VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1901, NO. 134 CASTORU AVcgctable Preparationfor As similating llicFoodandRcgula ting the Stouiuchs andBowels of Promotes Digcstion.CheerPuI ness anclRosl.Contains neither (Mum, Morphine norlineraL Jt'OT N.RCOTIC. f of Old J)r SAMUEL PITCHER fiiinJuii Seal' i t!x.Smna , . vtr - I yfc.w .lr f 111 CariiOMOrSttUi CUrihm ugnr A perfect Remedy for Cons lipa fion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Simile Signature or NEW YORK. its CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of OPPRESSIVE HEAT IN VARIOUS CITIES A sr m A EEf IT COPY Or WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CINTtUH COMPANY, NCW TOUR CtTY. Qaer Money In Circulation, Washington, Julv 22' Chief Wilkie, of the secret Bervice, line received a nuui bar of haul; notes printed from the orig inal plates used ly the state bank of New Brunswick, N. J., uver 50 years ago. ihe bank went out of existence some time in the "iDs and it was supposed that the steel plates from which its notes were printed were destroyed. It seems, however, mat these plates have fallen into the hands of parties who have printed from thetn large quantities of notes which have been put into circu lation from New York to S,an FrancUco. A very large percentage of the notes so far discovered are twos, although some ones and fives are being sent in. Inasmuch as the notes are not counter feits of any United States notes or obli gation, the makers and passerB cannot be ptotecated under the United States iavs, bat it 1b said they cm be punished for fraud under the state laws. It appears that tiie notes readily passed along the Canadian frontier as the takers think they are notes of the Canadian Province eHoi. Hut this is costly and not al of New Rrunswick, the words "New Jer-' 'y sne. Don't be an exile when Dr. ley" being printed in small letters. The King's New Discovery for Consumption notes are printed on bond paper and are ; will cure you at home. It's the most quite at good in every way as the origi- loWUM medicine for Coughs, Colds, Dais. It is suid that possibly $2,000,000 d all Throat and Lung diseases on of these notes are in circulation. 'earth The first dose brings relief. j Astounding cures result from persistent lie Kept Hi Leg. use. Trail bottles free at G. C. Blakeley's i Twelve years ago J. VV. Sullivan, of 1 drug store. Price oOc and $1 .00. Every Uartford, Conn., scratched his leg with j bottle guarante-d. 4 a rusty wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suf fered infeusely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, "but," he writee, "I used one bottle of Electric Bitters and Charles Wassm.th, an employe of the Union Oil Well Supply Company. Since the shooting the town has been in a state of turmoil and for a time there was pros pect of a lynching, There ae a meeting of 300 angry citizens and the greatest excitement prevailed. The crime was vigorously denounced and measure! were taken to rid the town of objectionable characters, The shooting was the result of the mayors effort to preserve order among persons who insisted on fighting on the Street. Four machinists, Charles Wax smith, George Gregg, H. W. Worly and John Bottoms are under arrest. The mayor ordered the four men arrested for fighting with a Mexicat , ut hi foe they w-re a pprenended Waxsmith secured a pistol and deliberately shot the mayor wtio was sitting in froot of his own house. Thousands Bent Into Kxiie. Every vejr pj large number of poor suffered w hose lunge are sore and racked with coughs are urged to goto another Many Deaths and a Large Number of Prostrations Reported. Unit llrokrn ut Chicago. CHICAGO, July 2'J. The terrible heat, which reached its reeord-breakinirclimax at 109 degs. yesterday, was broken t dawn this morning by afresh lake breeze. The night was sultry, there being scarce ly a breath of air, and hundreds of peo ple in the crowded districts slept out of doors, or sat up until the wind made sleeping possible. At 10 o'clock today the temperature was 7r, and four deaths from the heat has been reported. Three Deaths at New York. New Yobk, Julv 22, Three deaths from heat were reported here this morn ing. At 10 o'clock the weather bureau thermometer registered SO deg. The hu midity at the same hour was 78. Hot Day ot Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind., Julv 22. This was I the hottest day ever experienced in Ind- iana. At 11 o'clock the official tern per ! ature reached 105 deg. Kvcorila broken at St. Louis, St. Louis, July 22. Acting Forecaster I E, E. Spencer, of the local weather bu ! reau, declares this is the hottest day in the history of St. Louis. Shortly after 1 ! p. m. the thermometer on the govern ! ment building recoided 107, the highest j record attained yesterday at 8 :30 o'clock, j During the past 24 hours there have been I five deaths from the heat and more fatal ities may result from the large number ' of prostrations reported. Night I nliearable at Topeka. ToPKK a , Kan., July 22. Sunday scor ed as the hottest day of the season and was followed by a night that was almost unbearable. The Sunday maximum aB 104 and the minimum during the night 7'.'. The mercury stood at 104 at noon, with no evidence of rain in sight. There is more dampness in the air than usual, and it makes the heat more oppressive. The w ater supply for the city is yet plentiful. A 3-Day Sale of Boys' Waists and BlousesV Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday j? We wil comfortable offer parents a chance '.t a very small price. to make their bovs The little fellows notice the heal we do ami will in many instances being comfortably clad. quite as much as e better bovs for At these very liberal reductions we tire line in the three days of this sale lately perfect condition, style, lit and should have no trouble in disposing of our en And such Waists! None hut what are ahso-quality. Blouse Waists worth 38c and 42c will be. each 25c. Waists and Blouses worth 50c, 68c, 75c and 88c will be, each 38c. Waists and Blouses worth $1,25 will be, each Of Percales and Lawns Plain or figured, white or colored: trimmed with self-ruffles, others with ruffles of embroidery; some with bands of material in contrasting colors: some with large sailor collar, others with small dered collar and cutis. All are strictly up-to-date. A. M. Williams Co. 75c. some same laun- 1 1-2 boxes of Buckleu's Aruica .Salve 1 auu my leg was sound and weil as ever." j For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Kheum, Sores and all blood disorders Liectric Bitters lias no rival on eaith. i Xr? them. G. C. Blakeley will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 50: cents. 4 I Don't Let Theiu Butler. "'ten children are tortured with itch mg and burning eczema and oUier skin diseases but Buckleu's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflammation, leaves the skin without a scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at G. C. Blakelev's drug store, 4 HouieleKH Waif. Ai many, Julv 22. Early Saturday ! morning a small baby was found w rapped ! in an old b'anket, Iving on the norch of i an unoccupied house in East Albany. It had been born onlv a few hor. The child has been taken to the- Orphan's Home. The circumstances surrounding the case are verv invsterioii-, but the police claim to have a slight clew to the Criminals who lelt it there. t'rouably Fatally Hhot. Santa Paula, Cal., Joly 22 Mayor Hugh O'Hara of this place was shot and probably fatally wouuded Sunday by Fond lim.K' il to PolSOn. Putrefying food in the intestines pro : duces etl'ec like those of SJrPPniOi but j Dr. King's NV Lfe Pi, is expel the ! poisons from clogged bowels, gently, j easily but purely, i-uriiig Constipation, j Kiliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all j L'ver, Kidney an. I Bowel trotihl'.-s. Only i 25c at G. 0. Blaklev ' drug dure. 4 If anything aim your liair, go and see Frazer ; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a "pecialiv of t h-se goods. tf Hottest K.i Kuonu. Evansville, Ind., July 22. This was the iiottest day ever experienced here. At noon the government weather bureau thermometer registered 107. There have been four prostrations. 10:t Degretei al Loulavllle. LoiisviLLE, Ky., July 22. The gov ernment thermometer at noon today registered 103. Three prostrations were reported. Hottest of Year at Col umhUH. COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 22. This was the hottest day of the year, the ther mometer at the government weather bureau registering 102 at 12:30 o'clock, on the streets it was several degrees higher. Due ft Fay to ISuj Cheap? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something ttiat will relieve aud cure the more se vere and daugeious results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular ciimate? Yes, if possible ; if not possiole for you, then in either case take the only rem edy that has been introduced in all civil ized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles. "Boschee's German Syrup." It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, hut allays inflammation, causes easy ex pectoral ion, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patient. Try onl bottie, Rcomme ded many years by all druggists in the world, and sold by Clarke k Falk. Get dreeu's prise almanac. I "I wish to truthiully state to you and the readers of these few lines that your REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, pom & Astoria NAVIGATION CO. DALLES BOAT -LEAVES- OAK STREET DOCK, PORTLAND, A. M. and 11 P. M. at ! C. J. STUBLiIG, WIIOI.KS.M K AND KKTAM. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. f m la CoikIoii I'hnne ;.'tl. 5 Long Dint. I OKI. '..Ttvt T.iiiTirrtiiiTuriTini titititi iririrKf trirmr THE DALLES. OREGON. . , . ... u lUJUl ...Portland Boat... i.KAVES THE DALLES at 7 :00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT Ml'NDAY. TiAMiaa REGULATOR, DALLES CITY. Wasco wiIb Mills Co RELIANCE. w. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Knrtol iH.iriffM t'nie is w ithout uues- nanl land, s U , , , , Osmer w. iunik Hon, the nest and only cure pir oyspepsia I.ANll OrriCK AT I'HK iJAM.Kf, OK June 7, I'JUI. t Notice ly hereby given that the following j mined MttlSI bsi tiled notice of bisintentldli to make final proof m .-.ippoi i of btsclaiiOi and tliat huid proof will bs made DSfON I tie KsgistW and Keren rr at I fie Dal loh, Oregon, on nutur day, July 20, I901, Via. I Frad Htockll. of The Dallas, Or , U E, No SfSjM, for the NW'. of NVVofSec 87, Tp l N , R U g W. M He naiie'S the folhiwlna wf tneM-n to prove hlh contliiuouA rasldeitns uioii and cultivation of Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Smlpm Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- Qjr jFlOUr ''H ','",lr 18 manufacture! eipressly for family XV 1JMJ everv sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. W sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices aud fie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats MOTT'S Gilford '8 Fotos Never Fade. that I have ever come in contact with and I have used many other prepara tions. John Beam, Went Middlenex, Pa. No preparation equals K .dol Dyspepsia Cure as it coutains ail t tie natural digestauts It will digest all kinds of food and can't help but do you good. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy Clark & Falk are never closed Hunday. Don't forget this. Ale. FrajOfi K. (.' Ji rooks, Chatk-K Kuwhou, all of 'I he Dallas, Oregon, jtjnia JAY P. LUl Art, UegiNter. PILLS b day la oerowarv ONE FOR A DOSE. Urmotrn Pnup , Prniant HiIiuu.ukih.P ,rn tin Blood, Cure Huada. lia an I Ujrap. naia " "."'(r""! 11 in' liOV.la aa lo r l...ithar L-r,,.rT.T.. o7KaT"W?I u ittsi j CO PhHa a PENNYROYAL PILLS They overcomo Wvuk ni irrotfiilurity and Omimlrinii incruu.se vi)f- - or ami biiiiibli "punts of menstruation." They are "I4FB 8AV10US" to fiHa at womanhood, aidiii( development of orgiiua and bialy. No known remedy for woun n equals them, t'unnot tlo harm Ufa beoontM a pleaxure, jkl.oo KU jiox 11 V MAIL. NolU by drufftfUtM. DK. MOTT'S CUEM ICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For sale hy (ino. (J. Blakeley, The Dalles, Or. Subscribe for The Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle 4