The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 30, 1901, Image 1

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I) e Hit lies
NO. 110
AV'cgclable Prcparationfor As
similating iheFoodandRcgula
tin the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigesHonjCheerPuI
ncss and Rest .Contains neither
Opiiim.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narcotic.
lmvJiui Settl'
ixAfllf Smlu -ytnur
tmermtM -. .
hmtnym flavor
Ap?rfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feveiish
rvesa ami Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
;t copy of wrapper.
Pretoria Man Tells a Terrible Tale
Kruger'fi Messace to America.
Chicago, July 29. "The horror of the
situation in the Boer reconcentrado
cam pi in South Africa in appalling.
Men, women and children are dyinz at
the rate that would mean the externa!
nation of the race in nine years. The
people are cooped up in unsanitary quar
ters, where they are unable to secure
infflolent food or clothing, with disease
making terrible ravages among them."
Ibil was the situation in the Trans
vaal and Orange Free State depicted to
night at the Christian Reformed Church
by the Lev. Herman D. Tan Brockhuy
sen, late pastor of the leading Dutch
informed; church of Pretoria. He has
come to the United States to raise mon
ey to alleviate the sufferings of his coun
trymen who are huddled together in the
refugee camps. It is the intention of Mr.
Brockhuyaen to travel through the coun
try, speaking in churches of various
denominations and describing the real
situation throughout South Africa. The
funds he is able to secure will be eent
direct to Pretoria.
Regarding the outcome of the struggle,
Mr. Brockhuysen is still optimistic. He
believes the Boere nill continue fighting
until they eventually tire out Great Brit
ain. "It is quite impossible to estimate
the number of burghers now in tbe
"Old," he said, "bat the force is un
doubtedly much larger than when Pre
toria was taken."
A few days before leaving Europe Mr.
tiruekhuysen visited President Kruger,
and when he asked the doughty old Boer
What message he would send to the
American people, Kruger said:
"Tell them they are helping the Eng
lish to slaughter our people, by supply
tag them with homes, mules and the
munitions of war.
A I'oor Millionaire
Lately starved in London because be
l 'Uld not digest his food. Early use of
Df. King's New Life pill, would have
UVed him. They strengthen the stomach,
'! digestion, promote assimilation, iiu
l'fove appetite. Sold by G. C. Blakeley,
tne druggist. 6
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Secretary Long' Order.
WASHINGTON, July 29. Secretary
Long this morning issued tbe following
general order :
"All persons in the naval service are
strictly enjoined to refain from any pub
lic statement concerning the subject
iuBtter of the court of inquirv requested
by Lear-Admiral W. S. Schley."
Uuei It l a j to Buy Cheap?
A cheap remedy for conghB and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangeious results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take the only rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
ized countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates tbe tissues to destroy the
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cures the patient. Try
one bottle. Recommended many years
by all druggists in the world, and sold
by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prite
almanac. 2
m '8IMKS8 LOCALS). v
K. B. Gilbreth & Hons will keep at all
times a supply of hay, grain and feed
which thev will retail at the lowest
market rates. j2tt-tf
Wanted A small family to occupy
the home and keep house for an aged
widower. Liberal terms can be had.
Apply at this office. jly22-lm
Mid-summer clearance sale of milli
nery at the Campbell & Wilson Milli
nery parlors. Everything in the line of
beadwear at one half the actual val
ue. j2-lm
Just received a new supply of Nortb
rup & Sturgis' pure food products, as
follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa
nut, baking soda and high grade leaven
er. If it's Northrtip & Sturgis, it is
good. Get a package and try it. For
sale by Conrov, Son & Co., S. L. Brooks'
old stand, The Dallea, Or. ivl2-2wd
stepped Into Live Coala.
"When a child I burned my foot fright
fully," writes W. H. Bads, of Joneaville,
Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for
80 years, but Bnckleu'a Arnica Halve
wholly cured me after everything else
failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds,
Cuts, Sorea, Bruises and Piles. Hold by
G. C. Biakeley, the druggist. 25c. 5
Clark A Falk are never closed Suuday .
Don't forget this.
Saloons in Walla Walla Were Closed
Sunday for the First Time in Half
a Century.
Walla Wai.i v, Wash., July 29. For
the first time in nearly half a century,
Walla Walla was a closed town yester
day. Not a door was open, not a rent's
worth of merchandise was sold. Not a
glass of beer nor a cigar passed over the
bars of o saloons and two breweries.
At midnight Saturday the saloons
closed their doors, not one remaining op
en after midnight. A week ago three
stood out and defied the law, bin yester
day every one obeyed, and the doors
along Main street were closed all day.
The lack of business made the streets
very quiet, and but few men spent the
day on the sidewalks, as has been the
plan in tbe past.
The fight for Sunday closing came up
a few weeks ago by a petition from a
number of farmers asking to have the
saloons closed to keep employes sober
and fit for work. The saloons refused at
first and then proclaimed an intention of
forcing every house to close. The officers
tried to secure peaceable compliance,
but failed, and then three saloons held
out alone to test the law. All three
proprietors were arreBted and found
guilty. Then a week ago they held open
again and were arrested by information
in the superior court. The eases will
come up at the next jury term. Having
been convicted in the justice court, the
saloon men appealed to the superior
court and lost. An announcement that
any further violations would be vigor
ously prosecuted has had the effect of
closing the town, the first time in its
I'roject of Union Men.
New York, July 29. The World says :
Resolutions advocating the raising of a
$500,000 defense fund and other things
bearing on the steel and other strikes,
were discussed at a recent meeting of
the Central Federated Union of New
York. The resolutions will be voted on
next Sunday. They advocate also a re
tention of a lawyer who shall be paid "a
sufficient fee to be above the reach of
temptation," and who shall be called
upon to attend to all cases in the courts
in behalf of organized labor throughout
the country.
Utory of a Uauk Fake.
LONDON, July 29. Inquiry made by
the Associated Press shows there is no
foundation for the rumor published here
by the Daily Express that the United
States Ambassador, Joseph H. Choate,
had left Loudon for Holland, not for a
holiday, but at the invitation of Mr. Kru
ger, who desires him to act as mediator
in bringing about a peace settlement.
With tbe exception of a week-end visit
to Sussex, Mr. Choatd has not left Lon
don. He returned here from Sussex to
day. Condition Critical.
Ckonbekg, July 29. As a result of the
visit of Professor Ren vera from Berlin, it
is officially announced that the condition
of the Dowager Empress Frederick is not
satisfactory. Her Majesty has not left
her apartments for the last two weeks,
and though medical bulletins have not
yet been issued they may soon be antic
ipated. Princess Henry of Prussia has
been at tbe castle on a flying visit.
Kate to Pan-American Ki. position.
Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from
The Dillee, T8I90. Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays during June, Jul) ,
August, September and October.good for
continuous passage going on date of sale.
Return limit thirty daya from date of
sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can be made by apply
ing to agent O. R. A N. Co., The Dallea,
whereby tickets will be houored on lake
steamers in one or both directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf J am km Iuicland, Agent
Why pay $1.76 per gallon for inferior
paints wben you can buy James E.
Patton's aun proof paints for $1.50 per
fallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
a!k agents. ml I
Seven Year In lied.
"Will wonders ever cease?" inquire
the friendsof Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence,
Kan. They knew 6he had been unable
to leave her bed in seven years on ac
count of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general debility ;
but, "Three Kittles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk." she writes, "and
in three months I felt like a new person."
Women suffering from Headache, Back
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly, Fainting and Dial? Spells will
find it a priceless blessing. Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed, G. C. Biake
ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 8
A K aging. 1! oaring; Flood.
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chas. C. E.lis, of Lisbon, la., had to re
pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water,"
he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and
c.ough. It grew worse daily. Finally
the L,t doctors inOakland, Neb., Sioux
City and Omaha said I had Consumption
and could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by Q, C.
Biakeley , the druggist. Price 50c. 5
You can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. What your body needs is plenty of
good food properly digested. Then if
your stomach wilt not digest it, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the natural digestantB hence must digest
every class of food and so prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishing the body
aud replacing tne wasted tissues, thus
giving life, health, strength, ambition,
pure blood and good healthy appetite.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
The piles that annoy you so will be
quickly and permanently healed if you
use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Beware
of worthless counterfeits. Claike &
Falk'p P. O. Pharmacv.
Dalles, PoM & Astoria
at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M.
...Portland Boat...
at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M.
W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Rmnw Pimple., Praraot WrM I I
Biliiu;uea,r,jritMbBlood. ILLl
uro Headache au,l Dapcpafa SmSmSmSm
A raovt-meut ,,f th taca IS I. MiSt
Mr U Mtl,. Th-f either rlp. nor .".",
inve jciu, nn wJI ma I aaiup'- fr. .-. , i full but for
W Bablh' Df,nt o.
LanuOwc at The Dam.:.-, or .1
July 22, I .'!. I
Notice 1 hereby given that the following
uaiued settler bun nfed notice l his intention
to make Dual proof iu aupport Of hi. claim, aud
that Mid proof will be made belore the Regis
ter and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon on Thurs
day, September 5, 1'jOl, viz. :
William C. Thompson
of The Dalle.-, Oregon, H. E. No. 4876 (or the BU
gJCU aud BU 8W; Sec 25, ilS.uil K. W M.
He name, tbe following witnesses to prove
hla continuoua residence upon aud cultivation
of aaid laud, via. :
Paul Cartcrig, K T. Klton, Tero Mickey and
Lee ttchauuo, all of The Dalles, Oregon,
it j JAY P. LtJL'AB.KegUter.
Wasco WarehDQse Hi Co
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, iTVk131?o
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
FlOUT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
v AV A use ; everv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We eell our goods lowor than any house in the trade, and if yon don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
:. -rrTT1rm.ymTrTT
Wines, Liquors Cigars
I Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First
Condon I'lione 98.
Long llat. 1001.
or an,i imnisli "pains
of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVERS " to girls at
womanhood, aiding1 development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equal them. Cannot do harm life
beooraea a pleasure. jftl.OO PER BOX IIY MAIL. Sold
by druggistM. DR. MUTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
For sale by Geo. O. Biakeley, The Dalles, Or.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an order of sals and sxecuUoo
duly issued out ot and under the seal of the Clr
cult Court of the State of Oregon for the county
of Wasco, to me duly directed and dated the :M
day of July, 1001, upon a Judgment anddaorao
rendeiedand enured in said court on thaSTtb
day of June, Lull, in favor of W W Phillips,
plaintiff, and gainst J VVBonea, defendant, for
the bum of 12880.40 in United Mates BoIdOOln,
and the further sum ol !M0 attorney fee, and
t'Jl 'St costs ami disbursements, I did ot the '2d
day of July, 1901, duly levy upon the following
described real plOperty situated in tbe county of
H'asco, State of Oregon , towit; Delendaut J W
Hones:' undivided one-half Interest In and to sec
Hons 10 and Hi: the northeast quarter and the
north half of the southeast quartfll, and the
southwest (joaitcr of the southeast quarter, the
east half of the northwest quarter, and the
southwest quarter of tbe northwest quarter, the
notth half of tiie southwest Quarter, ami the
southciist quarter of the southwest quarter of
Motion and the west half of the southeast,
quarter, and lots 11 and 12 of section HO, all iu
township 1 north, mm;, 9 east of the Willamette
meridian; and win iu oomplfacos with its com
mands Oil
Monday, the 5tli day of August. 1 11(1 1 ,
at the hour of J o'clock p. in., at the front door
of the county court hoots In the city of The
Dalles, said county aud state, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for U. H. void coin,
cash in huud.ull the riKht, title ami Interest
that the said defendant iiad on the 14th day of
October ivn the date of plaintiff's mortKaK1',
or baa aineu had in or to said rial property to
sati-ly said judgment, decree and execution,
with interest on f 'i, in hum die 27th day of
June, 1'JOi, nl the rate of eight per 0001 per an
num, aud on liMO from the 27th day of June,
l'Jd, at the rate of six per cent per annum, and
the coata of aud upon aid writ.
Dated The Dalles, Oregon, July 6, i'.Nil.
JUM Sherill of Wasco County, Oregon.
l.AMO Olios. AT Vancocvkh, Wash., t
June IH, P.MI.
Notice ia hereby given that the following
named settlers have liTed notice of their Intention
to make final proof iu support of tliL-irclaima.and
that said pro., is will he made before the Kcgiatcr
and Boos Vel U. H. land ofllci- at Vancouver,
'Vaahiiigton, Friday, August 0, i'JUl, vis :
William It. O'Neal,
H. K. No. '."HI, for the N; of KRW, NU ol NWU
6cc 1 1, ami oK'4 of HW bee II, Tp I N, K 12 K,
W. M , who mines the following wltueaacH to
prove his continuous residence upon aud cull!
vation of aaid land, viz.:
Kussel ft. hwaiu, Oeorge A. Snider. William
II. Hopper and lobu Dafiron, all of l.yle P. O.
Ituaaell H. Hwalo,
H. K. No. MM. for the N)a of NL'i, Sec 12, Tp A
N, K 12 K, TV. M, who iiemcN the following wit
neaaea to prove his continuous residence upou
aud cultivation of aaid laud, viz.
William K. O'Neal, (ieorge A. Holder. William
II. Hopper, John Dartron, all of l.yle 1'. O.,
William II . Hopper,
ii, i, No. nio. for the NU of hwu, See US, Tb I
N, U 12 k, U M., who names Ibe following wit
neaaea to prove Ins continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said laud, via :
fiusaell U Swum, William 0 Neal, George A.
Buider aud John Dull inn, nil ol l.yle l'. O , Wash.
juii-22 W. it. UuNHAa, Ucgiater.
If anything alia your hair, go and aee
Frazer; he's the headquarters for all
bair remedies. Remember that be
makes a specialty of these goods. tf
National Bank.
r.Ta-r T-a-Tiir .a-aaTiTiTTriTTaTAaMi
They overcome Weak
ness,, Irregularity and
omissions, Increase vir-
0, K. Land Olliee, Vancouver, Wash., (
July 5, i'.HJl. i
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of ( ougrcaaof
June 3, 187bi entitled "An act for the sale of
limber luuils In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory, ' asexteuded
to all the public land states by act of Atig ist I,
18(8, Thomas 0, Comitook, of argo, county of
Cass, state of Nortli Dakota, lias this day tiled
in this olllce tils sworn statement No. 2271. for
the purchase of the south half northeast quarter
Sec 21, and south half northwest quarter of
Sec 22 in township 4 north, range 1:1 cast, W M.
and w ill oiler proof to show that the laud sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agileiiltural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said laud belore the Kcdstcr and Receiver of
tills olllce at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday, the,
7th day of Optobsr, 1901
lie mimes I he following witnesses- Kniah
ItaycH, l.i II. Paig, Will D. Olftdwln and
Leon Smith, all of Lucas, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described laud-, are requested to lilc their
darns In this olllce on or hcioro said 7th day of
October, lull.
JlylU I0W W. H. DUMB AS, Register
V . h. i.iiinl Olllce, Vancouver, Wash.,)
J ii iy 12. l'JOL i
Notice is hereby given that iu compllaucc
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Juno8, 1X7H, cntitleil "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tbe states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as ci tended
to all the public land states by a"t of August 4,
laU2, . i link A. Hall, of Kargo, county of Cuss,
state of North Dakota, has tnis day tiled in tills
office his sworn statement No. 22HI, for the pur
chase of tbe lots 8 and 4, aud ItU HW!i of Hcc h,
in Tp 4 N, It 1.1 K, and will offer proof to show
that the laud sought Is more valuable for it
limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes,
aud to establish his claim to said land before
tbe register and receiver of this olllce at Van
couver, Washington, on Thursday, tbe lOtli day
of October,
lie names as witnesses: Dattd O. Mac la aud
Annie O. H. Maclay, of Kargo, N. 1. , aud Knuch
Hayes and Leon Smith, of Lucas, Wash.
Also David 0. Maclay, of Kargo, county ol
i'ass, state of North Dakota, lias this day tiled
in this olllce Ids sworn statement No 222 lm
the purchase of the N, of SY,s ,. NEW,
aud SK't of NWji of Sec la. Iu Tp IN, K 13 K
aud will oiler tirtsif to show that the luud souabi
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purHisos, aud to establish Ills alalia
to said land before the register and receiver ol
this oflice at Vaucouver, Washington, on Thuis
ila , the lot li day of Oefotstr, lull.
He names as witnesses: Krauk A. Hall and
Annie O. 11. Maclay of Kargo, N. D., ami Kiuavb
liay.'S aud i eon Hiultb of Lucas, Wash.
A lao Annie O. II. Maclay, of Kargo, county of
Cass, state of North Dakota, lias this day bled iu
this olliee her aworu statement No 22.t. for tbe
purchase of the southeast quarter (HK) of Uec
is. in I p IN, H Li K, aud will otter pnail to
show that the land soughl is more valuable lor
its limber or stone than fur aaucultunl pur-
tioaea, ami to catabliah tier claim to aaid laud
efore the reglater aud rec fiver of this olllce at
Vancouver, Washlnghui, on Thursday , tbe hub
day ol October, 1001.
She natiiea as witnesses: David (J. Maclay
aud Krauk A. liall ol Kaigo, N. D., aud Kuoch
Hayes aud Leon diuith of Lucas, Wash.
Ally ami all persons claiming adversely the
atMv-deacribed lauds are requested to Hie tbelr
claims In this oih e ou or before said loth day of
October, l 'Jul.
Jlyl7 low W. K. DCNIIAU, Register.
Floral lotion will core wind chapping
and aunburn. Manufactured by Came
A Falk.