The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 22, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JCLY '-"J. 1901
Mrs. William Astor arrived at
Becotawood, Newport, today for the
season. She look in the nest of
health in spite of her age. New
York Sun.
The readers of the un are clad
to hear that Mrs. AstOt has readied
Newport, and that although old. she
is looking well. The season of
"quiet and retirement" at Newport
doubtless will make Mrs. Astor look
ten Venn younger. Let us hope so,
because so much depend upon the
going and coming and looks of Mrs.
Astor. The same item in the Sun
2oes further in the announcement
that Mrs. Potter Palme: will pas?
the month of August at Newport and
that she will be accompanied by
Prince and Princess CaUCUZOe.
Good for Mrs. Potter Palmer. What
a blaze of glory she will be in. sur
rounded by royalty at the fashion
able resort. Poor Mrs. Astor had
better rush over to Europe and pick
up a prince or two or she won't ie
in It this season. Appearances are
everything, you know, at Newport.
And then, too, it is said the Duke
and Duchess of Marlborough will be
there to help make the season par
ticularly gay. Great indeed Is New
port Walla Walla Union.
The Chronicle publishes in an
other column a statement of the com
mittee appointed to solicit funda for
the street fair and carnival. Tin.
CllRON'l le makes no comment 00
the matter at this time, further than
to say that the people of The Dalles,
as it appears to us. surely want the
fair and carnival and it is hoped
that something can yet be- done to
secure the financial support that Is
absolutely necessary for the enter
prise. Tin Chronk le is at the
service of anyone who has any sug
gestions to offer on this matter. Let
us not subject ourselves to the shame
and disgrace of having secured the
permanent estaolisbment of the dis
trict fair at this place, with its 11500
of state premiums, and then net
provide the necessary funds for hold
ing it here.
In view of the- visit to Antelope
on the 7th proximo of Representa
tive Moody and two chiefs of the
bureau of forestry on a trip through
Eastern Oregon, the Herald suggests
thai at many sheepmen as possible
should meet these men and endeavor
to disabuse the minds of the gentle
men from Washington of any wrong
impression thev may entertain re
garding the alleged ravages o' sheep
in the reserves. The Herald fears
that if the sheepmen are not fully
alive to their own interests Ibey may
wake up some fine morning to find
that the reserves have been obied.
While a traniji was riding on a
brake-beam In Idaho a few day? ago
his clothe- caught tire from a spark
and were neatly destroyed. And
the Si poke roan-He view u-s this
goes to show that some of these soul
less corporation have no regard for
a poor nan who ii trying to get
along iii the world.
"Hot agalnit wealth, hot Bgainit
expansion: enemies of busineu (i.'o
pciity, and pledged to dllturh or
destroy it. tin- OblO democrats bave
not purged ibetnielvei BryanUo '
declares the Now rjj( -uy.
nni8m is the hones, bloo I and hotly
of their political and eoonODie
In view of the announceQient that
President McKinle; expect- to com
plete his rJitturbed Journey to the
J'acitic .Northwest iu July, 1902, lUI
Wulia Walla L'nion preiumet that
tbe president ha- t: ken the preoau-
tifin t,i n,-,.,-.iiro H u n...
W0 I" "-'M.S. v.iv. I.OU.1CI1I. ui I. lit
J'ortland OregODUsD.
business is iletineil as a case of
every man his own octopus," if he
is smart eiiOU'h.
Wlileh Will Kor Their mvii Heiielit
ir Headed,
Before bu vine any tombstone- or any
Cemetery work come and ?e Mr. Co
mini. Don t let any one blntl you with
their lllCk talk. Thev know nothiiiE
ahoiit the bnelllCM ami run down the
poor mechanic. They try lo make you
belief that their work is durable. He
fore jroo lfeyour order iet Mr. Comlni
take you on' to the cemetery ami show
you what kind of work he puts Up
give von ins prices for similar work,
Don't he in a hurry to give your order,
but tirst give Mr. Comlni a chance to
rieure on your work. You will rind by
asking anv one who has bad bDSineea
dealings with Mr. Comlni that at! of ids
work is of first-class quality, JUSt as he
represents i! to he. ami ttiat his prices
for such work are very low.
It is not necessary to send for stone
froti ottier places, there is stone here in
The Dalies that trill stand until the
judgment day. Sandstone crumbles.
( atarrti aimot Ite Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter-
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure 111
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall I
Catarrh Cure is not a .mack medicine.
It was was prescribed bv one o' the best
physicians in this country tor years, and
is a reauiar nrescriotion. it is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purihers. acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Bend tor testimonials,
F. J. Chink? ft Co.. Props., Toiedo 0.
Sold, by drrnggists, price "oc.
Hall's Family Pi'.is are the best. 12
It i- easier to keep well than get cured.
DeWitt's Little Early Risers taken now
and then, will always keep your bowels 1
in pertt- order. Tbey never gripe but !
promote an easy and gentle action.
C;arke .v Falk's P. I . Pharmacy.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve should be j
promptly applied to cuts, burns and
scalds. It soothes and quickly heals tiie
injured part. Tiiere are worttdess
counterfeits, be sure to get DeWitt's.
Clarke ft Falk's P, 0. Pharmacy.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use J
, T . , 1 f
Acser s r.ngaso uemeuy in an case ui j eavp Portland
coughs, cold or croup. Hhould it fail to j Leave Astoria
give immediate relief money refunded 1
25 cts. and 60 cts. Blakeiey, the drug
gists. Landing anil
Drying preparation limply devel-
op dry catan-L : tney dry up tue secretions,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a for more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid aii dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use- that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely'8 Cream Bairn Ls such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
50c. size. Ely Brother;. 56 'Warren .St.. N.Y.
The Balui cures without pain, does net
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation
With Ely's Cream Laim you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
I- n r bale .
A J. 1. Case separator ; good a new
and ready tor work ; 31' Inch cylinder
and a 14 Woodbury Diugee nor-e power.
On eaey terms. Apply to
y2wklylmo Dufur, or.
The pilea that annoy you io will be
nuickiv an'l pernianeutiv heniei! i: von
use DeWitt'i Witeh Haze. Ralte. Beware ,
of wor'.iiies- counterfeits
Falk'l IJ. 0. 1'iiaruiacv.
C'.aike CV.
Clarke i: Fall:'- flavoring extracts are
ttie let. Ask vour t- ver for them.
Clarke & Kalk nave on sale a fall line
of paint and a'tis''- tirutie.
A full line ol Kaatman Almi and -u p-
plies jus' received hy Clarke 4 Kalk.
SheriflTs Sale.
Jiv virtue oi an order of sale and execution
d iljr issued out 1 1 and under lbs eui ol the cir
euil ' art of tin State of irivi. Ik.- the county
oi Wasco, to me duly dir.-'te,! and dated the 3d
day Ol luly. 1901 upon judgmeut ami de.-r.-e
rcndeied and entered in aid court on tbe'JTtb
la; ' lune, I I, In (avoi ,ii w w Phillips,
plaint I fl', and atsinst I w -ones, deiendant, for
: , ::: I':. it..! -t.ite KoM e.,n..
i d the further sum suornev's tee. and
.in.: disaursemauts, 1 did or tfe-jii
da) ol i ity. loot, duly 1 ; upon the following
di -e:.i ,! rv.i. i loi art) iltuated iri the county ol
1 j- 4tat of Oregou, town Defendant Jw
- ! undivided on. -hull 'interest in and to ,er
U - 10 and 16; the orlneast lunrter uml th
north ball ol lb louthsast guartai, ami tin--.
uthwast luarter ol the southeast quarter, the
wist hall ol iii. northwest quarter, and the
iwuthwesi quarter oi the northwest luarter, tin
north half ol the sduthweal quarter, and the
Mutbeat quarter ol the kouthwesi inarter ol
eetiou 83 ; and theweal half of the southeast
quartet and lou Usndl3of lestion no, all in
towiihI. 1 north, ranife eat oi the Willamette
meridian and will In compliai i with it.-, com
mands on
Hundagi in. (Ih or .vot-int, teoti
at tn.- hour of j .. eiork i, m.. at the Inrntdoar
I t.v county court t. ,u. in tbi eityoi The
petles, anl county ami -ute. -el. at nui,li- am
Hon to tie- hiiriic-' hiU.l.-r for V.H void mi n
S 5 S ? fei TvSfii
fJClOber l-.' Hat. ol plaintiff - mortirage.
or ria- lines hail m or t.. aiil r-al property to
sat! -iv -mil judiinieiit. ileerc- ami ex. , nli,,n
i, 'ili Tr1. "" day of
nui indoi Iron ihefjth day ojuS."
IWl, at the rati ofslxperoeni per snnum, aed
the costsol Slid UPOI taldwrlt
IMteO 1 lie lialle-. dreg. 1,. ill! I -ol
1 KOB15UI Ki.i.i.v.
lagfiffol Waseo County, Oregon.
The presents to be distributed Aug. 3rd at Nolan
Profit-Sharing Association arc 1 sot Dickens. 15 vols., publisher' price f22 o0;
1 set Knight'i History ol England, 8 vols., publisher's price $12; 1 vol. Galley
of Bible Pictures, illustrated by Dore; 1 copy Thirty Years of Labor, by . .
Powdeily; a $3 rebate to person paying the most cash during four weeks end
ing Uig 3d, and a $2 rebate to person paying in second largest amount of cash
during same period. Prompt delivery of all goods ordered by telephone, Seu
fert & Condon phone No. 92. Give me a trial.
White Collar Line.
TUG DallBS-POrlianCr BOIlie
Except Monday,
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leave Portland 7 .
Arrive The Dalles 8 1
Leave " " 4
Arrive Portland 10
Meals the Very Best.
Sunday Trips a Leading Feature
This Route iia the
I I raudeet
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Hound Trips except Sunday,
A. M.
P. M.
)t?ice Foot oi Aider
treet : both phones, m ooi, rortianu,
E. W. CRICHTON, Atrent Portland,
J. M. FILLOON, Aat. The DaMes,
A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria.
Clark's Cruise of the Celtic,
The magniuceni White star twln-sciew itaam
r "Celtic,' (30,000 tons specially chartered (or
tbe occasion, and tor 7-i days subject to the or-uer-
ol the dirtcter of the party.
To tlle Me,inrrHi.iin ami the Orient,
oecnpylog ,4 iay.
Spending W days in Egypt and PalasUne, hotel
sceommodatioaa included.
Visiting Madiera. Oloraltur, Nnrrt, Af
rica, iiaita. Bgypti tii Holy (.and,
lurdi. i,r(. Iti4l , i lie
Itiviera. I ni.'i..nil ami
wit- attractive (opHoual) -side trips seroM. E i
r i Tickets Ki.xni t,i itopoverln Europe on
i.urnewsrii voyageand n, return by the White
Star steamers Oceanic-. MijesUC, leutoliic, c.
Cu,t , lrl. nrst.oiass, from New y0rk
back to N-. Vork, 9400
...: upwards, sccordingto sutero-i.. aceommi
lanon mcci-iine snor exenr-iun-. im
tall. fee-, un'dej. ilrive- and all
necessary aipsttses,
Bpaolal Faaturea Madeira, Malta. 1-day-'
i:. Egypt and the Holy Land. Constantinople,
Athena, Koine, the Riviera, etc
Under the management uf Prank Clark, ol
Mew Vork, Cairo, etc.
For further particular- nMftM
Washington Str-et, The Dalles, Or.
If interested, tend for Illustrated program,
John Pashek. The Tailor.
Ha- just received 1001.1 samples
of the latest pattern- in Qent'l
Clothing Goods. He guaran
lees pricen and a good lit or no
pay. : :
John Pashek, The Tailor.
Land Offiog at Thi Pauaa, kk.,.
.luly t, IU1,
KOlkM i herehy given that the (allowing
named settler- have notice of inteutiol to
make tiual triM,f on their respeetive olaims be
fore the hegi-t.-r and Receiver at The lJulle-.
Oregon, on SatUfdgjr, AUCMI 10, HOi, via
Aaron O. Krannmii,
on berneetead applieation Ko, ''-mi. ior iheak
"' "K1-r--
and the m i, nw! ,
John A. Kroemau,
ui homestead applieation No '.s.r.', Ior tbe WJ
n k 1 4 . s k , N w ,- ami NE-, swi, g i , T i W,
wttiZLS Oatoin imnin. J. a Kr,,-
ami a .. Freemen of Monier, rexon. and Wii;
Suenoersnd VVUUain Ketehum of The llalles. '
' (rtSoll '
":' JAV j, j , .(
, keiister. i
Iriln PaciiiG
Yellowstone Park Line.
the h;n;nu cak roi-ik fkom Portland
Union Dfpot, Flftlaid I Sti
Ho, a.
KnT mall for Tacoma,
Beattle, Olympla, Gray's
Harbor and ?outn Heinl
points, Spokane, Koss
lrtiui, B. C, Pullman,
Moscow, Lewiston, Bul
U:i5 A. M faloHump mining eoun- 5;60P. M.
trv, Helena, tiinneapo
lis. St. Paul, Oniiiha.
Kansas City. St. LOUis,
Chicago ami all point.
No. (. eat and southeast
No. 3.
1'uitet SOUUd Express
U;80 P. M. for racoraa and Seattle 7:00 A. M.
and intermediate point.-
Pullman Orst-class and tourist ilseperi to , Si. I'auiaud Missouri river point.-
without change. ....
Yestibuled trains, union depot connection
it: all inucii,iC eities
Bagsasre checked to destination of tlckots.
Knr 'iin,ls,-im.iv lllnattatad dmorintlve matter,
tienets. Sleeping CAT reservations, ate., call ou or
Assistant Qeneral Passenger Agent. 26S Morri
hi Street. corner Tnini, I'ortUnd Oregon.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trams leave The Dallas for Portland and way
itaUoni at l.z a. m. and 8 p. m.
Southern Faciflc Co
Portland 8:30 am 7:00 pm
Albany U;30ani lu:jOp m
Ashland I2:s a m 11:30 am
Hapramcnto . 5:00 p m t;8fi a m
sail Francisco 7:li m s:lo a m
Osrdun 5:45 am 11:45 am
Denver :00 a m y:0oa m
Kansas City 7:2Sam T: J.'am
Chlvaao 7:45am V:3Uam
I Lo Angeles 1:30 pm 7:00 am
El Faso i:00 p m (:00 pm
Kort Worth 6:80 am ::J0am
Cit of Mexico . . 9:56 am y .Viairi
Houston 4:00 am 4:00am
New Orleans ii:-j,am 6:36 pm
Washington 6:43 am 6-42 am
New York 1J : ti p m 13:48 p m
Pullman ami Tourist car on both trains
chair c ar- Sacramento to Ogden and E! Haso.
ami tourist cars to Chicago, at i.ouis. New Or
leans and Washington.
Connecting at sian Francisco with several
steamship lines lor Honolulu, Japan, China,
Philippines, Central aud south America.
See agent at The Oalle- station, or add. is
Qeneral Passenger Agent. Portland, or
Just What
You uiant.
a wt t v - Nr
New ideas in Wali Paper here. Sucli
wide variety as we are showing never he
fore graced a single stock. Ken imita
tion cretun effect! at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
Transact a Genera'. Banking Business.
..-tiers of Credit issued availahle in
the I. astern States.
Sight Fxchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New Vork
Louie, Kan Franeieco, Portland Ore
gon. Seattle Wash., and vanious points
in Ormrnn sinil W Kahinutnn.
VTii i . 11
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terma.
m m
' mm
5TT r-'
Tie CoioiDia Packing Co
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
mm Restaurant
The W, W. Wilson Co,, Props,
First-Class in Every Respect
rWc-t-ove QovttocI in n.nv Rtvlfi
, vjouwo .r " J
8" Second St.. Tic liailes. Or
. Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
j It artificially digests the food and aids
ITature in strengthening and recon-
atpni,inT tYa uvliaint,.! riicrpstivp nr-
.. c,,V,l, !,., ,nvJror , irrocn
uuua. ii i n l in. laixuu u uv,u , v. v. v
. 1 . . ... ;.. ri, , , ,,,,
ant and tonic. other preparation
can approach It in eniciency. it in
stantly relievesand permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
T7l A I L',,i,t. L't , .,,,,i,il, A", iii nil
all other results ol imperfect digestion.
PrtceWc. and p. Large sire contains 2M times
smallslie. Book all r.boutdyspepsiaroailedfree
Prepared by E C DeWITT CO., Cbieag
Sold by Clarke i Falk's P.O. Pharmacy.
Just Received
A full line of Freeh Printing aud De
veloping Papers direct from factory.
Solio. Rex. Deko, Velos
and Aristo in all sizes.
Also a line of Plates in Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Frames,
Albums, Multigrapbs,
And al! HCcassones to complete the
outfit of either the amateur or pro
tesaiona. photographer.
Our Eureka Combined Toning and
Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it.
The A. E. C. Developer for plates,
films or developing pa pet I has no equal.
Enough forooc to develops 6 doaan plates
I or B dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks I ,
and whites are guaranteed, if directions
are followed. Ask fur the A. E. C. De
veloper, and see that you get the
We are prepared to compound any and
all of your own formal,, and guarantee
At the old place, 175 -second Street,
The Dalles, I iregon.
Geo. C. Blakeiey.
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carriage Work.
Finn Brothers' Wagon.
Third and JeffGrQD. Phone 159
-sawi",,,, MM!
Shout Line
Union Pacific
I Chicago- ...
Portland Salt 1-ake. Iienver, Ft.
Bnecial worth, Omsna. KHn-i , .n,
i' ? ,, m- ia-Clty.8t.houti.Chl- 1:05 1-
via Hunt cago and the East,
! M. n Worth. Omana 4 . U , ,
,,," Louin.Ohl
gtfg11 cagoandtheEaai
I St.'Pau' Walla Walla. LewUton,
Fast Mall, MpokanSiWallaca.Pnll
9 iJ6t) m man. MlnnaapOlla, St, 8:80 a. m,
: vlaapo- Paul, Dttluth, Mllwau-I
tane. !'. Chicagoand Kant, j
FrMi Portland.
(All lalling dates sub
ject t(. llhUUKL.)
MIX) p.m. , -1:00 p. m.
For San 1 nincisco,
.-ail every 6 days.
except Columbia Hivr. 4:00 p. m
r!'!''-',;, To Astoria and Way ' except
' Saturday', Undlng. Sunday.
! 111:00 p. in.
Daily Willamette ftlvar. ....
except Oregon citv. Newbarg, " nceni
Sunday, salem, Independence, Bundas
e:00a m. and Way-Landings,
Tuesday, 4:80 p. m,
Thurnduv, Corvallls and way- Monday.
Saturday, Landings Wednesday
6:00 u. m. I riday.
Tuesday, Willamette and 8: 80 p.m.
Thursday, lumiuii Hirers. Monday,
Saturday, itTI1sm city, Dayton and Wwlii.uny
7:ooa. m. Way-lindlngs. FtWay.
Leave Snakr UlTer. ,
Riparla Lawlaton
dally, ,,, , i . daily.
1 :40a.m. Rlpsrlo to Lewlston, s::xju. m
Parties aeslrtng to ro to Beppner or
points mi Columbia soutnern via nistcs. snmna
cage No. 2, leaving The Dalles at i2:2o p. m
makniK direct connections at Heppner Junction
mid Biggs, Returning maklngdirectconuaotton
at Heppuer Junction and Biggs with (Mo, 1. ar
riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m.
For further particulars, call on or address
The Dalles, Oregon
In all its stages there
: ihoald he eiemhiuess.
Bly'l Cream Balm
usee, soothes and heals
IbS disea-ed lliemhrane.
, It Cures i at.'trrh uml drives
away eoid la the head
! qtheli.y.
( i eiuii Iliilin piiced Into the nostrils, spresds
over the BMnbnUM ni.U ahjorhed. Helief is iin-
Diediata and a i are follows. It is not drying due
nut produce massing. Largo S:e, 50 cents St Prur-
UHt- or by mall) Trial size, 10 eeati by mail.
isis.) riiCaa, M S trren DtMSt, New Vork.
s President,
-Max A. Voot,
First National Bank.
A General Banking Buaineea transacted
Depoaite received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange told oa
Mew York, 8an Francisco and Port
p-Tmomo". Jiio. 8. BcmMOB.
ho. M. Williams, Quo. A. Laaaa.
U. M. Bkall.