The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 30, 1901, Image 3

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Anrlrftw I.ytlo' tirnir fnr
KnimMt Ragim.
Economy is Wealth !
That is tl io roason why so many people do not lo
come rich. Money saved is money earned.
For this week we arcfaoittg to oiTer von some
Big Bargains. Every piece of Fancy White
Goods in the house must go, so we will give the
public the benefit of
20 per cent Discount on any piece
of Fancy White Goods in the house
Xavv blue and black
i l ' .I'.'.. Cfj ..: .1 17 r i , i
l!iClUlll)Lr DBHII OUipeU, FilUCV,
Checked and Fancy Striped Dimities.
75c and
Have you Boys' and Girls' Good Hats for this
warm weather? Here is an eye-opener in that line:
75c Misses' Sailors . . . 39c
50c, 35c and 25c values . '. 19c
Now if von want to save money you should not
W tr V- W
want to save money you
miss this opportunity.
I Silk
Dress Suit Cases
and Trunks
in a large assortment and at
very low prices.
5t MAYS.
V & V W "W v- 1
& vSk rflk jfti A; A & m!i
v- V f V V v -v 3v
i A 1 irn Jfc A A & A a Aiftt A ;
;e Dulles Daily Chronicle.
JULY :i0. 1901
ice Cream
Ice Cream
1 are 111 ,
iger liet 1
At Andrew Keller'9.
All Wusno County warrants reg-lHterfHl
prior to September g, 1898, will lie paid
on iireiientatloii ut my oltlce, IntereHl
after .1 uly IS, 1001 .
County Treasurer.
Wanted A competent girl to do din
ing room work. Apply at Jones' cafe.
Just received, at C. J. Stuuling'e, a
carload of SohlltK Milwaukee bottled
beer. jlyL'Olw
A marriage licenBe has been issued to
(Varies Krnest Herman and liertha
f'ratlier, of Hood River.
Wanted A thoroughly competent girl
to do general housework. Wages $20 a
month. Apply at this office. jyi.H)-lw
The Whitney dog and pony show w ill
exhibit Thursday evening, on the beach
back of the l.natilla House.
The Ladies Aid Society of the Congre
gational church will meet with Mre.
frank Taylor tomorrow 1 Wedneeday )
W. s. Cooper, of Sherman county, re
cently sold a ranch near the town of
Wasco for $1(1,500 that he bought last
'all for $ 1 ,1)00.
A telegraph oflice was opened today at
Kowena. The O. R. & N. Co. is estab
lilhiog telegraph connection at every
station on their road.
D. .1. Stubling lias just received a
larne conilgamaot of Sehlitz' malt ex
tract, strictly non-alcoholic and one of
tbe bait remedies in the world to build
"P a weak or broken-down constitu
car loads of WO 1 1 iMMM 1 i It it
jbool 250,000 pounds, arrived at the
VVac. warehouse this morning from
1 llrke". Laker county, to be baled and
Wlprrtdto Hallowell .McDonnell & Co.,
M Boston.
The Hailey (ialzert, while climbing the
'Pldl In-low the Cascade locks today,
roke a pitman strap and was compelled
10 Put hack to Portland. She will not
fesume her run between here apd Port-
'""l till ext Friday. k
It would appear as though the tourist
"J8"ie88 hB Jat begun, says the Tele
J'u of Jul, ttth, On her trip out
"is morning the Dalles City carried a
' senger li8t 0f 20f,, 8lid will K0 t0 Cag.
7" and return
; aboard, who will heaken to McGowan's
I cannery and hack. Excursions are
, booked for each day this week and a
, snmcient number 01 passengers are in
I sight to guarantee a big passenger
i every trip.
Clark Dunlap, ofWasco, telegraphs the
weather bureau that harvest has begun
in that vicinity and that crops are turn
I big out better than was anticipated, as
! the frost in the month of June did not
do as much damage as previously esti
mated. V
John Doyle, of EnderBby, has threshed
! his fall wheat and found the yield 35
I bushels to the acre. Mr. Doyle tried to
j better himself a year ago by going to
I California, but found that wheat lauds,
I no better than he since purchased in
1 WaBco county for $10 an acre, would
; cost him in California anywhere from j
Make up your mind that we are going
I to have the street fair and carnival and
are going also to provide for the district
i fair ; possibly not as well as we ought to,
! but still in a way that we devoutly hope
: will bring us no discredit. These enter
1 prises mean much to The Dalles, and
every person and business interest in
the city should put its shoulder to the
i wheel and help the cause along. A
dollar now is worth five timep that
amount a year from now when it isn't
needed. Due preparation for the dis-
: trict fair at this time will mean prac-
tically no expense a year from now.
Six to eight dollars a day for labor iu
: the rolling mills and glass plants in the
j East, $6 to $0 a day lor teamsters in San
1 Francisco, nearly 9 a day for China
! men in the salmon canneries on the
: Columbia river, a minimum of $2 a day
' for unskilled laborers on the railroad
grades of Northeastern Washington.
I Plenty of work for all ablebodied men
who are not afraid of work. If the
Northwest, the Southwest and the East
are not prosperoua it is not because of
i poorly paid workmen, says the Spokes-
man- Review.
I It would certainly appear that Dave
1 McKe'vay, of Antelope, is the victim of
undeserved suspicion rs regards the sev
: eral charges made against him of horse
stealing. He had no sooner arrived in
I the valley, recently, with a bunch of
' horses that he had for sale than he was
! arrested and drought back to The Dalles,
charged witli having stolen hOfStl of a
certain brand that, after the fullest pos
sible investigation, were not found to
j have ever been in his possession. This
' matter was no sooner cleared up and
McKelvuy discharged than a Mr. Roth
rock of Hartland, Wash., announced his
suspicion that McKelvay surely had
taken to the valley some horses that had
got away from him while he was freight
ing laat year in the Antelope neighbor
hood, for whose recovery he hud ottered
McKelvay the sum of $10. Constable
aine, but this
didn't satisfy Mr. Roth-
rock and today, in response to the
request of Constable Jackson, the sheriff
,)f Washington county writes Mr. Jack-
eon that his liet of the brands of the
horses found in McKelvay 'a possession
at Demascue ie absolutely correct, and i will clear his client.
that the band contained no horses with
Mr. Rothrock's brands.
A Dalles Minister Debates.
Hunters of a party from Prineviile,
now in Portland, give particulars of the
billion of Kmmett E.igan by AmrYew
Lytle at the old Maling saw mill, eigh
teen miles north of Prineviile, on last
Sunday. The shooting took place about
o'clock in the afternoon, and Kagan
died at 9 o'clock in the evening, after
making a dying declaration which was
put in writing.
It appears that both men had been
working at a saw mill as common labor
ers, l.vtle, who has a wife and two
children, had rooms, and Eagan, who is
single man, slept at the hnnkhouse of
the company. Last Sunday afternoon
Lytic, who had been awav for n day or
so, returned and went to tienrge Poin-
; dexter, one i f the mill hands, and re
quested the loan of a revolver, stating
I that he wished to ill a dog. The rr-
volver,an old cap and ball all tir.was lent
him and he went immediately to the
; hnnkhouse and knocked on the door,
i Eagan, who was dressing when the door
j was openne1, was in a stooping posture,
! putting on his shirt, and l.vtle raised
j the revolver and as he fired said : "Yon
I are the I am looking for.'' He
fired one shot, the ball entering Eagan's
breast and passing out low down at the
ba'jk. Eagan fell to the floor and l.ytle
threw the revolver down and ran. He
did not stop until he reached Prineviile
and found the sheriff, told him what he
had done, and gave himself up an.! was
locked in jail.
Eagan died about. 0 o'clock that even
ing -denying all charges made against
him, which statement was put in writ
ing. It is claimed by l.vtle that during his
absence from home Eagan went to his
wife's room and knocked on the door
and grossly insulted her, and that upon
his return his wife informed him of the
fact, which prompted him to commit the j
The two men were born and raised in
Crook county. Lytle is ."0 years of atre
and Eagan is 25. They have been life
time friends. Eagan is a drinking man
and was regarded as a worthless fellow.
Lytle has only one arm, having lost the
other a number of years ago. Lytle's
attorney says that Mrs. Lytle'e evidence
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Some Bargains
Boys' Knee Pant Suits
20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits.
New Grocery Store
We have added a Grocery Depart
ment to our store. A new fresh,
clean stock. (Jive us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
Tne following ie copied from the
Eoseburg Plaindealer of July 20th. It is
in tne form of a communication signed
by "One Who Was There."
"During she month of May, C. P.
Laily, a Baptist minister, of Douglas
county, challenged the Christian church
of Elmira to discuss the differences that j
exist between the two churches. Th',
Christian church accepting, July 17, was
agreed upon as the date of discussion. j
"Rev. C. P. Baily secured W. B. Clif
ton, of The Dalles, as disputant on the j
part of the Baptist The Christian se- 1
The c!d Maling eaw mill, the scene of
the tragedy, is located on Willow Creek
and is one of the oldest business enter
prises in the county. Evening Telegram.
Rag-leu, Notice.
The Dalles Aerie, No. 150, F. O. E.,
Two special meetings are called ; one on
Thursday, August 1st, at 1 p, m. to put
wings on some visiting applicants, and
one on Sunday, August 4th, at i :')Q p.
m. to act on by laws. All EagleB are re
quested to be present. By order of the
worthy president.
W. A, Obawpobd,
W. Sec, pro tem.
f uneral Notice.
cured J, B. L;ster, of Euireue. state
i evangelist of t lie Christian church, as j There will be a special communication
j disputant on the part of the Christians. ! of Wasco Lodge o. 15, A. F. & A. M. at
j The propositions agreed upon were as i 0 :30 p. m. on Tuesday evening for the
I follows: 'burial of Brother George Cray late a
" 'That the church with which I ; W. I member of Heppner Lodge, No. '). All
brethern are re
order of the VV.
B. Clifton; stand identified is Apostolic i members and visiting
in doctrine and practice, and is there'ore i quested to attend. By
t tie church of Christ.' M.
" W. B. Clifton, affirmed, J. B. Lister, ! O. D. DoAMI, Sec.
denied, second propos.t.on : That the DeWiU'8 Witch Haaal Salve should be
church with which I 'J. B. Lister, stand j prompUy applie(1 tQ mm() amJ j
identified is apostolic la doctrine tod MM. . .h....Hnll,l. hl..h.l
injured part. There are worthless
counterfeits, be sure to get DeWitt'e.
Clarke & Falk's V. O. Pharmacy.
For rent Two or three rooms fur
ished for housekeeping. Apply at this i
office. ily22-!w
1 practice, and i9 therefore the church of
, Christ.'
i "Two days of four hours each were
i given to each proposition. In the rules
and stipulations it was agreed that each
i disputant was to select a moderator, then
the two chosen select a chairman. W.
B. Clifton selected liev. Yarney, of
' Portland, on the part of the Baptist. J.
B. Lister selected J. M. Alexander, of
i Baker City, on the part of the Chris
tians. "The above mentioned moderators
agreed upon Lev. Smith, of Elmira, a
minister of the V, B. church, as chair
man moderator."
Of course both sides claim the vic
tory. CASTOR I A
For iiitaut8 and Children.
Fhe Kind You Have Always Bought
AUG. 1st
The most complete enterprise of its kind in America Endorsed by the pulpit
Mini press anu leaning liuiiiane societies. ( mining clowns and mimics in
human attire, introducing a world of fairy features for little folks.
Bears the
' McGinty, the Wonderful Trick Pony!
' Blackbird, the Leaping Stallion!
(Clears 5 ponies and a hurdle at a sing'e hound,
. Sport, the Champion Dog Pony Rider of the World!
Grand FREE Miniature Street Parade at 6:30 p. m.
Admission, Children
Adults . .
a. ru.
Jackson, of this city, had taken an in-'
The Kegulatorf! ventory of the brand of every animal '
with L'70 paaaengersjj that McKelvay took across the mount- j
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets in that con
dition. We have m the Crown of
Science J I u i r pg! i rower and
Cocoanut tream'HB Tonic. They
will cure dand kBv ruff and all
scalp diseases. For eale at Frazer's bar
ber shop. Price 60c and 75c a bottle.
Gifford's Potos Never Fade.
Just the thing to take along when you
go cum ping or to the aeacoast. For sale
Undertaker and Embalmer!
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 433. Local, 102.
p. S. GUfWlflG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
OKALK8 in-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Aguot for Uuunell & Co. i Kliglnc-, 1 li ru.ilu.-i s and Maw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
Cor. tail & LaoildiD Sts, THE DALLES, OR.