The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 26, 1901, Image 4

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is God's Good Blessing
? -
? .
. . ..... i; v tii..- Ackerwrit -recw Kscroaoaja F
Aciers Etmed;. f 7hr:a: art Uo
; .. .. . . tifl - wbes tbey ac a::.ei- - -" "
f J
ta bronchi tu toe
. a, .
1 end Acker - 1
toads' rsrtrd Da CWSSfieeJ".
" r ;:r: : v ;. t "
- - aX tba I n - My ir. asl it 3 vast i re : ios ac and told bias ab
-t Tbeakisea v-r: : i $et sots bottat of Ackar'i E
aadlM ! -.. t H .-r- t ret U . c hocst aics- days .-'.r zz s
; J : Jvr ; set -.:" : rt :rorr. .ne start. - . -
vbjltbiaka much of Akert Sngtiab Kemedr.
-s: Ksreiy beat wed upon '. t Acket
- . .
a! is sd 2 sd i- i ii - t--; not aatisi e 1 af:e: bi
rre P"
e (fOt
- g ill
u. a be
. 5 ness rr-s
F. fcert Jt sad Mil t::
h i eft bereoe eaeaoeatraia lor tbsit ioa ami a:.: bass boilt if fan use
l:;ls t At:e Onak. ! .arse b Falk1! s-vre cere toi boils.
C L Pb W --- N 5 F i Real p - aprs r? tf? Bad iatreEras
too -c-i li-t ret&rted tr-rji; ::-- laotl as ao asaiS-aa Caa m hai 1 al ti i
iron, a :-f' : .:.; : r. :r.t !" . Fa- aaJa by Blafce
Bf p't' : eaw B fbei raaoM .-r.:;,. Iraffpt-
baeiaa bad i.z. rab : : Bad : .... . . . . mmm - .MP
M- Pi pt is Ibe .: Thi woac laaetivc ret
Cei: . i . . beta Btaaa. mei cn. DeWrtt1!
f I i. n
- s . :. t..
t Ear!; Euen
C t-tr i
M t:. Mrr laaaa Itataadrf
a Aaaat ir.
bill T. t.
Tut . urtei - x-' -rrr ::.t s-i.a-r
Bcboo o: 1901 Nr :- n Brill afford
s-re.: C': :;:rr- .!.. ttiearaioa
mc aaaeri i naeoi. N . ntba; i cecal
affn aai Bttta uoei ..e- adeaa
lafe. jaall-tl
Faik's r. O. rtjaraaaer.
ti 'rs Hft;irr. i. Bta : peraw
oeoi ; eared bj c r.c M c Faa, i
Tms a :. r.s t: M-.Bt f X-i Z E FJeaaaat barb n. cataa eoaarjaasiaa
Batfeai : ::.'s c.r nof I M ;:: bi : : : -r . BBakei ;-r ea.
I " " aad bappt Batrafacriu eearar teed or
cih rr ia. r - back Scu BadSOeu Btekaiejr,
tbc -E.r"..
L T:r .' ... : W i if B I .." r viiCA'; ;t L'. i fc-
Baa ir-
bjmi ?:: Tr. sodj.' :r.e aaacoa
at: .t: c of a c : d tea l:.
J. K. Ovarbaagbi t: t t fr. :
ft-Tr-t I u bad BcnN at V u Balarm
d'.'r--. j .r.:t Ec I. -rr. rri. rs
tr u. ibrce k'.'rs -' r'.rt berriei
tail taaaaa, atu tba orrrir- mn-t e-it
BI . pal 98.
Vri. - J vt- Bru.t-ss. sr-r -
v. ( nod Ca ioa Tfcaradaj
.-. . - 1st laaattbe Ian a art
.-7 -i- . a: : Vaf.t 0.:vtr tf ' . irii
tbeaMtbtin ataat. Oa teaoaatafbt
ttr. f sad Bad tb e j.: ot waUl to:
ili'P, a : rBBBOi Jid not irt
like mac.:.; II t '.or ol :tt OiO'::.:a:t tba
tirt: la. H aent B tboofb w::t.
tba part; i :tt tot. o: Coopar'i spar,
ate a tl ird :te way n& tba noaatatti
from .tert. H :ojn :& a; we.,
at at ; . bat cooc o.t bad et ool o:
tuoTrri.r. c':nihinj for on iav and rt-
tnrnrd to :be Ioa aloas. Ttis
tbtski tr'. tb rccjra for ootogeearlao
t.vt:a:t coate'e.
tatartllll Lriicrt
F ? :.fc- if :t a.' i-ttrf racnaia
ii B tb : M Aca a: I tie hi.' ut
callad f-jr Jc y 2(. :'.-!. Persot
liagl san e : g:vt d: ot
:. et tbat van a jvr'::-ed
Ttr fj .':.; . o t tj aranaaU viU be
' S.Z." ' : :: -. zr :y roc-: :t xti".y
3av frva tbla date nalaaa called betbe
Dartiet Btrahif tatat tritk :. lb t-r-
hat-- W f
r.a.--..c 'jrace
at: h-Vif i,4-,pt
Itis. Mr;:a boaa. BttM
Doyle, Jobs i- Davjt. J M
Eia, M Eaptaf, H
mat, Harry Eogalka, i..ict tt JaaaM r otier. Josrjtr
r '- : t bcbh Martin
Fr.-ttat M 'i 'j'jt. Free
Gibaaa, Cbarlaj Gilflliaa, J A
Oatdaj . iar ibaw Beat L
Berriotaa Will Harr.mat VV J
'.- A-:tcr K r, J Q
ii' itta L t'.er, Jobc 7
L 1 1 MtCleUea, Mr.
Maraoa ': V;..ifca.
M -" I M'jor. Wafctitjr'.t'r.
M ii I MarfJi V J
Mr.l a- W Mi"..!., J L
I'.rr't. .'.oritBL Fercits, W H
Ktcbaaaad. 6 J
Blitbi :v:bt. ' I.
baefca, GHn Tnoma. j l
''ot BatXtatg, Wa :fcr
J. M J rrsaa . p. M.
C a- Bradlej.
M u. 6 am.
Mn Bird
L-rr at lOO
z . ' r? r . Kc -1
'ia r.'oiiPi
Wn. Black
A 1 Baera
Cta; Cattot
T- i Djror
P W Enert II
M J Fiolayi l
E A ::a;:a.?
W F Biakti
jo a Kepnt
.'i'.i!.- Ki'.-rr. .
B F Moon
Wo. Metbes
W M Mar j I ;
Mr S C Nelat t
Ed Katoa.
- H PaUaat
B A Potrt.
G W B ibarta b
Jo i.aft .
Gae Stilta..
W J g .t
C P Saoadan
Joba mitb
Jas L j-m::t.
J ba Wiekauoi
Vt'n. VVjecitd
Frank Wail
By order ol
C I'tirt at Waeoa
I'atd :t.r I'..
Jo . . 9ta
. irc: '.
Ma' CO 12,
U a . :. 12, o
N . t U, 1BSS
Maa - -
Jo v ifjoj
March 11 . 18 i
May H. 1892.
Jat ?. 188
Ma:.L 12 1892
.Ian 7, 1898
No- U IS
Marct :..
. Jat " 18K
Mat :. ISM
jo 7, :.
... Ju '. I8US
.Nov 10, 1893
. .Nor 14. 1898
Martt 9, 1884
. Vav 11. 1884
Not ;(,
J. E. FALT & CO., J
The Owl.
5 Purest Liquors '.--Family Us ' DRRrD flnl fiflrnRil HrtSI!
gUVkll Mil M WMI atjwia IIVVUI
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers
:73 Second Street.
Lyon's French Periodical Drops
-. - - r farfer; Ba a eat Banra r- aascaaataaaaa
DESIatED rtiaaa -
A r: & : reaaM
:s a., rift
UMl arili
vert at - ;
z:( troel
: a wa-
ii..' I 'm ki '
BBaajA l: : N
:-: -:o ri.:: f .tt-' : ;c
1 !
.1 !. aaM lta A -Jlil
If vou arv Hi nooii oi anyiBing nm-. uure vnio
u. for it will pay you.
KEF AIR SHOF. A., rders entrusted to us will havi
es . a iias atia :
et t: : l i ri -r; f
n i
. : Z'ji-. : t
:t e.
., .. .
t:- .La: :.a? bees
- I -. - i . S,t"t"'S
tbtoat ar.i orr '-. : n Bnarbet'l
'?Ta.i: &itoj - tio: m t ort.s sto
::au.a:es :l ' -tos :s-"..-.'T tZit
perL. :,e&?r. m. t i - :in oi:
racs-srs easy expectarau aa ficta a food
Dbtbt 'a "t: at : -o-- : : r : Zrt
'..: . I-.- iBaaecded r. try aaatt
by a. iractiata L the a -i ar: : :
br C arte A Fas. ie: Oraa ? prise
aiaaaaac a
Bfawa so t is-ABtniui Barpuntlaa.
ti.'t ra',- v.a .'. J. i-oro
Tl Dailea, fsSi.90. T rcr-: or f't- r.-r:
ati :l:-; Tttovs dertaMjt Jaae, Jeij,
vo-: tr: October jpaad for
I :r abate araaieau
;,- . v.- trete ei ataerd :: e a: aw
eaetatted : t : : a: It : "-- 9 laattotl t
::s rai :i r: cd 18 rtr. iatef
- ..wri :t ttrt Sea Talk Saa, and is
its reaaan ;eo
Zz s "-rs s ".f-" :f.':r. it aif. ::.y
bead ia :; Waat. tl :.. to: m y bi
at- .his ,t i!.'4. to: I 4o not be.itr it
r.. :is ris-t: :oei .t '.L' z-zz x-'a: it
: a'.:.-L at :'a.;t . -ot ot
i ra i . ifiJK t' iBtsaa
Barataad We araaa aet dainaaitlag a . rr
artt: ar.: Btaft let tba t .r-r noiie.
:: Dore a nttej for ::s- ::"t:r.. :: ses-:
at prlcca. God ia l.s a-; pmrideore
After eon tire I aaiai tc called kiflr.ev rtmediaj
a tl t:t ary txz efit, nee Liaoola Sexual and at
I reeer rid i I tl s- ' pint in roar nerk. I''canl
tl t.- loff ijea ol "oaia in tbe kidneys" and hart
a y oi : a-iiie- ar d nrinarj troot.le cnreil. and yoor
cic! :..a." re-::r. r tt e use of nature's pi eatctt
cat ierant Lincoln Bexoal P-.'.ls
Pr'ce. $1.00 per bos rniy ot yourd-opeist or fed
I v itai! on rtw;r of trrii--. in plain rar'rw.r
Fart Wayne. Itioaua.
M. ' Deai e I, Ateat, Tte r-ajiet.
-: t : . t :
a.e. :.::
V r.v
' : : t '. B . . t. . :
tr b agaa I
ir'r'y tick
ataaateta :r
tara et Detrc
a !
rert .
: :a;e : : si..e
bn ro :a:r of
' aL
I . . be
oe r r:
; - . ' r . a . r .
i DtKsred pa .ate
tk Qracci ts be
e- lasij
( L-
re is
I aiat U tratti
tl a laaili ii .:' : b
V. : : i ttpepa i
' r. the beet aad t .y c;
:.a: I LiTr er-r c MBB
at: r.fcve i;s-;
-: W . ... V J
Sc preparation eojoali E lol Djepapeia
Cote a- it contaiat all ,.:-e na--ra I: 2ier: all E t:-
i - it: cat': t- t : : yoi gvA.
C.a-e- x Fa.c' I . '- Pr.-aa.ary .
:: Bset
- . - t - . - n
.:i".a:: a.:t
oer ;-r:t-a-
Tfi-H a la-r
lj3 r're. l
- . o d S
bept L
1 8tH
1 70
1 TO
: K
1 80
3 19
1 70
1 81
Nov .1. 189
jat . . ioo - -
. . Jan 5. -4 . . 4 T
Nor 14. MNTi . 1 Ml
. . . Jat ' 18d 4 W'
.... Mav ". : 1 70
Jan 11, 1894 I 7o
tne Hjnorao.e Cuunty
Count;. . QrafOB.
:t da; o! Ju y liOl.
A E . L a e t
County C.e-E.
ttrrt ( atiiiiit ti lurtsd.
ntfa .'jc appliaatiooa, a ttey cat:,ot
r- tae -to: -j:
Tboaa jaiu'jue little pilli lrv.-.'. .
Litt Ear.y k.v.r your iver
and v.atr : j tteif doty, ttiut givajg
- ' . ; n.o-jd to reco berate y our
1mc . Are ea to take. Nerer gr.;.e.
Ciarce 4 Fa t . 0, Pbataaajpe.
DtVltt - Witct Hate Balaa ibosld be
truxp.. appiie-j u, cole, ourii and It BOaibH atu .uick y nea.t tte
iojored part. Tuere are arortblaaa
fjountrltiu. t eure to ye: DaWtM I.
Clarke a Falk e t. O. Pt.ariuacr.
t:,e t.aeae. Catarrt
it a blood or Btaaaaltatioaal d;eae. and
in order to core it too ::ju-t: tac- inter
na, remedies:. Ha..'e Catarri. C'.:re ir
tacet .tternai.y, and act directly on
tte wood ana mucoa BBHaaaa. Kall'e
Catarri Cure it u a uack Biedicitaa.
It vis as precr:Le ! DJ ulit ol tba baft
p: ythoaus it tnif country i.jr eaatfl, and
is a preac.p: . 'i. I' :- 'i;.i.jec
of :te beet toe ice KBOVB, B iBObiaed .tt
tte tat tj. od purihers, acting dir ;
ot tte paaeooa tat ia net. Ti. pen?oi
combinatiutt of tte two intfrudieote ia
abat prtdui-t tBOb VOadartO reeu '.- ir.
ootiaf Catarrt. -etc lot hestiawaialB,
F. J. Chcsey A Co.. PrapS., To.c-do O.
boid by drrujttnst. pnee 75c.
Hail's Family PUll are tba beat. U
i Sobecribe tor Th Cuuomclc.
ia- at: L er :xif et Tte;
a-fc aper.:- ;' H-o:t A Mi iipat's Del-'-ate:
s:.:tp e riaiat, Ca . 'r. tl BBBi
t heir pricss are aii risbt. Wood tot is better t y ?bc a cord than wood
tost is. iwlf
We offer for a liasitsd period the
tw.ce-a-aerE Ci;t :; :.e. price 11.50,
a:., tte Wefcc'y '-egotiat. price SI. 50,
lxitr. paoers for a year. BttbactiptloOl
under ttis o2er mu; be taid it ad
vance. ;
fl rri. cant lr, retaT, rant hair vnr
tavc ic keep jroer scalp cleat. oap
wii'. niake your hair naret, dry and
crispy. Now we ta two of tne very
ptapstalloni for cieansinp the
ea t Egg and Pine Ta- tartpoo. It
wi ". .eave your nair so't and ploBST,
Pries, -' and 50 OSOta a bottle at F'razer's
rroer s,top. Tte D. ir;. tf
Eirerience is tne Pest Teacher, t'se
A'.ser's Eng. ist F'.enoecy ic any case of
cougts, co.ds or croup, tibou.s it faii to
give itxmediate relief bjwbsj retunoed
25 ct-. and 5c cte Elaae.ey. tte drug,
I', is easier to c-rf e. ttat get cured.
IrVitt's Little Flariy Fliers tacer. now
and IbSBi aril) a. ways Ctep your troaeit
in uerfeflt order. Ttey never gripe but
promote an eaey and gentle action.
C arke & Fslk'l P. 0. Pliarmacv.
lr iiifr ir'par;itiius h.:..: etsl
up dry catarrt ; ttey dry up the aecrei.uii,
whit't adiuer. u. tte aaaaabtsas atd cwvju.
j4. aBSSSBg B(ar louri. (K.-r,ou- tr ttbll than
tne ortiinary lorrn '. catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing uauuania. funa. amokea and anufla
and xm that v- t.-t -i-attt, aoo'.teti and
h-.ila. Eiy h Otasaa it, such a remedy
and will cure c-.r.--o or c'id in the bead
assQy and plaaasauy, A t.-iilaie will be
mated fur 1 cents. All drug(riaui bell the
0Oc. tut. Eiy brotten,. .".'1 War.-ct B)l . N. V.
Tte Balm cures without pain, duet Dot
imijie or caae Bnttrinf It tprnsdi itif
oer an irnittit JJ BTlrfBSS. lajitTT
iu immediately the pail ful inUammutiot.
With 1. v f - an hu.m you ure armed
against Maaal Catarrt aod Hay Feret.
Ii anytting ate your tair, go and see
Fraier ; be'e the head ,uartre (or all
Pair remedies. Fiememuer tnat be
ma Bet a specialty oi tteee good. if
at; today ti ere is Boetc
B set l '.' t cot:. try :tat :.ere woo c
e :et il tbe so.i npply had re
BBsiaed s:at.:tt-; a: z tba saiata : vr
: :-:.-; U tte free caiasaja of fi.rer.
8; :tc as tb praaeat caad tios cot
I tues,or tba an pp y of go.d eoatiaasa is
.Tease t..e-e cat re a: ttrret ': or
us dertatd i: '.: e free coinage :i
ai res. Ce-tair. y ttat ieatar.d Catr.rt
aajaia be marie ar. :s?oe ir. acationa.
BaaBeakpa ct::. tters :s a --ig ctange ir.
infettria. or ntatr.a .-oadltions.'"
v-. Towne's retarts are :t:eres: tp
:i.;aa te tas Yerr. toe pecofraised
ea irr oi :te ire s..ver met. and not bs
?ane they .-otiait; any news o: a s
t aaauawt Parle Hir.
I ; -.te Mott . :t ; 2" Era A. Itger
i . -:' I" bs Ferry. N 'i .. widow of the
late Robert G. lasjarsoll, and admit'.s-tra"-'i
of t is 'Stat. ::.-jpt: sr.i: .r. tte
0. str.r court tere today against sere-a.
I elrs of ::. estate of And-ew J. Davit to
re-. "e odpuient for ? 'XT', wit:, in
tarsst :ron. Aasoet 24. 1897, for legal
--v -es rendered I y Iiisjaiai ioriof tba
aie f tt.e trial of the euit icvo.v.cp
toe vslidity of ths sllaajad will of the
:ead mi.ooaire. A. J. Davis. P.aittif
1. tr. Ingertol was to be paid
8100,0ut tor bia work, but arerwaids a
coatpt usiae was erT-c:--: among the
te rs. and the alleged wi 1 was adm.::ef
tc t r:rate. Sbe sayt tba compentation
prooaiaed lasersol! tas t..t beet paid,
excent "
taaa aa
4 . -T-r-r
O: t: e projtct of ttis ae'..-knou brewery the United States Hea'tn
Ba parti lot )oae 2. 19iXt. says: "A BJOrs s:;peiior trew never entered
tba labratory o: tba l"c::-d States Bealtb reports, b is atiao.oteir devoid
:' tl - s ifbtaart trace oi aduiteratiot. bat on ti:e other hand is co possd of
the fet of at!; and choicer of hope. Its tonic qualities are of the higb
est at: .: cor. v.-ed witt rr.e greatest tietiefi: and satisfaction by old and
yonng. Its use can conscientifjna'y be presented by tbe physician' witt
:tr ct-sa.f. ttat a :etter, pnrer or mm a sholSBOIWa beverage could net
possibly t found.'"
Bast Second Street, THE DALLES. OREGON.
4- ,e,sa'.e -a.'V a a. 'v,'sv a
I have re-opened this vreil-kno-xn Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all Kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer
Uon'i Kuti ii in,
we: t ti- atlecte- tanlfree y with
Mytterlotts Pa.c Cure a -c ..tct remedy,
aod tt,e pain it gone. r?oid by Ciarke i
V't; pay tl To fe! ga..on for inferior
pa:f - abas voc ct bey James E.
Pattjt's sun trjof psiatl for II. 50 per
M Moo, gu-ranteec for 5 yeare. C.arn k
Fa.c agente. ml
i ur
A J, L C8t separator : good as new
and ready ior wort : 3-inct ByliadSt
and a 14 Woodhury I:ngee torse power.
Oo eas; terms. Apply to
GtOfcOt Not AM:,
:v2-ak'.vluio L'ufur. .r.
tM Oriica a - VjkMoivja. Waab.,
June 1. 1101. ,
Notice il BSrSBT aivaa tna: tbtt lolloi ...s
tt,ec tettiert have filed notice ol ifceir lotentior.
ic aiaae final proof la ujijon ol tiiei-r iaimatd
ttat Miit prjoi wit Ca made U-ior. tot KeviaU-r
mid Reeaivoi C i iand om.. at Vaaeas ai
a'aafilnston. FrMaj Asasata,litl ria,
w Ulaaai a. O'ltasl.
H E Nc .-.. tttS-.-rifSt-j :-i -OfK
it. and r?fc , ol aa U, ij . n. i. .. y.'
. !.. lio oau.ea ttii lollowun; ritrnini Id
itn ti toiitiDU"'un reidence upon aud u)ti
ration oJ mic uaiid. ria.
Rajaaal h Itaals Qaoasj a BnWer. WUUaai
H Hoppat atiC lobs uaffrou. all ot UfU '. (.'.
a aabingaio
Butt! I k Strata,
H K. So .aBM, (or tne S:- of NISU. Bat 13 ij, .
N, b I.S, '' ati wfio namea tba uDowiBg -.t
. prove ti aoattauooa raakieoci ujn.
awl l ill! alio! -a. . .:.: vu
W i!!iarr. I. O'Neal '.eorfe A Bolder, William
H li.rppvr. Jotu Paltrui. a., ol i vk 1'. O.,
m iiiasaa H Basjapar,
ii. i. aa. asfa, fat tba K)4 et isrw, . :;, Tps
N a 12 k S ll-.Vka naim ttjt lolloViOf .l
nw w prove in eontinnooi reaidvii'-. uii.
aiid cultivation of aaid aud. u
Hum ., b .aaa. a'Uliau. j Sea'. u..,rs A
atider ttud John l'aflroa, nil of Ljo. i o aTaak
;liti' W. fc. lTKBaa i. U-r
Crandall & Barget o
in Robeb,
All kinds of ukdertakbrE Burial Shroods
Funeral Supplies embalmers te.
The ualles. Or.
Ay unprecedented offer:
Tte People's National Family Newspaper
Te all old and new eubecribere paying one year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for 81.50.
I'uLU'hed M :id;
Vasaaaeavy and Fn
cay. it la realitv a fine
and .'rent tvery otter
day lMi:j . . . nip ttv
latest Beat SI davs of
lasse, and coveniif
BSan I tte otter
II aastalsa ail impor
u: t luraap aasla
lit-a a Bit appert
ir. tin Pally Tribune
i1 Mint- dale, atari do
nn.ti. at d faaaafs
laonSSnet, nhort
tone, .-lecaiit ball
un Uloatrationa, bu
Btofooa IBm, iudua
Il a . ioiuruaCloo,
faabioi. note? airneu'.
Bars waUata. auo
jaajiiatiiiMli i aod rv Bnsncis and
BUMTkat reporu.
bituiar kunacrip
t. .1 price. 1. ai. per
We funiUt it with
- ati W cnroiii
Cla for I2.H per year
Publiahe ol Tcure
day aad kSOwS f
nearly ixty year in
e ery part of tin I Be
tec Btasai Batea
a! Umily sSSSBafSI
of tbe higbet ciai
!r farmer and eilla-
Bere It conlo:o all
tbe moat important
ajasatsl tea " .
Iai!y Tribui.v ui J
tte bour of Ko.uf B
praai I"
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