The Dalles Daily Chronicle TTESDAY HO "AttTl-AME&J i.v LEA VI Vienna. Ux great station of Eoropoai KM - .a- covers I J waj of Paris ibat : " are seme :DcrerV-.-.. )batax ? I tbe formation of a European custom league ' -' oitec .ate says the See irk 7- bofte. TV: identity of tbe obettclei M n: i: clooed. Imag;ca. not. b.;w. overwrc-gt-t - ipecakUiOj gpofl tblM. Taere are ::rxe thing! wbich are pretty eafiiy guessed, A suffeient bar agi;n?-. ety eaci) league ntigbt be found :.: fad that scarce. y anv two Hurc':ean countries are agreed between them selves up jl tbe tun?. C jtncercW war? are eodemk tbroogbout Um continent. It is MM U be Wppoced. for ttaapie, tbat GreftBacT ar.:i Ru?iia or France and Italy would wholly s:r.k ttieir mutual rlva.nes and industrial aoimoaitiea. iet with' " an f , out that D elieetiTe ant i-Ame league w;.ulu be r-?ss'bli. M re tbe tnat Free wa- Trade Great Britain would become protectionist, or that tae protection- ist continent would go over to free trade : For surely then dm some sucfa aniformitr u ma.-:e -. . certed action effective Bat before and a: : v- such CO siderationa rises one great fact that the two greatest eommerc.a! and ;niu5tr:al . "' were not ami are n.t ' y anv n-isr.-to be led bate ueh a movement It needs only a little .are?-, tht-ugbt t convince one tbat t :rc: v .n- :i-y. -. tae or Oeraanv ente Uiin reser bhng a lan tbe "n::ei State. An wi:L Hanciet left ont- eat iJr::a:n w- w;;n .-lac e", wool : be scarce y a ntsrser :n r, an.; bopeies; Incocpie'.eneis zy the sirle of a E'jr'rean c.xnoe' .esr-," against Aser.i. w.:i ije .w. .eft out. "Dm Bev ei e-jst :.' l:r:ni- since McK:r..ev tioat crease a per auc What Sin- wv. IH tion tbe tne people to pay a ;b:ra more now? Does it matter to tbe rietnuess mar., out ol wort and : . . -. - . uis lit. .: . .nstnit j . Four vears ago tne army ooemplojed Vat so treat tiit : a:, .a- ".nat'.nr"'jj.sts could not "OTlde soup no'..?es enoui'L to prevent jeatn- . m ttar n n 1 neb ar.c ent vation. history that any one oan nave for gotten. Prioca were ..w Uten re- cause taere wa: man:: wai . itman::. . e- use idle men had no money w..a wL.jL V. : .- chase. At present labor , so wei. employed &n:i well paid that con troversies are not for b.her waes. but 'or recogoiiion of tbe tiriooi la'0: organ zatiooa. Wnen Uiooa and- of me:, can to w orr; in order to Utaial on ".eoaa.-.a. point- of tbi kind it 'loea not appear that they are r.n .i.n- to-, .r.vee i . ,s ' " living burdens NCTiCE TC THE OaE Vhtah trail Im gar TlMlr Owe ttol If tlee.lnl befjre besine ar.v t oars - a: cemetery ort come and Mr C mini. Ljn I let an; jr.e b tr iU Wi-l their DtCt ta.r Z:.-- kaom ROtbisg about tne bu:t,es a:., ran iowc pOCg MObOOlC Ifaaj ,o u,ase OQ believe that their w.ork is doraoie. b fore yoc lforoor order iai Mr C taae yon out to lha catneteri and shoe you waat cind of wort be put sji Bire vou ms pr.ces for Iton't bj in a norry to give your order, but trst jfivwjMr Conisl aebaaea to ngnrr on your wora. Vjii Had by asking at I ne a i. : a- .. , . dewliogs a.-:. Mr n -..-.a- a. if bis ruia is u. lira'.-e. ass . J , ;uat a- h repreaa-ou it to be. and Ibat bia prieaa tor aucn woric are Ver io It is not necessarv to send for aton fron, ptnor placaa, tnare is atone nere u. Tba Daiiac tbat wil. stand tne iudmentda-. BandattM ,.,mhia- . . w :uc-t;-dwtf ... , - 3 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Take them to day and voull be well to-morrow. Baldwins Cold Cure Tablet NoBB NCureSPd?x 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 ... ! li-J - - :": i V - 1 Dark Catarrt Imco: Be Cured. local applications, as :ney cans ra-.n tne iea- t. tl I : ae Catar is a blood or cons..:-:: n i a in order to cure it v- - -.Air intt nai reinec: Ea..'s Catarrh Cure takes Internal! t, and acta direct ?v t-e --.uan: .u.:.t:s ftt-u. uatarrt I & )oaea n-::.?:ne It was was preecr;bei b on of the beet phyeiciaiw :n tn;s eooatrt tor Met, :. I physicians ;t eooati ;s areec'.a-presc-.ntion. is coDtpoeed o' tne Mt tonic ir:: rontbined witn ;ne rs: blood porutera, d:r-ct on tae mueooc Tae perfect coatbination jf tae tw: ingredient is BOKOg Lat.-rn. rrenr. tor :est.n.on..s :-e. F. . . " ez'-x'c k 7 . Propa., Toiedc O. n. . - rai are . . .r rsr'-r I : s--r -.air. :t: Little Earlt Riaen aad will a wr keep vc .r. parfei I irder. Tr.e never aZ- l : w r-:a. te .- a z IW.tfs W:S;n Ease. Salre sn;:.d be promptly app.iei t: :-tr r-rrs ar.ti ta.i. Il wot face an: ;-.:a J r.ra.- tne mjoraa part. . :.err a- wonbieec connterfe.ts. ne snre to get IrW;r. C.aritr 4 Fa'.i I f 0. ?r.aCaC. r.i :-r;-crre .s tie : Acker's Enjt.i: Remedt in ar.v eaaa il eoofba, co. os or croup, non.d it fail tc i'T 't- ar; i. ief nj-'tev rerun oec Blakeler, tae urcg- ?-.sts. Iryiiir ir'-iarations sanplr r .u- rane aad ae .a-- e aad d .a taacediaaTTforr: - Avoiial. u - ia inialana. ; ant rauffi an j uae tt wfaicii ciaaaMB, noUMa aa baala EVa Craam Balm ia aaen m remedy ani wiL cir citArri. cr crldite Lad eni-.v ari t .a.ianrv. A s:.i '-; fa a.a..-;:.r. cenu. A. ct-tie sate. t. .; ..r jtaera. WamaSt R.X. -a cu---' wtia.-as tun. c - s n:s irrtaite :r -ai-r sneeztai-. I: s: readi itB-.-J trrtait cr au-r sneitn: r.': tkZ. ;rrr.'.a:-i i:. surt-te. reT. . isdamnatj a :z.2iijK.t '-a- t'a.a:-. v,.".a tji Kan ;.-.c ou are arn.ed against Catarrh and Ear Feer. 1 1 1. r t aie . A I. Cise separator, g..: a' new and rea ie ,r w jrt 3: incn cvlmder and al4 Woodbarv li..g norav power, Oa easy terms. App'y to Gaoaea S - ai . ;--wat Imr Duicr. Mr. in p .' anni'y yoc s. wi. be t - ' s an: prnar.en: n-a.ed if voc I'-V.'::t'. W:f -. L-.ze stsUva. L-xare a-orthUoa nootarleiu Claika 4 i a. a si' Pharmaer. l or sal T-.-a'v .-.&: -.f nor, ranging in ' -: H t or. i- a.. Btraobc Broibara, Ernieraby, j y StV-lmw C.arate 4 Fa.e's Savoring -x-.-ac are t:.e :s-.. ask io ." ear foe tam. Clarke fi I !. ,:. -a. a foil j ii bi nr'. a:-'- 'nuahwi A i I lac Latti.r d o.s ar.1 scp- p m ;- r-e .. ... a-i:e Ft I TJ vh'-;k L4SD s Uu) I Ofiaa, '- ar.' - - en Ut.f .1. utl'.p .a . tna ei o; i nngissa ii UtUaJ .-r tr.- , .. - '-ltat i . nu r : Maiaw(M : m:s o;. a,", of Auciat , 'a if, ciuot? rtt .aa- i baa inu dj riiwrt bu ..,rT t:atr.-io-. N( (.,- ' I... 'ifrr.i : ' ti Baal . . ;... ' '- : I n raoai aal u u U .'...if . r.e- it,.nt Inar. f.. a. pnrpttBSa.aM b ni : t. -a:.: .a:. . D : ai. 'r. ttr''at u'oafTin ir-' Uwi, H Paia v'. ' ' ac .J -l V- i-a.?.0 : ... . " .s. . . , .'1 . ....... i..- ."ia. ,pfi V rU : I V Nfc.u. Kaguier j The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd Profit-Sharing Association are 1 set Pickens. 1" vols., publisher's price 122.50; I net Knight's History ot England. 8 vols., publisher's price $12. 1 vol Gallery f Bible ri -t tres. illustrated by Pore: 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by T. V, T--warily: a $3 rebate to rt-rson payi:. the rr.ost cash -.iurir.c f '-.r weeks er.a inc Aug. 3d, arid a $2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount of cash during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone, eu fert ct Condon phone No. V'2. Give me a trial. IKE. T. NOLAN. White Collar Line, TUB DallBS-POfllaOd BOllie Str. BAILET-GATZEET. Escept M :Li.(. Cascade Locks l . uivcr i T-e Dalles."- I ..rt.ant Ar:"e Tr.- Da ea. l.-jave " Arrlre Portland. a. n. P. K. Mr: aiing Feature I le Grandeal - s -.:ute r.a t : Portland-Astoria Route S:r "TAHOMA." Iai r r.jsni Tripe except -cnJav. TIME CARD Leave Port lan : Leave Astoria Lani.Lg and J&et Fx? si Alder Btreat botti pr.ones. 11 351, Portland, .'teg in. E. W. CRICHTOK, Agent Fort. and. J. M. FILLOON. Agi. Tne 'AY LOK. Agen: Astoria. Plnrl'c Prr-inn of rKr PclHo wia. n j wiUiJS wi iuv wcniw. Fe "' tc Apr;! 22d. 1902 .trr.i-.wn: Wt.te Btas twtlMezvw kn :: Um f:rt. i Utepastl - M oecupriot; T4 dya. .. jr. Eayp: act Pii.-js :'. cta...ds:. .a- Jtel rtn Af- nca,aiu Ltsi-i h h..i i.aD.i R.wtr. fnr.aort -o.t lr'' 0 ' atuaetlTc ptiona! i. 1 ' '- Z.i-.:- x : : t ::. ik : -.-: ;aj- :. :-u-t tar Waste star MutXTMU OMMtle, U:ti: . TSatMlie, Cm! 'Jf Trip eloea. : r i - r. :x : x I K1 -j. 040K a.-..: aswanta, a:Rliusr (0 tasasaaon wanasiu ineliKnasi those taw mi .. Kaa, iww ar::1-t iv.t and a.. :.-. 4a-.. Itrr.Ks S.ecia! rtura MaU-.7; Malta -7t. .ac tne li'i.v jattQ. .on.ttantliiOtiie ': -. '- fieri r.ari2Eir.t .:' F'.i: . N-w Vote. Cairo, tc : :.. -u-t.--...,r- u.:rc:, U I DMI A hi:" sun I w a.-..r.: r s:re: . .. Oa..r-, tsrer.n: ec: f.jr ;i. intra:-,: ' ri, ... John ParLrk. The Tailor. Ha- jod received '. ...' lotaet pattern- if. Men -C r'tr.ine Qooda. H- euaran tee pri:e an-i a g i Hi or :. pay . f John Phek, The Tailor NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION. laalt Orsr.a at Ta iMtE-. 'a . Joiv . in,.. NoUea ia oaraby srivan tftat tn lotlosrlng nami aaitiar bav riii potlea o; iatatitioi tr, maar boa. pnif oi. flaini f'.rv !Hc hi,U:r and I'.aeei.M at Th ori.. m. aatunla-. . Aiiatuat ... la. J . Z "iiiM.M"i - - ci...'la:i.i. fW -h . 1 . N 1. 1 E ar d tbr k I 1 S 1. . E W k .lobn A . Fracman 'Ji- i..-:.--a:rM.. ari'i.' ai.. . :r, r ;'V"i V "' -'' i T : wiiospg uieli, buniiar. I a riSMisii "i at 'wman of M-er. .rir.. uu an. "fencer and WiUtaE Kati.ouK of Tba Paiiea rrtfitr. jSya JaV 1 LOi Ao. K;iaier ftlfjjjjj Pjj in Yellowstone Park Line. :ee . af. r.yr.z rp.;: p .-ktn: r tee f.a?t "EE MfLT : :r.i T mm t: the velow- STONE PaKK V:.:::-:.:: ?:ru ill 1 3:: a!i:"I 0. va i Faat :.: for Zi-- saa r-ra".-. '-r.Ml. 'J" '.ni. B M M try Heivn. Xi:n:iar--.n. Pau.. omaim. Kd"4d.- ::; : Looli -:.'-ur.- nd aU r;:it S. t an: iVi .tr.ra.!. a: P. I for ri'o:aa nti r Eo. a : a M Pnltanaii rrnt rlaw in-t amnrt sleepers tr Jt:::aipi.i. st Pa-.iii Maiwuf; r.vj:w s":tr'.z. ' r.ouil trains. Taiot depot cocnectioDt :r. at. rr::. r.ta. -'.s. js.trEUt cr.xC t. dest:E5i :ir. n: ucier. lH:r:rt:'.'r ninTter. :. i-.:- 't;Li' :irvaU02 .. !.: ol ..? A. D CHARLTON. .. ram1 1 mi ! SOUTH anc EAST via Shasta Route tr::.- T;.-; - P.rt.a:.i aai wa? ilatloni a: a. n a&c I v. m. Souinern Pacific Co Pcnian.! Ida a id r- ; m Alaa7 tl a c: . j m : Am jiad ... U i a m a m Maera-Mot.'- ' .. s n. tic PTaa'-'isct' " V: t x ? I: a rc PaJuu 5 V a tn It a m Dawiai MDasa a at 4H.S v.;:; " j;' a tc " i! a rc CMaftR r c a m I am Um Aae-.-w I rS t tc a m E . Pat. r t rc Mtl Fott Wottil '.Ham I a rc City f Mexi: S a tn v V! a a: Eoaaror. 4 a tt 4 ; a rc r.a:.t ( 9 a rc r rc asc:c?t.)L t 4 a rc ( 4i a rc s'"-"i It4a Bflta Paluaaa act TCajrJai r oc aota tain an.t t.--:-i4t . r.-,.... v-.- -.- .aa-an: wL.:.r: a ' - ' - m t:ar .t San Pranetat w::c r. iMamaif ::r. ;.- H ;. ...u :hi., Co:aa. a; s. ate .va. add.ta se. i5t.t a: .a-. Oa!.a C. H. MARKHAM, j-jnera. f-aaar:rir Aarer.t. Portland. r: Just What V-ri rrinrsr TOU TJUealJl. -c. u- -e ideas in a.. faper baro, -ucx. variet? a- e are -mowing never be- jre graced n singie sto at. hea. imita- ion creton effects at ordinarv prices, Gorl paper- at abaan baner r,rio Elogaot daaigni tas:fn. eoloringc, voore for a sma.. price, at our store on third street. Aisoafai. line of bouse paints D. W. VAUSE. Third St. FRENCH fe CO., BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Business. letters of Credit issued available in '.:.e Eastern States. Tranaferi .,,: on VM. v.a r-K, 'iul i.L-uuge ana ieierapi.i Louis. Man rrancisco, Portland Ore- gon. Seattle Waab.. and various noinu ir, llrKm mnA ar..K;". J. U P,DU in Oregon and Waeninvton. collections made at all points on fav- oraUie Utrms. i v. rw-i rue Colli Packing Co.. JJ PACKERS Or PORKand BEEF KAKTrrAcrcuM or Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS fe BACON a)RIFr EEEF. FTC. ejm Besiauiam L. V. RC'NG. Proprieto-. First-CIass in Every Respect at at a ls ai a 1 1 h oi oa. Oysters Served ia any Style srond St.. The Da.i. Or Kodol . Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tbe food and aids Nature in lUretifftbenino and recon structing tbe exnaustva digestive or gana. It is tbe latest discoveredd;gest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approacb It in trSuiency. It in stantly relieves and permanent!? cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick" Headache. Gastraigia Crampsand all othr results ot imperfect d.cestion. Price SCc arid TL Large site contains 2 H .f-cee II aue;. ut cyspeps.AC. .e-tree f -esorefl fcy E & OcWlTT a CD . C-.:aa Just Received A toll line of Fresh Printing and De ve. oping Papers direct from facTory. SQUOj JAfA. lfi0. eiOX aiid Arir-tO ID all size?. Also a line of P.atee in Cramer Crown, -eedi and -tan.ey, t t r illlVB, rnQUUg rminer. AJbuiiiS, M ultigraph? , And all accaesones to complata the o'urit of eitner tne amateur or pro- ess. :.a . . it wrapper. 'Jr Eoreka Combined Toning and Ftxinf Bath li a dandy. Try it. Tne A. E. C. Developer for plates. Bitot or dave. jp oe papeis has noeoai. Enough for to deve,ope 6 doien n.a'.ee or 6 dozen Ve,ox 4xo. Perfect blacks and wbltes are guaranteed, if directions ; are lotlovod. Ask for tbe A. E. C. De veoper, nd see tbat vou get tbe genuine. Wa are prepared tocompor.r.a any and u y. nr own formal. ar.d gnari,tee satisfaction. At tne old place, T :.- .' 'a..e-, 1 'regon. F8 Second -treet. Geo. C. Blakeley. rTtwr f I t I L. Lane, GEKCRAl BiactsnUtu I AND. and Carriage sterk. Fiah Brothera Wagon. TMrt and Jefferson. Pione 159 J Horsesnoer OREGON Sholt Like AMD Union Pacific nsr.r 'ti.fair. portlaad pecia.. a m v via li .: D inetoc. AtlanMc Eitrr t. -V) a rr. via Hnt: ingtna St. Pan' Past Ms.... V &? I. . :a spt aasM, rmi scircovua 1 a TBE l aL:.Es. a nam r a :: Lake, ivnver. Ft. n . r:n. vmaba. Kac M'tr M lynis. Chi ru BM ItM Ira.-: Or. p rr.. Sa'.: lAke. Ier.ver. Ft. a i.maia. Kan- a- Itjr, St IxHii-.t. tii essjp aail tbe Eaa 4 19 a rr. Walla Waila. Ialun. 7-r- ::s.Wa:iace.Pu!l ::.:. M :ai)rp,ii. St. :0 a E. Pan:. Uolath, Milwan k.'biraf!.'' aad East. 0CSA1 AND EIVIE SCHEDULE Frnm 1'ortlaDfl. all 'a-lirif date anb- ;oct w cnausre. i ocp. m. F it Sar. Frncioo. Ball vsff " day ii i: -undaT. - . p m -at .rda; . I":' r. m. Zai:y xpept t uluiiil'ia Hirer. Tc Astoria and Way landing. 1 00 p. tc. Bonak Wlilaruettr Klver. i r City, Kewherg, tatasa, indtnUeiice. and aay lndiDps. ItM p rr. excp: Suadf.'-. I p at. il oa day 0 tdliwdt v Fnaay. 3 p m Monday. Wadneaaay gtiday. Tr. :-:. ;. . -ilL- lr' 'an. r alUf and Way tv i : lamrttr anil a Mai) bill blTaps. 'r-jyir. 1 .ty. Iiiytnc and a sj ijiic:uit. -i,ake HiTrr. Rfparta t.- nwiston. bteve daiiv. L?av. da;:v, ::!U a. E Pi des:r:rr to ro to Heppner or :. iUEOia ?-uta.-r:. v;a Biesra. anouid Uait Nil .. ieaviug Ti.t llalie at U:.ej p. e. ma.: a lire I ..cnections at wneUotl a:,d Hies Krturr.iiip nihaingdirectcoiiaeorao:. at Heppuer ;uoction and Btnr with iKo. 1. ar r.niii a: The Oa..e ar : i p. e. F..r f f articuiar. call or. or addrrer JAs. -HE1.AN11. Agent. Tbe laiie. Wagon. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGC1ST. Nasal CATARRH lr. a.. .:! t'.arta tert Ely's (ream Balm I ao, i -c-es and ksali attssaaad sassskiaaa 1: : id.-.- a ? ev. ksad qa.-:a ream Balm ti lata ti noatriU. spraa . . . .i Kel.afiaiu.- t,'- bd i e ire fo ...11. i. i saaas Uftfl , so cent at In..- 1 a--- ' . i Tr.a. f...:. :) ren(.br mail, a a " rras atoaat. Ksw Totk. J e sch.n a. t. )Ul A VOOT, caabiel First National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREGON A (ienerai Banking Bnameaa tranaacted Depoeiu received, subject to Sigbt Oraft or ( "Kwa tysa. JCollactione made and proceeds promptly remitted an dv n rW anli si H' d Tegraphic Exotianfa so.d a ftw York, Han Franciaoo and Port land. np, Dlstoxoaisa SLrSfmm' Jj,- 8- ScaaacB. to. M. WinniAaa, (i10. A. Lj1Bi. H M. B a a l n