(Cl)ronicle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 29, 1901, NO. 189 I) c Halle AYcgCiable Preparation for As similating the Food andBeguIa tini the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcstion.Cheerfuf ness andRest.Contains neither Opium. Morphine norUncraL OT NARCOTIC. 'r ofOM DrSAMCELPtTCHKR Piimpiuu Srrd ' .1' . ?HW Jtepermmt - Hi Ca7aHB&de llhiH.S'rra ' - Apetfecl Remedy forConslipa fiun . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fever ish nesi and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK . -CT COPY O- WRAPPER. The Shamrock Marls. Got lock, July L'7 Shamrock II, ac companied by tne Erin, sailed at 10:20 o'clock for New York. Great entbuBiaetn was displayed as the challenger departed. The yacht cut a strange figure with her stunted ppare and Beauty canvas ae she lay ready to start. At 10 o'clock Sir Thomas Lipton and Mr. Watson, the yacht's designer, boarded her, and a few moments later the challenger's moorings were slipped, her head sails broken out and Sharmock II started on her voyage across the Atlantic. Thousands of peo ple gathered for miles along the shore and on the pier at Gourock and greeted the yacht's departure, with a great out burst of cheering, auaiu and again re Dewed, until the challenger' with her racing flag at the masthead, and the fcrin, with the Stare and Stripes flying at her foremast, were out of hearing dis tance. Sir Tliomae Lipton remained aboard the challenger until she was off Cmnbraes, when he returned on a tun liefore leaving he addressed the chal lenger's crew, thanking ttiem for what they had done already and wishing them good speed on the voyage and success to their task. Northern Kantian Kecleemeri. Auuihox, Kan., July 26. The drouth in Northern Kansas, which has lasted without interruption since April 15, was, broken last night and this morning. The Missouri Pacific has received reports tiom all etations, which extend 300 miles westward from the Missouri River and northward into Nebraska, and all except two or three report a downpour of from a fourth of an inch to two inches. The rain was a steady, drizzling one, and continued, in molt places, for three or 'our hours. The parched earth absorbed the moisture an fast ae it fell. While the recent rains have covered Central and Southeastern Kansas, they have not touched the Northern counties up to within the last 24 hours. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co lartnerBhip heretofore existing between iaxiuiilian Vogt and Philppiue Chap '"'an under the firm name and style of j'ihx oKt & Co., is this dav Dissolved Of mutual content. Maximilian Vogt WW continue the business of said former 2u5: UDd1wUI receive and receipt for all -nt'bvtld6,'0'1 " Couua;vTf,auw'-'oreioo'tbiei7,h ;.,of, - Maximilian Voot, ! PHttlWIM CllM-MAN. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR OWMHT. NCW VOUH CITY. Docs ft I'ay to Buy Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and colde is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more se ': vere and dangerone results of throat and I lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yee, if possible ; if not possible lor you, j then in either case take the only rem edy that has been introduced in all civil- 1 ized countries with success in severe ! throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's , German Syrup." It BOt ouly heals and J stimulates the tissues to destroy the ! germ disease, but allays inflammation, 'causes easy expectoration, gives a good : night's rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottie. Recommended many yeare : by all druggists in the world, and sold bv Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prise almanac. 2 BITSIKMI LOCALS. R. B. Gilbreth & Sons will keep at all times a supply of hay, grain and teed which thev will retail at the ljwest market rates. j2b-tf Wanted A small family to occupy the home and keep house for an aged ! widower. Liberal terms can be had. , Apply at this otllce. j!y22-lin Mid-summer clearance sale of milli nery at the Campbell & Wilson Milli i nery parlors. Everything in the line of headwear at one half the actual val ! ae. j28-lm I Just received a new supply of North j rup A Sturgie' pure food products, as : follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa- nut, baking soda and high grade leaven er. If it's Northrup & Sturgie, it is good. Get a package and try it. For SHie by Conrov, Son &. Co., S. L. Brooks' old stand, The Dalles, Or. iylil-2vd Btepued Into Lire C'oala. "When a child I burned my foot fright- fully," writes W. H. Eade, of Joneeville, Va , "which caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else ' failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalde, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by G. C. Biakeley, the druggist. 2oc. 5 A Hour Millionaire Lately starved in London because he j could not digest hie food. Early use of i Dr. King's New Life Pills would have ' saved him. Tbey strengthen the stomach , I aid digestion, promote assimilation, iui- i iirnvu a mod iff. Sold bv G. C. Hlakelev. I" " -ri ' . . tne druggist. 5 Clark A Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Af AW SURRENDER OF THE INSURGENTS j Band of 500 is First to Give I'p in Island of Samar Amciican Officers Be lieve It Will Take Years to Accom plish Economic Plan of Corbin. Manila, July 2b. General Hughes cables the news of the first surrender of insurgents in the Island of Samar, 500 men, with two He'd guns, 30 rifles and 70 boloe, giving themeelves up to the I'nited States authorities. The opinion prevails among the I'nited States officers that it will take years to accomplish the economic plan of General Corbin. The civil and educational au thorities hold that a continuance ol the protection of minor posts is necceseary, aside from that afforded by the constab lary. It is generally expected that the concentration will be more gradual than is anticipated in Washington. The first meeting of the Legislative Chamber held today was largely attend ed. Commissioner Wright, speaking of the charter of Manila, said the same rea sons that controlled in making Washing ton the Federal city obtained in Manila, and Washington, he declared, was the beet government city in the world. Rep resent, lives of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce vehemently opposed the char ter, asserting that it was inconeistent with the principles of the freest govern ment on earth to deny the right of suf frage to the residents of the metropolis, while granting it to those of other local ities. They aleo declare that the pro posed system of government for Manila was far less liberal than that offered by the United States authorities, who pro posed to make the representatives of the district in Manila elective by the peo ple. Ex-Major Shields, of the Thirty-third Infantry, U. S. V., has been appointed purchasing agent, vice Lieutenant Mae Bey, deceaeed. To Chance Inaugural Date. Nbw YORK, July 27. Official steps looking to a systematic agitation for a change of the date for the holding of the presidential inauguration has been taken, says a special from Washington to the World. Reeolutions adopted at the last inaugural committee meeting were laid before the district commissioners with a request for appropriate action. It ie understood the commissioners are in favor of a date later than March 4, and will bring the matter to the atten tion of congress and the governors of the seueral states and territories. The plan proposed by the inaugural committee is that a national committee be appointed, composed of the governors of the etates and territoriee, 10 additional citizens of the country at large and a repreeentation of foremost residents of Washington. Thie committee ie to select the date and procure by congreseional enactment the change desired. I'urDt to Choate. London, July 2b. United States Am bassador Choate has left London for Hol land, says the Daily Exprese, not for a holiday but, bo rumor (etatee, at the in vitation of Mr. Kruger, who deeiree him to act ae mediator in bringing about a settlement. It would naturally be sup posed that a settlement could not take place without the irrepressible Dr. l.eyds. but if Mr. Choate has gone to Holland, Mr. Leyds has left the country for Brussels, starting Saturday. No importance ie attached to thie ru mor by the Daily Express, for this paper refers to it editorially in a facetious vein as a "South African gooeeberry." Katea to fan -American Kspuaitlou, Round-trip rates via O. R. . N. from The Dallee, T81 00. Tickets on sale first and third Tueedaye during J une, July, Auguet, September and Octoher.good for continuous passage going on date of sale. R -turn limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent O. R A N. Co., The Dalles, whereby tickets will be bouored on lake steamers in one or both direction be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf James Inland, Agent Seven Venrn In ltel. "Will wonders ever cease V" inquire the friendsof Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan. They knew she hud been finable to leave her bed in seven wars on ac count of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility ; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk," she writes, "and I in three months 1 telt nice a new person. I Women suffering from Headache, Rack j ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake- ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 5 A Khging. Koariua- Flood. 1 Washed down a telegraph line which i Chas. C. E.lis, of Lisbon, la., had to re pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," : he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally : the best doctors inOakland, Neb., Sioux ! City and Omaha said I had Consumption i and could not Ijve. Then I began using I Dr. King's New Discovery and wai ; wholly cured by six bottles." Positively ; guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by G. C. ! Biakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5 You can never cure dyspepsia by diet j ing. Whit your body needs is plentv of i good food properly digested. Then if j your stomach will not digest it, Kodol 1 Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of I the natural digeetants hence must digest I every class of food and so prepare it that ' nature can use it in nourishing the body and replacing tne waited tissues, thus giving life, health, strength, ambition, ! pure blood and good healthy appetite. I Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. The piles that annoy you so will be quickly and permanently healed if you use DeWitt'e Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of worthleee counterfeite. Claike A. Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, PoKiantf & Astoria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT I.KAVES OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... UtAVM THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. DAILY except SUNDAY, TIAMMH REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. DrGUNNS ONE FOR A 0O8E. K.moTa Pimpl.., Prxfeof. ll. ; l.ll.l.ii,. ,.,.(. . , t. I 1 PILLS Cure Uridine u, ljrp..p,i 11 7 2 we '"'' "MMnoT" rr . r fill! l.i for oolulj. 'T, ,.r, 0hiJ1 jjj" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. l.iMiinio. at fu pAUVjOtiJ lulMttwi. i Notice 1. hereby given Una the lollnwiiiK iiHiiiu.1 hi 111. -r Uuh lifud notice ol hU Intention to make fliiul nroof in iupMrt ol in.- claim, ami that said proof will be aiaoa beiore the Rttfit ter and Kecelver at 'I'lie Dalle, Oregon 011 Tliura dy, bepleuiber 6, 1VU1, viz.: H III lam Oi Thouipaon, Ol The Dallea, Oregon, li. K. No. i, for toe gU or'4 and HVV't 8c jli, T 1 N, g II K. W M lie uaiuea toe following witueaaeia to prove hia contliiuou. realdeuue ujou anil cultivation of a.id laud, vi : Paul Carterig, K. T. Klton, Tero Mickey and Lee ttcbauiio, all of 'I lie I taller. ' iregou. jlM JAY 1'. l.UCAH.Ktglater. rv t atay awa aa Wasco Willie Milli ft. Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain 01 pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SKfSS Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- f (")Y1 F'loilT Thin Hour ie manufactured expressly for family use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. W sell our goods lowor than any house in the trade, and if yon don't think so call and get our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats leAyAyAayjAiAcravr, I C. J. STUBuIJnG, W HOI KS A I K Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive promot attention. Next door to First ill Coiwlon rimne 334, I Long ttltt. 10UI. THE -4Jr yr.i tr iVkT.iTi:rt.TT(Mrj.irTTt MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation." They are - LIFE 8AVKUS" to jrirls at womanhood, uidinn; development of orpins anil body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do barm life becomes a pleasure. H1.M WAI BOX BY MAIL. Mold by druggists. DE. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale by Geo. 0. Biakeley, The Dalles, Or. Sheriff s Sale. Ily virtue Ol an order of bm)c iiiuI execution duly Issued out ol unit UDdf the seal of the ClT cuit Court of the Mtiitc of OregOU for the county of Wasco, to tne duly directed and dated the 9a ilny of July, 1901. Upon 11 juilKiiicnt h ml decree reudeied and entered In ud court on tbeSTtb dafol June, 1901, in favor of W W 1'IiIIIIiin, plalntlrr, and snlnstJ w Bones, defendant, for the um f ? ".. h in United states Koidcoin, and the f urther sun of HMO ittioriiey'8 fee, and 91.2oOMt ud disburienieuto, 1 did 01 tne 3d day of July, 1901, duly levy upon the following described real pioperty Mtuatcd in the county of VVaWO, State of Oregon, tOWIti 1'eleudaat J W sones undivided one-ball Interest in ami to Mo tions 10 ami lot the northeast Quarter and the north hull of the KOUthfeSKl quart!, and the southwest quarter Ol the aouthcast iUiu tcr, the en at lialf of the northwest quarter, unit the southwest qusrtei of th iiorthMcMt quarter, th north bail of the southwest quarter, ami the southeast quarter oi the southwoxt quarter oj section and the west half oi the southeast quarter, ami lots Hand 13 ol Motion SO, sll in township 1 north, rang 9 east oi the Willamette meridian , and will In OOmplfaUOe with its com mands on Monday, llitt 5ili day or Auguat, I '.Mil. at the hour ol 3 o'clock p, pj , at the front door of the county court bofts in the city of The Dalle, said county ami Htalc. sell at fnihlie auc tlOU tO the highest bidder for t'. S. gold coin. oasb In band, all th light, title 1 interest that the said defendant had, on the nth day ol October. 1990, the date ol plalntifTII mortgage, or has since had in or to said rial proa.'rty to sati-ly said judgment, decree ami execution, with interest on fMS). n froui the IfTth day of JUfte, rM, at the rate ol eight pei cent im 1 an nuiii, and on Ijmi from the 37th day of June, 1901, at the rate of fug per cent per annum, and the co.-is of and upon tail! writ. Dated Tne Dalle, Oregon, July ft, l'Mil. ItOHKIU KKI.I.V, julfi hheiillot Wiisi ii County , Oregon, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oritci ai Vamoodvii, Wash.i ( June la, imil. Notice in hereby given that the following I. n end scttlcra have hied notice of their Intention to make II toil pi, .01 In so ppm t ol their claiina.and 1 hid mi id pi 1 11, is will la- mailt) lforc the Register and Kef elver 17, ft, land otllce at Vancouver, Washington, Friday, Auguat '.1, 1901 , vi. M Hllan, K. O'Nttal, II. K. Ho. 9fMl , lor the HU Of MRU. NSM of N tVJ , sec II, and .sK' t Ol hW', tMM! 11, tp I N, It IJ K, W. M , who aaillS the following wituuaaes to prove his continuous residence Upon and cultl v ationof aald laud. vi.. : Kuaael II. swain, licorge A. Holder. William II. i(opici ami lob 11 Unit run, all oi l.jle f, Q, Washington, Ituaaall H. Nwalu, II. I, No. BAM. lor the N'a of SEt. Sec IJ, Tp II N, it UK, W M, who names the following wit neaaes to prove hi OOntlUUOUS lealdeuce upon ami eu 111 11II011 of Mid laud, vl William K. O'Neal, licorgo A. Snider, Willliiui II. Hopper, John lialtron, all ol l.yle P. O., washiOfton. William II. Ilopper, j II. K. No. itUti'l, lor tliu N of HWfv hec i.i, Tp .1 . N, It VI K, W. M who uuiiiea the lollow mil wit Lessen I. pOVC III , HOI 1 1 i 11 UtUIN lesldi III e ,,L and eu . 11 v at ion ol said laud, via ; 11,1--ell H. Hwalu, William O Neal. (iiairga A. Minder aiid John llaftroii, all of l.yle I'. O , Wasii. JUU'.'J W. It. 1 1 c.Mi mi, lagtMsf If any thing ails your hair, go and see Frazer ; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that be makes a specialty ol these goods. tf AM) IlKTA'L National Bank. DALLES, OREGON. iTi.T.irniwy.i.TiT f itit it jltW& They overcome Weak ness, irrepulurity and omissions, increase vijr or and banish " oaius TIMBER LAND NOTICE, I'. H. I ninl Otllce, Vancouver, Wash., I July 6, mil. i Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provision Ol the act of CongFSSB of JuneS, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tlmlMT html in the StstM of Califomlii, tlregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," an extended to all the public bind statea by act of Aug'iat I, ln'.ij, Tbontss 0. ( onistock, of rarfo, county at Cass, state of North Dakota, baa tills day tiled in thii olltce his sworn statement No. if! I, lor the purchase of the south half northeast quart Hec ill, and south half northwest quarter of Hit 23 in township I north, range lit east, W M. and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor iigilciiltural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land bctorc the Ueiistei and Receiver of , this inline at Vancouver, Wash., on Monday, the 7th day of October, 1991 lie names the following witnesses ECllOOh I Mayes, Lewis II Paige, Will it. Qlftdwln and I Leon Hmltli, all ol Lucas, Wash. 1 "Any and all persons claiming adversely the above dcscnbtsl binds are requested to tile their Claims in this ottos on or belore aald 7th day Ol October, ItHll. jlyloiow W. R, DUNRARi Itegiater. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. C. H. Lund OttOSi Vancouver, Waah.,1 Jiny IS, PJOl.l Notice is hereby given that in compliance wltti the provisions of the act of t'ougruaa of JuneS, ls7s, entitled "An act for the aaleoi timber hinds la the state of ( allfoi am, Oregon, S'evada and Waslilugton Territory," as extended to all the public laud statu by act ol Auguat t, ISM, Krnnk A. Hall, of Kargo, county ol ' ass, -tale oi North Dakota, l, taivday uled in tbla olfice hi sworn statement No. JH, lor the pur chase of the lots :i and I, aud K1,, HW'i ol Hec is, in Tp 4 N , It l K, and will otter prtaif to show that the laud aougbt is mine valuable lor It timber or stone than tor agricultural piirpoacti, and to establish Ills claim to said laud Indole the register and rci eiver of this otltce at Vau couver, Wahliigton, on Tliursduy, the loth day of October, I'.HJl. He names as witnesses: David O. Maclay and l Annie 0 H. Maclay, of Kargo, N. D , aud Kiiuuh Hayes aud Leon Smith, ol Lucas, Wash. Also Dvld li. Maclay, of Kargo, couiitv of Cash, state of North Dakota, lias till day liivd , in this otllce his sworn staUnnviit No. 3299. lor ; the purchase of th NK of SK1,, HW'gol NK1,, ! ,iu,l HK i of N W, of Hoc la, in Tp IN.KHK, ami will oiler piool to how that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than lor j agricultural purpoaea, aud to establish his claim ; to said .and belOfS the register and receiver ol I tills olllcu at YaQi'tiuvcr, Washington, on I burs das , the Pith day of October, I'.'Ul. i He uaines as witnesses riant. A. Hull and I Annie O. II. Maclay of Kargo, N. U ami Kuouh lla -s and I eon Hmlth Sf Lucas, Wash. Also Annie O. H. Maclav, of Kargo, county of Cass, state of North Dakota, ha this day tiled in this otllce her sworn statement No 3398, lor the pun -base o tlie southeast quarter HK!) ol Met; is, in 1p in, H Ul K, and will oiler pnail to show that the laud sought 1 more valuable lor It 'i in her or atone than fur agriculturrl i.iii nones, and to establikh her claim to aald laud before the rcglsler aud rucjlver of this oihce at Vanoouver, Washington, ou Thursday, the huh da of OctoU-r, 1901. Uhe names a witnesses David 0, Maclay and 1 lank A. liall ol Kargo, N. D.. aud K.uocli Hayes and Ix-ou Hmith ol Lucas. Wash. Any and ail a.Tsnus claiming adversely the above dese rilatd laud are requested to Die their claims in tills out 'e oil or before said loth day ol Ouloher, P.ajl jly!7 low W. K. lit' Mi a li, KegUter. Floral lotiou will our wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by C'araa A Falk.