ITiumiii of Visiting ommlHfr. The special train 0QBUtnlO the river I I - jt ': This is to be the Greatest Bargain Week of the Summer. Now that Summer is here in earnest, we realize the fact that you are in nood of cool, dressy Summer Goods, so we offer you for one week some splendid inducements. Men s i Fancy Hose o I 50c Silk Chambras, this week 42c 45c Fancy Striped Chambras. this week 37c 30c Mercerized Foulards, this week 22c $ 20c Dimities in latest effects, this week 15c c Lawns, this week 12c en Lawns, this week 11c Lawns, this week 08'c Combed Maco, Extra spliced heel and toe. Latest colorings in Fancy Hosiery: Special 3 pairs for 50c t no We were so well pleased with last week that we have decided to maining few dozen at 23c. our Corset Sale close out the re ft f i i J A rfk A. jfcr -tk i-V it iAf A REMEMBER. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Summer Suspenders, 35c. PEASE 5c MAYS. xV A.TV xr W A -Wr.. V ' V 8i JV- Vvvv V V1 V -v---. s i f f Sr . A A A-.j&- AAA ,J Ar & JUL W V W v "W- WfS Monarch shirts. Arrow Brand Collars. 2 for 25 cents. Rumchundas and grenadine Windsors and bows, 50c. ! and Mtboft committee is due here ut 6:80 tonight. The hour of dinner is lined ft 7 o'clock on Uianl the Regulator, ; which has hcen handsomely decorated for the occasion. The dining room tmbltl are set in the form of it double cross and j it is hoped will he able to accommodate all the guests. The limited capacity of : the boat's dining saloon necessitated 1 only a limited numter of invitations to Hallos people to dinner, but this un avoidable inconvenience it is hoped In some measure to be overcome by a pub- lie reception after dinner in the spacious rooms of the Commercial Club. TMI I CHRONICLE presumes, in the absence of any definite information, that the re ception will commence not later than i 9 o'clock. As it is a public reception and the occasion one of immense im port to the people of Kastern Oreaon, it ; is hoped that the people of The Dalles i will manifest their interest in the event by as large a representation of both , sexes as possible. A telegram was received from Kepre- : sentative Moody at o'clock this after noon conveying the information that ; the committee, attaches, local delegation and reporters coming here number about i thirt-five. This is fewer than was ex pected. Sleeping accommodations have ; been secured at the I'matilla House for ! the overflow. Mr. Moody expects the ! train to arrive here at 7 o'clock but the dispatchers put its arrival half an hour earlier. The party will not stop at Ce-j I no to view ttie rapids but will go up the river for that pnrpose on a special train in the morning. From here they will go j to Portland on the llegulator. The party, Mr. Moodv adds, "will arrive too j late for full drees and too tired for j speeches." Viewed From Another Standpoint. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Streot. The BARGAIN STORE of tiie City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY, 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS The Dalles Daily Chroniele. - - JULY 25, 1901 THURSDAY i Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Ifaeeo County warrants ree;istre1 prior to September , iks. win ie paid od presentation at my office. Interest eeaeeeafter ?al ISi isoi. JOHN f. liirillkli County Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A waitress wanted. Apply at the ' mati. la lloupe. jy5 St Roy Moore, a Hillsboro boy, is at The bailee Iljspital with a broken leg. He and another lad while driving out to the SimoDBon ranch in a livery rig up9et the :mngv in( jn the fall Moore's right leg KM :irukt-ii in two places. Rev, George W. Gne, D. D., pastor of Centenary church, Last Side, and a procuinent minister of the Methodist EpUc ,&. charob, dropped dead yester day foreoooo, from heart disease, on the Southern Pacific railway track, near Eaet -tark etreet, Portland. Correct in style, quality and shaj at the feat e show, and these Pingree patent 'eatt,er oxforde certainly have it ail. Next Saturday 4.15 buys the $6 ones d8.3S the $3 G ones. See window Replay of A. M. Williams & Co. Joe SotHbwell, a pioneer rebident of II'mco coanty, died at Lis home on Tei; Mile Tueeday, July 2Si, aged SO years. Ttjfc cause of death was bripht'e disease !fotc Which the deceased has suffered WW years. Fur the paBt two years he M "Ti fined to f,is bed practically all HM time, meeting ,,f the commissioners of the Second Oregon District Pair Association w' bld today in Judge Mays' office to appoint U.ts time for holding the fair, Mn H1 probably be from the first to 'M fifth of October to revise the pre ,r"Ul,J and transact other business "-ay come befoie them. wiMiooeri file com- will organize bv KltM-tinv h PNeldBt, treaanrxr arl mmmmAmm ti COtliniittftionAra It ra ..... ,, W.VU., V!!!,, , .IC. 11, 1 Mays, of Wasco county ; C. C. of Sherman, and G. B. Dukek, are liere in person, and John tbe k 'Oert Kuney ' Giiau Cuou, hs Prospector. A. I. I.ytle, in cold blood, last Sunday shot to death Emmet Egan. at the Derhatn sawmill in northern Crook. Egan was in his room in the morning dressing when the door was thrown open by Lytie, who, without a word of warning, leveled an old cap and ball pistol cn Egan and fired, the bul'et striking turn in the short ribs just be low the heart and lodging in the back. Lytle then turned and said: "I guess the won't insult my wife again." Egan lingered until night when he passed away. Tbe Prospector learns that tbe shooting was entirely an , called for and that the murdered man made a dying declaration that is enough to convict Lytle of a cold-blooded mur der. The murderer went to Prineville and gave himself up to the sheriff. The Ciii:ox:ci.e sometimes wonders if 1 tbe men who refuse to contribute to the fair fund because the proposed fence around tbe race track is a contribution to a private corporation, have ever heard that before the Driving Association asked for a cent to build the fence, or rather before a stick of the fence will be in place tbe association will have spent tbe sum of if.OOO on the track and grounds of their own money exclusive of tbe $'100 they got from last year's carni val committee, Not only is this true but before tbe gentlemen of the Driving As sociation asked for a cent from tbe outside for the proposed fair they pledged their names for nearly $1,500 more in bard cash, making a contribution from this source of $3,500. The OrKOKICLB wonders too if it is fully understood , that the Driving Association offer to give i the use of their track an i grounds to tbe district fair for ill time free of a rent of charge either ior the use of them or for their repair and maintenance. The county jail has a pri-toner by the I name of Brooks but whose real name it said to be Miller. Brooks is bound over in the sum of $-300 for stealing 17 in cash, a watch and clothing from tbe J X L restaurant. When he was arret ed a lady's gold watch was found on ; him and Sheriff Kellv. Deputy Sheriff Wood and Officer Aiieky have been working ever since to find the owner of the wat :h. They were rewarded today by receiving a letter from the chief of police of Sacramento informing tbem that the watch belonged to a school teacher of that city, w ho is at present on her vacation at the coast and whose name is Klotz. The watch has engraved on the ineide of the case the name of Lizzie Klot and the date 1886. Brooks is evidently an old offender as well as an all-around tough citizen, lie is one of the two fellows who recenliv afternoon to interview the business men of the city on t tie subiect of the fair and carnival, confining their visits, of eet purpose, to those who have not already pat themselves on record as refusing to contribute anything towards the expense of the project, and avoiding the saloon and restaurant men, wbo are unani mously in favor of the fair and willing to, subscribe liberally towards its expense. Before ending their round for the day they had visited the four business blocks on Secomi street west of Washington street and a considerable part of. the East End. They report having had a most cordial reception everywhere. Only two received theni eoldlv at first and be fore the committee and they parted each promised to do his part in contributing, as onefof them said, "even more than I feei I am able to do because I feel it to be a necessity that something be done to improve the business of the town." C ASTOR I A Tor inlands and Cniidrea. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Srn autre a SEALED BIDS. Bids will be received at the recorder's office of Dalles City, for the city lot on the south side of Third street between Court and Washington streets. All bids to be deposited at the recorder 'office on or before August 1, ISO), and addressed Lot. The size of lot is 58x ' Bids for 100 feet. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon this 20th day of July, 1901, by order ol the coun cil. J. DOHKJil v, Jy20sagl City recorder. Tne White Collar line, Bailey Gatzert, will sell through roand-trip tickets to Seaside aud return. Tickets good going from Portland over the White Co.lar line, ( . R, v X. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. ik C. K. P., and return over same lines. Baggage checked direct to either North Peach, St-aview, Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean Park or Xahcotta. Limit of Septemuer 15tb J. M. I illoon, ticket fttlti Just received at of Crook countv. is renreeented tried to saw their wav through the bars ) proxy. Wtn. TtiompeoD, of Wheeler, of the jail window. Brooks furnished pet-ted but bad not arrived at tbe L li, . mm writing. It g auppoted WM I maUlla and Morrow countie. did uot appoint commiseioners. Crook county has another murder case 118 bands, according to tbe Ash wood the saw, wnich escaped the notice of tbe jailer by being concealed in the sole of the prisoner's shoe. f . - Messrs I. C. Nickelaen, J. A. Doutbit and M. '.. Donnell, as a volunteer com mittee of three, started out yesterday Gllbretb Son'i I amber yard, a few carloads of X'o. 1 cedar posts and A shingles, 'iney are agents fur liealb & Miliigan's cele brated shingie paint. Call on tbem; their rices are all right. Wood not flumed is better by "0e a cord than wood that is. jylU We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week CaUMMCUi price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. I The Dai. i es, July 20, 1901. Em roB Chronii i.e i In answer to the article in yesterday's paper I will say that I myself do not ob ject to the carnival and stock show bnt to the extra expense of holding a race meeting in connection with the carnival I ' and street fair. If the Worthy Gentle-1 jmen who have the race track will take it ) sensible view of the matter and not try to crowd the little fish too much they would have no opposition, but I think they are trying to collect too much money at one time. I am asked to contribute 100 per cent more this year than last. Will the ex tra expense pay me? That is the way 1 look at it. Surely every man should be allowed to own his own business and say what he is able to give. Xow then if the Worthy Gentlemen that have this matter in charge will agree to have a first-class carnival and street fair for half the money they ask, for which they can do, they cau keep to themselves all the main entrance fees and let the street fair at tractions into the inclosure for Kf per cent of their gioss receipts for the priv ilege of showing the-e, then buy lumber that can be used to fence race track, and with it build fence around the carnival ; build stock sheds to show the stock, poultry, fruits and vegetables, and when the carnival is over take the lumber and use it for the benefit of the race track. fhe surplus money can also be used for that purpose, then instead of having a i street fair and carnival next year have a first class race meeting and stock fair. The 6tock show does not have to be 1 held at the race track to get whatever , premiums they may be awarded any more than the fruit and vegetable ex hibit. Try and meet us half way and 1 harmonize the matter. I beg to sub scribe myseif as one of those who was aked for more than he thought he could give. I If you want to retain your hair you I have to keep your scalp clean. Soap ' will make your hair harsh, dry and , crispy. .Vow we have two of the yery beat preparations for cieanbing tin scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glossy. ' Price), 26 and SO cents a bottle, at Frazer's I barber shop, The Dalles. tf j Experience is tbe best Teacher. L's.c Acker's Englit-Ji kemedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the drug gists. Those famous jittle pills, DeWitt's Little Early Risers compel your liver and bowels to do their duly, thus giving fOO r:ch, pure blood to recuperate your body. Are easy to take. Never gripe. ' Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our Btore,. A new frosh , olean8tock. GiyeugacaU. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS CROWE... p. S. GUYING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. DBALRB in Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Audit (orBuBwll & Co.'i Engines, Threihor and Saw Mills. Telephone 157. Long Distance 107:1. Cor. Second & LaniWin Sts, THE DALLES. OR. When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life aud vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con- I dltion. We have the Crown of Science Hair (irower and Coeoanut CreamSgggSf Tonic. They will cure daicl aHBBef roll and all scalp diseases. For sale at, 'h bar- I j ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. j Dyspepsia can he cured by using i ' Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little i Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold unhandsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Blakeley the druggist. A full line of Eastman films and sup- : j plies just received by Clarke A Falk. WM. MICHELL, ! Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sta. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phene 438. Local, 108, FOR CAMPERS. AUTOMATIC in,' in .lust the thing to take along when you go camnini; or to the Macoaiti For sulu by sexton A WALTHER, Clarke A Falk have received amrload of the celebrated Limes K. I'attou strictly MN liquid paints Clarke &. Falk's flavoring extracts are the heat. Ask your w -cer for them. Grifford's Fotos Never Fade. If anything ails your hair, go and see Eraser; he's the bead'juarterg for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. If DeWitt'a Witch II axel Salve should be promptly applied to cuts, burnt and scalds. It soothes and quickly heals the I injured part. There are worthless counterfeits, be sure to get DeWitl'e. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. WHAT IS THE USE- WAITING? Buy tliost; 6w shoes Saturday and got your money 'i Worth, Five-dollar patent leathers $4.15 per pair. Also a lew pairs of the three-Hfty Quality $2.35 A. M. WILLIAMS OX CO.