The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 25, 1901, Image 1

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NO. I3fi
'TTT1 I I ' 7 1 U
AYcctable PreparationforAs-
, simQating teFbodandfietfula
i Un5 ttie Stomachs andDowcls of
Promotes Diestion.ChecrfuI
nss is andRest.Contains neither
Opium, Morphine norIincraL
Not Narcotic.
toeyr- 0U 1M X4A?f 21 PITCHER
IvxktUr WiT -
qrnrult -iv
CtL-txinm, Stdo
MrmSft! -Clmfin!
'iiinknf-m Flavor
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
lon Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms . onvulsions .Fevensh
ncs ind LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature oT
J- inOQI Outlaw- I.m-terl ,
; : , Colo., JoSjr The person0
a vh i tj he U'embers of the Itemier
family, for whom, according to a dUnutch
fr im T peka. Governor Stanley of Kan-sa-bai
issued requisition papers on Got,
Ormarj of Colorado, are Mrs. Frtu.k
Ayeri and her mother, known a Mrs.
:.--! in Fort Coiiins, where they reside,
lit, i Will Biker, of Longtiiont. Mis.
-i vers was formally the wife of Cbaries
. tm iDt, who is serving a 14 vear term
: ti : criminal assauU. After she
lecnred a divorce from Lainont she mar
ried Frank Avers, and they lived on ad-
:ies near Manhattan, a min
:r!f camp 40 miles from Fort Cot I int.
Cwo years ago a fanriy from Kansas
! Maii lor, going through that por
tion of Colorado in prairie schooners,
camp-J at Avers' place. Mrs. Miiddox
- laid to have er claimed on coming iace
- i faca with Mrs. Avers.
u hy, y'.u're Kate Bandar." The ex
clamatioo was made in the presence of
Ayera, who later went tj Kansas, dis
KQiied bimaall as a woman, so that hie
aifa could not trace him, and at Cherry
' -i v to d the officers of his suspicions re
garding bia wife's family. He declares
that Mrs. Reed is in reality Mra. Bender
BUQ that she was separated from her
- land, who is living in Utah, and
tuat Will Baker is young Bender.
Mrs. Avers denies that she is Kate
lender, and declares that she will prove
"ti alibi, She is about 50 years old. Gov
traorOftMBli out of the city, but hie
private atcretary says that the requisi
te u papers mentioned in the Topeka
uiipatefa have not yet been received.
AIIbkkI to Hue stolen Horim.
' h:E(,oN OlTY, July 24 David McKel.
V, ,o armed at Damascus yestetda
itarnooo with a drove of 32 horses from
l.astern Oregon, was arretted by con
s'.ah.e Jackson, of The Dalies, and taken
l- W aaoo County on a warrant charg'n
Din with the larceny of eight horses.
stable Moody, who asisted Toe
J'alles officer in locating McKe.vay last
"'ght, stated that none of the horses in
the band were identified as those alleged
' I nave been stolen.
food CbaugeU to 1'oloou.
Putrefying food iD j,Le intestines pro
luces effect like those of arsenic, but
Dr. King New Life pj8 expel the
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easilv but surely, curing Constipation,
Hiliousneee, Sick Headache, Fever, all
i-iver, Kidney and Bowel troubk-. Only
Mta at G. C. Blakeley'e drug store. 4
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Oaestion Atiswerert.
Yes, August Flo war still has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of u-ing anything else for
indigestion and biliOQineat, Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis. nervooi irostration or
heait failure, etc. The? used August
Flower to cl-an out 'he system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the. liver, stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, and that is ail they took when feel
ing dull and had with headach-s and
other aches. You only need a few doses
of Green's Aogat Flower, in liquid
form, to make VOH satisfied there is
nothing - Ti U- t'ie matter with VOU.
i i: ( ireen s
priz- ahnanai
Clarkf &
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
cure for my pre--i,t good health and my
iiie. 1 wa- treated in vain by doctors
for lung trouble following la grippe, I
took One Minute Congo Cure and re
covered my health." Mr. E. H. Wine,
Madison. Ga. Clarke cV Falk's P. O
You can never cure dyspepsia by diet
ing. Whit your body needs is plentv of
good food proparl) digested. Then if
y our stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dvspepsia Core will. It contains ail of
the natural digestants hence must digest
every class of food and so prepare it that
nature can use it in noorlahing 'he lody
and replacing tne wasted tissues, thus
giving life, health, trXOgtb, amtdtion,
pure blood and good healthy appetite.
Clarke & Falk's V (J. Pharmacy.
K. B. Gilbreth A: -on- will keep at all
Mines a supplv of hay, gram and leed
Which thev will retail at tne lowest
market ratns. j20-tf
Wanted A email family to occupy
the home and k-en house for an aged
widower. Liberal terms can be bad.
Apply at Ibiioli j rW'lm
Mid-summer ciearnnce sale of milli
nery at the Campbell & Wilson Milli
: nery parlors. Kvervthing Ifl 'ie line of
beadwear at one half the actual val
ue. j28-lm
Just received a new sunplv of North
rup i S'urgir' puie foiid pro'luctf, as
follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa
nut, baking soda and high grade leaven
er. If it's Northrop & feturgis, it is
good. Get a package and try it. For
; sale bv Conrov, Son & Co., 8 L Hrooks'
1 old stand, The Dalles, Or. jy!2-2wd
May Eclipse Records of Last Week
Fortv Deaths Occuted in St- Loata
From Heat During Twenty four
Kansas City, July 24. A scorching
heat wave is prevalent over the South-
weal today, with conditions that make
it poeaible that the unprecedented high
temperature records of the past week
will be eclipsed. In Kansas Citv at 1
o'clock the weather bureau repoi ts 105
decrees, l tie highest ever recorded hete
so early in the day. Similar conditions
prevail throughout the state. The tem
perature here last niuht averaged 90 and
the atmosphere was extremely heavy. ,
Sleep was almost out of the question and
the suffering was great. Today locally
there is hardly a breath of air stirring,
and there is no rain in sight. The only !
rain for the pass 24 hours in Missouri or
Kansas is reported from Hays, Kan.,
near the center of the state, where a
light shower fell.
Twenty-five prostrations weie reported
up to 1 p. m.
Forty Heaths in St I. nuts.
St. Loiis, July 24 Twenty-two
deaths due directiv to the hat were re
ported in St. Louis yesterday. Inseverai
of these cases, death occured late Mou
day, and was not made public through
the ordinary channels until yesterday.
Ihermic fever, sunstroke, heat prostra- 1
tion and insolation are named as the,
various forms of the fatal stroke. 1 he ;
number of prostrations reported up to 2 j
o'clock this morning is 55. These records
for prostrations and deaths were never
equaled iu one day in the history ot St. j
Fnvsicians at the Citv Hospital passed
a hard day and nicht, cases airivingcon
ttantly and taxing the recources of tne
building to the utmost. Until a late
hour last night fresh cases constantly
arrived, and t tie medical staff was worked
to the point of exhaustion. The heat in
Bt. Louis yesterday was o; the record
breaaing sort, t tie government ooservat
lon office mercury registered 106 to the
e:iade at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
This was one degree short of Monday's
maximum 107 degrees which is the
highest ever recorded in this vicinity.
The temperature at noon today w as
102, two degrees higher than yesterday
at the eame time. Up to njon the re
ports received in the mortuary office
show 40 deaths from heat during the
past 24 hours. The wards of the City
Hoepital are full of heat patients. Dur
ing the past 24 hours 38 cases have been
treated. Ten cases were received this
afternoon. The actual number of pros
trations is much greater, but cannot be
learned, as many are treated at their
At 2 p. m. 106 and a fraction was the
official record, and the temperature was
still rising. The Transit Company has
offered to let poor children under 10
years of age ride free to the parks during
the period of excessive heat.
Kate, to fan-American Eipniilluu,
Kound-trip rates via O. R. cV N. from
The Dilies, 8I 'i0. Tickets on sale first
and third Tuesdays during June, Jul) ,
August, September and October.good for
continuous passage going on date of sale. ;
Kvturn limit thirty dtl from date of I
sale. Slop-overs will be allowed west of j
Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip j
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can be made by apply
ing to agent O. R. & N. Co , The Dalles,
wherery tickets will he honored on lake
steamers iu one or Itoth directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf J.Mts iMLAaVi Agent
"I wish to truthtudv slate to you and
the readers of these few lines that your
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is without ques
tion, the best and only cure for dyspepsia
that I have ever ome in contact with
and I have used many other prepara
tions. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa.
No preparation equals Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure as it contains ail the natural
Ji-i..t It mill divest all kinds of.
food and can't help but do you good.
Clarke V Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Butscribe for Thk Chuomclk.
A 3-Day
Boys Waists and
Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday -
At these very liberal reductions we Bhould have no trouble in disposing of our en
tire line in the three days of this sale. And such Waists: None bul what arc abso
lutely perfect condition, stylo, tit and quality.
Blouse Waists worth 38c and 42c will be, each 25c.
Waists and Blouses worth 50c, 68c, 75c and 88c will be, each 38c.
Waists and Blouses worth $1.25 will be, each 75c.
Of Percales and Lawns f Plain or figured, white or colored; some
trimmed with self-ruffles, others with ruffles of embroidery; some with hands of same
material in contrasting colore; some with large sailor collar, others with small laun
dered collar and culls.' All are strictly Up-to-date.
A. M.
Dalles, Portland & Astoria
at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M.
...Portland Boat...
at 7:00 A. M. and 3 :XJ P. M.
W. C. ALLAWAV, General Aent,
The Dalles, Oregon,
Kni"M I n p i t-, I'r-vHnt
BiiiontoaiiR, i jr. y it. Blood,
ir ll'ili. ' i ,;, j), flIMiV
BMrren uvi f t j. m Ti
'an Vth " t i ' r r ...
i III nr'-e;i(,nf
- i 'V con
Execjutor s Notice.
Mot la i arabf pi van tht m. z Dooptll i'i
ijei n riu!y tppoiutad aaaoutor 01 tin- it win
nml tefluim-iit of Aii'i LiiclilnKur. (leeeaMN
All IllTMIIIh llUVllIK ' lllllllK UKHI'lHt HM MUM
oi Mud Ann Laeblngar r baraby nollflw la
preaent th wina lo taa, varlfta4 by ';
(iiircl, within nlx UUNltbt frua tin- 1hI of lull
notice. , , ,
Datafl t i i,- I ity till 7tli 'lay Of June, INI,
lU,,fc V,. 'i. IUiSNKI.1.. Kuta'Utor
Floral lolion will cure wind chapping
ami Biinhurij. Ylantifactured hy C'arr.s
& Falk
Sale of
Wo will offer parents a chance to make their boys
comfortable al a very small price.
The little fellows notice the heal quite as much as
we 1 and will in many instaucrs bo better boys for
being comfortably clad.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First
ijl Condon riioni ass,
;3' I. (Mllf 1111. IW'.H
Wasco WmliiK
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot eii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, U kind?
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, SuSxfSSo
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
Tbll MOO!
... .
w unn . cvri
We bell our yhxh UtWCff than any DOnM IB me tratie, ami h you uou i viuu
call and get our iirioea and lie convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
of im iist rimtion." 'i'ht y uro LIPB HAVIiltS" to flrU at
wonianbood, hldintf daTaloproant oi orffana ami body. No
1,..,.. ...... a . ..I,
hy ilrutjh'isis. DR.
For Bale hy (ieo. C.
Subscribe for The
A Mi BIT ' b
National liank.
Mill Co.,
m nirtimfacturt. exprensly for family
Bu..b ia ii in i u I, ti't'il 1 1 1 ifivM a tat iyfjfririfl-
y nm n in aaa m p- ' mwwi tm
. .i ia l i. ... k.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity uml
tiinissioua, increase vitf-
or nml luiiiisli 1 1. una
re mad j (or woman equala them, Cannot do huriu lira
MI.IHI 11. IC lit . III M til., noiu
MOTT'S CREMK A L CO., Cleveland, Ohla
ltlakeley, The DalUm, Or.
Advertise in the Chronicle