o I i i i i i f ft m I ft This is to be the Greatest Bargain Week of the Summer. Now that Summer is hero in earnest, wo realize the fact that you are in need of cool, dressy Summer (roods, so we oiler you tor one week some splendid inducements. Men' s IH ancy 45c Silk Ohambra. this week 42c Fancy Striped Chambras. tin? week 37c Mercerized Foulard?, this week 22c Dimities in latest effect?, this week 15c Hose Combed Maco, Extra spliced heel and toe. Latest colorings in Fancy Hosiery; Special 3 pairs for 50c Lawn?, tin? week . C Lawn?, tin? week. Lawn?, this week 12lc 11c 08io last We were so well pleased with week that we have decided to our Corset Sale close out the re maining few dozen at 23c. REMEMBER. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Monarch Shirt?. Arrow Brand Collar?. 2 for 25 cents. Rumchundas and grenadine Windsor? and hows. Jummer Suspender?, 50c. 35c. PERSE & MAYS. The Dulles Daily Chronicle. - - JULY 24, 1901 waste court away, wanted writes Mr?, to appoint WEDNESDAY Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soua At Andrew Keller's. newspaper in Portland with the Hearst telegraphic service. The proposition will he considered by the committee and if found upon investigation to he feasible will be accepted. The Port'and news paper boneyard is yawning for just such a victim. A l.ewistnn airl nunurl .Ims.v is oint to a famous eastern school and after a : Mre-F'ayd most truly says: "He was vear's time wrote to her dad signing B most genial, kindly man and a great In reply the old man wrote: Floyd. The Ed Floyd as administrator of Mr. Edgar's estate, but he refused on account of the pressure of private business and Coke Hill, son of W. Eair Hill was appointed in his stead. Ad Edgar was well known in The Dalles, Eastern Oregon, Idaho and Montana. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Wanco County warrant rpgintprtMl prior tn September ihk, will be jiuiil on presentation at my office. Interest seeae after Jul 18, 1 no 1 . JOHN F. BAMl'SUIltE, Uuuutr Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The congressional party including the rivers and harbors committee left Se attle last night on a special train bound for l.ewislon, Idaho. HarVMtinff will mmmeiiM in annilii .... t.. mi . t both the w "ii ivkii t.iuge next munuay, . and every report from there intimiites a large yield and an immense crop. 1 Weale? Harris and Will Floyd shipped on til morning's boat 40 bead of horses which they brought here yesterday over land from Pasco. The animals were booked for Washougal. The special train carrying the Port land delegation to join the riv-rs and and barbort committee arrived iiere at 1 ' ' lk .ast night and was boarded by Matin M. A. Muodv, J. g. .Schenck and E.0. McCoy. The Minnesota Time1 of the lSth eavs "Jessica,'" "Dear Jessica : Your welcome letter re ceived. Mamn.iea and papaica are well. Aunt Maryica and Georgeica started for Californica yesterday. 1 have bought a new borseba. It is a beautica. It? name is Monoica. Your brother Tomica is doing finely, and the hired girlica is a peachica." ' The Corvailie Gazette says. "Pres ident Gatcb. has appointed Professors Fulton, McElfreeh Hnd Phillips, of O A C, a committee to investigate the fossil beds in Eastern Oregon. With tbe driver there will be four in the party and it is quite probable that in going and coming they will traverse Santiam and McKenzie route .across the Cascade mountains. It is thought that from four to six weeks will be required to make as thorough an in vestigation as is desired. The party de sire to start tomorrow." It may be of interest to citizens who justly dislike the gambling features that bo often disgrace an otherwise noble sport, horseraeing, to know that before Archbishop Christie would consent to a lease of part of the Catholic mitelon grounds to Tbe Dalle Driving Aeaocia tlOO the association had to consent to a brought here to answer stipulation in ma iei;se mat tne per- itealtaa a mere the mission of any kin i of gambling or sale i ..... .... . - W "ueheis of corn have been of kll)or on tie r,jUDlie would work a wipped (roan Dn'ath to Kansas during I forfeit ure of tbe lease. 1le stipulation W J peat if a weeks in return for six forever bars out the only really ohjec "' -"that were ehitmed out of thaaaJ t,.i,i . i,..iu n. UUIini'lT I V O l M I ' I 1 4 Mill' ' II ll Htll" i 'Hi. last vear. 1 ,. .,.. wuuui lcu Mutn 1 at Harper lias abandoned the 1 many people in Tbe Dalles will be sorry to hear of his death. The Astoria News of the 22d says: The heaviest run of salmon siuce 1896 entered the river Saturday, since which time the canneries and cold storages have been oii'ered as much fish as they could handle. The big run found the fishermen unprepared, and for a time the canneries and cold storages were blocked. By dint of hustling, however, more men were engaged, and all the fish offered at tbe cold storages was received. The gill-nettern made fine catches., bringing in from "iK) to 1 mIO pounds o! salmon, while the traps and seines like wise sent in large quantities of tish. The salmon which came into the river were quite large, the average weight being 25 pounds. Yesterday every launch on the lower river was busy carrying tish. lie ceipts today were equally as heavy, and tbe fishermen are reaping a harvest. Should the present run continue for a few weeks, thin year's pack, which gave ptomise for a time of being a poor one, will surpass that of last year. David A. McKelvay. of Antelope, was arrested yesterday at Damascus, Clacka COOOtV, by Constable JackiOO ftnd tbe charge of ;a mare, the property ot (.. . Haight. In the absence of Justice 1. BrOWnhill, who issued tbe warrant of arrest, McKelvay was arraigned thi mOrnlO before Recorder Doherty, and The Trotet or a Krnlt Orower. I F.nnoK Cnraxtci k : I gee by your paper that the committee has given up, or is About to give up, the fair and carnival. The reason they resign is that so great a proportion of the business men refuse to contribute, so I ihat the .-ecessary mean can not be raised to make it a fuccees. This ia p vr enc mrngement for the more antOr prillng cttitenf who have succeeded in getting the 1,S00 of stale premiums back to The Dalles, and in naming thin city as the permanent place for the fair It is also poof encouragement for the Gentlemen's Driving Associatien for the generous offet of their grounds and track, upon which the various lield sports and rcces and stock exhibit! can be held ; this, too, free of charge to tbe District Fair Association, thus leaving all gate receipts to the said fair associa tion. It is also well to remember that among the most liberal donaters to tbe fair and carnival fund we find member! of the Gentlemen's Driving Club. It may be asked, Why do certain busi DON men refuse to contribute? Is it a matter of economy ? This would savor of narrowness, for under the patronage of the people of this community in the; past some ot these men have accumu lated considerable wealth, and they now have an opportunity to return past favors by aiding a district fair in which the various agricultural interests of this section may compete for tbe $1500 in j premiume, which has been provided by the state. Can it be that anv set of business men will wlllinglv deal a blow to the best i interests of our section? The fanners. ! and stock element have largely made then men and their present business, j Or do these men object upon purely; I moral grounds? The greatest states-1 men, philosophers and divines of the! world have declared that the so-cafed "horse race" is one of the most dignitied 1 and elevai'ng sports known to man. We believe this to be true. Then the' ! evil must come from its abuses by the baser elements in society. Now. sir. to preserve the diunitv of : this and other sports, let the better ele ment of eociety predominate and make them what they ought to be. Pilate j washed his hands as a token of not -responsibility, but was guilty juet the same of betraying innocent blood. We want fewer Pilates, more men. broad minded men, up-to-date men that can see the necessities of the tiour and guide the trend of eociety in a channel that will make better communities. To eee the evil and to refuse to remedy it is to be guilty of the sin of omission and proves ourself to be a traitor to the best interests of eociety. Society is what we make it. We demand that in the intereet of! and fairness to those Who have donated so liberally that the natnee of those who with to black this enterprise be made ! known to the farmers of this com munity. 1 am asked by a cattle man to make thie last request. A Fbdit Gbowrb. Tne White Collar line, Bailey (iat.ert, will eell throogb roand-trip tickets to Beaeide and return. Tickets good going! from Portland over tbe White Collar line, O. R, v N. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. i A: C. K. P., and return over same lines. Baggage checked direct to either North Beach, Seaview, Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean Bark or Nahcotta. Limit of ticket September loth. J.M. Filloon, I agent. Ju6t received at Qilbretb Son'i lumber ys.nl, a few carload" of No. 1 cedar posts and A :" ibinglei. Tbey are agents for Heath iV Milhgan's cele-1 brated shingle paint. Call "ii them; their r.riceH are all right, Wnod not flamed is better by 50c a cord than wood that is. jylO We oflr for a noiiteii period tne 1 twice-n-week CHEOMICI4C, pfiM II. 50, ...The New York Cash Store... 133 and 142 Socontl Streot. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery Depart ment to our store. A new fresh . clean st'l- Give us n call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS CROWE. F. S. GUN.NJNJ3. ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. DEALBB in Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies A Rent fur Kiism.11 .V Co.'l BURlnee, Thri'shcrs hikI Saw Mlllx. Telephone 157. Long Dlitanoe 1073. Cor. Second & Ullt)llo St.,, THE DALLES. OR. to Du j Wna fing to North YaJcime and inatead it ' I Tie Portland papen re'ate n pathetic Mtnere waanenner eriaencenor room H, j v.'c-klv (,,-i;ni. nrice l.r.o. WrtH eailty OI the I....I, imiiuru f(,r .t' h vi-wr Anhenrlnllnna he wai 0 'iitract fur carryinir trie iuhi . tie- ineldenl that happened there last Mob A l . ! 1 - L . I ........1 in.l.n Kia - n ime uvmy uuuvvfvu w hiv uuw Kamarittn Hofpltali there to aodergo ItMalmeint. i VHar-oM l!riie J. Allen died 'iIiMtl a fitr.ro .. ....... 1 ... h. " etwe 11 it n rierllltlprvarll)HH, the nidation. . uioruuanilM. Joijii Bnnn. hi move to I yah aiiev wnere he h tuU 0 intrenl Irui ftu.la ween mat town and wamlo, and where be h ; ..fi ftoni id re Ofer b Mllent fr"n tifteen whiin over ranefa :en nilat .-a"! of Wa-, that harvest har coii,iueiured way and that t tie yield in ex- volunteer I.hiiI la elaldma to tw ent v L.11- l.t-i- tn the fli.'r. V r FiltQOn, the agr-nt of the White ' ir lin, coinplains that time cards M hg nailed up three or four times during the pxet moath bava baao in Variable tom dOWO as soon as they wen "awed np. Tliis is iurely loo small a bnaioeai for any respectable perhon to he deeiimtdie m.iy of. it said that two Denver newspaper MB, Messrs. Cooper & Thompson, euh Mttad a proposition to the democratii; Httttectmtra committee recently, for the fcitabliBhmeut of a democratic daily -j';iiii; was id with eoniuiuption and ae here today tomDaniad by her father, had left home baa Tbe Dalles fur the hospital. Jott after stepping frori '.he train iie a jtaken with a fainting spell. he sank rito tier lather armi arid at the siif lieetiofl of Mrs. Niles. matron ivt tiie lepnf, the irl was placed nii a com h In the womeo'l retirim? room where she soon paieed ay quiet y arid peacefully hile her father was abiaperiog HtOrdl of hope uu 1 eoneolation v her. Mrs. .1. Har 1 , of ttiis city, today re ceived a latter from Mr-. William Floyd, of Seattle, announcing the death at Cape Nome on the Hlth of June, of Ad Edfar, an old-time well-known resident of Ttie Dalles. The news came to Mrs , Floyd in a letter from hei sun Kd. Mr. lidar had been sick for a couple of months be fore the end came. "He seemed to just for Mispicion that crime charged h lobarged At tbe time of IteKelvay'a ar rest fie had all the tioraei in bil ! eeM sioii that tie was known to take with bim from Wasco county, '.'A head all toid, including three colts, but none in the lot had Mr. Height ' brand, nor anewored to the description of tbe one Mr. Haight claims to have lust. Con stable Jackson took with him to Damas cus from Oregon City Constable Moody, of the latter town, and the two men made a tbOTOOgb examination of the I. rand on every animal with the follow ing resuit: The tbreaeoitl nothavir, brandi; on iiorse branded AH eoooaot ed; 1 II H 0111 ected; 1, D; ', A D; 1 y D, A inverted ; I, T; 1. 77; SO U M . CASTOR I A FOF iLBeeVlltl and Cliiidren. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ftguature oi under this offer must be paid vi' nee. SLALED BIDS. ad liids will be received at the recorder's Otflceof Dalles (.'ily, for the city lot 00 the tooth tide of Third etreet between Court and Washington street. All bid I (Q be deposited at the rei order ' office op or before Angoet I. 1901, hiu! addreeaed "Bide for fvot." Tbe aixe of lot ia S8g 100 feet. Dated at The Dal lee, Oregon thla 20th day of July. I901f byordei 01 tne coun cil. 1 Dougai , j-D augl Oily recorder. Those famouii little pillar, DaWitt'i Little Early i;i- n 00m pel your hver and bowels to do their dutv, thus givlBg you r:ob, pure blood to reeuperata your body, .ire easy to take. Never gripe. (;iarke a Faik s i'. 0. Pbarnaoy. Wanted A girl to do general house work, inquire at thla office, jlyio-lw l-'or rent Two or three rooms fur llbed for housekeeping. Apply at this otlice. jly22lw Clarke & Falk haye reireiveil a carload of the celebrated James EC, I'attoo strictly onre liquid paints C. B. Uilbreth & Sons will keep at all 11 .. 1 .. .1 1 1 1 1 I uilli'fl i ruppiy 111 Jlrty, griwu uiio I which tbOV will retail at the lowest' m trket rates. jL'(i-tf Wanted A competent gir! to do gen eral housework fur family of three in the country ; Wtgei (25 per month. Inquire atDal.ee Hospital. jyl0lwk Wante.I- A small family to occupy the home an 1 keep house fur an age I wldoWer. Liberal terms can he had. pply at this office. jly22l m Mid-summer clearance aie of miili nery at the Campbell A Wilson Miili- nery parlore. Kverytbing in tbe line of j beadwear t one half the actoal val ue. j'.'M-lm Dyspepsia can he cured hy lining! AckerV Dyspepsia i'ablels. One little Tablet, will give immediate relief or money refunded. Soi l Injhandeome tin boxes at 96 ote. Rlakaley the drogglat, I When your hair appears ilry and to have lot it e vitality it want- lOinethillg to give it life and vigor. We have what ; the hair need! v. hen 11 getH !n that con dition. We have tbe Crown nl Science 11 " 1 r LaJO l'r"'''1 Hll il ' .-..uiiil t 'r--.iii 'I'onic 'I In v will eore diuid JiJt mil h , !u acalp diseases. J"ur sain at Kra.ei s har- bar Hhop. frlce 60c and 76c bottle. Just received a new supply of North rap 't Siurgin' jiurn food products, as' follow! i com slarcb, shrediied cocoa- not, baking eoda and high grade leaven' er. if it's Northrop ii Sturgiw, it is 1 good. iel a package and try 1 1 . for snie by Oonroy, Son Co., B. I. Broogi' ' old si arid, The Dalle, h . j) 1 Uwd Why pay 1,76 per gallon for inferior paints when you can huv James K. Patton'l sun proof paints for 11.60 per gallon, guaranteed for " years. Clark it Kalk. agents. ml FOR CAMPERS. r OM AT I c C.L01 CO Just the thing to take along when ou go Camping -r to the seacoast. I' or sale by M A l o W tLTHER. "Vwl JO"' t ;ii . b Strikt Hum Situ, Jitl -&r Iintirtui Made. great on ityle. HOVti for 1. for 1 1 11 it e newt) best, 1 Clarke V 1'alk's flavoring extracts are the beat. Ask your v cer for them. Gifford's pVjtos Never Fade WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Thlril and Wabhlnnton t. ) j All rirders attenifd to promptly, l ong distance phone 488. Local, 102, The patent leather shoe ihowu fjibnve eoltg $5, ( Itherg -fll iivetlollar ouei It' you iM mi j .arc theill you'll -a our'i too cheap ( h i he other too dear. Saturday, only $4.15 A. M. Williams (EL Co.