The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 26, 1901, Image 3

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that Saturday is the Bargain
Day at our Store.
Crash and
Linen Suits
for Men
and Boys....
ja. A dl
Please remember that
war that a merchant c lean?
sequently a large number of
trom the regular stock.
this is the time of the
up his stork, and con-
Kemnants are taken
One-Half Price
Friday and
For Saturday Only we will give you the
mefit of this cleaning up, and place every remnant
the house at Half the Marked Price.
We also have a
it-rv that we will
large stock of Tan and Fancv
out at half price.
$0.75 Suits $3 40
5.00 Suits 2 50
4 00 Suits 2 00
3.75 Suits 1 90
65c, -r0c and 40c Host?
Saturday price
;?i-2 cents
$2.50 Suits.
1.60 Suits
1 00 Suit"
.75 Suits
Balbrincan Sutnmei
45c suit
Friday and Saturday only.
r v -s w
"SF pt y jE :
: A:
. Hi
y ""V1 V' V'
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 20. 1901
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All fVasca Comity warrants registered
prior to September i, 1k;ik. will tie jiald
no presentation at uiy office. Iuterest
f'case. after J 01 IS, 1M1.
County Treasurer.
A waitress wanted. Apply at trie
Umatilla Houpe. jy25 XL
Wanted A competent girl to do din
ing room work. Apply at Jones' cafe.
Tomorrow is undoubtedly patent
leather day in A. M. Williams & Co. 's
shoe department. $5 values in men's
oxfords, i. 15, while the $3. 50 ones are
only $2.35.
Tiit first load of this Beaeon's wheat to
arrive in Tne Dalles was delivered yes
terday at the Wacco warehouse by Geo.
A. Hearth, of Fairfield. It weighed
" . ,muude to the bushel.
TheLugene Register sarcastically eays :
"K all the rest of the republican news
paper men are going to enter the race
lor state printer we might ae well an
nounce oii-selves and make it unani
mous." Henry DoMfa writes from the Buffalo
UpOaitiotl that Oregon cherries "take
the bakery and the girl behind the
counter for size and beauty, and are just
our times as large as any other cherries
1 the horticultural building."
Joe i lakes, an opium fiend, who was
committed by Commissioner Hudson to
the 1 ii i ted Stat.-s grand jury about a
month ago on a charge of selling whiskey
'o Indian!, was today sentenced to six
BtOOtbl q the Wasco cotfntv jail, and
a fine of ioo.
Tne j;iano drawing at Humbert's lead
l0K Cigar and tobacco bouse will take
Place tomorrow at 8 p. in. J'arties hold
loi! tickets on same will please te
present if possible, Parties wishing to
Mid obatiOM on this beautiful piano will
10 well by purchasing their wants be
ort s p, in. tomorrow..
At the Wilkinson warehouse yester
day tne following girls packed the iiiim
I ot boxes of plums attached to their
UttN Sarah Root, 64 ; Bertie Fouts,
Hannah Schwab. 4 i l.nln Klak.
rannie hoot, 40; raia Dawaoo
marriage in Vancouver, Washington.
July 17th, to Mrs, M. A. Hatchings.
The happy couple left Vancouver the fol
lowing day for their home at Shaniko.
The Chkonk le and Mr. Betty's many
friends in The Dalles wish him and his
bride many happy days.
Public schools have about fifteen
months yet in which to change from the
: old to the new series of school books,
but the book firms, who allow 50 per
cent exchange on old hooks, will not ex
change after Dec. 31st this year. Prob
ably most of the schools will commence
using the new booss this year,, at the
opening of the fall term.
County Clerk Lake is an old-time saw
mill man, as everybody knows. He was
i so long accustomed to the odor of the
1 Wamic pine trees that he keepe a Back
j of sawduet in his office to smell thereat
whenever he feels a longing for his old
; occupation. If you think this is a yarn
take a peep into the telephone closet the
first time you are in the clerk's office.
The famous Tonnesen art studies a
, set of twelve free with a three monthe'
subscription to the Kvening Telegram.
Originals sell for $1 each. They are
beautiful. On display at Grant's, the
Americau Cigar and News Stand. Pay
three months' subscription and 25 cents
! $1 00 in all and get the entire twelve
i beautiful art pictures. jy20-3t
1 A. A. Bunney, stock inspector of Was
co county, in his annual report to the
! county court, among other things says i
"I do not know of any mange in horses
at this time, but think it quite probable
; that there are some.'' The fact oi the
' matter is, there is mange among the
larige horses of Wasco county, and if the
stock inspector does not know of it he
should, as no one pretends to keep it
a secret. We might add, '"where igno
rance is bliss 'tie (oily tj be wise."
Shaniko Leader.
A recaption was given last evening at
the home of Mrs. McCune on Union
Street to Mr. and Mrs. Wetherell, two
former residents of this city, who were
married iu Spokane last week and who
are returning from a trip to Wind River
to make their future home In Heppner.
A dainty supper was served and a verv
pleasant and enjoyable time was had.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Wetherell, Mesdames McCune.
Ward, Bagley, Francisco, Johnson,
Hoering, Hayes, Weber, Misses Oeorgie
and Bertha Johnson, Lucy Fox, Jennie
Martin, Kva Bagley, Ida Ward, Alice
Smith of Illinois, and Messrs George
Kgbert, Rjbert O'Rrieu arid Joe Martin
holding of future meetings of the associ
ation and the transaction of business
that may require prompt attention
Commissioner Kuney, of Sherman
county, gave his proxy to E. M. Wil
liams, and Commissioner Dukek, of
Gilliam countv, gave his to L. E. Crowe.
Hie Congressional I'art'w VUlt.,.
The congressional party reached The
Dalles yesterday at 7:30 p. m. and din
ner was not served till a full hour and a
half later. This disconcerted previously
announced plans and, as a result, by the
time dinner was over it was too late for
the reception at the club rooms. After
dinner ehort speeches were made by
Representative Moody, Chairman Bur
ton and Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood
At a little after six this morning a
special train took the party with a few
Dalles people up the river as far as Ce
lilo where they remained inspecting tr e
Htt 'flT Mnre'n lie I'nulil Chaw
One of the prominent dishes on the
menu card of last night's banquet was
"Trout with Tartare Sauce." And it
was n del irion adjunct to an elegant
repast, as this deponent well knows,
who, through the courtesy of John
Burns, the gentlemanly steward of the
Regulator, had a chance to sample a
couple of the speckled beauties the
night before. Where the fish came
from of course nobody in the world
knows, and it is altogether probable the
congressonal party will never know how
near they came of being deprived of this
delectable dish.
We have a deputy game warden here.
At least 1. mis Fritr. says he is a game
warden, and if anyone doubts it he
shows a star. But while the game and
fish laws are open I v violated every day:
while tish are caught out of season, and
in illegal numbers ; while trout streams!
are filled with sawdust or have high 1
dams built across them : while baskets ;
full of trOOt enter the city from outside !
places almost everv dav in the week ; I
and these violations of the law, if they j
are all violations, are open and notori-i
ous ; if the deputy game warden has ever
seriously bothered liimseif to bring the I
ollVnders to justice this purveyor of
news has never heard of it.
Yesterdav, however, it was different, j
The city had a large number of guests i
whom it wanted to honor. The beet we
had or could procure was none too good
and so somebody provided a course of
brook trout. The fish had b?en placed
in cold storage and yesterday afternoon,
about the time they were needed at the
kitchen of ti:e Regulator, Andy Steel,
clerk for the Dalles Commission Com
pany, put them on the delivery wagon
and drove to the store for more supplies.
This was the opportunity for imortal
izint himself that Louis had looked for
ward to for several hours. So going up
to the wagon he showed his ntar as his
warrant of authority, and peeping under
the cover of the boxes as if he was
ignorant of their contents he pulled
them orf the wagon, sat down on them
and, like a boy in his first pants, pro
ceeded to yell at the top of his voice :
"Hi there! See what I ketched ! Do
you want a mess of trout?" His cries
of course attracted a little crowd, and
when Louie had demonstrated that he
was th greatest deputy game warden
t he world ever saw he hired an exprees
wagon and removed the fish to the
cellar of his residence up on the bluff.
Meanwhile the steward of the Regu
lator appeared on the scene and offered
to put up indemnity bonds to any
amount desired, conditioned that the
fish should be released. Louis, how
ever, was obdurate. Justice must have
her wa though the heavens should
drop, and the fish must be taken to his
ow n cellar if he had to eat every one of
them himself.
It was in the neighborhood of 6 o'clock
when Louie swore out a warrant in
Judge Doherty's court for the arrest of
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Some Bargains
Boys' Knee Pant Suits
20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits.
John Borne. C. W. Simoneon and A. L.
river obstructions at all the important j SteeL Tb primnwi were soon round
points, and returned here at a littleafter ! lltl arif, ftrrainp,i h... ia
Doberty, and Attorney E. B. Dufur was
present as the representative of the
The attempt to prove through
the complaining witness that the prieon-
or ever owned a
eleven o'clock. This was by far the
most satisfactory incident of the entire
visit. The committee, after viewing the ; gtate
obstructions at close range, were im
pressed as never before that at the prin
cipal obstruction there is a natural
canal of 9000 feet in length that, accord
ing to the latest suggestion in Mayor
Hart's report, only requires to be
ere had sold, nought,
single trout in the entire lot, ended in
a farce. Louis had bit off more than he
could chaw. Steward Burns of the
Regulator proved to the satisfaction of
New Grocery Store
Wo hgvgadded a Grocery Depart
ment t our store. A new fresh ,
t 1 gan stock. Give us a call. Prompt
delivery to any part of the city.
...MAYS f CROWE:...
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent fur Russell iV Co.'s EnginMi Threshers ami Haw miiih.
Cor. Second & Lanolin Sts, THE DALLES. OR.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 1073.
widened out to the necessary proportions j the ,.ourt an(J everybo,,y elee, including
and have a lock at the upper end of the probaWy eveu the deputy gHU1B wur(Jeni
basalt gorge, with a 3000-foot canal and j ,hat Ujtj flj ,ja( t of) the R
Jocks arounil the talis ki Leiiio. line
personal inspection of the river obstruc
tions wae worth more to the cause of an
open river than any other incident of
the Inland Empire trip and 'rom it the
very best remits are expected.
The party boarded the Regulator at
noon and, after eteaming up ae far as
Three-Mile rapids t'ie boat turned her
prow towards the Locks and Portland.
id Sot Say It.
N'ku Yokk, July 85. A letter has
been received fiom 1'. Estrada Palm a to
Horatio Reubens, in which the former
der. ies the assurance in favor of the an
nexation of Cuba to ttie United States,
attributed to him, says a dispatch from
Havana to the Tribune. He denies also
that General Maximo Gomtl made simi
lar declarations on the same occasion,
and says he 'Paima and Gome, both
favor absolute independence and oppose
annexation. The leaders of all political
parties requested the publication of the
letter from r-enot Pal ma.
Fell Fourteeu stones.
OfllCAOOj July 2o John Li Collins, 53
The commissioners of the Second Ore- )years old, said to bo a son of Rear-Aduii-gou
District Agricultural Far Aesocia- W Napoleon Collins, prominent during
tion, who met in this city yesterday af- Jthe Cival War, plunged 14 stories to his
teruoon, organizad by electing Robert .alb ju the Masonic Temple here. He
Mave president, J. b. Fish, treasurer, wa8 caught between the elevator and
m ....... 'PL . . . ww i i I .LIU
and Wt W. Williams secretary. The
shaft. He leaves a wife and child
curnside Taylor is the boas of the . i,Mi. n.. ri. Avail ur W i a u ik...
e "ersaua he claims that the packing (jetober 1st to 5th. All the counties in , . "TTT T -
tra well down. dielrict were presented either J j W 2. '
Mr. Fen Batty, of the Columbia person or by proxy except Morrow ant : of lat "d rU,t 8 bruBhe,JL
oothern Hotel, Shaniko, was united in 1 Umatilla. In order to facilitate thej Subscribe for This Chmomiclk.
j lator by the boat's crew, at White
Salmon, and ttie only thing thai Mr.
Simoneon and hie clerk had to do with
them was thai they were risked to pack
them in ice and place them in cold
storage till such time ae they were
needed. Judge Doberty very sensibly
difm Iliad the case.
a Remarkable OetofenariMi
Although eighty-two years old this
summer, Mre. II. P. Van Cleve, "the j
first white bahy born in the Northwest, "
is still vigorous of mind and actively in- j
terested iu the WOT Id' I alidirs. She lives
In Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her life an
told in tiie Ladies' Home Journal for
August, is a plotOrMqoa and exciting
one. Born at Fort Crawford, Wi-ninsin, i
on July 1,1819, the daughter of one'
army officer and the widow of another, '
she paseeil through all the trials, hard
ships and adventures of military and
pioneer life on the frontier, and although
she has spent most of her later years in
cities, her experiencee have still been of
a varied and unusual character. Her
golden wedding anniversary wae cele
brated more than fifteen years ago.
For infauti and Children.
Ill Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
When your hair appears dry and to
have loet ite vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets In that con
dition. We have the Crown of
Science Hair rfSSffiaafc Grower and
Cocoanut (eamBEttMr Tonic. They
will coie dand WSBB mil' and all
scalp diseases. For sale at's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
Dyspepsia can be cured by using I
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little1
lanlel will give immediate reliet or
money refunded. Kohl in'handsome tin
boxes at 25 els. Blakelev the druggist.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke i Fulk.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts. i
All orden attended to promptly, l ong
distance phone 488. Local. 102.
Just the thing to take along when vnt
go earn nine or to the seecoast. For Hale
Clarke tit Falk have received a cm load
of the celebrated James R, Pattou
strictlv nqra liquid palnti
Bliy those low shoes Satunlay and get ymir money s
wnrth. Five-dollar patent leathers
Also a few paira of the three-Hfty quality