Remnant Sale.. Straw Saturday, July 20. Hats... ff Every Remnant in tlie house, consisting of Silks, Worsteds, Cotton Goods, 4 i i Will be sold at One-half regular price. noi We have some choice bargains, and ymi should miss this groat opportunity. f f f 1 f f We have just the thing in the Corset Line lummer. 25 Doz. Summer Corsets, Satur rice for dav 23c. Remember our Shirt Waist S have a few good bargains left. al e j i still on. and Special Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 75c and $1.00 Straw Hats, now up-to-date styles. Only 50c. Boys' Knee Pant Suit Strictly all wool, well made and perfect titting: $3.50 suits for ... $2 25 Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only. ... -,v PEASE aft;. -A: aft; nh: jkjfc..BS mk: .afijr.jjaV: 5r V "Tnr -Tr s "V V' Wr Iflir- -V- -"V- n arlfc A -A. A ir "v -v & MMYS. $: 0 $ 0 ft $$ ft ft M & $ fety :.y; 44 The Mies Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY JULY 20, 1901 Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. recently at White Salmon. Slim Jim's boy married Mrs. Josha way's girl. Slim Jim, following a custom of his tribe, gave costly presents to the members of the bride's family. The presents consisted of eleven horses, several trunks, blank ets, lace, calico, Bhoee, overalls, three does, two cats, an army musket, buffalo- hide trunk, etc. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Hanoi County warrants registered prior to .September '!, 1HOH, will be paid on presentation at my office. Interest cuaneii after .luly 12, 1U01. JOHN F. HAIHI'NBIKK, County Traaurr. A GOOD CIRCUS. '..ells A Ciray One of the Hest Tent At- traitlons Specialties All New, Clean aim Original. Sells & Gray's circufc arrived early this morning from Walla Walla and pitched its tents north of the Wasco warehouse. Every body turned out to j see the big parade which passed through tbe streets shortly after 10 :30 o'clock, j The streets along the whole course of the parade were filled with people from the country and from adjoining counties, 00 both sides of tbe Columbia. The pa- j A Chinaman named Wong Fob was arrested last night by Officer Paulsen charged with having carved another Chinaman on tbe back and arm with a butcher knife. Fob's wounds are seri ous. The trouble between the celestials culminated in one calling the other a Bon of a certain well-known domestic animal' at the circus filled rha tnt lmn tn Iore 18 earnestly requested that you De fnllpst,.itv Turviinfl v present at this meeting, and that you Wiwn County leaohern' Institute The Wasco 0'.intv teacher's annual ' institute for 1901 will be held a'. The i Dalles, September 4th, Bth, 6th and 7th, under the direction of Superintendent C. 1.. QlltWrt, The first three days work will be devoted to teachers' msti I tute work, while Saturday, the 7th, will ! be given up to n meeting of the district school officers of the county. The let turers and instructors for the ; institute are J. II. Ackerman, state superintendent of public instruction; P. L. Campbell, president Monmouth normal school; W. 0. Hawley, president ; Willamette university; J. S. Lenders, I Cltj superintendent of The Dalles public schools ; Robert C. French, principal of the training department Monmouth ! normal school. Thursday evening, Pres i ident W. C. Hawley will lecture on the Declaration of I ndependence. and on Friday evening. Professor Robert C. j French, who spent last year touring Europe, will give an illustrated lecture '. on the interesting incidents of hil trip, i The district school officers' meeting, to be held in tbe court house Saturday, 1 is a new feature of institute work, but ! is one deserving the attention and time of the school directors of Wasco county. This is in fa:t something new for the state, tlie only similar meeting haviug been a convention oi directors only, at Corvallls last winter. The success of The Dalles' meeting will be watched with interest throughout the state. The forenoon of tbe meeting will be taken up with a lecture by Superintendent Ackerman on "The Recent Changes of tbe School Laws," and a lecture by Pres ident Campbell on "The New Text Books." President Campbell was a member of the recent state text book commission. Superintendent Gilbert addresses tbe Wasco county BCbool directors as fol lows: "This meeting has been called in the hope of bringing about a mure ! mutual relation Viet ween school officers, ' teachers and patrons. The county su- perintendent's annual report for the ! year ending March 4, 1901, shows the i number of children between four and twenty years of age to be 4701, lhe financial statement of tbe public school j fund shows the total receipts derived I from all sources to have been $48,674.02, while the total disbursements were 43,941.87. In ti7 of the 72 organized districts in Wasco county an average of 6.7 months' school was held during the past year. There are 272 school officers in tbe ccunty and the law gives them full control of their schools. Tbe wel fare of so great a number of children and the judicious expenditure of so large a sum of money attach to your office a It there- ...The New York Cash Store. 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Some Bargains IN Boys' Knee Pant Suits THIS ONLY. 20 per cent Discount on all Boys' Suits. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Found A pair of spectacles which ilie owner can have by calling at this of fice and paying for this notice. jy20 lit Wanted A competent girl to do gen eral housework for family of three in the OOUOtry ; wages $25 per month, lnunire at Dalles Hospital. jylO-lwk Lost A brown leather purse, with ehain attached, containing $0.78. Find er will confer a favor on the owner. Miss of the female persuasion and then came I the carving aforesaid. Fob's examina tion has been set for next Monday. i At tbe close of the parade this morn I ing a horse attached to one of the char ' lots took a fit of kicking through one ol j the lines getting under his tail and the , team getting beyond the lady driver's control, made a dash through a jostling crowd of boys leveling three of them to j the ground and indicting three or four deep scalp wounds on the head of little j Jim Lake, sou of the county clerk, besides j injuring him slightly in the back, j The other boys got off easy. Tbe circus I people immediately conveyed young rade made a food imnression on the spectators and the afternoon's audience I rwpon-lMllty second to none their extend the invitation to school Mary TimOB, by leaving the same this office. The Dufur Dispatch announces the death of Mrs. Mary Ann Butler, widow of the late Jonathan Putler of Nansene. The remains were interred in the Dufur cemetery yesterday. From a postal card received by a friend of Dr. ,). A. Geisendortl'er this morning it is learned that Dr. and Mrs. Geisen tlurtler left Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on tlie Ifltb, bound for home. Thk Ciiiiomci.k erred yesterday as to tbe time when T. A. Hudson will leave here to open a branch real estate and insurance office in Portland. He will not leave till the first of September. Tne sale of the George Gardner prop fifty at the Cascade Locks, by the sheriff, n a judgment and execution id favor of W. I. air Hill, was postponed today, for at i,aae 10 ur, uoane s ! wounds were dressed. office where his ! They also bought the boy a handsome new shirt and neck- : tie to replace his own that were stained Wltb blood, anil wound up by paying tiie doctor's bill. Tlie circus employes did all in their power to stop the runa way team, which was soon accomplished and they paid part'Ctilar and kindly at- ' tion to the boys that were hurt. A special meeting of the city cjiincil convened iast night, at the call of Mayor Farley, to talk over the matter of sewers ! and advise what is best and wisest to be done in the premises. The meeting de veloped a very wide diversity of opinion, the only point upon which all were agreed being that each property owner 1 wanted a sewer system in case the other fellow could be made to pay for it. A resolution was passed condemning the Court street sewer, but whether this want of bidders, to next Saturday at tbe j action of the council will make the rot ID8 hour. ten old thing tumble in some more re- J. W. Dixon, of Pleasant Ridge, lost a ! mains to be seen. Finally the following valuable dog the other day through the named gentlemen were appointed as a bite of a rattlesnake that the dog eveutu- special committee to confer with the a'ly killed. The poor beast showed the citizens and, as far as possible, ascertain effect of tne poison in a few minutes the wishes of the majority regurdiug j tbe establishment of a new sewer system j or the cuntinued repairing of the old ione: Mayor Farley and Counciluien J. L.Kelly, F. 11. Wakefield and J. M. Tconiey. atter lie was bitten and died in a very snort time. The dining saloon of the Dalles City, which left here this morning, was mag nificently decorated with cut flowers aud evergreens in honor of a party of 36 J When your hair appears dry and to Lasteru touriata who met the boat at tbe have lost its vitality it wants something Cascade Locks and proceeded to Port-! to lt 1 " viKr- We have what Hand Tlia ru i ihmi uwmum wucu u nets .it mat uun I tlie- hair iimhiIh ivhun part v was aerveil wit i a i..:.... u-.. i I .... - mi iuii. , c unvr "enuiu banquet shortly after leaving 1 Science Hair me Locks. j Cocoauut Cream Tim i-! . will cure dand . "" www Bays a marriage in high "c in the noble red family took place seemed to be pleased. All the acts are clean and up-to-date, while the majority of the performers are far above the aver age. One noticeable feature is the num ber and cleverness of the female per formers, who do remarkable work. Sells and Gray has not been content in following out the old beaten paths of circusdom, but have introduced innova vations that are strictly Sells S Gray. Honors were accorded Die famous Fd dy family, who have appeared here on various occasions. Clad in dress suits and regulation dresses, these six won derful gymnasts furnished delightful en tertainment with their specialty. A re cent addition to the family is a young ster who looks to be about six years of age aud is a wonder. It is safe to say that every small boy who saw the Bhow will keep bis shinBand head sore for the next month trying to imitate the little fellow's acrobatic feats. Miss Fdna, tbe bareback rider thrilled the vast crowd by turning a backward somersault on the back of a galloping horse. Other Interesting features were tbe Fail Sisters on the swinging ladder, the Tybelle sisters in Hying trapeze per formances, Mr. aDd Mrs. Tybelle in a balancing ladder act, Misses Maretta ami Cecil Melrose, trapeze performers, and Miss Thompson on the slack wire. Tbe Reno family of three came in for a full shareof applause by their thrilling work on the Hying trapeze. Between the special features w ere sandw ic.'.t: i laughable skits by numerous clow ns of all varieties. There is not a tedious moment in the entire performance and many of the big crowd remained for the after concert and side shows, which were in keeping w ith the circus perform ance. The doors of the big Bhow will open at 7 o'clock tonight and the regular per formance will commence promptly at M, There will be a band concert of one hours duration preceding the show, un der the direction of Pro'essor Carl Noel, who has a national reputation as a band master. The patrons of Sells & Gray's leave their canvases feeling that they have received more than the worth of their patrons I generally." Uiikh Tills Mean No t'nrlilHl ' I The executive committee of ttie street fair and carnival, after working hard all i day yesterday and this morning to secure subscriptions, gave up in despair and concluded to tender their resignation to i the powers that appointed them. Their I reason for this step is that some half I dozen business men of the city absolute I ly refused to contribute a cent to the enterprise. In point of fact after obtain ling subscriptions yesterday to the ! amount of about $1,300 from less than New Grocery Store We have added a Grocery lvpilri menl 1 our store. A new fresh, clean stock, (live us a call. Prompt delivery to any part of tin city. .MAYS CROWE... F. S. GUW4INC, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. DKAI KH IN Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Audit for Russell A Co.'s RnjflnM, Thrwihort and Batv Mills. Cor. Second & LangbliD Sis.. THE DALLES. OR. Telephone 157. Long Distance 1073. The White Collar line, Hailey Gat.ert, will sell through round-trip tickets to Seaside and retnrn. Haggage checked direct to either North Peach, Seaview, Long Heach, Breakers, Ocean Park or Nahcotta. Tickets good until Sept. 15th, J. M. FilloOD, agent. HI sinks LOOAL Wanted A girl to do general house work. Inquire at this office. jlylMw Great price cutting on ladies' shirt waists at A. M. Williams & Co.'s this week. Head A. M. Williams A- Co.'s ad and half a score of persons the rest, as if by note price reduction on shirt waifts this preconcerted agreement, refused to sub- ' week, the Crown of Grower and Ti 1 . ?. i mmiAv Ir is a uraar. alinw i-Ihum a rut cure ilaml mil and all' J " . scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar- "g to-date aod well worth the patronage her shop. Price 50c aud 75c a bottle. of The Dalles people. scribe a dollar and the committee felt there was nothing for it to do but to re sign. It is hard to write this humiliating confession, but it has to be written. It means that we shall not alone have no street fair but we shall have no district fair and no distribution of 1 ,"U') appro- i priated by the etate for premiums. It ' means that after working hard to get tbfl district fair back tiere again we are too ail-lirt-dlv niHari and niggardly to put up the funds necessary for its entertain ment. A little oiroOieOIDM to town and ! the streets are crowded with tbouundl of people, many of whom are strangle, from other count ice and ;t must now be ' said that Tlie Dalles refuses to contrib ute to an enterprise that would bring many thousand more here and keep them here, or coming and going, pot merely for a day, but for a week. SEALED BIDS. BIdfl wdl lie received at the recorder ' office ol Dalles City, (or tlie city lot on the south side of Third street between Court and Washington streets. All bids to be deposited at the recorder's 000 00 or before Auttust J, IS01, and addressed "Bldl Off l-ot." The si.eof lot is 58x1 1U0 feet. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon this 20th day of July, 1901, by order 0l the coun cil. J. Don i v, jy2U augl City recorder. Dyspepsia can lie cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little 1 Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold inhandsome tin boxes at 25 cts. Plakeley the druggist. Clarke A Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James K. Patton strictly oure liquid paints They are going with a rush those knee pants suits at the New York ('ash Store. Sale closes Saturday night, July 20th. Don't overlook the boys' suit sale at tbe New York Cash Store. Twenty per cent discount on all knee pants suits, 3 to 15 yearB. if you are planning a vacation trip you will need a good supply of shirt waists. A. M. Williams A Co. is the place to buy tbeni. CASTOR I A For JLutauts aud Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Beara the &ifuuiuro oi ? . Monday special at Pease .V Mays Dunham's cocoanut, 30 cents per pound, reaular price 10 cents. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Waahlnwton Sta. All orders attended to promptly, l ong distance phone 438. Local, 102. Just received a new supply of North rup A Btargil1 pure foinl products, as follows: corn starch, shredded cocoa uut, baking soda and high grade leaven er. If it's Northrop A. Storgiw, it is good. Get a package and try it. For sale by Coiirov, Son A Co., S. I.. Hrooks' old stand, The Dalles, Or. jy!2-2wd Just received at Gilbreth A Son's lumber vard, a few ciirloads of No. i cedar posts and A shingius. They are agents for Heath .V Miliigau's cele brated shingle paint. Call on them; their prices are all right. Wood not tlumed is better by 50c a cord than wood that is. jvIO "I am indebted to One Minute Cough cure for my present good health and my life. I was treated in vain by doct rs for lung trouble following la grippe. 1 took One Minute OoDgh Cure and re covered my health." Mr. K. II. Wise, Madison, Oa. Clarke V balk's P. O. Pharmacy. M id-summer clearance sale of milli nery al the Campbell A Wilson Milli nery parlors. Kvervthing in tlie line of bead wear at one half the actual val ue. j'.'H-lm FOR CAMPERS. AU T O M A T IC FO ii B I N ML MAT. ClOSt.0 Just the thing to take along when you go cainninir or to the seacoasl. For sale by SKXTON k WALTHF.K. Hi B. Oilbretb A fiQM will keep at ail times a supply of hay, grain and teed which thev will retail at the I west market rates. jl'ti-tf Oifford a Fotos Never Fade.