnn- and ask the Druggist to recommenu -
toiui. medicine to- Uxeu trouble. rj pounds from each boat, ami Monday,
fUMtodoao, a,!er ,l,e re(,ei',,J of oMMJ wpre
beeauM a- a pond of, the an.e limit was maintained.
i The boatl cinvnenced arriving at the
no. oeii yc i i
proper to al- canneries at 6:30, and at noon scire? of
vt-o-anyoi.eto hoat8 were, mej Up at lne receiving
take a patent r
n. i fne ol dock. awaiting the order to deliver.
ot kiowth'i fishermen sai( t,m! t,p.v Hada a single drift Sunday nit bt ami got from 40 to,
u thi phy-i- lOOaalmon. A 'I acree that the run is
i ciai. - tmi- . li . , i .
jjei.- p, j,r... ln lnia wuacn naeer ciurrru nil
goribe. Boma river. Ttii i the tenth day o' t tie tun.
Otttionnho and it i? estimated that 1900,000 worth
aver, when offish has been hought in that time.
arrnrh.v nc.ingl: cold orthroal and li i The j;. t fl1harojen sav thev could de
trouble. I always recornmena Acaer r.rtr- -lisl
bi nuw I know last whal it 1'ver six times the amount of sa.moD
Jrlll di It has cu ed every case when I t!iev arp now offering. The men go out
bare teen it tried it is t ha bast expectorant . . ,.
nd ton d in tny II year every other nigtr . and ever, then tin 1 it
1 rlenct ! ust one Instance of difficult to get rid of their catches. Yes
a Kentleniai. wii been troubled for in.
wearavitl . itastv hacklna cough. lad- terday the price fell to 6 cents at the
vised A kei Englisl Remedy. He triad a combine canneries, while some of the
ESSl! :" " " ahlSm. ThS co.d storage, are reported to be talent
1- an en ept owever as i; luvuiiy excess nsh at 4 cents Booth continues
tuii-1 i -
(Signed I A B.
CO! tl. I :.
1 art
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors ft The Owl."
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
Phoe.: g Loc.1. Duw ,73 Second Street.
r RUBBER and Garden Host,
I Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers,
Lyon French Periodical Drops
Strictly veffetable, ocrfectly Itwrmlcas. sure to accomplish
DESIRED KLSL'LTS. (Ireatest known female remedy.
PallTinii Beware of i rfi is ai mi ns. Tl .isput up only In pasterjoord Car
bnUIIUH i with fe-..lmlli Utroatiin le o( the bottle - aU CfT?9
asadfor Circular n WILLIAMS MFU. Co Bole Agent I o eland Ohio, r7H."
For sale bv (ieo. C. Llakelev. The Dtlies, (r.
you arc
! 1
in need of anything in our line, figure with
it win pay yi m.
We oncrati
prompt attention.
All orders entrusted to us will hail
to Oe ttie fiahermen'i friend and is
lal'lnn ,'r.o lul fruM' liis oillnr.tB in
.. ,i v " - "
, . ami :n preierence ic receipts iroin oiotr aoorcea. office o: LHMlet City, ior the city lot on
I; fontalne, Ohle.
Bid- will be ruceiveii al the recorder'.
. la i-i. It you
I living return the
. .... and i-.: your tuuii'-y
England. .
bottle i" V,
ba ...
h. u. UOQMSS 4 BQ. t mrtottn rrl
For su- at BiakelevV Pharmacy.
PBftBOftAL MtSllo.v,
Rav T. T. Esiieinir.n. ol Tacoroa. it
vi-ititu: ins brotner, !;. E'helnian.
Mr. B. Laogblin arrived here iast
Disht on a short bntlneei tri; from Sea
view .
Win. Floyd, ol Seattle, arrived here
last night and is registered at the Euro
pean Hoiiie.
rrank (.i.tiyei and .1. T. Abbott, two
prosperous iheepmen of Wapioitia, were tiiere is nothing eouooc a.- Chamberlain'!
in town yesterday for supplies. Pair; Baiai. Try it. For s.iie by Biake-
ley. the druutfist.
A bad coa.p!exion eeueraliy resu lt
fron. inactive liver and bowels. In all
such cases, IeWitt"s i.ittie EarTy Bisers
Tne co-operative cannery was shut
down vesterdav for 48 hours In order to
five the men a cbanee to ciean up, Tiiis
concern continue! to be in good shape.
and it is reported tnat it has averaged
2250 cases dell lot the past ten davs.
It has ah aiont taken (X1 pouods of Gstr
from each boat. The run oi fish Sunday
night was the greatest ever kuown at
Subscribe for Thl ChbOMICLB.
Clarke A Falk have received a carload
of the cex'brated Jaoies E. Patton
strictly "tire liquid paints
Fur sprains, swellings and lameness
Qaentlon Annweretl,
Ye-. August Flower still has the largest
saie oi any medicine in the civilised
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
,1... InMll. f Tl.i.,1 .'..... I-...., rt..,.
IUB wuiu ciul ui xiiiiu ci:cvi I7rtrrii
court ami Washington streets, ah bids never tnougnt oi using anyimog bibk ior
to be deposited a! the re. order's o(Bce on
nr before August 1. 1901, and addres-ed
' Bids for Lot." The sieof lot is 58
100 feet.
Dated at The Dalles. Oregon this 20th
day of Jdly, 1901 . by order ot the coun
cil. J. DotlXRTV,
City recorder.
aug .
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
wore scarce ami they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out the sygtem and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, Stimulate the
uervou; and organic action of the sys
tem, ami that is all thev took' when feel-
After vim tire of nsmg so called kidnev remedw
without any benetit, use Lincoln Sexmi: Pills and h
forever rid oi those null pains In your bark. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and hut
all ynui bladder and urinary troubles enred. and rog
nights made restful by the nag of nature's ReUsl
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. h
Price, $1.00 per box buy of your druggist oreem
i iv man on rrueipi ui pru.r, in piain wrapper
Fort Wayne. Indiana.
M, Z. Don n ell, Agent, The Dalles.
Notice is hereby given that the under- ilJg d1'1 ailU ba(1 Wllh headaches and
signed will on Thursday, t lie ii. day of other aches. You only need a few doses
August, 1901, at the front door of the 0 Greet.'s August Flower, in liquid
County Court House, in Deltas City, f t k(. Bed lbere
yaco l. onntv. i iregoii. at 10 0 clock to .
the forenoon of said day sell to the higb nothing serious the matter with you.ii
est bidder for cash in fund, ail of the (iet Greene prise almanac. Clarke & IX
..... al L IT
iironer'v ti wnn-t. :t. i i .iiintv. nr at
Mrs, Belal and her daughters. Marga
ret ami Emma, ieft on this morning's
boat for an outing at flood Biver. Sne
was accompanied by Mise- Christine
and Salina Phlrmanand Haze. Hunting
ton. Mr. and Mrs. itherspoon and daugh
ter, of Elillsboro, III., are visiting wttb
the family of Mr. Frank Gunning. Mrs.
Withersi on i- a sister of Mr. Unnning.
This is the first visit of the party to the
Pacific coast.
produce gratifying result;. Ciarke &
FalK's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Sick Headache absolutely and permanent:;.-
cured by using Moki Tea. A
t leasant herb drink. Cures constipation
Wa( count v, or at
other public corporation in said Waeci
County, lias acquired tilie by virtue of
sa'.e for taxes, as shown by the records
o: tax sales for said Wascu County.
flonun Kbllt,
Blierifl o: Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated this 8th day of Julv. 1901.
jy8-dw otw
subscribe for Tut Cukoniu.k.
Land OCccat Vaneeuver, Wash,
July 17, lorn.
Notice i' hereby given that the following
named - tttet iia. tiled notice of hi intention to
make final proof in tupnort ol iii olalm,and
that -aid proof will be made before the Kemster
hi. J Receive! of the tJ. b. ljind Offlce at Van
The partnership heretofore existing eoti r, V tabingtou, on Tuesday, September 10
hetween i. l'oiand and M. fieisier. UU'
Captain Langfltt'a Baeommsndatlon
A pproprlationt.
.... . . ii.
and indigestion, makes vou eat, sieeo t". the styie and firm of Poland and , L, ,. ,. waahtaaVon, who made H. E. No.
andhannv Batiifaotion "inranteed nr Hel,e " this day been dissolved by BTi.tor thi soutl half ot northweat quarter,
ana nappy wiiiaotiou iguaranteea or mutual consent. T. Poland retires from andwcstbaUol louihwent quarter ol lection
money back 25cte. andoOcts. Blakeley, the firm and the business will be con- tent-one, townahlp three north, rant Uvclve
earoggst. tinned by lieisler & Son. who will col- He namea the following wltaeiaei to prove
wtiv not spend the vacation at i a- iec a., accounts uue tne late urni anu ins continuous roiaence upon ana cuitivanou
avjVaVyjV aV14VJV
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Beports for June 28, B'tlO, says: "A more BO potior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of bops. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used witli the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed bv the nbvsicians with
the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not I
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. i
The report of Captain V.', C. L:ingntt.
coro- of Engineers, United States army,
stationed at Portland. Or., oc the im
provement of river; and harbors in Ore
gon. Washington and Idaho, for
fiscal ending June ::'U, 1901, to
gether with recommendations relative to
future appropriations, has been made
public. Tin- recommendations for future
appropriations to be expended during
the rjsc.L year ending June SO, 1903,
amount in the total to ,147,598.37,
Toe recommendations which concern
La-terr. 1 iregon most directly are '2l ,
000 for the Columbia and Lower Will
aniette below Portland ; $150,000 for the
Columhia to the Cascades ; 1814,579.28
for the between The Da.ies
and Celiio.
i he improvement of the Columbia
qolna bay. where can be had excellent a
fare, good ns-ti itiii , good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambies.
Tne courses and exercises at the summer
the school of 1!J01 at Newport will afford
area' varietv ol instruction:, diversion
and entertainment. No other resort
offers eoua'. attractions and like advan
tages, lunll-tf
it: debts and obligations.
T. Poland,
M. Hkislkk.
Hated at The Dalles. July 17. 1901.
Catarrti Cannot lie ( ureil.
With local applications, as they
"I wish to trutiifuilv state to you and
the readers of these few lines that your
Kudo! Dyspepsia Cure is without ijues
tton. the best and only cure ior dyspepsia
that I have ever come in contact with
cannot and I have used uianv other preoara-
reach tne seat of the disease. Catarrh ttons. John Beam. West Middlesex. Pa.
No preparation eipiai: Kodol Dyspepsia
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
na! remedies. Hali'e Catarrh Cure is
taken interna!!;, and aots directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. HalTs
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
Lure as it contain- ali the natural
digestants. It will digest ali kinds ol
food and can't help but do you goud.
Ciarke & Falk'? P. O. Pharmacy.
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep yonr tcalp ciean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, drv and
physician; in tbie country tor years, and
river to the Cascade provide' for the 'riwcu"'- P-wiumo. it i tomposeo crispy. .Now we have two of the yery
completion of tne i ana! and locks '' VM lje8t ton,C6 known U'bi:ied with best preparations fur cleansing the
und the cascades ol to- Columbia ltS:b,:00l! Puntje,s- actli'P di"f'-v ecalp-Lgg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
ver Tl tbs pa. yea, cmSln.Ton of the' t" JS&JZft ? " "
nsisted of paving the slopes of the what produces such wonderful results in ' rlce, -o and cents a bottie, at Frazer
uanab It is considered that the sum of tot Catarrh, .-end fur testimonials. fcarb" 8,,0P' The "
0,0 ah be Drofitabl exoemlni in ,rer-
F. J. Chxnxy A Co., Prope., Toiedo O
So.d by drruggijts. price 7"c.
Ha!!'s Family Pills are the best. 12
sai'l land, viz
Jar.te Fit ami Colonel Fit, eaeh of Bars
V o.. tVaabington, and l r -. i : . li Barlott aini
William Olaon, each oi Hutun P. O., Waabing
ten. Jly30 W. K. ni'NllAR, Regi'ter.
Land Omci at Tbs DaluMi orh..'
July v, 1901. i
Notice is bento) iiven timt the following'
named settler- have tiltd notice of intenti' n to
m.ia' Una prool on their respective claim. be
fore thi Kepister ami Reeetvar at The Dalle,
Urefon, on Saturday, Augiisl 10, lwi, viz:
Aaron O. Freetuan.
oi lio:.ivteaii at't.lii -iliuii N. fwal. for tii' S'.,
-v.., Seeai, i :K k li K. and the NEW SIV!
e- . J 1 N, li 12 K, W ii.
Jobn a , f reenura
on bomeetead appUeatlon No.SKUi forth Wli
NKVi, 8KU NW, ami XE', BWM BSC 6, T 1 .V
l: l-'E. W M.
Witness. - Calvin DonigeOi J. a. Freei tan
and a C. Freeman of Moaler, Orecoa, and win
Bpeneer and William Ketchum of The liailes,
jav r. LUCABi
JljS He ustc:.
Thrt TlfinnTn'ft Untinnnl rnmifu llAiirnnnnnr
uv i uujiiu u ;iuiiuuui i uiqiiy iu II upufJUi
To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00,
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for SI. 50.
We offer for a limited period tiie
twice-a-wet-K CllKOKICLK, price skl.oO,
i- considered that the sum of
an be profitably expanded in
the Oseal year ending June 3(, 1803,
principally in completing the north and
- Uth wall of the upper lock. During the
! ISI year 22,486 ions of Ireight passed Mayett out.
through the canal and locks. u'' Htadaobe, Pains in various parts
Discussing Ths Dallee.Celllo eanal or of tl'e bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
--alternative proposition to construct 8totuach, Loss of appetite, leveriahneBS,
a boat railway, the report savs in brief
"The present project provides for con- cee of mpure biood. Nu matter how it and the pain is gone.
trocting a boat railway nine miles lone, Decarue eo 11 ru,lit !,fe puritied in order lk-
frou. Big Eddy to Cslllo to carry boate t0 ot,tail' 8od bHb. Acker's Biood Those famous little pills, HeWitt's
htesir tia? never failed to cure Scrofulous Tittle hariy Pisere compel your liver
Executor's Notice.
Notice i hereby given thai M. . Donnell baa
beeuduly appointed executor o: the last will
anil testament of Ann UlCbingtT. deeeaicd,
All peraona.baving etaima against the eatab
oi saso Am. Laoblngei are nereby notified to
present tho aame to ate, verified as by lav r, vvttbin six months from the ditt- ol this
h-ah-o at Dallea city tin- 7th day of Jane, iwi.
an,l V. tfo.1.1., I i... J., ro Juu
tut ,'ccnri . ' 1 . i . . 1 1 . , pi ice ifl.OO,
txith papers for 2 a vear. Subscriptions
under thie offer must be paid in ad- NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION,
vance. f Lavo Omcs ai Vajrcevvaa, Wash.,
W.iirt Uaita It In. .... ... Junczi, 190!
Just wet the affected parlfreeiy with
Published Munda .
w cdnoaday uml Fri
day, Is in reality a tine
ami fresh cvrry other
day Pally, giving tin
latMl news on days of
issue, aini covering
news of tbe other u.
It contains all iniKir
tant foreign cable
news which apiarB
In the fatly Tribune
of shiiii date, also do
mestlc and foreign
correapondence, abort
stories, elegant half
tone illustrations, nu
inoroii. items, Indus
trial informatloui
lasiiion notes, sgrloul
tural matters, ami
pomprcbensivoand re
liable financial ami
market reports.
lion pi ice,
11.90 per
liervhy L-iven that :hi- fnllnwinn.
ttlei -have filed notice of their luteti
Pimniesor Sores are all t,..i.iv i.i... Mvsterious Pain Cure, a S.-oi.-l, UHL"1 5.???.,J VJ. m. support ol their
w..w..- . siwiih, aUU IHU WO IIIWI1 Will DC BlUll l,,r.
Wt furnish it with
Semi Weekly chroni
cle lor U.uu per year.
Soid by Clarke &
overland ground the obstructions be
tween Big Eddy Hiiii Ceiiio. Actual
work of construction is. however, held
in abeyance pending further action bv
congress on the question of boat rai way
vs. canal and locke. If the construction
u: the canal and locks is authorized it is
considered tnat the present fundi avail
able, which were appropriated for a boat
railway, amounting to I211.570.M. mav
he profitably expended in the fiscal vear
you rich, pure blood to reciierate your
culUvatiorj , tsu
,1... I. ........ o.i.l lj i n , . . '
.... iiii wu anwitr, i, e. lai.a oitic. ut
iwwinn mi vmnsaj, Augnsl 10, 1
Oscar h. I'arsuUN.
I r. .NO. lor the; rv .. of St; 4 .
of 6 ' t Sec . 2, rp N., It. g., W M..whc
or (SVDhllitll noiSoflS or ailV otner hlooH anil t. ,.!.. ... .1,. K.I. .1 1 7.... ... ' ' ' r'"' '.. l'ro' '
J V. - i. . , lljur IVlll 1.11. 1'MJ IVll'ICIilV UM.,1 Ann
(USi-a-e-. ,- i- r-rliiiii-. ...,. ..,,1.1 . l ...l. . i.o:o. ,11
remedy and we sell everv botti
positive guarantee, uiaaelev. the drn. ', . . . ington
aiat. utaraa a raia's r. o. yngrmaoy. KUaar a. nppr,
ri i i T- 77i 7i H. E. Ko. MO for the B ol Nl i,
How so at Kaeuriuii to ti,. bea Coast. Clarke A talk s flavoring extracts are N..K 13 K., . M. woo i
Only 6 50 for the round trip from kyour for t beat. . lSUKHTt
1 OU will not have txiiU if vi.n lnU mihI llukii -i ii.'.i
i. ,i
Publiahe ouThun
day. u. ui knoirn Ut
nearly iixt years in
overj part of the Uni
ted Slate- asani'iOD
ui fanihy uew!(p
of the highest cu
for farmers and villa
Ber. li contains til
the moat iaiporW
genera! Otvrt of tilt
jian i rmuiM "f -the
booi of Roinsto
press .m agricultural
department ol i
highest order, luww
tortaiiiilig readinglor
everv inembtr of u
mark.' ' letnirts W
are accepted Mss
ority by furniwsMii
mero'aantSi n1 "
clean, up-to-date,
teresting sad Isssw
Regular subac
tion price, fl srss
We funiiah it"11
Semi ANwkly Cbrooi
Cie for per year
SencUll orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
"'1 B hods An. t.av to taWa Kmmmm 1 HIlC
- . - . w . w a
Busseii h. swan., lonn I'nger, na.n ti
id KdgarA. Hopper, all ol L le V, 1
ending July 30, 1903, in removing the "W checked through to destina
rocke in the river at Three-Mile rapids, tiori' ''ie 9teamer '1. J. Potter wil!
and in obtaining title ti. land for the leHVt ' ''"rtiand daily except Sunday and
canais atrive-Miie rapid-- and Celilo.
The Oalies to hong Beach. Tioga, Pacific
Park 'mean faik cr Nabcotta, Wash,, Olarkf si Falk's snra eura 'ot hoilt ,
good foi return until Sept. 15. IQOI. n .-... , . .
. .. - . ..... .inn
it will pay you to buy.
W . K. ui VMA l.tri..ter.
Notice hereby given that the go.
partnaraiiip hsretofore aaiatiog uetni,
Masimiliao Voft ami Pbilppine Obap
ruan, under I he Orn name and stvle of
Max Vogt A; Co., is this day dissolved
Of DJUtuai consent. Maximilian ogt points
will c intiniii- the i.-i-in.-- of said form..,
firm! and wih receive and receipt for al:
moneys due said firm and pav all debta
C infracted by said firm,
Dated at The liailes, Oregon, this 17th
day of July, 1901.
IfAXIMfUAsi Votn,
iv20 ow Phimppini Ohapmak,
Monday, and the lUsgaio dailv
Sunday, at B p. pj,, aud 1U p. m. on
Saturdays making direct connections at
i Clarke A Falk have on sale a fuli line
of paint and artist V hrushee.
in tin- County I'ourt of ti,. ai,
for wasOO eouiil.
Astoria and at llwaco for a!i points on
Oregon and Washington beaches. Call
on .'as. Ireland, ugent, 'I he lialiec,
lur through time card to al! Ieach
It is easier to keep well than get cured.
Gifford's Fotos Never Fade.
Subscribe fur Tul CUUOMIOLI,
.-.ouee is leretiv iov.. n.u . .
vlttne of i,,, order and neeiiae sa.
sutered tnUii above entiUi-d court uT.'r:
'Ian i
door of the county houT. ii' V.," i':!";
muiiuer i,ro. ,i.i i..- i.. , . """ l' tn.'
oi i i : :-.-. , -- - . i. n iii, mi ,. ,. .
I. .tl'...'. I t..l. i , ... . . .,i: imwu.i niiiiii i i-oni" ..ii. ' Hi,1 -i ,i. ,,, iru.eri; , exei lltol- ami ,lo...... .
I'd in i. uue i. any r.iserk taken now :o u eaj-.-l are imtihtil n. nrcM iu tl..-,.. m Ihe mien t- n ti. .ia ... . al
and then. il, alwavs k.e , i,n.ah V""WrV."i'ey, Hitslsoa
Administrator" s Notice.
Kottoe is hssab) given that tin undanismsd
b) ui; order ol theoount) court m Wasco county
klaleoi (tn-gon. hai been iu.iiiteii iiilniiiiK.
trator of Ui- il ite ol Mltln Hohari dmuail
In the matter of Utegwraiaashiii ol Ui
, Ueey and Hugh Vivian Uowy, mu
, mi m iiereuy gnen that undei and
ittu. oi iii ordei o l.cej... ,,: . .
e utared iii ii.. above nttUed court sid cai
o the .mi, day of April, IWl, ti,.. uuueraiin
euardlan ol Man.,,, 1
Uie- y, minors, mil on Tbursdar, m davof 1
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grocer.
,..,. L , , ...... l , ioe proper oiirner-, l" my attoriiei .- HiiOmjii a lolloy. me i eiiiUil rea : i,r..i-.n.. . """'in
always keep your bowels hrowuhlil. .n their nflin -i ti,. .rSn'J, ...... "... i. -i.. v i P'l"l to-mt ut,
in perlect order. Thev nevnr awln. ka " itinn alx montbi. Irom thi date of tlii, i.?.." gaid salc'will u milt. .t".' '.'.. '.'Uini i"Vi,
j .iul , . ,ru I .l.i.iv, ... , . .,u..,v,.-i , u ,,,,,
..... . . ...(,iwi, .,.. ,, , iuieresi K. .
promote an easy aud gentle action.
Ciarke a talk's I. U Pharmacy.
1IOUAHT Uatadal lMll.-. -at- . ..'..T . '
Admiiintrstoi of the estate of Mitii.- n..i.-,i 1 ..... ' ' - 1 '-'!.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
Crandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shroads