The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 22, 1901, Image 4

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physician of good reputatkM to publicly
ftei heard ol MM where doctors
it :s most gratifying to
ary latter
d, N. V.
r & Cu. ,
n ','
w "S
T W vc. - UB!
endors 0 ri r.
have seer
receivi tin ' How C I Sn I .
6iu essf ' ;
"Messrs v. ti
New- York City wuta tr aad try
professn te oniony to tne vanu
of your English preparation known
as Acker' a English Remedy Asth
ma, etc. Ia sever... instances, after I
have triad ntv utm st t give even
relit:, i have prescril . A vourreniedy,
and it ha. acted almost like amirade,
Hot otily reliev.i:., I .it permanently
Curing every or. of the patients. I en
dorse' the preparation a one oi the
most valuable additions to the prac-
tu e of medicine."
Such a frank endorsement as the
Above t. phenomenal. Coming front
Bo distinguished a member of the
an assurance which the public will be
sure to avail themselves of It i-rec- ,W
ommendations '.Ik,.- this which make
it i) ssible to pivt the hroau -.tarau-tae
that ss a tart of evervsaiei . Ack
er's English Remedy for Long';..-. ' i
Colds, Asthma. Bronchitis and Consumption. I- must either do a'.i that is
claimed for it, or your money will be refunded. Do jrou kr.ow of any other
m dicine sold on thole tern-.-' Do you know of any other medicines which
prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than
prescripti ins they write themselves ' These fact.- art well worth considering.
They are i t especial Interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs.
Bold a: ijc., $oC and $: u So-.:ls. throughout tr.e Uni-.ed States sad Canada : and ia Eog-
Ian it is : : -J If rou are not satisfied after buying return the to vour
druggist ar.d get yo r money back,
HI C. ' raera h n . U, UQOKEl; & CO.. Proprietor v It ;.
For sale at Bia eler's Pharmacy.
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors ThC Owl."
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City,
hones . oi oca . Di 173 Second Street.
uiiiinuii l o
mi i mil mi
if if iiiumii-Lwp
2 RUBBER and Garden Hose,
t Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
Kss's French Period!
ssi Drops
Strictlv vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
Beware of ennnJetreits son in tat ri, T' z n ' :1 up Mi.ym nasi
l'iri w:'h .icral'i'i i! . .,. r t n .1-. lu WILLIAMS MFU CO Sola Ageau, C .. aii'! OL.u
If vou arc in need of anything in our lino, figure with
for it will pay you.
Wo o
prompt attention.
For sa'iL1 bv cieo. C. Doikt
!' K iONAL .UK XT I u.N .
Mr Hngh Qienn left on cne noon
trdin f ir -t-asi ie.
V. V ugi w a patsenaer on this m.rn
in's boat i ir 8t. Sdartin's '"ings.
Tiii- Mi--"- Bertie, Grace and H.utie
Oleoo left 'ici- morning's boat tor so
outtna t -a'.'iew.
iritM O'Neil and Freil Fry itn't or.
tiiH I;- mice '.i morning on a fishing
trip to T- iui Like.
Summer Kxcuftlooii 16 tae ';t oast.
Only i SO for the round trip from
The I'a!ies t.. Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific
Park, Ocean Park or N'abcotta, Wash.,
good fur return unti! Sept. 16, !'")i.
Baggage checked through to destina
tion. The steamer T. .1. Potter will
leave Portland daily except Sunday and
Monday, and the Hasja:o daily except
Sunday, at 8 p. n... and IV p, m. on
Manufacturer of
Tto "Hayfles" Net aid Slacker.
All order.-' entrusted to us will have
To" following county warrants will be
cancelled by the county court in thirty
day- iron, this date- uuiei? called by the
partie owning same tiie next
thirtv davs .
We arc pleased to infom ouTpattnna aad the
pubii' u. general that we nav the oxcluttvi
eontrol and i lanuiaptaro oi tin i elebtated
Ba nea Net and Slacker, which la tn beat ya
tem yet Invented for unloading hay it untiii
from header beda. We ate now manufacturer
it Dufur. ureaoii. and eacli 'i i- carefully made
aturdavs. making direct eontections at .u-..s- vimh.-.; i-s-.r. iavu,u- the ia-t..ry. Ate-
unlutp) tiiu. -i,iii)' tu operat, iiml tat-
Astoria and at liwaco for an points on lafaotorjt.
I Sl)!i
lr I. i. UcCartney and her two
boyi .v--f : . on thio morning's
b' it for 9t Martin's Springs.
Ztc Tavlor nas moved from Antflor
to L- anon, Linn county, where be and
hi-' fami y wil ni.ise t tie i r future t. )nit-.
Mrs M. White, of River ton, III., ts
vieitlne win her niece, Mrs. K. H.
W r, : :- city. Mrs. Wuite is BC-
Con pan Mis- Smith.
J Paqnet, the Portland boat builder,
came u hi te Saturday ami look the
measurements for a new wharf aboot to
be nniti "v rtif Ulte UOIIar Line a
toot uf Union vtreet.
John W. Moore arrived here to lay
from Co-vallis, where he wt-ut to nurv
hi? wife and -'n. He was accompanied
home by his daughters, Mrs. V. C.
Br 'rt fWacn and Mrs ji. Wilkins
of Corvallis. Mr. Wilkins expects to
remain nere with tatner for sevi-rl
Orin Dunbar, of Goidendaie, went to
St uartin't borings on this morning's
boat Mr Dunbar, five or six weeks
ag . wet:- t. the springs on erutches and
received to much benefit from a two
v - - - ' .at he is g iti2 hack it. bore
of permanent relief from inflammatory
. . .JU
. July :. i8oa
. March 12, i'C
March 12, 1892.
March l:. 1892,
... Nov 12. is!.:;
May 6,
. July K 1SD2.
March 10, 1893
May 6, 1892
Jan 7. 1893.
. March 12. 182.
Ian 7. 1893
. . .Nov 1-1, 1892.
.March 12. 1S2.
fat, 1891
. May li, lv'-i
Julv 7. Is;-:;
. . . .Julv 7. 1893.
. . .Nov 10. lsi:;
. . .Nov 14. 1892
March 9, 1894
. ..May 11.
. Nov 10. 1S!3.
May ll. 1894
. Sept 12. 1992.
. . .Nov 14. 1V'2
Jan 7. :vj.
. . . Jan 5. 1S:4
. . Nov 14. 1892
. . Jan -i. l'rM
..May 5, 1893
..Jar. II. !!.'.
A: it.
.81 70
1 20
I 7(l
1 00
1 60
.i on
Ubas Bradlev
Wm Binm.
Mrs Bird
Lee Blanton
ll ibert Heard
Tom Hranch
Wm Black . .
A T lieers . .
Crias Cannon
Tn os I'or.-on
i W Eoersoll
M J Finlayi i
V A Har.mer
W F Hii.K.e
Jos A Kenn..
Jotin Kotler. . .
B F Moore
Wm Met tier.
W M Murpbs . .
Mrs S C Nelson
t:e F.d Kuton.
u H Palmer
R a Pown
G W Robertson. .
.'os Raben. . .
W J Sunderland.
C P Saunders
John Smith ...
Jas L Smith . . .
John Wickitrom
Wn. Wadekiod .
Frank Wit ....
By order of tiie Honorable County gist
Court o: Wa;co County, Oregon.
Dated this 16tb day of Juiy, 1901,
A. E. L
County Cert;
Oregon and Washington beaches. Call
on 'as. Ireland, agent, The Pa'ie?.
for through time card to all beach
points. jly3-2m
llatea tn l'aoAmerleaa Kxpoattlon,
Round-trip rates via 0. R. c N. from
Ti.e Dalles, MJI '-'0. Tickets ou saie tirst
lirital fron:
haykeu bro
ill Interested
imfiir, Or.
nil i HEci
and third Tuesdays during June, July,
August, September and Octoberjrood for
1 00 continuous passage going on date of sale,
i Rjturo iimir thirty days from date of
I sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
; 7,i Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
1 90 within limit uf ticket.
J ;JJ Arrangements can be made by apply-
on 'nt-' to agent O. FL i N. Co.. The Dalies,
I (sj whereby tickets will be honored on iaae
steaui-rs in one or both directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
at Vaneoti er. n as!..
July it. mt.
Notlei i hereby given Uiat the (nllowine
Darned settlci haa :'lel notice"? Iu intention to
make final proof in snt-nrt of his claim, and
that aaid proof will be made befor- the Uevtmer
and Rtcelver ol ttu- U. H. Land U(Dee at Van
vr er, Washington, on Tneaday, September
Ira it. Uewett,
of I.yle P. O.. Waahiaetou, Who m id' H. E. So. I
5377,' for tne touth hall of northwaat quarter. :
una weat ball ol touthweat nuarter of wctioo i
twenty-onci township thtec north, ranie twelve j
aaat, W, M.
Be names r ti following witnesses to prove
1 onUnui ni residence upon ami cnlUvation
of aaid land, via:
Janiea Fit and Colonel Fit each of .srn
P. O.. Washington, und Irvin H Barlow and
Williai Olson eacl of Husun P. O., Washing-
Of the produet of this well-knoao brewery the United States Health
Reports for June 2s. 1900, says : "A more su pei ior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reriorts. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest f hops. It tonic qualities are of the high
est and it can be used with trie ireifes' benefit and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the pbysioians with
be cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not
possibly lie found. J
East Second Street. THE DALLES. OREGON. 1
Tie people's National Family Newspaper
James Ibbland
1 70
1 70
2 00
Playad Oat.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the body, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite) Feverishness,
PiUit iesor .jres are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood, Nu matter how it
became so it must b purified in order
Acker's Iiioud
To all oid and new subscribers paving one year in advance we offer
,n U . R. DCNBAB, Register.
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rrr rnsu j a i nr..i.u. m i r
vv ccci uj junc ituu osiill-vv c-CJi.i WX1X UUJ UiC IUI 01.3U.
1 W
3 10
1 70
J to ohtali, good iieaitn.
1 su
4 70
i.ant. ornca ai VaKctonvaa, Wash.,
June 24, ISO ,
Notice i hereby etven that the following
named rattlers have titeii notice oi tiieir inteu
Uon tu maxe anal proof in support their
claims, and that said proofs will be maii- before
tii' it'.i-i..: and Receiver, it. s. land office at
Vancouver, Wash., on Ifetnrdajr, August i". 1901,
-nr s. Parsons,
If K. No 0609 for the 8? of E'i Bee. B, ,um B
of sv.
SH-c. .. Tr. S N.. R. U K W M.
fiiuov.'ius witnesses t.. prove hi-
upon ami cultivation ol
Willi 1
E.exir has never failed to core Scrofulous
. . ... trmiiMi. r.....l..,i
; 50 or bypDtUth poisons or any uttier biood il!5 .. :
i 00 di-eases. It is certainly a wonderful Russell R Bwain, Jonn trnger, Haakin Trabue
l 7i) ,.,.,.), I o .oil o,.. k.,.m -'in: ivi a. uoppei. ail or Lyic r (i., wash
is certainly a wonderful
we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee. Diakeley. tiie drug-
Tnrned i wn ny Bryaa.
vii.and, O., July 21. By a letter
A Gn at, prominent in the "Bry
bolt" in Ohio. W. J. Byan has
thrown cold water on tiie entire m jve
me .t. In no uncertain language, he
v. I
tO I i
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnershi hsretofore existing between
Maximilian Vogt and Pbilppine Cr,ap
man, under tiie iirn: name ;.rid Style of
Mas Vi ;t oc Co., is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. an Vogt
E.I car .v. Uopper,
9(01 tor th..- B) of N"K: . Sec. 3, To.
w , ,...,... 1 1. . .,,,.,..
7on can never cure dyspepsia by diet- ivtu..V'ti r..-. .'- hi- .oiitin'uous reiden-v
log. Whit your body needs is plenty of CjV. Par.,,,
good food properly digested. Ttien if and Haakin Irabue, all of tyle !' o.. Washii.K
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of
the natural digwstants bancs must digest
every class of food and so prepare it that
nature can use it in nourishing the body in Ibi I lri'iii, O
tt-..te.l Mit. l,n. WaSCO i
W . it. HVMSAR. lighter.
Sherirf's Sale.
urt ol
Oregon i
tnforiDt tne bolters that tliey can expect will continue the hnsinaaa of laid formal
nr. vmiuilliv iron: him. Wi.iie not firm, and will receive and rtfCein". for all Ciarke & I alk's 1
pi i i with the repudiation of the Kat
v i. ru. r.v (,'. i.. il Jn i..; - . ... . . .
ave tu aee
and replacing tot
."v:r;g life, heaiir., strength, ambition,
pure blood and good healthy appetite.
( . Pharmacy.
B. B, iiiiiitiiisrtoii. plaintifT,
!'ubii.-hu llonday,
Wadnasday snd Fri
day, is In reality a tin..
and iresh tvory other
day Daily, gi rtng the
UUaSt news on day- of
issue, and covering
news ni tbtf other
it contains nil uapor
tart foreign cable
ncw which appears
in the Laily Trlbnne
uf same date, ai-n di.
mestie a iui foreisn
rorTespondeuce, short
stories, elesant half
tone illustrations, tin-
moron iten.-. ludus
trial Information,
fashion notes, agricul
tural matters, ami
.-' imprebenaive and re
liauii.' duaiieiai aud
market reimrta.
le.KUiar robserip
tinu price. Sl.oo vi
J ear.
We furniah it with
."mi Weekly Chroni'
cic- for 02.80 per year,
PubUshe on Thurs
day, trad known for
nearly sixty yean Is
every part .if tho t:ni-
ted states SB a ua'iiin-
a! family newspaper
uf tiie highest ciaia,
for farmers and villa
gers, it contains all
the most important
general news of tho
Daily Trihtii. e op t"
the hour nf going t"
iir.- . an agricultural
department f the
highest order, has en
tertaining reading for
err member of the
family .old snd young!
market report! a hies
are accepted as auth
ority by farmers and
merchants, and is
clean, up-to-date, in
teres ting and instruc
tive. (tegular subscrip
tion price, tl per year.
We furnish it with
Semi-Weekly Chroni
cle for fl,0 per year
ri City platform by Ohio democrats,
Mr Bryai emphatically sets bio seal of
disapproval upon any move calculated to
do d issible t...rm to the democrats tick
et as u imioated. Tne letter of Mr. Il.-y -an
i.uie as in answer to one to uioi by
Mr. Groot.
moneys tine said hru. am! pay all debtl
contracted by sail i tarut.
I'ateti at The L.ihes. Oregon, tiii: 17th
day of Julv. 1901.
M vxiMauK Voot,
ivSOSw Philii'pini Chapmak.
Charles H Hauey, w. k. Winana and Ahneda
it uarrett. a- oxeeutnx, defendant
Hy virtu. ..! an exeeution, dcerei and order of ,
md under me seal, the Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co Thp Dallp? Or
ffvon wan- in retain vnns h,r v..n ':r" "" " : h ol I reon for tb, AC X UUilBU1U U' 1 Ufc) 1-,dUeS'' Uf
. - - criuncy of Was
flotation Anxwsrsil.
eo. to rue directed and dated thi .
19th day oi 'um-. 1001, upon u le..-rw lor the
Will make your hair harsh, dry and rendeied and entered in said I court on the 7th
orispy. Now we have two of the yery "' ' In he above entitled eaoae. in
' ' lavor of the plaintiff and agaiuat Ihedetendant
be3t preparations for cleansing the ' bar. -- II Itatneyas iudgnient debtor, In the
. r- j li r di t. mm o! four hunlred and rlfty dollars, with in-
sca.p Lgg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It teres) thereon fioi the tgth day of Auguatrisoo,
will leave vour hair soft and uiossv. '' '! of tn jr eent Mr auaomTtowtt, the
ska s-l Ammiti , . . . .. .um ui .....i..... nuu in- leveniy-
.lie .1. ll u. Iriee . :,nil . 1 1 .-wn r s a I u 1 1 . m 11 f Wi'ap , n Vi- i!, ,1 , r ll:,, uiHnniav', ,am ,..1 .1... ... '
August. 1901, at tiie front door of the barber tbOD Ttie Dalle tf 'her -u: o: thirteen ib. liar-'l.;n-i,-ts. and tin-
County Court House, in lHlles Ctrv. I eeetaol sad upon this writ, ami commanding
Ti Vf'i..' ilia- wmva w iu- r.a. pn 'Krr.y eniorscm
lrv ut s ni .,ci, d.-ere--. f for.; Iosnr. uereiiiaiter de- ;
-i r.iA..;. . win. on tm-
Notice is herei.v utven tliat tne under.
ligned will on Thursday,
Yes. Au'u v. F. owers-i;; has the largest asco County. Oregon., at lit o'clock in Those famous litt.e pill
tale oi any medicine in the civilised In (oranoon of said toy sell to the high' Little Earlf itisers compel vour iiver
.. a tr. i i , est hnlder ior c.isti in hand, a;: ot ine ,, , . . -jiith .lav of .1 i . l M I
wo'id. mir mothers and gran imotner; ,,.,,,. . .,.,,., or. ' , " " and bowels to do their duty, thus giving , , ., ,.
propert tuwtuet. wasco countv , or an w at th. nouroi 2 o cloek in tho afternoon ol aaid
never thought of ueiog any thiog else for other DOblic corporation in saiil Wasco you r;ch, pure blood to recuperate your day, and at tb. front door of the eountr court
indiges' and bilioutness. Doctors County, has acquired title bv virtue of
were scarce and they seldom heard of ,,,r ,"se?. a- -i, own by tne records
u: tax saie- iur -.iiu v, asvjo i.. iiiutv.
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, elc. They used August
flower ti. clean out the systemjahu Stop
tot mentation of undigested food, regu-
.ate tne action of the liver. stimulate the
nervous and organic action of the sys
tem, an . that is all they took when feel-
nig doll and bad with heaUaciir- and between I. 1'oiand and M. Heisier. uu-
Boaggi Kill . ,
Bbarlffol Wasco County, Oregon.
Dated s:n day uf Juiv, 1901,
'vs.dw Stw
Tiie partnership heretofore existing
hour.' ll. iMlles ' ttv, Saco countv. Oregon
ei! at piibin- aaotion to the highest bidosii for
cash in band, all the riuiit. title and interest
whici. th. detendanti hark--, h. llatney ami
W, R. Wlnans or eitbui ol Ibeiu ha-t on the itii
iiay of August. S00. tin- date T. : tm- mortgage
foreoloaed herein i orwbleh roeb defeodantaor
anv nf (hi- ili.T.',. kAVA i(iim u.
pleasant herii drinK. Cures constipation quired or now have tn and to the following d
aud indigestion, makes you eat, sleep .1.: rT aua "'
end hannv. Satisfaction raaranlaad or Th' north weat quarter ol leetton twenty-sla
body. Are easy to take. Never gripe.
Ciarke & Falk'i J'- o. Pharmacy.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nent, y cured bv using Moki lea. A
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
money hack,
the druggist.
cte. andodets. Hiakeley,
dcr tin- stv.e and tinn of l'oland and
Heis.e', ha- tfiis ,1 v I'eer. ili--.,ive(l l-v
other aches, You on : need u few doses
of Qreen'i Auguit Flower, in ii.juid
forn.. to make you M tilled there is
nothing oeriooi tne matter with vou.
(is" (ireet.'s prias almanac. C..ukV &
Falk'i. i
Wbf not Spend tiie vacation at Va
.(Ulna bftjr, where can be nail excellent
fare, good fishiOJ, good boating, safe
oatning, atiunng nue ami rammes.
rtu I courses and eserdsee at the summer We offer for a li-nited period tne
School of 1901 at Newport will afford twice-a-weeg CuaONICM, pries $1 50,
great variety of instructions, diversion end the Weak It OnsmnieB. naieaal.tsfl.
Iiotb papers for "J a year SuheeriptiOM
under this oi!e' inns' paid in ad
vance. I
a oau complexion generally result
from inactive liver and bOWSll, In al
laa'i Haa n in.
IS) wet tiie sffected parifre!y with
and the pain is gooe,
Bold by Clarke &
mutual consent. T. l'o:and retires from Mysterious Pair. Cure, a .Scotch remedy,
the Iirn. and the business wil. tie con
tinued by Heisier A Bon, who will col
lec' all account- due tbs late tirti. ar.d
pay al its dents aad obligations.
T. Poland,
bated at Ti.e Dalies, July 17, 1001,
jv! ?'.' ikvw
Ml 1 T 1
unicien Lice uonprea
urn: eniertainment, -" oiner resort
oder- equal ttraetiooi and like advan
tages. junll-tf
Carbolineuui I Avenarius.
The most eflieiunt Wool I'rescrviitg
1'alnt lsi a Radios Remedy ajrainit
' bloken Uee. Its eMlleation to in
suit- wall- oi poultry Inm..-- will
inaiK-iitly i-xtrniuiati all Ilea K.
sulfa bealtbr eblofcens, pienty ol
at- a jile lor circulars aud ptl as.
Mention tins pain.-:.
each cases, DeWitt's Llltls Early Risers Plttton no9noi inu for lM m
proance grauiying reeuus. c;arKt A isallon. u:.r.ntH.ri fr 5 D1..S, a
1I 1. .. .. , ! it : . :
nu 4.,o pe: ga ion ior iiiieriur
paints wnen yog cu. buv .Tames K. Lft JoS. T . Peters ol Co..
j.. in lownsnip DBS rl) north, raiu?i- inn. a
east. Vi . f or so iniieii ol laid property a will
saiMfv sai. i jadgiatut and decree, wltacostssna
accruing costs.
Balri property will u. sold subject loooaArnta
ti.. n aud redempHon as i.y iaw provided.
Dated at The IMlles Oregon, tin -uth day oi
June. ISO!
.li. -. iaerifi Waaeo County, Oregon.
In the County I ouri of th. stat of Oregon
for Wasco eounly.
In t:.i uiatler of Um gUaidtaBSbl p of Mur.aua
Lacey snd Uugb Vivian laeey, minor ward.-.
RoUce is hereby given that under snd by
virtue oi an order aim ueense oi sale, niedu sod
entered In Ibo above entitled court ami . m
on ih- :"th day of April, ltsn, the uiiderslened.
Uardiail of Marians laieey ami Hagb Vivian
Lac. y. ntluors. will on Thursday, ist d lyof auk
list. 901, at J o'clixtk p. in. thereof, at tiie Irout
door of the county court house In Dallas i.'lly,
Wasco count r. ..n. -eii at pubUo auetlon to
tl.. niKliest tiidder. ior eaab In baud, in tile
manner provided b) law foi (he sale oi r...i.
property by executors ami administrators, all
lac mien-sis oi tin said minors in and to tin
following desert last rea. property . lo-wll ,
so i -. t i Ni u 1'. E. iii vv Bsc.. County, Oregon
eld sale wtil be buds sutueot t,. u raortaaae
of iu ail1 interest now on said premises.
hate.; al Dalles City, Oregon, July , 90l.
After vou tire of using so-called kidney rcmediea
without any benetit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills ami he
lorever rid of those dull pains In (,ur hack. Discard
that old iogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have
Rll vour bladder and urinury troubles cured, and vour
nights made restful by the use of nature's gieatest
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, $1.00 per box buv ni vour druggist orsei t
by mail on receipt nf price, in plain wrapper
., r. , Fort Wayne, Indiana.
.. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
Grandall & Burget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shrouds
Falk's p, O. Pharuiacv.
balk, ageut .