The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 26, 1901, Image 1

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3tyc Dalle
NO. 137
AM-gcfable Prcparationfor As
similating the Food andRegula
ling the Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigestionChrerfur
ness and Rest Contains neitlicr
Onium .Morphine norunerai.
Mot N.xrcotic.
ye if ' h V I SAM 1 21 PtTCWR
PirmfJuu Set J- .
lixktlU Wf -franrrmml
CI at 04 Miaar
I .pcrfec1 Remedy forConstipa
fun, Sour Stomach, Diairtoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ness find Loss of Sleep.
Tat'Sunilc SiOoature or
Vast Tracts of Land in Northern Cali
fornia and Southern Oregon Will
be Opeoed up as a Result.
San Fkancim o, July 2j. The South
ern Pacific Company has closed some
ti::ilier land deals during the pat fn
davi tbst prom '.ee to pave the way for the
Opening up of vast tracts of timber coun
try in the northern part of the state in
the i. t-ar future. It is announced that
the company'! negotiations with T. B,
Walker, ol Minneapolis, for the sale of
100,1 I 1 acres of timber land in the Mc
Cloud River district have been consum
mated. The compHnv is closing a con
tract (or t he sale of 70.000 acres of timber
Od along the Pitt Kiver and ite tribu
taries and it is announced that another
Wl of purctiasers had agreed to take 55,
lu res in Southern Oregon.
A syndicate of Pennsylvania capitalists
which recently purchased 45,000 acres of
timber in the Klamath River district is
preparing to co operate with other lum
bering interests in the neighborhood for
the building of a railroad that will con
nect with the Southern Pacific and fur
nish the facilities for the opening upota
vact foreet of virgin timber.
1 w i SeaUklua tin, KeaauD.
Washington, July 25 From a pre
niinary report dated June 26th, re
ceived from the special agent in charge
oi the Seal Islands, of Alaska, it is
ingbt that the number of seals which
will tie taken during the present season
will not equal that of last year, when
ao'iot 22 500 eealskiue were secured.
The agent reports a perponderance of
de s.a,i the pkioa o wuich prohab'y
i II exceed in weight those of previous
Food C'lauKd to I'ulsuu.
Putrefying f,,(,d in the intestines pro
duces ftt'ects like those of arsenic, but
Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, curing Const ipation,
biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all
Liftf, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only
6 at Q, C. Blaknley's drug store. 4
Giffords Fotoe Never Fade.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Ouestlon Answered.
Yes. August Flower still hae the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliousnees. Doctors
were scarce and they eeldom heard of
appendicitis", nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out the systemand stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You onl need a few doses
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothi"g serious ttie matter with you.
(iet Green's prize almanac Clarke &
Falk's. 1
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
cure f it my present good health and my
life. I was treated in vain by doctore
for lung trouble following la grippe. I
took Ooe Minute Cough Cure and re
covered uiv health." Mr. E. H. Wise,
Madison, Ga. Clarke k Falk's P. O.
You can never cure dyspepeia by diet
ing. Whit your body needs is plenty of
good food properly digested. Then if
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
; the natural digestaots hence must digest
every class of food and so prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishing the body
I and replacing tDe wasted tissues, thus
: giving life, health, strength, ambition,
pure blood and good healthy appetite.
Clarke & Falk's P O. Pharmacy.
R. B. Gilbreth & ons will keep at all
times a supply of hay, graiu and teed
which tbev will retail at the lowest
market rates. j--l
Wanted A small family to occupy
the home and keep house for an aged
widower. Liberal terms can be bad.
Apply at this office. j:y22-lm
Mid-summer clearance sale of mill!
nery at the Campbell & Wilson Milli
nery parlors. Everything in the line of
headwear at one half life actual val-
: ae. j28-lm
i Just received a new supply of North
', rup i Sturgis' pure food products, as
follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa-
nut, baking soda and high grade leaven
I er. If it' Nurthrup & Sturgis, it is
igood. Get a package and try it. For
! sale bv Conrov, Son & Co., S. L Brooks
! old stand, The Dalles, Or. jyi2 2wd
i the britons
They Have no Faith in Koch's Tuber
culosis Theory.
London, July 25. Presiding at this
afternoon's session of the British Con
gress of Tuberculosis. Earl Spencer,
Chancellor of Victoria University, and a
vice-president of the congress, severely
criticised Pr Robert Koch's theory that
human beings were immune from con
tagion from tuberculosis cattle. The
speaker earnestly trusted the congress
, would not endorse the view that it was
I unnecessary to take measures to prevent
the transmission of tuberculosis from
' animals to humans.
Professor John MacFadycan, of the
' Royal Veterinary College, read a pa.jer
on tnbercule bacilli in milk as a source
; of tuberculosis in man. He said that tin
: til Dr. Koch had declared himself in this
I connection to the contrary, it was sup
' po9Pd to have been fully proven that
human and bovine tuberculosis were
' identical diseases. Professor MacFady
I can discussed the grounds on which Dr.
. Koch based his belief, contending that
' tbev were not well founded, and had
little bearing upon the question. He
submitted arguments to prove that there
, were the strongest grounds for regarding
milk from tuberculous cows as distinctly
dangerous to human beings,
j Dr. Ravenal, of Philadelpia, gave an
, instance of the infection of 10 persons
j from tuberculous cattle, hut said he con
sidered such instances to be rare.
I James King, a veterinary inspector, of
I Loudon, who spoke before the congress,
I attributsd the large increase in the im
! ported meat trade to the rigid inspection
'of bome-killed cattle, and said a meat
! salesman assured him that the losses
from condemned carcasses was so great
that the British dealers were forced to
i bay imported meat. Mr. King dissented
' flatly from Dr. Koch's belief in the non
transmission of bovine tuberculosis to
humans, and urged the adoption of strin
gent measures in this respect to insure
the healthfulness of imported carcasseB.
He also urged a government compensa
tion for cattle destroyed under its orders,
in order thoroughly to stamp out tuoer
; culosis from British herds, where he de
clared it was alarmingly prevalent.
Candidates for the Successor to Pope
Leo Will Soon Hold a Conclave at
the Vatican.
Rome. July 25. Although the Pope is
in excellent health, the feeling prevails
at the Vatican that a meeting of the col
lege of cardinals cannot be far oft', and it
is no secret that the candidates for the
papacy are making elaborate prepara
tions for this conclave.
One of the chief characteristics of the
next conclave, according to a high pre
late will be the large number of candi
dates for the chair of St. Peter. A first
scrutiny is expected to show six or seven
cardinale being favored for the pontific
ate. Those who are well informed antici
pate a deadlock, and the ultimate select
ion of an outsider who has not yet been
rrre'lrailn With I'orlo Klco.
Washington, July 26. The presideut
today issued bis proclamation estab
lishing free tra ie between Porto Rico
and the United States, and declaring the
organization of a cival government for
the island. The proclamation is purely
formal and only in the body of the reso
lutions adopted by the PorUi Rico Legis
lature (heretofore published I, does it
a d near that the island is set free com
mercially today in commemoration of
the anniversary of the plantiug of the
American iiag on the island. The pro
clamation is headed "Cessation of Tar
iffPorto Rico."
Clarke dt Falk's Savoring extracts are
the beet. Ask your w lor them.
I A 3-Day
Boys' Waists and
Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday
At those very liberal reductions we should have no trouble in disposing of our en
tire fine in the three days of this sale. And sueh Waists! None hut what are abso
lutely perfect condition, style, tit and quality.
Biouse Waists worth 38c and 42c will be, each 25c.
Waists and Blouses worth 50c, 68c, 75c ami 88c will he. each 38c.
Waists and Blouses worth $1.25 will he, each 75c.
Of Percales and Lawns Plain or figured, white or colored; some
trimmed with self-ruffles, others with ruffles of embroiderv; some with hands of same
material in contrasting colors; Borne with large sailor collar, others with small luun
dered collar and cutis." All are strictly up-to-date.
A. M. Williams L Co.
Dalles, Portland & Hstoria
at 7 A. M. and 11 P. II.
...Portland Boat...
at 7 :00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M.
W. C. ALLAWAY, Genera! Aifent,
The Dalles, Oregon.
lis tflllAilllil Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
: . v MOTT'8 PCMUYRIIYAI PII IS' iityW?nkd
mots .,,,!, fP'RI I I Lllll IIU I flL I ILLU oiuUslous, iiicrouxe viR-
'.IS fBaoMV I II jrik or ami buuUii " puiua
' m W of tneuKtruation." They are "MPIS 8AVKIW" to girl t
K womanhood, uidiiif.' development f org'iina and body. No
mJW known remedy for women equals thein. t'uunot do iiurui life
".jflg V becomes it pleasure. .04l IMCIt HOX BY MAIL Sold
Executor's Notice. JBsSSw. by iruiriciu. uit. mott "s t ulmk al co., cicveiund, oiiio.
Hotlll afb fivw Mat M Z DodmU aai Foi sale by Geo. C. Hlakeley, The Dalles, Or.
ttm-ii lul itoJ executor Ol I lie lnt will I jja.. .n n i n
Hlld ttBlHUH-Ilt ef All i I.U" I.Oiei ilc.l
All Mraoaa taaving 'Ulins uK"ii"t ttie sstata
of kaid Ann l.ucliliiKer are lit-rcliy nulillnd U
prssent Hie mum i me, rariftad a. by lw re-
qulrad, witbio als moutfea Iroai tin dtla thu .
D& t uaiias eitr tnis Tth da( of j.. Subscribe for The Chronicle.
jouft VI. Hon n KM.. Kxecuter.
Floral lotion win cure wmu chapping - - 1.1 1 il, n riVmAfiiAla
and sunburn. Manufactured by Car- AdV6rtlS6 in tH6 OnrOniCJO
& Kalk
vSale of
We will offer parents a chance to make their loys
comfortable at a very small price.
The little fellows notice the heal quite as much as
we do ami will in many instances be better boys for
being comfortably clad.
C. J. STUBLilflG,
Wines, Liquors. Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Hank.
I pa
h Lo
ll 1,1 Hi. lO'JI .
Wasco Warehonse Milling Co.,
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mTiSd
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Penile-
4rvr TPlrmT This Hour is manufactured expressly (or family
LUU JC 1UUI lIM): Hverv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wo sell our gooda lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think M
1 "-
- 1