A . et -A- A. A SB A S A . 11 a a W lvlen s This is to be the I Greatest Bargain Week X f of the Summer. i i jr, Now that Summer is here in earnest, we realise tlio fact that you are in need of cool, dressy Summer Goods, so we offer you for one week some splendid inducements. 50c Silk Chambras, this week 42c 45c Fancy Striped Chambras. this week 37c 30c Mercerised Foulards, this week 22c week 15c Fancy Hose Combed Maco, Extra spliced heel and toe. Latest colorings in Fancy Hosiery: 20 Dimities in latest effects, this Special 3 pairs for 50c ( L2i( Lawns, this week . Lawns, this week. Lawns, this week 12c 11c 08'c M onarch Shirts. We were so well pleased with our last week that we have decided to close maining few dozen at 23c. 'orset Sole out the re- Arrow Brand Collars, 2 for 25 cents. Kumchunda Windsors and hows s ana nrenaaine REMEMBEK. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. 50c. Summer Suspenders, 35c. The Dliinonil Morning Mill. To MM whose knowledge of tl.nu BID' ufscturing is minted to a very rudi mentary conception of the old burr mill and bolter ot fifty year two t tie opera tion of aetrktly up-to-date roller prefers mill if af bewildering ae that of a mod ern Hoe perfecting printing press is lo one whose knowledge of printing is limited to tne operation ot an out-style Washington hand press. He sees an endless lot of shafts, pulleys and eleva tors and odd-looking machines, concern ing whose particular use he has no more idea than the man in the moon. At least that is the way it was with the CmioNin.K matt when, at the invitation of Mr. Groat, the head miller of the Diamond Flouring mills, he took a look the other day over that establishment. Thanks, however, to the courtesv of Mr. 'Groat, who answered our numerous kindergarten qaetUoBI with great pa tience, the newspaper man came I Way f.oui the place deeply impressed with a sense of the marvelous revolution that human invention has effected for the 'production of the m st necessary and ! staple of all our food products from the ' crude process of a generation ago. Notwithstanding that the machinery J in these mills could hardly be called old, and that with it a reputation has been established and maintained for the best ! ; flour 'n the Pacific Northwest, the old i J machinery has been set aside and an en- j tirely new bolting system installed. Ten reels or bolters, as the layman would probably call them, have been replaced by two Universal bolters, immense big jsiu cylindrical things like monster drut&l ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS 41 Suits. i. PERSE 5t MAYS. s The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tr ( !DA V Ice Cream JULY 28, 1901 and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. AH tVaacn County warrants registered prior t September 8 . ikk. will ie iiattl on DrHspiititriiiii ii t lnv iitlii- liwiTi-m ceanea after .1 uly 13, 1 HO 1 . JOHN P. lUSII'SblltE, Couuty Treasurer. created a disturbance He didn't ex tinguish the (lames because be couldn't turn over to do so, and to fall off meant instant death. When the traiD, after several ages, finally pulled into the station fie was a candidate for a pro tracted stay in the nearest hospital. A. I.. Anderson, the railroad con tractor, and late an extensive wheat Oregon City where he goes to I raiser of the Klickitat valley, arrived McKelvay, of Antelope, on a here today from Kalama, where be has WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Ad Keller is confined lo Ins room with sickness. P. D. Hinrichs writes the Weather P.ureaii that fruit ie not bo plentiful in 1 the Hood Liver valley as it was a year ago. Still, he adds, there will be many prunes and pears. Now is the time for low shoes, and in preparing fur an outing don't forget that A.M. Williams & Co. will be selling, their regular $5 patent leather Oxfords, I on Saturday, at $4.15. The Bailey Gatsart stops at the follow- j ing landings: Hood River, White Bal mon, St. Martin's Springe, Cascade Locke and Vancouver. Arrives at The DallM at 3 p. m. ; leaves for Portland at p. m., arrive at Portland 10 p.m. Daily except Monday. The wool market iu The Dalles is prac tically over and before another week is eoaedall outside buyers will have left I fur other tarfils. A few nllna remain in I --r- .. ie waretiouaes unsold, but these are for : Locks, which compelled a change of pro gram in the run of the other boats. The Regulator arrived here at 7 :.'!0 this i morning and left for Portland half an ; hour later; hence she did not make her ; daily down trip this afternoon. The Dalles City will arrive here tonight in ; place of the Reliance. Constable Jackson ieft on the morning , train for arrest D. warrant sworn out in Justice Brown hill's court charging him wit to stealing a mare from C, W. Haight of this city, j McKelvay. it is alleged, picked up I the animal on the range and took her with some other horses to the Willamette ' valley to dispose of them there. The Bpecial committee appointed at the last meeting of the city council to j report on the Court street sewer met i yesterday and after carefully looking ! over the situation concluded to report i on this sewer being drained into Mill Creek through the alley back of the Co ; lumbia hotel, instead of under the rail road track as now and out at tbp.weet end of the Regulator warehouse. 'y Beyond any question the majority of the people of The Dalles want a street fair and it is eijualiy beyond question that it would pay The Dalles to have it a hundred fold. But it will take money to make suifable preparation for a street fair and Btill more to make suitable preparation for the district fair, and the one must not be held without the other. Are the business men of The I fallen will ing to put up the money to make this preparation? That is t he question ttiat a volunteer com m it lee will try to solve been working on the new road being built between that town and Vancouver. Mr. Anderson has obtained a sub-contract from J. H. Smith, of Portland, for building part of the new grade about to be built by the O. R. & N Co. between The Dalles and tunnel No. 3, some nine or ten miles west of here. Mr. Ander Bon came here today to Belect a location for his camp, which will be made for the present somewhere below Crates Point. He informed Tut Ubboniclb that his men and horses and equip- I merits will reach bere early next week, and work will be commenced as soon as possible after their arrival. Most of, the other sections of the road have been ! l sub-let and the chief contractors have' bound themselves to have their part of . the work finished by June, The! work will employ 1000 to Jo00 men for i nearly a year. The presidents proclamation of July let reserves from settlement and entry ; the following lands iu Wasco county : The south haif of Township one South, I townships two south, three south and I four south, range elevtn east, Willamette I meridian ; tow nships five south, range nine and ten east . and ou much of' that sit on end chock fell of an endless number mid varietv nl sinva un.l. In. TfT j stead of revolving like the old-style bolt Op I ere, have a motion w ben in operation similar in principles to that of the hand sieve or riddle of early day". But the one thing that Interested the newspaper man most was the purifying machinery. Your old burr mill was run on the principle that every man must eat his peck of dust. The modern mill is constructed on the principle that if dust must tie eaten it shall not tie eat en with flour. Foil' big metal cylinder tapering towards the bottom end, and called Cyclone Dust Collectors, because their inwards are said to be constructed on the spiral principle of a cyclone, re ceives the wheat from the bins, as it passes to the rollers, with a current of air strong enough to drive off every par ticle of loose duet. But the purification does not end here. When the wheat is in a half ground condition it passes over sieves through which is driven, by a powerful fan, another Btrong current of air that separates any dust or impurity that may have escaped the Cyclone Dust Collectors. Tbe result of these processes of purification is that the fionr is always as free and pure from dust or other im purity as it is possible for humau skill and labor to make it. The result too is apparent everywhere throughout the i mills whose floors are as clean and free of dust as any ordinary well-kept kitten. The new machinery increases the ca pacity of the mill about 26 barrels a day above what it was before. Two grades of floor are now produced instead of one as heretofore, the second quality as good as the first of any mill within 600 miles of here, and the first quality equal to the best Hour on the American continent. If you think this is putting it too strong weaek vou to remember the murmur inge and complaints of The Dalles house wives during the past two months when the Diamond mills were shut down and the family cook couldn't get Diamond flour. New Grocery Store Wo have added a Grocery Depart men! to our store. A new fresh, clean stock. Give us a call. Prom pi delivery to any part of the city. ...MAYS CROWE... F. S. GUNNING, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. DBALIB in Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Agent for Bueaell v 0o.'s Engine, Threshers and saw miiin. Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073. Hor. Second & LausUin Stl, THE DALLES. OR. probably tomorrow. Representative Moody received a tele gram yesterday afternoon, too late to appear in The CHtlOMCl.g, announcing I that the boat conveying the conifression- oife owners sacrifice. 1 (...... A Inbl.n I....I . "if most part ot inferior grades :and mav f . . a . , , . , l. . , . , , " i'arrived at Seattle and would be a dav HBVe 10 be held nuer if nnt nlM ul ivlint I. .... ... . Mate. 1 he onlv eflect of this delay will would probab v consider a i. .. . A . , , ., . .. ' Jbe that the dates arranged for the visit 1 of the committee to 1 lie W I. if u ('.-.) I l..ii.... r' ...... ... ... . " wwnni Hue, i.in.r. Moi.cu, east ol tiere wili ""i sen ttirougb roaud-trip tickets to BMide und return. Tickets good going lnB) 1'ortland over the White Collar Hot, I '. B. A N. Co., V. T. Co. or the A. ,v C. U, 1;., and return over same lines. Baggage checked direct to either North Beaeb, beavie, Long Beach, Breakers, Ooean I'ark or Nahcotta. Limit of Uoket September loth. J. M. F.lloon, a,'eru. Vmg Hing, the Chinaman 111 l"e back and arm Uxl u.-.-L i.v another Chinaman named Wang Fob', Wh town as soon as his assailant was ar Nlttd and he was able to get out of bed. r"b isstili in jail but as his victim is "ver likely 0 come back lie will have be discharged. Which reminds us hat for ways that are dark and tricks "'at are vain the heathen Cninee is culiar. The Reliance met witu an accident on "erdown trip yesterday, at the Cascade the several points ie one day later in each case. Messrs. Moody, Schenck and McCoy will leave The Dalles tonight for Lewistou on the special train that will arrive here about W o'clock with the Portland delegation. The congres sional committee and party will arrive here Thursday Instead of tomorrow, as previously announced. The railroad men of this piace, save the La (irande Chronicle, leporl a who was peculiarly unfortunate accident that befell u trauip who was riding the brakes of a train on the Short Line last week. The tramp e clothing became ignited on the back by a spark from the engine and h?, like the stoic Greek of old who rather than disturb a sacred meeting by his movements let a spark on his sleeve burn to the bone, permitted the flame to burn all the clothing from his back and fairly cook tbe skin. His reasons, however, wore not so exalted as those of the Creek and it is probable that he townships six south, ranges nine and j ten east, as lies uarth of the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. From the! force and edect of the proclamation are exempted all lands which may have been prior to July 1st, embraced in any lagtl entry or covered by any lawful tiling duly of record in the proper I.'nit ad States Land Office, or upon Wblcb any valid settlement has been made pur suant to law, und the statutory period ' within which to make entry or filing r.f record has not expired: Provided that this exception shall not continue to ap ply tO any particular traet of land I nil -tbe entryinan, settler or claimant Don tinnes tO com pi v with the law under HI Ssris I.OCAI.H. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Inquire at tbia nfflee. jlyi.viw For rent Two or three rooms fur ished for housekeeping. Apply at this office, jlyV2lw Clarke A Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James K. Fatton strictly on re liquid paints R. B. Uilbretb & Sons will keep at all times a supply of hay, giaiu and leed which thev will retail at the lowest ; market rates. jL'ti-tf Wanted A competent gir! to dogen cral housework for family of three in the ! country ; wages per month. Inquire at O.tlles Hospital. jyl!-lwk WantP'I A small family to occupy i ttie home and keep house for an aged widower. Liberal terms can be had. j A pply at this Offtoti jly'J2-l w Miil-summer clearance sale of milli nary at the Campbell A Wilson Milli nery parlors. Kvervthing iu the line of beadwear at one half the actual val 'ue. j-JH-lm Dyspepsia can be cured by lining Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold inlnwidhoiiie tin boxes at 26 Otl. Jilakeley the druggist. . When your hair appears dry and to be received at the ru nnier i i,uitu i,,u. it. wi.uliit, it ....m u .t...... to give It llle and vigor. We have whul tbe hair needs when it gets !n that con- Why pay 1.7.r) per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton's sun proof paints for 11.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A Ka!k, aients. mf FOR CAMPERS. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Bi-.-'.u: c Ot SEALED BIDS. fOLOINO JwL SCAT CLOSCO Just the thing In take elORg wlien JTOQ go oamnlns or to the seaooast. For sale by BEXTON A WALTHKR, Bids wi Omca of Balles (Jity, for the city lot on the south side of Third street between Court and Washington streets. All bids to be deposited at tbe reroi der's ofliee on or before August 1, ItOJ, and addressed Bids for Lot." The size of lot is "ihx 100 feet. Ilxted i The hull which the entry, filing or settlement Wa Jy ot J0y, 1Q01, by order ol tbe OOUO made. Warning is given to all perrons cil. not to make settlement upon the tract of ' Doiikkiv, lan J reserved by the proclamation. jySJO-augl City recorder. pe- "1 am indebted to One Minute Cough cure for my present good health and my life. I was treated iu vain by doctors for lung trouble following la grippe. 1 took Due Minute Cough Cure and re covered my health." Mr. E. H. Wise, Madison, Qfe Clarke A Falk's P. 0 Pharmacy. We offer for a limned period the twice-a-week Chkumi i.m, price $1.00, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for 2 a year, (subscriptions ! weighing 4 and ft1 pounds Just received at (iilbrelh (V Son's lumber yard, a few csrloads of No. 1 cedar posts and A shiugles. They ' are agents for Heath .. Miliigan's cele brated shingle paint. Call on them; their prices are all right. Wood not fiumed is better by oOc a cord than wood that is. jyfi) MOUM. This morning, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, of upper Three Mile, twin boys, ditiOO. Wehuve the Crown of Science Hair jjjgHggfr (i rower and Coeoanut Oeam Tonic. They will cure (land MlT roll and all scalp disease. For sale at FrBHr's bar tier shop. Price 50c and 7oc a bottle. Just received a new supply of North rop A: SturgiB1 pure food products, as i follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa - nut, baking soda anil high giade leaven i er. H it's Northrop & Kturgis, it is good. iet a package and try it. For 1 snle by Conroy, Son A Co., K. L. Brooks' old stand, The Dalles, Or. jylL' L'wd sV li ij;iee Made. aro groat ii tyli". it- lIlUO shown under , vai.ee this oiler must be paid iu ad - I i j Gifford's Fotos Never Fade. WM. iYIICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Waehlnjrton 8ta. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 433. Local, 102. 1 1 - w are groat m We believe In it i t . .: i . . v i .ll 1K' HII Lilt lewus ! Hunt tor the belt. The laD'iit leather above costs $5. I ( )thera s-ll five-dollar ones If you compare them yon 11 say our'i too cheap t )r, the othen too daar Saturday, only $415 A. M. Williams (EL Co.