The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 20, 1901, Image 4

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    From a Pastor
" 1 .1111 the past,
fori JpT : . v- V
upon i" take pari
of i he Baptist ( 'hutch al
i 'i totnetttues am called
evangelistic w ork away
from home N"t ! 'iin
ago 1 wi iil lo Sandy
i reek, K. Y . which i
?nep' by the damp
Kind; from Lake On
tai lo Hi fi I contrai h d
bad conch, and he-
i une K hoarse that I
could hardly
preach Pi my
It was not only
distressing in u
j j bodily sense,
but extn mtly
enter the pulpit
(; in ti.i nil-
timi. i nad
heard of Ack
er' English Remedy and, after service, I
bought n bottle and began takinglt. Tin- next
High) my throat was marly well, and 1 deliv
ered my rmon without dlfrli ulty. In a few
days I was thoroughly cured, t conceive it to
be ray duty to bi n ftl mankind physically
trell as spiritually whi rtevi r I can. and am
giail tn write the worth) in praise of this
grand old n:- ilii i:. Thosi with sensitive
throatsatid those who catch cold easily should
Certainly taki Acker Knuii-1: Remedy "
f Signed) Unv. Ezra Tkrby Sasttosd.
Bol.1 it 5V .toe.and tin bottle, throagtraat th.- fmtfd
gtateaand Canada; and m It Bd.,S, Sd.,
Ss.ftl. If y mi nr.-not s-itiml -1 .itter btiyiug. TOttirrj the
fci-ttl.' tn your driuilil an I i.-t y ir at twc.
Il anthorUt Ik aootr irvnruntre.
W a BOOtCSB a ".. P vpHrtm, Ate.- leva.
The following count; warrant! w ill be
cancelled by tbe county court In thirty
dava from this date unless celled by the
parties owning tame wltbln the n-xt
tinrtv days
V 1
Chas Bradley,
Win Blum,
Mrs liir.l
Lee Blanton . .
Robert Beard. .
Tom Branch
Win Black
A T Been. . . .
Cbai Cannon
Tbos Dorson
I W Ebersoll .
M .! Finlayson.
Y A Baumei
Jos A kenna
John Kotler.
R K Moore
Wm Methen
W M Murphy .
Mrs c nelson
Kti Nuton.
it II Palmer
B A Pown
it w Robertson .
lur Raben
Geo Stiles
w J Sonderlan.t.
CPS Hinders
John Smith
.la L Smith . . .
John Wlckstrom
Wm vVedekind May
Prank Wall Ian I
Jaly 7, 1803
. July 7, 1893
March TJ. 1892
March 12, 1892.
March 12, 1892
. . .Nov 12, 1893
May 6, 1892
July 1892.
March 10, 1893
May 0, 1802.
Jan 7, 1893
March 12, 1892
. . Jan 7. 1893 .
. ,Nov 1 1. 1892 .
March 12, 1892.
Jan 7, 1893
. . May 11, 1894
. . ..Iu!v 7, 1893.
. ..July 7. 1893..
. .N'.h- 10, 1893
.Nov 14, 1802. .
March 0, 1894 .
. .May 11, IS'4
Nov 10, 1893.
May 1 :. 1894
Sept 12, 1992.
Nov 14, 1892
Jan 7. 1893
. Jan o. 1894. .
. .Nov 14, 1892.
Jan 6, 1894
1 892
A rat,
.$1 7u
I '.'H
I 7i
1 00
i OH
1 60
7 I'll
1 70
1 70
I 90
1 20
1 70
I 20
1 00
1 1)
'.' 20
3 10
1 90
2 00
1 70
1 70
2 00
l 80
3 10
1 70
1 60
1 20
4 70
J. E. FALT & CO.,
"The Owl."
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of the City.
Phones : 51 Local,
898 Long Distance.
173 Second Street.
tin ii mi 1 1 1 c
IN SIMM 111 1 s m
V iiinumikuup
? RUBBER and Garden Hose,
t Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers,
lyon's French Periodical Drops
l you arc
in nee.
d of anything in our line, figure with
Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
n past!
H.'' Of counterfeits aivl Imitations. The en nine Is lm up
ton with ra4-atinllfl Mtfnaliire On Mde Of t he l.nttu. .mi--
fcci;a fur L.rcu.ui tu WILLIAM- JIM, I U Sole Agenu, i ercianu on.v
V t saio hv lieo. ('. Blakelev, I'he Inlies. Or.
Summer Kxcorslona '
lea I oast.
us. or it will pav von.
7 1 . SV
We operate a PLUMBING-. TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
Only (6 of for the round trip from
50 I'Uf Dalles tn Long Beach, Tioga, Pacific
00 1...1. , U...1. .. V.I......... Itfaak
I .1: i il lilll It. 1 il ...liniiLl... .in -ii.,
1 70
1 70
By order of tin Honorable County
Court of Wufpo County, Oregon.
Dated this 16th day of July, 1901.
County Clerk.
t'iotl for return until Sept. 15, 1901.
Baggage checked through to destina
tion. The steamer T. J. Potter will
Tiie ' Haynes " Net and Stacker.
Wi an : pleased to Inform ur patrons ami the
nublli In general that have the exclusive
laavn Portland rialle m-Miit Snmluv uml miitro' and manufacture ol tin Celebrated
ha "o'
in II-.
houi" .
Lord :
Monday, and -the Hastalo daily except
Sunday, at v p. tn., and 10 p. m. on
Saturdays, making direct connection, a?
Questlou Answered. Uhirla an at
lea, Auguat Flower still baa tbe largeat Oregon and Waahington beaches, Call
aie of any medicine in the civilized ()n Jaa, Ireland, attent, The Dalles,
wond. Yoor mothers and grandmothers for through time card to al! beach
never thought of utlng anything eltn for points. ily32m
Clarke, of tlii otlic. who inuigestton and oiliousnesc. doctors
' wrepga visiting relatives were scarce am; t hey seldom neara ot
and Portland, returned unrtenrlirdtii nervnns nrostration or RoUHd-trlp rat
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out the system ami stop
fermentation of undi'eJtn! foud, reiin
Cant. nti If. c. Cnok came up from
Whiff Minion on the Regulator this
morning md returned with her at :'. p.
ha- m - Ni t and Stacker, which i- tbi
ten i yet Invented tor unloading bay or grain
from header beds. We afi now manufacturvra
it Dufur, UwiiDi and each Set i- carefully made
and examined before leaving the faetory. ai,-
...hiiiil, aft.. at. .ii.i.ii. ... ...... i ii in. Mt.
waco for all points on isfactory.
Correspondence solicited from all Interested
HAVNKS KROS., Dufur. Or.
ir t
rl Hu
ll l i-t night s boat.
l'un Aiueriean tiipotltton,
via l. R. A N. from
Tr.e Dilles, f;.''U. Tickets on sale tirst
ami third Tuesdays during June. July,
August, September and October.good for
Land DrKi i at Vaneout er, Wash,
Inly 17, IfiOl.
N'.t:c( if herebv Riven that ti;" following
named settler baa tiled notice f i.i- Intention to
makeflnni proofin support ol m claim. and!
that Mid will be made befort th Keaiter
and Btcelvei ol tir. V. 8. Land Office at Van-1
eouver, WasbingtoUi on Tueaday. September I"
Christian Scientists hold their
- at 'ii" residence of Mrs. W.
Inndav morning al 11 o'clock and :
iv afternoons at 3.
late the action ol th- liver, stimulate the """UUUD
nervous anil organic action of the svg
Of the product of this well-known brewery the United States Health
Reports for June s. 1900, says: "A more sopeiior brew never entered
the labratory of the United States Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. It- tonic qualities are of the hieii
est and it can he used with the rentes' heneiii and satisfaction by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously he prescribed by the physicians with
the cersainty that a better, purer or more wholesome heveraije could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES. OREGON.
Sr. Paul's Episcopal church Rev, C.
H. Lake, r-i tor. Morning servicH at
11 h tn. Evening service at 7 :S0, Sun
day school, 12:15. a.11 are invited.
Calvary Baptist church Rev, W. B.
Clifton, pastor. l;-iilar services at 11
a. in. an ' 8 p. m, in the new church
on f'r i n s'reet. Sunday school at 10
a. m, : B, V. P. ('. at 7 p. m.
Congrejjatiooal church corner Fifth
and Court streets, Rev, I) V. Poling,
pas'or There will he services onlv in
the raornimr, at 11 o'clock, Pr if. .lames
Rohinaon, ol Pacific University at Forest
Gr 7, wil tireaeh. Prof. Robinson ia
making a trip through Kist-.-rn Oregon
in the interest of the university,
, tern, and that is all they took, when feel
tng liul I und ha'! with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doses
; of Green's August Flower, in liquid
iorm, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter with you.
(i-M tireeu's prize almanac. Clarke i
Falk's. 1
liiis it I'ajr tu Huj Ubeap'.'
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all riirht, hut you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and danger Oil! results of throat and
lung ir mbies. What snal. yon do? Go
tn a warmer and more regular climate?
Ye. i; possible ; if not possible for you,
ther. in either case take the ONLY rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
ized countries with success n
Ira B. Uewett,
ol Lyle K 0 Washington, who mud" B. K. Nl
U377, for t u south hall ol northwest qnarter,
h ni weal half .n' soulhweal nuartar at aaetion
Missouri river or St. Pan! on return trip twenty-one, township three north, ranre twelve
l.'turn limit thirty days from date oi
sale. Stopover8 will lie allowed west of
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can he made by apply
in;,' to agent 0. R. iV N. Co., The Dalies,
whereby tickets will tie honored on lake
steamers in one or both directions be
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf Jambs Ibrlaiss. Agent
throat and. lung troubles, "Boschee's
A Huldr, of Sherman county c.aie German Syrup." It not only heals and
here yesterday and swore out a writ of stimulates th tissues to destroy tbe
replevin for the recovery of eight mares germ disease, hut allays inflammation,
atnt eight colts valued at (600, which he
al gd wert being taken out of the coon
tv hv I) If 'K own-, of Antelope, on the
pretenae thai tleKeivay owned them
Played iu.
Lhi!! Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishuese,
Pimpleeor .--ores are all positive eviden
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became sn it must he purified in order
to obtain irood health. Acker's Blood
Elesir ha- nevei failed toeure Scrofulous
evere or Sypbllltli poisons or any other blood
disea-e-. It ij certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on a
positive guarantee, Blakeley, the drun
cit. Y c,: can never curt dvspeps-ia by diet-
He names th. lollowina wltoevtea to wove
iu continuous residence upon and cnitlvadon ,
Oi sahl land, viz: it, iii).! c olnnr' rltz earn 01 Mrs
1. I)., nathingtofi ami Irvln ii Berrlon ami
William i a;i. eat h oi 1 1 u Mill I'. o., Wahin'- i
JlyaO W. I.. lil NIJAK, Krister. ;
LaxvOkii ; at Vancci'ver. Waah,,
June 24. lsat i
Notice is hereby (fiven that the foUowing
named settlers have tiled notice of their inten.
timi to make anal proof In lupport ol their
claim b, and that i'i proofs will be made before
the RegtMer and Receiver, t . 8. land office at I
Vancouver Wash.ron Saturday, August ID, KM), I
iiHcitr s. Paraona,
II E. No. M8S ior ine S'i ot SK' Sec. ;. and S'
of.sw' , Bee. 3 Tp . N.. R. u E W M .. who I
names tin follQWMg WttUessea to irnvt- his con
tinuous residense upon and cultivation oi saui
land, vi
Ruaaell B. Swaiu, Jonn I'nger, Uasfcin Trabue 1
anc Edgar A. Hopper, all ol Lylc p. u., Wash
ington. Bdsar A Hopper,
H. E. No 9001 tot tbe Sjof NKU Sac. a. To.:
N..R.1CE., W. M., hn mimes the following
witneaaea to prove li i conHnuoui reaidanec
To all old and new subscribers paying one year in advance we offer
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi -Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
lag, w rot your body needs is plenty ot ',, '. :1K..r. Kieii u.swiin.TSears.Paraoiii
good food properly digested. Then ii and liaakin Trabsw, all of Lyle P.O. Washing
your stomach will not digest it, Kodol luna v R. DUNBAR. Register.
hv v'"unf a vernal lease that Huider
cla'ois estii--'! last year. McKslvay
last nlahl had ifiine as far as Wamic on
his way tu tin' valley tn dispose of the
horse-, when Deputy Sheril! Wood,
armed with the necessary papers, over
took him and recovered four ol the ani
Dials which he turned over tn Holder.
The i i"s-' in ,,f ownership will he ie
tennind i : fne circuit court,
oauses easy expectoration, gives a good
Dight'a rest, and cures the patient, 'iry hottie. Recommended many years
hv al driiL'L'isf- in tie worn!, and sold
by (,'iarke 61 Falk. (iet Green's prize Iiyspepsia Cure will. It contains all of -almanac.
2 the natural digeStants benee must diyest
lot CauaaaNighl Alarm. every i'iass of food and so nrepare ii that
"One night my brother's baby was nature can use it in nourishing tbe body in the circuit Court ol tbe state of Oregon A
t.iK-1 with Croup," write- Mrs. J. C. ami replacing tiie wasted tissues, thus
Sheriff's Sah
Snider, d Crittenden, Ky., "ii seemed giving life, health, strength, ambition,
Wawn i i nn''
B. -. Huntington plaintiff.
it would strangle before we could jet a pure Olood and good healthy appetite.
Published Monday,
Wednesday ami Fri
day, is in reality a fine
ami fresh every-ofher-May
Dally, iti ring the
latest news on day- of
issue, a n it oovering
news of the other ii.
it contains all iminr
lent foreiRii cable
news which appears
in the I 'ally Tribune
of same date, also do
niestii' a ii it Inrchm
correspondence, simrt
toriet, elegant half
tone Illustrations, lui
niirnus Items, imiiis.
trial information,
faabion notea, agricul
tural matters, ami
Bomprobenslvo and re
liable financial ami
market rt-purtfe.
kieular siilwrip
timi price, fl.90 per
We furnish it with
s-nii Weekly chroni
cle fur 12.00 ier year.
Publishe ouThurt
day, aad known or
nearly cixty years in
every part ol tho I'ui
ted States as n na'inn
ai family newspaper
of the highest class,
for fanners ami villa
gers, it contains all
the most important
general news of the
Daily Tribune up to
the bour of going tn
preaa; an agricultural
Department f the
highest .inter, has ea
ter taiuina reading for
( very member of tne
famflj ,old ami young;
market roporta wblsh
are accepted an auth
ority by farmen and
merchants, ami i
clean, up-to-date, in-tt-resiinn
ami luftrue
tivc. Regular lubssrlp-
tion price, ?1 per year.
We furnish it with
Semi-Weekly Chroni
cle for $1.60 per year
doctor, so we ave it lr. King's New
Discovery, Which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We always Keep
it in the bouse t" protect our children
Dive ' livers suit! his fighting ifander from Croup and Whooping Cough, it
to J. T. Nrtaleigh, says the Hood River cored ine of a chronic bronchial trouble
Glacier. TU gander got too much for t at no Other remedy would relieve."
the old man. Every time he want into Infallible for Coughs, Colds. Throat
th.- yard where the gander was he would ami Lang troubles. 60o and $1.00. Trial
have to fight him, and the bird would bottles free at G. C. Blakeley 's drug
ll ip his wings with such force against 9 ' -
Mr. Divers' iegs as to make them sore NOTict-
for .lavs. One time Mr. Divers was KoiU is herehy uiven that tin- under-
looking for a goose's nest on tbe bank of signed will on Thursday, the 8th day of
Cbarlex n Mann y, w. k. Winaua and Almeda I
H Barrett, sa executrix, defendMnta.
By virtue of an oxecutiou, decree and order of ) . .
sale, duly Uaueuoutof aud under tbe aeal of the bend all ordftrs fen f!hrnnirlfi Pnhlichinrr n Ti, niu r,.
If you want to retain your hair vou K" ) ' Restate ol tirwon for th. " vs
" i' " i .I'M i ia i m i I ; . i ' i ,. i .i ,
Oiarked Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
have to keep your scalp clean. Siap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the very
nth day oi June, lOOl.upon a decree for th.
forecloaurc ol a certain mortgage and Judgment
rendered .i entered In aaid court on the 7th I
da) ol June, MOl, tn the above entitled 1
IHVuI t-i Ii. III SI i 11 1 i It Hlli! H-'ilillsr t!u il....n,.i,,r I
beat preparation- for cleansing the- Charles It Uatney.aa jadgiuent debtor, tn the
, , i ii- t c mm of four hunlrea and nf ty dollar, with In-
scalp hm and Pine Tar Sham POO. it tereat thereon Don the 12th "lay of Auaaat. 18.
will leave vour hair soft and glosav. '" "" 'J.'S "f.t-n l" r. i lit ii annul,., towit, the
mui wi . .. .i. iiiu me it inner &ii!n in m-vciov
Price, '-'"i and .'ii cents a hottie, at r razer'- live dollar i?: i) at attorney - lees, ami the m'r
barber shoo, The Dalles. tf lJf,u' of thirteen doUara (IIS) coats, and tbe
ooatsol and upon tliia writ, and oom mandlna
Ttinse famous little nilla lieWin's "e sale of me real pn-perty embraced
inose lamous nine pins, uewiu inauohdeon f foreclosure add hereinafter de
Little Early Kisers compel your liver wrtbed, i will, on the
and bowels to do their duty , thus giving , . '4Uth "ay ',u,y ,uo1'
' 0 Htl, IH 111 r lit ' . i ii.-' II. Il.i. ill luri 1 1 . i . ii. u.i ! . I
hii reservoir, when the ifAndAi eii)ieii AogUitj 1901, at the (runt door of tin- vou r;ch, pure blood to rtCUMrats vour day,ud itih
up bttbiod nd vrabben Mm by t tit- seat
County Court Hon-, in DhIUi City
V 'ISKii ' f Irii.r.ili 'Jl 111 iv'olrwtL- in
of the breeches end pulled him hack Into the forenoon of 'said day' sell to tbe high-
th.-reservoir. est bidder for cash m hand, all of the
... ... .. , propeity to which Wasco county, or any
Major and MrB. Kimball, the newly other pabjc corporation in said Wasco
appointed divisional officers for the County, has acquired title by virtue ot
Northern Pacific division, will be at the sale fur taxes, as shown by the records
(Salvation armv hall tonight and all day
tomorrow. The major iJ an able and
entertaining speaker aud there will be
pltnty of good music ami einyiui:. This
is Major and Mrs. Kimball'l first visit
to The Iiilies. A splendid series of
ipiritoal meetings i- expected. eats
are free uml everybodv Is welcome.
Notice it hereby given tliat the Cu-
partuersh'p ii -retofori- .-xisting between
Maximilian Vogt and Philppine Cuap
uiH'i, uii.lwr Ilia firm name uml stvi.- of
Mai V nl vV Oo.i is this day dissolved
by mutual Concent. Maximilian N'ogt
will c iiitinue the business of said formal
firm, and will receive uml receipt for all
iiiuiie- du- said linn and pay all debt
contracted hv said hrm.
Jilted at Th Dalles, Oregon, this 17th
day of July, 1001.
Maximilian Vooi
iv2i)-.5w Phimppini Oh ipuak,
of tax sale- (or said Wasco County.
ROHKItl KlU. ,
Sherifl of WtSCO County, Oregon,
l'ated tbil tb day of Julv, 1001.
ws-.iw 5tw
Tiie partnership heretofore existing
between T, Poland and M. Heisler, uu
dcr the style and iirm of Poland and
Heisler, has day been dissolved by
mutual consent, t . Poland retires Irom
the Iirm and the business Will he COn
tinned h Ui-i-ler tV. Sou, whn will col
leci nil accounts due the iate Iirm and
pa all as dent- ami obligations.
T. Pol Nn.
Dated at The Dalles, July 17, 1901.
body. Are easy to take. Never gripe.
Clarke a- talk's P, o. Pharmacy.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant hern drink. Curee constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money hack. 26 eta, and&Oota, Blakeley,
the druggist.
lion' i Hub u in,
lust wet the affected parlfreely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold hv Clarke A
fnuit ilnorof theeountTi rt
In. us.' in Uallca City, Wasco eountv. fSrecon
ellal public auction tn tin hihrst'hi.lder fur
car. 111 liaml, all tin- riaht. title and interest
wblch th. defendanm uhariea ll. Matney and
W. K. Winaua or either of tlum ha-1 un the IJth
dayol auuum, lyy. tbo date ni the mortgage I
loreclii.-iil herein, m wliieh. sueli .it'ft'ii.lants ur i
any oi the ilefemiants herein have ilnoe hi
luireil nr now have in ami to the following de-
leribsd real property, iltuate and bslug In
v aseo eon my. Oregon, towit
The northwest iiuarter of Motion twentv-aix
iSl in township one (li north, range nine (9)
east. W. M.. or so niin-li ol saiil property SI "ill
atitfy aai.l jiQgi it-ut ami deorec, with cunts and
1 accruing eosts.
sani uronsrty will w sold nubjesi to coufiriua j
lion ami redemption as oy law provided.
Dated at The Dalies, Oregon, Ibit Wth iav uf
flint . I.").
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
Bberlfl (Kaaeo County, Uregu,
Chicken Lice Couquerefl.
Carbolineuui : Avenatius.
The most sfficlsnt Wood Preserving
Palul also a Radlcsl Remedy sgsluai
Cbioken Lice. Its spplieatfon to iu
lids wails ot poultry nouses per-
inanenlly exterminate all lice, Hi
an Its. healthv ObioksnSi piSllty ol
ana. c, nte for circulars uml niees.
Mention tins paper.
We offer for a hunted period tiie
twice-a-we.-K UIIKONICLK, price ,00,
anil the Weekly OregOOian, price 1. 50, I Jos. T. Peters &. Co., A Velk hit. ah . ,i . a... Ijoth papers for i' a year, hulmeriptions s thk UAI.1.KN. iikkuon.
uiarM rail bawe on eme a lull hue lllMer tnjB o(jMr lliuet pai,i , B(l. i
oi pami sua ar iters n ruaaee, v. inn i eyewav veeej
in the Co. inty ( oijrt oi the state ol OrSaUE
for Wasco eountj
in ti e niatu-r of tin guardianship of Marians
Uwey ami Hugh Vivian leosy, minor irarda. '
Notice i ht-rctiy uin that Under and by
virtue of an order ami license of sak-. maiii ami i
entered m b. above entitled court ami ceua.
on tin- j.iti. day oi April. 1001, the uudersignsd. 1
euardiaii ol usrlana Mtoe; ami Hugh Vivian I
i y. niuorsi will on Thursday, it d lyol Aug
uat l)l, at a o'clock p. m. thereof, at ibeiront
door of the county court bouae in Uallea Olty,
W iiaco count) , Oregon, tell si public suotion to I
the blgbesl bidder, for cash in band, In the i
maiiiit-r provided by law (oi the sale ol real i
priiK.-rty by .ixet-uturs ami adminlftratorSi ah
tin-interests of the laid minors In ami to tin '
lollowing described real property, bwll UK , 1
Sec IS, Tp - n. R ii K , in W saoo County, Oregon
rani sun- will De inane SUOJSCI ton iiiorlKK
f fium an i interest now on aaid premises.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, July -', 1001.
After vou tire of usinu so-called kidnev remedies
without any henelit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and he
forever rid of those .lull paint in vour iiack. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain in the kitlnevn" and have
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