m j 4 $ $ $ i i i 4 f f f I This is to be the Greatest Bargain Week of the Summer. Now that Summer is here in earnest, we realize the fact that 3-011 are in need of cool, dressy Summer ( roods, so we offer you for one week some splendid inducements. 50c Silk Chamhras, this week 42c 45c Fancy Striped Chambras. this week 37c 30c Mercerized Foulards, this week 22c 20c Dimities in latest effects, this week 15c 15c Lawns, this week 12. c 12.',c Lawns, this week 11c 10c Lawns, this week OS-C Men: Fancy Hose Combed Maco, Extra spliced heel and toe, Latest colorings in Fancy Hosiery; STATEMENT OF FAIR COMMITTEE A Frnco unit Oritml stnml i Not K.n Oir Orlvtng Aanorlntt.m. Hut I ur the Hiatrlrt Kulr. Special 3 pairs for 50c We were so well pleased with our Corset last week that we have decided to close out the maining few dozen at 23c. Sale re- REMEMBER. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Monarch Shirts. Arrow Brand Collars, 2 for 25 cents. ltumchundas and grenadine Windsors and hows. 50c. Summer Suspenders, 35c. f PERSE 5t MMYS. r ss ws s m. m 22 m-m-tii A ft v m- v m w m w Tp -fy -y.- t The Dalles Daily Chronicle. - - - JULY 22, 1901 15)01 ; Elizabeth Flick, widow of Michael and the frog ate them. Flick, of Huntington, Or., (12 per month chest fell on the frog and MONDAY j Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. $). TREASURER'S NOTICE. All n'ait-o OountJF warrants rEist"',l prim to September it, Ihhk, will lie paid on prviciiiHiiiiii at my office. Interest ' ni.' an. ! .1 lily I a , 1001. JOBS) F. HAMPSHIRE, Couuty Treasurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. ; from February 9, 189!; Jane O. Bartan, j widow of Joseph M. Barton, of Joseph ! Oregon, (8 from April 20, 1808, and $2 j additional for a minor child. Last Saturday Attorney B. S, Hunt I ington expressed a box of apricots to the Pan-American exposition that, ac cording to some experienced fruitmen who saw them, were the lnrgest and ' fineBt apricots tbey ever saw. Grant Mays returned Saturday fiom ! Kansas City where he and Taylor Hill j and AH Allen, of Prineville, disposed of jiioOhead of unbroken horses at satie j factory prices. The animals were flold at auction and were all disposed of in a couple of hours after they left the cars. A large exploded tue dynamite which had been eaten. A chisel pierced t fie temple of the young est child and killed him. Another child and Mrs. McCurry in Mie kitchen above were seriously hurt, and that part of the house was wrecked. Committee Due at l eu 'lltoD Tomorrow Tonight Representative Moody aud John S. Schenck and E. O. McCoy will leave for Colfax or some other point on the Northern Pacific, where they will meet the members of the rivers and harbors committee and accompany them to Lewietou. The delegation from The Dalles expect to go from here on a spe- For rent Two or three rooms fur llbed fur housekeeping. Apply at this office. jiy'22-lw Rev. Mr. Fake, of this city, is an- niiiiiiced to hold services in Antelope tonight. There will be a meeting of the Eath hone Sisters tonight. All members are requested to be present. Found A pair of spectacles which ihe owner can have by calling at this of fice and paying for this notice. jy2f lit A marriage license was issued this morning to James L. Divers, of Klicki tat county, and Lillie A. Weidner, of Moaier. Lost On Second street, a leather back pugg hook containing accounts in Chinese and English. Please return to this office. jly22-2t Mrs. A. Brown, holding numbers 8478 and 2758, received both present at Nolan's on Saturday evening, and also tue $ rebate. Wanted A competent gir! to do gen eral housework for family of three in the Wintry ; wages 85 per month. Inquire a' BaKes Hospital. jylO-lwk W anted A small family to occupy m borne and keep house for an aged widower. Liberal terms can be had. cial train that will arrive about 9 o'clock Tko io,QO, r., wTtFTk.llwith the Portland delegation. The con- Jill 1 ( i r- i i I n 1 'l UldLlUU miu IliU I ilUt Mile and Dufur districts where, it wap claimed, considerable damage was done 1 Vm evening and arrive at Lewiston to in places to grain by late frosts, indicate that as usual the farmers squeeled be fore they were hurt. Thk Chkovk i.k Is ! well assured that Wasco county is good for the largest crop of grain she ever i produced, aud at the worst only in rare 1 liases is there any evideuce of damage of I any kind ; and even in these cases the damage is nothing in comparison with the first reports, i nd in the aggregate amounts to nothing that is worth speak ing of. SALMAGUNDI. Connecticut tobacco growers have ex tensively experimented with growing the weed under canvas. Ex-Secretary 1 Whitney says the scheme will revolution- I i.e the tobacco industry. The parents of Rose Maretta, the star bareback rider in Sells & Gray's circus, now in Oregon, reside at Sparta, near , Baker City, and when the circus was at j that city attended the performance. ' When the daring rider appeared tho father aud mother, brother and sisters cheered loudly aud waved their haud- ; kerchiefs. President Nelson, of the San Francis i co chamber of commerce, declares that the tree popularly known as the "Ore ; gon pine" outclasses every other pine l rmmn n i M I I ! it n ! .1 H mill I l.ul i till HUT. m p. at unsoitlce. jlyaijU jM for all I)Urpo6e8 o manufacture to W. N.Tabler, of the Willamet te val- j every other variety of the genus Abies, V, concluded this forenoon the pur- and that the navy department ought to cbaseofthe ranch of G. W. Jordan, ony! adopt it officially for the sheathing of Tamarack Creek, west of Kingsley. ( battleships, "instead of Southern pine." A nentleman who returned here from 0 The clam cannery to be erected at W Martin's Springs Saturday, says jjSouth Bend will be ready for operation there are ISO people now camped or by October l,a forfeit of 600 having otherwise quartered at that resort. " f been posted by the promoter to go to host A brown leather purse, with the subsidy-grantors iu case of failure. OQain attached, containing 0.78. Find- The plant will have a capacity of 10 000 er will confer a favor on the owner, Miss cases a year and the men back of the Mary Timm, by leaving the same at cauuery expect to enlarge it after the tl,iB office. j first year. Representative Moodv has received' The three children of George McCurrv, ; ul4 notice from Pension Commissioner Kv- a prominent contractor of Albany, Mo., Club ne that pensions have been granted to recentlv found some dynamite in the ' Before leaving here the Regulator will celler of their Ik. me, and thinking it was putty, (fed it to their pet frog. The pieces of dynamite resembled insects 1 innrrnw ftfturnnnn. eVir the rent nf the day tbe committee and the several dele gations from Portland and the Inland Empire towns will be the gueets of Lew iston. The entire party will leave Lew iston early Wednesday morning and ar rive at The Dalles that evening, where they will be the guests of The Dalles Commercial Ciub fet" The program all the time was for the party to come by boat all the way from Ijewieton to Celilo and every possible effort was made to this end, hut with little hope at this time that they wift come farther by boat than to Biparia. The truth is there are only two available boats on the upper rivers. One plies on the Snake and is owned by the 0. K. & N. Although strong influence was brought to bear on gentlemen high iu the councils of the O. K. & N., at this last moment all that is known is tbe O. K. & N. people are claiming ttiat the Sna-e is i now at too low a stage for boats to make a safe trip from Biparia to Wallu'a. The j party w ill he brought from Lewiston to j Riparia by boat, but whether any fur : ttier will only be known later. The other boat is plying 00 the Columbia above Priests Rapids. This boat offered I to convey the party from Lewiston to ; Celilo for 11,400 but the sum was justly , considered prohibitory and the ofi'er was rejected. It is due to Representative Moudy to say that his efforts to procure a boat have been persistent aud untiring, and should they eventually fail the fault will not be his. Should the party be obliged to come from Riparia by rail Mr. Moody assures Till Chuonici.k tfiat the com mittee will be given every possible op i portunity to see the river. On arrival here Wednesday evening a banquet will be tendered tbe committee aud accoin ( panying delegations on board thesteam- er Regulator which lias been chartered to take them to Portland. Following tbe banquet a public leception will be in tiie parlors of tbe Commercial : hnivoR I UK l. nKONU'i k : There seems to be a misunderstanding ' in the minds ol some of the people who j have been aked to contribute to the guarantee fund necessary to insure the Street Fair and Carnival and the thir- teenth annual exhibition of the Second i Eastern Oregon District Agricultural 10 j ciety here this fall. We feel that some of the opposition that we have met, as a j committee to solicit funds, has been due , to the fact that, iu the minds of some, I the idea prevails that t lie Driving Asso 1 ciation will be materially benefitted bv the building of the eight-foot fence and grand stand. This is not so. The Driving Association has couiplet j ed its track, fenced it in a manner most agreeable to itself, and now have several I people at work on the track getting it in j shape so that members can use it tor driving. As soon as this is done the Driving Association has accomplished j its end. When the Driving Association ' was formed, it looked forward to some thing more than to make a mere pleasure ground for its members, as it had in view the idea that ultimately the District Fair could be brought back to The Dalles. Individual members of the Driving Association took th necessary interest at the time the last legislature was in session, and The Dalles was named as the permanent location for the fair for this district. If the board of directors of the Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural society desire to hold its meeting on the track of the Driving Association, the members of the association are willing to turn the track over to them without charge. If the business me;: think it is to their advant age to have a district and street carnival here this fall it will be necessary for them to advance some funds. In order to get gate receipts the track must be fenced and it is absolutely necessary to have a grand stand. This j expenditure is necessary only for the tool purpose of holding the fair, and is not necessary or even desirable to enable the Driving Association to use Ihe track. The members of the Driving Association feeljthat there is much more pleasure to drive on the track as it is now fenced than it would be with an eight foot tight board fence enclosing the grounds. The executive committee have given the fair and .carnival up, owing to the lack of interest shown. The executive committee, however, wants to place this question before you fairly, so that afterwards when the business men of The Dalles realize what a serious mistake they have made, tbey cannot claim that it was due to a mis understanding about the use of the funds, and that they were willing to give the money but for the fact that they thought the Driving Association would be the only one deriving any benefit. Other towns and cities have awakened to the fact that it is necessary to have some attraction to bring the people iu. We refer you to the action of the busi ness men ol Portland, Spokane, I. a Grande and Baker City. If the business of The Dalles crowds capacfty of its business men and stores, then it is not necessary to do anything to increase the volume of business; but, if on the other hand the trade now enjoyed by The Dalles is not equal in volume to that of other years, it occurs to us that it is a good proposi tion to use every endeavor to bring business to us. We think the street Fair, Carnival and District Fair is a step In the right direction. Edwabd C. Pkasi, J' 0. HOS f'KTI.KK, Li. E. Osowg. H. J. Maikic, Ciias. F. Mi' iiKi.i; M il, i J odd S. Fish, En M. W ii.i.iA ms. Executive Com. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS New Grocery Store men! to our store. A new freh , dean stuck. Give us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. MAYS t CROWE F. S. GUflNlflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. DEALS R IS- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Ait.'ut fur EtuHtell A; Co.'i Engines, Thmtmi ami Btn Mills, Telephone 157. Long; DiltOllOO 107:1. Cor. Second & Lam Sts, THE DALLES, OR. ik.i.i, "'"oiiowiDK widows: Mary E. Miene, low of the late J. C. Miene, of The u", H per month from February 14, take the committee up the river an far ! ae Big Eddy, where an opportunity will be given ttiem to view part of the ob iftructiong to navigation. SEALED BIDS. Bids will be received at the recorder' j office of DalleB City, for the city lot on ; the eouth fide of Third Htreet hetween , Court and Washington streets. All bidl ! to be deposited at the recorder 's office 00 i ; or before August 1, 1001, aud addressed "Bidt for 1-ot." The si.uof lot is S8l ! LOO feet. Hated at The Dalles, Oregon this 90th ' 1 day of July, 1001, hy order ol thecoun- loll. ; J, DOII BII i v, ! j)20-augl City recorder. Dyspepsia can he cured liy using! Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold inhandsome tin boxes at 2o els. Blakeley the druggist. When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con dition. We have m the Crown of Science II a i r 4gMKjft Grower and Cocoanut CreamH Tonic. They will cure dand sbB ruff and all scalp diseases. For tale at Fra.er's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. The White Collar line, Bailey (iat.ert, will sell through round-trip tickets to Seaside and return. Baggage checked direct to either North Beach, Seaview, Long Beach, Breakers, Ocean Park or Xahcutta. Tickets good until Sept. 15th, J, M. FillOOB, agent. lll siKss LOCAL. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Inquire at this office. jlyl.Vlw (ireat price cutting on ladies' shirt waists at A. M. Williams dt Co. 'a this week. Bead A. M. Williams A Oo.'l ad and note price reduction on shirt waists this week, Clarke A Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly mire liquid paints Th"y are going with a rush those knee pants suits at the New York (.'ash Store. Hale closes Saturday night, .July 20th. Don't overlook the boys' suit sale at the New York f 'ash Store. Twenty per cent discount mi all kOM pants suits, 9 to 15 years. If you are planning a vacation trip you will need a good supply of sbirt waists. A. M. Williams A Co. is the place to buy them. Just received a new supply of North rup A Sturgis' pure food products, as follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa nut, baking soda and high gradl liveli er, if it's Northrop A sturgis, it is good. Get a packngc and try it. For silc by OoorOJT, Son & Co., S. I,. Prnxks' old stand, The Dalles, Or. jfl2-2wd Just received at QllbrotQ A Son's lumber yard, a few carloads of No. 1 cedar posts and A shingles. Tbey are agents for 1 leath A Miliigau's cele brated shingle paint. Call on them; their prices are all right. Wood not tl limed is better by 60c a cord than wood that is. jy 10 "1 am indebted to One Minute Cough I cure for my present, good health and my life. I was treated iu vain by doctors for lung trouble following la grippe. 1 look One Mumte Qotlgb ('lire and re covered my health." Mr. K. II. Wise, Madison. Q. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Mid'Siiiiiiner clearance sale of rjlllll nery at the Cauipbnll A Wilson Milli nery parlors. Kveivthiug iu the line of head wear at one half the actual val ue. j'.'H-lm FOR CAMPERS. Subscribe for Tun CauoNici.it. CASTOR I A For lniauts and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the fcbtfuaturo of Monday special at Pease A Mays- -Dunham's cocoanut, SO ceuts per pound, regular price 40 cents. WM. MICHELL Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington gta. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 4M. Local, 102. UT O M T I C roiDiNu JmL as. at. CLOSLO Just the thing to take along wben you go camping or to the seacnast. For sale by HFXTON .V WALTHKB. i;. B. Oilhreth .V Sou will keep ut all times a supply of hay, gram and leed w hich thev will retail at the I iwest market rates. i'M-ti Gifford'H Fotos Never Fade.