The Dalles Daily Chronicle TCESDAT JtLY M, 190 Tucre : a I'e'icf aoirg railroad men lbs: ;he move of '.be Nonherr Pacific into tbe Klickitat country from its ir.v.r. 1:dp ir, tbe l : er Yaki ma vaHcy is a step toward '.be fu. Gliment o'. tbe 10 eel 4ol Vbe Colubia to Portia&fl, say? tbe Oiegorjiar. 1 '.' c curse no cflieia! detiarstiot 10 ibis effect bM heet ntaie. IM1 Um logic of tbe situation patois to ibis as a probability. No secret is made of '.be tact that a Northern Pacific surveying ere is laving of. lice toward '.be country and tbe surveyors say a I mile branch will be bollt Ibis season Thert is little doubt that tbe Wash ington v v'rfgor.. wl;cL is building between Ki.ama fend Vancouver is uiso a Nortberr. Pacific eatcrprisa. Proaident lie'nen Lai said tapaatedlj tost the Nortiit-rr. Pacific would build down tbe Columbia if it sbould not gel tracsagv over tat 0. R- 4 N. Tbe circumstances being so favor tbk for making that a re ality, r. is beiieveii '.bat tbe operations in Klickitat mean a direct cutof to Portland Pew migrations in ItM Listory of man mny ust)y be compared to tbe coming of tbe p:::.eers cf 1 ? . says tbe Oregoniar.. John Mintc said in bis address at UM pioneer reunion of 170 ibat tbe men. women and chil dren of :: -erc-ssed at unsettled country covering 2 degrees of loagi tude. every pari of tbe way liable ; attacks from savsge f:es." Of al! the movemer.:s of man. Mr. MioU thought Ibe joarnej of tbe from Egypt t. . aciat cfers tbe closest ;a:-i.tri tbe immigration of 1848, tbe lraelites being encum bered wi;b meir families, but tuere tbe distance was uuncirt :s of wb:ie tbis was tboosaods." pots wood was tbe patlfinder of .be Ai iegbanies and Lw;s and Ciark were tbe patLunders tbe Boekies. Tue Irisb-Sc-ou-L piooeen ml: filled tie tbe 1 cess:rs an.i. KBOSSton to Orecon ii .o a cert&.n negrer. tut UM "sooners wL. esme I 'ne exebOBgS say s : -It is re ported tbat W. K rlearst s sts". a morning paper in; Ac cording to tbe rumor. Mr. Hears: wll. spirt i. expense t: make tbe paier .be leading one of tme Nortb wtst. I. is stated l.. pabliostios of tbe paper w... cooameDoed boot January Let it and veJcome. W- s:.u;. Lave i. ropobUoaa motropoUtoo paper or know w. reis.-r. abl . and not s!l;..i a mugwumr. diagraotlad xgaa ti...t fdgb's tbe party an.i msd gns its irad set tasry vootb in tbt yer esoapt tbe one preceding a state or Daliooal election. Tbe wbeat crop of tbe tountry tbis year is est. mated at e ver ' : .. " '.v. basbeis. TL.s is tbe iargast crop ever narve?-.-: i a:. ' means ia:rt exports, und a great deal of iD.'ney f-..r tut furmt-r Xotvtlb stand. ng tbe tsotaiOttl prodootioB tbe pi.te :;: bo.d ii j . ..- luert is at enormous demand f :-:tit countries for grain. If America not a nation Eerored bl 'f. : i-u.t: ULi re n-. ve: w as dsm ItM tacBiiis .-f Kaotai Bean tbat wLat ttey rOSC IbroOfB tr,e droatb aiii be .ffset I;. wfatt pric tbey afl : tot r fiam, so tu-i tae reai suCerer fioa djootl ill be tae ooaaaaars, Bsaoj a live in Europe. T.: .. Dm ratSOO. a.v.'rdiDg to one farmer, a Ly . many furaer.- took u: iaterest .t tne prayers for raia. Toey fe!; ut thej had ootbiag to pray fur. ridsyaat aet a;-art in Kansas. NebrasLji an.i M. us a day of genera praer fur :s..n. Xr nei: day it rained, ridding Um par.-t lands. Tl.s .? tbt record. 4eaajjsl for it as n mav. Oat don : bJMM tome )coplc for Iniievinc tbat Qoi ac'wcis prayer unie. you are ahie 10 prove it aint sd. Here is a sample of tbe meat wbcrewiib socialism is fed. II is disbed up by tbe -Appeal to reason :" v long ns men nn.i women will sell .uemse ves for wr.ges tbey will be slaves o' capita, and will be poor." A man. goinr bf tbe name 01 Harris, has .lone a tfar.vinc bunes in Linn county selling fbouidtrs of bacon to tbe innocents ever tbere ot jams. Linn county is tbe banner iem.-cra'.ic conn: v of "recon. I;' a tbooaand ; : es tbat they cannot catcL si. tbe $i:mon tiowc at Astoria. If IbOM AstoriaBj thought we were catching any u tl;s way we won.:: catct) dun-ther an.: blitSOtt. Tht Albany I'emocrat man. speak m: fr.m experience, of course, says : A glass or two of whiskey makes the world co rouod as 2 Take them 2 - to day and ou!i te well J to-morrow. Baldwins 5 J Cold Cure g 2 Tablet oM 3 3 COW n head! 3 3 NoCureV.PdvJc if f- ht-i f : t :t Sold b C. I'aiie. MflTir r T..r i ii w.nj ja:y warrec BSSSSllsd by tne eonnty cccri iii fro a. dale :s will bs c tbirty ".i.i dale ut.ess .ii.e; b r :ne DSS1 ::ies :wr. .':.3s Biadlc iVl Biam. M-s Bird Lee L.aniDr. . bsrt Bsm T.ra. B'ar.rr Joiy . low . . Jn.V ". Juarct It .!". Ma- lb IS, 1 SK Mar;-L 12 IffiS Sov 12. ljS Ma 1892 Jo y 2803 Mattt 1 1 1 70 1 10 IF id Black A T Ic'S C bsi Caccoc Tttos Donoa D W Ebetet . V. .' F.L.yor. L a Hsames W F B U.r J ; A Keens . M 1 Ji : n : K : do - so 8 rv 1 00 ! 00 : to : 70 2 00 .'an ". Ma- r 1.. . -n 7, 1898 .Sov U, 1882 Ma- : 12 jona Kouot B F Moors Wx V.e-.L-L W ii Mor ; V. n - C iM.: Ed Noton. is K la.msr r. A P. an G W r. rri. l .'o Rabcn Q( W J Saa U C r riun-j-r Joric Smiir. J as 1 Baits Jcbri V. ..I.--.U. W m VWdrsirjd . r --r.t W it ... Jut . Mot : 1893 1804 188 1888 !-: M r,- 4 May : :. 1804 Not 10. K. May ;;. 5fi.-. ii, N:t 14, 18j Jat ". . Jac 5. 1804 N:'v 14 1861 . .Ja &, 1bS-J ..Ma ' -v Jar. .. 1802 : : 1 : to : : 10 4 " : bo -: . 1 TO : to By order :.' i r.e Basmrabts C . cnty ur: WiL- Cojaty, ."fon. :u.s U (b day of .'o'y, 1801. A E L .ILZ Coaaty Ciork. In Wl . a, Gatasft, K Sr.. '.:r.:g-. r ; n r- :-. r : t ,..tcr as de at.d rttarsu Ticte; groid foiaf ir z. Portiaad over taa Vj.:.e Co .ar tiaa, ". P.. a S. Co., v. T. Co. or tne A. B. i. aaJ re: ;er SOW SSI Bdfje .iiecttrd d:rer: to riitr ttortb Baa c'ir, LjLf Beaci.. Breake. a. Park or L n til . . i .:. l) tod -.iae Miaats COaajb enr i. :-. ; : -es-nt eyod ha :r. and y Ills. . r tiastad .n vat ty doctor lor B tt - - ?. . : I I g . jr.; ;. I took o:.e M BBSS Coaffe Ccia and r. tvrei av has Ml E H. W ''-a - . Ga. Carat oc Fa a P. o' rtanssarn. laSSaSS Trd. ft frw car oad Ci Xo. 1 edar o; ad a ua:.e. Sjgy ar ftfij-LU i or K;l Mi.i.jra-. i c-c.-ofaif: tuinj. rm! Cai: oc tta; : laaii rrie art :: rLt wd not ftoBMd it beitr t.y Ms a cord wood tbat ia. jrl0 A .io o! fcaf.ii at. u and top i.. asl rect-ived by Carte Fa.i. The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd m Profit-Sharinc Association are 1 let Pic-ken. vol., p libef price 122.50; 1 set Kniirhf Historv ol England, 8 vols., publisher" price 1 1. Uaiieo of Bible Pictures. Ulottrmted by Pore: 1 copy Thirty Year of Labor, by 1. V Powderly; a $3 rebate to person paying the most cash durin? four weeks eng ine log. 3d, and a $2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount ot easn daring same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone. ?en fert & Condon phone N'o. 92. Give me a trial. HI. T. NOLAN. t White Collar Line. He DallBS-POniaDfl BOllie Str BAILEY-GATZEKT. ULT TiOry? TKiP. Excep: Moadaj, :-ade Locks, Hooci R;-c: "iTtre Salrrr and The Dalles T1V.E CA D tt Poniand ?.-.. ve Tae DaJles. re ' ' 4 re Portland 10 " Saodsj Xripl a Lad.f Fea:u:e 0iPTl s ate i.a randeet :tfLir Attnwtiooi do Eartl . Portland-Astoria Route Str ' TAHOMA." an-bv, T VE CARD re Poriiand ra Astoria ani oAoi Foot oi Aider s:-eet : bait pr.oaef. M ?"; , Poriiaiid. Oragoa. E, W. CBICHTOSi Agem Porriiud. J, M. F:LLjN. Air:. Tne a. j. Taylor, Aet-. Ar.o-ia. Clark's Cruise of the Celtic. masasi steamh:. in the oeiu, Pet Btfa to April 22d. 1902. Tht Wl,.;c r-tii- :. -:-! vt. ari! f':r ?-jp.c: ; : .. :l- i.rt-.: of iaijrrr. Xa the Mroiif rriLfic and tht (Tire: c(cupiiii T4 iaj Spending"! ir is EaTTtasd ratwilm . . v: r.r.uda.. .-St .iiJr: VislttOg Maoirra f,nrl:r. North Af rica. Malta, tf i ' ili. Uoii I. an, lorkf) K.Trre ItOly, h i.n irra Ecc;laiu atu Irfiai.c WiO ttUacUrc nytttWMt) $idt acre! L . - .- Ti ?t-- p -cc u t -t -.-? .t. tur t aitarc -ija and i Teurc M the 'h:!t ?Sar leui-.- .VMU.V. . t ... T-ul- .la-. .. Cot of Tnr firat-claa. : . i - aCM can t :u".-i:i ifcor; ein-uma. u fc-riai Frtlurrt-V-.-. -r?Tl J5 .: : .1 .V -1-.".' i. at. ttt &rim. eir N- ". Tl I air. rt i . t.- : . -. i.a:i Kt DOOS a t r." M I I L I WajMUtapuL S'.rr-rt '. t . t't.rtS- Ot C'lz. Pashek. The Tailor. Ha ;utt r-c!Ttd 1000 sarpi l ' "r .fctr: I'a-'f:.- T. '.-rf. t '. ib'SS .i d. H- f .artt pn i-nd a gjo-d Si cr no ; ay. : Jobs Paahoik, The Tailor y foi. f vtLi Ar: o. - ljc . rr a,i ia; SI 1 1 - :w i dotcot filet t&as ia cv :i;... t: '.:. pr, i.n- t t... a,-. ' ... it:t.c At. act iu Ui art UBi '. rt .ad .t tf.t al.i. ?T,ia. -rwp pl Sr .;'.;,.r- rtfcc- a. tt.- J,t-:' .t.C tatr tT a t .-. rut , . FTata aieart. of Ijirtu E. e .u-..t' tr :.jatt ptat n: :. tL. aa; ttio k&x bit tx aUirtticti- Sv JS. 1 jor u :-'-ta NO , s . .!. Ij V tX.a N . I w it aic ute (. UMI Ut jitifi aoticnt it am alaa K u t.u.tirr i v,-t "...a: ; if. at.i ti tVaw..t t .. .... ; mu: -a..C : -tt ttt t-xi! anc tc:rcr o: u.o ot at Va-, iiaet. Oaab., os Vdtikdy. tti )ta Oa at Aurnat jav: H riaioaa aa QMoajaa K i.a, V o .jc .u. JkaStnrr I Mjtt. t. t Eooartaoi aoc Harrr it ba-rctt . t ' Jri.ati: a:.; a.. - - .i a. tr aC i u,r J- ' : .at. . a", - .r-t-C . -a-B ii. ttua uBkj ol or kadur . lt fta at MM M .utl lot . I ; ki f.,us Nfjj Pjjj Yellowstone Park Line. tf.:-: iilKEf AF. P.O'.'t T -K. .V t:UM' T THl T.A'Z tee wily DUtEtn van the yeux- BtOKS IaP.K ixsrz. nm imc a: : s:i aa:r. Rc No. ?n:itt oiyi&pia. unj i EaTWv a: ?iTJtt. Beui r-r.nts. Srf. iijit. Roe Und. E. Pullmar.. V..'J Si i4...Bur;t ;:s..:.r : ::. ' P. M try. Heituk. MinutMTH" h. St. Pau.. Omahf.. it' i".; 1 -: Cnicarc- and nil point So i i: and in ;t Ro. S. F-ofi: .- and tmiw tf.ll for : arl a:: . .'. M ::.;rr.tvi.i-.t ;. pTi'ijftr: Brat flitm snc lOStiit sls-wr tr !:;r.:.-:- ..- X;- -r. '.r.T vr::;. ot ebaagfei vrtii)n!3 trrnin Toioc flcpot BUB I IU :z tl IKtnetoal cues. hxK-jx c-tc--. i- dr-r-.r.-v. f r aiionie;:t.;: a-. ::i c - can-?:. Ill Sill, ateeyic car rejervattaal eu. n&flBai it A. D CHARLTON. A?isAn '."?:: rtr". !'.: rer Art-:: Morr. SOUTH anc EAST via a Shasta Route jIbUohj a: 4 i a. n. an- i p. Li--. f-rtlarjC Albonj- A'-ii-'t A'tlaiifi sai. Fraiioii S : X' a ic 1 V t L. u a m 'a p r i i e I ; a a tr ATT.Vv 0000 Kanaaf . C iLi.a-. I r I IT Ml a ni t i E . . c a i I '. t : 1:SI .-At: t m S t -. r i V t in i C a n; - 8 I i. rr uaa A' a n: ' R l Li i - C. .-Van i H a EC I it a. i 4f a a 1341 j. ic E. rta Fad Wont ::t of Mexi'.-t Koujjoi. V. a;.::: Ft. l -..r..i- at.i TiiurtJt ''-ar cz. t.-a.i.. Chair can Nkcrastt ; viL atic E. f-ac aid t.' -.r.: e,r ; r..a . s: .-t-.t Sr. .: .ea-s aad aaahtagaoB. it,.".:if at sar PMHftMM ::t eTen.l tL.?r.:f bo Jor HoDOiola - apL. . LtLa. ri;.t. ;.:lc ..antral auti jt:U. Atr.--ntt. afei. a: Ti,t Itftltat statjot. or add taa C. H. MARKHAM, jeuert.: I aiMrtiier Arti.:. PciTtiaaS. Of Just What You uuant. b k Nr .it ia I rail . ir variw j ft a e Paper r-e-e. -urn I I boa Ll f.rtter Oe- a r.ra :. la- cretin al urCLkrv pi rs. '-' p: km. op : im at Lai f jr a toifc.. tjrn.-t-. ir stiaat. A.r. b fa ISfal O0ior;tiar. roorc Ml Mara on Tf.tid . t.r OBSS 5-ftii.U. D. W. VAUSE. Third St. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tramact a &ttera'. Baxk.:tg Busmett. letter of Credit iktufrd STStToMs in las Baataro -ute .Ct:t Eactanr- and Tc,eTapi.ii Tratifticrt aold n N-w York Cbieatro, Bt, Loot. ko Francieo, Portland Or troo. feeottie U'aaL.. and vanout poinu in (Jngrm and WkL;Dto. Oj:.eioii uiftde a: ail on lav orabe Utrm Soutnem Paciric Co Pi - me conma PacRiog Co PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF A-VTFACTTRK6 OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND ! HAMS & BACON a)R!F.D BEEF. FTC. MM Besiauraot L V. BONG, Propneto. First-Class in Every Respect MEAL' AT A I. I BOCKS. Oysters Served in any Style. sT seeos-i :.. Tiit lt..' s. Or Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the Io:d acd &.is Mature id atid recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered d.gest LBt and tonic Jo other prerarauon can approach It in efficiency. It in start. y r-.'..ive?at:i rr. :niaL-t.t,. cures Drspe'rosia, Indigestion, Heartburn, riatu'ierjce. Sour Stomach, Isausea, Sick Headache. Gastra'.cia Cranupsand all othr resolta oi uajerfttct d.eestion. PrlwSOc aricfl. Lartre sire jontatn ices rtae Book c"..ctjut c.vspeps;iiHib.iecrtt' ' 'epered S;' E WIT a CO.. Ct'eof Scud In C.arke A Falk's P 0. Pbarasaey. Just Received A fall 'ice of Fresfc Parting ani ve'-ojiag Parsers direct frona factory. Solio, K-.x Irko. "e"."X a:;J Aiitto to all -sizes. isj a line of P.a'.es in Craruer. Crown, -sec and Stat'.ey. Trays. Printing Frai.. Albumt, If ultigraphi , And aV. aec "K.rie to .-oa.'.f :e un:t: of eitc-er trie atr.;eur or pro lassi aa i batagrapbar. Our Elatr. is a dandy. Tr .:. Tne A. t. C. Ieveioper for p.a-.e. rl mt or llaaalopiai ttapsts fia no e1oai. r.noah for He to deveiope 5 dozen t .ate- or S loasa Veiox 4tb. Perlect UaekS aad i-.ter t'-aranieed. .f dtnctioni are io..oed. Ats t .r :Le A . E. C. Ie- tsiopar. ftnc trennine. tee tbat jo- get We are prepared to composr. i any and a!, of yoor own formal.' ai.'l uarairet- saUsfaatJaa. At i:.e old p. ace, ITo e.-ond -.reet. Trie J 'i.'.tr, refon. Geo. C. Blakeley. r jet an s L. Lane, GENERA! BiacRsmlrn i i ! AMD. Waon and Carriage Werk. Ftah BrotntKa Mr agon. tairt cit Jefferson. Phone 159 usfioer OREGON Shot Line AND Union Pacific PL! AF." Ha TIME - HKDC1.ES ! ap.fttvr THE DAU ES. WW f b.capo- rorilood SrCial. :.v a at. 1 Huut inpton. Atlautir F.xjire. LStlS a. it. ilt ljike. rn-nver. Ft rtit, Omaha. Kftc- .. -. ; . IN Jmm, Chi cago aLd tin East. ft' P. IE. alt I-ake. Der.ver. Ft. Worth, omftiia. Ktt i ;: . SI LouaiOai. i f.iid tbe East. Walla Wnlla. IetvitoD. 6)iokaiM.a allace.PiiI! nian. M:nnipoll. St Paul, in.luth. Milwitu i UovaaM Ea-t. Bfl Bt lu' Va.t Mail, v t tn. il- fx aatie 40 s X. OCEAN AND EITEB SCHEDULE Frtira rortlaoU. A a.;-.tip Jtt nb l hauifc F at. Frnnoivo, -o.. -very ; days. OC' p- nt. .any t m. Sfttnraay, 41 p. ia. :aJ!r t-roept C'ulunitila IllTer. .i p m To Astoria and Wey- except Ijii!'l:t:g. Sunda;. n lllaiiit-ttr Klrr. 1 tr. Salaaa, .Ddetnaei:ce. gundav end a ay Laudiugs. l .Wp tn. Monday. WTaSDMSay FriJHv ThatiJay -,.tu 'ua . I Da ni.. -allll and Way .ndlup- Y i lantte RDrl I'amhii ittvt-ra a on day, OC ft. u. I:ia:ng.. Fndav. l'.e K-t-Lt..-. aaUr. t rtt !,ai. Blear. iawa I-wii-tor. dailv. I M a. tit. Illptria ; :?xitor. g Partta deslrtcr :r ro tn Beppiier o: - : t Southern via B;cc. anouid ftfte . rnft Tbe Iinlle ct 12:?.T p. nt. mat.t t :. cii-tinn at Hepymer .unction ad RetaraJac cteatuitdirecrffiinection t Kftt . .:. tlo:, and K:pjr witb.Xo. 1. ar at Lt Iiatles at l :o5 . m. T hurt et odrtcuiar. call on or addrer . as. irelaM'. ajent, Tbe Dal!t, Ore? t. Complete Dm 8 at M. Z. DONNELL, THt DRUCCIST. Nasal CATARRH la t ' .ta,: tiiert ftu . . m ciaauliaaaai OjH ( ream Balm c Baaaaaaaattaaa94lhaali thi dcftMrd MaaSaafea, it : ar eaaanS ? said ;c aaad oaiel y. ( rtain Bsliu I m4 Into the r,oini. ftpra CTrr ' : - - t a- .r.d. lle..f- aiiia;fti.a a lie loiiowa. It la tot crymj 1 bot prc, :.. , I rie v, JCi 5 wou Dr-. S1' : BU : T.-.i. ia, M c.-nti br ntal i i BQOTBJUtt,a tr:t. Haaflt 9m To a. voat. (.ainiet l'T'.idt-C!. First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON J A General Banking Boaineec transacted 1 iwnou, CQDject M) MgtJl Drait or Check. Lo.lectione made and proeeedt promptly , . .reni1i"d w dar of collection. Hst and Telegraphic ExcnAnjre ao.d o aw York. Sen Frauciaoo anc Port land. r.tgjssjaosj. jbo. 8. Icrt