htimitk. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 1901 NO. 135 Sialic CASTORU Ac?ctable Prcparalionfor As similating the Food andRegula ting (he Stomachs andBowels of Troniolcs Digcstion.ChperfuP ness aiuinest.Contains neilhcr Ojiuini.Morphinp norlincraL Not ?aii c otic . Otpe jf l)i SAMUELPtTCHER flnftii Seat- . sl'.x Senna - 1 J&nWii' V. ' - I Htfenwtt - ) Hi D0MHM JUi J Him Send - I farilut . I WC-Jenffven flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Wonns .Convulsions .Fcvcnsh-lu-ss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile StUnnturc or NEW YORK. CT COPY Or WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MAY SHORTEN THE BOER WAR Possible Effect of Dentil of President Kfnger'fl Wife. A 3-Day Sale of I Boys' Waists and Blouses Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday j& AM AW ( Jfv In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CENTAUR COMMNT, NEW YORK CrTV. Haj ii h rut mr streami to Trains. Not- Yobx, July 28. The Canadian Pacific P 4: 1 road may, in the near future, band n the nee of sienm enginea on the Dig! m inntaio grades In t.'.e Rockies and have recourse to electric power. The qUMtioQ will he submitted to the nest meeting of the hoard of directors, Bays the M intreal correspondent of t tie Ti mee. It is wed known that for tome time past ti.e company has had electriciam- at work studying the practicahiiity of u til -iziog the energy contained in the vast (eater powers of the Rockies as a means - ying electric power to baol trains Up the steep grades. At present a num ber of engines have to he kept at these points to assi-t in baaling the trains. The yreate-t difficulty the electricians Finite df HairaUau islamic. Stanford University, Cal., July President David Starr Jordan has re tamed from his trip to the Hawaiian Ielande, where he has been for the past j two months, contTucting a thorough and defai.ed study of the fisheries and the I fishes of the island! under the direction of tbe United State? fish commission. I About -40 specie-ot fish have thus far heen collected and Classified,' 50 of w hich are new to science. A complete report of tie laws and customs of the islanders relative to fisbiog is being made by J.N. Cohb, t:.e statistician of the party. This information, together with the resulteof toe scientific work by Dr. Jordan, will Nbw York, July 22. A dispatch to the Tribune lrom Lmdoneaye: The death of Mrs. Kruger may have some influence in shortening the war. Mr. Kruger him self has been reported to be exceedingly despondent over tbe military operations, and the correspondence between Keitz and Steyu has justified his discourage ment. His domestic bereavement may CaOte him to lose heart for continuing a hopeless struggle. His Dutch physicians have been warning him for months a gainst the consequences of excitement since his heart action is abnormal? weak. The story is brought bv influential South Africans that General Botha was disposed to surrender, but did not consider himself at liberty to do so a gainst the judgement of Mr. Kruger. General Botha has a family to provide for and is without resources. Africanders assert that he is dependent upon allow ances which Mr. Kruger has agreed to make for him if he continues the struggle as long as possible. There is no poesil le method of verifying these explanations, but this account comes from Africanders who ought to know what they are talk ing about. The newspapers refer In tones of sym pathy to the death of Mrs. Kruger. It is expected that the British Army in Booth Africa wili pay to her death honors that her former position wcu:a tiave de manded. Ileal Hun or Suliuou on. ' Astoki a, July 2:;. The cry of a pre e- 1 pective dull winter In this city has been ! dissipattd by the big run of salmon that is now on. For the past few days it lias taken every effort to handle the fish de I livered, and from all appearances the run will last some time. It increased i gradually for the last two weeks, until ; Saturday. Sunday was even better, but j it remained for last night to convince the most skeotical that a real run was in oroarress. This was supposed to be the : year when t tie value of artificial propa gation of salmon would receive a severe test, as the 20,000,000 young salmon which were turned out from the hatch eries should return this year as matured fish. That they are doing so seems uu- We wil comfortable offer parents a ::t a verv small linnet1 to make their bova price notice the 1 teal V (l be little fellowt and will in many instances 1 uito as much as to better bova for being comfortably clad At these very liberal reductions we tire line in the throe (.lays of this sale, lutcly perfect condition, style, fit and ( Blouse should And iiality. have no trouble in disposing of our en such Waists! None, hut what are ahso- 'aists worth 38( ach 25c. ami 42c will be Waists and Blouses worth 50c, 68c, 75c ami 88c will he, each 38c. Waists ami Blouses worth $1.25 will be, each Of Percales and Lawns V Plain or figured, white or colored; trimmed with self-ruffles, others with ruffles of embroidery; some with hands of material in contrasting colors; some with large sailor collar, others with small dered collar and cull's. All are strictly up-to-date. A. M. Williams L Co. 75c some sumo laun- REGULATOR LINE. Dalles, Portland & flsioris NAVIGATION CO. have been trying to overcome ie the transmitting of the power over a dis tance. Superintendent Tim merman, in tbe employ of the road at Toronto, firmly believes, however, that the scheme can be carried through successful y, and that oing to the unlimited electric power available, it will take the nlace of P'wer all through the Kockv Questioned, as those caught are, with a be enbodied in an extensive report to , few eSL.eplions, a new fish for July, the govemmete. j joogh during the last tew days a few of war Noarlng an End. the regular July run are beginning to New Yobk, July '-'I' Mr. Balfour bas j show up. This morning the delivery of just stated there will fie no supplemen- 1 salmon taxed the canneries aud cold , try estimates and from this it is inferred j storage plants to their utmost, largely that the government does not intend to i because of the scarcity of men even par j ask parlnoent to make any further pro- j tiall' fwilr witl' tllB work ' vision for the war, says the London cor- I Kate to lanAnarlcan Kaposi tioa, respondent of the Tribune. The military Round-trip rates via O. K. iV N. from ! authorities, it is understood are satisfied ! The Dalles, 181.90. Tickets on sale first : and tuird Tuesdays during June, Julj , ! August, September and Octoher.good for DALLES BOAT that I be war is Hearing its end, and that tde sum already voted ty parliment will be sufficient to meet tne military expenditure. steam Mouutaius. QnoaUon Au-red. es, August Flowerstid has the largest eaie of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothere never thought of using anything else for 1m! dud .i.i.i LI 1 1 r . tvn.,uu ouu ui i musuees . uuctors ; "ere scarce and they seldom heard of ! Bd food properly digested. Then if appendicitis. nervous nrnnrratmn m VOW Stomach will not digest it, Kodol heart failure c Tk.. UJ a ...... o. i na.tnala Core w ill. It contains Howes to nlJ, ,k- J I- I the natural diestants hence must digest ! whereby tickets will be honored on lake LEAVES You can never cure dyspepsia by diet ing. v hat your body needs is plenty oi continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply- ni I ing to agent O. R. & N. Co., The Dalles, tf . . " p r , .? , iU 'steamers in one 'meniation of undigested food, regu- WJ oi loou ano so prepare n mat. lweeo Detroit and Buffalo. late the action of the liver, stimulate the nature can use it in nourishing the body nervous and organic uclion of the svs- and replacing trie wasted tistuas, thus ttu. and that is till they took, when fe-l K'vitttr life, health, strength, ambition, '"K dull and bad with headache and j P,,re blood and good healthy appetite, other aches. You onl need a few doses Clarke & talk's P O. Pharmacy. ..f r . ! ureen s Auiu-t Flower, in llnnlH . i - - 'urm, to make you satisbed there is DOtbing serious the matter with vou I ireen's prize almanac Clarke v 1 'iet I .1 k's Sen tl uitiii. il I. ,,. I,. Mn. "AN FSAMOMOO, Julv 23 The trans port Tnomas sailed this afternoon for Manila via Honolulu, with 700 teacher WOO are ttoing to accept positions in the schools in the Philippines. "I am indeb ed to One Minute Cough 'ure for my present good health and my ''fe. I was treated in vain by doctors fur lung trouble following la urippe. I twk One Minute Cough Cure and re covered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise. Madison. Clarke & Falk's P. O I harmacv. Boeri Olve "V 11 "I ' ' Iuierrentlou. Cape Town July 23 D. is reported ' hat General Delarey hau inforu:ed the Klerksdorp Commando that there is no longer any chance of European interven tion, and that they must fiht the war nt to t he bitter end entirely on their wil account. Kooil ('liaug-ed 1'olnou. Putrefying food in the intestines pro luces etfects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's New Life Pills expel tbe poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easilv but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all L'ver, Kidney and Bowel trouhk-s. Only 25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 4 Gifford'e Fotoe Never Fade. James Ihei.and, Agent ohm r.i.iao liuocrala. Cleveland, July 23 At a prelimi nary meeting here of the leaders of the bolt among the Brvan democrats, George ! A. Groot of this city was chosen tempo rary chairman of the state convention to be held at Columbus, July 31. Dr. Abner L. Davis, of Findlay will be temporary secretary. "I wish to truthfully state to you and the readers of these few lines that your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is w ithout ques tion, the best and only cure lor uyspepsia that I have ever Come in contact with and I have used many other prepara tions. John Beam, West Middlesex, Pa. No preparation equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure as it contains all the natural digftstants. It will digest all kinds of food and can't help but do you good. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Subscribe for Tun Chjioniclk. OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, at 7 A. M. and 11 P. M. ...Portland Boat... LEAVES THE DALLES at 7:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. DAILY IXCIPt BVMDAYi WTEAMEKh REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. RELIANCE. W. C. ALLA WAY, General Ageflt, The Dalles, Oregon . I M'J0AUIA:AIAIAIAIAI1AIAIIA'!AII AIaIAIAIAI AIAIAIAIAIAIA4AIA4A' C. J. STUBLilHG, V HOLES U K AM) I1ETAH. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. Condon I'lion.. ese. Long out. KtiM . THE DALLES, OREGON. ,y!.Ti:riTrriinTiiTin.iir.iiiTinTiri:rn'i.iliiM DrGUNN'S one rot Wasco WiRtoia Mil Co '5 Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain oi eii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind? Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, "IS?! Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- avj FlOlir ' l,IH '""r '" manufactured expressly for family oat j ever v sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goais lower than any house in tiie trade, and if you don't think aw call and get u r prices and lie convincexl. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats DOS:. I'r MOTT'8 . Dl ... fi , urli in t ii h .far. Exocut r's Notice. Hotla i tirehy given ttit m. v.. Donaeil bai ki n duly epnolnMMl executor OI the lait will mill testaneut of Ann Luchinger, iieieaheii. All persons baviug laim .ri.-i the estate of noil Ann l.iicliiiiKer are hereby uotltiul to prawnt the aame to me, reriAed .. law re quired, within ix nioiith. from the date of tli ia notice. lai. 'i lit Liallek ( ity im- 7th (Jay of Juie-, l'.Kil. iUUft Vt. '.. H.A.. K i ill. .1 PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcome Wealt ueaa, irru'ulurity uud oiuiN.sloiiH, iucruasu vig--or and huniali "uaina of meutnution." They uro LIFB KAVIOU.S" to tfiria at womanhood, uidinif development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cunnot do hartu Ufa hecomea u pleasure. tftl.OO lKH BOX ItV M All.. Sold by di'Ur;iNU. DR. MOTT'8 I'HEMK AL CO., Cleveland, Ohio, For sale by Qeo. (' Blakeley, Tiie Dalles, Or. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping end sunburn. Mariuhtcturd hy C'arae k Fala. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle