The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 29, 1901, Image 4

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is God's Good Blessing
tha-. ;.";
T-- b et
E -It
..but Cod btt blessed Di Acker witb .-necii,: knowledge la prepare
medi ine ailed Ace: - Boglitl Remedy foi Throat and Lang
Hint when they Aft MtadCM by ro..;.
It uvea c'..i!'lT-L- cvi
ibould know about
'.: tel! about try expe-
i I a darling boy of four
ye:.-- to di with :roup. My doctor
lid all he conld, but the child
en Id not be made to vomit. That
v--.- ' L.- talutfi K?M.-f
lisb Remedy. After I did hear of V
it. I go: a bottle. When out little
etghtaen months old girl wm
trick, n. with croup. I guve her
th: medicine, and inside of twenty
mm - she vomited and va- bet
ter rig t away. Daring the win
tor sh hud croup four time-- and
ft brought her through each time
all right, I, myself, had bronchitis
pretty bad, and Acker a English
Remedy cured ma completely.
Before I close I want to tell you
of my neighbor .- boy, named Jobs Nana He had bronchitis too He got
wor-e a'", the time My husband went over 'o his house and told him about my
ease. .Then his mother went to town, got ;ocent bo-.:ie of Acker - English
Remedy, and he took It Me came over to our house a few days later and said he
was ail right and also said two doses relieved him from the start You can nr.-le-ta::-:.
': n:y letter why 1 think so much of Acker's English Remedy. I re
peat that God . blessing must surely have beer, bestowed Upon Df.Ackei "
(Signed; Mi.- John Y EAGER, Rochester. Pa.
Sold at s?c, joc. and t a bottle, throughi ut the United State- a::d Canada;
and in England at is. sd.. as jd., 4s. 6d If you are not satis:;'.''' after buying,
retur:; tl g b ittl to your druggist, and ge: your money back.
M uwUmIk Utt mmwtjmarmmtct. ff. tt. VoOk'Bk it CO., Prop ftfw, : York.
For sale at Blakeiey's Pharmacy,
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors pjjQ Owls'
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City,
:' ; Local- 1 0 oi cfAn
51 Local,
BM Long Distance,
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers,
voire French Periodical Drops
you arc
in Deed of anything in our line, figure with
B-? of -o,,n ?'1e-' a..
w::ai- mk. 0
tiy narmics. si
-tate.-.. known
-. av
i wiii pay you.
operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE
w l' operate a
All orders intrusted to us will
WHU I IUII ion with
1 Ia1 m. Thi atnnlne l I' up
,,it of - ii'i
Sob AS at, C.eTtMMMl. OSII,
prompt attention.
For sale bv Geo. C Blakeley. The Lilies. Or.
Qseatton At'.rt-rfit.
. , .. , , Yes, Anenst Flowsrstill has the largest
Lid? irill 1 rt'ce'veii a: the recorder e . . .... .....
, ,. . , . salt- ol anv medicine in the civilized
efface uf Palies City, for the city lot on , ,. , , .,
the south side of Third street between of-d- i onr mothers and frendmotberi
Court and Washington streets. All 1 ide uever thought of DSiOg anything else for
to he deposited at tbi- re, order ( oflii't on indigestion and bllinnsnett. doctors
were icarce and t Lev Seldom heard of
and add rested
ei.'e of lot is
Mlbscribf for Tlli. CllUONICLK.
A full iine of Eastman rimi") and sup
plies just received by C.arke & Falk.
C.arue a Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patten
ie A veil, returned yesterday jtrict'-. nnr. UnnM nnt
Fur spra'ns. swellings and lameness
there is notliloe so good as Chamber lalo'i
Pair, Itin, Trv if F nr ha. t,v Rlalr
Mi- Virgin Cooper, at the staff of ley tbe drussist.
niir-t-s a- The Iahes Hospital, left on
the afternoon train 00 a two weeks' out- A had complexion generally result
inc at Newport, from inactive liver and bowels. In all
Mis- '. e Patterson will leave Thnrs- B"ch '--ases. DeWitt'e Little F.ariy hirers
da for Oakland, California, to attend a produce gratifying results. Clarke cv
tpri-.j of cbuol at the Sacrei flart con- Fait e p. o. Pharmacy.
Venl of tiiat city.
Binlr Hun) jnin. ihaii.itfu1 in (4 rn i- r 1 - ;
nentiv cured bv using Moki Tea. A
fl i Whitney, advenes agent for Whit
ney's dog ami pony shiw. 1 in the city.
M iss Nellie Uelnnis, of .Stianiko, epen:
Bondsy n. the city visiting friends, and
relurnd rioiiif n the ihkjii tralti.
Miss tie!
to tier home in Portland, after mending
a we-;k tiere Visiting with MlSr- X.oe
or before Angus:
Bids for In."
100 feet.
J-iated at The Dalles, Oregon this 80th
day of July, 1901, by order ot the coun
cil. J. DOHBKTY,
fy2Uaug1 City recorder.
Notice is herebv civet, that tne under
signer, m ill 00 Thursday, the t. day of otiier aches. You oui;. need a few closes
Aiig'it. 1901, al ti,e front door 0: the 0f Green's August Flower, in lit j 11 id
Com.:; Court House, in Dalles City, f to umke VnU Uified tiiure ie
w aco Countv. Oregon, at 10 o clock 10 ,
the forenoon I -aid dav sell to the high- nothing serious the matter with you.
. kiflfiar i..r i.js' in' lunri al i.f .he Oet Green I pr;z i aitnaiiac. C.arke A
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
t.eur: failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean ou; the system and stop
fermentation o: undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the eye
teu.. and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and had with headaches and
After vou tire of using Bo-called kidney remedies
w ithout any benefit, nee Lincoln Sexual Pills and bt
forever rid of those itull pains In your back. Discard
that old logy idea of "pain In the kidneys'' and hire
all ynur bladder and urinary troubles cured, andvour
nights made restful by the use of nature's c;eatt
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills-.
Price. UU per box buy ot your druggist or sent
by mail on r.ceipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Fort Wayne, Indiana.
M. . Donnell, Agent. The Dalles.
Wru Byl vester, after spending urdav
wi'l hil family, returned on trit- nun,
train tn Wasco, where he ie employed in pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
building a titie residence for Mr. and and indigestion. maK'?s vou eat, sleep
propetty to which Wesct 1 aunty, or st ij
other pub.ii corporation in said Wascc
County, iias ac.uired title by virtue of
sale for taxes, as shown by trie records
o: ta2 sales fur said Wasco County,
Robxbi Kkllv,
Sheriff ol Wasco County. Oregui..
Dated this Btfa day of Julv, 1901.
jy..dw 5:w
Mrs. W. H. Biggs.
Muijri 1. mis and Adolph Stolteubetg
arrived here fronj Iowa yesterday, ac
companied by their wives, on a visit to
th-ir ancle Joi n Kiindt. As Mr. and
Mr- Kimdt areat Ocean 1'ark trie parry
will ieavt- for that piace in the morning.
Mr, E, P. Fitzgerald returned on the
Bbaver this morning to his home In
Portland He was accompanied bv t.i-
and 50 cts. Biakelev.
B"d happy.
monv hack. 22
tiie druggist.
Wny not spend the vacation at Ya
qoina hay, where can he had esurient
fare, good fishing, gcod boating. saiV
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 1901 at Newport will afford
The partnership heretofore existing '
between T. Poland and M. Lieisier. un-
der the style and tiro, of Poland and
Falk's. 1
;ubscri';ie lur Th CHaoNJOLI.
Laini Offiu a; Vancou sr, Wash,
July it. I
N't:.- li berate given that the following
uai til - tt.-r hav ::il notict of Ms intention to
make final proof In sup'-nrt of bit claim, and
that Mid rr. .f will be nude bafoK the Rsgiatet
and Kccairei i.f the U.S. Land Ufflee at Van-
Waiblngton, on Tneaday, oeptcmnet 10
Ira B. Hi v.ett.
luhMim ntAMnftM : . .. . , . . . ': v i . w a-ninat-!. v :.. m..o. li. . . .N.
-'"-"""" ""."" w. rieisier. na- ;n - oav neen uisso.veu ov -- -. - t , .,iti ni: , rihwmt
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Deports for June 1100, says: "A more supei ior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, hut on the other band is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hope. Its tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can he used with the greatest benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the certainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
mot, la. consent. I . J'o. and retire- from nd west ball ol lomnwes, ijuarter ol lection
the firm and the business will be con- towep tlase north, lanie twelve
tinned by lleisier Son. who will col- He name th- following witoevtei to prove
!ec T accounts due the late firm and hlcontimi'-u reaiUence uj u;. auii . ultivation
pay a'., its debts and obligations
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
daughter, miss Lizzie, now known as great variety of instructions, diversion
outer ttoaaiinu, who was accompanied and entertainment. No other
hern oy niatet noes, another member o;
the Portland convent.
offer- eimd. attraction-: and like advan-
. tages. 'unll-tf
C atarrh ( anuo; lie Oared,
with iota, application, as tney cannot
reaci. the seat of the disease. Catarri,
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
na! remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
Dated at The Dalles, July 17, 1901.
jy I72wddtw
'J wish to truthfully state to you and
the readers of these few lines tiiat your
Eodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques
tion, the best and only cure for dyspepsia
that I nave ever come in contact with
and 1 have used many other prepara
tions. John Dean.. West Middlesex, Pu.
No preparation equals Kodol
01 aa;l .and. viz
Jat ,e Fit anil Coione1 Fit eaei. of para
l', O., Washington, anu 1 r-. i :. li Barlow ami
Williai ulson,each ol Busun V. O., Waahing-
Jlyao W. R. DCKBAB, BegUtcr.
Cure a- it contains all the natural
llufHStHn,- I, wii illrrpd' a ' I-itiiU r.f
taker, internally, and acts directly on food and nan'i heln hm ,in ..,,
Ciarne & Falk's P. 0. Pbarmacv,
Trout Law at a it lance
As few sportsmen have a copy ol the
Oregon game laws, and as these laws
cover so many pages that few care to
search tbsro thoroughly, the Oregon
Fisr, and Gams Association has had a
brief synopsis of the laws in regard to
trout-hshing printed on cloth to be we blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
placarded in every section of this state Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine,
for the information of the public, There II wap was prescribed by one of the best
r-ad physicians in this country tor years, and
It ia nnlaarlnl ,m,L, r..,i,. k. ;.,,. IS a regular nreSCri lit lOh. It imimiiiwwl
u: line - - -r . ,!.,. ..... ...,. .1 ..
of the best tonics known, combined with "c ' cr
the best blood purifiers, acting directly '3' i,re!'ardtl,Jl1- u'r cleansing the
or. the mucous surfaces, The perfect ical Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
combination ol the two ingredients is wil. leave your hair soft and giossv.
wtiat produces n i. wonueriul result- ii
curing Catarrh. Send ior testimonials
.1? you want to retain you I hair vuu
to keep your scalp clean. Soap
make your hair harsh, dry and
Land optics xt int. Daubs, Oas.,'
JUljr U, IDOL. I
Kotlec i beieb; siren that the following.
nameii cttler hav, ii:..-o notiei of iateuti i tn
raafc- :iaal proof n their re-KCtlvs clalnu be
f r- hi' Kvzi-ter and BeOSivsr al The Dane-.
'Teg' :.. on iaturday, Augtut li . inn, vU
Aaron C. i reenian
ol. h, , ,1 1 1 - , i ,t. ,ii V. Raul ,,,r
lyspspsls -v. ,, n, t a x. i. u k. and the NKl . xw;':
sec i r i a, a i- k. w m.
I .ilin A . t rermaii .
on homestead application No. fiaXI, for thcWU
XK'. SK , XW-, aim XE , BWk he,- T I .V,
B 12E, W N.
Witnesses Calvin Dunlgen, J. a. Fieei tan
and A. C greeman oi Motler Oregon, and Will.
Bpeneerand William Ketchum of The Uaile.
' ircg' -...
Jlyfi Ke:iicr.
Itie People's National Family newspaper
'lo all old and new subscribers paying one year iu advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
F. J. Che
JBY & Co.. Props,, Toiedo O.
.-o.o py urruggists, puce inc.
Hall's Family Pills are the bst.
riajrad Out.
of not less than $20 nor rn-ire than $100,
or by imprisonment in the county jail,
or i". both line and imprisonment
To fish for any trout by any meant
i,, ever, except with book and line.
To take, catch or kill, by any meaiib
whatever, ary Em tern brook trout. Loch
I.even trout, or grayling, before April I,
To take, catch, kill or have in poises
Sioo any trout, char or salmon, Ieen than
five Inches in length, or to take, kill or,0' tnt bodv, Sinking at the pit ol the
capture mors than 12t trout in one dav. stomach, Lo of appetite, f-everidimes-,
To take, catch, kill or have in posses- PittplfSOr .Sores are all positive evidon-
ion any trout, except salmon trout, dur- oHtnpUrl blood. No matter how it
in the months of November, December, necame eo it must be purified in order
January, February or March, or to huh 10 obtain good health. Acker', liiood
for palmon trout in anv other thau tide -'eslr bai neve, failed tOCUre Scroluloui
waters during eaid months. or Syphilitic poisoos or any other blood
lo run for anv trout between one hour uieease. It it certainly a wonderiiii
Price, and 50 cents a hottie, at Krazer's
barber shop, The lMlles. tf
Executor's Notice.
Kotlci i- hereby sivei that m. Donnell ha."
beei duly appointed executor oi the ut will
and testament ot Ann LucinnRer, rteceaei.
All venona having cbUau against the esut.
of saci a un Uicbtnger are hereby notified t
present tliraame to ,ae, veriflad saby law re
,'.iir..u within ix mouth from the date oi tins
Dated at DaltM I ity hu Ttta dav of June. 1801,
Jim i St. DONNELL. Executor.
a,u. .......... I I . .
nci nuiiBCL ano one hour DOIOrS lUU
To Mil, oiler for wale, or have in DOS'
- -sioh for sale or exchange, any species
of trout at any time.
Il ii
uolawful.undsr penalty of hue
ol nol legs thai. 1300, and imprisonment i'tl:- Oceaa Park or Nabcotta, Wash.
m the county jail, and lor a second of
fense, by hue not les than $1000 and
imprisonment in penitentiary, to ex
plod or cause to be exploded am uil4I.:
powder, dynamite or other explosive
substance whatever lor the purpose of
catching, killing or destroying tny trout
salmon or any food fish, rJr for causing
or permitting anv sanduat, lime, rnsdi
cated bait or other substance deletsria li
to lish, in anv of the waters of tins -late
in w hich food fishes are wont t- he.
Warning was given that any pereoi
We oiler for a limned period the
twice-a-week CuttONlCI.K, price $1,60,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
Ixith papers for $2 a vear. Mihscriptions
Dull Headache, pains in various parts u,,,,er ttiie oiler must be paid in ad
1 Lamp Ornci at Vagcovvaa, Wash,, ,
Uoa't Uab it la, Juneat, uoi ,
., ,. . , ... , ... Notice If here,,;- given luat the followls-
Just wet tbS Sueoted parlgirealy with named kcttler. have tiled uonec oi tbsir luton
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, J& &tmKilS
aud the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke A Beglster ano Receiver. U. e. laudortlo at
LuIk v ancouver, W anil.. Sat iruay, Aucust 10 1 (I
! viz
Those lamous little pills, DeWitfl t s,, ".V!"
Little harlv Itisers compel vour liver . .w w 8,Tp8H K. i, e.. M M . mil
, . i .i . name the following witnssae-to prove hli eon
and bowels to do their duty, thus giving tinuout re-losnoe upon i,d eulUvatioii oi Mid
sell every bottle on a yon, pure blood to recuperate vour i! ' ,. ,.. , .- .....
positive guarantee, Blakeley, the drag- bodv. Are easy to take. Never srine. Kdgar a. Hopper, all of Lji! o" vVh'
KI9t. , '. ,-,,," ,, ,. inirtoii.
Clarke A talk a P, O. 1'narinac.v. Kiiear a. h. ,,,,.,
re i e i, , a H- K S" M0 lor th- of N K! , fe -i-0 ,
Ciarne iV. talk 8 Havonng extracts are x..n 13K., w. m.. who names tncfowliig
the best. Ask vour 9, cer for them. JJ3 Sn iV''
jpnn i nger, uufccu H.nivain,(,-car b. I'aron
sud llaskiu Trsbue, all of Lyls V o., Washing.
Published Monday.
Wcdnsaday ami Kn
(Jay, is in reality a line
and f r v .s 1 1 -very-other
day Uaiiy. giving the
laleat news on days of
issue, and covering
news of tilt other 11.
It contains all Impor
taut foreign tank
new- which Hilars
In the paily Tribune
of sane date, also do
mastic and foreign
correspondence, short
"t,ne. elegant Jiaii
ton.- illustrations, im
moroun Items, indus
trial Information,
fashion nol-.-. agricul
tural matter, and
comprobensive and re
liable Bnanolal and
market rc-ort.
tlon price,
tl.&O )Hjr
We furnisli it witl,
Bemi Weekly Chroni
cle for fj.uo ier ycur.
1'iibiialie onTbnn.
day, nad knows fr
nearly sixt ye-i fO
every part of the I'ui
ted States us M'ioii
ul family neffSpsgW
of the highest dsN,
for fnrnicr- and vilUe
gors. It contains ill
the most import-lit
general di a - of the
Dally Tribune u,. tn
the hour ol (.'"1HK
press; an agricultural
department of uk
hfghest order, bai oe
tortaiuing reading for
everv member of the
famfly,oldand yousgi
market roportl which
are aCOepted auth
ority by fanners and
mere bants, and IS
oleau, up-to-date, in
teresting and instruc
tive. Hog ills i lUbsoH"
lion price, ti par ye1-
We furnish it with
Semi-Weekly Chroni
cle for 11.60 per year
Send all ordere to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
remedy and we
Hunansi Baonrslons t tn,- svu t oast.
(inly Jo .50 for the round trip from
The Ia!le to Lone lieaci,. TIom PmIS
Vou will not have boile if vou take
Clarke 4 Falk's snre cure 'm Unle.
(ur fancy hosiery sale is still on and
it will pay you to buy.
Clarke cv. talk have un sale a full liue
of paint and artistV iirushep.
GirTord's Fotos Never Fade.
Subscribe for Tn. OliltOMIOIiS,
Administrator s Notice.
notice i - hereby given that the undersignedi
ui an oruer 01 (e eoinny ci-n, t i WaM'u vonniv,
ha' t. ut, j call. it, f,.r ;,,fu.,.,. -.tale of Oreaon. ha- Ixin .1 u.lnin.i..'
violating any of the foregoing provi-ioiiK naint l when mam rn h.,v t, u- tMtothooatite of Mlttle Hotarl. deeced
.... ie WWawB f"1'' When you can tiny .lame- g,, I All Petttons baviuj claims against the estate of
will he prosecuted according to law. I'attor.' sun proof oa in- for 1 5fi ,., f'd deceased arM,otifle.i to present them, with
' I'biuib ior per ii-proper o,irl,er. to mv altorm-vs Hiid.on ,v
L' . .., tu ... I 1 r . i,.. ...... . , , . .. . ' . M. , . . ,
rur rein t vvo or three rttonna Ins. V.'r" S""mwm ior o yearn, uiark 6l ",.'.t""V' - '"f" l,K' u"1"' orriinu,
goj(l for return until e,t. 10, i),
lla.gage checked through to destina
tion, 'lhe steamer I. ,J. Potter will
leave Portland daily except Sunday and
Monday, and the IlasSaio daily except
Bunday, at U p. n,., and 10 i-. in. on
Saturdays, makiog direel connection- at
Astoria and at llwaco for all points Oh
Oregon and Waaiiinfton besohes. Call
On .U'r. Ireland agent, The Dalles,
tor through tune card to all beach
point. jlyS'Sm
w. i:. Dl'NBAB, UegUter,
iuln.,l ,.. I.,,.. a,. I.,.,. . ,
,. ,w, nu,i-, hrrfiiin;. Affpiy at thlfc
office. jly. v
lJated tills -.'Till day ol Julv, fifl.
vm. HURAB1
Cjriflord h Fotos Never Fade A,,'i;ii'tratorof uu e.ute oi Hittie Hneart,
in the .County ( mm ol th. bute of Orasou
for Vtaaeo SOUUt).
In till Uiattei of tin guard iS UShin ol Mariana
Lace) and Hug), Vivian UeSey, miuor wards.
Notlec is hereby given that undei snd b
virto. "I an order ano license of sale liuule an.'l
entered In the abov, snlitled court aud eau,
on th. JStli day of April. l.., th, ,ii,,,-,sineii
gliardiailOl Mariana Laoay and Hugh Vivian
l-accy. minor, will on Thurxday, 1st Jlivof Aul
tut, I'.ci. at a o'clock p. in. there,.!, at the Iron I
ilia.: of the county court house in Pa I lea 'in
. , '""V SS&Kl ?fon.' asll at public auction to
the hiKheat bidder, lor cash in band ,n the
manner provided by law for the sale of real
property by and admiiitrator, all
Ue lntsroaU of tiie said minor m and to tin
lollowiUU'les, ,, , ,,,,.,,. U,.wlt Wj
Mec li, Tn a n , k li K, In WmSo Ceuuty , brssbn4
l!?-,1'"".' he ""ue iubjeet n, a morta.
of iuu, an1 n,ieret now on said premise
Paled at Palles City, llrwfou, July if, p.j'i
iy ATHKlti.NK l.ACKV,
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grocer.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
Crandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shrouds