i f f i s i v White Goods Fancy-Hosiery Economy is Wealth ! Men's Cotton Thai is thfl reason why SO many people do not be come rich. Money saved is money earned. For tliis week we are going to offer yon some VPBTPr Big Bargains. Every piece of Fancy White vti vvi v7 Goods in the house must go, so we will give the pnhlie tlie henelit of 25 per cent Discount on any piece of Fancy White Goods in the house. including Satin Striped, Fancy, Dotted Swiss Checked and Fancy Striped Dimities. Navv blue and black 75c and $1 Valu.es, SPECIAL... 65c Have you Boys' attd Girls' Good Hats for this warm weather'.' Here is an eye-Opener in that line: 75c Misses1 Sailors . . . 39c 50c, 35c and 25c values . . 19c Now if you want to save money you should not miss tliis opportunity. REMEMBER, FOB THIS WEEK ONLY. I Silk Goods I PEASE 9 Sailor Hats Telescops, ' Grips. Dress Suit Cases and Trunks in a large assortment and at. very low prices. ANIMAL CIRCUS A SUCCESS. Tent Ion Small For Dog mi. I CM) hnv ("roniU. The Spokane Kevipw says: 'The1 big exhibition tent of the .1. 1.. Whitney dog and pony show tM packrd from the en trance to the ringside last even inn and manv were turned away . The afternoon performance was also well attended, but if the enthusiasm manifested by the rhildren last evening is taken as the verdict as to the excel leiu-e of the per fotmance. those desiring to see the last two performances today at 3 anil 9 p. in., will have to go early if Jthey wish to get seats or even admittance to the tent. "The troupe of dogs trained by Pro fessor Lailey evidenced remarkable pro ticiency, docility ami sagacity in their numerous trkks, jumping through hoops of lire, walking ropes, climbing ladders, leaping in midair and doing many other wonderful things. "Professor Hunt's educated monkey, 'Master MeUinty,' was accorded an ova tion, his antics creating shrieks of laughter. The troupe of ponies trained by Harry Ileikes, won applause. Then there was the rope walking feat and equestrian performance of the goat Bill v,' which delighted the little folk. "The juggling feats oi the funny clown George ironi, were well received, and i Turner Bros, in their acrobatic per- : iorrnances. Little Eddie Clark on the J slack wire elicited much favorable com ment. The finale, in which both troupes of trained doge, the troupe of trained j ponies, the goats and the monkeys all i take part in an exciting tire pcene, sent the little ones home delighted." This dog and pony show will exhibit in The Dalles Thursdav night. Aug. let. DIED. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS St MAYS. 3k A A itk AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A. A: iftAi v- ir- if- v- -v 'V- :v- -V' :v aF 'V- v v J' --y; -s u ""J i north of range ('east. The propertv was MONDAY JULY 29. 1901 Ice Cream and I ce Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. township 1 bid in by Mr. Huntington for $638 86 The Albanv Democrat, oi the 26th. i says : "Dr. Geisendorffer and wife, of I Ttie Dalles, arrived in Albany last even ' iog on a visit with relatives and friends, i Dr. GeisendorfTer enjoys one of the best j practices in Eastern Oregon." Joe Brennan, a stranger in these parts I was fined 'l in Recorder Doherty's court ; i this morning on a charge of drunken- ' nese. Brennan paid fifty cents, all the ! money he had, and served out the bal- At the Dalles Hospital Sunday even P ing, July 28, of acute Inflammation of V i the bowels, Mrs. Mary 0. (iates, relict E of the late Colonel X. H. Gates, a pio w neer resident of The Dalles, aged .'! L I years past. I The deceased was a native of Germany. - She came to The Dalles in the early ! sixties and was soon after married to her that vicinity, and now the farmers have ' the laugh an him. It was probably Ed- J ltor Gilstrap, who last spring on seeing! a rolling clod crusher passing town, was ah iini county warrant reeiHterci i ance of the time in the city baetile. prior tn September 1HH8, will be iaiil nn )!, I'll i t i on at in; oftlce, lnicrc.1 ceuxen after .1 uly IS, 190 1 . JOHN F. HAMI'SHIKK, County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Don't forget that our shirt waist and corset sale is still on. Wanted A competent girl to do din' ingroom work. App'v at Jones' eafe. Just received, at C. J. StublingV, a: carload of Schlitz Milwaukee bottled beer. y29 lw Wanted A thoroughly competent girl to do genera! housework. Wages $20 a month. Apply at this office. jy29-lw A murriage license was issued Satur day afternoon to G. K. Cramer and Mis. Annie t.auit of Hood River. I When to I 'ease & Mays' store ask to I be shown their line of summer glovee. ! Just the ttiing for the weather. Tin. Cdbokicli regrets to learn that Mise Bessie Lang has been confined to her room tor several days with sicknese. CharleB Johnson was placed in the calaboose Saturday on a charge of "drunk and disorderly." He was set at liberty this morning on paying a fine of 3, ! We publish in another place a synop- ! eip of the Oregon game laws as compiled by the Oregon Fish and game associa tion. Head it and see if a man can be be punished for having "00 or more trout , in his possession, provided that he is not tryiug to sell them or hasn't them for sale or that he caught no more than 125 i of them in one day. The famous Tonnesen art studies a i set of twelve free with a three months' : subscription to the Evening Telegram. Originals seil for $1 each. They are beautiful. On display at Grant's, the American Cigar and News Stand. Pay three months' subscription and 25 cents ; $1,60 in all and get the entire twelve ; beautiful art pictures. jy:2U 3t The district fair must be provided for as well as the street fair, else we shall never get over the disgrace of asking the fair to come here and then fail to pro vide for it. A little extra liberality now and the fair will be provided for for years to come; and we shall besides have a place for baseball and football contests, where those who enjoy watching the sport can be made pay for their fun. The Corvalhs Times says: "Tom Merry, of Los Angelei-, a pioneer Cali ifornian, and well known in Oregou. passed through the valley this week, late husband. She leaves three daugh ters, Mrs. T. Strohn, of Los Angeles, Mrs. Katie V. Roche and Miss Leese Gates, of this city, and one son, At- I torney Ned H. Gates, also of The Dalles. The funeral will take place from the residence at 4 o'clock tomorrow after- I noon. f uneral Notice. There will be a special communication of Wasco Lodge No. 15, A. F. A A. M. at 6:80 p. m. on Tuesday evening for the burial of Brother George Gray late a member of Heppner Lodge, No. '19. All members and visiting brethern are re quested to attend. By order of the W. M. O. D. Doane, Sec. Geo. O. Gray, a former resident of The Dalles but of late years a resident of Heppner, died at St. Vincent's lios- an officer in the charge of his duty. The j pita.1 Sunday, July 28th, shortly after last mentioned was dead broke, but his I r, o'clock p. no., aged about 17 vears. Deceased was a brother of Jack and informed the farmer was going to roll his oat field with the machine, where upon the editor remarked, T've often wondered how they made rolled oats.' " The George family seem to have been on a general "bust" yesterday. Roy of that ilk was arraigned in Recorder Doherty's court this morning on the charge of "drunk and disorderly and re sisting an officer in the discharge of his duty.'' He was arrested last night by Officer Paulsen. His jamboree coBt him $7 which he paid. Joe George, a brother of Roy, paid a fine of $3 for having gone on a simple toot, without the disorderly accompainment ; and L. George, still another brother, was fined 7 for being drunk and disorderly and for resisting i New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our 8 tore. A new fresh , clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS t CROWE... BETTER THAN A CIRCUS ! ! L. J. WHITNEY'S TRAINED ..DOG AND PONY SHOW.. father came to his rescue and settled the score. The Omaha Bee, speaking of the in tense heat in that city a week ago, says ! ' "Having heard of instances of heat which permitted the frying of eggs upoii the pavements, some children at the ; Batchelor's hotel concluded to tiytbe i experiment and are sceptics no longer. One minute after the egg had been Tom Gray, residents of this vicinity, and of Mrs. George Noble, of Heppner. He was a member of the Masonic fra ternity and a respected and honored citizen. He died of an abcess in the ear, which brought on paralysis and finally brain trouble. He was insen sible for five davs before his death. He will be buried here at 7 o'clock tomor- broken upon the pavement it was in j row evening. The funeral will be con condition to vie with the best produc- ducted by the brethren of the local lodge j tion of the culinary artist whose patrons j of Masons and will take place from call for it 'turned over.' A druggist at ! their hall. Twenty-Fourth and Farnam also tried I Dewitfs Vitch Haie) Salve should be the same experiment in front of his j nrmT1,, anr.li,l n ,.nt hum. on.) j . , ......... . scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the injured part. There are worthless counterfeits, be sure to get DeWitt's. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. -J At the shooting gallery Saturday night , with his estimable wife, on the way to attenj oregon's greatest Antone Nelson won the 30l30 Winchest- British Columbia, where they will stop T(lB 0,(- pavilion , oeit Br nil. ti,at has been contested for dur ini the past two weeks. His score was 88 ou( ol a possible i0. I. ot Between the Sandoz place on Mill ( reck and The Dalles, a ladies light w't!l.t silk and wool shawl. Fiuder 111 please bring it to the sheriff's office and he suitably rewarded. jy2H-2tdw C. J, Xubling has just received a WW consignment of Bob lit B1 malt ex ,raf, strictly non-alcoholic and one of "if Lest remedies in the world to build "I1 a weak or broken-down coustitu- j t10"- jlv2y-lw j II . .... . 1 any holding ticket pwate can at piano, if No. 8086 will Oumbert's and get the not callf.il f..r i. lit,; It f fill f v 1 "71 drawing will Wjf ticket is presented. Uolttta until further notice. Sheriff Kelly today sold on execution Pon a decree of foreclosure in the case continue until the Save your a couple ot weeKs, ami inen leave ror Lurope by way of New York. The captain is an entertaining writer and was engaged in the newspaper business in this state for several years." To assure the hatching of canary birds' eggs more nearly at one time the first eggs are sometimes taken away by the fanciers and replaced by artificial ones, all being put back in the nest when the bird ceases to lay. While she is sitting the prospective father lives up to his responsi hi lities, and devutes his time to seeing that his mate does hct duty, and when she leaves her nest, if she shows an inclination to dally, sharp pecks drive her back. August Ladies' Home Journal. The lioeeburg Plaindealer gets off the following good one on a valley editor I "Last week the editor of the Kugene Register took a drive to the country and in a field adjacent to Eugene aaw a hay- store and succeeded in turning out beau tiful omelets in less than five minutes, Which to all appearances were as good as 1 though made on a chafing dish." The state board of agriculture are mak ing some wonderful improvements at the : state fair grounds, and old-timers will I hardly recognize the place when they lair this fall. pavilion is being enlarged to double its size, and after the bei-t ex- j hibits ever seen in the state arc arranged there will be ample room left fur an au- ; dltOriaOBi a thing that has been needed tot a longtime. A bran new, up-to-date creamerv building is being erected ; aiso where the best dairy display ever made in the Btate will be seen. The ma chinery hall is being enlarged, new cat- j tie sheds, slieep pent, hog stys, and horse , stables are be. tig built. A coy farm cottage, hay barn and new sidewalks are illO on the list of improvements, and nothing will ba left undone to accommo date the exhibitor and entertain the visi tor at the state fair this fail, THE DALLES, . . . THURSDAY 3STIQ-JrTT? AUG. 1st FOR CAMPERS. The most complete enterprise ol its kind in America Kmiorsed by the pulpit and preeB and leading humane societies. Cunning cIowiim and mimics in human attire, Introducing a world of fairy features for little folks. FOLDING IB S AT . SEE McGinty, the Wonderful Trick Pony! Blackbird, the Leaping Stallion! Clears 5 ponies and a hurdle at a llng'fl houndi Sport, the Champion Dog Pony Rider of the World! Grand FREE Miniature Street Parade at 6:30 p. m. 25c Admission, Children Adults . . 50c CLOSED CASTOR I A For infauti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought II Untin.rt.rin un.ln.t f l. I 1 j i i : I .. , .. i, 11.. ......... .A ... . wbwuov uuanae ji. uatiri av nun. 110 ictuniuu wbii ; ' y, W. i. Winans and Almeda H. j and reported through his paper that "".las executrix, the northwest ' threshing machines had started Bears the Signature of Up Itl .lust the thing to take along when you go ch m ping or to t he seacoast. For sale by SJ.XTON k VVALTMh'R. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. AU orderi attended to promptly. Long distance phone 488. Local, 102. F. S. GUNNINC ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. I.I M I I. IN ! Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Ak-ih tor Kussell 4 Uo.'t KQgtuei Threshers ami Haw Mills. Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073. Cor. Second & Lannblin Sts., THE DALLES, OR.