Crash and S?9v WW Worsted G-oods. Cotton Goods DON'T FORGET : f that Saturday is the Bargain 0 f Linen Suits for Men and Boys.... Day at our Store. i to 'if Please remember that this is the time of the year that a merchant cleans up his stock, and con sequently a large number of Remnants are taken (rom the regular stock. For Saturday Only we will give you the benefit of this cleaning up, and place every remnant ;n the house at Half the Marked Price. We also have a large stock of Tan and Fancy Hosiery that we will close out at half price. One-Half Price Friday and Saturday 5c, 65c, 50c and 40c Hose; Saturday price 37 2 cents REMEMBER, FOR SATURDAY ONLY. ..Silks.. Hosiery FOR MEN. $0.75 Suits 10 5.00 Snits . S 50 4 00 Suits 8 00 8.75 Suits l 90 FOR BOYS. $2.50 Suite $1 00 1 50 Suits 75 1 00 Suits 50 .75 Suits 88 Balbriggan Summer Un- X Special --C SUlt S Friday and Saturday only. PERSE & M7WS. A PftM Tftlilr. William Mci"rum ims sppnt the idle half hours of nianv a week in making a j kitchen table that when COta pitted, and 'it is now well-nifih flniclied, will take ; the shine olTauy other table of its kind to be found in a thousand mile travel, I and will make the teeth of many a ( housewife water profusely before it is final I v disposed of according to Mr. 1 McOnm'e intention. The table is really a work of art. It has drawers and apartments for every conceivable thing that ever a woman tried to stuff into a kitchen table, and that is saying : a good deal. Kich drawer has veneered ; lettering on its front to indicate its con : tents. There are places for knives and POOH, oat meal and corn meal, wheat l flour, kitchen linen, sundries and odds 1 and ends. There is big kneading bnrd and a DMfd for cutting bread and another for cutting pies and cakes i ; On the center partition board In frout is i legend, "Prize Table," while on the i other front boards and drawer fronts are i veneered pictures of birds and coffee j pots, tea pots, cruet stands, lamps, cream pitchers, cups, bowls, knives ami 1 forks and other table requisites too no- ' j merous to recall. This 'able, that yon couldn't'hire Mr. , , McCrnm to build for $100, that gentle man ia going to make a present of to the committee of the coming fair. The fair : committee will have absolute control of j it on the single condition that it shail be given as a prize to the woman who makes the best loaf of bread, the contest tor it to be decided by a committee ap pointed for that purpose. Now then, j ladies, roll up your sleeves and go at It j for the table is worth a close application j to the art of bread making for the next tWO months. The writer of this account j of thil beautiful prize table whould have entered the c ntest himself hut Mr, Mi Crum was mean ei ough to diaw the ; Hue at his sex and bar him out. Dih Salvation Army. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SA NJRDaY Ice Cream JULY 27. 1901 and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. gon. As far back as I860 he was a ! trusted employe of the Wells Fargo Ex press Company, and had hosts of friends ; throughout California, Oregon, Wash ington, Montana and Iiiaho. Before I coming to Nome he had made hie home I at The Dalles. He has a son living at , Council, Idaho, and several bruthere in j California, and one, a deputy United Capt. A. II. Ward and Lieut. H. B. Vidalin. who have been in chartro of States marshal, at Circle City. Mr. flthe Salvation Armv's work in The Edgar was about 05 years of age. Death j Qael for BeVeral months past, have re was due to chronic inflammation of the 0:,.0j ,,i,; ..i ,i th.i. to.- y 1 1 - trnu uiaiiiiiiii uitirirj) niiu i I u i I i a i well meeting will take place tomorrow bladder Orftgnninn If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wmco Ciiunty warrnuta regifltered prior to September 0, 1898, will be R1 on prexpiitatltiii at my office. Interest i ff after Jul 19, 1 901 . JOHN F. H AM J -H I KK, Couuty Treasurer. NOTED TEMPERANCE LECTURER HERE MR. MORSE, WHO IS A DESCIPLE OF THE LATE DWIGHT L. MOODY, GIVES A STATEMENT OF THE AIMS AND PURPOSES OF HIS WORK WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A waitress wanted. Apply at the j Umatilla House. jy25-Hi Wanted A competent girl to do din-1 ing room work. Apply at Jonefc' cafe. I Found A cigar case and contents. . Tk.. ... . . r . me owner can una II at Jones v.-aie. jyl!7-2t Remember that the grand piano draw ing takes place at (iumbert's cigar store tide evening at S o'clock. A late camper at Trout Lake says: "Put Ushers from Portland are at Trout Lake tistunu and bMamini trout for salt in Oregon. Can this be lawfully done0" V e regret to learn of the serious illness ' Mrs. E. M. Gates, of this city. Mrs. ; '.'ates has been in poor health for many i weeks and her children view her present condition with alarm. I'he Dolor Dispatch says Mr. Snod MM, the aged father-in-law of Mr. J.' Havely, of Boyd, fell Thursday and j broke, or seriously injured, his hips, the; i'leputch cuuld not learn which. Ulysses K. Hawk, the pastor of the irat Methodist Episcopal church of UH city, has returned from the Inter national Epworth L-agoe convention, bold at San Francisco, and will occupy '"e pulpit Sunday morning. W. Ltigberg informs t he Moro Ob- erver that he had a"d that Johnston UI hurley per acre, 50 bushels of beet per acre, and 6 tons of hay per acr from their "ruined crops" this year. jfK fttttr Kev. A. L. Morse, a noted temperance lecturer known as "The (iolden Kule Orator," will address a union meeting of three city churches at the Congregation al church at 8 o'clock Sunday night. In UOf Mr. Morse was commissioned by the Gospel Temperance League, or ganized by D. L. Moody, to represent the work in any of the states or terri- joat been at Dofur i toriea. And now, as field secretary and liros. got only 45 i national lecturer of the Gospel Temper ance extension movement, and aided by his thrilling book entitled "Lost ami Hescued," he is endeavoring to enlist 100,000 workers iu the cause and LOOO,- Hie famous Tonnesen art studies a signers to the pledge. In addition of twelve free with a three months' I t0 H Mt:l' toDed voice and a pleasing de Bbeorlptlon to the Evening Telegram. ' UeWJi he uses 10008juare feet of charts, (Jrigiuals sell for jl each. Tliey are cartoons, and varied original illustra taautilul. On display at Grant's the ton which doubles his effective power American Cigar and News Stand. Pay over an audience. J 'fee mouths' subscription and '5 cents ! In response to the request of Tin: 11.60 iu all and get the entire twelve ' GHBOMCI4 Mr. Morse makes the follow autiful art pictures. jy:2ti-3t ling statement concerning the aim and ' A-D. Kdgar, who died at Nowe-"on7rparp08e of ,,i8 work : uue luth, went there last year and j "I have been asked to tell about the1 'Hagfcd in the freighting busiuea. He Liui and purpose of my work. Our pur- ! mall 'UrUier'y well-known stage and Ipose is single yet manifold; single, iu contractor iu California aud Ore- llthat we seek to save all the people we can from the evils of intempt-rance ; manifold, in that we seek to work with and unite In oneness of spirit all true temperance workers who believe in God and love tneir fellowmen. Men fall be cause they are weak, and in their weak ness we must stoop down and help them up. They are despondent, we mut-t speak the kind word to cheer them up, They have lost courage, aud we must turn to them the brighter side of life, and inspire them with hope. "I have no new methods to introduce nor fads to recommend. It is the old story, of tiow meu fall, which we all know , aud I emphusi.e the "Old, Old Story of Glad Tidings" of how, when a man does fall, he may, by the grace of God, get up again, and again he a man. "Mr. Moody is gone but the work still goes on, and we kuow of no better work ing motto than Mr. Moody 's life motto, viz : Do all the good yoq can, To all the people you can Jn all the ways you cau As long as ever you can.' "This motto applied to our brings success and nothing succeeds like succeus." (Sunday) night. Capt. Ward is weli aud favorably known in this city, hav ing been stationed here several times before, and having made it his home, off and on, for six or seven vears. Dur- ! ing his last stay of three months in The i Dalles the corps has made several for- ward strides. Nineteen persons havo ! professed conversion, six soldiers have been added to the membership of the corps, and a permanent outpost has I been established at Hartland, Wash. ! The captain was appointed to the com I mand of Aberdeen, Wash., last winter, but was called home to this city after a l stay of only one week. And now, after j being in charge of The Dalles for three i months, he has been given his original appointment. Everybody is cordially invited to be present at the farewell meeting. Mrs. Agnes Dalryrnple, of the Floyd farm east of town, died this noon st the Dalles Hospital after a lingering illness of many weeks of a poisonous affection of the blood. Mrs. Dalryrnple had been treated at St. Vincent's Hospital and when given up by Dr. Smith of that in stitution was brought here largely in order that her closing days might be spent near her children. The deceased : was about ,i years ot age. stie was a i native of Scotland where she was mar f ried to John Dalryrnple, who preceded ! her across the dark river only five j months ago. Mrs. Dalryrnple leaves a ! family of eight children, all of whom are here save oue. The funeral services will he held Monday afternoon ut ) o'clock at the Congregational church, conducted by Rev. I). V. Puling. The history questions in the teacheri-' examination iu Oregon this year con tain a new departure In toe way of some practical questions on current history. It was a stunner to many teachers to he asked about Ends, the engineer who deaigned and built the jettioa at the mouth of the Ifiaalaaippl ; or of Roe bl log, who built the Brooklyn brfdge; or of CI in tor. , for twenty-one years governor of New Yoik. Jt is refreshing to bonl op ana were to such practical qoeatloni in American history. It presages a new grade of scholarship for Oregon teachers and students. The Iiiifur Dispatch says: "Hay making is ahoot finished with the farm ers around Dofur and before our next , week's issue harvest will he iu full blast, j On every hand is heard the very best re- j ports iu regard to the pronpective yield. A few tields are said to be slightly daui- 1 I aged iu spots but nothing like as bad as reported a week or two since, and the I superior quality of grain, when not dam I aged, will bring the yield op to or above j work the average yield even iu the damaged' fields, and farmers am again confidently counting W aud V) boshels per acre. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Streot. The BARGAIN STORE of the City mxi.: Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS New Grocery Store We have added ;i Grocery Depart ment to our store. A now fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS t CROWE.,. B-fjpjUaVBlBllH Gumbert's Grand Piano Drawing To-Night at 8 o'clock BamBtaffcew WHAT IS THE USE, WAITING? Buy those low shoes Saturday and get your money 'i worth. Five-dollar patent leathers $4.15 per pair. Also a few pairs of the three lifty quality $2.35 A. M. WILLIAMS KL CO.