The Dalles Daily Chronicle ATrp.:AY m . is WMWBfaPM taffy. The stiff c'tirrefrxit'dfr-t I ' Ibt M gotinn. it npofting Tom T.rtue mpOMS St L4 1,7 -Tbt Pa.-, i: Northwest tue tbe R.-ver at, a C .a.a.r.n. laWe occasion '. '. t 'i ' i. ' f 'Cocef??a.6.r ToOfRM Mtl the victim of KMM tr;j: NWII or. tbe previous visit of tbe BOSemittM to the N 'ru. -west, but bit fadgmeel bat beet. amply vindicate:! by Ibt socce of tbe preset, trip. I"b ooly objwMflt raised Vv Mr. Tongue to mailing :ut uprivet U . . :. tbt r.-'. ma.., tee was :.-re .:. a the far.-: ;bat tbej bad be. OM la at tbeir .'jr tfif 7:..- woui d btve beet s: : -. & t.a it woe id bare t .a:.-vs.r for tbea. ic t c&-'f. tvvi & slight ex anv.natiur, of but:, viv SoaJu ar ; Columbia rivers, r ;av t ::.:.? ebott view;t UM eoontTT lr t c UaTJ . Tba. tbe oomm ttes apeot turee Jayi between LewisUM si" Portland is dot aimcst ef.lrtlv '.: tbe efforts ! Mr. Totgee. as all tired and anxious bcwBw, and notbiog bi ence caused tbetv tc river mooo time ur the as', '.bret days." Heal v tbll pil Ton: I c-ngoe credit for tbe visit of to Lewlaton and 3 a O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Take them today and ycu'tl be well tomorrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet NoBB NoCureS!Wx le I ' - : : t - Inn li : i hi' FrtMiMa - Dlarkc viti. Tt t I'e. 3 5 3 9 9 9 3 The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd Profit-Sharing Association are 1 Picken-?. 15 vol., publishers price 122.50; I set Kr.:;h; " Hi-:- ry o: England. 9 vela,, plliaber'i. price $12: 1 rrf. Gallery ::' Bible Fki :re. Pirated by Don 1 Mf Thirty Year? of Labor, by T V. r wir:!v a f " rer.-a.r to person payir the nv:?t cah durir.j week ena ir.r A "c. ar.d a $2 rebate vers:- rayir.g ::. ?e;-or.d .ar:et anv-ur.t of oa?h daring same period. Prompt delivery o: ail pood telephone. fert St Coodoo pbone Na 2. C SS. T. NOLAN. Oregon Short Like AND Union Pacific M-.i.: TIME HFDVLE. aa;rt . v ' THE Prl t Porttead ;t Ie. Penrer. Pt Twt:.. Worth. Omaha. Kmc- J r t- rr. NwCitr.m ..: t h " Ma. la Uaai cc. uJ thi- Km, UafMa. 7:. I . c .t.z . rr : :r.t t: ai' iron, tutl at & ;tr. :t.:i: ?-a.t .:: White Collar line. Mf fj TUB DalleS-POrilaDfl BOMB Yellowstone Park Line tt :r. tbirn ailed Hr :be S:r BAILEY-GATZERT. i- x Be : U m rU Z ! TI 7.i?T. e oatLT : LDCX r: the vii;- H .litt wt-r 0 react tbe:r . L.; T.trs.;".- give tbe big '.iiev iitrt ;t M n Bird Lm Bias) Ifjtt. Braaeii Wm Biack A 1 h' 1 Ctiaa Cfcr.L . l 7 M IjrciD ST E uwi . . H J Finiaytxni. L A Hanrris W r Biofck JM A K-- r.i. toj t erf '. ot .: .l;' k. ee o o m an .ut oomtuittec - .JoJy Mavreii L Ma-. i : N i .: .'.5 a-, i Jaii llarcti 10, ai .'tt ?. March 12. J as . No-. 14, Mc- r. 12 .'ai. ". . --i' C C i-C'o. -r Loclta, Hood Ji.3r VTh;:e Sal-:- and TIME CAR) t Portland , n Iba Da -i Meals the Ter Georee Wai b . n g I c t Ag ainaldo. An d tbe U't'jL.-L etafl cortetpoodeot know it. It tbe Oregooiai tba. ubhobed tbe itatemeot ibai remain: to bo r once Dtra ; cted, tfaftt Mr. Toogoi ad rise d ".l1: com xtittee that ;bere war og to be seet a-. Celilo but rcc-Ks ar. i watt; foarx.." If Mr. ToogtM Mt0Ok a tucrjie to!f" later :'. proves tbal be was &s MMoeptible to a ctaaoce of rri&d wbet tbe iod was perceived to blow eteadily in certait durectios o- It wus on tbe silver ouestion. Bat Mr. Tongoc was never ktb riotim ol Dcjost censure." & tbe correspoodent al W M II Bfpbj Mr .- i Niaoo Ed N'atoa - H Palmar P. A P r. . G W Bobertaoti J " i Banco, . . ff J Soadarlu .. P -rsciiders j ot r. S m i : r. . . . Ja L "-aiitt . J .iri WicK.aT.roai. V. q. Wfc-jeElnc . rrirjK ITail ... -.- 1 H 5av ::. :iv Sec.-. 12, Nor 1,. Jat T. . Jar, 5. Nov 14. .J ill 5, v. 100! 14, ISM Ttiis Eoute baa IM Attract. -.xs -. D Eartr.. if ea.tnr 'atdtr?: j.-i T1..1 ItTJ't". r'lIiK : m ar t SasXtt Oi-rmpia. Qlaj at:.'' fl B Bta "Msad :: tt2' aoi. la-id. B. C. Putlmar. y. tu : F :i a y BaBaalaiaf eoon- f.:i SC S. y -. Cr-iar.a. Jtar. :;- 'j:s. i;ciac at. : .l'.- :i: : M Ua laecaaa aad r.::.t .... a. it Pau. aiiC itiaiur. rrver pJiiit '-i.:.z- Vat 1 ilw I tail ra:.' -..":. d?jnT onnwr-jODt . a.. -. r.:. :.::. i.a, r: ..-: ; dt:tt : ' ::Kr I ra:. -.r .. BaUaMldaHTlpSVc' raatt-- . iirv- i.r.;u-c: Jssrratj.:'t tit . call ot or ma me GoiomDia pacnies Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF avctacrbbm uF Pine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON jF.rp BEEF. RTC EH Besiaurant L Y. Hl'NG. Protine t"r . First-CIass in Every Respect M I I - AT I I H(l Bfl Ovsters Served in anv Style. AliaLtn :. M a rr. via Ha:.: .njrtot 8t fau Fair! XJa.. 9 t. ra via : ast. take. IVr.veT. Ft. w,.r:r.. Omaiia. Kali a ity. s: lui.v hi-cmg- and ibt Eat. Walla Wa:ia. UWan. Oka:!t A". alUce.Pn:: ::.a: Minrieapoli. S:. Paul, V : : t -r. hirafp and Eaal. a rr.. a. OCEAK AID lim SCHEDULI From I'artlanri. Portland-Astoria Route 8:r " TAHOXA." TIME CAPO A. D, CHARLTON. -: -.. ! a--:.?e- Arenl . rr-;-..- r:er Ttirc P nianrt ' SOUTH anc EAST via 180! IgM : to 00 1 70 Leave Port) Soutnero Pacific Go 7 it: By oner of U; H'.t-j-arj e County Leave as: ateu t : W ;: CoOttty, Or-z-jr.. Stb dar ol Ju v. 1801, A E. L-'-EE. Coc.rv C.erK. Land: t;g and office Fool ol Alder Btrast; bott pr.tnes. M Port. and. Oregon. E. w. CEICHTOK, Atrent Portland, J. M. FILL'X'N. Atrt. Tne A. J TAYLOR, Agent Ar.o-ia. Shasta Route LAw-.-L.. a 4 a C nnC f; l. c;. Dea'l 1.H Then, "tifir. cbl Idrao ae tortured trr.i. :tcn :tc anc rjcrtitz e'rzr.a and otner -1 . r. ieges. and tbIS attempt to slobber diaaaaai bat Boefclan'i Arn.c Mva btn over iritti taffy wont work ir baal.tberaw. r expel, r. Clark'S CfUISe Of the CeltlC tartert I rt-got Wortil cent. .ear(rs tne ajc iritboot a scar. Clean, Iragrani -: - - r- mlvt Tut intpeclort, arc told f - Mood - Cure guaranteed Feb. 8th to April 22d, 1902 Ced tbe caWit of tbe lieffulator that rtG-C- Blakaiay'adrm store. 4 -,. araiaaaaJ wuai mb be woLid not be permitted to .ar;t bis boat ovtr TLree Mile rapids to Ta I t- 5 t i ouj evaoy, uet it was propoted t make tbe trip to snow tbe eongreaa- On iona! committee tbe river obttrnc tions it tbat ne;gtrjorbood. Wnat rigbt, we sboud like to know. La'i tbe inspector! to BMtkc ar.v locb 'rs:ot. tr.c '.; da; jati.r"-: l ::.t l.trvt-.r of tnv uartv. I or ai. a J. L Caaa wnarator; good as new atju rea.j : . r wura ; 02-incc c .;naer Me.prta. 74 dji. Lli 1 I . ,r. . Ji r.. . .-. -y, i Dairy u.ngee nor-e Wwer. r:T-..i.:.? : da;- ::. r.i-:).: a:;d ?.,-:.:. tern,;. A;.r y t y lm 'iZ'jU' I Not.'.N I'u: To tht M f d Itartaaaia and tba orient a-x.jnjHi'jaal: jf uiCltUKO. Vlaltl.g Marlirra frit raita-. North Af- - ' rics, tuna .i-.t. it, Hoj I.mi,,!. lura- traa Italy, tba Biriara, Kuf-iaijci auu 1 irrt-: paeQaDd . t. in. Altaanj- J3 a B) A-:-.- Ashland tjS. ac Mcraaetiv .. ' . j sa:. ftandno T:4ap Arrive Ofdnr. ? a b tCLver t tz. E-si v.:rv T 36 a n. entcaaTt. .. 7:46 a ai AltiTt i. Arjr.-- : t c E. f-aw . , a Fort Worth 4aa ' C:tt r.; MtXK-f- v a B Hotuttor. ceSa Orlaaat I j.' a si V. aib;:t.jL . 6:4J.a "e font .. . .12:41 pa Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It aruSciallvdesisttielood and aids N store in strenetberung and recon ij itroctiof tbe exnausiea digestive or gans, it is tbe latest aiscovereaa.gest itnt and tonic. Iso Other preparation , . can approach It in efficiency. It in I D stant.y rei.tvesand permanfLtly cttres Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, : J Fiatuience. SDur Stomach, Nausea, i a Sick Headache. Gastraiffia C'rampsand all other results o! imperfect ri.cestion. Prt30c. arcfl. IresiecorjtainB24 tlmea ' BaoKRi.c.bju:dvspep-.aE.L...eiiree 2 t m F"esre by E " DcVI-T A CO., COieaa ' rroid by Carte A'Faik's P.O. Pharmacv. ,f -, v it- Soaoay. - Ct t 'rr. -rV.-.ia- V ' C T. IT. tiairy seapl . ataai -' hiir?o-. Tasda;. TliurJ; -aturdf I) . ' d a. tn baava rts:!v. 1- oc ail MtVag dato ut . - la r-hauati. I F - Sar. rranciOf. Sa:. cverv t day I ii uiuMa lilrrr. Aatorla and Way VI si .ii.ntf Hirer. nag e city, rert:. m n liinOianrtiiinw, a c.;- Ijiiidinps. i tt J: tc. ' CO r. m. esaiat S .:.x-.- a i rr.. exaea Sundar. i' I If and VV'ftr- j-.iid:rie 4 Xj. in. il-iuduy. Sriae;". VV ! lainettr ant! Vamhitl Kirttra. Monda. reg - ; . :iyr.n and eCa-ai.y w u; -Eudtnna rrtday. Si tkUf KiTfr. L:i r.rit t. l.-a-j:un. lyvf Ijeaiston da.v. a. tt. vf : po t. Hppj.r er or bia Southeri, via Bin, tic-aid ' - .e.v;t 1 1 Jiattea at 12 J., tt ma;..M- : :.t-a: ;u:,eti.'L h;re- i.- -:r:.;tic r;aa:ug direct coiinecnoc i.T hv; .-..:.-:) : l BtjDft trltfa 1K6. 1. ar--." :.p a: 7 Lt- iialie t.r ; j,. m. For iBXthei trti'Ciani. call on or aridm AS. tKZLAXO, Ac-:.: Tin- '.'i-g :. ' c: t. s: ' ir 1 a tt - V a tt :tt a n: 6:3) pn ' 41 a tt U ! CI v tt ?'- give :'. .ife .nd viiror. . - ... ... -. . p oroer: vv-- - -.a.;,.v a ei-v of -rr. 1 Ji.t . pertinent ofltCiooeoeat: It looks tbat Bcimee Hal Tut Bantain'i Cocoenot Crea Witt attraf !:.(; ..iptional. iid trip aeraaa Ba " TK-i-.-t- (?--: t.. ,tot over in Kurow on t.C to te'tts. by :.'.- 'ut,. ay. lore eoongb. lioenae extendi to toe captain Columbi . - . J. T" ":a..' '1.1'J-r. r ea.e B". r raz-- - river, and Big Eddy i- vritbta bit r? bop. Price 60c and 75c a bottle. --. T : . . .. .. jwiawsuon. ir n tot true mat toe captain of tue Regulator bai aotbor ity to take bis boat to British Colo bia if sbe is anie to climb tbe 00 structions and be doe- not nse more sieact tbat tbe boat license permits.' W : en yo'ir i.r.:r a;'ne&' drv and tc :.ave lost vitality it want- aonwthina v. , ... . . nsir neei? net :t ge .l tnat c n- -:..- .:..- -.:... . jftit, 5 "Wn Oj toat of Trip, fi rat )at. Km ail! c ire lai Sanaa. rul . : .1 It: :.:r .ca- a: v. i-;..:.i-: l lonncctiog a: Sat Franciaer wi:fc tevera; : -jt.w jr-;- tceording t itaatooa .: oran.. ..aii-ji. iijv'.'j-iiiie x.ur:- exriimona, ra a:.d a:. te.t. snraaa, ,jr Reexaatarj expeoMa. iriai iKiurn-':..., Mala f.m t : a:.c u,- Jlojy Lai.c. '.oi,.ta:itiiiOfift. Ir3intr preparation". ;..::.: .... ' '- - ' x air, . -.v. Fbs Bxiii. c-.-'- .-. v UboQt j .r.. o-.- not :rr.ut or aattM It Eirad'! iu'jlf over an irritated fry snrwoa, rii;T. ing'-..: tb j . :.'ul inilauma..' r.. V.".-. E t. ' - nUo you are anted again.-.; NaaJ Caiarrb and H..y i t-v-r. Tne pbilosopbic, Bryaoite, 1C to 1 or bust editors of tbe Samptst llioer, in connection witi. tbeir advice to tbe nnterritied to make tneir pro posed Portland dai.y at f-veninr-paper, delivei tbe following remark. ably Bryaoesque prooosoiameotO: Tne Wbita Collar -., Bailey Gattert, 'People bo have time to read a Mil tbrongb r .,.t, t ticket v moroittg paper are of tbat class wbo a"i 'turn, rickeu good going are DOt ioflueoeed politically by aiv i 'VitT Wl is Collar tbing tbat can be' written 1 .,',. 1 2' ! -v Co., T. Co. or tne A . t. K, it., and return ovar san.e iwau) sunsioer tne suDject careful 'ij.urycau.rrt. tnSy c.-y np tne saentiona, wnicb auuere to me neadaaae ana da com Ke, ca'':. or more a;rioufciroub. ".tan tue ordinary. 'Iota '. i.a-a.-:i.. atvoid all dnr Lag u-hatai.u. '. ume, i:ea und snufle and uee ti. .: vi...l '..-.-aiKt. too::.':. t:.d tviiit. L.-. r. (.reaii- L-.n. u aucn a rcmeuv and rrill cure ca:arrL or cold in tbe bead ' A: ' : John Pashek. The Tailor. s.2t. K.-v warren fit N.Y. J l rtrtHmlaW 4drea hi s i Baton NBit.1 v. :.-.: ..-. ?:r--: Tn. ." i -.-a :.;('. ..-r,c (-,: ..iu.::a,.-: ; r.ra. ... r.'- h'a- joei received 1000 aamplaa of u.f iatet pattara in Gent's Clotbiag Goods, H- sua ran lee prices and a (fwd lit or no pa- : : : : : John Pashek. The Tailor. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. ' k la:n: 'jfl.- Just Received A fell i;ne oi Fresn Printing anl I.e voloplof Papers direct from factory. Solio. R.-x. Deko, Velox ::.ruah and TooiiM aaa on bote train and Vri-ti'i '"'I nil -iP '-a." Baemmeaa a -jtaet anc e. Fac ' oicao. o: Uouu. Sc &: ,. .. , T1 a. o a oi ; .a:es :n t. -amer. Crown. eeds and Stanley, r...cii Una fir Honolulu. Japan. China. ... . rnuipriuea, Cenasl and Soatfc Aaertee, J 1HVS. J nntlMC rmmes SwanotatTbeDalwi station. or aaLtai Albuinf?. M altigraph, C. H. MARKHAM, Aod all aecaaaones t im plate tbe Oenera. Haae Aaont, rWtaaS.Ot outfit of either tne an.,u icssiona pn nograpl er, Our Eureka Combined Toning and Fixing Bath Is a dandy. Tr it, Tne A. E. C. Ieveiojer for p;a:e. filais or deve,op:ng pa;,er- has noe juai' Enough for US to develops 6 doses plates or B dozn 'e, os 4s5. IVrfno. blaekl and whites are guaranteed, if dir-,.-i,.ris are iu.iowed. Ask fur the A. E. C. ,'e ve,oner, and tee that vou gK tne genuine. Nt e are prepared tocompoin.u anv and a., of your ow n lormaUe and guarantee satisfsctioui At the old place, 175 Beooad -ree 1 lie I IsllSS, I regi.r.. Just What You uuant. I v y Mm i I L J) V L- V ' j t -UCI. anCOOTM VV,,.;.. P ....... ,.t ...... .1 ! . ... . 31a 1VIJ!. '" uwtaau uire.-i to eiina OTth notMl it aeatiy f!vei, that in conipliaiiM Mr Nea ideas ;t Wai. Paper nere Kle varie! as e are :iiu mg never be lure graced n amgie ai K. Eai luiita Hon creton effect at ordinary pricee. a GcK-d papers at cneat. nana nri..' E K.egaiit ileitis, tasteful OOloriage, vourti for a unia;! price, at our store on Third street. Aigo a full line of honsp Geo. C. Blakeley. aarirmrA xnnn! 00 rote to please tbeir bankers.' Beach - . L ms Beach h- -.. .-. j rrr V A TTRTT. ni c or Netieotta, Limit ol '.'.' leeda n tbe ut ; Cailforato, Otaaon, -.-aj a:.a nanii.Ki,f. l-.-rriUirv. a exteudeo FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. a Transact a Genera". Banking Business. SHBH OeesO !'a',: T ' . . aapenenoa is ine nest toaeber, T.e ! aep tern bar 16tb. J.M. Filloon, "i tn-ptibu. ,ar.S ut by oiauwiT AftHr . f ;..r - I4trt. . it, or... .. .. . .t arfaat - ' - Vtui.M. rtvtart. nl Lmsat u.k .m, . p..-.. . . J4i , -,da t-f; r ... .. u.-.. " a. IT Ta V " give immediate relief moo.y refunued a J?. .'.'! Ctt.V'oil? Bo ets. aod 60 eta. Bl Ska lev, tbadeua. , "wa. one hum umi tne Uad aaaabt la aaee vaiaaak i.,r iu j-aiiei w;,. give uiifiieUiate re.ief or ""'UKI " t'ai. lor ae?iCultii'M. ,urixja. monev refunded. -tl . h.ndaon.e t... tae Karl. .or L ni .v o,T .'L'.''" of Credit leaned avaiiahle Bt 82 DM. H.aaeiev ,e flrn.a. aoova at.. on WfliiMl.y. ti,. ; in. da ol the EaHtern htatee. - ... Kbt Eiebaaea and Talaata.ll and then, wil. a.waye kfaSn VOBI boeell ' ,"- rooms fur- worth. 0,-10" I,. i.. " HruZ 'lua Tra'I'8,ers old York. Chicago, IB perfect order. Tbsy never Krir,e bnl '" housekeeping. Apply at this "A7T-.Jf:T; r '"'"'and "... hi. Louie, han Fraucieco, fortlaud Ore- Kripr uu. A,,-, ana al! pr.oi,- .-.aitniuft adverae.y the MB. heatt e Waal. .nH ' ',.... In thia ofltc oh ur blrforeaald mb ear ,n,Vton nd Waehington. Gr:fford Foto Never Fade. "T' ' . n.-a.... , Colleetioas made at ail points os far. un W I. lit NbAk ll'.-uister. i orable teru.8. L. Lane, gists. It Is easier to keep wan toao get cored, h Se. Ds Witt's Little Esrl) bisen takes now PVOOMMS an easy and gent.e action C.arke A falk'e F. O. Fnarmacy. in 1 OENEkAL 3 BlacksmitQ j ...AND... 3 a BOWIIOSI Complete of Dru58 at M. Z. DONNETLL, TH DRUCC1ST. Nasal CATARRH la a;, Ui f.acta tLiert- 1 uv .,..-a:i.aje-a. Ely "s ( ream Lulm c inai iiMiieetenii nea tea d.s-a--d Batatbtaaa li aaa ananhaaddriva aw.'.y a c.,d .1. uk ln.nA tjU.cli.y. t r.-am Kali., ii plaai Into the nostnle, epreaOa ovr ::lC BeaSfaai ai,d .a aworjei Re it Up. B.tihi:eaiw&.urcfu.,c.. J j, uot ory.o?-du- no: Meeaag. L-ge- Se, M cenu at Or-.-gt...rl.y,i,s:.: Trial I -. ... , ,-nu by maii. a..'; iaaj!UEit.-,i. .. irreo :-., .New fork. J. 6. bCHB.N' a, i"reaiUei:: Max A i oo-T. Caahic Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brother.' Wagon. TLurt and Jefferson. Piione 159 First national Bank. i THE DALLES - . OREGON J A General Banking Bueineee traneacted apoaiie rboeivbd, eubject to 8igbt Draft or Check, lollections made and proceeds promptly remitted nn da. ..n...: a Q1..V . j . - IWWCUUU, I 8l-ht and llgrapbic Excnange aoid oj I New York, San Fraaciaoo Port- land. n p D'KatoToia K;, V,!?'",,OI' J- 8- ksmvwm fcu. M. V illiasis, Gao. A. Liana. U M. Bball.